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  • Kaskelin, Sara (2021)
    Tavoitteet. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa afasian on havaittu vaikeuttavan työhönpaluun mahdol-lisuuksia huomattavasti verrattuna muihin aivoinfarktipotilaisiin. Varsinkin nuorelle infarktikun-toutujalla työ ja urakehitys ovat usein tärkeitä, mutta työhönpaluun esteenä on usein monen-laisia tekijöitä. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tavoitteena oli tarkastella niitä haasteita, joita afaattiset henkilöt kohtaavat palatessaan takaisin työelämään sairastumisensa jälkeen. Li-säksi tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää, miten työhönpaluuta voidaan edistää puhetera-peuttisen kuntoutuksen keinoin. Menetelmät. Kandidaatintutkielmassa käytettiin menetelmänä integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsaus-ta. Lopullinen aineistohaku suoritettiin helmikuussa 2021 kahdesta tietokannasta, jotka olivat Scopus ja Ovid Medline. Hakusanana käytettiin termejä aphasi* (afasia), ”return-to-work” (työhönpaluu), employment (työllisyys), vocational (ammatillinen), career (ura), speech-therap*/speech-and-language-therap* (puheterapia) ja rehabilitat* (kuntoutus). Aineisto rajat-tiin poissulkukriteerejä käyttämällä. Lopulliseen tutkimusaineistoon valikoitui lopulta 6 tutki-musartikkelia, jotka analysoitiin laadullisesti. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tulosten perusteella afaattiset henkilöt kohtaavat työhönpaluussaan hyvin monimuotoisia haasteita, jotka pystyttiin jakamaan yksi-löllisiin piirteisiin, työn luonteeseen, sosiaalisiin suhteisiin ja työympäristöön liittyviin tekijöihin. Tyypillisimpiä haasteita aiheuttivat teknisten laitteiden käyttö, kommunikaatiotilanteiden vaih-televuus sekä ryhmätilanteet. Tulosten perusteella yksilöllisesti kohdistetulla puheterapialla voidaan mahdollisesti edistää afaattisen henkilön työhönpaluuta, mutta tutkimustieto aiheesta on hyvin niukkaa. Erityisesti lukemisen ja kirjoittamisen taitojen kuntoutus on tämän katsauk-sen perusteella tarpeen afaattiselle henkilölle, jolla on tavoitteenaan paluu työelämään.
  • Pohjansuo, Jaana (2020)
    Aims of the study. Aphasia is a linguistic-cognitive disorder that occurs after language learning and affects the processing of linguistic knowledge. Measuring the health-related quality of life of people with aphasia is part of evaluating the effectiveness of health care interventions. However, some patients are unable to respond to quality of life surveys on their own due to cognitive or communication disorders. There is a need for proxies to answer for them. Proxies may also respond on behalf of the most severely aphasic patients who would otherwise be excluded from quality of life studies altogether. Often, proxies rate the quality of life of people with aphasia lower than the people themselves. The aim of this study was to investigate whether proxies can reliably answer a quality of life survey on behalf of a person with aphasia. Methods. 12 people with aphasia responded to the Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale - 39 (SAQOL-39) and named a proxy, 11 of whom responded on behalf of the person with aphasia to the same survey. Their responses were compared using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. In addition, the Spearman rank correlation coefficient test was used to examine whether the communication domain of SAQOL-39 correlates with the overall mean and other domains. Results and conclusions. Assessments of the quality of life of people with aphasia by people with aphasia themselves and their proxies did not differ statistically. No correlation was found between the domain of communication and other domains in the results of people with aphasia. Instead, a correlation was found between all domains in the estimates of proxies. The most significant correlation was found between the communication domain and the psychosocial domain and the overall mean. According to this study, proxies can reliably answer a quality of life survey on behalf of a person with aphasia. However, the data were very small, so the result cannot be generalized. Clinically, a speech language pathologist should ask a proxy to answer a quality of life questionnaire if the person with aphasia is unable to do so on their own. In this way, the effectiveness of speech therapy rehabilitation can be measured.
  • Pohjansuo, Jaana (2020)
    Aims of the study. Aphasia is a linguistic-cognitive disorder that occurs after language learning and affects the processing of linguistic knowledge. Measuring the health-related quality of life of people with aphasia is part of evaluating the effectiveness of health care interventions. However, some patients are unable to respond to quality of life surveys on their own due to cognitive or communication disorders. There is a need for proxies to answer for them. Proxies may also respond on behalf of the most severely aphasic patients who would otherwise be excluded from quality of life studies altogether. Often, proxies rate the quality of life of people with aphasia lower than the people themselves. The aim of this study was to investigate whether proxies can reliably answer a quality of life survey on behalf of a person with aphasia. Methods. 12 people with aphasia responded to the Stroke and Aphasia Quality of Life Scale - 39 (SAQOL-39) and named a proxy, 11 of whom responded on behalf of the person with aphasia to the same survey. Their responses were compared using the Wilcoxon signed rank test. In addition, the Spearman rank correlation coefficient test was used to examine whether the communication domain of SAQOL-39 correlates with the overall mean and other domains. Results and conclusions. Assessments of the quality of life of people with aphasia by people with aphasia themselves and their proxies did not differ statistically. No correlation was found between the domain of communication and other domains in the results of people with aphasia. Instead, a correlation was found between all domains in the estimates of proxies. The most significant correlation was found between the communication domain and the psychosocial domain and the overall mean. According to this study, proxies can reliably answer a quality of life survey on behalf of a person with aphasia. However, the data were very small, so the result cannot be generalized. Clinically, a speech language pathologist should ask a proxy to answer a quality of life questionnaire if the person with aphasia is unable to do so on their own. In this way, the effectiveness of speech therapy rehabilitation can be measured.
