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Browsing by Subject "biofilm"

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  • Sarekoski, Jenna (2018)
    Most bacteria live as biofilms (99%), which is a population of cells attached to a natural or artificial surface and encased in self-produced exopolysaccharide matrix. The extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) in the matrix can vary greatly between species in chemical and physical properties, but primarily it consists of water, polysaccharides, proteins, nucleic acids and absorbed nutrients from the surrounding area. Biofilm formation appears to be a survival strategy of bacteria and the main purpose of the biofilm matrix is to protect the bacteria. In nature, biofilms have been found in variety of different environments, including humans. Bacterial biofilms demonstrate a decreased susceptibility to antimicrobial agents and several mechanisms have been proposed to be involved in this tolerance. One of the reasons why chronic infections develop is that the immune response fails to remove the biofilm. Most of the bacterial infections currently in developed countries are biofilm related and these infections are often recalcitrant and difficult to eradicate with available treatments. In addition to chronic infections, the treatment of acute infections is shadowed by increasing problems with highly resistant bacteria. The presence of dormant persisters in biofilms accounts for their tolerance to antimicrobials and likely are responsible for latent and chronic infections, such as tuberculosis. Persistence is not primarily an active mechanism of antibiotic tolerance, but a dormant state of the bacteria avoiding the mechanism of action of most antibiotics. Persisters form stochastically only in small numbers, and more relevant physiological explanation is related to the stress responses of the cells. Persisters are distinguish phenotypic variants of the normal population and it is not a heritable feature, as no mutations occur. The dormant, persistent state of the bacteria is largely responsible for the multidrug tolerance of recalcitrant infections. Biofilm cause various diseases in humans, as bacteria are able to attach to practically any surface, such as teeth, heart valves, lungs, middle ear, artificial prosthetics and instruments. Biofilms growing on prosthetic joints can cause also serious infections, which are painful for the patient with high risks for complications, expensive and laborious to replace. Biofilm infections are difficult to treat and a huge burden in the healthcare. Many acute infections can be cured with conventional antibiotic therapies, but this is not case with recalcitrant, chronic infections. B. cenocepacia belongs to the B. cepacia complex (Bcc) which consist of 20 closely related and phenotypically similar species. This species was chosen for this study because of its natural tolerance to antibiotics and ability to form biofilms easily. This species causes fatal lung infections in cystic fibrosis patients, and there is no treatment for it other than inadequate combination antibiotic treatment and lung transplant. In this thesis, a promising method was developed and validated for detecting anti-persister activity against B. cenocepacia. The assay is based on measuring the levels of ATP present in the cultures after treatment and it can be used quantify remaining persisters using B. cenocepacia biofilms. Utilizing the method validated, it was confirmed that mitomycin C is an effective anti-persister compound against highly tolerant B. cenocepacia biofilms even at low concentrations. Doxycycline was found to be ineffective against B. cenocepacia biofilms, although the bacteria are susceptible to it in planktonic form, and ciprofloxacin was proved to be effective at very high concentrations.
