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  • Jokio, Minna; Jokio, Minna (2018)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract The purpose of this study was to find out how to support children to make spontaneously music in the kindergarten environment. The study focused on the factors that can support the children making music. There has been a lot of research about the situations children begin to make music spontaneously. The researchers have found out that children often sing and make music while doing something else for example while they are drawing or dancing. These researches have also shown the importance of a supportive teacher giving the children time, space and examples how to make music. This study has been implemented as a qualitative research and the material has been collected by interviewing three kindergarten teachers from three different kindergarten in the capital region of Finland. The interviews were made in Summer 2013. The material was analysed by categorizing the answers. The results showed that the kindergarten teachers valued the professional skill of the pedagogic educator. The interviewees thought the educators know how to observe the children and how to plan and carry out activities adaptively but they also know how to listen to the children. They also answered that children often made music everywhere and at any time during the day. The interviewees thought it was important to change the practices in such a way it would support the children making music. It was seen important to listen to the children and their thoughts also when making changes in the physical environment. It was also seen important that musical instruments and recorders could be available to children in the kindergarten environment.
  • Radi, Heini (2016)
    The aim of this study is to examine parents' thoughts about their children's hobbies. Intention is to investigate factors that parents think are essential in hobbies. I reflect parents' upbringing perspective with social climate that highlights individuality, efficiency and competitiveness in the spirit of neo-liberal policy. My interest is directed to the potential benefits that parents believe hobbies produce. The capitalistic values of neo-liberal politic seems to have background influence in school and in leisure and I seek to examine indication of these values in parents speech. Previous studies suggest that hobbies serve as one form of cultural and social capital when choosing educational paths. Skills obtained at school alone don’t seem to suffice for the aptitude tests to selective classes, but with suitable hobbies one can acquire necessary capital to pass the tests. The ideal of healthy citizen and wholesome activity has also been sought through hobbies. With proper hobbies there is also the parental desire that their child finds suitable friends. Organized activity has even been considered as a vaccine for social exclusion and behavioural problems, especially during puberty. The study material consists of four interviews. The interviewees were parents of preschoolers in a day care center in the capital regionof Finland. Interviews were conducted as theme interviews and they were transcribed and analysed according to the principles of content analysis. Based on this research, hobbies were thought to bring content and interests into children's lives which would help them find their ”own thing”. Hobby-specific know-how, sport skills and better self-esteem were mentioned as benefits of hobbies too. The most significant advantages were thought to be the health benefits, the development of communication skills and the prevention of social exclusion. Health education was underlined by several interviewees and these parents believed that organized physical activity and sports lifestyle passes into adulthood. There was not significant evidence of neo-liberal policies in parents' speech.
  • Pelkonen, Joakim (2022)
    Objectives. The aim of this research is to find out what kind of food education at home has been provided and how it affects the self-esteem experienced by children in cooking. In the light of a previous research, food-related activities have been identified as socially mediated. Knowledge and skills are passed on because of the social activities of cooking. It is also known from previous research that an activity is influenced by an individual's beliefs in his or her own abilities which is called self-efficacy. The aim is to find out whether food education obtained at home is transmitted to the ability experienced by young people in cooking. Methods. Five families participated in this study, of which one parent and one child were interviewed. This study has been conducted as semi-structured and structured interviews. Interviews of the parent were semi-structured and they included questions about food education at home. The interviews with the young people were structured and concerned the young people's ability to cook. The material was analyzed with the theory as its guide, where the earlier studies concepts arising from the previous theory were guiding the progress of the theory. Although the analysis of the data was mainly done qualitatively, the quantitative properties of the children's data were used to guide the analysis. Results and conclusions. The study resulted in three upper classes, which were social transmission, values of food education, and family culture. Each of these contained four subcategories. The unifying top category was the transmission of a social food culture. Food education aims to inherit the family’s food culture forward. The transfer of knowledge and skills by working together was considered important in food education. Food in general was also considered as an important value as well as the strive to bring the value of food forward. In terms of self-efficacy, it was found that parental interest in food was mediated by ability. Cooking skills were conveyed through doing things together and involving the child, allowing them to get involved and develop the ability. By involving children and passing on knowledge and skills, it is possible to increase children's own ability to cook.
