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Browsing by Subject "functionality"

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  • Koskenniemi, Petteri (2019)
    Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ISOBUS-työkonemarkkinoiden nykytilaa. Tutkimuksen pääkysymyksinä olivat yhteensopivuusongelmien yleisyys, ISOBUS-teknologian ja ominaisuuksien tunnettavuus, sekä tulevaisuudennäkymät ISOBUS-työkoneiden osalta. Tunnettavuuden osalta keskityttiin erityisesti työkoneen käyttäjän ja myyjän myyjä-asiakassuhteeseen sekä asiantuntijamyyjän palvelukykyyn uuden teknologian osalta. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena haastattelututkimuksena haastattelemalla työkoneiden käyttäjiä, myyjiä sekä työkonealan asiantuntijoita. Käyttäjien, eli työkonekaupan asiakkaiden osalta keskityttiin erityisesti keskikokoa suurempiin asiakkaisiin. ISOBUS-väylää hyödyntäviä työkoneita on ollut markkinoilla jo melko pitkään, mutta aihealue on vielä kohtuullisen tuntematon laajemmin työkonesektorilla. Tietoisuus väylän toimintatavasta, tai varsinkin sen eri toiminnallisuuksista ja niiden luomista mahdollisuuksista on vasta kehittymässä, jolloin ristiriitoja voi syntyä helposti. Myös markkinoilla olevat, eri vuotiset ja eri ISOBUS-toiminnallisuuksia tukevat työkoneet aiheuttavat haasteita erityisesti käytettyjen työkoneiden kauppiaille. Eri versioiden yhteensovittamisessa esiin nousseista yhteensopivuusongelmista voi myös helposti nousta koko ohjausväylää koskeva epäluotettavuuden leima, vaikka ongelmalle olisikin selkeä syy. ISOBUS-väylää hyödyntävien työkoneiden määrä on kuitenkin jatkuvasti kasvussa, ja samalla myös täsmäviljelyn lisääntyessä laajaa tietomäärää kerääville ja käsitteleville työkoneille on selkeä kysyntä, joka puoltaa ISOBUS-väylän paikkaa ja mahdollisuuksia työkonealalla. ISOBUS-väylä rakentuu tarkasti standardisoidun rakenteen lisäksi myös standardisoituihin toiminnallisuuksiin. Näitä toiminnallisuuksia ovat esimerkiksi työkoneen hallintaan käytetty universaaliterminaali, tai työsuoritteen tietojen keräämiseen ja hallitsemiseen liittyvä tehtäväohjain. Työsuoritteen tietojen keräämisen lisäksi tehtäväohjain on myös oleellisessa roolissa täsmäviljelyssä, sillä esimerkiksi paikkakohtainen määränsäätö rakentuu sen ympärille. Vaikka tuloksissa nousi esille useampia yhteensopivuusongelmia ISOBUS-traktoreiden ja työkoneiden välillä, ei niiden koettu kuitenkaan leimaavan järjestelmää. Useilla loppuasiakkaille nousi tuloksissa esille aiheen vieraus työkonemyyjille, mutta toisaalta myös vaihtelu koettiin suureksi. Vastaavasti kokonaisuudessaan ISOBUS-ominaisuuksia painottavia asiakkaita koettiin olevan vielä vähän kokonaisuuteen nähden. Joka tapauksessa väyläominaisuuksien merkityksen koettiin kasvavan tulevaisuudessa huomattavasti, niin työkoneiden käyttäjien kuin myös myyjien mielestä.
