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  • Ahvo, Sanna (2020)
    This thesis examines French political debates related to the founding of the League of Nations in the years 1917-1919 and the political and ideological reasons that led to the oblivion of the French juridical internationalist model for the League. When the League of Nations was created in the Paris Peace Conference that followed the end of World War I, the French delegation presented a model for the League that was based on a specific French current of internationalism (juridical internationalism) largely forgotten today. It was opposed both to the Anglo-American view presented by American President Woodrow Wilson and the British delegation and the view of French Premier Clemenceau. In order to recover the intentions of the participants to the political discussions, this thesis employs Quentin Skinner’s methodological reflections on the history of ideas. The source material consists of the minutes of the French National Assembly, the Senate and the Paris Peace Conference as well as the notes of the most prominent advocate of juridical internationalism, Léon Bourgeois. These records are studied by situating them in their historical context and in relation to relevant intellectual traditions and ongoing political discussions. The formulation of the French policy is explored in three different contexts that capture the national and international levels of discussion: the French parliament, the French Interministerial Commission on the League of Nations and the Paris Peace Conference. The studies of Peter Jackson (2013) and Scott G. Blair (1992) on the French League of Nations policy constitute the main works of secondary literature. The theoretical framework of this study relies on the English School’s pluralistic approach to international relations. Different conceptions of the League of Nations are examined using the concepts of realism and idealism in international relations theory. These concepts help demonstrate the differences and similarities between juridical internationalism, Wilsonian idealism and traditional realist power politics. Historiography of the Paris Peace Conference has often presented the situation as a confrontation between traditional balance of power politics and Wilsonian idealism, but the juridical internationalist conception of the new world order was actually something between these two. By analysing this French current of internationalism through the concepts of realism and idealism, this thesis demonstrates that juridical internationalism represented a third way between the two traditional paradigms that combined elements of both. The juridical internationalists envisaged a League of Nations based on the codification of international law and equipped with a permanent tribunal and powerful systems of legal, economic, diplomatic and military sanctions enforced by an international army and a permanent command structure. This thesis puts forward the interpretation that the merits of this conception of the League were not properly appreciated during the Paris Peace Conference because it was overshadowed by the diplomatic and political calculations of Wilson and Clemenceau. Later, the juridical internationalist model has been disregarded as a result of being misunderstood as idealism and linked to the negative connotations the term carries. In reality, this model combined elements of realism and idealism similar to the rationalist and solidarist inclinations of the English School.
  • Ahvo, Sanna (2020)
    This thesis examines French political debates related to the founding of the League of Nations in the years 1917-1919 and the political and ideological reasons that led to the oblivion of the French juridical internationalist model for the League. When the League of Nations was created in the Paris Peace Conference that followed the end of World War I, the French delegation presented a model for the League that was based on a specific French current of internationalism (juridical internationalism) largely forgotten today. It was opposed both to the Anglo-American view presented by American President Woodrow Wilson and the British delegation and the view of French Premier Clemenceau. In order to recover the intentions of the participants to the political discussions, this thesis employs Quentin Skinner’s methodological reflections on the history of ideas. The source material consists of the minutes of the French National Assembly, the Senate and the Paris Peace Conference as well as the notes of the most prominent advocate of juridical internationalism, Léon Bourgeois. These records are studied by situating them in their historical context and in relation to relevant intellectual traditions and ongoing political discussions. The formulation of the French policy is explored in three different contexts that capture the national and international levels of discussion: the French parliament, the French Interministerial Commission on the League of Nations and the Paris Peace Conference. The studies of Peter Jackson (2013) and Scott G. Blair (1992) on the French League of Nations policy constitute the main works of secondary literature. The theoretical framework of this study relies on the English School’s pluralistic approach to international relations. Different conceptions of the League of Nations are examined using the concepts of realism and idealism in international relations theory. These concepts help demonstrate the differences and similarities between juridical internationalism, Wilsonian idealism and traditional realist power politics. Historiography of the Paris Peace Conference has often presented the situation as a confrontation between traditional balance of power politics and Wilsonian idealism, but the juridical internationalist conception of the new world order was actually something between these two. By analysing this French current of internationalism through the concepts of realism and idealism, this thesis demonstrates that juridical internationalism represented a third way between the two traditional paradigms that combined elements of both. The juridical internationalists envisaged a League of Nations based on the codification of international law and equipped with a permanent tribunal and powerful systems of legal, economic, diplomatic and military sanctions enforced by an international army and a permanent command structure. This thesis puts forward the interpretation that the merits of this conception of the League were not properly appreciated during the Paris Peace Conference because it was overshadowed by the diplomatic and political calculations of Wilson and Clemenceau. Later, the juridical internationalist model has been disregarded as a result of being misunderstood as idealism and linked to the negative connotations the term carries. In reality, this model combined elements of realism and idealism similar to the rationalist and solidarist inclinations of the English School.
