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  • Norberg, Taru (2017)
    This research explores the experiences of nursing and teaching staff in Helsinki's Early Childhood Education area about unprofessionality and its emergence in the interaction between the adult and the child. Based on my experience and previous research, it can be stated that the documents guide early childhood education practice very loosely and interpretatively. Both, unconscious and conscious, decision making and value basis and their interpretation development, causes variation in the quality of work in an early education settings and, also between workers.   It was interesting to find out what the nursing and education staff think is unprofessional, about how they felt when they had to intervene, and how the responses showed the theoretical starting point for a high-quality educational interaction. However, day-care staff are expected to be familiar with the legislation and documents governing the field. This is a phenomenographic mixed method research, which is a one-time transversal survey. The material was collected with an E-questionnaire from one of Helsinki's early childhood area.  54 early childhood educators answered the questionnaire. The material was analyzed using content analysis and separation. The results showed that the respondents recognized unprofessional situations, but they had difficulty and variation in evaluation the gravity of the situation. Respondents also found it difficult to respond to unprofessional situations. The lack of agreed policies in their work community, lack of theoretical knowledge and understanding of the basis of legislation and documents, that creates the foundation of quality interaction between a child and an adult, makes intervention problematic and difficult. The results showed that there were deficiency in professional knowhow, communication as well as in the operating culture and leadership.
  • Norberg, Taru (2021)
    The purpose of this study is to elucidate the experiences of ECEC center leaders about the unprofessionalism of educational interaction and the challenges it brings. In addition, the study examines the experience of tackling unprofessionalism and experiences related to managing the phenomenon. The aim is to analyze and describe the perceptions and experiences of managers, as well as their variation. The theoretical framework of the study consists of an examination of educational interaction, unprofessionalism and leadership, as well as a description in the context of early childhood education. The theory takes into account the paucity of previous research on early childhood professionalism and therefore the framework has been partially extended to look at professionalism in other fields as well, such as nursing and medicine. The starting points of the study were a multi-method and phenomenographic study, the data of which were obtained with a semi-structured e-questionnaire. The survey was addressed to municipal ECEC center leaders on the basis of the OAJ member register. In the analysis of qualitative data, context analysis was typically used for phenomenography, and the results of multiple-choice questions (Likert) are pre-sented as percentage distributions. Combining the acquisition and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data aims at a better understanding of a diverse and little-studied phenomenon. Leaders ’experiences of the unprofessional nature of educational interaction varied. However, most situ-ations were interpreted as completely unprofessional. All respondents reported unprofessionalism in their workplace and there was variation in its prevalence. Intervention in the unprofessional profession was generally perceived negatively by managers, although the task could still be perceived as important, co-ercive or obligatory. There were five experiences describing the management of challenging situations: the relationship between the manager and the employee, self-management, pedagogical management, professionalism as a phenomenon, and client work. Unprofessionalism is a multidimensional phenome-non challenging leadership and its definition and identification is important for developing the quality of early childhood education. The key tasks of a leader in terms of shared pedagogical leadership are to address unprofessional situations and to implement ethical reflection and moral decision-making in the work community.
