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Browsing by Subject "aikuiskasvatus"

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  • Jokilaakso, Iina (2016)
    Katekumenaatti-toiminta on aikuistyön kokoontuvaa ryhmätoimintaa, joissa käsitellään aikuisten uskonkysymyksiä ryhmän lähtökohdista käsin. Katekumenaatin tavoitteiksi on määritelty uskon löytyminen ja vahvistuminen, rohkaistuminen kristittynä elämisessä sekä ehtoollisyhteyden ja seurakuntayhteyden voimistuminen. Tämä tutkielma on laadullinen tutkimus Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon seurakunnissa toteutettavasta Katekumenaatti-toiminnasta ja sen osallistujista. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten Katekumenaatti-toimintaa on toteutettu seurakunnissa sekä mitä merkityksiä osallistujat ovat antaneet osallistumiselleen. Tutkimus suoritettiin laadullisena ja aineistolähtöisenä. Olen haastatellut tutkimukseeni kymmentä seurakuntalaista kolmen eri seurakunnan alueella, joissa on toteutettu Katekumenaatti-toimintaa. Haastateltavista kaksi olivat toimineet Katekumenaatti-ryhmässä maallikko-ohjaajina ja kahdeksan edustivat ryhmien osallistujia. Lähestyn Katekumenaatti-toimintaa ja siihen osallistumista kolmesta näkökulmasta: rakenteiden ja ohjauksen, yksilöllisen etsinnän ja ryhmään sitoutumisen sekä seurakuntayhteyden vahvistumisen näkökulmasta. Katekumenaatti pyrkii yhtymäkohtien löytymiseen osallistujien elämäntarinan ja kristillisen uskon välillä. Tämä ohjaa ryhmän pedagogiikkaa osallistujalähtöisyyteen, jossa osallistujien kysymykset ja kokemukset ovat pääosassa. Vähäinen ohjaus ja tasa-arvoinen vuorovaikutus ryhmässä tukivat osallistujien mahdollisuutta omien uskonkysymysten käsittelyyn. Ryhmä koetaan toiminnaltaan joustavaksi ja ilmapiiriltään sallivaksi ja avoimeksi. Lisäksi ryhmän luottamuksellinen ilmapiiri mahdollistaa vertaistuen ja yhteyden kokemuksen, jonka merkitys ryhmään osallistumisessa nousee vahvasti esiin. Hengellinen etsintä ja halu kasvaa uskossa on aineistostani tärkein esiin nouseva motivaatio osallistua Katekumenaatti-ryhmään. Toiminnan luonne houkuttelee mukaan myös ihmisiä, joilla on tarve myös kyseenalaistamiseen ja kriittisyyteen. Katekumenaatin osallistujia voi kutsua etsijöiksi hengellisen etsinnän ja yhteisöllisen etsinnän näkökulmasta. Yhteisön etsintää kuvaa paluu seurakuntaan pidemmän tauon jälkeen sekä oman paikan etsiminen seurakunnan yhteydestä. Seurakuntayhteyttä pyritään Katekumenaatissa tukemaan näkyvästi jumalanpalveluselämän liittämisellä ryhmä toimintaan. Tutkimuksessani tarkastellaan seurakuntayhteyden vahvistumista osallistumisen ja kuulumisen tunteen näkökulmasta suhteessa seurakuntaan. Seurakuntayhteys näyttää vahvistuvan Katekumenaatti-toiminnassa tiedon lisääntymisen, oman hengellisyyden työstämisen sekä yhteisöllisyyden kokemuksen myötä. Tiedon lisääntymisen voidaan havaita kasvattavan osallistumisen merkitystä ja syventävän osallistujien hengellisyyttä. Lisäksi myönteinen kokemus yhteisöstä ja kristillisen identiteetin vahvistuminen kasvattavat kuulumisen tunnetta suhteessa kirkkoon.