  • Pelkonen, Joakim (2022)
    Objectives. The aim of this research is to find out what kind of food education at home has been provided and how it affects the self-esteem experienced by children in cooking. In the light of a previous research, food-related activities have been identified as socially mediated. Knowledge and skills are passed on because of the social activities of cooking. It is also known from previous research that an activity is influenced by an individual's beliefs in his or her own abilities which is called self-efficacy. The aim is to find out whether food education obtained at home is transmitted to the ability experienced by young people in cooking. Methods. Five families participated in this study, of which one parent and one child were interviewed. This study has been conducted as semi-structured and structured interviews. Interviews of the parent were semi-structured and they included questions about food education at home. The interviews with the young people were structured and concerned the young people's ability to cook. The material was analyzed with the theory as its guide, where the earlier studies concepts arising from the previous theory were guiding the progress of the theory. Although the analysis of the data was mainly done qualitatively, the quantitative properties of the children's data were used to guide the analysis. Results and conclusions. The study resulted in three upper classes, which were social transmission, values of food education, and family culture. Each of these contained four subcategories. The unifying top category was the transmission of a social food culture. Food education aims to inherit the family’s food culture forward. The transfer of knowledge and skills by working together was considered important in food education. Food in general was also considered as an important value as well as the strive to bring the value of food forward. In terms of self-efficacy, it was found that parental interest in food was mediated by ability. Cooking skills were conveyed through doing things together and involving the child, allowing them to get involved and develop the ability. By involving children and passing on knowledge and skills, it is possible to increase children's own ability to cook.
  • Kallinen, Henna (2019)
    This thesis examines children’s citizenship in recent empirical research in the field of child-hood studies. The thesis will examine the questions, themes and theoretical approaches that have framed the studies of children’s citizenship. Childhood studies is a multidisciplinary field and the research concerning children’s citizenship is embedded within multifaceted social and political contexts. Children’s relationship with the citizenship is unsettled. Children are being given many rights, responsibilities and possibilities to participate but at the same time they are excluded from citizenship. Children’s place as becoming citizens has been persistent in societies where especially political citizenship remains a field fully open only for adults. This under-standing frames the recent research of children’s citizenship. The study data consists of 17 research articles that are examining children’s citizenship through empirical data. These articles were reviewed and analysed applying narrative analysis. The study data shows that children’s citizenship is constructed in social, political and historical contexts. Political and legislative structures are the basis of children’s social participation. In in-stitutionalised settings, children’s participation is enabled in participatory activities. These par-ticipatory settings facilitate children’s agency and advocacy but also demonstrate some re-strictions. The approaches of lived citizenship have opened new interpretations of the ways that children enact citizenship. The studied articles show that citizenship is a concept that illumi-nates the aspects of the relationship between children and adults and may generate some under-standing of ethical encounters. Examining the marginal positions of citizenship is helpful in discussing children’s place in society. Citizenship as a concept unfolds the different aspects of inclusion and exclusion in society.
