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Browsing by Subject "Ultrasound"

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  • Lampsijärvi, Eetu (2020)
    The feasibility of quantitatively measuring ultrasound in air with a Schlieren arrangement has been demonstrated before, but previous work demonstrating calibration of the system combined with computation to yield the 3D pressure field does not exist. The present work demonstrates the feasibility of this both in theory and practice, and characterizes the setup used to gain the results. Elementary ray optical and Schlieren theory is exhibited to support the claims. Derivation of ray optical equations related to quantitative Schlieren measurements are shown step by step to help understand the basics. A numerical example based on the theoretical results is then displayed: Synthetic Schlieren images are computed for a theoretical ultrasonic field using direct numerical integration, then the ultrasonic field is recovered from the Synthetic Schlieren images using the inverse Abel transform. Accuracy of the inverse transform is evaluated in presence of synthetic noise. The Schlieren arrangement, including the optics, optomechanics, and electronics, to produce the results is explained along with the stroboscopic use of the light source to freeze ultrasound in the photographs. Postprocessing methods such as background subtraction and median and Gaussian filtering are used. The repeatability and uncertainty of the calibration is examined by performing repeated calibration while translating or rotating the calibration targets. The ultrasound fields emitted by three transducers (100 kHz, 175 kHz, and 300 kHz) when driven by 5 cycle sine bursts at 400 Vpp are measured at two different points in time. The measured 3D pressure fields measured for each transducer are shown along with a line profile near the acoustic axis. Pressure amplitudes range near 1 kPa, which is near the acoustic pressure, are seen. Nonlinearity is seen in the waveforms as expected for such high pressures. Noise estimates from the numerical example suggest that the pressure amplitudes have an uncertainty of 10% due to noise in the photographs. Calibration experiments suggest that additional uncertainty of about 2% per degree of freedom (Z, X, rotation) is to be expected unless especial care is taken. The worst-case uncertainty is estimated to be 18%. Limitations and advantages of the method are discussed. As Schlieren is a non-contacting method it is advantageous over microphone measurements, which may affect the field they are measuring. As every photograph measures the whole field, no scanning of the measurement device is required, such as with a microphone or with an LDV. Suggestions to improve the measurement setup are provided.
  • Peterzéns, Kasper (2023)
    Power ultrasound increases production efficiency in the industry, and therefore reduces emissions. This advantage arises from the ability of ultrasound to mitigate fouling. Ultrasound solution requires clamping the transducers onto the external wall of the production equipment, typically made of steel. A challenge then arises, since mechanical loading by the wall hampers the natural resonating of the ultrasonic transducer and therefore reduces power transmission. To overcome this limitation, airgap contact coupling (ACC) is proposed. ACC features an airgap to reduce the mechanical loading and two protruding elements for mechanical contacting and sound delivery. Finite-element method (FEM) simulations are employed to evaluate the physical mechanisms behind ACC. For the comparison, direct traditional contact coupling (TCC) is evaluated. To assess the acoustic power delivery by ACC and TCC, calorimetric measurements were used. A water-filled stainless-steel pipe with a 2 mm thick wall and 136 mm outer diameter was sonicated. To prevent heat transmission to ambient air, it was covered by isolating foam. ACC and TCC were sonicated at their coupled resonance frequencies, respectively at 19.2 kHz and 28.1 kHz. A power delivery ratio was determined by the calorimetric power against the sonication power. ACC resulted in a power delivery ratio of 27.4±6.3 % whereas that for TCC was 6.1±0.6 %. ACC was thereby shown to transmit 6 dB more acoustic power than TCC. In conclusion, a novel contact coupling method is proposed for industrial metal-walled equipment. The proposed new approach enhances the utility of power ultrasound for online cleaning and prevention.
