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Browsing by Subject "grazing"

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  • Koskinen, Jonna (2022)
    The intensification of milk production has increased the size of farms and reduced the use of pastures in recent decades worldwide. The interest in farm animal welfare and the climate impact of dairy products is growing. Offering dairy cows full-time pasture access has declined, but there are other possibilities to provide outdoor access for dairy cows. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of two outdoor management systems on the feeding behaviors and productivity of lactating dairy cows. This study was conducted at the University of Helsinki research barn’s freestall and adjacent pastureland in Viikki. The experimental design was a replicated 3x3 Latin square. Twenty-seven Ayrshire cows were divided into nine squares. During the experiment, cows went through three 21-day periods. Cows in squares were assigned to the following treatments: partial access to pasture with sufficient forage for grazing (pasture), partial access to pasture without grazeable forage (paddock), and indoor confinement. Milk yield and ECM were greater in the paddock than in the pasture treatment. Part-time grazing led to an energy deficit because pasture cows had the lowest milk yield. Outdoor access reduced the content of saturated fatty acids and increased the content of monounsaturated fatty acids in milk. Pasture cows spent 30% of their outdoor time eating and paddock cows 27%. Paddock cows used 15% of their total eating time eating TMR and 12% attempting to graze. Pasture cows ruminated the most between 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., and indoor cows ruminated more than outdoor cows between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Outdoor cows ruminated more than indoor cows from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The cows on the pasture produced less methane per day than the paddock cows. However, methane production in g/kg ECM was not different among groups. According to this study, grazing seems to be a motivating activity for dairy cows. Providing TMR outdoors can be beneficial for the welfare of dairy cows because it enables a choice between feeds and helps to maintain milk yields. Partial outdoor access changed the diurnal pattern of rumination but not the total time used for rumination. There were no differences in milk’s polyunsaturated fatty acid contents between treatments, but eating fresh grass modified the cow’s milk to be healthier.
  • Koskinen, Jonna (2022)
    The intensification of milk production has increased the size of farms and reduced the use of pastures in recent decades worldwide. The interest in farm animal welfare and the climate impact of dairy products is growing. Offering dairy cows full-time pasture access has declined, but there are other possibilities to provide outdoor access for dairy cows. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of two outdoor management systems on the feeding behaviors and productivity of lactating dairy cows. This study was conducted at the University of Helsinki research barn’s freestall and adjacent pastureland in Viikki. The experimental design was a replicated 3x3 Latin square. Twenty-seven Ayrshire cows were divided into nine squares. During the experiment, cows went through three 21-day periods. Cows in squares were assigned to the following treatments: partial access to pasture with sufficient forage for grazing (pasture), partial access to pasture without grazeable forage (paddock), and indoor confinement. Milk yield and ECM were greater in the paddock than in the pasture treatment. Part-time grazing led to an energy deficit because pasture cows had the lowest milk yield. Outdoor access reduced the content of saturated fatty acids and increased the content of monounsaturated fatty acids in milk. Pasture cows spent 30% of their outdoor time eating and paddock cows 27%. Paddock cows used 15% of their total eating time eating TMR and 12% attempting to graze. Pasture cows ruminated the most between 12:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., and indoor cows ruminated more than outdoor cows between 7:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. Outdoor cows ruminated more than indoor cows from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. The cows on the pasture produced less methane per day than the paddock cows. However, methane production in g/kg ECM was not different among groups. According to this study, grazing seems to be a motivating activity for dairy cows. Providing TMR outdoors can be beneficial for the welfare of dairy cows because it enables a choice between feeds and helps to maintain milk yields. Partial outdoor access changed the diurnal pattern of rumination but not the total time used for rumination. There were no differences in milk’s polyunsaturated fatty acid contents between treatments, but eating fresh grass modified the cow’s milk to be healthier.
