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Browsing by Subject "Democracy"

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  • Granskog, Anyara (2020)
    In recent years, a resurgent leftist faction has arisen in the Democratic Party of the United States, emerging first in Senator Bernie Sanders’ campaign to become the party’s nominee in the 2016 presidential election. Sanders’ campaign declared a ‘political revolution’, a left-wing project advocating socioeconomic and political transformation and problematizing inequality in American society. The primary election process drew deep factional lines in the party between Sanders’ and Hillary Clinton’s supporters, and ultimately resulted in Clinton’s candidacy and defeat in the general election. In the wake of Sanders’ campaign, multiple left-wing organisations emerged both within the Democratic Party and beyond it, adopting his policy goals and campaigning style. Among these was Justice Democrats, a factionally-oriented organization challenging Democratic incumbents and endeavouring to enact a political realignment towards the left on the intra-party level. The ongoing factional struggle is seen against the backdrop of a broader hegemonic crisis. The leftist faction of the party has produced a new populist discourse building a counter-hegemonic left-wing social imaginary. This thesis examines the discourse of the political revolution, and the discursive devices constituting its articulation of key dichotomies. The thesis applies a theoretical framework of Giovanni Sartori’s factionalism, Margaret Canovan’s populism, and Gramscian hegemony to conduct a discourse analysis of the resurgent leftist discourse on the meso and macro levels. This thesis asks: how does the discourse of the political revolution construct an adversarial dichotomy of an in-group and an out-group as part of its populist counter-hegemonic project? To answer its research question, the thesis develops its methodological approach by combining critical discourse analysis (CDA), discourse theory, and aspects of the complementary method of discourse tracing. This framework views discourses and social reality as mutually constitutive. The value of such analysis lies in practicing reflexivity and considering what kind of social reality the discourse strives to generate, reproducing and disrupting dominant ideas and structures. Examining a discourse yields insight into the possible real-world consequences of the adoption of the worldview it constitutes, and facilitates the tracing of shifts in political culture. The thesis finds that, on the meso level, the discourse constructs a logic of difference to dismantle the conception of the Democratic Party as monolithic, producing an ideologically-based factional challenge through the dichotomisation of two factional groups. The discourse articulates an ideologically committed left-wing factional in-group, and a clientelist party establishment out-group corrupted by established campaign finance practices. The adversarial in-group and out-group constitute factions of principle and interest (as per Sartori), drawing from the redemptive and pragmatic faces of democracy, respectively. On the macro level, the discourse constructs a logic of equivalence through articulating a populist people-elite binary. ‘The people’ are conceived of as a broad, diverse collective connected by class-based grievances and interests, sovereign but unrepresented. This is juxtaposed with the articulation of an out-of-touch, oligarchic elite configuration consisting of dominant economic forces, a political elite, and a discursive elite. The elite are likewise connected by class interests, exercising undue influence over the political system and reproducing a hegemony facilitating economic inequality. The elite is articulated as the common Other for ‘the people’ as the groups’ class interests conflict and systemic structures privilege the elite at the expense of the needs of the people. This people-vs-elite dichotomisation produces the articulation of ‘the people’ as a historical bloc, a class alliance with transformative capacity, whose political action is seen as necessary to usher in a democratic renewal at both the meso and macro levels. The discourse scandalizes the existing level of inequalities in American society and articulates campaign finance practices yielding wealthy elites influence over the political process as impermissible. These scandalisations challenge existing social structures and dominant ideas. The discourse seeks to thereby shift these ideas and practices beyond the hegemonic limits of intelligibility through the production of a left-wing social imaginary. Understanding the effects of discourses and discursive shifts on social reality, and vice versa, is useful for academics examining social reproduction and transformation. A discursive shift the like of which the political revolution seeks to achieve holds practical policy implications and has potentially wide-reaching consequences on U.S. political culture and social practices. Ramifications may be felt beyond borders in the political discourses of other nations due to the prominent position the U.S. holds in the international community. Should this counter-hegemonic discourse become more broadly adopted within the Democratic Party and beyond, it may provide a blueprint for similar movements in comparable contexts.