  • Koivisto, Vilma (2023)
    Hyaluronihapolla tehdyt kasvojen täyteainehoidot ovat yleistyneet maailmalla viime vuosina runsaasti ja niiden suosio on nähtävissä myös Pohjoismaissa. Toisin kuin naapurimaissamme, Suomen lainsäädäntö ei vaadi täyteainehoitojen tekijältä sairaanhoitajan tai hammaslääkärin/lääkärin koulutusta. Täyteaineet luokitellaan Euroopassa luokan III lääkinnällisiksi laitteiksi. Lainsäädäntö ei vaadi tämän luokan tuotteilta laadunvalvontaa eikä laki velvoita valmistajia toimittamaan tietoja laitteen turvallisuudesta tai tehokkuudesta. Kirjallisuudessa täyteainehoitojen vakavat komplikaatiot luokitellaan harvinaisiksi. Näissä tutkimuksissa täyteainehoitojen tekijöinä ovat olleet esteettisen lääketieteen asiantuntijalääkärit, joilla on ollut mahdollisuus ja tietotaito hoitaa ensiapua vaativia potilaita heti, jolloin myös viivästyneen hoidon seurauksena tapahtuvat komplikaatiot vähentyvät. Vakavia komplikaatioita ovat kudosnekroosi, sokeutuminen ja aivoinfarkti. Merkittäviä komplikaatioita ovat myös biofilmin indusoimat infektiot, jotka johtuvat tyypillisesti tekijöiden puuttuvasta terveydenhuoltoalankoulutuksesta sekä esteettisen lääketieteen osaamattomuudesta. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää eri komplikaatiotyyppejä, joita esiintyy suomalaisessa aineistossa ja pohtia komplikaatioiden hoitoa. Erilaisiin komplikaatiotyyppeihin tutustuttiin kirjallisuuden avulla ja sen pohjalta suunniteltiin tutkimuksen kyselylomake. Tutkimuskutsua jaettiin sosiaalisen median ryhmissä, jotka olivat suunnattu esteettisistä toimenpiteistä kiinnostuneille henkilöille. Tutkimuskutsu lähetettiin myös täyteainehoitoja tarjoavan yrityksen asiakasrekisterille, jossa oli 1102 vastaanottajaa. Aineisto kerättiin sähköisellä lomakkeella keväällä 2023. Vastauksia tuli yhteensä 100. Kyselyn perusteella ilmeni, että eniten täyteainehoitoja tekevillä henkilöillä ei ole terveydenhuoltoalankoulutusta. Tutkimukseen vastanneiden hoidossa eniten käytetty täyteainemerkki oli yksi suosituimmista Suomessa käytettävistä hyaluronihappopohjaisista valmisteista. Tuotteesta ei ole julkaistu lainkaan tieteellisiä julkaisuja eikä sen käyttöä ole hyväksytty esimerkiksi Yhdysvalloissa. Yleisin komplikaatiotyyppi oli injektioalueella alueella esiintyvät patit, joita esiintyi 60 %:lla vastaajista. Kyselyyn vastanneilla esiintyi myös vakavia komplikaatioita, kuten täyteaineen päätyminen verenkiertoon. Kasvojen täyteainehoitoja voidaan pitää korkean riskin toimenpiteenä. Täyteaineen päätyminen verenkiertoon voi johtaa pahimmillaan potilaan kuolemaan, mikäli ensiapua ei aloiteta riittävän ajoissa. Mahdollista on, että täyteainehoitojen lisääntyessä komplikaatiot tulevat lisääntymään, etenkin jos Suomen lainsäädäntöä ei tiukenneta.
  • Nissinen, Ulla (2017)
    Quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and surface plasmon resonance (SPR) spectroscopy are methods measuring mass changes on solid surface. During measurement fluid flows over sensor. The aim of this study was to find out if it's possible to culture a biofilm using QCM and SPR methods and compare biofilms with those cultured in test tubes under static fluid conditions. Enrofloxacin antibiotic was tested against biofilm cultured in SPR. Biofilms were imaged electron microscopically. Bacteria used were Staphylococcus pseudintermedius and Corynebacterium auriscanis and a combination of those. Biofilm was successfully cultured by both methods repeatably. S.pseudintermedius formed a biofilm, but C.auriscanis didn't. Together S.pseudintemedius and C.auriscanis formed thicker biofilm than S.pseudintermedius alone. There were difference between biofilms depending on culturing conditions. Biofilm covered the surface quicker and bacterial density was higher under flowing conditions than static fluid. The growth of biofilm was ceased during enrofloxacin feeding, but not destroyed. Growth continued after stopping enrofloxacin feeding. QCM and SPR methods are suitable for culturing biofilms. They measure mass changes on solid surface but tell nothing about the architecture of biofilm. QCM and SPR could be good methods for studying compounds destroying biofilm matrix or trying to find coating materials to prevent bacterial adhesion.