  • Berglund, Nora (2022)
    In Finland and in many other European countries, indoor housing of dairy cattle has been increasing at the expense of grazing. According to Finnish legislation, only dairy cows housed in tie-stalls are obligated to graze for 60 days per year between May and September. Pressure to intensify production leads to increase in herd sizes, regional concentration, lack of suitable pastureland near large barns, and automation of milking. Conversely, grazing is regarded as important for animal welfare, maintenance of biodiversity and cultural landscapes. Farmer perceptions towards grazing have not been studied in Finland comprehensively, which need to be understood better in order to provide adequate support for sustainable management of grazing. The research aims at gaining understanding of the external and internal factors driv- ing the farm-level decision making related to grazing regimes. Concept of good farming ideal is used to examine farmers’ decision-making. The data was collected from 26 cattle farms with a gradient of grazing from zero to maximum. Firstly, an online questionnaire was sent out to farmers and secondly, semi-structured inter- views were conducted with 7 dairy producers, to further explore farmer views about grazing, biodiversity, and animal welfare. The results show farmers who practice grazing to perceive it more positively than the farmers who do not graze. Some of the farmers who grazed seemed to consider it almost as an intrinsic value, whereas farmers with no grazing saw it as an inef- ficient production method, which they were afraid would become an obligation. The most im- portant internal factors driving decision-making about grazing based on the questionnaire and interviews, were animal welfare, decreased workload because of grazing, infrastructure of the farm, economic aspects, and benefits of grazing to biodiversity and landscape values. Exter- nal factors found to affect the decision of grazing were incentives, regulations, and consumer expectations. Animal welfare was found to be a basis for production for many and the most important feature valued for good farming, to which grazing was seen to contribute. The re- sults imply subsidies regarding grazing should be higher for grazing to be considered profita- ble and more enjoyable by farmers.
  • Berglund, Nora (2022)
    In Finland and in many other European countries, indoor housing of dairy cattle has been increasing at the expense of grazing. According to Finnish legislation, only dairy cows housed in tie-stalls are obligated to graze for 60 days per year between May and September. Pressure to intensify production leads to increase in herd sizes, regional concentration, lack of suitable pastureland near large barns, and automation of milking. Conversely, grazing is regarded as important for animal welfare, maintenance of biodiversity and cultural landscapes. Farmer perceptions towards grazing have not been studied in Finland comprehensively, which need to be understood better in order to provide adequate support for sustainable management of grazing. The research aims at gaining understanding of the external and internal factors driv- ing the farm-level decision making related to grazing regimes. Concept of good farming ideal is used to examine farmers’ decision-making. The data was collected from 26 cattle farms with a gradient of grazing from zero to maximum. Firstly, an online questionnaire was sent out to farmers and secondly, semi-structured inter- views were conducted with 7 dairy producers, to further explore farmer views about grazing, biodiversity, and animal welfare. The results show farmers who practice grazing to perceive it more positively than the farmers who do not graze. Some of the farmers who grazed seemed to consider it almost as an intrinsic value, whereas farmers with no grazing saw it as an inef- ficient production method, which they were afraid would become an obligation. The most im- portant internal factors driving decision-making about grazing based on the questionnaire and interviews, were animal welfare, decreased workload because of grazing, infrastructure of the farm, economic aspects, and benefits of grazing to biodiversity and landscape values. Exter- nal factors found to affect the decision of grazing were incentives, regulations, and consumer expectations. Animal welfare was found to be a basis for production for many and the most important feature valued for good farming, to which grazing was seen to contribute. The re- sults imply subsidies regarding grazing should be higher for grazing to be considered profita- ble and more enjoyable by farmers.
