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Browsing by Subject "aivoverenkiertohäiriö"

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  • Rasmus, Enni (2022)
    Backround Returning to work (RTW) is an essential part of stroke patients’ wellbeing. According to previous literature, severity of stroke is the most consistent predictor of RTW. However, the role of neuropsychological rehabilitation and cognitive deficits in the context of RTW is less clear. Closer examination of the predictors of RTW could enable the identification of stroke patients who are in a greater risk of unsuccessful RTW. Analyzing the connections between rehabilitation and RTW could help to provide better treatment. We studied whether RTW could be predicted by acute cognitive deficits, duration and different elements of neuropsychological rehabilitation. Methods Participants were 79 stroke patients (33% women) who had received outpatient neuropsychological rehabilitation. Prior to stroke, all patients had been either full or part time working or studying. Patients were neuropsychologically assessed in the acute phase. Logistic regression was used to assess variables associated with RTW. Results Of the patients, 49% had returned to work. Deficits in attention and processing speed predicted poorer likelihood to RTW. Fewer outpatient visits and more straightforward content of the rehabilitation were associated with RTW, possibly due to lesser stroke severity. Finally, most of the aspects of neuropsychological rehabilitation were associated with RTW. Conclusions According to this study, RTW of stroke patients can partly be predicted by acute cognitive performance. Results regarding attention and processing speed are in congruence with previous research. Additional research is needed to clarify the relations of cognitive performance and neurorehabilitation to RTW.
  • Rasmus, Enni (2022)
    Backround Returning to work (RTW) is an essential part of stroke patients’ wellbeing. According to previous literature, severity of stroke is the most consistent predictor of RTW. However, the role of neuropsychological rehabilitation and cognitive deficits in the context of RTW is less clear. Closer examination of the predictors of RTW could enable the identification of stroke patients who are in a greater risk of unsuccessful RTW. Analyzing the connections between rehabilitation and RTW could help to provide better treatment. We studied whether RTW could be predicted by acute cognitive deficits, duration and different elements of neuropsychological rehabilitation. Methods Participants were 79 stroke patients (33% women) who had received outpatient neuropsychological rehabilitation. Prior to stroke, all patients had been either full or part time working or studying. Patients were neuropsychologically assessed in the acute phase. Logistic regression was used to assess variables associated with RTW. Results Of the patients, 49% had returned to work. Deficits in attention and processing speed predicted poorer likelihood to RTW. Fewer outpatient visits and more straightforward content of the rehabilitation were associated with RTW, possibly due to lesser stroke severity. Finally, most of the aspects of neuropsychological rehabilitation were associated with RTW. Conclusions According to this study, RTW of stroke patients can partly be predicted by acute cognitive performance. Results regarding attention and processing speed are in congruence with previous research. Additional research is needed to clarify the relations of cognitive performance and neurorehabilitation to RTW.
  • Karttunen, Anni (2019)
    Background. Dysphagia is one of the most common complications of stroke. Previous studies have shown that dysphagia is associated with malnutrition, fluid imbalance, difficulties in medical treatment, post-stroke pneumonia, higher mortality during the first three months post stoke, and longer periods of treatment with higher costs. Dysphagia screening plays a key role in the early detection of dysphagia and preventing these risks. Aims. The purpose of the study is to determine the reliability of the dysphagia screening practice in the Stroke-unit of the Helsinki University Hospital (HUH). The study compares the current nurse screening protocol (hoitajan seulontatutkimus, HST) to the validated Volume-Viscosity Swallow Test (V-VST) -screening tool. In addition, the study evaluates the effect of bolus volume and viscosity on swallowing, as well as the effect of patient related factors on the incidence and severity of dysphagia. Methods. The research material consisted of fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) studies performed on patients in the Stroke-unit during which both HST and V-VST screenings were performed. The recorded FEES studies were analyzed using the Penetration-Aspiration Scale (PAS) and the Pooling-score, after which the clinical results of the HST and V-VST screenings were compared with the estimated swallowing functions from the video. The effects of bolus volume and viscosity on swallowing were also examined from the videos. Patient background information was collected from the patient information system Uranus. Results and conclusions. The V-VST screening proved to be more reliable than HST, being both more sensitive and more specific. Both bolus volume and viscosity showed statistically significant connections to the PAS-values analyzed from the recorded FEES-studies. Bolus viscosity was also connected to the clinical signs of impaired safety of swallowing, including couching during or after the V-VST –screen and changes in the quality of voice. Of the selected background factors, only smoking was statistically significantly associated with the incidence and severity of dysphagia in the study population. The results of this study will be used to develop the dysphagia screening practice.
