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  • Lehtelä, Heli (2019)
    A communal phenomenon related to bobbin lace making can be observed in Heinämaa region of Orimattila. This phenomenon has not been previously researched from the point of view of cultural studies. The purpose of this research was to authenticate the bobbin lace culture in Heinämaa via the cultural theory of Johan Fornäs. An additional purpose of this research was to examine lace making culture by utilizing the concept of regional identity. The assignment of the research was to examine what the lace making culture of Heinämaa is. The secondary assignment of this research was to answer the question: How does regional identity manifest itself in the areas affected by the Heinämaa lace making culture? The material used in this research consists of the mind maps composed by eight members of Heinämaan pitsinkutojat ry [the Heinämaa lace makers association]; ten books or certain parts of the books about Heinämaa lace; the yield of four thematic interviews (N=7) and questionnaires directed at the residents of Heinämaa (N=45) and Orimattila (N=39). The mind maps, literary material, interviews, the answers to the open questions of the surveys and the visual material relating to the Heinämaa lace (37p) were processed using theory-based content analysis method. ATLAS.ti program was used to code and analyze the material. The quantitative parts of the questionnaires were analyzed with SPSS program, using the Mann-Whitney test, the Kruskal-Wallis H-test and the Fisher´s exact test. After the analyses the results of the multimethodical research relating to the cultural authentication were combined in accordance with the four levels of the Fornäs cultural theory and the (concept of) regional identity was examined in relation to the theory. The research established that a unique local culture has formed around bobbin lace making in Heinämaa, manifesting itself on all levels of the Fornäs cultural theory. The results of the reasearch reflect an experience of a regional identity relating to the bobbin lace making in Heinämaa. The research established that this regional identity could be seen manifesting itself also beyond the borders of the Heinämaa village, but in these cases the person experiencing the sense of identity had herself lived in Heinämaa or had familial ties in the region. The lace making culture of Heinämaa is considered important and worth preserving in Heinämaa as well as te Orimattila region.
  • Jämsén, Janita (2022)
    My master's thesis examines the opportunities and challenges of introducing cultural planning. Cultural planning is a model of strategic urban development that has culture at its core, as well as cross-sectional work and participation. This is a commissioned work for the City of Oulu, which is also as a case study for my research. In Finland, cultural planning is a relatively new way of developing cities and little amount of research about the topic has been made. Culture planning has been used in mostly in medium-sized and small municipalities and cities. The city of Oulu has not utilized cultural planning before. My work aims to find out if cultural planning could work for the development of a larger city. There is no specific method for cultural planning, but each municipality or city that uses it must consider how to start doing it. Oulu has been chosen as the European Capital of Culture for 2026 and its theme is culture climate change. What does this change mean for the City of Oulu's own operations? Or what could it be? My research aims to clarify the current understanding of culture, as well as its position and developers in Oulu. In addition, it looks at the opportunities and challenges for the city to embark on cultural planning with its current city’s structure, as it has been seen as the greatest opportunity but also the challenge for cultural planning. My work gives voice to the views of the employees of the City of Oulu regarding the new method. Culture is a complex phenomenon, and it is challenging to define. The role of culture varies depending on who defines it. Culture has influenced cities both internally and externally through the ages. Over time, cities as organizations have also developed into very multi-level systems of their interests, networks, and practices. Thus, today, the city is not a single system with a single action culture. How do different internal action cultures affect the city's operations? I study my topic through a dual position, which consists of the role of a researcher and an employee of the City of Oulu. I conducted 11 semi-structured thematic interviews with experts from the City of Oulu. The interviews were both insider and expert type interviews. We first discussed culture with the interviewees and then the potential opportunities and challenges of cultural planning. I used coding and theme design to analyse my materials. My results were divided into two parts, such as my conversations with the interviewees. In the first part, I focused on cultural definitions and developers. Because culture is at the heart of cultural planning, I think it’s important to understand how interviewees perceive culture and its role and developers. In the second part, I focused on the opportunities and challenges of cultural planning through the main themes that emerged from the material. These themes are internal bottom-up work, mental and physical silos, interactions with residents in many different ways, resources (money, time, skills) and the use of digitalisation. Based on my observations, it seems that the responses of the