  • Toivanen, Laura (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2009)
    Listeria monocytogenes is an important food-borne pathogen. It is a gram-positive bacterium, which multiplies in both aerobic and anaerobic conditions at a wide temperature area. It can grow in vacuum and modified atmosphere packages in refrigerated temperatures causing food hygienic risk. Listeria monocytogenes can cause life-threatening infection particularly in individuals who are immunocompromised, pregnant and elderly. The disease is divided into invasive and non-invasive form. The disease manifests typically with septicaemia, meningitis and gastroenteritis in non-invasive form. L. monocytogenes exists widely in the environment such as soil and water. It can find its way from the environment to the food processing plants and cause so called persistent contamination in the plant. The persistent contamination is a sum of many factors. Bacterial adhesion, acid and heat tolerance, the failure of disinfection, the adaptation of bacteria to sanitizing agents, complex processing machines and the existence of compartmentalization has its own role. Listeria monocytogenes strains can be divided into persistent and non-persistent strains. The persistent strains adhere to stainless steel surfaces faster than non-persistent strains. After the adhesion bacteria produce exopolysaccarides around themselves creating a biofilm. There are several methods to investigate biofilms. These methods can be divided into direct and indirect methods. In direct methods the biofilm is observed directly with microscope. The indirect methods are often colorimetric in other words the adherent bacteria are stained and the amount of colour is measured to estimate the amount of biofilm. The aim of the study was to set up a microtiter plate method to examine the adhesion of L. monocytogenes. At the same time the adhesion of persistent and non-persistent L. monocytogenes strains was compared. There were 20 L. monocytogenes strains that were isolated from food processing plants. The test was repeated 2 or 3 times. In the method which was used in this study the strain was incubated in the suspension in the microtiter plate. The adhered cells were stained and then the colour was dissolved. The optical density of the suspension was measured. The higher the optical density of the suspension was, the more there were adhered bacteria. Part of the studied strains had statistically significant difference in the adhesion. However most of the strains did not have a significant difference in adhesion. There was not statistically significant difference in the adhesion of persistent and non-persistent strains. The microtiter plate method proved to be a practical method to examine the biofilm of L. monocytogenes but its repeatability should still be improved. Differences in the adhesion of strains were observed with the method. Many strains can be examined at the same time with the method. The method is also easily modified to different research conditions.
  • Virtanen, Maria (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2017)
    Listeria monocytogenes on yksi yleisimmistä Suomessa esiintyvistä ruokamyrkytyspatogeeneistä. Pastöroimattomat maitotuotteet ovat merkittävä riskielintarvikeryhmä. Raakamaitoon L. monocytogenes voi päätyä esimerkiksi utareen pinnalta huonon lypsyhygienian seurauksena, mutta tartuntareittinä voi myös toimia lypsylaitteistoon tai maitotankkiin muodostuneet biofilmit. Biofilmin avulla bakteerit kiinnittyvät tiukasti alustaansa ja samalla ne suojautuvat mekaanisilta ja kemiallisilta puhdistustoimenpiteiltä. Biofilmit ovat usein erittäin vaikeita saneerata elintarviketuotantolinjoista. Tavoitteenamme oli kartoittaa maidon alkutuotannosta eristettyjen L. monocytogenes –kantojen kiinnittymistä ja biofilminmuodostusta kuoppalevyillä. Valitsimme yhteensä 79 L. monocytogenes -isolaattia (53 eri genotyyppiä), jotka olivat peräisin neljän lypsykarjatilan maidosta, lypsylaitteiston suodattimista ja navettaympäristöstä. Lisäksi tutkittiin referenssikannat ATCC 19115 ja EGD-e. Isolaateille tehtiin kiinnittymiskoe, jossa niitä kasvatettiin kuoppalevyllä vähäravinteisessa elatusaineessa 30 °C:ssa 24 ja 48 tunnin ajan. Tämän jälkeen kuoppalevy pestiin puhtaaksi irtonaisista bakteerisoluista tislatulla vedellä ja pohjaan kiinnittyneet bakteerisolut värjättiin 0,1 % kristallivioletilla. Väri liuotettiin 95 % etanoliin ja kuoppalevyjen absorbanssi mitattiin spektrofotometrin avulla. Kullekin isolaatiolle tehtiin kolme kiinnittymiskoetta ja jokaisessa kokeessa oli mukana kolme teknistä toistoa. Negatiivisena kontrollina käytettiin elatusainetta, johon ei lisätty bakteeria. L. monocytogenes -isolaattien absorbanssimittausten keskiarvo oli 24 tunnin kasvatuksen jälkeen 0,1915 (0,1468 – 0,2477) ja 48 tunnin kasvatuksen jälkeen 0,2266 (0,1694 – 0,3661). Referenssikannan ATCC 19115 mittaustulokset eivät merkitsevästi eronneet muiden isolaattien tuloksista, mutta EGD-e:n absorbanssi oli 48 tunnin mittauksessa keskimäärin suurempi kuin muiden isolaattien. Sivelynäytteistä eristettyjen isolaattien mittaustulokset olivat 48 tunnin jälkeen merkitsevästi suurempia (p<0,01) kuin maitonäytteistä eristettyjen isolaattien. Sivelynäytteistä eristettyjen isolaattien kasvuympäristöt ovat siis sellaisia, joissa runsaasta biofilminmuodostuksesta on hyötyä bakteereille. Maitonäytteiden isolaatit eivät ole kasvuympäristössään hyötyneet tästä ominaisuudesta, ja siksi niiden biofilminmuodostus on heikompaa. Tulosten valossa on perusteltua, että L. monocytogenes -kantojen kasvuympäristön ja biofilminmuodostuskyvyn mahdollista yhteyttä selvittäisiin tarkemmin.