  • Lindberg, Sebastian (2018)
    Efter nationalsocialisternas maktövertagande i Tyskland 1933 började allt fler människor fly landet. De som flydde var främst politiska motståndare till den nya regimen och judiska flyktingar. Till Finland tog sig de första flyktingarna under våren 1938. Under sommaren samma år började en stundvis häftig polemik i den finländska pressen om förhållandet till flyktingarna. I denna pro gradu-avhandling jämförs sex större finländska dagstidningars syn på de centraleuropeiska flyktingarna samt mängden och genren av artiklar som tillägnades frågan. De studerade tidningarna är: Ajan Suunta, Helsingin Sanomat, Ilkka, Suomen Sosialidemokraatti, Svenska Pressen och Uusi Suomi. Dessa tidningar representerade antingen direkt eller indirekt de olika partipolitiska grupperingarna i landet och syftet med avhandlingen är att ge en möjligast representativ bild av flyktingdebatten i Finland. Källmaterialet har avgränsats till en tidsperiod från juli 1938 till slutet av augusti 1939, då flyktingdebatten gick som hetast i landet. Som teoretiska ramverk stöder sig avhandlingen på mentala uppdelningar av världen i ”Vi” och ”De”. För den nationalistiska högerpressen, Ajan Suunta och Uusi Suomi, representerade flyktingarna ett Andre, som framkallade typiska anti-immigrationsattityder och farhågor hos skribenterna. Då majoriteten av flyktingarna som tog sig till Finland dessutom var judar övergick kritiken mot flyktingarna även till antisemitiska stereotypier och karaktäriseringar. De mångfacetterade antisemitiska stereotypierna som förekom både i Ajan Suunta, och Uusi Suomi tyder också på att tidstypiska antisemitiska föreställningar var välkända i Finland under mellankrigstiden. En positivare syn på flyktingarna förmedlades dock också i pressen. Suomen Sosialidemokraatti yrkade på klasstillhörighet med de politiska flyktingarna, medan både Svenska Pressen och Suomen Sosialidemokraatti åberopade solidaritet med samtliga flyktingar. Flyktingarna ansågs därutöver utgöra ett konkret bevis på det nationalsocialistiska Tysklands orättfärdighet och flyktingarna användes även som ett antifascistiskt slagträ. Av de studerade tidningarna hängav Ajan Suunta och Suomen Sosialidemokraatti det absolut största intresset till flyktingfrågan. Det var även dessa tidningar som representerade bägge ytterligheter i den offentliga debatten om flyktingarna. Ilkka och Helsingin Sanomat tillägnade frågan det minsta spaltutrymmet och deras syn på flyktingarna var tämligen neutral. Av dessa hade dock Ilkka en försiktigt positiv syn, medan Helsingin Sanomat hade en mer kritisk inställning. De främsta argumenten som användes för att kritisera mottagandet av flyktingar var att dessa anlände i alltför stora mängder, att Finland inte hade råd med att ta emot ytterligare flyktingar, att man borde prioritera de så kallade finskbesläktade stamfrändeflyktingarna och att man ej ville skapa en inhemsk ”judefråga” genom att öka den judiska minoriteten i landet. Därutöver förekom stereotypier av judarna som stormrika och sluga affärsmän som inte var i behov av hjälp, utan endast utnyttjade situationen till egen vinning. I majoriteten av argumentationen som användes för att befrämja mottagandet av flyktingarna framfördes att flyktingarna var förföljda offer av nationalsocialistisk terror samt både Tyskland och finländska ytterhögern kritiserades för nonchalans i frågan. Motsättningsvis appellerade man till medmänsklighetskänsla, solidaritet och humanism hos läsarna.