  • Norberg, Taru (2021)
    The purpose of this study is to elucidate the experiences of ECEC center leaders about the unprofessionalism of educational interaction and the challenges it brings. In addition, the study examines the experience of tackling unprofessionalism and experiences related to managing the phenomenon. The aim is to analyze and describe the perceptions and experiences of managers, as well as their variation. The theoretical framework of the study consists of an examination of educational interaction, unprofessionalism and leadership, as well as a description in the context of early childhood education. The theory takes into account the paucity of previous research on early childhood professionalism and therefore the framework has been partially extended to look at professionalism in other fields as well, such as nursing and medicine. The starting points of the study were a multi-method and phenomenographic study, the data of which were obtained with a semi-structured e-questionnaire. The survey was addressed to municipal ECEC center leaders on the basis of the OAJ member register. In the analysis of qualitative data, context analysis was typically used for phenomenography, and the results of multiple-choice questions (Likert) are pre-sented as percentage distributions. Combining the acquisition and analysis of qualitative and quantitative data aims at a better understanding of a diverse and little-studied phenomenon. Leaders ’experiences of the unprofessional nature of educational interaction varied. However, most situ-ations were interpreted as completely unprofessional. All respondents reported unprofessionalism in their workplace and there was variation in its prevalence. Intervention in the unprofessional profession was generally perceived negatively by managers, although the task could still be perceived as important, co-ercive or obligatory. There were five experiences describing the management of challenging situations: the relationship between the manager and the employee, self-management, pedagogical management, professionalism as a phenomenon, and client work. Unprofessionalism is a multidimensional phenome-non challenging leadership and its definition and identification is important for developing the quality of early childhood education. The key tasks of a leader in terms of shared pedagogical leadership are to address unprofessional situations and to implement ethical reflection and moral decision-making in the work community.
  • Hiltunen, Emmi (2012)
    I got interested in conflict situations between educators and children when I noticed in my own work, how certain manners always seemed to lead in to conflicts. By changing those manners and the environment we are working in, we can create a much more pleasing place to work and learn for adults and children. Inspired by these notions I started to research what kind of situations and environments may increase or decrease conflicts between educators and children. I also wanted to find out if there are some same factors between those children who often get in to conflicts with educators. This is a quantitative research. The data is originally from Jyrki Reunamo ́s research project and has been collected from 45 daycare centers. Children have been observed and interviewed, and educators have evaluated children and the learning environment. I took the exploratory approach to my data. After having some results, I decided to take social development, educational interaction and educational culture as my theoretical frame. All these aspects can be found from Urie Bronfenbrenner`s ecological theory which I used as keystone of my research. The results showed that there were more conflicts in day care centers if they were strictly controlled by the educators. Most conflicts happened during basic care situations, eating time and instructed activity inside. Children didn’t have a possibility to affect these situations and at the same time their need to move was limited. Especially 5-6 years old boys found these situations complicated and got caught up in troubles. This research shows that children ́s need to move and participate are not taken into account enough in day care centers.
  • Honka, Iina (2024)
    Tavoitteet. Vuorohoito on varhaiskasvatuspalvelua, jota on tarjolla arkiaamuisin ennen kello kuutta, arki-iltaisin kello 18:n jälkeen, öisin, viikonloppuisin ja arkipyhinä. Vuorohoito on merkittävä osa suomalaista varhaiskasvatusta ja suomalaisten vanhempien lastenhoitojärjestelyjä. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten vuorohoidon erityispiirteet liittyvät varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien kokemuksen mukaan perheiden kanssa toteutettavaan kasvatusyhteistyöhön. Vuorohoidon erityispiirteillä tarkoitetaan tässä tutkielmassa sekä lasten että varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön epätyypillisiä ja epätasaisia paikallaoloaikoja varhaiskasvatuksessa. Kasvatusyhteistyöllä tässä tutkielmassa tarkoitetaan perheen ja varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön välistä yhteistyötä ja vuorovaikutusta. Menetelmät. Tämä tutkimus on laadullinen tutkimus. Aineisto kerättiin sähköpostihaastatteluina vuorohoidossa työskenteleviltä varhaiskasvatuksen opettajilta, ja niitä kertyi yhteensä 3 kappaletta. Aineiston analyysimenetelmänä hyödynnettiin teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että vuorohoidon erityispiirteet toivat opettajien kokemusten mukaan selkeästi oman ulottuvuutensa kasvatusyhteistyön toteuttamiseen. Kasvatusyhteistyö nähtiin opettajien vastauksissa yhteisesti merkitykselliseksi toiminnaksi lapsen hyvinvoinnin, kasvamisen ja kehittymisen kannalta. Vuorohoidon erityispiirteet haastoivat kasvatusyhteistyötä perheiden ja kasvattajien erirytmisyyden toimesta. Opettajien vastauksissa korostui erityisesti tarve kiinnittää huomiota perheiden kohtaamiseen tärkeyteen ja laadukkaaseen vuorovaikutukseen. Tutkimustulokset voivat auttaa antamaan lisätietoa vuorohoidossa työskentelevien opettajien kokemuksista ja vuorohoidon kehittämistyöhön.