  • Karttunen, Anni (2019)
    Background. Dysphagia is one of the most common complications of stroke. Previous studies have shown that dysphagia is associated with malnutrition, fluid imbalance, difficulties in medical treatment, post-stroke pneumonia, higher mortality during the first three months post stoke, and longer periods of treatment with higher costs. Dysphagia screening plays a key role in the early detection of dysphagia and preventing these risks. Aims. The purpose of the study is to determine the reliability of the dysphagia screening practice in the Stroke-unit of the Helsinki University Hospital (HUH). The study compares the current nurse screening protocol (hoitajan seulontatutkimus, HST) to the validated Volume-Viscosity Swallow Test (V-VST) -screening tool. In addition, the study evaluates the effect of bolus volume and viscosity on swallowing, as well as the effect of patient related factors on the incidence and severity of dysphagia. Methods. The research material consisted of fiberoptic endoscopic evaluation of swallowing (FEES) studies performed on patients in the Stroke-unit during which both HST and V-VST screenings were performed. The recorded FEES studies were analyzed using the Penetration-Aspiration Scale (PAS) and the Pooling-score, after which the clinical results of the HST and V-VST screenings were compared with the estimated swallowing functions from the video. The effects of bolus volume and viscosity on swallowing were also examined from the videos. Patient background information was collected from the patient information system Uranus. Results and conclusions. The V-VST screening proved to be more reliable than HST, being both more sensitive and more specific. Both bolus volume and viscosity showed statistically significant connections to the PAS-values analyzed from the recorded FEES-studies. Bolus viscosity was also connected to the clinical signs of impaired safety of swallowing, including couching during or after the V-VST –screen and changes in the quality of voice. Of the selected background factors, only smoking was statistically significantly associated with the incidence and severity of dysphagia in the study population. The results of this study will be used to develop the dysphagia screening practice.
  • Tuovinen, Juuso (2016)
    On vain vähän tietoa siitä, millaisia menetelmiä dysfagian eli nielemisvaikeuden seulontaan on käytössä. Tiedetään kuitenkin, että seulonnalla voidaan ennaltaehkäistä keuhkokuumeen syn-tyä, henkilökohtaista kärsimystä sekä lyhentää sairaalajaksojen pituutta ja vähentää kuolleisuut-ta. Dysfagia eli nielemisvaikeus on yleinen oire aivoverenkiertohäiriön jälkeen. Puheterapeutit eivät voi kuitenkaan arvioida kaikkia sairaalaan tulevien potilaiden nielemisen toimintaa ja siksi sairaanhoitajien tulee seuloa potilaat mahdollisten nielemisvaikeuksien varalta ja siten tunnistaa ns. riskiryhmä. Tämä riskiryhmä ohjataan puheterapeutin tarkempaan nielemisen arvioon. Useimmissa sairaaloissa ei kuitenkaan ole vakiintunutta käytäntöä dysfagian seulontaan. Ei ole myöskään tietoa siitä, mikä on ideaalisin dysfagian seulontamenetelmä. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, mitä menetelmiä on käytössä dysfagian seulontaan ja kuinka tarkko-ja ne ovat tunnistamaan sitä. Tutkimuksessa pyritään kokoamaan yhteen käytössä olevia dysfa-gian seulontamenetelmiä aivoverenkiertohäiriön jälkeen akuuttivaiheessa. Aineistoa kerättiin EBSCO- ja Medline – tietokannoista. Hakutermit muodostettiin kuvailevassa kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käytettyjen käsitteiden dysfagia/nielemisvaikeus, akuutti aivoveren-kiertohäiriö, sairaanhoitaja ja seulonta englanninkielisistä vastineista. Aineiston keruuta ohjasi tutkimuksille asetetut valintakriteerit: 1) tutkimuksen tuli olla vertaisarvioitu, 2) julkaisuvuosi 2006–2016, 3) tutkimuksen tuli olla luettavissa englannin tai suomen kielellä, 4) koko tekstin tuli olla saatavilla, 5) tutkimuksen tuli käsitellä dysfagian seulontamenetelmää. Haku tuotti 33 kansainvälistä artikkelia, joista valintakriteerien pohjalta lopulliseksi aineistoksi valikoitui seit-semän artikkelia. Tiedonhakuprosessissa sekä aineiston tulkinnassa noudatettiin kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen periaatteita. Tulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että dysfagian seulontaan käytetään useita menetelmiä ja ne osoittavat hyvää tai erinomaista sensitiivisyyttä ja keskinkertaista spesifisyyttä dysfagian tunnistamiseksi. Dysfagian seulontaan ei sairaaloissa ole vakiintunutta käytäntöä, mutta tämän tutkielman seulontamenetelmistä voisi hyvin olla jo nyt hyötyä erikoissairaanhoidossa.