interviewees do not differ significantly from the already existing information related to cultural planning. So, are the challenges related only to cultural planning or mainly to the current city structures and the action culture in the city? The larger the organization, the more different operating cultures may exist. Based on the research material and theory, I think the city of Oulu has a good opportunity to implement cultural planning as other cities, but in smaller places cultural planning can succeed more easily because they are hierarchically lower in structure and thus might have less different action cultures. As the best opportunity for cultural planning for the city of Oulu, I see that it could bring clarity and a common denominator to the new common making. On the other hand, prevailing operating cultures can be a brake on the success of cultural planning. Therefore, it is up to the management level to decide how to start working with cultural planning or whether to start at all. The initiation of cultural planning usually requires a review and change of the current way of doing, and so it does in Oulu. On the other hand, the title of European Capital of Culture is creating a favourable climate for discussion about the culture planning and what it could be for in the city of Oulu
  • Mattila, Heidi (2018)
    This research deals with culture and craft through the perspective of cultural exchange. Cultural heritage guides the material and technique choices in craft. But cultural exchange may change craft maker’s way of action. The aim of this study was to clarify how the cultural exchange changes craft makers actions. The focus of the study is on the craft teacher student’s experiences about craft expression in cultural exchange. The two research questions were: 1. What is craftman’s experience of cultures as a part of craft process? 2. How does ones craft expression change after cultural exchange? The research method for this qualitative study was interview study, that was carried out as four thematic interviews. The informants of this study were selected among craft teacher students, that had just returned from exchange from Scandinavia and Europe. The interview recordings were transcribed, and the data was analysed by coding and thematic analysis. The study results are craft teacher student’s subjective experiences of cultural exchange. The data confirms the view that cultural heritage has a strong influence on craft, because tradition guides craft maker’s material and technique choices. The conclusion is that cultural exchange is very unique experience, which is influenced by individual action and cultural differences but also by the surrounding community. Cultural exchange has an influence on craft maker’s style or craft making identity or it may just give more confidence for craft making. But it may also be a difficult experience that makes one grave comfort from familiar materials and techniques. The research data confirms that both cultural heritage and cultural exchange have an influence on craft making.
  • Poikonen, Roswitha (2023)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Käsityön merkitys osana kulttuuria on ilmeinen. Käsitöiden avulla voimme tehdä havaintoja ihmiskunnan historian eri vaiheista sekä kulttuureille tärkeistä piirteistä. Käsityön merkitys on vahvasti kiinnittynyt aikakauden ilmiöihin, mahdollistaen välillä hengissä pysymisen ja toisinaan taas ajanvietteen. Jokainen historian vaihe on antanut käsityölle oman leimansa ja käsityön merkitys kulttuurin jatkumon välineenä on säilynyt tähän päivään saakka. Tutkielmassa keskityttiin tarkastelemaan, millaisia neulemalleja esiintyy suomalaisissa ja saksalaisissa käsityölehdissä, ja mitä kulttuurin piirteitä neulemalleissa on havaittavissa. Tutkielman hypoteesina oli, että suomalaisten ja saksalaisten käsityölehtien neulemallien välillä on eroja, ja esiintyvissä neuletekniikoissa on havaittavissa kulttuurin piirteitä. Tutkielma toteutettiin kvantitatiivisena tutkimuksena kvalitatiivista tulkintaa hyödyntäen. Kulttuurisia piirteitä tarkasteltiin unilateraalista näkökulmasta vertaamalla saksalaisia neulemalleja suomalaisiin neulemalleihin. Analysointimenetelmänä käytettiin kuvan sisällön analyysia sekä semioottista kuva-analyysia. Aineisto koostui tammikuussa 2023 ilmestyneistä neljästä suomalaisesta ja kolmesta saksalaisesta käsityölehdestä, joista oli analysoitavana yhteensä 146 neulemallia. Aineiston rajaamisen kriteereinä käytettiin tekniikkaa (neulonta), tuotetta (naisten neulevaatteet), vuodenaikaa (tammikuu), maantieteellistä kulttuurialuetta (Suomi ja Saksa). Aineiston arviointia varten rakennettiin seitsemästä muuttujan arvosta koostuva asteikko. Neulemallit analysoitiin ensin kummankin maan lehtien osalta erikseen ja seuraavaksi maiden neulemallien välisiä kulttuuripiirteitä vertaillen. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat hypoteesin oikeaksi. Suomalaisten ja saksalaisten neulemallien suurimmaksi eroksi nousivat kirjoneule- sekä pitsineuletekniikan käyttö. Kirjoneuletekniikka oli aineiston osalta huomattavasti yleisemmin käytössä suomalaisissa neulemalleissa, joissa hyödynnettiin pääasiassa ympäri neuleen kiertäviä kuvioita. Saksalaisissa neulemalleissa pitsineuletekniikkaa käytettiin suomalaisia neulemalleja yleisemmin. Pitsineuletekniikkaa yhdistettiin muihin tekniikoihin ja sitä käytettiin pinta-alallisesti laajemmin kuin suomalaisissa neuleissa. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan todeta, että molempien maiden neulemalleissa oli painotuseroja tekniikan osalta, joiden käytölle on löydettävissä kulttuurihistoriallisia perusteita.