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Browsing by Subject "aivotärähdys"

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  • Pajunen, Sara (2018)
    Objectives. Literature is sparse regarding the prevalence of observable concussion signs and their association with recovery of young athletes. For a long time loss of consciousness was thought to be an indicator of a more severe injury, but lately the association between amnesia and recovery is considered to be stronger. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence of observable concussion signs (loss of consciousness, amnesia, disorientation, balance problems, vacant stare, facial injury) and their association with cognitive performance (verbal memory, visual memory, reaction time, visuomotor speed) and subjective symptoms seven days after injury in junior ice hockey players. Methods. The sample (n = 58) for this thesis was collected as a part of the Pää Pelissä -study and consisted of junior ice hockey players that suffered a concussion during game season 2015–2016 or 2016–2017. Subjects were Finnish males between ages 14 to 20 years (M = 16.88, SD = 1.61). Players participated in a baseline assessment before the season and a post concussion assessment seven days after injury. Medical personnel from the teams of each subject reported concussion signs based on SCAT3’s sideline assessment. ImPACT test battery was used to assess cognitive performance and subjective symptoms. Hierarchical regression analysis was used to analyse the association with observable concussion signs and cognitive performance and the association between observable signs and subjective symptoms was analysed using a logistic regression analysis. Results and conclusions. Disorientation was reported in 70 %, balance problems in 49 %, blank/vacant stare in 40 %, amnesia in 26 %, loss of consciousness in 21 % and facial injury in 17 % of the players. At least one sign was observed with 93 % of the concussions, most often one (28 %) or two (28 %) signs were observed. Loss of consciousness predicted worse verbal memory performance on post concussion assessment and explained 16 % of the performance. Amnesia showed similar association and explained 12 % of verbal memory performance but the model didn’t quite reach statistical significance (p = .07). There was no association with concussion sings and subjective symptoms on post concussion assessment. Based on the results special attention should be focused on the recovery follow up of the concussions with loss of consciousness or amnesia.
  • Mäkelä, Mari (2018)
    Tavoitteet Sport Concussion Assesment Tool (SCAT) on aivotärähdysten tunnistamiseen ja kentänreuna-arviointiin tarkoitettu menetelmä. Sen kolmas versio, SCAT3, on laajalti käytössä urheiluympäristöissä, mutta siihen ei vielä ole julkaistu viitearvoja suomalaisille juniorijääkiekkoilijoille. Menetelmän uusin versio, SCAT5, on julkaistu vuonna 2017. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella iän vaikutusta SCAT3-arviointiin ja luoda suomalaiset viitearvot miespuolisten juniorijääkiekkoilijoiden SCAT3-tuloksista. Lisäksi arvioidaan, miten SCAT3-suoriutuminen muuttuu vuoden seurannassa. Menetelmät Tutkimus on osa Pää pelissä –projektia ja sen aineisto on kerätty vuosina 2015 ja 2016. Osallistujia oli yhteensä 1485 ja heistä 485 osallistui tutkimukseen kumpanakin vuonna. Kaikki osallistujat olivat 1320-vuotiaita miehiä ja suomalaisten jääkiekkoseurojen A-, B- tai C-junioreita. Arvioinnit toteutettiin lähtötasomittauksina ennen pelikautta. SCAT3 sisältää oirekyselyn, kognitiivisen arvioinnin (SAC) ja tasapainoarvioinnin (BESS). Osallistujat jaettiin kolmeen ikäryhmään ja ikäryhmien välisessä vertailussa käytettiin Kruskal-Wallis -menetelmää. SCAT3-tulosten muutosta arvioitiin vertaamalla saman henkilön kahden eri mittauskerran suoriutumista. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset SCAT3-suoriutumisessa havaittiin eroja ikäryhmien välillä etenkin verratessa 1315- ja 1820-vuotiaiden ryhmiä. Vanhimmassa ikäryhmässä raportoitiin nuorimpaan ikäryhmään verrattuna enemmän oireita ja oireiden suurempaa voimakkuutta, mutta tehtiin vähemmän virheitä joissakin SAC- ja BESS-arviointien osioissa. Tutkimuksen aineiston pohjalta luotiin SCAT3-viitearvot suomalaisille miespuolisille juniorijääkiekkoilijoille. Niitä voidaan soveltaa myös SCAT5-tulosten tulkinnassa, sillä SCAT3-arvioinnin pääosiot on säilytetty myös SCAT5-menetelmässä. Vuoden seurannassa lähes kaikkien SCAT3-osioiden kahden eri mittauskerran tulokset korreloivat keskenään. SCAT3-tulosten muutos erosi ikäryhmien välillä merkitsevästi ainoastaan yhdessä yhdestätoista tehtäväosiosta.
