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  • Ranta, Marjo (2016)
    Aim. Several study claim that the childhood eating habits have effect until adultery. Increasing the knowledge of nutrition information in Finland has not provided wanted results. To address this problem new methods to implement food education is under development. Recent study evaluating food education method called "taste lessons" (org. "clases du gout") has showed results that show positive effects on children eating habits. The method focuses mainly on inquiry learning and sensory education. During fall 2015 Ruukku ry. implemented a tour called "Makumestarikiertue" that offered knowledge about nutrition in positive fashion by using taste lessons. The basis of this study was to obtain information from Makumestarikiertue. One central aspect of the tour was a track called "aistirata". (transl. sensory track) This track included various food oriented tasks. The study focused on reviewing children and their parent's experiences, interaction created during various tasks, reception of the event and practical functionality of the track itself. Methods. Target audience of the study was event participants (n=1574, in which k=367 were observed). Study material was obtained by observing group k. The material consisted of observational material and notes created during the events. Overall material was acquired from six different events that took place between August and November. Method used for content analysis was qualitative. Grounded method approach was also used during the analysis. Results and conclusions. The results of the study show that the event described in the thesis is capable of inspire participants to express and interpret their experience of senses and create positive experiences with food. The participants were interested of laying thought to their experience towards food and express and describe their reactions. However, this requires that the participants are guided and encouraged enough during the event as the track can otherwise be passed without much reasoning. In addition, the participants require information and tools to connect "aistirata" tasks to their personal behavior towards nutrition. Connection helps the participants to utilize newly acquired information at their own surroundings after the event has taken place.
  • Roukka, Matti (2020)
    The chemesthesis perception needs to be researched so that we can better understand how it works in different individuals and affects them. Chemesthesis, smell and taste chemical senses have an important role in individual food choices and health. The primary goal was to study the individual differences in perception of chemesthesis. The data for this study was collected at the University of Turku Functional Food Forum sensory laboratory (ISO 8589). The data includes sensory study results about chemesthetic properties such as astringency, burning and cooling, which are the properties analysed in this study. Study subjects (N=196) evaluated the intensity of these three properties. Every property had five sensory samples presented in different concentrations. Based on the results, the intensity rate was classified into three groups (non-sensitive, semi-sensitive, most sensitive) with Hierarchical clustering. The differences of the formed groups were analysed with the one-way multivariate analysis of variance which gave statistically significant results (F = 10.0; p ≤ 0.001). Mean values of the cluster groups from three different chemesthetic properties were combined into chemesthesis scores. Age didn’t affect the chemesthesis score (F = 0.5; p > 0.05). Female subjects’ chemesthesis scores differ from the male subjects’ scores (F = 5.1; p ≤ 0.01). The correlation between chemesthesis and taste was tested from Puputti et al. (2018) created taste score with data from the same subjects, and chemesthesis score. Chemesthesis score and taste score had a positive correlation (r = +0.561; p ≤ 0.01). The results show that individuals differ in the perception of chemesthesis. The chemesthesis score can classify individuals to different sensitivity groups and chemesthesis appears to correlate with taste. There are many chemesthetic sensations whose properties and mechanisms are unknown. The objectives of the research were achieved. The research is a part of Professor Mari Sandell’s the Academy of Finland funded Food Taste research program and was done during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Heikkilä, Saija (2017)
    The purpose of the research is to develop support material for learning the weaving pedalling order. The objective of the research is to consider the challenges and opportunities of developing support material and of its functionality, to have test users test the support material developed, and to analyse how the support material helps in understanding the weaving pedalling order and in learning the skill. Test users of the research were persons needing special guidance, because the idea of developing support material originates from their needs. However, the intention of this research is not to emphasize the special nature of the learning context, because the purpose is to examine the functionality of the support material, particularly from the skills learning point of view. My research was a design research and as the data collection method I used participating observation and video recording. Test users for the support material were three persons, whose previous experiences of weaving were different. During the research there were two different support materials developed, the other one of which guided the weaver more. The test users tested both support materials and experimented different pedalling orders, first without support material and then with the support material. The research results showed that the support materials developed helped the test users in learning the weaving pedalling order. Thanks to the support material the weavers could advance in learning the skills at their own pace. As a rule, the use of support material speeded up and smoothed weaving, reduced the need for guidance and the number of errors, as well as increased the test users' motivation and confidence in their own skills. An essential conclusion in this research was that it is possible already with relatively small changes to promote the different stages of learning the weaving skills. The learning environment should support learning in many ways and through different senses, by utilising new technology. From the point of view of learning the skills, the motivation and the positive experiences of the weaver played a key role. With the help of the support material the weavers experienced feelings of success, which increased their self-esteem and feeling of own ability.
