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Browsing by Subject "huonekalut"

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  • Pohjanpalo, Maija (2016)
    Tutkielma käsittelee norsunluun käyttöä huonekalujen koristelussa Kreikan myöhäisellä pronssikaudella (n. 1600–1100 eaa.). Työn päämääränä on rakentaa nykyistä tarkempi kuva huonekalujen muodoista, materiaaleista ja koristelusta. Erityistä huomiota kiinnitetään norsunluun rooliin aineistossa. Tutkimusongelmaa lähestytään Pyloksen mykeneläiskeskuksesta löytyneen, Ta-sarjaksi nimetyn huonekaluluettelon kautta. Tutkimuksen päämääriin pyritään analysoimalla näiden lineaari B -tekstien kielellisiä ongelmakohtia sekä vertailemalla tekstiaineistoa, kuvallista- ja arkeologista aineistoa toisiinsa. Tarkoituksena on saada näin selvyyttä Ta-sarjan sanaston tulkintaongelmiin ja toisaalta liittää irtonaisia norsunluureliefilöytöjä alkuperäisiin konteksteihinsa. Tutkimuksen arkeologinen lähdeaineisto koostuu norsunluufragmenteista ja norsunluuesineistä. Aineisto on rajattu alueellisesti ja laadullisesti. Suurin osa materiaalista koostuu Pyloksesta ja Mykenestä löytyneistä norsunluureliefeistä. Toinen osa arkeologista lähdeaineistoa ovat säilyneet osat pronssikauden huonekaluista. Tutkimus on aineistolähtöinen ja sen metodina vertaileva tutkimus, jossa analysoidaan primaarilähteitä. Tutkimus on toteutettu vertailemalla ja analysoimalla teksti- ja arkeologista aineistoa kielitieteen ja arkeologian menetelmin. Tutkimus osoittaa, että yhdistämällä arkeologisen materiaalin tarkastelun tekstiaineistoon saadaan tarkempi ja monipuolisempi kuva myöhäisen pronssikauden huonekalujen rakenteesta ja koristelusta sekä norsunluun käytöstä. Norsunluisia koristeosia on löytömateriaalissa runsaasti ja osassa on jälkiä kiinnityksistä sekä intarsiakoristeluista. Reliefien muodot ja yhdistelmät löytökontekstissa antavat vihjeitä niiden käytöstä, samoin kuin löytökontekstin muun materiaalin huomioon ottaminen. Tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan osoittaa, että norsunluuta on vastoin aiempaa oletusta voitu käyttää myös huonekalujen rakenteellisiin osiin. Ta-sarjassa esiintyviin tulkinnaltaan epävarmoihin sanoihin löytyy todennäköisiä vastineita huonekalujen aineistosta sekä norsunluureliefien ikonografiasta. Muutamat näistä viittaavat muotoa kuvaileviin adjektiiveihin, mutta niiden identifiointi vaatisi vielä syvällisempää kielitieteellistä ja arkeologisen materiaalin sekä kuvallisten esitysten vertailua. Ta-sarjan huonekalujen käytön analyysi tukee viimeaikaisen tutkimuksen näkemyksiä Ta-sarjan tulkinnasta palatsikeskuksen pitoihin liittyvänä dokumenttina. Ta-sarjassa esiintyvien, tulkinnaltaan epäselvien ilmauksien kielitieteellinen ja vertaileva jatkotutkimus voisi tuoda vahvistuksen sanojen identifioinneille.
  • Hakala, Inkeri (2014)
    The purpose of this study is to examine young consumers’ experiences of wooden furniture and home decoration in Germany and Finland. This topic is approached from the point of view of taste, lifestyle and consumers’ goods relation. Qualitative data was gathered with ethnographic fieldwork in furniture stores and fairs and with 22 guided interviews conducted among consumers between 23-34 years of age. The observation material was used as background information to draw the cultural context of the study, while the interview data was content analysed using thematisation and characterisation. Based on the results, when new pieces of furniture are acquired appearance, price and quality are found to be three main attributes in both countries, followed by functionality and ecological aspects. While the use of rainforest wood species was heavily criticized in both countries, especially in Germany, the domestic country of origin was emphasized as an essential attribute only among Finnish consumers. In addition, interviewees expressed a degree of cynicism towards current eco-labels in use. The study has shown furniture retail chain Ikea to have a special role in consumers’ furniture discourse in both Finland and Germany. The talk about Ikea’s furniture offers a useful tool to decode the meanings and expectations consumers have concerning furniture also on more general level. Concerns regarding Ikea furniture are origin and eco-issues and the lack of individuality. In addition the low quality and durability of the Ikea furniture were compared to the stamina of the inherited or second-hand furniture made from solid-wood material. To express their stance towards environmental and ethical values, due to budgetary reasons, the consumers were found to favour second hand, inherited, and recycled furniture instead of eco-labelled, often high-end market, furniture. The furnishing tastes and skills evolve in phases. The individual taste is not perceived before receiving own experiences on the matter. According to this study the life phase of the consumers seems to have more influence than their nationality on the acquiring of furniture. The life phases detected are: (1) moving to first own home and starting the student life; (2) middle phase, where student life represents a conscious, style wise experimenting, but economically limited period; (3) adulthood and working life, in which the incomes are expected to rise and the furniture consumption to reflect more ecological and socially aware values.
  • Hakala, Inkeri (2014)
    The purpose of this study is to examine young consumers’ experiences of wooden furniture and home decoration in Germany and Finland. This topic is approached from the point of view of taste, lifestyle and consumers’ goods relation. Qualitative data was gathered with ethnographic fieldwork in furniture stores and fairs and with 22 guided interviews conducted among consumers between 23-34 years of age. The observation material was used as background information to draw the cultural context of the study, while the interview data was content analysed using thematisation and characterisation. Based on the results, when new pieces of furniture are acquired appearance, price and quality are found to be three main attributes in both countries, followed by functionality and ecological aspects. While the use of rainforest wood species was heavily criticized in both countries, especially in Germany, the domestic country of origin was emphasized as an essential attribute only among Finnish consumers. In addition, interviewees expressed a degree of cynicism towards current eco-labels in use. The study has shown furniture retail chain Ikea to have a special role in consumers’ furniture discourse in both Finland and Germany. The talk about Ikea’s furniture offers a useful tool to decode the meanings and expectations consumers have concerning furniture also on more general level. Concerns regarding Ikea furniture are origin and eco-issues and the lack of individuality. In addition the low quality and durability of the Ikea furniture were compared to the stamina of the inherited or second-hand furniture made from solid-wood material. To express their stance towards environmental and ethical values, due to budgetary reasons, the consumers were found to favour second hand, inherited, and recycled furniture instead of eco-labelled, often high-end market, furniture. The furnishing tastes and skills evolve in phases. The individual taste is not perceived before receiving own experiences on the matter. According to this study the life phase of the consumers seems to have more influence than their nationality on the acquiring of furniture. The life phases detected are: (1) moving to first own home and starting the student life; (2) middle phase, where student life represents a conscious, style wise experimenting, but economically limited period; (3) adulthood and working life, in which the incomes are expected to rise and the furniture consumption to reflect more ecological and socially aware values.