  • Niskakoski, Anni (2022)
    Previous studies have demonstrated that legume proteins have high potential to lose their native functional properties during conventional wet fractionation, since heating and drying in the processes can lead to protein aggregation and solubility reduction. However, the effect of this process on faba bean protein has not been investigated thoroughly before, according to the literature review. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the influence of wet fractionation process with and without spray drying on faba bean protein gelling properties. The hypothesis was that protein isolate produced with isoelectric precipitation without spray drying would have better solubility and gelling properties than spray dried isolate. Faba bean protein concentrate (FBPC) was used to prepare faba bean protein isolate with alkaline extraction followed by isoelectric precipitation, which was then dispersed into water and neutralized (faba bean protein slurry, FBPS). Some of FBPS was spray-dried (pilot faba bean protein isolate, FBPI-P). Commercial faba bean protein isolate (FBPI-C) was used as a reference sample. Their (FBPC, FBPS, FBPI-P, FBPI-C) functionality was studied by measuring thermal denaturation (DSC), protein solubility, particle size and light microscope pictures. In addition, glucono delta lactone (GDL) induced oil-in-water emulsion gels were prepared from FBPS, FBPI-P and FBPI-C. Water holding capacity (WHC), rheological and texture properties were measured from the gel samples. Surprisingly the obtained results of faba bean in this study were different from previous research on other legume proteins. It was found that spray-dried FBPI-P showed better gelling properties than wet based FBPS. This might be due to differences in thermal denaturation. Based on DSC curves, FBPI-C was found to be fully denatured and in a poor solubility. Interestingly, GDL-induced gels had strongest gel properties, which might be highly related to industrial manufacturing process of FBPI-C. When considering the theoretical environmental impact of these processes, FBPS could show potential of being more environmentally friendly process, as it could be more energy efficient than processes which require drying and heating. It was demonstrated that FBPS showed almost as good functional properties as the pilot spray-dried isolate. Hence, FBPS could work as functional and more environmentally friendly option for food industry. Future study could be conducted in near future about FBPS safety, technological applications, process optimization and environmental impact.
  • Turkki, Tuomas (2020)
    Constant increase in protein consumption is global trend and can be seen in consumer behavior of Finnish markets. Consumers are interested in replacing meat proteins with plant proteins, and therefore, it is important to develop locally grown-domestic products and invest in local crop research. Due to this, the current study focuses on the domestic vegetable protein (faba bean and oat) texturing by extrusion cooking and on their functionality when included in burgers. The literature section presents an overview of previous studies on extrusion of vegetable proteins and the functionality of textured vegetable proteins (TVP). In the experimental work the research materials were faba bean protein concentrate and oat concentrate with high β-glucan content. The flour concentrates were texturized with high-moisture extrusion, in different mixtures. Mixtures were prepared in the ratio of: 3:1 (FO) and 1:3 (OF) and soy protein concentrate (S) was used as a reference sample. Moisture content and water absorption capability of TVP samples were measured instrumentally. TVPs were later on applied to develop burgers based on a mixture of meat and vegetable sources. Burgers were prepared for instrumental analysis with seven different recipes, where TVP inclusion, water addition and meat content varied. TVP was included in three different percentages: 0, 25 and 50% and water was added in 0, 12.5 and 25%. In relation to TVP inclusion and water addition, the meat content varied between 25-100%. Sample with 100% meat was used as control sample (0-sample) and burgers with S inclusion as reference samples. Samples were analyzed for cooking loss, shear force and texture profile (hardness, fracturability, springi-ness, cohesiveness, gumminess, chewiness and resilience) which was measured with a compression method. Based on the results of the instrumental analysis, five different burger samples were selected and evaluated for sensorial properties (chewiness, biting force, juiciness and pasty mouthfeel). The highest TVP moisture content was in OF and lowest in FO, hence the difference between S and FO was not significant. The highest water absorption was in S and lowest in OF. 25% TVP inclusion in burgers reduced the cooking loss (p<0.05) and 50% inclusion reduced it even more (p<0.05). With 25% TVP inclusion S had higher (p<0.05) cooking loss compared to FO and OF. With 50% TVP inclusion the difference was eliminated. Water addition increased cooking loss significantly (p<0.05) with each type of TVP. The FO and OF inclusion showed to weaken (p<0.05) the textural properties of burgers and reduced (p<0.05) the shear force. The reference sample S was found to maintain the structure similar as from the meat control sample. Water addition, while replacing meat, weakened also the textural properties and shear force in each TVP included sample. Based on the results, the inclusion of FO and OF in burgers reduces the cooking loss compared to the 0-sample and the reference sample S. The texture of burgers became weaker with FO and OF inclusion, however sensory evaluation revealed them to be similar to S included sample. Therefore additional studies focusing on improving the textural properties of these TVPs are needed. Faba bean and oat concentrates with higher protein contents could be needed to obtain a texture closer to meat.