  • Firon, Csilla (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tarkastella uudenlaisen afasian kuntoutukseen suunnatun kuorolauluintervention subjektiivisesti koettua hyötyä. Interventio oli osa Helsingin yliopiston Kognitiivisen aivotutkimuksen yksikön Laulun sanoin -hanketta ja se koostui kuorolaulusta, ryhmämuotoisesta MIT (melodinen intonaatioterapia) -kuntoutuksesta sekä laulun harjoittelusta tablettitietokoneella. Interventioon osallistui afasiaa sairastavia henkilöitä sekä heidän läheisiään. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on havaittu, että musiikilla ja laululla voi olla kuntoutuksellisia vaikutuksia muun muassa kielellisiin toimintoihin. Afasian kuntoutuksessa on eniten tutkittu MIT-menetelmää, mutta myös uusia musiikkia sisältäviä kuntoutusmuotoja kehitetään aktiivisesti. Subjektiivisesti koettua kuntoutuksesta saatua hyötyä ei ole afasian osalta erityisesti tutkittu, vaikka oman kokemuksen tiedetään vaikuttavan kuntoutuk- sen lopputulokseen. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan, minkälainen subjektiivinen arvio afaattisilla henkilöillä ja heidän läheisillään oli interventiosta. Lisäksi tarkastellaan, oliko afasian vaikeusasteella, harjoittelumäärällä tai demografisilla tai kliinisillä taustatiedoilla yhteyttä koettuun hyötyyn sekä erosivatko afaattisten henkilöiden ja läheisten kokemukset toisistaan. Menetelmät. Aineiston muodosti osallistujien intervention jälkeen täyttämät kyselylomakkeet subjektiivisista kokemuksista, interventiojakson aikana toteutuneet harjoittelumäärät sekä osallistujien demografiset ja kliiniset taustatiedot. Kyselylomakkeeseen vastasi 23 afaattista henkilöä sekä 11 läheistä. Aineistoa analysoitiin tilastollisesti Friedmanin testillä, Mann–Whitney U-testillä, Spearmanin järjestyskorrelaatioanalyysilla, Wilcoxonin merkittyjen sijalukujen testillä sekä yhden otoksen t-testillä. Avointen kysymysten vastauksia analysoitiin tyypittelemällä vastauksia teemoittain ja laskemalla esiintymisfrekvenssejä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Afaattiset henkilöt kokivat intervention hyödylliseksi ja myös läheiset kokivat, että interventio oli afaattisille henkilöille hyödyllinen. Afaattisten henkilöiden ja läheisten kokemukset intervention hyödyllisyydestä eivät eronneet toisistaan, eikä harjoittelumäärän, kliinisten tai musiikillisten taustatietojen ja koetun hyödyn välillä havaittu tilastollisesti merkitsevää yhteyttä. Erityisesti mielialan kohoaminen, uusiin ihmisiin tutustuminen ja vertaistuen saaminen nousivat esiin kvalitatiivisissa vastauksissa. Näiden tulosten perusteella voidaan ehdottaa, että ryhmämuotoinen kuoro- laulukuntoutus, jossa on MIT:n elementtejä, vaikuttaa positiivisesti afaattisten henkilöiden mielialaan, sekä heidän itse arvioimana että läheisten arvioimana. Interventiosta voi jatkotutkimuksen avulla ke-hittää afasian ryhmämuotoisen laulukuntoutusmuodon.
  • Peltomaa, Heidi (2022)
    Aim. This thesis investigates other-initiation of repair (OIR) made by people with aphasia (PWA). OIR means the practices used in conversation for requesting a clarification on something in the other speaker ́s turn. Aphasic conversation and repair has been studied a lot. However, there is hardly any studies about the OIR of PWA. Method. The data has been collected and the transcriptions made in a research project Managing the problems of speaking and understanding in conversations of speakers with aphasia. The data of this thesis consists of nine conversations between a PWA and one or two familiar partner(s). The OIR sequences initiated by PWA were collected, and then grouped and analyzed. Results & Conclusions. PWA did produce OIRs but for some reason there was great variation between the participants. The repair sequences were short and the problems were solved effectively. Repeat-formatted OIRs were the most frequent type of OIR and targeting question words the most rare. The problems that the OIRs were targeting were often problems of understanding or hearing of speech. There were a lot of similarities between OIRs produced by PWAs and OIRs of typical Finnish conversation. The results help to establish a better picture of the OIR by PWA and are in line with the prevoius hypothesis about the phenomenon.