  • Lindberg, Sebastian (2018)
    Efter nationalsocialisternas maktövertagande i Tyskland 1933 började allt fler människor fly landet. De som flydde var främst politiska motståndare till den nya regimen och judiska flyktingar. Till Finland tog sig de första flyktingarna under våren 1938. Under sommaren samma år började en stundvis häftig polemik i den finländska pressen om förhållandet till flyktingarna. I denna pro gradu-avhandling jämförs sex större finländska dagstidningars syn på de centraleuropeiska flyktingarna samt mängden och genren av artiklar som tillägnades frågan. De studerade tidningarna är: Ajan Suunta, Helsingin Sanomat, Ilkka, Suomen Sosialidemokraatti, Svenska Pressen och Uusi Suomi. Dessa tidningar representerade antingen direkt eller indirekt de olika partipolitiska grupperingarna i landet och syftet med avhandlingen är att ge en möjligast representativ bild av flyktingdebatten i Finland. Källmaterialet har avgränsats till en tidsperiod från juli 1938 till slutet av augusti 1939, då flyktingdebatten gick som hetast i landet. Som teoretiska ramverk stöder sig avhandlingen på mentala uppdelningar av världen i ”Vi” och ”De”. För den nationalistiska högerpressen, Ajan Suunta och Uusi Suomi, representerade flyktingarna ett Andre, som framkallade typiska anti-immigrationsattityder och farhågor hos skribenterna. Då majoriteten av flyktingarna som tog sig till Finland dessutom var judar övergick kritiken mot flyktingarna även till antisemitiska stereotypier och karaktäriseringar. De mångfacetterade antisemitiska stereotypierna som förekom både i Ajan Suunta, och Uusi Suomi tyder också på att tidstypiska antisemitiska föreställningar var välkända i Finland under mellankrigstiden. En positivare syn på flyktingarna förmedlades dock också i pressen. Suomen Sosialidemokraatti yrkade på klasstillhörighet med de politiska flyktingarna, medan både Svenska Pressen och Suomen Sosialidemokraatti åberopade solidaritet med samtliga flyktingar. Flyktingarna ansågs därutöver utgöra ett konkret bevis på det nationalsocialistiska Tysklands orättfärdighet och flyktingarna användes även som ett antifascistiskt slagträ. Av de studerade tidningarna hängav Ajan Suunta och Suomen Sosialidemokraatti det absolut största intresset till flyktingfrågan. Det var även dessa tidningar som representerade bägge ytterligheter i den offentliga debatten om flyktingarna. Ilkka och Helsingin Sanomat tillägnade frågan det minsta spaltutrymmet och deras syn på flyktingarna var tämligen neutral. Av dessa hade dock Ilkka en försiktigt positiv syn, medan Helsingin Sanomat hade en mer kritisk inställning. De främsta argumenten som användes för att kritisera mottagandet av flyktingar var att dessa anlände i alltför stora mängder, att Finland inte hade råd med att ta emot ytterligare flyktingar, att man borde prioritera de så kallade finskbesläktade stamfrändeflyktingarna och att man ej ville skapa en inhemsk ”judefråga” genom att öka den judiska minoriteten i landet. Därutöver förekom stereotypier av judarna som stormrika och sluga affärsmän som inte var i behov av hjälp, utan endast utnyttjade situationen till egen vinning. I majoriteten av argumentationen som användes för att befrämja mottagandet av flyktingarna framfördes att flyktingarna var förföljda offer av nationalsocialistisk terror samt både Tyskland och finländska ytterhögern kritiserades för nonchalans i frågan. Motsättningsvis appellerade man till medmänsklighetskänsla, solidaritet och humanism hos läsarna.
