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  • Johansson, Joona (2021)
    Aims. Student’s participation is one of the most important aspects in primary school. Participation means that students’ views and opinions are being heard and considered, and that they have a say in matters concerning them. Students should also be involved in matters and choices in their schools. Student participation should be encouraged and supported. Student’s participation has been researched in regular classroom setting but not in distance education. Due to the Covid-19 situation in March 2020 schools were closed and studying in classrooms changed to distance learning at homes. The aim of this study is to research teachers’ views on student participation in distance education. Harry Shier’s and Johanna Kiili’s theories of children and student participation are being used in this study. Methods. This study is a qualitative research made with the theory-based analysis of the content method. The research data was collected from teachers who participated in distance teaching during school years ¬2019–2020 and 2020–2021. The data was collected from February to April in 2021 using e-forms, which asked teachers to describe their views on student participation during distance education. 19 teachers participated in this study. Results and conclusions. The participation in distance education did not differ much from classroom learning. Teacher’s saw the importance of taking student’s views into account and their freedom to make choices during both distance learning and classroom learning. The sense of community in participation was decreased during distance education. The use of information and communication technology provided new ways to participate. The students who were less likely to speak in classroom had more chances to have their voice heard during distance education. There were different kinds of learning environments for students during distance education since studying did not happen in classrooms. Those students’ who were self-determined were able to benefit from the participation in distance education. Those who needed more support during studying faced more challenges during distance education. The teachers utilized their knowledge and information about their students in different ways during distance education.
  • Johansson, Joona (2021)
    Aims. Student’s participation is one of the most important aspects in primary school. Participation means that students’ views and opinions are being heard and considered, and that they have a say in matters concerning them. Students should also be involved in matters and choices in their schools. Student participation should be encouraged and supported. Student’s participation has been researched in regular classroom setting but not in distance education. Due to the Covid-19 situation in March 2020 schools were closed and studying in classrooms changed to distance learning at homes. The aim of this study is to research teachers’ views on student participation in distance education. Harry Shier’s and Johanna Kiili’s theories of children and student participation are being used in this study. Methods. This study is a qualitative research made with the theory-based analysis of the content method. The research data was collected from teachers who participated in distance teaching during school years ¬2019–2020 and 2020–2021. The data was collected from February to April in 2021 using e-forms, which asked teachers to describe their views on student participation during distance education. 19 teachers participated in this study. Results and conclusions. The participation in distance education did not differ much from classroom learning. Teacher’s saw the importance of taking student’s views into account and their freedom to make choices during both distance learning and classroom learning. The sense of community in participation was decreased during distance education. The use of information and communication technology provided new ways to participate. The students who were less likely to speak in classroom had more chances to have their voice heard during distance education. There were different kinds of learning environments for students during distance education since studying did not happen in classrooms. Those students’ who were self-determined were able to benefit from the participation in distance education. Those who needed more support during studying faced more challenges during distance education. The teachers utilized their knowledge and information about their students in different ways during distance education.
  • Leskelä, Elina (2022)
    Objectives. Home economics education should establish action which tackles challenges and opportunities related to daily life and digital tools. Previous studies have shown that the most important predictors of home economics teachers’ information and telecommunication technology use are the teacher-level factors of digital competence, perceived usefulness of information and telecommunication technology in home economics teaching and the school-level support. In addition, there is a connection between perceived usefulness of information and telecommunication technology in home economics teaching and its use for facilitating pupils’ learning. This study investigates use of digital tools in home economics teaching, in a sense of what kind of experiences and perceptions home economic teachers’ and teacher students’ have. Thus, finding out how digital tools are used in home economics teaching and which factors have an impact to pedagogical decisions. Methods. This study combines two types of data, thus being a mixed-methods study. Data was collected by a questionnaire from Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish and Estonian home economics teachers and teacher students (n222). 1) Qualitative data was analysed by using thematic analysis, but only using Finnish home economics teachers’ and teacher students’ responses. 2) Part of qualitative data was quantified by using Finnish, Norwegian, Swedish and Estonian respondents’ answers. 3) Quantitative data was analysed by using SPSS-program. Means, standard deviations, t-tests and cross-tabulations were calculated from the data. Results and conclusions. Home economics teachers and teacher students used digital tools particularly to ease teachers work tasks and to support pupils’ learning. By respondents’ experiences digital tools bring value to teaching and the use of digital tools is favourable. Home economics studies have supported and encouraged teacher students to use digital tools, but there is need for further and greater support in the future, especially at teacher training.