  • Miettinen, Ilkka (2016)
    Multi-drug tolerance is a phenomenon, in which microorganisms normally susceptible to an antimicrobial agent are able to withstand a treatment via phenotypic alteration. The tolerance is conveyed by a microbial subpopulation that is in a non-replicative and metabolically inactive state also known as persistence. Through this kind of dormancy, the subpopulation may survive an otherwise appropriate course of antimicrobials, since the majority of the drugs target cellular division or metabolism. Upon the reduction of the surrounding antimicrobial concentration the multi-drug tolerant cells - persisters - become resuscitated thus allowing repopulation. As opposed to the more widely acknowledged challenge of antimicrobial resistance, the offspring of the specialist survivor cells are genetically identical to the susceptible majority. Persisters are especially abundant in biofilms, a microbial lifestyle characterized by aggregated microcolonies that are covered in a self-produced slimy matrix known as extracellular polymeric substance (EPS). Partly owning to this protective matrix, biofilms are inherently somewhat tolerant to antimicrobial chemotherapy. Moreover, microbes confined in a biofilm are additionally protected against the components of the host immune system. Conversely, it is assumed that persisters in planktonic, i.e. freely floating state, are easily cleared out by white blood cells. Combined, the immune evasive properties of biofilms and the remarkable multi-drug tolerance of persisters give rise to recalcitrant infections that are immensely difficult to eradicate. The described phenomenon constitutes crucially to the major healthcare challenge of chronic, treatment-resistant infections. Tuberculosis, cystic fibrosis lung disorder, bacterial endocarditis and infections related to indwelling medical devices are only a few examples of such problems. Despite the need for antimicrobials with anti-persister efficacy, no such therapeutics is available and very few are being investigated - one important factor being the lack of relevant drug discovery platforms. Therefore, the aim of this study was to develop an anti-persister assay and to carry out a pilot screening of natural product derived bioactive compounds. Based on the notion that persisters are enriched in bacterial cultures that have reached the stationary phase of growth, a persister model was designed using Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 25923 as the test strain. The bacteria were grown in liquid cultures until they reached the stationary phase and subsequent experimentation was carried out to confirm the tolerant state. After the stationary phase persister model was validated, a small pilot screening of natural products was undertaken in the hope of finding novel anti-persister activity. Mitomycin C, a cytotoxic drug with an existing anti-cancer indication was assigned as the positive control compound because of its previously established anti-persister activity. Since it is common for all of the persister-related diseases that the target microorganisms reside within a protective biofilm, an additional assay based on biofilm regrowth was designed to characterize the hit compounds on a more clinically relevant platform. The persister model culture was shown to be tolerant to conventional antibiotics. The re-induction of metabolic activity by diluting into fresh medium recovered the antimicrobial susceptibility expectedly. A total of 4 compounds were identified as anti-persister hits in the pilot screening campaign. Chromomycin A3, dehydroabietic acid, mithramycin A and oleanolic acid were all able to reduce the viable bacterial count in the stationary phase persister model more than 2 logarithmic units at 100 µM. Mithramycin A was the most potent, reducing the viability over 6 log units. The model compound mitomycin C reduced the viable counts 5.49 (± 0.96) logarithmic units. Out of the 4 hits, dehydroabietic acid was selected for the biofilm relapse assay because of its favourable biocompatibility properties. It reduced regrowth for the treated biofilms by 4 logarithmic.