  • Mikusová, Nina (2020)
    The goal of this thesis is to investigate methods that could help with harvesting neologisms and more specifically anglicisms (i.e. English-sourced borrowings) in Finnish language. The work is partially motivated by the Global Anglicism Database project to gather anglicisms from various languages, which can serve both as an anglicism dictionary and researchers as a source of information for studying language contact and borrowing either in depth for a specific language or cross-linguistically. A systematic way of harvesting anglicisms in current Finnish language from a suitable corpus is devised. The research examines what kinds of data sources suitable for this goal are available, and what would be the criteria for a useful data source; how to use a data source like that to prepare a good list of anglicisms candidates so that there would be as little irrelevant material as possible but so that no anglicisms would not be lost in the process, and how could the candidates be scored so that the more probable anglicisms would appear closer to the top of a candidate list. Several of Language Bank's Finnish language monolingual corpora are considered. The most important criteria are identified to be the size and genre of the corpus and its annotation. The criteria are explored from the description of corpora on Language Bank's website and available literature and by hands-on examination of the data. Other important measures of corpus suitability are the amount of unannotated foreign language material, amount of noise, and potential anglicism proportion in the corpora. This information is gained via meticulous exploration of random samples of the corpora neologism candidate lists and evaluation on previously gained anglicism set. A combination of two corpora with good coverage of known anglicisms and relatively low amount of noise is chosen as the dataset for the next phase of the anglicism identification process. Anglicism candidate lists are prepared by a process of removing tokens irrelevant for anglicism harvesting. That includes an identifiable part of foreign language material in the corpus, formally recognizable noise, known lemmas of the words that were present in Finnish language around the time just before the major influx of English borrowings to Finnish language started, and their inflected forms. Several methods of scoring candidates are devised that would assign better scores to tokens with higher probability to be an anglicism. The score is based on tokens' frequency in the corpus and relative frequency of the character-level n-grams made out of tokens in representative purely English and purely Finnish corpora. The tokens in the candidate list are scored and ordered, and the resulting list is evaluated based on the ranking of a set of previously identified anglicisms. The method is proved to be somewhat effective; the resulting average ranking of known anglicisms is better than it would be in a randomly sorted candidate list.
  • Mikusová, Nina (2020)
    The goal of this thesis is to investigate methods that could help with harvesting neologisms and more specifically anglicisms (i.e. English-sourced borrowings) in Finnish language. The work is partially motivated by the Global Anglicism Database project to gather anglicisms from various languages, which can serve both as an anglicism dictionary and researchers as a source of information for studying language contact and borrowing either in depth for a specific language or cross-linguistically. A systematic way of harvesting anglicisms in current Finnish language from a suitable corpus is devised. The research examines what kinds of data sources suitable for this goal are available, and what would be the criteria for a useful data source; how to use a data source like that to prepare a good list of anglicisms candidates so that there would be as little irrelevant material as possible but so that no anglicisms would not be lost in the process, and how could the candidates be scored so that the more probable anglicisms would appear closer to the top of a candidate list. Several of Language Bank's Finnish language monolingual corpora are considered. The most important criteria are identified to be the size and genre of the corpus and its annotation. The criteria are explored from the description of corpora on Language Bank's website and available literature and by hands-on examination of the data. Other important measures of corpus suitability are the amount of unannotated foreign language material, amount of noise, and potential anglicism proportion in the corpora. This information is gained via meticulous exploration of random samples of the corpora neologism candidate lists and evaluation on previously gained anglicism set. A combination of two corpora with good coverage of known anglicisms and relatively low amount of noise is chosen as the dataset for the next phase of the anglicism identification process. Anglicism candidate lists are prepared by a process of removing tokens irrelevant for anglicism harvesting. That includes an identifiable part of foreign language material in the corpus, formally recognizable noise, known lemmas of the words that were present in Finnish language around the time just before the major influx of English borrowings to Finnish language started, and their inflected forms. Several methods of scoring candidates are devised that would assign better scores to tokens with higher probability to be an anglicism. The score is based on tokens' frequency in the corpus and relative frequency of the character-level n-grams made out of tokens in representative purely English and purely Finnish corpora. The tokens in the candidate list are scored and ordered, and the resulting list is evaluated based on the ranking of a set of previously identified anglicisms. The method is proved to be somewhat effective; the resulting average ranking of known anglicisms is better than it would be in a randomly sorted candidate list.
