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Browsing by Subject "hiilineutraalisuus"

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  • Johansson, Annika (2019)
    This thesis examines the strengths and weaknesses of transport sector planning documents in reaching post-carbon future in Helsinki. The three last governmentally produced planning documents, regarding the future of transport in Helsinki, are being analyzed with the use of a framework created by Wiseman etc. (2013), pathways by Rosenbloom (2017) and semiotics. As the planning of the city’s transport is continuous by na-ture, knowledge of how the previous documents would succeed in reaching a post- carbon future is essential in order to form the new set of actions needed, even thou different set of aims were present at the time the documents were created. Helsinki aims to be carbon neutral by 2035. The goal was first published in 2017. Previously there have been less ambitious carbon reduction targets regarding Helsinki and its transport sector. The role of traffic is essential, as in 2017 the traffic was accountable for 23 % of the overall carbon emissions in Helsinki. This thesis uses a framework created by Wiseman etc. (2013) initially to analyze large- scale transfor-mations regarding the society as a whole. As the traffic sector is facing similar challenges, the path to post-carbon future is possible through the same identified set of means. As with Helsinki’s transport planning documents it is possible to reduce emissions by using a slow evolu-tionary approach, according to Wiseman etc. (2013) the approach is insufficient in making a leap to a post-carbon future in a short timeframe. The planning needs to include actions that make more rapid and trans-formational changes to the society as a whole. This thesis argues that the frames that need to be present in order to successfully reach a post- carbon future are already present in the transport planning documents, but they only need strengthening and precision. According to Wiseman etc. (2013) the success in reaching the target dependents on the social and physical transformations happening at the same speed and magni-tude. This is something to pay a special attention to in the future planning of reaching a carbon free traffic.
  • Aarrelahti, Emmi (2023)
    Achieving the global 1,5 degrees Celsius climate target requires the contributions of several societal actors to reduce emissions. Several actors have started to work to untangle the emissions of their operations and abate them. The Turku and Kaarina parish union, which operates in Southwest Finland, has also set a personal goal to reduce its emissions, aiming to be a carbon-neutral organization by 2029. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the carbon footprint and the forests’ carbon sinks of Turku and Kaarina parish union and make the carbon neutrality roadmap with some examples of how to achieve the parish union’s carbon neutrality goal of 2029. In addition, the thesis examines through the selected case study the organization’s methodology of the carbon footprint and the realization of the carbon neutrality goals. Both the parish union’s carbon footprint and the forests’ carbon sinks are calculated for the year 2022. The materials of carbon footprint consist of the activity data of the parish union and the emission factors. The calculation of the carbon footprint is carried out based on the international standards, Greenhouse Gas Protocol, and ISO 14046. The forests’ carbon sinks are calculated based on the parish union’s information on its forestry management of 2022 and the research of Natural Resources Institute Finland about the carbon sinks and stocks of local parishes of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland of 2021. The estimate of gross emissions of Turku and Kaarina parish union for 2022 is approximately 4985 tCO2e. The biggest emission groups are procurements, real estate, and travel. The size of the forests’ carbon sinks is approximately 1176 tCO2e, offsetting about 24–29 % of the gross emissions depending on the parish union’s carbon neutrality targets. Based on the union’s carbon neutrality goal, the net emissions should still be reduced by about 2261 tCO2e and offset by about 551 tCO2e. The realization of Turku and Kaarina parish union’s carbon neutrality goal would require significant emission reductions, especially from the biggest emission groups. Because the union has already executed a major portion of the easiest emission reductions of the union’s operations, the realization of new and large emission reductions is challenging to implement only in six or seven years. In addition, the realization of the carbon neutrality goal is hampered for instance the different limitations and uncertainties related to the carbon footprint calculation, stability of forests’ carbon sinks, and the practical implementation of the roadmap. However, the carbon neutrality goal of the Turku and Kaarina parish union will be progressing particularly with the successfully implemented sustainability transformation and transition and the Church’s environment diploma, supporting the Church’s environmental education, and promoting wide-scale societal transformation towards the climate-neutral life.
  • Aarrelahti, Emmi (2023)
    Achieving the global 1,5 degrees Celsius climate target requires the contributions of several societal actors to reduce emissions. Several actors have started to work to untangle the emissions of their operations and abate them. The Turku and Kaarina parish union, which operates in Southwest Finland, has also set a personal goal to reduce its emissions, aiming to be a carbon-neutral organization by 2029. The purpose of this thesis is to find out the carbon footprint and the forests’ carbon sinks of Turku and Kaarina parish union and make the carbon neutrality roadmap with some examples of how to achieve the parish union’s carbon neutrality goal of 2029. In addition, the thesis examines through the selected case study the organization’s methodology of the carbon footprint and the realization of the carbon neutrality goals. Both the parish union’s carbon footprint and the forests’ carbon sinks are calculated for the year 2022. The materials of carbon footprint consist of the activity data of the parish union and the emission factors. The calculation of the carbon footprint is carried out based on the international standards, Greenhouse Gas Protocol, and ISO 14046. The forests’ carbon sinks are calculated based on the parish union’s information on its forestry management of 2022 and the research of Natural Resources Institute Finland about the carbon sinks and stocks of local parishes of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland of 2021. The estimate of gross emissions of Turku and Kaarina parish union for 2022 is approximately 4985 tCO2e. The biggest emission groups are procurements, real estate, and travel. The size of the forests’ carbon sinks is approximately 1176 tCO2e, offsetting about 24–29 % of the gross emissions depending on the parish union’s carbon neutrality targets. Based on the union’s carbon neutrality goal, the net emissions should still be reduced by about 2261 tCO2e and offset by about 551 tCO2e. The realization of Turku and Kaarina parish union’s carbon neutrality goal would require significant emission reductions, especially from the biggest emission groups. Because the union has already executed a major portion of the easiest emission reductions of the union’s operations, the realization of new and large emission reductions is challenging to implement only in six or seven years. In addition, the realization of the carbon neutrality goal is hampered for instance the different limitations and uncertainties related to the carbon footprint calculation, stability of forests’ carbon sinks, and the practical implementation of the roadmap. However, the carbon neutrality goal of the Turku and Kaarina parish union will be progressing particularly with the successfully implemented sustainability transformation and transition and the Church’s environment diploma, supporting the Church’s environmental education, and promoting wide-scale societal transformation towards the climate-neutral life.