  • Peltomaa, Heidi (2022)
    Aim. This thesis investigates other-initiation of repair (OIR) made by people with aphasia (PWA). OIR means the practices used in conversation for requesting a clarification on something in the other speaker ́s turn. Aphasic conversation and repair has been studied a lot. However, there is hardly any studies about the OIR of PWA. Method. The data has been collected and the transcriptions made in a research project Managing the problems of speaking and understanding in conversations of speakers with aphasia. The data of this thesis consists of nine conversations between a PWA and one or two familiar partner(s). The OIR sequences initiated by PWA were collected, and then grouped and analyzed. Results & Conclusions. PWA did produce OIRs but for some reason there was great variation between the participants. The repair sequences were short and the problems were solved effectively. Repeat-formatted OIRs were the most frequent type of OIR and targeting question words the most rare. The problems that the OIRs were targeting were often problems of understanding or hearing of speech. There were a lot of similarities between OIRs produced by PWAs and OIRs of typical Finnish conversation. The results help to establish a better picture of the OIR by PWA and are in line with the prevoius hypothesis about the phenomenon.
  • Suni, Mari (2016)
    Background and aims: Aphasia is commonly associated with deficits in all linguistic modalities.In mild, chronic aphasia syndromes difficulties in reading can interfere with tasks of everyday life. The rehabilitation of reading difficulties caused by a general linguistic deficit is closely related to the rehabilitation of spoken language, especially in the early stages. Partly due to the limited resources granted to speech therapy, rehabilitation seldom proceeds to reading in its own right. Research has shown that rehabilitation of reading as such can however be beneficial to more general linguistic abilities. In this study, the quality and responsiveness to treatment of a sublexical reading deficit related to mild, chronic conduction aphasia were examined. The aim was to investigate, whether a sublexical therapy method and in particular text-level reading practice were effective in enhancing the fluency of reading or more general linguistic abilities. Methods: A 37-year-old man with mild, chronic conduction aphasia and resulting phonological alexia participated in the study. The intervention consisted of 17 training sessions (total of40 hours) of speech therapy, during which independent practice of repetitive reading that lasted for 11 weeks was started. Therapy consisted of phonological and word-level repetition and naming tasks combining the auditive and written modalities. Data consisted of linguistic tasks collected before, during and after the practice period. The effects of the intervention were evaluated by examining oral reading speed and accuracy of connected text and nonwords. More general phonological and linguistic abilities were examined through auditive repetition and auditive memory tasks. Results and discussion: The reading deficit reflected a more general linguistic difficulty that seemed to originate in auditive processing. Difficulties in reading seemed to arise from weakened phonological activation of word forms. No clinically significant changes were observed after the rehabilitation period. Still, positive changes were noted that imply the rehabilitation can be efficient when carried out through a longer period. Reading speed increased in nonword reading task, but speed of reading connected text increased steadily through the whole study period. A positive change in oral reading speed was observed in first readings of practice texts that might imply a more consistent enhancement during a longer training interval. No rehabilitative effect was apparent in auditive repetition or auditive memory, even though individual tasks improved. The results of this case study imply that repetitive reading ought to be further investigated as a reading rehabilitation method for persons with mild phonological reading deficits. Considering more general phonological rehabilitation, systematic methods could enhance the effectiveness of practice.
  • Jussila, Anu (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Aiemman tutkimuksen mukaan afasiasta kuntoutuminen painottuu sairastumista seuraavaan puolen vuoden jaksoon ja kuntoutumista ennustavat parhaiten aivoverenkiertohäiriöön liittyvät tekijät. Demografiset tekijät puolestaan eivät vaikuta toipumiseen merkittävästi. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli kuvailla ja vetää yhteen afasian ajallista kuntoutumista ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä viimeaikaisen tutkimuksen perusteella. Menetelmät. Tutkimusmenetelmänä oli integroiva kirjallisuuskatsaus. Keräsin tutkimusaineistoa kahdesta digitaalisesta tietokannasta, PubMedista ja Scopuksesta, ja täydensin hakua manuaalisella poiminnalla. Hakulausekkeessa käytin termejä aphasia, rehabilitation, language, year after stroke ja year poststroke. Lopulliseen tutkimusaineistooni valikoitui seitsemän artikkelia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkielmani tulokset osoittivat, että afasiasta kuntoutumisessa on ensimmäisen vuoden kuluessa runsaasti vaihtelua jopa niillä ihmisillä, jotka kärsivät vaikeista oireista. Osa vaihtelusta lienee aiheutunut tutkimusaineiston erilaisista arviointiajankohdista ja tutkittavista. Tulokset olivat kuitenkin melko yhdenmukaiset vallitsevan käsityksen kanssa, jonka mukaan kuntoutuminen painottuu sairastumista seuraavaan puolen vuoden jaksoon ja noin 40 prosenttia toipuu täysin. Parhaiten afasiasta kuntoutumista ennustivat tämänkin aineiston perusteella aivoverenkiertohäiriöön ja afasiaan liittyvät tekijät. Demografiset tekijät eivät vaikuttaneet merkittävästi toipumiseen. Puheterapian määrän ja intensiteetin sekä psykososiaalisten tekijöiden vaikutuksesta kuntoutumiseen tarvitaan lisää tutkimusta.