  • Peltonen, Anniina (2018)
    The purpose of this study was to find out how parents experience the daily encounters with kindergarten staff. I wanted to find out which things have an influence on how parents experience these encounters and how they feel after the encounters. In the theory part I gathered some background info to the encounter in kindergarten. Key concepts are interactions in education, dialogue between parents and staff and educational partnership. My bachelor’s thesis is both qualitative and quantitative research. I gathered my data using an internet questionnaire. It was send to parents of one kindergarten in Helsinki. 20 parents answered to the questionnaire. The questionnaire contained both open and multiple-choice questions. The answers were analysed on a material basis. The questionnaire was open to parents for two weeks from November to December 2017. From the answers I got information about how parents experienced everyday encounters and how they felt about them. For the most part, the parents were satisfied about how they were encountered. The parents felt that they got enough information about their child's daycare and that the staff had time to talk to them if needed. Parental satisfaction was also influenced by the feeling of safety and the way in which the staff encountered the child. A quarter of the parents who responded to the survey expressed their dissatisfaction with the way they were encountered, what kind of information they received from their child’s daycare day and what kind of feeling they had from everyday encounters. They thought the groups sizes were too big and the staff was too busy.
  • Lee, Neea (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Haastavaksi koetut kasvatustilanteet ovat yksi varhaiskasvatuksen työntekijöitä kuorimittava tekijä varhaiskasvatuksen arjessa. Tämän kandidaatintutkielman tutkimusaiheena ovat varhaiskasvatuksen arjen haastavaksi koetut kasvatustilanteet varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien vuorovaikutuksen näkökulmasta. Tutkimusongelmakseni rajautui varhaiskasvatuk-sen opettajien puheen analysointi heidän arjessaan esiintyvistä haastavaksi koetuista kasvatustilanteista. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on ymmärtää näitä haastavaksi koettuja tilanteita paremmin opettajien kokemusten ja toiminnan kautta. Menetelmät. Toteutin tutkimuksen eräässä Etelä-Suomen päiväkodissa lapsiryhmän havainnoinnin ja ryhmän varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien ryhmähaastattelun avulla. Havainnoiden ja haastattelun yhdistelemisessä hyödynsin stimulated recall -menetelmää, jonka avulla tarkoituksena oli ymmärtää varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien kokemuksia ja ajatuksia havainnoiduista tilanteista. Haastatteluaineisto analysoitiin teoriaohjaavan sisällönanalyysin keinoin. Hyödynsin myös diskurssianalyysin piirteitä, kun paneuduin puheeseen lapsen haastavuudesta. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Haastavaksi koetut kasvatustilanteet näyttäytyivät varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien puheessa syntyvän lapsiin liittyvistä syistä, ympäristön paineesta sekä opettajien toiminnasta. Vuorovaikutus haastavaksi koetuissa kasvatustilanteissa rajautui varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien arvojen ja asenteiden sekä toimintatapojen luokkiin. Toisaalta rajaus on samalla näennäinen, sillä arvot ja asenteet vaikuttavat vahvasti toimintatapoihin. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan arvoista ja asenteista korostuivat opettajan läsnäolo, positiivisuus, ymmärrys lasta kohtaan sekä lapsituntemus. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien toimintatapoina haastavaksi koetuissa tilanteissa painotettiin ennakoinnin, joustavuuden, johdonmukaisuuden, leikillisyyden ja huumorin sekä toiminnan kehittämisen merkitystä. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien sensitiivinen ja lämmin vuorovaikutus vaikutti tukevan lapsia haastavaksi tulkituissa tilanteissa.