  • Mäkinen, Lotta (2020)
    The purpose of this study is to find out, through the class teachers' own experiences, how differentiation was implemented in the distance education during the exceptional period incurred in spring 2020. This research is focused on finding successes and challenges teachers experienced in distance teachings differentiation. In addition, the study examines the types of support teachers received during this time. Being a fairly topical issue at the moment, the available scientific research, which would specifically address classroom distance learning, is limited. The research approach in this paper is mainly qualitative also utilizing multi-methodological means. The research material has been collected through a questionnaire and four interviews in order to obtain additional qualitative information. A total of 33 primary school classroom teachers from 24 different municipalities responded to the survey. The survey comprised of 26 questions, some of which were Likert-scale questions and some open-ended questions. The respondents were mainly collected from a Facebook community of almost 40,000 teachers and those interested in education. The quantitative data obtained from the questionnaire has been analyzed with Microsoft Excel and the open questions have been coded. Qualitative material was collected through four short semi-structured thematic interviews. The interview questions were based on questions already answered in the questionnaire, that required further qualitative research. The majority of the teachers who responded to the study found distance learning differentiation challenging. However, some found it even easier to implement differentiation than in face-to-face teaching. The most common way to differentiate teaching was the variations in the number and level of schoolwork and the use of implements. The successes of differentiation experienced by the teachers were related to provision of support to pupils who needed it, the usage of new ways of working, such as instructional videos, and more personal communication with students. Majority of teachers felt that the support they received from their colleagues most important form of support. Some would have liked more unified guidance from superiors. Others, on the other hand, found the guidance from their superiors unnecessarily demanding in a situation where support and understanding would have been needed. The challenges faced by teachers in distance learning were mainly due to the rapid transitioning to distance teaching, as well as the unpreparedness.
  • Vähämäki, Reeta (2021)
    Goals: Due to the Covid-19 situation, Finnish schools moved to distant education in spring of 2020. Interaction is a particularly important element in learning. Studies had shown that it affects the whole experience of learning for students and teachers. The quality of interaction also determines results and attitudes towards future learning. Distant learning has mainly been studied with adults and higher education. These studies showed that good interaction is an especially important element in distant learning. This could be formed through safe on-line environment and well-planned lessons. The purpose of this study is to find out how have students in Finnish schools experienced distant learning in the spring of 2020. Method. There were eight different interviews made for this thesis. There were nine different interviewees altogether in ages between 13-18 during the spring of 2020. Interviews were conducted in the winter of 2021, almost a year after the quarantine. The interviewees were given choises to take the interviews individually, in pairs or groups. They had also an opportunity to choose the interview face to face or with distant connection. About half of the interviews were made via distant connection and all but one individually. The analysis was made using content analysis. Results. The overall impression of the distant learning in quarantine time of 2020 was mainly negative. The results show that experiences of presence and interaction had diminished during distant learning. The interviewees experienced participation and asking during lessons mentally harder than in normal lesson. The learning environments on-line were found to feel unsafe and that was one of the main reason participation was diminished. Many had problems because of the lack of peers in class, and they missed normal school environments and habits, like recess. Positive results were that distant learning tended to be calmer, and it contained less hustle. There is a possibility to create more interaction and participation in distant education classes by thorough and versatile planning and making possibilities to do group work.There should be more ways to cultivate the feeling of safety in distant learning.
  • Vähämäki, Reeta (2021)
    Goals: Due to the Covid-19 situation, Finnish schools moved to distant education in spring of 2020. Interaction is a particularly important element in learning. Studies had shown that it affects the whole experience of learning for students and teachers. The quality of interaction also determines results and attitudes towards future learning. Distant learning has mainly been studied with adults and higher education. These studies showed that good interaction is an especially important element in distant learning. This could be formed through safe on-line environment and well-planned lessons. The purpose of this study is to find out how have students in Finnish schools experienced distant learning in the spring of 2020. Method. There were eight different interviews made for this thesis. There were nine different interviewees altogether in ages between 13-18 during the spring of 2020. Interviews were conducted in the winter of 2021, almost a year after the quarantine. The interviewees were given choises to take the interviews individually, in pairs or groups. They had also an opportunity to choose the interview face to face or with distant connection. About half of the interviews were made via distant connection and all but one individually. The analysis was made using content analysis. Results. The overall impression of the distant learning in quarantine time of 2020 was mainly negative. The results show that experiences of presence and interaction had diminished during distant learning. The interviewees experienced participation and asking during lessons mentally harder than in normal lesson. The learning environments on-line were found to feel unsafe and that was one of the main reason participation was diminished. Many had problems because of the lack of peers in class, and they missed normal school environments and habits, like recess. Positive results were that distant learning tended to be calmer, and it contained less hustle. There is a possibility to create more interaction and participation in distant education classes by thorough and versatile planning and making possibilities to do group work.There should be more ways to cultivate the feeling of safety in distant learning.