  • Muttonen, Elli (2020)
    Purpose of the Review: Climate change is not a new thing. Global warming and climate change pose environmental problems and increasing risks for mental health of individuals as well as generally among people. Children and adolescents are at risk of a range of climate-related mental health stressors due to their limited adaptive capacity and still developing understanding of the climate change. They are exposed to the negative effects of climate change for their whole lifetime. In this study, I reviewed the latest research on the psychological effects of climate change on children and adolescents. This study included research that addressed children and adolescents' awareness of climate change, their emotions and anxiety towards climate change and future. Methods: Literature searches were made in PubMed with mixed words 1) climate change or global warming, 2) mental health, anxiety, eco-anxiety, distress or fear and 3) children, child or adolescent. Language was English. In addition, the bibliographies of the selected articles were manually browsed and some of the literature was selected from there. 19 articles covering the effects of climate change for children and adolescents were selected for this study. Findings and summary: Children and adolescent of all ages are aware of climate change. They are worried and afraid of climate change and the future all around the world. Awareness of climate change arose emotions and eco-anxiety. Children and adolescents will be the future decision-makers, so they need skills and the capacity to adapt to the climate change. More research is needed on mental health and adaptation effects of climate change for children, adolescents and adults.
  • Leppänen, Paula (2022)
    Lasten osallistumiselle yhteiskunnassa on vahva oikeutus, ja sitä kohtaan on osoitettu yhä laajempaa kiinnostusta. Kehitykseen on vaikuttanut Lapsen oikeuksien sopimuksen ratifiointi sekä nykyinen käsitys lapsesta kyvykkäänä osallistumaan. Tämä tutkimus tarkastelee lasten osallistumista fyysisen ympäristön suunnitteluun. Tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaisissa konteksteissa lasten osallistumista suunnitteluun on toteutettu ja miten sen toteuttamista on perusteltu. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, millaisia vaikutuksia lasten osallistumisella on ollut osallistuvien lasten, suunnittelun prosessin ja sen tulosten sekä laajemmin yhteisön kannalta. Tutkimuksen menetelmänä oli kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui tutkimusartikkeleista, joista kaksi oli kirjallisuuskatsauksia ja kolme käsitteli yksittäisiä tutkimuksia lasten osallistumisesta ympäristön suunnitteluun. Aineistossa oli mukana tutkimuksia eri puolilta maailmaa. Lasten osallistuminen oli tapahtunut erilaisissa konteksteissa, muun muassa päiväkodissa ja asuinalueella, ja sitä oli tutkimuksissa perusteltu lasten oikeuksien toteuttamisella sekä uusien taitojen oppimisella. Lapsilta saatava paikallinen tieto ja lasten suunnitteluun tuomat näkökulmat oli nähty tärkeinä lapsille sopivien kaupunkiympäristöjen toteuttamisessa. Osassa tutkimuksia pääpaino oli lasten osallistumisen menetelmien tutkimuksessa ja tiedonkeruussa Lasten osallistumisella ympäristön suunnitteluun tunnistettiin olevan vaikutuksia sekä osallistujiin itseensä että ympäristöön. Lapset olivat saaneet tietoa ympäristöstä ja suunnittelun käytännöistä sekä saavuttaneet osallisuuden ja voimaantumisen kokemuksia. Aikuiset osallistujat olivat saaneet lapsilta uutta tietoa ja näkökulmia ympäristön suunnitteluun; lasten osallistumisen nähtiin edistävän paremman kaupunkiympäristön toteuttamista. Lasten osallistuminen ympäristönsä suunnitteluun tukee kasvatuksen tavoitteita yhteiskunnallisen osallistumisen taitojen oppimisesta sekä osallisuuden ja toimijuuden vahvistamisesta. Tutkimuksissa välittyy näkemys lapsesta osaavana, aktiivisena toimijana.