  • Jussila, Anu (2020)
    Background. Aphasia is a linguistic disorder that occurs after language acquisition and is most commonly caused by stroke. Research on novel word acquisition can contribute to the development of aphasia rehabilitation because it helps understand the relearning of words lost due to aphasia. Novel word acquisition has been researched mainly in chronic aphasia, in which learning is possible but shows large individual variation. There is initial evidence that novel word learning is also possible in non-chronic aphasia. Aims. The objective of this thesis is to study recovery and novel word learning in the subacute and chronic stages of aphasia. The thesis will also look into possible connections between learning in subacute aphasia and learning in chronic aphasia. These connections have not been previously explored. Methods. The multiple case study included four aphasic participants who were examined 0–3 months after stroke and again 12 months after stroke. The examination consisted of cognitive-linguistic background tests, questionnaires and a computer-based novel word learning task. In the latter, the participant was tasked with learning the associations between given pseudo-words and images through feedback and repetition. Research data was analyzed case by case. Results and conclusions. Recovery and novel word learning in subacute and chronic aphasia varied among the participants. In both stages, some participants learned new vocabulary and were able to transfer it into their long-term memory. The changes in novel word learning from subacute to chronic aphasia also varied among the subjects. These changes were not systematically connected with the severity of the participants’ aphasia, their baseline learning ability or an alleviation of cognitive-linguistic symptoms. Learning ability in subacute aphasia does therefore not always appear to predict learning ability in chronic aphasia, but novel word learning is possible in both subacute and chronic aphasia. Aphasia recovery shows considerable individual variation.
  • Jussila, Anu (2020)
    Background. Aphasia is a linguistic disorder that occurs after language acquisition and is most commonly caused by stroke. Research on novel word acquisition can contribute to the development of aphasia rehabilitation because it helps understand the relearning of words lost due to aphasia. Novel word acquisition has been researched mainly in chronic aphasia, in which learning is possible but shows large individual variation. There is initial evidence that novel word learning is also possible in non-chronic aphasia. Aims. The objective of this thesis is to study recovery and novel word learning in the subacute and chronic stages of aphasia. The thesis will also look into possible connections between learning in subacute aphasia and learning in chronic aphasia. These connections have not been previously explored. Methods. The multiple case study included four aphasic participants who were examined 0–3 months after stroke and again 12 months after stroke. The examination consisted of cognitive-linguistic background tests, questionnaires and a computer-based novel word learning task. In the latter, the participant was tasked with learning the associations between given pseudo-words and images through feedback and repetition. Research data was analyzed case by case. Results and conclusions. Recovery and novel word learning in subacute and chronic aphasia varied among the participants. In both stages, some participants learned new vocabulary and were able to transfer it into their long-term memory. The changes in novel word learning from subacute to chronic aphasia also varied among the subjects. These changes were not systematically connected with the severity of the participants’ aphasia, their baseline learning ability or an alleviation of cognitive-linguistic symptoms. Learning ability in subacute aphasia does therefore not always appear to predict learning ability in chronic aphasia, but novel word learning is possible in both subacute and chronic aphasia. Aphasia recovery shows considerable individual variation.
  • Valkama, Hannele (2022)
    Aphasia is a language disorder caused by damage to the brain. People with aphasia can have difficulty in speech comprehension and production as well as reading and writing. There is considerable diversity in the patterns of speech and language impairment among patients with aphasia. Recovery from aphasia is highly variable, but there are three distinguishable phases: the acute, subacute, and chronic phase. Stud-ies have shown that some people with aphasia can learn novel words. Studying novel word learning in people with aphasia helps understand the role of new learning in recovery from aphasia. Previous studies from the chronic phase of aphasia suggest that semantic processing skills and novel word learning are linked. There is some evidence that aphasia severity and short-term verbal memory affect novel word learning ability. The objective of this study is to compare the speech and language skills and the novel word learning ability of people in the early stages of aphasia. The speech and language impairment pattern of the study participants was evaluated with the WAB (Western Aphasia Battery). The subtests Spontaneous speech, Auditory verbal comprehension, Naming and Word finding, Repetition, Reading and Writing were used as the measures for different language abil-ities. Novel word finding was evaluated with a computer-aided novel word learning task. The word learn-ing task included a practice session and two tests. The results from the tests were used as the measure for novel word learning ability. Receptive novel word learning was correlated with comprehension skills. This result strengthens the view that intact semantic processing is important in receptive novel word learning. Writing skills were also cor-related with receptive novel word learning, but reading skills were not. Repetition, naming, and spontane-ous speech were not correlated with receptive novel word learning.