  • Antola, Hanna (2023)
    Metsäalan toimintaympäristö on nopeassa muutoksessa niin kansallisesti kuin kansainvälisesti. Metsiin kohdistuu suuria odotuksia uusiutuvien raaka-aineiden lähteenä, luonnon monimuotoisuuden ylläpitäjänä sekä hiilinieluna. Metsäalan koulutus näyttäytyykin siksi tulevaisuudessa ehkä tärkeämpänä kuin koskaan. Tulevaisuuden ammattilaisilla on edessään aikamme yksien suurimpien kysymysten ratkaiseminen. Yhteiskunnan muuttuvat odotukset julkishyödykkeille, kuten metsäluonnon monimuotoisuudelle, vaativat metsäalan perinteisten opetusaiheiden ja tapojen kehittymistä uuden tutkimustiedon ja muuttuvien odotusten mukana. Erityisesti ympäristöön liittyvien tieteiden opettamisessa painottuu se, miten luonto toimii. Metsätieteiden kohdalla tämä tarkoittaa esimerkiksi konkreettisia maastokäyntejä. Digitalisoituvassa yhteiskunnassa myös perinteisempiä opetustyylejä on hyvä kehittää ja arvioida niiden toimivuutta uusien innovaatioiden avulla. Tulevaisuudessa etämaastokäynnit voivat toimia opetuksen resurssina esimerkiksi niin, että opiskelijat voivat oppia etänä valitsemassaan sijainnissa digitaalisessa ympäristössä ainakin jonkin osa-alueen. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tutustutaan etämaastokäynnin toteutukseen sekä opiskelijoiden kokemuksiin toteutetusta etämaastokäynnistä. Tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan opiskelijoiden kokemusten perusteella sitä, miten etämaastokäyntejä tulisi toteuttaa tulevaisuudessa parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla ja miten opiskelijoiden mielestä etämaastokäyntejä voitaisiin hyödyntää opetuksessa tai työelämässä. Aiempaa tutkimusta aiheesta löytyy niukasti, vaikkakin etämaastokäyntejä on testattu ulkomailla positiivisin tuloksin. Erityisesti ajan ja rahan säästyminen näyttäytyi aiemmissa tutkimuksissa positiiviseksi puoleksi, sen lisäksi että etämaastokäynti mahdollistaa sen, että siihen voi osallistua mistä tahansa ja se on saavutettavissa kaikille. Tulevaisuudessa tämän tutkielman tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää tulevien metsätieteiden etämaastokäyntien suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin Helsingin yliopiston ja Tapion palvelut Oy:n yhteisen Digitaalisuuden hyödyntäminen maastokäynneissä -hankkeen oppilaitososuudessa. Helsingin yliopiston ja Tapion hankkeessa pilotoitiin ja tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia järjestää maastokäyntejä etäyhteyksin. Hankkeessa tuotetun suoratoistetun etämaastokäynnin pohjalta toteutettiin Helsingin yliopiston Metsäekonomian ja markkinoinnin perusteet -kurssin opiskelijoille nauhoitemuotoinen etämaastokäynti. Etämaastokäynnin jälkeen opiskelijoilta kysyttiin heidän kokemuksiaan käynnistä Microsoft Forms - kyselytyökalulla. Saadut vastaukset, yhteensä 51 kappaletta, analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin menetelmällä hyödyntäen teemoittelua. Opiskelijat kokivat etämaastokäynnin pääosin positiivisena kokemuksena, ja ainakin useimmille jäi ainakin jotain oppeja käyttöön. Selkeästi negatiivisena etämaastokäynnissä näyttäytyi se, että ainakin tässä toteutuksessa opiskelijoiden sosiaalinen aspekti jäi puuttumaan. Lisäksi etämaastokäynnin haasteeksi muodostui videomateriaalin heikko laatu, jonka vuoksi osa koki maaston arvioinnin videolta hankalaksi. Etämaastokäyntien eduiksi opiskelijoiden vastauksissa muodostui se, että niiden avulla säästyy toteutuksen osalta aikaa ja rahaa, ja ne ovat perinteistä maastokäyntiä nopeampi suorittaa. Lisäksi ne ovat olla kaikille osallistujille saavutettavissa. Lisäksi osa opiskelijoista huomioi, että etämaastokäynti säästää myös ympäristöä. Vaikka etämaastokäynneissä on runsaasti kehitettävää, uskovat opiskelijat niillä olevan paikkansa niin opiskeluissa kuin tulevaisuuden työelämässä. Erityisesti opiskelijat kokivat, että etämaastokäynnit voisivat soveltua työelämässä metsänomistajapalveluihin sekä henkilöstön koulutukseen. Yhä lisääntyvän etätyön ja monipaikkaisuuden yhteiskunnassa tarvitsemme uusia etäosallistumisen mahdollisuuksia myös metsäalan opetukseen ja työelämään, johon etämaastokäynnit osaltaan voivat vastata.