  • Puhakka, Heikki (2019)
    The aim of this thesis was to study and develop the process hygiene of the new R1 bottling line at Altia Rajamäki alcoholic beverage plant. The products bottled on the line are mainly low- and non-alcoholic beverages that have limited amount of previously studied knowledge about the efficiency of hygienic practices of their production. In addition, the microbiological quality of the products’ raw materials was studied, and an attempt was made to identify the microbes occurring in the products and on the production line. The literature review deals with the legislation of food industry and the microbiological risks related to various types of beverages and their processing. In the experimental part of the thesis the microbiological hygiene of the bottling process was studied by collecting samples from the surfaces of the bottling line using mainly the microbiological swabbing method. The microbiological analyses of the bottled products were conducted by filtering the sample to a filter paper. Various culture mediums and antibiotics were also tested to identify the bacteria from yeasts and molds. 16S rRNA gene sequencing was used to identify the bacteria frequently occurring in the analyses. DNA isolation and PCR were conducted at the University of Helsinki and the gene sequencing was carried out by the Institute of Biotechnology. Sequence alignment was made using BLAST. The public version of the thesis lacks the confidential information which is provided only for Altia Oyj. Based on the results, the process hygiene of the R1 bottling line is sufficient in case the hygienic practices are followed. No significant microbiological growth was observed in the process hygiene samples. However, endospore producing bacteria were found in the products and these bacteria were presumed to originate from the raw materials of the products or from storage tanks and pipelines of these raw materials. Four bacterial genera, which frequently occurred in the products, were successfully identified. Nevertheless, based on the literature, it was noticed that these bacteria are not able to spoil alcoholic beverages nor to grow in the conditions of bottled products. However, some of these bacteria can substantially form biofilm.
  • Vartema, Linda (2020)
    Bacterial surface layers (S-layers) usually consist of a single protein or glycoprotein species and they form the outermost layer of many bacteria. Three S-layer protein genes have been found in Lactobacillus brevis ATCC 14869, but the expression of only two of them, slpB and slpD, has been described in planktonic conditions. Preliminary results have suggested that the third gene, slpC, may be expressed in biofilm cells. The aim of this thesis was to study the expression of S-layer protein genes slpB, slpC and slpD in the different growth modes of L. brevis ATCC 14869. Surface proteins were detached both chemically for SDS-PAGE analysis and enzymatically for surfaceome analysis by LC-MS/MS and label-free quantification (LFQ). Messenger RNA transcript levels of the S-layer protein genes were analyzed by reverse transcriptase droplet digital PCR (RT-ddPCR). The expression of all three S-layer protein genes slpB, slpC and slpD was confirmed in the study. In the surfaceome analysis, SlpD was the most abundant protein detected on the cell surface, representing more than a third of all identified proteins, whereas SlpB and SlpC were less abundant. The S-layer proteins were detected by gel electrophoresis. Transcripts of all three genes were observed; slpD transcript amounts were the highest, whereas slpB and slpC transcript amounts were lower. The S-layer proteins and their transcripts were present in equal amounts in biofilm and planktonic cells. In this study, SlpC expression is demonstrated for the first time in L. brevis ATCC 14869. The expression of slpB, slpC and slpD was at the same level in biofilm and planktonic cells.
  • Vartema, Linda (2020)
    Bacterial surface layers (S-layers) usually consist of a single protein or glycoprotein species and they form the outermost layer of many bacteria. Three S-layer protein genes have been found in Lactobacillus brevis ATCC 14869, but the expression of only two of them, slpB and slpD, has been described in planktonic conditions. Preliminary results have suggested that the third gene, slpC, may be expressed in biofilm cells. The aim of this thesis was to study the expression of S-layer protein genes slpB, slpC and slpD in the different growth modes of L. brevis ATCC 14869. Surface proteins were detached both chemically for SDS-PAGE analysis and enzymatically for surfaceome analysis by LC-MS/MS and label-free quantification (LFQ). Messenger RNA transcript levels of the S-layer protein genes were analyzed by reverse transcriptase droplet digital PCR (RT-ddPCR). The expression of all three S-layer protein genes slpB, slpC and slpD was confirmed in the study. In the surfaceome analysis, SlpD was the most abundant protein detected on the cell surface, representing more than a third of all identified proteins, whereas SlpB and SlpC were less abundant. The S-layer proteins were detected by gel electrophoresis. Transcripts of all three genes were observed; slpD transcript amounts were the highest, whereas slpB and slpC transcript amounts were lower. The S-layer proteins and their transcripts were present in equal amounts in biofilm and planktonic cells. In this study, SlpC expression is demonstrated for the first time in L. brevis ATCC 14869. The expression of slpB, slpC and slpD was at the same level in biofilm and planktonic cells.