  • Viilo, Tanja (2019)
    Pro gradu -tutkielmassa luodaan kriittinen ja lapsilähtöinen katsaus siihen, kuinka lasten ja nuorten osallisuus ilmenee pääkaupunkiseudun kuntien lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointisuunnitelmissa ja mitä se lasten ja nuorten kannalta merkitsee. Tarkoituksena on karttoittaa hyvinvointisuunnitelmien osallisuuden yhteneviä linjoja, lasten ja nuorten osallisuuden sisältöjä ja suunnitelmien tavoitteiden taustalla vaikuttavaa osallisuuden ihannetta. Tutkielman aineistona ovat pääkaupunkiseuden kuntien (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa ja Kauniainen) lasten ja nuorten hyvintointisuunnitelmat. Lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointisuunnitelmien laatiminen on kunnille lakisääteistä toimintaa. Hyvinvointisuunnitelmien tarkoituksena on ohjata ja kehittää kuntien lastensuojelun ja hyvinvointipalveluiden kokonaisuutta. Lasten ja nuorten osallisuuden varmistamiseen ja järjestämiseen velvoittavaa lainsäädäntöä on runsaasti. Tämän vuoksi osallisuuden voidaan olettaa olevan myös hyvinvointisuunnitelmia läpäisevä teema. Osallisuus on käyttöyhteyksissään positiivisesti arvolatautunut käsite. Tutkielmassa tarkoituksena on avata osallisuuskentän käsitteistöä ja tavoittaa osallisuuden saamia merkityssisältöjä. Aineistoa on lähestytty laadullisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin tematisoiden ja tyypitellen. Analyysissa on hyödynnetty kehyksenä hyvinvointisuunnitelmien rakennetta. Tyypittelyn kautta on tavoitettu kuntien keskeiset, yhtenevät linjaukset lasten ja nuorten osallisuuden suhteen ja suunnitelmien taustalla vaikuttava tavoitteellinen osallisuuden ihannetila. Osallisuutta lähestytään aikalaisilmiönä ja lasten ja nuorten vaikutusmahdollisuuksia arvioidaan tarkoitukseen laaditun osallisuusasteikon avulla. Lasten ja nuorten osallisuus ilmenee suunnitelmissa osallistumis- ja vaikuttamismahdollisuuksina työmarkkinakansalaisuuden, palveluiden asiakkuuden, kuntapoliittisen vaikuttamisen, yhteisöllisyyden ja yhdenvertaisten mahdollisuuksien turvaamisen yhteydessä. Osallisuuden ideaaliksi suunnitelmissa määrittyy ajan vakiintunutta ihannekansalaisuutta vastaava sosiaalinen, omillaan pärjäävä nuori, joka on kiinnittynyt yhteisöihin, kiinnostunut vaikuttamisesta ja hyvinvoinnista välitöntä elämänpiiriään laajemmin. Osallistumis- ja vaikuttamismahdollisuuksien realisaation kannalta kuntien aikuistoimijoilla on keskeinen rooli. Tutkielman lopuksi kootaan yhteen tutkielman teon aikana opittua ja esitetään periaatteita lasten ja nuorten osallisuustoiminnan jäsentämiseen.
  • Viilo, Tanja (2019)
    Pro gradu -tutkielmassa luodaan kriittinen ja lapsilähtöinen katsaus siihen, kuinka lasten ja nuorten osallisuus ilmenee pääkaupunkiseudun kuntien lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointisuunnitelmissa ja mitä se lasten ja nuorten kannalta merkitsee. Tarkoituksena on karttoittaa hyvinvointisuunnitelmien osallisuuden yhteneviä linjoja, lasten ja nuorten osallisuuden sisältöjä ja suunnitelmien tavoitteiden taustalla vaikuttavaa osallisuuden ihannetta. Tutkielman aineistona ovat pääkaupunkiseuden kuntien (Helsinki, Espoo, Vantaa ja Kauniainen) lasten ja nuorten hyvintointisuunnitelmat. Lasten ja nuorten hyvinvointisuunnitelmien laatiminen on kunnille lakisääteistä toimintaa. Hyvinvointisuunnitelmien tarkoituksena on ohjata ja kehittää kuntien lastensuojelun ja hyvinvointipalveluiden kokonaisuutta. Lasten ja nuorten osallisuuden varmistamiseen ja järjestämiseen velvoittavaa lainsäädäntöä on runsaasti. Tämän vuoksi osallisuuden voidaan olettaa olevan myös hyvinvointisuunnitelmia läpäisevä teema. Osallisuus on käyttöyhteyksissään positiivisesti