  • Martinsuo, Maija (2018)
    Afasialla tarkoitetaan kielen oppimisiän jälkeen syntynyttä kielellistä häiriötä. Se johtuu aivoihin kohdistuvasta vauriosta, useimmin aivoverenkiertohäiriöstä. Afasia ilmenee eri ihmisillä eri tavoin, mutta se vaikeuttaa henkilön mahdollisuuksia tuottaa, ymmärtää ja käyttää kieltä. Anomia eli nimeämisen vaikeus on afasian yleisin ja pitkäikäisin oire, jota esiintyy käytännössä kaikilla afasian saaneilla henkilöillä. Anomiaa ja sen kuntoutusta on tutkittu paljon, mutta tieto siitä, mitkä tekijät ennustavat kuntoutuksesta hyötymistä, on vielä vähäistä. Hyötymisellä voidaan tarkoittaa paitsi terapiassa harjoiteltujen käsitteiden parempaa nimeämistä terapian jälkeen, myös sitä, miten hyödyt yleistyvät sellaisiin käsitteisiin, joita ei ole terapiassa harjoiteltu. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli löytää mitä tahansa sellaisia tekijöitä, joiden perusteella voidaan ennustaa sitä, miten afasian saanut henkilö hyötyy saamastaan kuntoutuksesta. Lisäksi pyrittiin löytämään vastauksia siihen, miten ennustavia tekijöitä voidaan hyödyntää kuntoutuksen suunnittelussa. Tutkimus toteutettiin integroivana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistoa haettiin neljästä tietokannasta: Scopus, PubMed, Science citation index expanded ja EBCSO academic search complete. Hakulauseke muodostui käsitteiden afasia, anomia, terapia, tulos ja ennuste erilaisista englanninkielisistä vastineista. Jo hakelausekkeessa haun ulkopuolelle rajattiin primaarit progressiiviset afasiat. Aineistoon hyväksyttiin vain vertaisarvioituja, englanninkielisiä artikkeleita, jotka abstraktin perusteella vastasivat asetettuihin tutkimuskysymyksiin. Hakulausekkeella löytyi 54 artikkelia, joista aineistoon valikoitui kuusi. Lisäksi aineistoon poimittiin kaksi artikkelia hakujen ulkopuolelta. Tulokset osoittivat, että anomiakuntoutuksesta hyötymistä voidaan ennustaa erityisesti kielellis-kognitiivisten toimintojen perusteella. Tarkemmin ennustearvoa oli sillä, millä tasolla kielellistä prosessointia häiriö sijaitsee. Kun leksikaalis-semanttinen prosessointi oli säilynyt vahvana, hyödyt olivat vaikutukseltaan myös yleistyviä. Sanan psykolingvistisistä ominaisuuksista vain sanan helppo kuviteltavuus ennusti sen parempaa nimeämistä terapian jälkeen. Tiedot kuntoutettavan kielellisistä ja kognitiivisista taidoista ovat hyödyllisiä sopivaa kuntoutusmenetelmää valittaessa ja ne auttavat suunnittelemaan kohdennetumpia interventioita, jossa huomioidaan henkilön vahvuudet ja heikkoudet.
  • Partanen, Elina (2015)
    Aims: Embodied practices among people with aphasia remain relatively little known until now. The aim of this study was to describe free conversation interaction between a seriously aphasic speaker and his wife. This study aims to explore what kinds of nonverbal elements appear during the conversation of the aphasic person, and how the nonverbal elements arise in different conversational turns. The main focus of this study is on the substitutive and the complementary gestures of the speech. Earlier studies on aphasia interaction suggest that gestures are an important resource to construct meanings in turns of an aphasic speaker. Data and methods: This is a qualitative study where conversational analysis is used as a research method. Data consists of two videotaped recordings of the couples' free conversation at home settings. Results and conclusions: Several nonverbal elements, which had a significant influence for the conversation interaction of this couple, appeared in the data of this study. The wife interpreted aphasic person's nonverbal elements in the conversation as meaningful elements. The wife gave time and space for the aphasic person to participate in conversation. The aphasic speaker took advantage of the gestures in order to compensate speech loss. In fact, he almost completely relied on the substitutive and complementary gestures in conversation. He used the gestures in many ways and combined gestures skillfully to his limited verbal elements. A significant result in the study was that the aphasic speaker hardly showed any signs for verbal word search before expressing nonverbal elements. He started gesturing often seamlessly just before of his typical turn initiator verbal expressions yeah yes and yeah but or simultaneously with them. Aphasic person's expression were built fast and effortlessly despite the loss of speech. It can be said that aphasic person had adapted to his handicap caused by aphasia by taking advantage from gesturing.