  • Birge, Traci (2004)
    Productivity and quality of two grazed coastal seashore meadows in Eastern Uusimaa were examined between May and July, 2002. A total of 18 1m2 sample sites divided into four separate cutting regimes were cut by hand to simulate grazing in the meadow. cutting regimes of various intensities were used to simulate the short term effects of different grazing pressures on the quality and productivity of the vascular plant forage in the meadows. Samples were dried, weighed and analysed for digestibility and composition. Digestibility analysis was carried out using in vitro digestibility analysis. A CNS- 1000 Elemental Analyzer was used to measure carbon, nitrogen and sulphur content of selected samples. The results showed that cumulative above ground phytomass productivity (AGPP) was dependent upon both biotope and cutting regime in the large (40 ha) Bosgård meadow, and that interaction betweeen these two factors was significant. The results of the smaller (<2 ha) Majvik meadow were highly variable between replicates. This variation overshadowed possible effects of biotope and cutting regime and their interaction. Quality was dependent upon both biotope and cutting regime. D-value decreased over time.
  • Haapalainen, Mira (2023)
    Maaperästä vapautuu hiiltä ilmakehään maatalouden vaikutuksista. Nautojen laiduntaminen voi sitoa hiiltä takaisin maaperään. Laidunnuksen hiilensidonnan määrä riippuu pitkälti laidunnusstrategiasta, eli siitä kuinka kauan ja kuinka iso lauma kerrallaan laiduntaa tiettyä aluetta ja kuinka kauan laidun saa levätä ennen eläinten palaamista takaisin. Suomessa tavanomaisin laidunnusstrategia on intensiivinen, kiertävä lohkosyöttö, jossa laidunlohkolle tulee tyypillisesti viisi syöttökertaa kesän aikana ja syöttökertojen välinen lepoaika on kahdesta viikosta kuukauteen. Tutkimuksen kohteena olevassa, uudessa laidunnusstrategiassa MOB-laidunnuksessa nurmen massa on suuri ja lepoaika on pitkä, tästä syystä syöttökertoja tulee kesän aikana vain kolme. Tämän maisterintutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, sopiiko MOB-laidunnus suomalaisiin olosuhteisiin ja miten se vaikuttaa laidunalan tarpeeseen ja hiilisyötteeseen nuorkarjalla. Hypoteesina oli, että vaikka MOB-laidunnus lisää laidunalan tarvetta, sekä heikentää laidunnurmen ruokinnallista laatua intensiiviseen lohkosyöttöön verrattuna, se toimii silti hyvin nuorkarjan laidunnuksessa. Lisäksi MOB-laidunnuksen odotettiin parantavan hiilisyötettä peltoon jäävän suuremman kasvustomassan ansiosta. Koe suoritettiin Luonnonvarakeskuksen tutkimusasemalla Maaningalla 29.05.2021-25.08.2021. Koe sisälsi kolme laidunkiertoa tavanomaisilla laidunnusruuduilla (4 ruutua, n. 570 m^2/ruutu) ja kaksi laidunkiertoa MOB-laidunnusruuduilla (4 ruutua, n. 320 m^2/ruutu). 