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Browsing by Subject "idealism"

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  • Ahvo, Sanna (2020)
    This thesis examines French political debates related to the founding of the League of Nations in the years 1917-1919 and the political and ideological reasons that led to the oblivion of the French juridical internationalist model for the League. When the League of Nations was created in the Paris Peace Conference that followed the end of World War I, the French delegation presented a model for the League that was based on a specific French current of internationalism (juridical internationalism) largely forgotten today. It was opposed both to the Anglo-American view presented by American President Woodrow Wilson and the British delegation and the view of French Premier Clemenceau. In order to recover the intentions of the participants to the political discussions, this thesis employs Quentin Skinner’s methodological reflections on the history of ideas. The source material consists of the minutes of the French National Assembly, the Senate and the Paris Peace Conference as well as the notes of the most prominent advocate of juridical internationalism, Léon Bourgeois. These records are studied by situating them in their historical context and in relation to relevant intellectual traditions and ongoing political discussions. The formulation of the French policy is explored in three different contexts that capture the national and international levels of discussion: the French parliament, the French Interministerial Commission on the League of Nations and the Paris Peace Conference. The studies of Peter Jackson (2013) and Scott G. Blair (1992) on the French League of Nations policy constitute the main works of secondary literature. The theoretical framework of this study relies on the English School’s pluralistic approach to international relations. Different conceptions of the League of Nations are examined using the concepts of realism and idealism in international relations theory. These concepts help demonstrate the differences and similarities between juridical internationalism, Wilsonian idealism and traditional realist power politics. Historiography of the Paris Peace Conference has often presented the situation as a confrontation between traditional balance of power politics and Wilsonian idealism, but the juridical internationalist conception of the new world order was actually something between these two. By analysing this French current of internationalism through the concepts of realism and idealism, this thesis demonstrates that juridical internationalism represented a third way between the two traditional paradigms that combined elements of both. The juridical internationalists envisaged a League of Nations based on the codification of international law and equipped with a permanent tribunal and powerful systems of legal, economic, diplomatic and military sanctions enforced by an international army and a permanent command structure. This thesis puts forward the interpretation that the merits of this conception of the League were not properly appreciated during the Paris Peace Conference because it was overshadowed by the diplomatic and political calculations of Wilson and Clemenceau. Later, the juridical internationalist model has been disregarded as a result of being misunderstood as idealism and linked to the negative connotations the term carries. In reality, this model combined elements of realism and idealism similar to the rationalist and solidarist inclinations of the English School.
  • Ahvo, Sanna (2020)
    This thesis examines French political debates related to the founding of the League of Nations in the years 1917-1919 and the political and ideological reasons that led to the oblivion of the French juridical internationalist model for the League. When the League of Nations was created in the Paris Peace Conference that followed the end of World War I, the French delegation presented a model for the League that was based on a specific French current of internationalism (juridical internationalism) largely forgotten today. It was opposed both to the Anglo-American view presented by American President Woodrow Wilson and the British delegation and the view of French Premier Clemenceau. In order to recover the intentions of the participants to the political discussions, this thesis employs Quentin Skinner’s methodological reflections on the history of ideas. The source material consists of the minutes of the French National Assembly, the Senate and the Paris Peace Conference as well as the notes of the most prominent advocate of juridical internationalism, Léon Bourgeois. These records are studied by situating them in their historical context and in relation to relevant intellectual traditions and ongoing political discussions. The formulation of the French policy is explored in three different contexts that capture the national and international levels of discussion: the French parliament, the French Interministerial Commission on the League of Nations and the Paris Peace Conference. The studies of Peter Jackson (2013) and Scott G. Blair (1992) on the French League of Nations policy constitute the main works of secondary literature. The theoretical framework of this study relies on the English School’s pluralistic approach to international relations. Different conceptions of the League of Nations are examined using the concepts of realism and idealism in international relations theory. These concepts help demonstrate the differences and similarities between juridical internationalism, Wilsonian idealism and traditional realist power politics. Historiography of the Paris Peace Conference has often presented the situation as a confrontation between traditional balance of power politics and Wilsonian idealism, but the juridical internationalist conception of the new world order was actually something between these two. By analysing this French current of internationalism through the concepts of realism and idealism, this thesis demonstrates that juridical internationalism represented a third way between the two traditional paradigms that combined elements of both. The juridical internationalists envisaged a League of Nations based on the codification of international law and equipped with a permanent tribunal and powerful systems of legal, economic, diplomatic and military sanctions enforced by an international army and a permanent command structure. This thesis puts forward the interpretation that the merits of this conception of the League were not properly appreciated during the Paris Peace Conference because it was overshadowed by the diplomatic and political calculations of Wilson and Clemenceau. Later, the juridical internationalist model has been disregarded as a result of being misunderstood as idealism and linked to the negative connotations the term carries. In reality, this model combined elements of realism and idealism similar to the rationalist and solidarist inclinations of the English School.