arvolatautunut käsite. Tutkielmassa tarkoituksena on avata osallisuuskentän käsitteistöä ja tavoittaa osallisuuden saamia merkityssisältöjä. Aineistoa on lähestytty laadullisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin tematisoiden ja tyypitellen. Analyysissa on hyödynnetty kehyksenä hyvinvointisuunnitelmien rakennetta. Tyypittelyn kautta on tavoitettu kuntien keskeiset, yhtenevät linjaukset lasten ja nuorten osallisuuden suhteen ja suunnitelmien taustalla vaikuttava tavoitteellinen osallisuuden ihannetila. Osallisuutta lähestytään aikalaisilmiönä ja lasten ja nuorten vaikutusmahdollisuuksia arvioidaan tarkoitukseen laaditun osallisuusasteikon avulla. Lasten ja nuorten osallisuus ilmenee suunnitelmissa osallistumis- ja vaikuttamismahdollisuuksina työmarkkinakansalaisuuden, palveluiden asiakkuuden, kuntapoliittisen vaikuttamisen, yhteisöllisyyden ja yhdenvertaisten mahdollisuuksien turvaamisen yhteydessä. Osallisuuden ideaaliksi suunnitelmissa määrittyy ajan vakiintunutta ihannekansalaisuutta vastaava sosiaalinen, omillaan pärjäävä nuori, joka on kiinnittynyt yhteisöihin, kiinnostunut vaikuttamisesta ja hyvinvoinnista välitöntä elämänpiiriään laajemmin. Osallistumis- ja vaikuttamismahdollisuuksien realisaation kannalta kuntien aikuistoimijoilla on keskeinen rooli. Tutkielman lopuksi kootaan yhteen tutkielman teon aikana opittua ja esitetään periaatteita lasten ja nuorten osallisuustoiminnan jäsentämiseen.
  • Timonen, Viivi (2020)
    Valtaosa suomalaisista käyttää älylaitteita joka päivä ja kerryttää ruutuaikaa useita tunteja päivässä. Ilmiönä tämä on uusi ja koskettaa koko maailmaa. Varsinkin nykyajan lapset ja nuoret ovat eläneet pelkästään ruutuajan ja älylaitteiden valloittamassa maailmassa. Siksi onkin tärkeää tutkia millaisia vaikutuksia ruutuajalla ja sen sisällöllä voi olla terveyteen. Ilmiö on koko ajan kehittyvä, joka myös lisää tarvetta tutkimukselle. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on käsitellä ruutuajan mahdollisia vaikutuksia lasten ja nuorten terveyteen. Lisäksi tarkoituksena on tarkastella ruutuajan sisältöä osana terveyteen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena helmi-toukokuussa 2020. Kirjalli-suuskatsauksen materiaali on kerätty Helsingin yliopiston kirjastosta, Helsingin kaupungin kirjastosta sekä verkkomateriaalina Finna-, Google- ja Google Scholar -hakukoneista. Kirjalli-suuskatsauksessa käytetty materiaali valikoitui hakusanojen ehdottaman materiaalin perus-teella. Hakusanoina työssä käytettiin ruutuaika, terveys, älylaitesovellukset sekä lapset, nuo-ret ja media. Ehdotetuista materiaaleista rajattiin tieto koskemaan kouluikäisiä lapsia, ruutu-aikaa, älylaitteita ja terveyttä. Tämän vuoksi osa kirjastojen materiaalista jouduttiin sulke-maan pois lopullisesta aineistosta. Tilalle ei saatu materiaalia kirjastojen sulkemisen vuoksi, joten materiaali jouduttiin etsimään pääosin verkosta. Kirjallisuuskatsaukseen pohjautuvana tuloksena todettiin, sekä ruutuajan, että lasten ja nuor-ten ruutuajan määrittelevän sisällön vaikuttavan jokaisella terveyden osa-alueella. Vaikutuk-sista löytyi sekä terveyttä tukevia, että terveydelle haitallisia tekijöitä. Ruutuajan passiivisuu-desta löydettiin yhteys fyysisiin ongelmiin, kuten liikkumattomuudesta johtuvaan ylipainoon ja lihaskipuihin. Älylaitesovelluksista huomattiin sisällön vaikuttavan etenkin sosiaaliseen ter-veyteen. Sisällöillä oli myös vaikutusta siihen, kulutettiinko ruutuaikaa passiivisesti vai aktiivi-sesti. Tuloksista ilmeni ruutuajan haittavaikutuksien syntyvän, silloin kun se vie liikaa aikaa päivästä. Haittavaikutuksia esiintyi etenkin silloin, kun ruutuajan vuoksi muut terveyssuosi-tukset eivät toteutuneet.