  • Nylander, Niina (2014)
    Aims. Improved quality of life is considered to be the overarching goal of aphasia rehabilitation based on the social model. Around the world research has been done on the factors that affect the quality of life with people with aphasia. Different kinds of structured quality of life measurements have been developed that aim to enable people with aphasia to self-report quality of life. In Finland research on the subject has been scarce. The aim of this study was to explore the views of Finnish speech and language therapists (SLT) on the quality of life in aphasia rehabilitation and the prevailing clinical practices as well as to investigate how they compare internationally. Methods. For the purposes of this study a questionnaire composed by the Aphasia Committee of the International Association of Logopedics and Phoniatrics (IALP) was translated into the Finnish language. 64 questionnaires were filled out. The Finnish data was analysed by using descriptive statistics and content analysis. The data collected in this survey formed Finland's part of an international survey conducted by IALP, which allowed the comparison between the Finnish and international results. The international survey contained 581 respondents from 16 countries including Finland. The Finnish and international data were compared by cross tabulation and Chi Squared -test. Results and conclusions. According to Finnish SLTs it is important to incorporate into practice with aphasia several quality of life domains, such as communication, affect, in/dependence, social activities, personal outlook and in addition to consider life satisfaction, social support and environment. Almost all of the Finnish SLTs used interviewing as their primary method for assessing the quality of life, only four used structured quality of life measures. Internationally there were mentioned many different structured quality of life assessments. This study indicates explicitly that there is a demand for structured quality of life assessments in Finland. The results can be applied in developing education, research and clinical practice.
  • Henriksson, Joanna (2022)
    Background: Aphasia changes one’s communication. The most common symptoms of aphasia include difficulties finding words. When a person acquires aphasia, they often need to learn new ways to communicate to support themselves when their speech is impaired. Gestures are a common way to aid communication in people with aphasia. Purpose: In this Master’s Thesis we look at the use of gaze and hand gestures in people with aphasia during word retrieval. The goal of this study is to find out which types of gesture are used and how the gestures are timed. Methods: This study was completed under the COMPAIR project. COMPAIR is a research program that focuses on atypical communication. The annotation program ELAN and an annotation template used by the COMPAIR project were utilized in this study. The material for this study consisted of everyday conversations between four people with aphasia and people close to them. There was also video material where one of the participants performed on Boston Naming Test. There were four participants in this study. Half (n=2) of them presented with fluent aphasia and the other half (n=2) with non-fluent aphasia. The total duration of the taped conversations was 144 minutes. Results: The participants of this study showed varying amounts and types of gesture. Every participant had a type of gesture that was the most typical for them. Most used gestures were descriptive and pointing gestures, gaze shift during word retrieval and touching own body. Most of the use of gesture happened during the word retrieval phase where the participants attempted to find the missing word and made several initiations to repair their speech. Conclusions: People with aphasia have unique ways of using gestures in their communication and therefore it is not possible to draw definite conclusions of general rules of gesture use in aphasia from a sample size this small. However, all of the participants used some type of gesture in support of their word retrieval so it seems that gaze and hand gestures can an important mean to aid impaired communication.
  • Huotari, Salla-Maaria (2015)
    Aims. The purpose of this single-case study was to investigate the effects of intensive tablet-based treatment in overall language performance level and in reading and writing processes in mild aphasia. The communicative effectiveness and task performances on the tablet software were also studied. The tablet software included tasks where semantic, syntactic and phonological processing were required; written naming, sentence writing and reading comprehension. Previous studies have indicated improvements in language skills after computer-based treatment (Katz & Wertz, 1997; Wade, Mortley & Enderby, 2003). Especially reading and writing skills can be treated by the computer-based softwares (Katz, 2008). Methods & Procedures. In this single subject research the ABA design was used. The participant in this study was a 47 year old man who had a stroke 2.5 years earlier. He had a mild chronic aphasia with difficulties in writing, reading and naming. The data of this study was formed by linguistic tests and by a self-assessment method as the participant evaluated his communicative effectiveness (CETI). The methods used in the analysis of written and read narratives included assessing rate, authenticity and the types of errors. The analysis of written narratives also included assessing word classes and type-token –ratio. Based on the data by the tablet-based software the rate and the share of errors of task performances were assessed. Results & Conclusions. Based on the Western Aphasia Battery (WAB) results, the severity of the aphasia decreased but the change was not clinically significant. Naming improved but the change wasn't stable until the follow-up. The participant showed positive development in his written and reading production; he made less spelling and reading errors after the treatment. At the same time reading and writing processes became slower. The share of lexical verbs, adjectives, pronouns and numerals increased in written narratives. The communicative effectiveness improved. The task performance on the tablet software was faster during the fourth week compared to the first week. Also the amount of incorrect performances decreased or remained the same. Based on the results, an intensive self-monitored tablet-based language treatment was effective to the subject.