  • Valli, Heli (2017)
    While preparing food in home economics classrooms, the students observe environment using their all senses. In learning the touch senses are present. Lahtinen (2008) has developed haptices and social haptic communication. On body the haptices are composed of messages created via touch and motions. Combined with haptices, also auditivity, visuality, the examination of objects and experimenting help gaining information. The research task in this study asks how describing and haptices i.e. contact messages are involved in the learning of a visually impaired student. The task is approached from three aspects. The first is the basic description of a surrounding physical space using speech and haptices to the visually impaired student. The goal is to orient to the learning space. The second aspect comes from the description of the food preparation process via speech and haptices, in which the describer is a teacher. Here we get close to the personal space of the student. The third aspect deals the subject through the student's senses, how a visually impaired student's auditory, visual and haptice are being involved in the process of making food. The study questions were the following 1) In which ways the description and haptices are involved in the visually impaired student's orientation for the learning space? 2) In which ways the description and haptices are involved in the visually impaired student's learning process for the food making? 3) How the different senses are in use in the visually impaired student's food making situations? The study was conducted using qualitative methods. The gathering of the data for the study was done using video recordings. The describers that took part in this study were interpreters and a teacher. The visually impaired students used their senses in the home economics classroom while preparing food. For the support of the data driven content analysis, still images and transcriptions were used. Versatile discussions on the subject with experts supplemented the gathered results. From the research findings I raise the possibilities of the description and haptices as tools for the teaching staff. With these tools the pedagogy of the everyday skills for visually impaired persons can be developed and clarified.
  • Rossi, Alexandra (2016)
    The study's aim was to find out how the Makumestari food event affected the food habits of the visitors. Previous studies have shown that the diet of Finnish children does not meet the nutrition recommendations. One major lack is in the daily intake of vegetables. Because food habits are developed in early childhood and they influence not only an individual's wellbeing but also the whole society's wellbeing, healthy habits should be taught at a young age. Information is a crucial factor of change but information alone is not enough. The Makumestari event offered joy of food and the opportunity to explore food items using the "makukoulu" technique. The data was collected using an online questionnaire. 124 visitors of the food event responded to the questionnaire. The questionnaire contained multiple-choice and open-ended questions so different kinds of analysis methods were used, such as calculating key ratios and correlation coefficients, principal component analysis and Kruskal-Wallis tests. The data collected via the open-ended questions was analysed using content analysis. The study shows that the Makumestari food event affected the food habits of approximately 30 % of the families who responded to the questionnaire. Variety in foods and more vegetables were added to the diets. Families also reported more conversations on food topics, trying out new recipes and using their senses while evaluating food. Principal component analysis and Kruskal-Wallis test results state that the visitors who responded to the questionnaire where interested in food or nutrition and had no need to change their daily diets because their diets were already healthy. People who wanted to eliminate something from their diets felt the key to the change was in their own hands and they only lacked motivation. Those who wanted their diets to become more diverse felt they needed more knowledge and better skills in order to execute these changes. The food event influenced the food habits of the visitors by giving them a personal experience on healthy eating.
  • Höylänen, Jenni (2016)
    Objectives.The aim of this study is to qualitatively study the experiences of Makumestari tour's visitors. Makumestari tour was organised by Ruokakulttuurikeskus Ruukku Ry. The research findings will evaluate the success of the event and will provide development suggestions for the future Makumestari tour events. Furthermore, visitors' thoughts based on how the event can have an impact on children's food habits will be evaluated in this study. Insufficient diet and lack of vegetables in the diet are the most common problems concerning children and families' food habits. The aim of the flavour education, based on Sapere method, is to provide food education to children, diversify families' diets, and to eliminate neophobia. All this is meant to be carried out with children enjoying themselves with learning. Methodology. Material of this study was collected by interviewing children and adults visiting Makumestari events in Autumn 2015. Adults and children were interviewed in small groups, in six different cities. Interviews were executed after visitors had performed series of tasks concerning different human basic senses. 66 groups and total of 165 people including 93 adults, 41 girls and 31 boys were interviewed for the study. Material was analysed with the content analysis through arranging material by themes and categories based on research questions. Results and conclusions. According to the study Makumestari tour was a successful and well organized event. The event was believed to increase interest towards food, widen notions about food and decrease food neophobia. The event helped people to understand their own senses and people learnt to recognise how important every sense is when it comes to food. In this event children seemed to have the courage to taste new flavours and the children are believed to continue trying new flavours in the future due to the event. The visitors found the event useful and important. On the other hand, visitors were concerned whether the event only reaches people who are already interested in food and healthy eating habits and questioned if the one single event is enough to change people's food habits permanently. In the future the events should be arranged more regularly at public places or in schools and nurseries in order for the event to reach a wider audience.
