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Browsing by Subject "Kasviproteiini"

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  • Jaakkonen, Henna (2022)
    Kasviproteiinien käytön ei nähdä enää olevan vain kasvissyöjien tapa täyttää proteiinintarpeensa, vaan siitä on tullut jokaiselle suositeltava ruokavalion osa. Kasviproteiinien lisääminen ruokavalioon ei kuitenkaan ole helppoa monelle, sillä ruokavalion muutos kasvispainotteisempaan vaatii aikaa ja resursseja. On kiinnostavaa tarkastella, tukevatko Kotiliesi-lehden ruokaohjeet ja artikkelit kasviproteiinien käyttöä osana ruokavaliota. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, millä tavoin kasviproteiinien käytön kehitys näkyy vuosien 2010-2019 Kotiliesi-lehdissä. Tutkielma toteutettiin laadullisin menetelmin. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin 40 Kotiliesi-lehden numeroa vuosien 2010-2019 väliltä. Aineisto muodostui neljästä lehdestä yhtä vuotta kohden. Kasviproteiinia sisältäviä artikkeleita ja ruokaohjeita oli yhteensä aineiston rajaamisen jälkeen 21. Aineiston analysointiin käytettiin teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysia. Teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin avulla tutkimusaineistosta nousi esille kolme yläteemaa. Aineistosta esille nousseet yläteemat olivat kasviproteiinien käytön kasvu, muutokset eri kasviproteiinien käytössä sekä kasviproteiinien käytön normalisoituminen. Tutkielmassa havaittiin, että 2010-luvun Kotiliesi-lehdissä kasviproteiinien käytössä oli kasvua ja muutosta. Erityisesti vuoden 2015 jälkeen kasviproteiineja esiintyi enemmän Kotiliesi-lehtien ruokaohjeissa ja artikkeleissa. 2010-luvun alkupuolella kasviproteiineja käytettiin yksipuolisesti aineiston ruokaohjeissa, mutta vuosikymmenen loppua kohti erilaisia kasviproteiineja ja kasviproteiinituotteita käytettiin monipuolisemmin erilaisissa ruokaohjeissa. Kasviproteiinien käytössä oli havaittavissa myös normalisoitumista. Tämän tutkielman johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että 2010-luvun Kotiliesi-lehdissä kasviproteiinien käytössä on tapahtunut kasvua ja muutosta, ja ne edistävät kasvipainotteisempaan ruokavalioon siirtymistä.
  • Siira, Riina (2022)
    Demand for plant-based food is growing and alternative protein sources are explored to replace dairy and meat products. Due to weak functional properties of plant proteins compared to milk protein, it is challenging to create the desirable food structure. The coagulation of milk proteins plays an essential role in structure formation of many fermented milk products, but plant pro-teins may not behave in the same way. It is important to study the use of plant proteins in vari-ous food applications to bring organoleptically and nutritionally better plant-based products to the market. The aim of the work was to study transglutaminase (TG) induced gelling of plant-based proteins and determine whether calcium, pH, or enzyme dosage affects the quality of the gel structure. Pea protein isolate and oat protein concentrate were selected as the main raw materials for the study. Three different levels of calcium, pH and enzyme dosages and their effects on protein content (%), firmness (g) and dry matter content (%) of the samples was measured. Experi-mental plan and predictive models of the results was performed with Minitab software. Protein content of the samples was measured by using nitrogen analyzer, firmness of the samples by us-ing TAXT texture analyzer and dry matter content of the samples with moisture analyzer. Tricalcium phosphate was found to weaken the firmness of the samples when the dosage was 0,3 % or more. The most solid gel sample was found in pH 5,1, with small amount of enzyme and 0,05-0,3 % level of tricalcium phosphate. Dry matter of the samples was noted to increase at low pH level. TG increased the dry matter, especially when tricalcium phosphate was not ap-plied. TG was found to be an effective tool to improve protein gelling by forming a solid struc-ture for the samples. Higher amount of TG increased the protein content. It was shown to be possible to modify food characteristics by the studied process parameters, but the data set used in this study was small to provide reliable models. Further research should be done on the ef-fects and relationships between these factors to confirm results of the study.