  • Korpisola, Sissel (2017)
    Kerstin Söderholm hör till den finlandssvenska modernistgenerationen. I denna uppsats analyserar jag tematiskt Kerstin Söderholms debutsamling Röster ur tingen. Jag drar även paralleller till de senare diktsamlingarna. Jag undersöker begrepp som natur och skapande. Dessa begrepp betraktar jag som teman. I enlighet med Willie van Peers definition på vad ett litterärt tema är, är dessa begrepp i Söderholms texter framträdande, fyllda med mening samt känslomässigt laddade. Inspirerad av Jean Pierre Richard skriver jag även om dikotomiers betydelse. Jag tar upp motsatsparen värme-kyla och ljus-mörker. Jag undersöker också vattnets tematiska funktion och dess sammankoppling med skaparkraften. Genom att granska den beskrivning av människo- och diktarrollen som framkommer i både debutsamlingen och de senare diktsamlingarna undersöker jag den konstnärliga skaparprocessen, dess förutsättningar och förverkligande i Söderholms diktvärld. Redan i debutsamlingen formar Söderholm ett ”konstnärligt manifest” gällande livet och skapandets förutsättningar. Människan intar rollen av en förmedlare mellan jord och himmel, mellan det mörka och det ljusa, mellan tingens värld och de högre sfärerna. I denna uppsats granskar jag även ingående Söderholms naturlyrik. Jag undersöker naturens funktion, hur naturen gestaltas, och relationen mellan människan och naturen i Söderholms fem diktsamlingar. Jag lyfter fram exempel på naturmystik, besjälning av naturen, kärlekslyrik förknippad med naturen samt trädens tematiska funktion i Söderholms lyrik. Rudolf Steiners naturbetraktelser har mycket gemensamt med Söderholms syn på naturen, där lyssnande och inlevelse är av största vikt för att uppnå en stark gemenskapskänsla och andlig insikt. Istället för en nära samhörighet till andra människor beskriver Söderholms diktjag en tät närhet och samhörighet med tingen i naturen. Naturens förknippas även starkt med skaparakten och sagans värld. Man kan hos Söderholm märka en stark idealism och vissa symbolistiska drag, hit kan räknas fokuseringen på det inre livet och det mänskliga medvetandets förmåga att sudda ut gränsen mellan sig själv och naturen. Fastän ett inkännande förhållande till naturen dominerar förekommer även vissa nietzscheanska drag hos Söderholm, speciellt gällande det inre livets styrka samt det konstnärliga skapandet, som sätts i centrum. Söderholm väver i sin diktning ihop smärta och glädje på ett komplext sätt. I Söderholms dikter förekommer tanken att för att något nytt skall kunna födas måste det gamla gå under. Denna offertematik anknyts till skaparakten, där smärta och eufori sammantvinnas. Eftersom Söderholms diktning har många beröringspunkter med romantiken vill jag även ge diktningen en romantisk kontext. Romantikens kärlek till och idealisering av naturen har sin parallell i Söderholms naturdiktning. Söderholm delar också romantikernas längtan bort från verkligheten här och nu. Idén om det förlorade paradiset och vägen tillbaka, som går genom konsten, återfinns också hos Söderholm. Det konstnärliga skapandet upphäver alienationen. Liksom romantikerna prioriterar Söderholm den inre världen framom den yttre och kreativiteten framom de rådande fysiska omständigheterna. Söderholm betonar även starkt drömlivet samt känslans och längtans betydelse i det konstnärliga skapandet.