  • Antola, Hanna (2023)
    Metsäalan toimintaympäristö on nopeassa muutoksessa niin kansallisesti kuin kansainvälisesti. Metsiin kohdistuu suuria odotuksia uusiutuvien raaka-aineiden lähteenä, luonnon monimuotoisuuden ylläpitäjänä sekä hiilinieluna. Metsäalan koulutus näyttäytyykin siksi tulevaisuudessa ehkä tärkeämpänä kuin koskaan. Tulevaisuuden ammattilaisilla on edessään aikamme yksien suurimpien kysymysten ratkaiseminen. Yhteiskunnan muuttuvat odotukset julkishyödykkeille, kuten metsäluonnon monimuotoisuudelle, vaativat metsäalan perinteisten opetusaiheiden ja tapojen kehittymistä uuden tutkimustiedon ja muuttuvien odotusten mukana. Erityisesti ympäristöön liittyvien tieteiden opettamisessa painottuu se, miten luonto toimii. Metsätieteiden kohdalla tämä tarkoittaa esimerkiksi konkreettisia maastokäyntejä. Digitalisoituvassa yhteiskunnassa myös perinteisempiä opetustyylejä on hyvä kehittää ja arvioida niiden toimivuutta uusien innovaatioiden avulla. Tulevaisuudessa etämaastokäynnit voivat toimia opetuksen resurssina esimerkiksi niin, että opiskelijat voivat oppia etänä valitsemassaan sijainnissa digitaalisessa ympäristössä ainakin jonkin osa-alueen. Tässä pro gradu -tutkielmassa tutustutaan etämaastokäynnin toteutukseen sekä opiskelijoiden kokemuksiin toteutetusta etämaastokäynnistä. Tutkimuksessa kartoitetaan opiskelijoiden kokemusten perusteella sitä, miten etämaastokäyntejä tulisi toteuttaa tulevaisuudessa parhaalla mahdollisella tavalla ja miten opiskelijoiden mielestä etämaastokäyntejä voitaisiin hyödyntää opetuksessa tai työelämässä. Aiempaa tutkimusta aiheesta löytyy niukasti, vaikkakin etämaastokäyntejä on testattu ulkomailla positiivisin tuloksin. Erityisesti ajan ja rahan säästyminen näyttäytyi aiemmissa tutkimuksissa positiiviseksi puoleksi, sen lisäksi että etämaastokäynti mahdollistaa sen, että siihen voi osallistua mistä tahansa ja se on saavutettavissa kaikille. Tulevaisuudessa tämän tutkielman tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää tulevien metsätieteiden etämaastokäyntien suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin Helsingin yliopiston ja Tapion palvelut Oy:n yhteisen Digitaalisuuden hyödyntäminen maastokäynneissä -hankkeen oppilaitososuudessa. Helsingin yliopiston ja Tapion hankkeessa pilotoitiin ja tutkittiin mahdollisuuksia järjestää maastokäyntejä etäyhteyksin. Hankkeessa tuotetun suoratoistetun etämaastokäynnin pohjalta toteutettiin Helsingin yliopiston Metsäekonomian ja markkinoinnin perusteet -kurssin opiskelijoille nauhoitemuotoinen etämaastokäynti. Etämaastokäynnin jälkeen opiskelijoilta kysyttiin heidän kokemuksiaan käynnistä Microsoft Forms - kyselytyökalulla. Saadut vastaukset, yhteensä 51 kappaletta, analysoitiin sisällönanalyysin menetelmällä hyödyntäen teemoittelua. Opiskelijat kokivat etämaastokäynnin pääosin positiivisena kokemuksena, ja ainakin useimmille jäi ainakin jotain oppeja käyttöön. Selkeästi negatiivisena etämaastokäynnissä näyttäytyi se, että ainakin tässä toteutuksessa opiskelijoiden sosiaalinen aspekti jäi puuttumaan. Lisäksi etämaastokäynnin haasteeksi muodostui videomateriaalin heikko laatu, jonka vuoksi osa koki maaston arvioinnin videolta hankalaksi. Etämaastokäyntien eduiksi opiskelijoiden vastauksissa muodostui se, että niiden avulla säästyy toteutuksen osalta aikaa ja rahaa, ja ne ovat perinteistä maastokäyntiä nopeampi suorittaa. Lisäksi ne ovat olla kaikille osallistujille saavutettavissa. Lisäksi osa opiskelijoista huomioi, että etämaastokäynti säästää myös ympäristöä. Vaikka etämaastokäynneissä on runsaasti kehitettävää, uskovat opiskelijat niillä olevan paikkansa niin opiskeluissa kuin tulevaisuuden työelämässä. Erityisesti opiskelijat kokivat, että etämaastokäynnit voisivat soveltua työelämässä metsänomistajapalveluihin sekä henkilöstön koulutukseen. Yhä lisääntyvän etätyön ja monipaikkaisuuden yhteiskunnassa tarvitsemme uusia etäosallistumisen mahdollisuuksia myös metsäalan opetukseen ja työelämään, johon etämaastokäynnit osaltaan voivat vastata.