  • Antila, Kirsti (2017)
    Objective: Concussions are typically linked to high-speed sports. Within the domain of acquired brain injuries, particularly children and adolescents have been identified as being at an elevated risk. In general, concussions are associated with relatively rapid recovery rates. To this end, the aim of the current study was to examine whether previous history of concussions of the sports player may be associated with cumulative effects on cognitive functions, difficulties with balance, and/ or increasing self-evaluated symptoms. The participants underwent a preseason baseline evaluation. Methods: The data used in this study were collected from 751 Finnish youngsters aged 12-20, who were junior ice-hockey players during the summer of 2015. Data collection focused on cognitive functioning (verbal and visual memory, visuomotor speed, reaction speed, impulse control, orientation, attention, and reading speed), balance control, and self-reported symptoms. The data were categorized on the basis of both the number and the severity of the participant's previous concussions, resulting in three groups as follows: (1) control group (no history of concussions; 494 players), (2) the concussion group 1 (1-2 concussions, which did not involve loss of consciousness; 123 players), and (3) the concussion group 2 (at least one concussion, accompanied by loss of consciousness, or at least 3 concussions, which did not involve loss of consciousness; 92 players). In the data analysis, between-group comparisons were performed with respect to cognitive functioning, balance control, as well as the quality and quantity of self-reported symptoms. Results: Taken together, the current results indicated that all the junior ice-hockey players with a history of concussions had recovered to such an extent that they did not significantly differ from the controls in either measures of cognitive functioning or balance control. However, self-reported symptoms increased with the brain injury severity and frequency. The self-report form used in this study comprised a total of 22 symptoms, of which five (vomiting, headache, difficulty with falling asleep, feeling mentally foggy) yielded statistically significant differences between the concussion groups. The findings further suggested that the measures used to obtain the baseline level of functioning of the participants may not be of sufficient sensitivity to reliably discriminate those with a history of concussions from controls in cognitive functioning and balance control.
  • Palokangas, Silja (2018)
    Objectives. Most athletes seem to recover gradually within the first 10 days after sports-related concussion (SRC), however a minority of athletes have persistent symptoms. To date, the recovery of Finnish athletes has not been researched. The aim of this study was to research the neuropsychological outcome and recovery trajectory after SRC on average a one-month period in Finnish youth ice hockey players. Both cognitive performance (verbal memory, visual memory, visual motor speed, reaction time) and self-reported symptoms were assessed. Individual clinical recovery was also monitored. It was hypothesized that cognitive performance would decrease (in one or more domains) and that the amount of self-reported symptoms would increase during the first few days after SRC. In addition, it was hypothesized that both cognitive performance and self-reported symptoms would return to baseline levels on average within 10 days after SRC. Methods. The sample of the study (N = 24) was collected in the research project “Heads in the Game” (Pää pelissä -projekti). It consisted of youth ice hockey players who got a SRC during game season 2015–2016 and were in a comprehensive follow-up team. All participants were Finnish, male and aged 14–20 (M = 16.75, SD = 1.59). The baseline performance of each player was assessed before game season. Performance after SRC was assessed in maximum four assessment points until players were clinically recovered. Assessment was done by ImPACT-test. Statistical analyses were performed by linear mixed models. Results and conclusions. Cognitive deficits were observed during the first few days after SRC, however deficits were significant only in reaction time. In addition, self-reported symptoms increased during the first few days after SRC, but this increase was not significant. On average cognitive performance and self-reported symptoms returned to at least baseline levels in 8 days (6–19 days) after SRC. These results suggest that particularly reaction time could be sensitive to SRC. The recovery of Finnish youth ice hockey players took place on average in the typical time course observed in previous studies, however there was variability within individuals.