  • Kaskela, Suvi (2021)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää millä menetelmillä ja missä laajuudessa maanrakennus- ja koneurakointialan PK-yrityksen tulisi mitata ja raportoida ilmastopäästöjään, tunnistaa parhaat käytännöt raportoinnissa, arvioida kohdeyrityksen ilmastopäästöjen taso ja tunnistaa pääasialliset päästölähteet sekä teknistaloudellisesti relevantit toimenpiteet päästöjen vähentämiseen ja lisäksi arvioida onko hiilineutraalisuus kohdeyrityksen kannalta relevantti tavoite. Tutkimuksen pohjaksi muodostettiin katsaus ilmastopäästöjen mittaamista käsittelevään kirjallisuuteen sekä alan tärkeimpiin raportointistandardeihin. Soveltava osa toteutettiin intensiivisenä tapaustutkimuksena, keskittyen yhteen kohdeyritykseen – Maamark Oy:hyn. Kohdeyritys on pääkaupunkiseudulla toimiva maarakennus- ja koneurakointialan yritys, joka tarjoaa laajan valikoiman maanrakennus- ja koneurakointipalveluita pääkaupunkiseudun kunnille, julkisyhteisöille ja yksityisille toimijoille. Tutkimus osoittaa, että ilmastopäästöjen seurantaan ja raportointiin on vakiintunut selkeitä parhaita käytäntöjä, jotka rakentuvat tyypillisesti elinkaariarviointimenetelmän pohjalle, jonka tärkein sovellus on hiilijalanjälki ja siihen liittyvät laskentamenetelmät. Hiilijalanjäljen raportoinnin vertailtavuutta parantamaan on luotu laajasti hyväksytty The Greenhouse Gas Protocol-standardi, joka antaa suuntaviivat päästölähteiden ja päästöjen kategorisointiin ja tärkeimpiin järjestelmärajauksiin. Hiilijalanjäljen laskentamenetelmänä tässä työssä päädyttiin käyttämään Suomen Ympäristökeskuksen ylläpitämää Y-HIILARI-hiilijalanjälkilaskuria. Maamark Oy:n hiilijalanjälki on nykytilassa vuoden 2020 tasolla noin 428 ton CO2ekv / vuosi, joka vastaa noin 40 keskimääräisen suomalaisen vuosittaisia ilmastopäästöjä, josta noin 70 % muodostuu yrityksen ajoneuvojen ja koneiden polttoaineenkulutuksen päästöistä. Kohdeyrityksen päästöjen pienentämiseen tunnistettiin useita relevantteja vähennysmahdollisuuksia. Suunniteltu uusiutuvien polttoaineiden laajamittainen käyttöönotto, energiatehokkuuden parantaminen ja tuulisähköön siirtyminen mahdollistaisivat Scope 1- ja 2-päästöjen eliminoimisen lähes kokonaan. Samalla päästövähennystoimenpiteet kasvattaisivat yrityksen epäsuoria Scope 3 -päästöjä merkittävästi, uusiutuvien polttoaineiden valmistuksen fossiilisia vaihtoehtoja korkeampien epäsuorien päästöjen kautta kumoten osan suorien päästöjen vähennyksen vaikutuksista. Tarkasteltaessa yrityksen kokonaispäästöjä, suunnitellut toimenpiteet pienentäisivät päästöt 58 % nykytilaa matalammalle tasolle noin kahdessa vuodessa, vuoden 2023 loppuun mennessä. 178 ton CO2ekv / vuosi residuaalipäästöjen ilmastovaikutus voidaan kumota kompensaatiojärjestelyjen avulla, jolloin hiilineutraalisuus on kohdeyrityksen kannalta relevantti keskipitkän aikavälin tavoite. Päästövähennystoimenpiteiden toimeenpanon kertaluontoiseksi investointitarpeeksi arvioitiin 14 100 € ja vaikutukseksi muuttuviin kustannuksiin arvioitiin tulevan lisäystä 31 000–51 200 € / vuosi. Osana päästövähennysohjelmaa kohdeyritys tulee pilotoimaan ja pilotoinnin kokemusten pohjalta laajentamaan hinnoittelumallien kustannusvaikutuksen viemistä palvelujen loppukäyttäjille ja urakkahinnoitteluun. Lisäksi yrityksen johto uskoo, että hiilineutraalisuuden kautta saavutettava edelläkävijäasema maarakennus- ja koneurakointialan ympäristöystävällisyyden edistäjänä sekä kyky raportoida yrityksen päästöt tulevat kasvattamaan merkitystään strategisina kilpailukykyetuina lähitulevaisuudessa.