  • Tirri, Tomi (2017)
    Kuvantamista hyödyntävässä toimenpiteessä eli toimenpideradiologiassa on kliininen tarve määrittää potilaan tukos- tai vuototaipumusta. Ultraäänitoimenpiteissä vuotoriskiä ennakoidaan protrombiiniajan (PT) ja siitä johdetun International Ration (INR) avulla. Sydänpotilailla tukosriskiä pienennetään toimenpiteen aikana annostelemalla suonen- sisäisesti hepariinia, jolloin aktivoidulla hyytymisajalla (ACT) voidaan seurata hepariinin vaikutusta. Kannettavalla vierilaitteella voidaan verianalyysit suorittaa toimenpide- huoneessa,jolloin tulosviive pienenee. Tutkielmassa verifioitiin HUS-Kuvantamisen radiologian hankkima ITC Hemochron® Signature Elite-vierilaitteen kokoverianalyysit PT, INR ja aktivoitu partielli tromboplastiiniaika (APTT) vertaamalla laitteen antamia tuloksia laboratorion veriplasmaa käyttäviin analyysituloksiin. Laitteen aktivoidun hyytymisajan (ACT LR ja ACT+) tuloksia verrattiin laboratorion antifaktori X-aktiivisuuteen (anti-FXa). Tavoitteena oli selvittää potilasaineiston avulla soveltuuko ITC Hemochron® Signature Elite-vierilaite kliiniseen käyttöön toimenpideradiologiassa. Ultraäänitoimenpiteissä potilaita oli yhteensä 20 ja sydänpotilaita oli 15. Potilaita ei valikoitu vaan kaikki näyt- teiden keräyspäivinä tammikuussa ja huhtikuussa 2015 HUS-Kuvantaminen radiolo- giassa ulträäni- tai sydäntoimenpiteissä olleet potilaat otettiin mukaan. PT-mittauksissa ero laboratorion menetelmän ja Hemochron® Signature Elite PT:n välillä oli -5,5 sekuntia (-26,3 prosenttia) ja keskinäinen riippuvuus eli korrelaatio vähäinen (R=0,02). INR- mittauksissa ero oli 0,15 (15 prosenttia) ja korrelaatio vähäinen (R=0,1). APTT-mittauk- sissa ero oli 8,4 sekuntia (33,9 prosenttia) ja korrelaatio alhainen (R=0,33). ACT LR:lle ja ACT+:lle ei määritelty eroa, koska mittausasteikko eroaa laboratorion antiFXa:n kanssa. ACT LR:lle saatii korrelaatio oli 0,49 ja ja ACT+:lle 0,35.
  • Malinen, Henri (2021)
    Dendrite prevention can be achieved by manipulating the local chemical concentration gradient by ultrasound. An ultrasonic field, which generates acoustic streaming, can manipulate the ionic flux at the electrode surface by altering the local ion concentration gradient at said surface according to the streaming pattern. The pattern is determined by the ultrasonic field and the geometry of the sonication volume. The preventive action can be directed to an arbitrary point on the surface, or be swept across it to achieve a smoother electroplating. Dendritic growth is concentrated to areas of higher concentration gradient. This is because at the electrode surface both the electric and convective fluxes tend to zero. If the reduction of ions into their metallic form is fast enough, the metal layer growth rate is determined by the diffusive flux, which is determined by the ion concentration gradient and the diffusion constant of the ion in the electrolyte. In this study, tin was used as the transported ion instead of lithium for safety reasons. A custom-made battery mockup cell was constructed for the experiments. The anode was imaged with a usb microscope camera to determine the growth of the dendrites during the process. The electroplating current and piezo driving power were varied between 100 mA to 275 mA and 0 to 6.6 W, respectively. With piezo driving electrical power less than 10 W, it was possible to lower the maximum lengths of dendrites. Finite element method simulations were conducted to validate the hypothesis and experimental results. This ultrasonic method could be used to allow rechargeable, lightweight, high capacity lithium metal batteries. The piezos could be integrated into battery chargers.
  • Mäkelä, Mikko (2020)
    Ultrasonic transducers convert electric energy into mechanical energy at ultrasonic frequencies. High-power ultrasound is widely used in the industry and in laboratories e.g. in cleaning, sonochemistry and welding solutions. To be effective in these cases, a piezoelectric transducer must deliver maximal power to the medium. Most of these systems rely on having the power delivery maximized during long driving sequences where stable performance is critical. Power ultrasonic transducers are typically narrowband, featuring high Q-value, that are finely tuned to a specific resonance frequency. The resonance frequency can vary during driving due to temperature, mechanical loading and nonlinear effects. When the transducers resonance frequency changes, drastic changes in its impedance (resonance to anti-resonance) can lead quickly to damage or failure of the driving electronics or the transducers themselves. In this work we developed a multi-channel high-power ultrasonic system with a software-based resonance frequency tracking and driving frequency control. The implementation features a feedback loop to maximize power delivery during long driving sequences in an ultrasonic cleaning vessel. The achieved total real power increased from 6.5 kW to almost 10 kW in peak with our feedback loop. The feedback loop also protected the electronics and transducers from breaking due to heating and varying impedance.