  • Heino, Susanna (2016)
    This case study was designated to look at experiences and feelings that were raised during jewellery making process. In addition, the point of interest was the sensations that were experienced while making jewellery. Handicrafts have been found to have a positive effect to the maker's emotions and handicrafts are also used as part of rehabilitation therapy. Making handicrafts increases satisfaction and raises one's self-image. Craft science has studies of getting into a flow in a variety of craftwork processes. The making of jewellery has not been researched before. The beading event in this case study was attended by six test subjects who were chosen depending on whether they were craft makers (3) or not (3).For all of the subjects jewellery making was a new craft method. My role in the beading event was to act as a teacher and afterwards as a researcher. After the event the subjects were interviewed with str-method by using a video which was recorded and the jewelry which the participants made during the event. The purpose of the interviews was to gather the feelings attached to making jewellery. The result of this study shows that jewellery making was a positive experience to the makers. During the beading event the jewellery makers' sensations ranged from excitement to confusion and enthusiasm. The finished jewelry made the bead makers happy and proud, "I did this". All the participants in the beading event wanted to participate in a similar event again. The beading event was found to activate several senses. Visual perception was an important part of making the handicraft products and hand-eye coordination was highlighted. Jewellery making was experienced to be very visual because of the diversity of the beads. The making of handicrafts and in this case the making of jewellery gives more to the makers than just the finished piece of jewellery. The making process as an experience is at least as valuable as the finished product.
  • Manninen, Ida (2019)
    Objectives. The goal of this study was to describe, analyze and interpret the ways in which early childhood education and pre-school educators strive for good food education, how food and food education goals are achieved, and what needs to be further developed. The goals for food and food education, to which the answers of survey participants were reflected on, were taken from the curriculum for early childhood education and care and the curriculum for pre-school education. The realisation of these goals was evaluated by survey participants. The study aims at identifying methods to further improve food education in early education. Methods. The research material was gathered through an online questionnaire. The questionnaire was answered by 86 respondents who had studied either early childhood education and care or pre-school education, and who were working with children of age 3 and above. Qualitative and quantitative content analysis were used to analyse the data. Results and conclusions. Food education for children was promoted in various ways. For example, forceful feeding was avoided and children were allowed to eat at their own pace. Children were given more time to familiarize themselves with the food and were mainly allowed to leave their food on the plate when refusing to eat. The children also participated in dining arrangements, especially in setting the table and cleaning up afterwards. The standards set for self-reliance and independence were met very well. Teaching good table manners to children was seen as the most important thing and respondents felt that the standards in this regard were mostly met. The use of different senses in familiarizing with food, as well as knowledge of traditions, customs and culinary culture, must be further strengthened. Key development areas in early childhood education and care and pre-school education were tight scheduling, improving food services and further increasing the children’s participation. Survey participants also desired counselling and further training in order to improve their food education skills.
  • Vanhala, Roosa (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli selventää vauvateatterin tarkoitusta sekä ilmentää sen luomia kokemuksia. Pyrin myös selvittämään sitä, minkälaisia aistikokemuksia alle 1-vuotias vauva voi saada teatteriesityksestä. Vauvateatteria ei ole aikaisemmin kovin paljoa tutkimusmielessä käsitelty. Nykypäivänä useampi järjestö on kuitenkin alkanut tuottamaan teatteriesityksiä ihan perheen pienimillekin. Tutkimusta inspiroi Kulttuurin kummilapset-hanke ja heidän koko organisaationsa. Menetelmät. Tutkimus on laadullinen tapaustutkimus. Tutkimukseen otos oli saatu Kulttuurin kummilapset-organisaatiolta. Aineisto koostuu kahdesta eri kokonaisuudesta: esitykseen osallistuneiden palautteista sekä tekijöiden verkkokyselystä. Esitykseen osallistuneiden palautteet, ovat vauvojen huoltajien kommentteja esityksestä. Palautteet oli kerätty suoraan esitysten jälkeen keväällä 2022. Palautteita oli kokonaisuudessaan 146 kappaletta. Tutkimuksen kannalta relevantteja näistä oli 26. Tekijöiden kysely oli tehty verkkokyselynä. Kyselyyn vastasi kuusi henkilöä. Aineisto oli siis osittain valmiiksi kerättyä ja osittain kyselyn tuloksena. Aineistoa analysoitiin aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimus osoitti vauvateatterin mahdollistaneen positiivisia kokemuksia huoltajissa sekä vauvoissa. Esitys nähtiin yleisesti miellyttävänä niin siihen osallistuneiden kuin sen tekijöiden näkökulmasta. Esityksen aikana melkein kaikki vauvan sekä huoltajan aistit olivat käytössä. Aisteja aktivoitiin erilaisin menetelmin ja katsojia osallistettiin esityksen eri osioihin. Hajuaisti oli ainoa aisti, joka ei näennäisesti ollut aktivoituneena. Vauvateatterin voidaan sanoa olevan vauvalle eräänlainen kokemusmatka. Se tukee vauvan kehitystä ja mahdollistaa kokemuksellisuuden erilaisella tasolla.