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Browsing by Subject "betaine"

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  • Mercier, Léon (2018)
    PURPOSE AND GOALS Microalgae are unicellular eukaryotic organisms capable of photosynthesis. They harvest sunlight and efficiently take up carbon dioxide and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus from their environment and use them for their growth. Due to these properties, their rapid growth and ability to survive in a variety of environments, microalgae have potential in biotechnological applications that promote nutrient recovery and recycling, water purification and the carbon neutral production of biochemicals and possibly biofuels. The purpose of this study was to investigate the suitability of a side stream water originating from the production of baker’s yeast (yeastwater) for the cultivation of a species of microalga called Euglena gracilis. The study aimed to determine the capacity of this water to support growth and protein production of E. gracilis as well as the capacity of E. gracilis to remove nutrients from the water. The effect of filtration of the water on these parameters was also studied. Yeastwater contains an organic molecule called betaine in relatively high concentrations. Betaine has previously been shown to boost the production of the important vitamin cobalamin in bacteria. The study aimed to determine the effect of betaine on the growth of E. gracilis and on the production of cobalamin in the algal-bacterial symbiosis. METHODS E. gracilis was cultured in laboratory scale photobioreactors. Its growth, protein production and nutrient uptake capacity was determined. Baker’s yeast production side stream water diluted with MQ-water was used as the growth medium either in filtered or unfiltered form. A control treatment was prepared where no microalgal inoculate was added to the photobioreactor. The same microalga was also grown in a synthetic nutrient medium with and without betaine. The uptake of betaine and biomass concentrations of cobalamin were determined. For the determination of microalgal growth, dry weight determination and flow cytometry analysis were used. Protein production was determined on the basis of total nitrogen concentration in the biomass. Spectrophotometric measuring kits were used for the determination of nutrient concentrations. Liquid chromatography techniques were used for the determination of betaine and cobalamin concentrations. RESULTS Significant microalgal growth was observed in filtered yeastwater, while growth in unfiltered yeastwater was very low. Nitrogen removal was higher in presence of E. gracilis compared to the control treatment. Protein production in yeastwater was comparable to that of microalgae grown in synthetic medium. E. gracilis grew much better in the synthetic media supplemented with betaine than without the addition. Betaine enrichment had no effect on cobalamin production. Cobalamin was produced in unfiltered yeastwater both with and without the presence of E. gracilis. CONCLUSIONS Unfiltered yeastwater does not support growth of E. gracilis possibly due to its high turbidity. Filtered yeastwater, on the other hand can support the production of E. gracilis biomass. E. gracilis can be used to reduce nitrogen concentrations in yeastwater. Yeastwater can support cobalamin production by bacteria, but this phenomenon did not benefit from the presence of the microalga. The effect of betaine on microalgal growth warrants further study to determine whether it is related to the accumulation of intracellular nutrients, storage compounds or to some other phenomenon. Yeastwater is a promising nutrient feedstock for microalgal biomass production. However, the role of filtration and possibility of using other methods for turbidity reduction needs to be further studied.
  • Mercier, Léon (2018)
    PURPOSE AND GOALS Microalgae are unicellular eukaryotic organisms capable of photosynthesis. They harvest sunlight and efficiently take up carbon dioxide and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus from their environment and use them for their growth. Due to these properties, their rapid growth and ability to survive in a variety of environments, microalgae have potential in biotechnological applications that promote nutrient recovery and recycling, water purification and the carbon neutral production of biochemicals and possibly biofuels. The purpose of this study was to investigate the suitability of a side stream water originating from the production of baker’s yeast (yeastwater) for the cultivation of a species of microalga called Euglena gracilis. The study aimed to determine the capacity of this water to support growth and protein production of E. gracilis as well as the capacity of E. gracilis to remove nutrients from the water. The effect of filtration of the water on these parameters was also studied. Yeastwater contains an organic molecule called betaine in relatively high concentrations. Betaine has previously been shown to boost the production of the important vitamin cobalamin in bacteria. The study aimed to determine the effect of betaine on the growth of E. gracilis and on the production of cobalamin in the algal-bacterial symbiosis. METHODS E. gracilis was cultured in laboratory scale photobioreactors. Its growth, protein production and nutrient uptake capacity was determined. Baker’s yeast production side stream water diluted with MQ-water was used as the growth medium either in filtered or unfiltered form. A control treatment was prepared where no microalgal inoculate was added to the photobioreactor. The same microalga was also grown in a synthetic nutrient medium with and without betaine. The uptake of betaine and biomass concentrations of cobalamin were determined. For the determination of microalgal growth, dry weight determination and flow cytometry analysis were used. Protein production was determined on the basis of total nitrogen concentration in the biomass. Spectrophotometric measuring kits were used for the determination of nutrient concentrations. Liquid chromatography techniques were used for the determination of betaine and cobalamin concentrations. RESULTS Significant microalgal growth was observed in filtered yeastwater, while growth in unfiltered yeastwater was very low. Nitrogen removal was higher in presence of E. gracilis compared to the control treatment. Protein production in yeastwater was comparable to that of microalgae grown in synthetic medium. E. gracilis grew much better in the synthetic media supplemented with betaine than without the addition. Betaine enrichment had no effect on cobalamin production. Cobalamin was produced in unfiltered yeastwater both with and without the presence of E. gracilis. CONCLUSIONS Unfiltered yeastwater does not support growth of E. gracilis possibly due to its high turbidity. Filtered yeastwater, on the other hand can support the production of E. gracilis biomass. E. gracilis can be used to reduce nitrogen concentrations in yeastwater. Yeastwater can support cobalamin production by bacteria, but this phenomenon did not benefit from the presence of the microalga. The effect of betaine on microalgal growth warrants further study to determine whether it is related to the accumulation of intracellular nutrients, storage compounds or to some other phenomenon. Yeastwater is a promising nutrient feedstock for microalgal biomass production. However, the role of filtration and possibility of using other methods for turbidity reduction needs to be further studied.