  • Siira, Riina (2022)
    Demand for plant-based food is growing and alternative protein sources are explored to replace dairy and meat products. Due to weak functional properties of plant proteins compared to milk protein, it is challenging to create the desirable food structure. The coagulation of milk proteins plays an essential role in structure formation of many fermented milk products, but plant pro-teins may not behave in the same way. It is important to study the use of plant proteins in vari-ous food applications to bring organoleptically and nutritionally better plant-based products to the market. The aim of the work was to study transglutaminase (TG) induced gelling of plant-based proteins and determine whether calcium, pH, or enzyme dosage affects the quality of the gel structure. Pea protein isolate and oat protein concentrate were selected as the main raw materials for the study. Three different levels of calcium, pH and enzyme dosages and their effects on protein content (%), firmness (g) and dry matter content (%) of the samples was measured. Experi-mental plan and predictive models of the results was performed with Minitab software. Protein content of the samples was measured by using nitrogen analyzer, firmness of the samples by us-ing TAXT texture analyzer and dry matter content of the samples with moisture analyzer. Tricalcium phosphate was found to weaken the firmness of the samples when the dosage was 0,3 % or more. The most solid gel sample was found in pH 5,1, with small amount of enzyme and 0,05-0,3 % level of tricalcium phosphate. Dry matter of the samples was noted to increase at low pH level. TG increased the dry matter, especially when tricalcium phosphate was not ap-plied. TG was found to be an effective tool to improve protein gelling by forming a solid struc-ture for the samples. Higher amount of TG increased the protein content. It was shown to be possible to modify food characteristics by the studied process parameters, but the data set used in this study was small to provide reliable models. Further research should be done on the ef-fects and relationships between these factors to confirm results of the study.
  • Vähätalo, Sara (2022)
    Plant-based products with good nutritional and sensory quality are needed to facilitate dietary change towards using less of the unsustainable animal origin foods. Extrusion cooking is a way to produce these products cost effectively. A high quality dry-extruded product has porous structure and suitable hardness. These properties can be affected by adjusting the viscosity of the extruded mass. This master’s thesis discusses the properties of colloidal microcrystalline cellulose (cMCC) that affect the structure of dry-extruded textured protein products made of potato protein and faba bean flour made from germinated beans. The aim was to produce a porous, water binding domestic plant-protein product that can be used as part of healthy diet. The hypothesis was that cMCC increases water absorption capacity and changes the stiffness and expansion of the product by increasing viscosity of the mass. The viscosity of raw materials was first examined from flour mixtures and after this mixture of 70:30 faba bean:potato protein with 0; 1.5 and 3.0 % cMCC was extruded in 24; 27 and 30 % water contents. Moisture content, water absorption capacity, water solubility, sectional expansion index, physical properties of dry and swollen extrudates were examined. Products were photographed both dry and after swelling. The nutritional compositions were calculated based on raw material manufacturers’ information. The swollen products contained 15–22 g protein, 11–17 g carbohydrates and 3,5–47,7 fiber g/100 g moist extrudate (31–42 % dry matter) and could be categorized as source of fiber. cMCC improved flowing capabilities of the flour mixture which was observed as more uniform shape of extrudates. Cleaning the equipment was significantly easier with mixtures containing cMCC. cMCC did not increase water absorption capacity but it did decrease water solubility and increased stiffness. Viscosity measurements revealed that potato proteins did not gel. This information could not be utilized in detail to predict viscosities with extrusion because of different flour ratios.
  • Kasurinen, Inka (2017)
    The literature review focused on the texturized plant proteins and their raw materials, processing conditions and water related properties. Especially the water binding properties, such as the water-holding capacity, the freezable water content, water activity and water sorption properties of texturized plant proteins, were discussed. In addition, the factors affecting the water binding properties of texturized plant proteins were investigated. The objective of the experimental study was to find the suitable analyzing methods for the characterization of water binding properties of texturized plant protein product. In addition, the effect of protein content, water content and texturization degree of raw material mixture on the water binding properties of texturized plant protein product were investigated. The analyzing methods selected to characterize the water binding properties of texturized plant protein product were the freezable water content, the water holding capacity, water activity and the proportion of evaporated water from the original water content during drying for 5–60 min at 50 °C. Water content of raw material mixture had the biggest effect on the ability of the product to bind water. Decrease in water content of raw material mixture increased the water-holding capacity and reduced water activity of the product. The effect of water content of raw material mixture on the freezable water content of the product was almost linear. When the texturization degree was 50% and the protein content of raw material mixture was 53.3% the product had the best ability to bind water. The product had better ability to bind water when the protein content of raw material mixture was higher. In further studies the greater differences in the protein contents of raw material mixtures could be used to investigate the effect of protein content on the water binding properties of texturized plant protein products. In addition, the use of different water-binding compounds or decrease in storage temperature could be tested.