  • Heinonen, Linda (2024)
    Tavoitteet ja tausta. Tässä maisterintutkielmassa kuvataan afasian saaneiden henkilöiden kertovan puheen itsekorjauksia ja korjaamattomia ongelmajaksoja sekä sitä, onko puheen niillä yhteyttä uuden sanaston oppimisen kykyyn afasian subakuutissa vaiheessa, kun aivoverenkiertohäiriöstä on kulunut 0–3 kuukautta. Afasia on tavallinen aivoverenkiertohäiriön jälkitila, joka ilmenee vaikeutena ymmärtää ja tuottaa puhuttua tai kirjoitettua kieltä. Afasian saaneiden henkilöiden kyky oppia uusia sanoja on vaihtelevaa, mutta kroonisestikin afaattiset henkilöt pystyvät oppimaan uutta sanastoa. Puheen itsekorjaukset ovat puheenvuorojen hetkiä, joissa puhuja keskeyttää lausumansa ja muotoilee sen uudelleen. Alustavien tutkimusten perusteella afaattisen henkilön kyvyn monitoroida ja korjata omaa puhettaan on huomattu olevan yhteydessä kielelliseen toipumiseen. Tutkimusaihe on logopedisesti arvokas, sillä mikäli afasian saaneiden henkilöiden itsekorjauksilla ja uusien sanojen oppimiskyvyllä on yhteys, ne kannattaisi nostaa osaksi logopedistä afasian arviointia. Tutkittavat ja menetelmät. Tutkimusaineiston muodostivat 10 eriasteisesti afaattisen tutkittavan kertovan puheen näytteet sekä sanaston oppimiskokeen tulokset. Tutkittavat osallistuivat Helsingin yliopiston Opi sanoja -hankkeen tutkimukseen 0–3 kuukauden jälkeen sairastumisestaan. Oppimisaineisto kerättiin tietokoneavusteisella oppimistehtävällä, jossa tutkittavien tavoitteena oli oppia uusien sanojen ja piirroskuvien välinen assosiaatio. Itsekorjausaineisto koottiin tutkittavien puhenäytteistä kuvakerrontatehtävästä sekä sairastumiskertomuksesta. Näytteistä tehtiin keskustelunanalyyttiset notaatiot ja itsekorjauksia tarkasteltiin laadullisesti ja määrällisesti. Korjausten sekä korjaamattomien jaksojen yhteyttä oppimisen tuloksiin analysoitiin ryhmätasolla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimustulosten perusteella afasian vaikeusaste on yhteydessä itsekorjausten esiintyvyyteen puheessa, mutta osuuksissa on yksilöllistä vaihtelua. Vaikeimmin afaattinen tutkittava tuotti kerronnassaan eniten itsekorjauksia ja korjaamattomia jaksoja, kun taas neljän lievemmin afaattista tutkittavan puhe ei sisältänyt ollenkaan korjaamattomia jaksoja. Tavallisin itsekorjaustyyppi oli sanan uudelleenmuotoilu, ja myös sanan keskeytys, epäröintiäänne, korjauspartikkeli sekä tauko olivat tavallisia korjauksen ja sanahaun keinoja. Neljä kymmenestä tutkittavasti osoitti kykyä oppia pitkäkestoisesti uutta sanastoa. Tilastollisesti merkitsevää yhteyttä sanaston oppimiskyvyn ja puheen itsekorjausten tai korjaamattomien ongelmajaksojen välillä ei tässä tutkimuksessa löytynyt.
  • Rantakangas, Tuula (2017)
    Aims. Verbal apraxia might occur with aphasia. Apraxia may impact on person`s ability to be in talk-in-interaction with. Little is known about how apraxia of speech might influence talk-in-interaction and a person`s use of gestures. Even the less is known how these communication strategies will change by time. In addition, a person with apraxia must find new communication strategies. To help a person with apraxia of speech to communicate better with their significant others there is a need for information: how one can support a person with verbal apraxia the most effective way. The aim of this study is to explore how the sequential organization of conversation is constructed with a person with apraxia of speech and non-fluent aphasia and a speech therapist and how gestures are used by person with verbal apraxia for one year. Methods. The participant was a 78-year-old woman who had a verbal apraxia and aphasia. The qualitive data consisted of 3 videotaped conversations with person with apraxia and non-fluent aphasia and a speech therapist (58 minutes, 50 seconds of raw data). The data was collected for one year. Focus of the analysis was on changes in the conversation organization and the use of semiotic resources in conversation for one year. The method of conversation analysis is utilized in this study. Results and conclusions. The qualitive analysis in this study showed that conversation between the speakers were typically consisted of `hint and guess` sequences. The first data (videotaped 3 weeks after the stroke) revealed that the participant was almost speechless and her use of gestures was fussy. The lack of speech and fussy gesturing made her utterances difficult to understand and conversation consisted of long negotiation turns. After six months, the participant`s utterances and the use of gestures were more detailed and she showed more active role in interaction. After one year, the participant`s utterances and gestures were even more detailed. According to these improvements, the length of negotiation turns decreased and conversation started to go along more fluent. The way how the participant used iconic gestures and pantomime were different when comparing to other studies. One potential hypothesis is that the apraxia might influence negatively one's ability to use gestures for compensatory strategies. According to these results, it is important to research more about apraxia and talk-in-interaction.