  • Smolander, Miro (2021)
    Tutkielma pyrkii analysoimaan demokratian rapautumisen vaikutuksia eriarvoisuuteen ja eriarvoistumiskehitykseen modernissa Erdoganin ja AKP-puolueen hallinnoimassa Turkissa. Tutkielma hyödyntää monipuolisesti alan kirjallisuutta, erityisesti turkkilaisten tutkijoiden omia näkemyksiä ja tulkintoja demokratian tilaan maassa, joka on vähitellen ajautunut kohti presidentti Erdoganin yksinvaltaa ja yksipuolue järjestelmää. Tutkielman tavoitteena on valottaa prosesseja ja voimia, jotka vaikuttavat demokratian rapautumiseen Turkissa. Tämän jälkeen tutkielman pyrkimys on analysoida demokratian ja tuloerojen välistä suhdetta ja edellä mainitun kehityksen vaikutusta eriarvoisuuteen Turkissa. Tutkielma valottaa alkuun lyhyesti historiallisen analyysin kautta taustaa niihin lähtökohtiin, joiden päälle Turkin demokratia 2000-luvulla on pitkälti rakentunut. Tätä taustaa vasten käsitellään AKP-puolueen ensiaskeleita ja 2000-luvun turkkilaista demokratiaa. Seuraavaksi tutkielma analysoi epädemokraattisia voimia ja tapoja, joilla demokratia Turkissa rapautuu käyttäen alan kirjallisuutta ja vertaisarvioituja artikkeleita. Siten tutkielman on mahdollista analysoida turkkilaista poliittista järjestelmää ja demokratiaa kokonaisuutena. Tutkielma vertailee eri poliittisia järjestelmiä, jotka usein seuraavat demokratian rapautumista. Tutkielman tavoite on välittää viesti, että Turkin kohtelu puhtaan autoritäärisenä valtiona on ennenaikaista, sillä vaaleilla on Turkin järjestelmässä edelleen keskeinen rooli. Lopuksi tutkielma keskittyy talousjärjestelmään ja eriarvoisuuden ja demokratian väliseen suhteeseen ja siihen millainen talousjärjestelmä Turkin kaltaisessa maassa vallitsee demokratian rapautumisen seurauksena. Lopuksi tutkielma päätyy yhteenvetoon, jossa keskeisimmät tulokset tiivistetään yhteen. Tutkielman keskeiset tulokset ovat, että Turkin demokratia on viimeisten kymmenen vuoden aikana rapautunut merkittävästi. Keskeinen havainto kuitenkin on, että vaalien voittamisella on edelleen oleellinen vaikutus Turkin poliittiseen järjestelmään. Tästä esimerkkeinä käy vuoden 2015 parlamentti, ja vuoden 2019 aluevaalit. Tästä on johdettu tutkielman toinen keskeinen havainto, että Turkki sijaitseekin demokratian ja autoritäärisyyden välisellä harmaalla alueella, jossa se ei ole oikein kumpaakaan. Tutkielman viimeinen keskeinen tulos on, että demokratialla ja eriarvoisuudella on olemassa keskeinen yhteys. Tutkielma ei kuitenkaan pysty vetämään yhteen konkreettisesti millainen tämä yhteys on, vaan keskittyy siihen, miten edellä mainittu yhteys ilmenee kompleksisuudestaan huolimatta. Tutkielman johtopäätökset noudattavat tulosten linjaa. Ensiksi Turkin demokratiakehitys noudattaa pitkälti globaalia trendiä, jossa liberaalidemokratia on järjestelmänä ollut puolustuskannalla. Toisaalta Turkin järjestelmä on hybridi, joka muistuttaa jonkin verran esimerkiksi Venäjää. Demokratian ja eriarvoisuuden välillä vaikuttanee olevan läheinen suhde, mutta sitä on globaalissa mittakaavassa vaikeaa asettaa teoreettiseksi malliksi, jota voisi soveltaa laajempaan globaaliin kontekstiin. Lopuksi tutkielma toteaa aiheen laajuuden keskeiseksi haasteeksi tyydyttävän vastauksen saamisessa.