  • Gauffin, Jonatan (2022)
    Schwartz theory of basic human values is a globally used and recognized theory that is also used in Finnish research. The theory includes 10 values ​​that can be considered globally prevalent. The theory is divided into four categories: conservation, self-transcendence, self-enhancement, openness to change. In addition, the underlying motivation for the different values ​​is divided into individual, collective and mixed interests. In this research the aim is to analyze which of Schwartz's values ​​appear in the national curriculum of 1994 and 2014 and look at changes in values ​​between the years 1994 and 2014. There seems to be a need to examine the value base in the national curriculum to better understand which values ​​form the basis for the big autonomy that is given to schools and teachers in the curriculum. Previous research shows that conservation and self-transcending values ​​have been strongly prevalent in basic education. The survey's research data consisted of the value-based chapters in the national curriculum of 1994 and 2014. Schwartz theory of basic human values and Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) were used as a theoretical reference framework and analysis tools. The investigation was carried out according to mixed methods, where a qualitative interpretive deductive text analysis constituted the main research method, with a quantitatively measuring deductive text analysis as a supplementary analysis method. In the results section, the survey showed universalism as by far the most prevalent value in the curricula. Major changes found were that the value tradition's high occurrence in the national curriculum of 1994 had been replaced by power in 2014. Self-direction showed a high occurrence, and the compatibility between universalism and self-direction can be seen as strong and in line with the curricula. The expressions of values ​​showed a big change between the years 1994 and 2014, described by the fact that diversity and multilingualism as expressions of values ​​appeared strongly in the national curriculum of 2014. Self-transcending values ​​and values ​​with openness to change were most prevalent with individual and mixed interests as the underlying motivation. The result suggests that collective interests and values ​​that are conservation and self-enhancing are not well represented in the national curriculum of 2014, and possibly need to be taken into account.
  • Gauffin, Jonatan (2022)
    Schwartz theory of basic human values is a globally used and recognized theory that is also used in Finnish research. The theory includes 10 values ​​that can be considered globally prevalent. The theory is divided into four categories: conservation, self-transcendence, self-enhancement, openness to change. In addition, the underlying motivation for the different values ​​is divided into individual, collective and mixed interests. In this research the aim is to analyze which of Schwartz's values ​​appear in the national curriculum of 1994 and 2014 and look at changes in values ​​between the years 1994 and 2014. There seems to be a need to examine the value base in the national curriculum to better understand which values ​​form the basis for the big autonomy that is given to schools and teachers in the curriculum. Previous research shows that conservation and self-transcending values ​​have been strongly prevalent in basic education. The survey's research data consisted of the value-based chapters in the national curriculum of 1994 and 2014. Schwartz theory of basic human values and Schwartz Value Survey (SVS) were used as a theoretical reference framework and analysis tools. The investigation was carried out according to mixed methods, where a qualitative interpretive deductive text analysis constituted the main research method, with a quantitatively measuring deductive text analysis as a supplementary analysis method. In the results section, the survey showed universalism as by far the most prevalent value in the curricula. Major changes found were that the value tradition's high occurrence in the national curriculum of 1994 had been replaced by power in 2014. Self-direction showed a high occurrence, and the compatibility between universalism and self-direction can be seen as strong and in line with the curricula. The expressions of values ​​showed a big change between the years 1994 and 2014, described by the fact that diversity and multilingualism as expressions of values ​​appeared strongly in the national curriculum of 2014. Self-transcending values ​​and values ​​with openness to change were most prevalent with individual and mixed interests as the underlying motivation. The result suggests that collective interests and values ​​that are conservation and self-enhancing are not well represented in the national curriculum of 2014, and possibly need to be taken into account.