  • Holopainen, Jonna (2021)
    Aphasia is a linguistic-cognitive disorder that impedes the understanding and production of speech and is often accompanied by disorders in non-linguistic cognitive functioning, such as working memory (WM). WM has a key role in supporting on-going linguistic processing. Earlier research shows that the impairments caused by aphasia can be alleviated with speech therapy but it is still unclear which amount of therapy is most effective, at which stage of the illness and with which intensity. Some research suggests that greater amount of therapy within a shorter time span yields greater outcome. However, research findings on the matter are difficult to synthesize as the definition of ‘intensity’ varies across studies. Language Enrichment Therapy (LET) is a systemic and developmental therapy programme for aphasia rehabilitation. LET aims to restore linguistic-cognitive functioning. LET also enables rehabilitation of working memory with “brain-jogging”. As there is hardly any prior research on the LET system, the aim of this thesis is to investigate its effectiveness as an intensive aphasia therapy programme and the role of working memory in rehabilitation and, further, to identify possible background factors predicting rehabilitation outcome. The data for this thesis was collected for a research project between 1987 and 2010. The data consists of 24 persons with aphasia (PWA) who suffered a first-time stroke and whose time post-onset at baseline was 2 to 8 months. Linguistic functioning was assessed six times within the research frame with Tsvetkova’s Speech Dynamics Test, Western Aphasia Battery and the Token test. The data was analysed statistically using Friedman’s test to analyse the change in understanding and producing speech, linear regression to analyse possible factors predicting outcome and linear correlation to analyse the connection between working memory and rehabilitation outcome. The findings show that intensive rehabilitation with the LET system improves the understanding and production of speech with PWA. LET is the most effective in ameliorating speech understanding for those PWA with greater impairment and lesser time post-onset. No factors predicting the outcome of speech production were found which might be due to the developmental nature of the LET system in which rehabilitation of understanding always precedes that of production. WM had no predictive value for rehabilitation outcome. These findings must be interpreted with caution but can still be used for clinical decision making.
  • Vehviläinen, Viivi (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Pitkään on ajateltu, että afasiasta toipuminen ajoittuu lähes ainoastaan ensimmäisen vuoden ajalle sairastumisesta. Tutkimusta toipumisesta afasian kroonisessa vaiheessa on tehty verrattain vähän. Näyttö siitä, että toipumista voi tapahtua myös afasian kroonisessa vaiheessa jopa vuosien ajan, lisääntyy kuitenkin vähitellen. Aivovaurioon liittyvien tekijöiden, kuten afasian vaikeusasteen sekä vaurion sijainnin ja laajuuden, on aiemmissa tutkimuksissa esitetty ennustavan afasiasta toipumista demografisia tekijöitä, kuten sukupuolta ja ikää, paremmin. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tarkoituksena on tutkia, mitä tällä hetkellä tiedetään toipumisesta afasian kroonisessa vaiheessa. Tavoitteena on lisäksi selvittää, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat kroonisesta afasiasta toipumiseen. Menetelmät. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tutkimusmenetelmänä käytettiin integroivaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Tutkimusaineisto haettiin Ovid Medline ja Web of Science -tietokannoista. Hakulauseke muodostettiin tutkimusaihetta kuvaavista englanninkielisistä hakusanoista aphasia (afasia), long-term (pitkäaikainen) ja recovery (toipuminen). Aineistoon valikoitui otsikon, abstraktin ja lopulta koko tekstin tarkastelun perusteella viisi alkuperäistä vertaisarvioitua tutkimusartikkelia. Kaikissa tutkimuksissa tutkittiin joko kroonisesta afasiasta toipumista, siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä, tai molempia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkielman tulosten mukaan suuri osa kroonista afasiaa sairastavista toipui ainakin jossain määrin. Tuloksissa oli merkkejä sekä spontaanista toipumisesta että kuntoutuksen aikaansaamasta toipumisesta. Eniten toipumista ennustivat aivovaurioon liittyvät tekijät, joita olivat vaurion sijainti Wernicken alueella sekä afasian vaikeusaste ja fonologisten ja semanttisten kykyjen taso sairastumisen varhaisvaiheessa. Demografiset tekijät, kuten sukupuoli ja koulutustaso, eivät vaikuttaneet toipumiseen. Tutkittavien sairastumisiän suhteen tulokset olivat kuitenkin ristiriitaisia. Tulosten perusteella vaikuttaa siltä, että kroonisen afasian toipumisennuste saattaa olla valoisampi, kuin aiemmin on ajateltu. Yhä on kuitenkin epäselvää, miksi osa potilaista toipuu ja osa ei. Lisää tutkimusta tarvitaan sekä toipumisesta että siihen vaikuttavista tekijöistä pitkäaikaisten toipumisennusteiden tekemisen tueksi sekä kuntoutukseen käytettävien resurssien kohdentamiseksi tarkoituksenmukaisesti.