  • Smolander, Miro (2021)
    Tutkielma pyrkii analysoimaan demokratian rapautumisen vaikutuksia eriarvoisuuteen ja eriarvoistumiskehitykseen modernissa Erdoganin ja AKP-puolueen hallinnoimassa Turkissa. Tutkielma hyödyntää monipuolisesti alan kirjallisuutta, erityisesti turkkilaisten tutkijoiden omia näkemyksiä ja tulkintoja demokratian tilaan maassa, joka on vähitellen ajautunut kohti presidentti Erdoganin yksinvaltaa ja yksipuolue järjestelmää. Tutkielman tavoitteena on valottaa prosesseja ja voimia, jotka vaikuttavat demokratian rapautumiseen Turkissa. Tämän jälkeen tutkielman pyrkimys on analysoida demokratian ja tuloerojen välistä suhdetta ja edellä mainitun kehityksen vaikutusta eriarvoisuuteen Turkissa. Tutkielma valottaa alkuun lyhyesti historiallisen analyysin kautta taustaa niihin lähtökohtiin, joiden päälle Turkin demokratia 2000-luvulla on pitkälti rakentunut. Tätä taustaa vasten käsitellään AKP-puolueen ensiaskeleita ja 2000-luvun turkkilaista demokratiaa. Seuraavaksi tutkielma analysoi epädemokraattisia voimia ja tapoja, joilla demokratia Turkissa rapautuu käyttäen alan kirjallisuutta ja vertaisarvioituja artikkeleita. Siten tutkielman on mahdollista analysoida turkkilaista poliittista järjestelmää ja demokratiaa kokonaisuutena. Tutkielma vertailee eri poliittisia järjestelmiä, jotka usein seuraavat demokratian rapautumista. Tutkielman tavoite on välittää viesti, että Turkin kohtelu puhtaan autoritäärisenä valtiona on ennenaikaista, sillä vaaleilla on Turkin järjestelmässä edelleen keskeinen rooli. Lopuksi tutkielma keskittyy talousjärjestelmään ja eriarvoisuuden ja demokratian väliseen suhteeseen ja siihen millainen talousjärjestelmä Turkin kaltaisessa maassa vallitsee demokratian rapautumisen seurauksena. Lopuksi tutkielma päätyy yhteenvetoon, jossa keskeisimmät tulokset tiivistetään yhteen. Tutkielman keskeiset tulokset ovat, että Turkin demokratia on viimeisten kymmenen vuoden aikana rapautunut merkittävästi. Keskeinen havainto kuitenkin on, että vaalien voittamisella on edelleen oleellinen vaikutus Turkin poliittiseen järjestelmään. Tästä esimerkkeinä käy vuoden 2015 parlamentti, ja vuoden 2019 aluevaalit. Tästä on johdettu tutkielman toinen keskeinen havainto, että Turkki sijaitseekin demokratian ja autoritäärisyyden välisellä harmaalla alueella, jossa se ei ole oikein kumpaakaan. Tutkielman viimeinen keskeinen tulos on, että demokratialla ja eriarvoisuudella on olemassa keskeinen yhteys. Tutkielma ei kuitenkaan pysty vetämään yhteen konkreettisesti millainen tämä yhteys on, vaan keskittyy siihen, miten edellä mainittu yhteys ilmenee kompleksisuudestaan huolimatta. Tutkielman johtopäätökset noudattavat tulosten linjaa. Ensiksi Turkin demokratiakehitys noudattaa pitkälti globaalia trendiä, jossa liberaalidemokratia on järjestelmänä ollut puolustuskannalla. Toisaalta Turkin järjestelmä on hybridi, joka muistuttaa jonkin verran esimerkiksi Venäjää. Demokratian ja eriarvoisuuden välillä vaikuttanee olevan läheinen suhde, mutta sitä on globaalissa mittakaavassa vaikeaa asettaa teoreettiseksi malliksi, jota voisi soveltaa laajempaan globaaliin kontekstiin. Lopuksi tutkielma toteaa aiheen laajuuden keskeiseksi haasteeksi tyydyttävän vastauksen saamisessa.
  • Pfau, Diana Victoria (2021)
    Surveillance Capitalism, as described by Shoshana Zuboff, is a mutation of capitalism in which the main commodity to be traded is behavioural surplus, or personal data. As the forming of Surveillance Capitalism was significantly furthered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI is a central topic of the thesis. Personalisation that will oftentimes involve the use of AI tools is based on the collection of big amounts of personal data and bears several risks for data subjects. In Chapter I, I introduce the underlying research questions: Firstly, the question which effects the use of AI in Surveillance Capitalism has on democracy in the light of personalisation of advertisement, news provision, and propaganda. Secondly, the question whether the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union react to these effects appropriately or if there is still need for additional legislation. In Chapter II, I determined a working definition of Artificial Intelligence. Additionally, the applicability of the GDPR together with potential problems are introduced. A special focus here lays on the underlying rationale of the GDPR. This topic is evaluated on several occasions during the thesis and reveals that the focus of the GDPR on enabling the data subject to exercise control over his or her information conflicts with the underlying rationale of Surveillance Capitalism. In Chapter III, four steps of examination follow. In a first step,I introduce the concept of Surveillance Capitalism. Personalized advertisement together with consent as a legal basis for processing of personal data are examined. During this examination, profiling, inferences, and the data processing principles of the GDPR are explored in the context of personalisation and AI. A focus in this examination is the question how individuals and democracy can be impacted. It is found that there is a lack of protection when it comes to the use of consent as a legal basis for privacy intrusive personalized advertisement and it is likely that the data subject will not be able to make an informed decision when asked for consent. Data minimisation, purpose limitation and storage limitation as important data processing principles proof to be at odds with the application of Artificial intelligence in the context of personalisation. Especially when it comes to the deletion of data further research in AI will be necessary to enable the adherence to the storage limitation.In a second step, I examined personalized news and propaganda according to their