  • Alanko, Pinja (2023)
    Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on nivoa yhteen koronapandemian vuoksi etäopiskeluun siirtymisen negatiiviset sekä positiiviset vaikutukset opiskelijoiden hyvinvointiin ja voimavaroihin. Lisäksi tavoitteena on löytää ne asiat ja tekijät, mitkä vaikuttivat hyvinvointiin ja voimavaroihin etäopetuksessa. Kandidaatin tutkielma on systemaattinen kirjallisuuskatsaus, jossa systemaattisesti haetuista artikkeleista pyrittiin muodostamaan kokonaisuus etäopetuksen mukana tuomista vaikutuksista opiskelijoiden hyvinvointiin ja voimavaroihin. Artikkeleiksi valikoitui kahdeksan kvantitatiivista tutkimusta, jotka kaikki koskettivat suomalaisia korkeakouluopiskelijoita. Tutkimuksissa oli myös muita maita, mutta ainoastaan Suomea koskettavaa dataa hyödynnettiin tähän katsaukseen. Aineisto kerättiin kolmesta tietokannasta, joita oli Pro Quest University of Helsinki, EBSCOhost sekä Web of sciences. Haut tietokantoihin erosivat hiukan toisistaan, koska samat hakusanat eivät tuottaneet tuloksia kaikissa hakukannoissa. Aineiston analysoinnissa menetelmänä käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä. Osa opiskelijoista koki etäopetukseen siirtymisen kuormittavana, koska se toi mukanaan uusia haasteita ja ongelmia, eikä opiskelijoilla ollut tarvittavia taitoja kohdata uusi opiskelutapa, jolloin voimavarat koettiin riittämättömiksi. Opiskelijat kohtasivat vaikeuksia ajanhallinnassa, kommunikoinnissa opiskelijoiden sekä opettajien kanssa, keskittymisessä sekä opiskeluympäristön kasaan saamisen kanssa. Näiden nähtiin vaikuttavan opiskelijoiden hyvinvointiin ja voimavaroihin kielteisesti, lisäten esimerkiksi stressiä. Yhteisöllisyyden puutteella nähtiin olevan negatiivisia vaikutuksia. Yhteisöllisyyden tunne on yksi psykologisista perustarpeista, joiden tyydyttymisen nähdään edistävän sisäistä motivaatiota opintoja kohtaan, millä on vuorostaan positiivisia vaikutuksia opiskelijoiden hyvinvointiin ja voimavaroihin. Osa opiskelijoista kuitenkin koki etäopetuksen toimivana ratkaisuna, sillä heidän opiskelunsa sujuivat, opintojen joustavuus oli palkitsevaa sekä aikaa säästyi, kun ei tarvinnut matkustaa kampukselle.
  • Mattern, Emilie (2021)
    The coronavirus outbreak disrupted life around the globe in 2020, which led to the suspension of face-to-face teaching. Based on previous research, it is clear that student participation in face-to-face lectures has a positive impact on their academic performance. Now, however, we find ourselves in a situation where it is not even physically possible to attend lectures. This raises the question of how distance education has affected the level of students’ academic performance and how do students experience distance education. The aim of this mixed methods study is first to quantitatively identify the effect of distance education on the level of students’ academic performance when compared to the results of normal course implementation. The results were obtained by examining the exam results and the course assignment results of a total of 728 students over a three-year period from the same course, two of which were implemented normally and one remotely due to the coronavirus outbreak. The preliminary analysis of the first phase raised the need to examine these results in more depth through qualitative analysis. The aim of the qualitative analysis is to find out how students experienced distance education in the Quantitative research methods 1 course. This second phase of the study consisted of eight students, whose exam results were also reviewed in the first phase of the study. Staying true to the mixed methods’ Explanatory Sequential Design, the final phase of the study sought to explain the results of the quantitative phase with the help of the qualitative results. In other words the students’ experiences sought to explain the fluctuation of the level of students’ academic performace. The quantitative part of the study showed that distance education had a positive effect on the level of students’ academic performance. A statistically significant positive correlation was found when examining the overall exam grade, the exam question scores regarding the lectures and exercises, and the course assignment results. The qualitative part of the study showed that students associated both positive and negative experiences regarding distance education. Positive experiences were related to the utilization of lecture recordings, the choices of the lecturer, and the benefits of a distance exam, while negative experiences were related to a lack of interaction, challenges in organizing one’s own work, and IT related probelms. This study shows that it is in the interest of both students and the university to provide lecture recordings regardless of how the course is organized.