  • Back, Anu (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2010)
    Selvitin työssäni yhdeksän vapaankaupan pötsilääkkeen sisällön koostumusta ja vaikutusta pötsissä. Vertasin valmisteiden ohjeannosten mukaisia määriä ainesosakohtaisesti niiden tarpeellisuuteen, kirjallisuudessa suositeltuihin hoitoannoksiin ja lehmän päivittäiseen saantiin rehuista. Ruokintatasoksi valittiin yksinkertaisuuden vuoksi 20 kg KA/pv, joista 12 kg KA tulee säilörehusta, 8 kg KA ohrasta ja 2 kg KA rypsirouheesta. Voimakas väkirehuruokinta tai väkirehun osuuden liian nopea lisääminen ruokinnassa altistavat pötsin happamoitumiselle. Luontaisen puskuroinnin ollessa riittämätöntä, pötsin happamuutta voidaan alentaa puskuroivilla tai alkaloivilla aineilla. Yhdeksästä valmisteesta viisi sisältää happamuutta alentavia aineita. Näistä viidestä valmisteesta kahdessa (ReCovin pötsin pH pasta, Correct pH Kombi) aineiden määrä on riittävä. Natriumbikarbonaatti (ruokasooda) on puskuri ja magnesiumoksidi on alkaloiva aine, molemmat ovat tehokkaita happamuuden alentajia. Myös hiivat alentavat pötsinesteen happamuutta. Ne vähentävät maitohapon kertymistä ja lisäävät kuitua sulattavien bakteerien määrää pötsissä. Kolmessa valmisteessa yhdeksästä on riittävästi hiivaa (Super Vetrumin -jauhe, Rumelan, Correct Pötsi-Potku). Propyleeniglykoli on tehokkaana märehtijän verensokeria kohottavana aineena tarpeellinen herumiskaudella olevan syömättömän lehmän tukihoidossa. Propyleeniglykolia on kahdessa valmisteessa (Rumex pH-pasta, Correct Pötsi-Potku). Hivenaineista seleenin on todettu lisäävän alkueläinten määrää pötsissä, ja mikrobit käyttävät sitä proteiinisynteesissään. Kobolttia tarvitaan B12-vitamiinin synteesiin. B12-vitamiinia tarvitaan märehtijän energia-aineenvaihdunnalle välttämättömässä glukoneogeneesissä. Kobolttia on riittävästi viidessä valmisteessa (ReCovin Pötsin pH-pasta, Super Vetrumin -jauhe, Rumelan, Rumex, Rumevit), seleeniä vain yhdessä (ReCovin Pötsin pH-pasta). Mikrobitoiminnan häiriössä B-vitamiinien synteesi pötsissä saattaa vähentyä. Varsinkin B1-vitamiinin eli tiamiinin puute tiaminaasin tuotannon takia happamassa pötsissä ja sen yhteys kerebrokortikaali nekroosiin on hyvin tunnettu. B3-vitamiinin eli niasiinin on todettu tehostavan pötsimikrobien proteiinisynteesiä. B-vitamiineja on lisätty riittävästi neljään valmisteeseen (Biorumin, Super Vetrumin -jauhe, Rumex, Rumevit). Tutkielmassani pohdin myös millainen olisi hyvä pötsilääke. Pötsilääkkeisiin valitsin 8 edellä mainittua hyödyllistä ainetta. Happaman pötsin hoitoon suosittelen natriumbikarbonaattia ja/tai magnesiumoksidia ja hiivaa, niiden happamuutta alentavan vaikutuksen takia. Tiamiinia (B1-vitamiini), koska siitä on happamassa pötsissä todennäköisesti puutetta, ja propyleeniglykolia tukihoidoksi energiavajeeseen. Yksinkertaisen pötsihäiriön hoitoon suosittelen hiivaa, kobolttia, seleenimetioniinia (orgaaninen seleeni) ja niasiinia (B3-vitamiini) niiden pötsimikrobistoa elvyttävän vaikutuksen takia, ja propyleeniglykolia energiavajeeseen. Yhtä tärkeänä, kuin pötsihäiriöiden lääkitsemistä, pidän niiden ennaltaehkäisyä, jossa tärkeimpiä asioita ovat nopeiden ruokinnanmuutosten välttäminen ja rehujen hyvä laatu. Lisäksi on hyvä muistaa kuivan heinän edulliset vaikutukset märehtimistä, syljen erittymistä ja pötsin liikkeitä ylläpitävänä rehuna. Riittävä syljen erittyminen on tärkeä pötsinesteen happamuutta alentava tekijä.