16 hiehoa oli jaettu neljään ryhmään ja ne laidunsivat ruutuja kahdesta neljään päivään, jonka jälkeen hiehot siirrettiin pois ja laidunruudut saivat levätä. Tässä kokeessa keskimääräinen lepoaika tavanomaisessa laidunnuksessa oli intensiiviselle laidunkierrolle ominainen 25 vrk ja MOB-laidunnuksessa matalan intensiteetin laidunkierron mukainen 37 vrk. Lepoajalla hiehot laidunsivat yhtenä ryhmänä ja silloin niillä oli tarjolla kivennäistä, jota ruutusyöttöjen aikaan ei tarjottu. Koealan nurmi oli perustettu seoksella, jossa siemensuhteet olivat 60 % timotei (Phleum pratense L.), 20 % nurminata (Festuca pratensis Huds.) ja 20 % puna-apila (Trifolium pratense L.). Laidunruuduilta otettiin kasvustonäytteet ennen ja jälkeen jokaista laidunkiertoa. Näytteiden perusteella analysoitiin laidunnurmen rehuarvo sekä arvioitiin hiehojen syömän laidunrehun määrä. Ruuduilta mitattiin laidunkauden päättyessä myös multakorjattu sänkimassa, josta pystyttiin arvioimaan maan pintaan hiilisyötteeksi jäänyt nurmimassa. Ensimmäisen syöttökerran alkaessa tavanomaisten ruutujen alkumassa oli 2755 ja MOB-ruutujen 5344 kg ka/ha. Laidunnusstrategia vaikutti laidunnurmen koostumukseen, tarvittavan laidunalan ja hiilisyötteenä toimivan sänkimassan määrään. MOB-laitumien nurmen sulavuus oli heikompaa kuin tavanomaisilla laitumilla, mutta laidunrehun sulavuus ja kemiallinen koostumus riitti täyttämään nuorkarjan energian ja ohutsuolesta imeytyvän valkuaisen (OIV) tarpeet. Kuiva-aineena mitattuna MOB-laidunnuksen nurmen hehtaarikohtainen sato oli 11 % pienempi verrattuna tavanomaiseen laidunnukseen. Syönnissä (kg ka/pv/eläin) ei ollut ensimmäisellä syöttökerralla eroa laidunnusstrategioiden välillä (P = 0.67). Toisella syöttökerralla MOB-laidunnuksessa syönti oli numeroarvoisesti suurempi kuin tavanomaisessa laidunnuksessa (5.3 vs. 7.8, P = 0.12). MOB-laidunnuksen jälkeen peltoon jäi nurmimassaa noin 2000 kg ka/ha enemmän kuin tavanomaisen laidunnuksen jälkeen. MOB-laidunnuksessa kasvu ei kärsinyt kuumuudesta ja kuivuudesta tavanomaisen laidunnuksen tapaan. Negatiivisena puolena verratessa tavanomaiseen laidunnukseen MOB-laidunnus lisäsi laskennallisesti 38 % laidunalan tarvetta, joka voi muodostua ongelmaksi laidunalan riittävyyden kannalta ja myös taloudellisesti. Hiilensidonnan näkökulmasta MOB-laidunnus on parempi vaihtoehto tavanomaiseen laidunnukseen verrattaessa, sillä MOB-laidunnuksessa ylilaidunnusta ei päässyt tapahtumaan ja pilalle tallattua nurmea oli selvästi tavanomaista laidunnusta vähemmän. Myös sänkimassaa jäi maahan huomattavasti enemmän hiilisyötteen lähteeksi kuin tavanomaisen laidunnuksen päätteeksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa MOB-laidunnus todettiin toimivaksi vaihtoehdoksi nuorkarjan laitumena.
  • Haapalainen, Mira (2023)
    Maaperästä vapautuu hiiltä ilmakehään maatalouden vaikutuksista. Nautojen laiduntaminen voi sitoa hiiltä takaisin maaperään. Laidunnuksen hiilensidonnan määrä riippuu pitkälti laidunnusstrategiasta, eli siitä kuinka kauan ja kuinka iso lauma kerrallaan laiduntaa tiettyä aluetta ja kuinka kauan laidun saa levätä ennen eläinten palaamista takaisin. Suomessa tavanomaisin laidunnusstrategia on intensiivinen, kiertävä lohkosyöttö, jossa laidunlohkolle tulee tyypillisesti viisi syöttökertaa kesän aikana ja syöttökertojen välinen lepoaika on kahdesta viikosta kuukauteen. Tutkimuksen kohteena olevassa, uudessa laidunnusstrategiassa MOB-laidunnuksessa nurmen massa on suuri ja lepoaika on pitkä, tästä syystä syöttökertoja tulee kesän aikana vain kolme. Tämän maisterintutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää, sopiiko MOB-laidunnus suomalaisiin olosuhteisiin ja miten se vaikuttaa laidunalan tarpeeseen ja hiilisyötteeseen nuorkarjalla. Hypoteesina oli, että