  • Mattern, Emilie (2021)
    The coronavirus outbreak disrupted life around the globe in 2020, which led to the suspension of face-to-face teaching. Based on previous research, it is clear that student participation in face-to-face lectures has a positive impact on their academic performance. Now, however, we find ourselves in a situation where it is not even physically possible to attend lectures. This raises the question of how distance education has affected the level of students’ academic performance and how do students experience distance education. The aim of this mixed methods study is first to quantitatively identify the effect of distance education on the level of students’ academic performance when compared to the results of normal course implementation. The results were obtained by examining the exam results and the course assignment results of a total of 728 students over a three-year period from the same course, two of which were implemented normally and one remotely due to the coronavirus outbreak. The preliminary analysis of the first phase raised the need to examine these results in more depth through qualitative analysis. The aim of the qualitative analysis is to find out how students experienced distance education in the Quantitative research methods 1 course. This second phase of the study consisted of eight students, whose exam results were also reviewed in the first phase of the study. Staying true to the mixed methods’ Explanatory Sequential Design, the final phase of the study sought to explain the results of the quantitative phase with the help of the qualitative results. In other words the students’ experiences sought to explain the fluctuation of the level of students’ academic performace. The quantitative part of the study showed that distance education had a positive effect on the level of students’ academic performance. A statistically significant positive correlation was found when examining the overall exam grade, the exam question scores regarding the lectures and exercises, and the course assignment results. The qualitative part of the study showed that students associated both positive and negative experiences regarding distance education. Positive experiences were related to the utilization of lecture recordings, the choices of the lecturer, and the benefits of a distance exam, while negative experiences were related to a lack of interaction, challenges in organizing one’s own work, and IT related probelms. This study shows that it is in the interest of both students and the university to provide lecture recordings regardless of how the course is organized.
  • Niittynen, Saara (2023)
    Technology is constantly becoming a more significant part of society and schools. This trend is also reflected in the Finnish curriculum for primary and secondary schools (2014) where technological proficiency is identified as one of the greater goals for education. Online education in COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 brought significant changes in the use of technology in education. Teachers were required to adapt quickly and enhance their technological skills. This study examines the attitudes of primary school teachers towards the use of technology in education and whether online education has had an impact on teachers' attitudes. Furthermore, the research explores the factors that impact the utilization of technology by elementary school teachers. The research data was collected through interviews with six primary school teachers. The interviews were conducted as semi-structured interviews, incorporating elements of narrative interviewing to formulate questions. The collected data was analysed using narrative and qualitative content analysis methods. The attitudes of all the interviewed primary school teachers appear to be more positive after online education. Two teachers with previous negative attitudes now exhibit much more positive outlooks than before, while three teachers with neutral attitudes appear slightly more positive, and one teacher who already had a positive attitude seems even more optimistic. Online education also improved the teachers' technological skills, expanding their understanding of the new possibilities that technology offers in education. This enhancement of skills likely contributed to the improved attitudes. Using technology in education poses challenges. Technological devices and software used in schools are continuously evolving, necessitating ongoing efforts from teachers to adapt to new technologies. There also appears to be a shortage of further training and other assistance for using technologies. Previous research supports the need for additional training. According to earlier studies, some schools have deficiencies in their equipment, which raises concerns about inequality in education. The teachers I interviewed stated that support from colleagues is crucial. This aligns with findings in previous studies.
  • Niittynen, Saara (2023)
    Technology is constantly becoming a more significant part of society and schools. This trend is also reflected in the Finnish curriculum for primary and secondary schools (2014) where technological proficiency is identified as one of the greater goals for education. Online education in COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 brought significant changes in the use of technology in education. Teachers were required to adapt quickly and enhance their technological skills. This study examines the attitudes of primary school teachers towards the use of technology in education and whether online education has had an impact on teachers' attitudes. Furthermore, the research explores the factors that impact the utilization of technology by elementary school teachers. The research data was collected through interviews with six primary school teachers. The interviews were conducted as semi-structured interviews, incorporating elements of narrative interviewing to formulate questions. The collected data was analysed using narrative and qualitative content analysis methods. The attitudes of all the interviewed primary school teachers appear to be more positive after online education. Two teachers with previous negative attitudes now exhibit much more positive outlooks than before, while three teachers with neutral attitudes appear slightly more positive, and one teacher who already had a positive attitude seems even more optimistic. Online education also improved the teachers' technological skills, expanding their understanding of the new possibilities that technology offers in education. This enhancement of skills likely contributed to the improved attitudes. Using technology in education poses challenges. Technological devices and software used in schools are continuously evolving, necessitating ongoing efforts from teachers to adapt to new technologies. There also appears to be a shortage of further training and other assistance for using technologies. Previous research supports the need for additional training. According to earlier studies, some schools have deficiencies in their equipment, which raises concerns about inequality in education. The teachers I interviewed stated that support from colleagues is crucial. This aligns with findings in previous studies.
