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Browsing by Subject "Pula-ajat"

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  • Vesamäki, Anna (2015)
    My research focuses on the clothing of the 1940s depression. Because of war, there was a shortage of everything in Finland. Textiles were recycled, renewed and modified imagina-tively. In addition, full self-sufficiency in the production of textiles rose as one way of surviv-al. Various organisations offered guidance and advice on textile making. One of these was Kotitalouskeskus, which was the central organisation for several unions who focused on do-mestic consultation. It was founded in 1941 to combat the material shortage caused by the war. Kotitalouskeskus had stored a variety of the depression time textiles, which were used for teaching and course activities. These textiles were donated to University of Helsinki in the spring of 2014. By studying these sample clothes I aimed to get a general idea of what kind of garments and which materials Kotitalouskeskus advised citizens to produce during the depression time. Depression time textiles had been researched before, but the data had been collected from literary sources and interviews. My study was an object study in historical field. From the 83 donated items I outlined 13 woven adult clothings as my research material. In addition to the clothes, my research data included the booklet Nykyhetken kankaita, published by Kotitalouskeskus, and the annual reports of the organisation published in 1941−1951. Clothes turned out to form an interesting whole. Research material included two skirts, two dresses, one set of overalls, two shirts, five trousers and one jacket. I investigated the clothes using my own modification of the method described by Jules Prown (1982). I began with descrip-tion and specification of materials and production techniques. Next I researched the literary data for references of the clothes. On the basis of this information, I analysed, how depres-sion was reflected in the clothes chosen for my study. I found out that clothes were made of materials that were on hand. The garment models were in line with fashion of the time. Yarn was homespun, some of it plant dyed and fabric was home-woven. Materials were rough and sometimes of poor quality. Almost every gar-ment was made of sheep's wool and linen. In three of the garments additional substitute ma-terials were used. In two pieces there was cattle hair and one contained rayon. Various ex-tension pieces had been used, in order to get enough fabric for the garment. Quality of work, however, was accurate, sustainable and careful. While the clothes are for demonstration, they are made elaborately. Kotitalouskeskus’s aim was to raise self-sufficiency and teach women to cope with a shortage of clothing, while not forgetting the meticulous and tidy dressing.