vaikka MOB-laidunnus lisää laidunalan tarvetta, sekä heikentää laidunnurmen ruokinnallista laatua intensiiviseen lohkosyöttöön verrattuna, se toimii silti hyvin nuorkarjan laidunnuksessa. Lisäksi MOB-laidunnuksen odotettiin parantavan hiilisyötettä peltoon jäävän suuremman kasvustomassan ansiosta. Koe suoritettiin Luonnonvarakeskuksen tutkimusasemalla Maaningalla 29.05.2021-25.08.2021. Koe sisälsi kolme laidunkiertoa tavanomaisilla laidunnusruuduilla (4 ruutua, n. 570 m^2/ruutu) ja kaksi laidunkiertoa MOB-laidunnusruuduilla (4 ruutua, n. 320 m^2/ruutu). 16 hiehoa oli jaettu neljään ryhmään ja ne laidunsivat ruutuja kahdesta neljään päivään, jonka jälkeen hiehot siirrettiin pois ja laidunruudut saivat levätä. Tässä kokeessa keskimääräinen lepoaika tavanomaisessa laidunnuksessa oli intensiiviselle laidunkierrolle ominainen 25 vrk ja MOB-laidunnuksessa matalan intensiteetin laidunkierron mukainen 37 vrk. Lepoajalla hiehot laidunsivat yhtenä ryhmänä ja silloin niillä oli tarjolla kivennäistä, jota ruutusyöttöjen aikaan ei tarjottu. Koealan nurmi oli perustettu seoksella, jossa siemensuhteet olivat 60 % timotei (Phleum pratense L.), 20 % nurminata (Festuca pratensis Huds.) ja 20 % puna-apila (Trifolium pratense L.). Laidunruuduilta otettiin kasvustonäytteet ennen ja jälkeen jokaista laidunkiertoa. Näytteiden perusteella analysoitiin laidunnurmen rehuarvo sekä arvioitiin hiehojen syömän laidunrehun määrä. Ruuduilta mitattiin laidunkauden päättyessä myös multakorjattu sänkimassa, josta pystyttiin arvioimaan maan pintaan hiilisyötteeksi jäänyt nurmimassa. Ensimmäisen syöttökerran alkaessa tavanomaisten ruutujen alkumassa oli 2755 ja MOB-ruutujen 5344 kg ka/ha. Laidunnusstrategia vaikutti laidunnurmen koostumukseen, tarvittavan laidunalan ja hiilisyötteenä toimivan sänkimassan määrään. MOB-laitumien nurmen sulavuus oli heikompaa kuin tavanomaisilla laitumilla, mutta laidunrehun sulavuus ja kemiallinen koostumus riitti täyttämään nuorkarjan energian ja ohutsuolesta imeytyvän valkuaisen (OIV) tarpeet. Kuiva-aineena mitattuna MOB-laidunnuksen nurmen hehtaarikohtainen sato oli 11 % pienempi verrattuna tavanomaiseen laidunnukseen. Syönnissä (kg ka/pv/eläin) ei ollut ensimmäisellä syöttökerralla eroa laidunnusstrategioiden välillä (P = 0.67). Toisella syöttökerralla MOB-laidunnuksessa syönti oli numeroarvoisesti suurempi kuin tavanomaisessa laidunnuksessa (5.3 vs. 7.8, P = 0.12). MOB-laidunnuksen jälkeen peltoon jäi nurmimassaa noin 2000 kg ka/ha enemmän kuin tavanomaisen laidunnuksen jälkeen. MOB-laidunnuksessa kasvu ei kärsinyt kuumuudesta ja kuivuudesta tavanomaisen laidunnuksen tapaan. Negatiivisena puolena verratessa tavanomaiseen laidunnukseen MOB-laidunnus lisäsi laskennallisesti 38 % laidunalan tarvetta, joka voi muodostua ongelmaksi laidunalan riittävyyden kannalta ja myös taloudellisesti. Hiilensidonnan näkökulmasta MOB-laidunnus on parempi vaihtoehto tavanomaiseen laidunnukseen verrattaessa, sillä MOB-laidunnuksessa ylilaidunnusta ei päässyt tapahtumaan ja pilalle tallattua nurmea oli selvästi tavanomaista laidunnusta vähemmän. Myös sänkimassaa jäi maahan huomattavasti enemmän hiilisyötteen lähteeksi kuin tavanomaisen laidunnuksen päätteeksi. Tässä tutkimuksessa MOB-laidunnus todettiin toimivaksi vaihtoehdoksi nuorkarjan laitumena.