  • Salonen, Nette (2022)
    The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine the teacher efficacy and collective teacher efficacy of those teachers who taught remotely during the autumn of 2020. Furthermore, the aim is to find out if some background variables are connected to these above mentioned constructs. Teacher efficacy and collective efficacy are based on the self-efficacy beliefs which describe person’s beliefs in their own ability to succeed in specific situations (Bandura, 1977). Teacher efficacy is connected to many positive outcomes, e.g., remaining in the profession (Burley et al., 1991), and job satisfaction (Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2010). There is also evidence that teacher efficacy and collective teacher efficacy are connected to each other (Goddard & Goddard, 2001). This master’s thesis aims to supplement the previous research data on teacher efficacy and collective teacher efficacy in the context of COVID-19. The data used in this study are from a research project that aims to examine the effects of COVID-19 on studying, teaching and well-being. The project is run by University of Helsinki and Tampere University. The data were collected in November 2020 by sending electronic surveys to every comprehensive school in Finland. In total there were 5797 teacher participants, but the final sample consisted of those 1095 teachers who said that they had taught remotely during the autumn. The methods used in this quantitative study included describing the data and running correlation analyses and Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The dimensions of teacher efficacy were more correlated between themselves than the dimensions of collective teacher efficacy. The correlations between the two were even weaker. Class teachers had higher teacher efficacy compared to subject teachers or special education class teachers. Female teachers of the lower levels of comprehensive education had the highest levels of efficacy when teacher efficacy and collective teacher efficacy were examined together; the result is in line with several other studies (e.g. Greenwood, 1990; Edwards et al., 1996). Results indicate that remote teaching has weakened the collective teacher efficacy by decreasing the encounters of the work community. The result that class teachers had the highest levels of teacher efficacy might be explained by the vast level of general competence brought by the education or by their more reasonable workload.
  • Salonen, Nette (2022)
    The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine the teacher efficacy and collective teacher efficacy of those teachers who taught remotely during the autumn of 2020. Furthermore, the aim is to find out if some background variables are connected to these above mentioned constructs. Teacher efficacy and collective efficacy are based on the self-efficacy beliefs which describe person’s beliefs in their own ability to succeed in specific situations (Bandura, 1977). Teacher efficacy is connected to many positive outcomes, e.g., remaining in the profession (Burley et al., 1991), and job satisfaction (Skaalvik & Skaalvik, 2010). There is also evidence that teacher efficacy and collective teacher efficacy are connected to each other (Goddard & Goddard, 2001). This master’s thesis aims to supplement the previous research data on teacher efficacy and collective teacher efficacy in the context of COVID-19. The data used in this study are from a research project that aims to examine the effects of COVID-19 on studying, teaching and well-being. The project is run by University of Helsinki and Tampere University. The data were collected in November 2020 by sending electronic surveys to every comprehensive school in Finland. In total there were 5797 teacher participants, but the final sample consisted of those 1095 teachers who said that they had taught remotely during the autumn. The methods used in this quantitative study included describing the data and running correlation analyses and Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA). The dimensions of teacher efficacy were more correlated between themselves than the dimensions of collective teacher efficacy. The correlations between the two were even weaker. Class teachers had higher teacher efficacy compared to subject teachers or special education class teachers. Female teachers of the lower levels of comprehensive education had the highest levels of efficacy when teacher efficacy and collective teacher efficacy were examined together; the result is in line with several other studies (e.g. Greenwood, 1990; Edwards et al., 1996). Results indicate that remote teaching has weakened the collective teacher efficacy by decreasing the encounters of the work community. The result that class teachers had the highest levels of teacher efficacy might be explained by the vast level of general competence brought by the education or by their more reasonable workload.
  • Manninen, Lauri Kusti (2020)
    The aim of the study was to find out what kind of educational videos the members of the nearly 40,000-member Facebook group called “Alakoulun aarreaitta” shared from 1.3.-16.10.2020. The aim of the study was also to analyze how the criteria of the educational video developed by the author in his bachelor's thesis are implemented in these videos. Based on the shared recommendations, 44 videos published in 2004-2020 were selected as research material. The research method was qualitative content analysis, which used 3-4-level indicators modified from the guidelines of a good educational video. 80% of the videos in the research material were made for educational use. More than a third of the recommended videos were related to environmental education and covered a wide range of environmental and safety-related themes. More than a quarter of the videos provided stimuli for studying music and visual arts. Music, exercise and craft videos related to the spring annual celebrations were popular. The analysis showed that the criteria for a good educational video were only partially met in the research material. They performed best in terms of video duration, resolution, personality, and accessibility. Sound quality and background music posed the most challenges. Subtitling, interactivity, commentary, and humor were scarcely utilized in the videos. The author suggests that the use of educational videos in primary schools should be studied in more detail, a state-maintained educational video register should be established to help the discoverability of videos, and educational video authors should be offered training, for example in video format. The new and revised instructions for the authors of the educational videos are listed.
  • Vakkilainen, Anni (2022)
    The purpose of this thesis was to study and analyze teachers` experiences of distance teach- ing in crafts and their views of its future. It is important to acknowledge the unique nature of crafts also in distance teaching, and by sharing experiences and thoughts, the maintenance of quality and equality in teaching and learning can be enhanced. This study examines and analyzes craft teachers` and craft teacher students` groupdiscus- sion notes from “Kässää etänä” webinar, which was organized by craft teacher educators from the University of Helsinki in spring 2020. The data was collected with semi-structured group conversation applying the methods of the- matic interview. In total, 49 persons participated in the group conversations, in groups of 4-7. The groups` notes were analyzed with qualitative content analysis. The results of this study show that the participants` experiences of distance teaching in crafts and views of its future included both positive and negative attributes. Teachers experienced that distance teaching increased students` inequality and teachers` workload. The flexibility of time and place of teaching and learning was considered positive, as well as the new devel- opment possibilities for students. The participants experienced that in the future, technology has a significant role in distance teaching of crafts. Technology, digital tools and apps offer various possibilities for teaching and learning, but they also include features that might in- crease inequality. Craft teachers saw that distance teaching has its place in schools, although the unique features of craft were considered challenging to transfer into distance teaching.