  • Ripatti, Tinka (2016)
    Objectives.This study is part of a research project, Taikava. The purpose of the study is to examine how the pedagogy of teaching art can support the collaboration and inclusion of children between the ages of 3–5 years. The aim was to find out how the children are taken into account as individuals. It was also examined how the children's interaction can be supported. In addition, the aim was to find out the interaction situations in which the pedagogy of teaching art is used in kindergarten. It was also studied what kind of changes about the collaboration of the children appeared when the pedagogy of art was used in kindergarten. Methods. This study was conducted as a qualitative research. The material was collected by observing and interviewing. The observation happened in day-care centres in Vantaa. The aim was to observe the interaction between children and adults. In addition, four kindergarten teachers and four art pedagogues were interviewed to this study. The material was analyzed by using material-based analysis. Results and conclusions. The participants felt that children’s needs and their co-operation can be supported by using the pedagogy of teaching art. They felt that the presence of an adult, a child-oriented perspective and a positive and supportive atmosphere was important when try to increase children's collaboration. They also valued the fact that adults increase children’s participation and encourage them to work together. Art education was carried out as a planned or spontaneous activity in small-group sessions and the everyday interaction in other situations. The first year of Taikava brought some positive changes when it comes to children’s collaboration and inclusion. Children's social skills, team spirit and the sense of belonging among others increased. Also the inclusion between children developed. Children made new friends. In addition, the bullying was decreased. It was felt that art became part of the everyday life.
  • Holopainen, Marianne (2017)
    Objectives: Mindfulness-based interventions hve shown positive effects on adult’s mental health and well-being. In recent times, interest in application of mindfulness-based interventions with adults has increased and spread to developing and studying mindfulness-based approaches with children and youth. However, the research is in its infancy. Objectives of this bachelor degree was to go though mindfulness-based interventions of children and adolescents and review preliminary research base of approaches’ effects on mental health of children and youth, as well as generally well-being of schoolchildren. Methods: The study was an overview of the current research literature. Materials and published articles were collected by the searches of the following electronic data bases: Google Scholar and PubMed. The literature review was examined mindfulness-based interventions of children and youth. Specifically, the concentration was on two methods: Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for children (MBCT-C) and Mindfulness-based stress reduction for teens (MBSR-T). These methods are adaptions for children and youth based on two most popular mindfulness-based interventions of adults. In addition, effects of interventions were reviewed. Results were divided in two: elementary school aged children and high school aged adolescents. Main focuses were on mental health and well-being of school-aged children and adolescents both in clinical and non-clinical school settings. Results and Discussion: Current research results show that mindfulness-based interventions are feasibility and acceptability among children and adolescents. Interventions were well-tolerated by the participants and studies did not report adverse effects. Results were also in line with similar results of adult’s population. Tentatively, research findings showed beneficial effects of mindfulness in different age groups and in clinical and school settings. However, the research field is still in its infancy and many studies had a lot of methodological weaknesses. As a results of empirical evidence, the final general conclusion cannot be made of interventions’ efficacy and effects.