  • Winquist, Emelie (2021)
    The heath vegetation in the Jauristunturit study area is highly affected by the reindeer fence that was built in the mid-1950s between Finland and Norway, to prevent summer grazing in the Norwegian side. In the study area, the Finnish and Norwegian pastures are used during different seasons, causing differences in reindeer grazing history, and with time differences in vegetation. Additionally, local topography also impacts the vegetation composition and structure creating variation in local vegetation patterns. My research questions are: How vegetation patterns differ between summer- and winter- grazed areas, and which plant functional groups have the most significant difference? How local topography affects vegetation patterns, and does the effect of topography differ between summer and winter pastures? The data was collected from five 400 m long transects that crossed the fence and had vegetation plots with 10-m intervals. The %-cover and height of each vascular plant, bryophyte, and lichen species were estimated from 0.25 m2 plots. Later, species data was grouped into functional groups and general linear models were used to analyze differences in cover, height, species number, biomass, and leaf-area indices between countries. Topography indices were calculated in GIS for each plot and analyzed with random forest models to find out the most important topography indices explaining vegetation patterns. The vegetation data was collected by four teams, and therefore, the comparability in the collected data between teams was analyzed. Significant vegetation differences were found in the ground layer, with higher cover and biomass of bryophytes on the Finnish side (mean biomass 168.2 vs. 65.2 g m-2). Reindeer lichens were more abundant on the Norwegian side (mean biomass 197.0 vs. 2.9 g m-2) which is visible in aerial and satellite images and in the field. Among vascular plants, evergreen dwarf shrubs had higher biomass and leaf area index on the Finnish side and dwarf birch had higher cover and height on the Norwegian side. Topography indices had a higher level of variance explained on the Norwegian side, and higher at the ground layer compared to vascular plants. Elevation had the greatest impact on vegetation, and after that, topography protection index for 50 m and depth to water stream network for 2 and 10 ha. The differences between data collectors were not considered to have a major impact on the results. The results indicate that there are significant differences in vegetation between summer- and winter-grazed areas, mainly in the ground layer, and most differences are caused by differences in reindeer grazing history, but also local topography has an impact.
  • Winquist, Emelie (2021)
    The heath vegetation in the Jauristunturit study area is highly affected by the reindeer fence that was built in the mid-1950s between Finland and Norway, to prevent summer grazing in the Norwegian side. In the study area, the Finnish and Norwegian pastures are used during different seasons, causing differences in reindeer grazing history, and with time differences in vegetation. Additionally, local topography also impacts the vegetation composition and structure creating variation in local vegetation patterns. My research questions are: How vegetation patterns differ between summer- and winter- grazed areas, and which plant functional groups have the most significant difference? How local topography affects vegetation patterns, and does the effect of topography differ between summer and winter pastures? The data was collected from five 400 m long transects that crossed the fence and had vegetation plots with 10-m intervals. The %-cover and height of each vascular plant, bryophyte, and lichen species were estimated from 0.25 m2 plots. Later, species data was grouped into functional groups and general linear models were used to analyze differences in cover, height, species number, biomass, and leaf-area indices between countries. Topography indices were calculated in GIS for each plot and analyzed with random forest models to find out the most important topography indices explaining vegetation patterns. The vegetation data was collected by four teams, and therefore, the comparability in the collected data between teams was analyzed. Significant vegetation differences were found in the ground layer, with higher cover and biomass of bryophytes on the Finnish side (mean biomass 168.2 vs. 65.2 g m-2). Reindeer lichens were more abundant on the Norwegian side (mean biomass 197.0 vs. 2.9 g m-2) which is visible in aerial and satellite images and in the field. Among vascular plants, evergreen dwarf shrubs had higher biomass and leaf area index on the Finnish side and dwarf birch had higher cover and height on the Norwegian side. Topography indices had a higher level of variance explained on the Norwegian side, and higher at the ground layer compared to vascular plants. Elevation had the greatest impact on vegetation, and after that, topography protection index for 50 m and depth to water stream network for 2 and 10 ha. The differences between data collectors were not considered to have a major impact on the results. The results indicate that there are significant differences in vegetation between summer- and winter-grazed areas, mainly in the ground layer, and most differences are caused by differences in reindeer grazing history, but also local topography has an impact.