  • Stenbäck, Reija-Riikka (2021)
    The Covid-19 pandemic forced the Ministry of Education and Culture to make a historical decision, based on which all schools and educational institutions in Finland switched to dis-tance education on March 18, 2020. If necessary, contact teaching was offered only to pupils in grades 1 – 3 or with special support. The purpose of this dissertation is to record the experience of pupils aged 7 to 12 years and their parents of the distance school routine overshadowed by exclusionary activities of soci-ety. It was mentally a very difficult period. The aim of the dissertation is to find out how dis-tance education was perceived, especially in terms of the mental well-being of pupils and what opportunities the teacher has to support in the community of pupils and other mental well-being in the situation of distance education. This qualitative research has a narrative approach. The material consists of diary-based WhatsApp messages from three students and loosely structured thematic interviews with stu-dents and their parents. The material has been compiled during exceptional circumstances, and it was possible to find out changes in school practices and pupils’ moods as the distance learning period progressed. The results show the importance of different teaching practices on mental well-being of the pupil the differences in the level of teaching practices. The data shows the spring 2020 was challenging. As expected, it highlighted loneliness caused by social isolation but also the po-tential of the school to support community. At it’s best, distance education was challenging but diverse learning environment that devel-oped future skills and self-esteem of the pupil. At worst, it turned out to be a grueling and lonely drill for the pupil when even the provision of basic learning goals was uncertain.
  • Stenbäck, Reija-Riikka (2021)
    The Covid-19 pandemic forced the Ministry of Education and Culture to make a historical decision, based on which all schools and educational institutions in Finland switched to dis-tance education on March 18, 2020. If necessary, contact teaching was offered only to pupils in grades 1 – 3 or with special support. The purpose of this dissertation is to record the experience of pupils aged 7 to 12 years and their parents of the distance school routine overshadowed by exclusionary activities of soci-ety. It was mentally a very difficult period. The aim of the dissertation is to find out how dis-tance education was perceived, especially in terms of the mental well-being of pupils and what opportunities the teacher has to support in the community of pupils and other mental well-being in the situation of distance education. This qualitative research has a narrative approach. The material consists of diary-based WhatsApp messages from three students and loosely structured thematic interviews with stu-dents and their parents. The material has been compiled during exceptional circumstances, and it was possible to find out changes in school practices and pupils’ moods as the distance learning period progressed. The results show the importance of different teaching practices on mental well-being of the pupil the differences in the level of teaching practices. The data shows the spring 2020 was challenging. As expected, it highlighted loneliness caused by social isolation but also the po-tential of the school to support community. At it’s best, distance education was challenging but diverse learning environment that devel-oped future skills and self-esteem of the pupil. At worst, it turned out to be a grueling and lonely drill for the pupil when even the provision of basic learning goals was uncertain.
  • Kivelä, Hilla (2022)
    The aim of the thesis was to describe the effects that the distance learning period, caused by the Corona pandemic, had on the field of Finnish liberal adult education, from the viewpoint of senior students. The main research question was the following 1) What are the reasons for the senior student to choose between distance learning and contact learning. In addition to liberal adult education, this thesis addresses traditional adult education, life-long learning, as well as distance learning phenomena. The thesis emphasises how liberal adult education has adapted to distance learning and how the senior students, who were used to the traditional classroom learning situation, now prefer to learn. The study method was mixed. The thesis was set on the study field of adult education and voluntary learning. The study was conducted via a voluntary questionnaire, which included open questions and multiple-choice questions. The thesis material consisted of the answers made by the senior students N = 188. The material was analysed with the methods of content analysis, as well as numerically. The written sources included international articles, scientific studies, and books. The thesis concluded that the senior students have vastly different kinds of viewpoints on what is good learning and teaching. The senior students are not a homogenic group that share similar pref-erences. Only a small majority of the study sample preferred contact teaching in a classroom to dis-tance learning. Those who preferred contact teaching felt the sense of community important. Rather than the technological side of online learning, the social and pedagogical side proved out to be a bigger explanation why they do not wish to take part in distance learning classes. Preferring either of the studying methods is not only connected to a person’s skillset, resources, and home support but to the content and substance of the course itself. Hybrid teaching was noted to be in demand in the answers of the students. Organizing it might challenge the institutes of liberal adult education. The role of Finnish liberal adult education in the future is providing accessible, voluntary, and equal education for everyone.