  • Markkanen, Minna (2011)
    The aim of this study was to examine accessibility in folk high schools from the perspective of students with disabilities or learning difficulties. Accessibility in education means that psychological, sociological and physical environment enables equal study opportunities. Therefore the focus in this survey was on equal study opportunity deficiencies. Folk high schools are an essential subject for accessibility research as they follow the equal educational policy of liberal adult education. This study is a part of Liberal adult education -research project (2010-2012), which is the first accessibility research in Finnish liberal adult education. The equality-based claim of accessibility together with the need to separate the experiences of students with disabilities and learning difficulties from common experiences led naturally to comparative research frame. Firstly, experiences of the experimental group (students with disabilities or learning difficulties, N=278) were compared to experiences of the comparison group (students representing the educational majority, N=498). Secondly, experiences within the experimental group were examined according to gender, need of support and educational background. This study was mostly quantitative survey study. Data was collected from folk high school students with an inquiry created for this study. Data-analysis was mainly made by using analysis of variance (GLM) and test of Kruskal-Wallis. Qualitative data was analysed as an additional element by quantification. Equal study opportunity deficiencies were found in teaching and studying, other people's awareness and attitudes, own attitudes, information and peer group, where the experimental group found significantly more accessibility deficiencies than the comparison group. The most considerable difference was found in teaching and studying, wherein also the quality of deficiencies was explained differently between the groups. Within the experimental group women experienced more accessibility deficiencies than men. Also regular and great need of support and low educational background were connected with the experience of greater accessibility deficiencies. As a conclusion it seems that the equality-based accessibility in folk high schools could be improved especially by differentiating teaching and learning. This study also proved general need for more exact definition of the intention of accessibility: is the priority to develop common quality or equality of education, and is the aim to remove the barriers or advance support to overcome them.
  • Kivelä, Hilla (2022)
    The aim of the thesis was to describe the effects that the distance learning period, caused by the Corona pandemic, had on the field of Finnish liberal adult education, from the viewpoint of senior students. The main research question was the following 1) What are the reasons for the senior student to choose between distance learning and contact learning. In addition to liberal adult education, this thesis addresses traditional adult education, life-long learning, as well as distance learning phenomena. The thesis emphasises how liberal adult education has adapted to distance learning and how the senior students, who were used to the traditional classroom learning situation, now prefer to learn. The study method was mixed. The thesis was set on the study field of adult education and voluntary learning. The study was conducted via a voluntary questionnaire, which included open questions and multiple-choice questions. The thesis material consisted of the answers made by the senior students N = 188. The material was analysed with the methods of content analysis, as well as numerically. The written sources included international articles, scientific studies, and books. The thesis concluded that the senior students have vastly different kinds of viewpoints on what is good learning and teaching. The senior students are not a homogenic group that share similar pref-erences. Only a small majority of the study sample preferred contact teaching in a classroom to dis-tance learning. Those who preferred contact teaching felt the sense of community important. Rather than the technological side of online learning, the social and pedagogical side proved out to be a bigger explanation why they do not wish to take part in distance learning classes. Preferring either of the studying methods is not only connected to a person’s skillset, resources, and home support but to the content and substance of the course itself. Hybrid teaching was noted to be in demand in the answers of the students. Organizing it might challenge the institutes of liberal adult education. The role of Finnish liberal adult education in the future is providing accessible, voluntary, and equal education for everyone.
  • Kivelä, Hilla (2022)
    The aim of the thesis was to describe the effects that the distance learning period, caused by the Corona pandemic, had on the field of Finnish liberal adult education, from the viewpoint of senior students. The main research question was the following 1) What are the reasons for the senior student to choose between distance learning and contact learning. In addition to liberal adult education, this thesis addresses traditional adult education, life-long learning, as well as distance learning phenomena. The thesis emphasises how liberal adult education has adapted to distance learning and how the senior students, who were used to the traditional classroom learning situation, now prefer to learn. The study method was mixed. The thesis was set on the study field of adult education and voluntary learning. The study was conducted via a voluntary questionnaire, which included open questions and multiple-choice questions. The thesis material consisted of the answers made by the senior students N = 188. The material was analysed with the methods of content analysis, as well as numerically. The written sources included international articles, scientific studies, and books. The thesis concluded that the senior students have vastly different kinds of viewpoints on what is good learning and teaching. The senior students are not a homogenic group that share similar pref-erences. Only a small majority of the study sample preferred contact teaching in a classroom to dis-tance learning. Those who preferred contact teaching felt the sense of community important. Rather than the technological side of online learning, the social and pedagogical side proved out to be a bigger explanation why they do not wish to take part in distance learning classes. Preferring either of the studying methods is not only connected to a person’s skillset, resources, and home support but to the content and substance of the course itself. Hybrid teaching was noted to be in demand in the answers of the students. Organizing it might challenge the institutes of liberal adult education. The role of Finnish liberal adult education in the future is providing accessible, voluntary, and equal education for everyone.