  • Luomajärvi, Taru (2023)
    Agroforestry is a collective name for land-use systems and technologies where woody perennials are deliberately used on the same land-management units as agricultural crops and/or animals. Silvopasture is a type of agroforestry that integrates trees, livestock, and forage crops on the same piece of land. This topic is specifically interesting because silvopasture is already present in Finland, mostly in the form of traditional biotopes, despite these being endangered habitats. Agroforestry is also recognized by the Kyoto Protocol as an afforestation practice that has several advantages. These include environmental benefits, increased productivity, and animal welfare. However, there has been discussion on detrimental effects of animal presence to the trees as well. This research aims to explore the effects of silvopasture on trees, cattle, and the environment in South-western Finland traditional biotopes. Several individual criteria are assessed in three categories: woodland, animal performance and biodiversity. Data was collected on three farms on four pastures through field surveys and farmer interviews. The data is analyzed through multi criterium decision analysis (MCDA) with normalized values from agriculture and forestry to assess performance of silvopastures on three separate categories. Results from four pastures follow a somewhat similar pattern but variation occurs. High scores of forest indicators are reached in woodland category whereas biodiversity category results are lower. Silvopasture negatively affects forest regeneration but otherwise does not have adverse effects. Cattle performance is positive outcome whereas biodiversity category has room for improvement. To get more accurate and comprehensive results the research should be conducted during growing season and with several farms around Finland. However, silvopasture is a meaningful measure to diversify habitats, contribute to animal wellbeing and strengthen ecosystem services.
  • Luomajärvi, Taru (2023)
    Agroforestry is a collective name for land-use systems and technologies where woody perennials are deliberately used on the same land-management units as agricultural crops and/or animals. Silvopasture is a type of agroforestry that integrates trees, livestock, and forage crops on the same piece of land. This topic is specifically interesting because silvopasture is already present in Finland, mostly in the form of traditional biotopes, despite these being endangered habitats. Agroforestry is also recognized by the Kyoto Protocol as an afforestation practice that has several advantages. These include environmental benefits, increased productivity, and animal welfare. However, there has been discussion on detrimental effects of animal presence to the trees as well. This research aims to explore the effects of silvopasture on trees, cattle, and the environment in South-western Finland traditional biotopes. Several individual criteria are assessed in three categories: woodland, animal performance and biodiversity. Data was collected on three farms on four pastures through field surveys and farmer interviews. The data is analyzed through multi criterium decision analysis (MCDA) with normalized values from agriculture and forestry to assess performance of silvopastures on three separate categories. Results from four pastures follow a somewhat similar pattern but variation occurs. High scores of forest indicators are reached in woodland category whereas biodiversity category results are lower. Silvopasture negatively affects forest regeneration but otherwise does not have adverse effects. Cattle performance is positive outcome whereas biodiversity category has room for improvement. To get more accurate and comprehensive results the research should be conducted during growing season and with several farms around Finland. However, silvopasture is a meaningful measure to diversify habitats, contribute to animal wellbeing and strengthen ecosystem services.