potential impacts on individuals and democracy. Explicit consent as a legal basis for processing of special categories is examined together with the concept of data protection by design as stipulated in article 25 GDPR. While explicit consent is found to likely suffer from the same weaknesses as the “regular consent”, I proposed that data protection by design could solve some of the arising issues if the norm is strengthened in the future.In a third step, I evaluate whether the right to receive and impart information laid down in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union provides for a right to receive unbiased, or unpersonalized, information. While there are indications that such a right could be acknowledged however, its scope is unclear so far. In a fourth step, I examine the proposal for a European Artificial Intelligence Act with the unfortunate outcome, that this Act might not be able to fill the discovered gaps left by the GDPR. I conclude that, taking into consideration all findings of the research, the use of AI in personalisation can significantly harm democracy by potentially impacting the freedom of political discourse, provoking social inequalities, and influencing legislation and science through heavy investment and lobbying. Ultimately, the GDPR does leave significant gaps due to the incompatibility of underlying rationales of the GDPR and Surveillance Capitalism and there is a need to protect data subjects additionally. I propose that future legislations on the use of AI in personalization should react appropriately to the rationale of Surveillance Capitalism.
  • Pfau, Diana Victoria (2021)
    Surveillance Capitalism, as described by Shoshana Zuboff, is a mutation of capitalism in which the main commodity to be traded is behavioural surplus, or personal data. As the forming of Surveillance Capitalism was significantly furthered by Artificial Intelligence (AI), AI is a central topic of the thesis. Personalisation that will oftentimes involve the use of AI tools is based on the collection of big amounts of personal data and bears several risks for data subjects. In Chapter I, I introduce the underlying research questions: Firstly, the question which effects the use of AI in Surveillance Capitalism has on democracy in the light of personalisation of advertisement, news provision, and propaganda. Secondly, the question whether the European Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union react to these effects appropriately or if there is still need for additional legislation. In Chapter II, I determined a working definition of Artificial Intelligence. Additionally, the applicability of the GDPR together with potential problems are introduced. A special focus here lays on the underlying rationale of the GDPR. This topic is evaluated on several occasions during the thesis and reveals that the focus of the GDPR on enabling the data subject to exercise control over his or her information conflicts with the underlying rationale of Surveillance Capitalism. In Chapter III, four steps of examination follow. In a first step,I introduce the concept of Surveillance Capitalism. Personalized advertisement together with consent as a legal basis for processing of personal data are examined. During this examination, profiling, inferences, and the data processing principles of the GDPR are explored in the context of personalisation and AI. A focus in this examination is the question how individuals and democracy can be impacted. It is found that there is a lack of protection when it comes to the use of consent as a legal basis for privacy intrusive personalized advertisement and it is likely that the data subject will not be able to make an informed decision when asked for consent. Data minimisation, purpose limitation and storage limitation as important data processing principles proof to be at odds with the application of Artificial intelligence in the context of personalisation. Especially when it comes to the deletion of data further research in AI will be necessary to enable the adherence to the storage limitation.In a second step, I examined personalized news and propaganda according to their potential impacts on individuals and democracy. Explicit consent as a legal basis for processing of special categories is examined together with the concept of data protection by design as stipulated in article 25 GDPR. While explicit consent is found to likely suffer from the same weaknesses as the “regular consent”, I proposed that data protection by design could solve some of the arising issues if the norm is strengthened in the future.In a third step, I evaluate whether the right to receive and impart information laid down in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union provides for a right to receive unbiased, or unpersonalized, information. While there are indications that such a right could be acknowledged however, its scope is unclear so far. In a fourth step, I examine the proposal for a European Artificial Intelligence Act with the unfortunate outcome, that this Act might not be able to fill the discovered gaps left by the GDPR. I conclude that, taking into consideration all findings of the research, the use of AI in personalisation can significantly harm democracy by potentially impacting the freedom of political discourse, provoking social inequalities, and influencing legislation and science through heavy investment and lobbying. Ultimately, the GDPR does leave significant gaps due to the incompatibility of underlying rationales of the GDPR and Surveillance Capitalism and there is a need to protect data subjects additionally. I propose that future legislations on the use of AI in personalization should react appropriately to the rationale of Surveillance Capitalism.