  • Hassan, Ghada (2016)
    The aim of this study was to synthesize antimicrobial and anti-biofilm agents using abietic (AA) and dehydroabietic acids (DHAA). Bacterial biofilms are formed when bacteria cells cluster together within a self-produced extracellular matrix. This lifestyle makes bacteria highly resilient to different environmental stresses and conventional antibiotics when compared to single-cell bacteria. Currently, there are no approved anti-biofilm agents as drugs and only a few number of compounds can selectively target biofilms and eradicate them at low concentrations. Potent drugs targeting them are needed. AA and DHAA are abietane-type diterpenoids found in the resin of conifer trees. Antibacterial effects of resin acids have been widely studied, specifically against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus strain (MRSA). Through the combination of DHAA with different amino acids, Manner et al. (2015) discovered a new class of hybrid compounds that target both planktonic and biofilm bacteria in Staphylococcus aureus. The study group also discovered two of the most potent abietane-type anti-biofilm agents reported so far in literature. This thesis followed the work of the research group by designing and synthesizing additional AA and DHAA derivatives to target bacterial biofilms. Rings A, B and C of the diterpenoid core were modified and 24 derivatives were successfully synthesized. Amino acids were attached to the compounds either before or after ring modification. Standard structural elucidation techniques were used to confirm the structure of the synthesized compounds.
  • Hiltunen, Anna (2015)
    Periodontitis is a globally significant disease which destroys the attachment tissues and alveolar bone of teeth, eventually leading to tooth loss. Biofilms, the most intrinsic lifestyle of bacteria, play a pivotal role in the occurrence of this disease. Periodontal biofilms can be treated with topically administered chlorhexidine and strain-specific antibiotics. However, these antimicrobials do not offer solutions for periodontal attachment tissue and alveolar bone loss. Some therapeutical alternatives for these conventional treatments have been investigated. In numerous studies, periodontitis is treated successfully (increased attachment and/or alveolar bone levels) with topically and systemically administered bisphosphonates. Furthermore, a topically administered bone graft substitute (bioactive glass) has shown to improve periodontal parameters. In addition, bioactive glass has known antimicrobial and anti-biofilm effects. Moreover, a few bisphosphonates have shown antimicrobial activity against some bacterial strains. Hence, both bisphosphonates and bioactive glass are promising materials for dental applications, also raising interest in their combination. Indeed, it could be hypothesized that this combination product could simultaneously treat both the underlying cause (biofilms) and consequences (alveolar bone and attachment tissue loss) of periodontitis. Open research questions remain for the combination product. Is the anti-biofilm effect enhanced when bioactive glass is combined with bisphosphonates? Moreover, do bisphosphonates have intrinsic anti-biofilm properties? These questions are investigated in this thesis, which is a continuation of a recent doctoral dissertation. In this dissertation, a clodronate-bioactive glass combination product was studied by applying it into periodontal pockets. However, anti-biofilm effects were not assessed. In this thesis, a close examination is carried out on these effects, utilizing relevant biofilm models. The aims of this work were to investigate anti-biofilm effects of bisphosphonates (alendronate, clodronate, etidronate, risedronate and zoledronate) (i) alone, administered as solutions and (ii) combined with bioactive glass S53P4. Optimization of the used assay methods (96-well plate assay, Static Biofilm method) was performed. The anti-biofilm effects of bisphosphonate solutions were screened in the 96-well plate assay using a model organism Staphylococcus aureus Newman and a periodontopathogen Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans ATCC 33384. After this, experiments were conducted with bisphosphonate-bioactive glass combinations. The experiments were performed with a single-specie (A. actinomycetemcomitans ATCC 33384) dental biofilm model based on the Static Biofilm method. The model mimics conditions encountered by periodontal bacteria in the oral cavity. In this part, bisphosphonate particle sizes were measured to determine a suitable control material. In addition to bacterial experiments, pH measurements were carried out to gain an insight to a possible anti-biofilm mechanism. Bisphosphonates administered as stand-alone compounds did not have an effect on either the Gram-positive model organism (S. aureus Newman) or the Gram-negative periodontopathogen (A. actinomycetemcomitans ATCC 33384). In contrast, most combinations of bisphosphonate-bioactive glass revealed a statistically significant increase in anti-biofilm effect on A. actinomycetemcomitans ATCC 33384. The combinations were compared to a control composed of inert glass and bioactive glass. In these assay conditions, the risedronate-bioactive glass-combination was the most effective (significant statistical difference, p < 0.05). Other combinations also reduced biofilms (significant statistical differences, p < 0.05), with the exception of clodronate-bioactive glass, where the change was not statistically significant. The most effective combinations (containing risedronate and etidronate) subjected the biofilms to a period of low pH. Conversely, the least effective combination (clodronate-bioactive glass) rapidly became alkaline, similarly to the control compounds (inert glass and bioactive glass). Thus, anti-biofilm efficacy could be connected to lowered pH. This observation is supported by recent literature where A. actinomycetemcomitans has been deemed highly sensitive to acidity. However, establishing the anti-biofilm rank order of bisphosphonate-bioactive glass combinations would benefit from experiments with equal bisphosphonate particle sizes.
  • Ahmed, Mohamed Adel (2015)
    Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (GG) is one of the most studied probiotics worldwide and it has proved to confer health benefits to human. However, the exact mechanism of its probiotic action is still not fully understood. Some proteins secreted by probiotics, such as p75 (Msp1) and p40 (Msp2) in GG, are reported to play an important role in gut epithelial homeostasis. The aim of this work was to develop a static biofilm plate model for analyzing exoproteomes (all secreted proteins) produced by L. rhamnosus GG biofilms. First, different culture volumes (7 mL and 10 mL), incubation times and protein precipitation methods were tested to optimize conditions in order to maximize the protein yield. Next, the impact of different sugars on the exoproteome composition of the GG cells during planktonic and biofilm mode of growth was explored. Finally, the planktonic and biofilm exoproteins were subjected to antigen profiling and protein identification. The 6-well Polystyrene Microtiter plate was used as the static biofilm model for inducing the biofilm formation of GG. Biofilms were formed for 24 h and 48 h and the protein secretion from each time point was assessed by precipitating the supernatant proteins using 10% trichloroacetic acid (TCA)/acetone or 2-D Clean Up kit (GE Healthcare). The purified proteins were subjected to one-dimensional sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (1-DE) and the proteins were visualized using Coomassie blue staining. 1-DE immunoblotting using antibodies raised against whole GG cells was used to analyze antigens produced by the GG biofilms under the optimized biofilm formation conditions. The antigens produced by the GG biofilm cells were compared to those produced by the GG cells during planktonic growth (from over- night cultures) and the cross-reacting proteins were visualized using an IR800-conjugated secondary antibody. The immunoblots were scanned using an Odyssey Infrared Imaging System (Licor). In addition, the impact of two different carbohydrate sources on the antigen profiles was also explored. Finally, in-liquid tryptic digestion coupled with Liquid Chromatography- tandem Mass Spectrometry analysis (LC-MS/MS) was used to identify and compare exoproteomes produced by the biofilm cells cultured in the presence of the tested carbohydrates. The results showed that the commercial 2-D Clean Up kit is better than 10% TCA protein precipitation/acetone washing, because it produced clear protein patterns with less background. However, the TCA/acetone–protocol resulted in detection of higher number of proteins in 1-DE gels. Comparative immunoblot analyses of the planktonic and biofilm exoproteins at 24 h and 48 h time points revealed a clear difference in antigen profiles between the two modes of growth. In addition, the utilized carbon source was found to have a great impact on the antigen abundances and/or export. Using LC-MS/MS, 36 exoproteins were identified from the GG biofilm cultures (identification score ≥ 40, p < 0.05). Most of the identified proteins were associated with cell wall/membrane biogenesis, peptide and sugar transporters and transcription.