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Browsing by Subject "kasvisruokavaliot"

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  • Bergström, Janita (2017)
    Introduction: Vegetarian diets have become more popular in the last decades in Western countries including Finland. In Finland it is estimated that approximately 2-5 % of adults are vegetarian. Vegetarianism is most popular amongst young women and for that it is presumable for vegetarianism to become more common also in families with children. There are only few studies concerning the vegetarianism amongst children and families in Finland and the knowledge is not up to date. Aims: The aim of the study was to compare the food intake between children living in vegetarian families and children living in non-vegetarian families. Additionally, this study aimed to examine the role of parent’s educational background in the differences found in the childrens diet. Also the food environment of the families was investigated and compared between vegetarian and non-vegetarian families. Material and methods: The material of this study is from the DAGIS –Study. A total of 66 preschools and 864 children from Southern and Western Finland participated in the Study. In this thesis childrens food frequency questionnaire (FFQ; n=783) was used. The data for educational background and food environment were collected with separate forms filled by the quardian of the child. The families were divided into two groups, vegetarian and non-vegetarian families. The frequency of consumption of food groups was compared between children living in vegetarian families and children living in non-vegetarian families by using Mann Whitney U –test. The education was taken into account in a multilevel regression models (SAS 9.4) and the food environments were compared using Chi-Square –test. Results: There were 30 vegetarian families (in which there were 35 children) and 670 non-vegetarian families (in which there were 748 children). Only 5 children were vegetarian and in all but one family at least the mom was a vegetarian. The children living in vegetarian families used vegetables (p=0,002), fruits and berries (p=0,032), juices (p=0,005), plant proteins (p<0,001) and fish (p=0,001) more of than children in non-vegetarian families. They also used less meat (p<0,001), sugar containing food (p=0,029) and sugar cointaining beverages (p<0,001). All the associations, apart from fruits and berries, remained significant after adjusting the models with education. In addition, the parents in the vegetarian families reported that they showed the child that they liked eating vegetables (p=0,044), offered vegetables, fruits and berries for the child as a snack (p<0,001) and had more vegetables (p=0,016), berries and fruits (p=0,005) at home more ofthen than parents in non-vegetarian families. Conclusions: According to this study the maternal vegetarian diet is strongly associated with the childrens diet, even though the child was not a vegetarian. The children living in vegetarian families used healthy foods more often and less frequently some of the foods, like sugary beverages, which are recommended to be reduced in the diet. These differences in diet were not explained by the higher educational level of the family.
  • Bergström, Janita (2017)
    Abstract Introduction: Vegetarian diets have become more popular in the last decades in Western countries including Finland. In Finland it is estimated that approximately 2-5 % of adults are vegetarian. Vegetarianism is most popular amongst young women and for that it is presumable for vegetarianism to become more common also in families with children. There are only few studies concerning the vegetarianism amongst children and families in Finland and the knowledge is not up to date. Aims: The aim of the study was to compare the food intake between children living in vegetarian families and children living in non-vegetarian families. Additionally, this study aimed to examine the role of parent’s educational background in the differences found in the childrens diet. Also the food environment of the families was investigated and compared between vegetarian and non-vegetarian families. Material and methods: The material of this study is from the DAGIS –Study. A total of 66 preschools and 864 children from Southern and Western Finland participated in the Study. In this thesis childrens food frequency questionnaire (FFQ; n=783) was used. The data for educational background and food environment were collected with separate forms filled by the quardian of the child. The families were divided into two groups, vegetarian and non-vegetarian families. The frequency of consumption of food groups was compared between children living in vegetarian families and children living in non-vegetarian families by using Mann Whitney U –test. The education was taken into account in a multilevel regression models (SAS 9.4) and the food environments were compared using Chi-Square –test. Results: There were 30 vegetarian families (in which there were 35 children) and 670 non-vegetarian families (in which there were 748 children). Only 5 children were vegetarian and in all but one family at least the mom was a vegetarian. The children living in vegetarian families used vegetables (p=0,002), fruits and berries (p=0,032), juices (p=0,005), plant proteins (p<0,001) and fish (p=0,001) more of than children in non-vegetarian families. They also used less meat (p<0,001), sugar containing food (p=0,029) and sugar cointaining beverages (p<0,001). All the associations, apart from fruits and berries, remained significant after adjusting the models with education. In addition, the parents in the vegetarian families reported that they showed the child that they liked eating vegetables (p=0,044), offered vegetables, fruits and berries for the child as a snack (p<0,001) and had more vegetables (p=0,016), berries and fruits (p=0,005) at home more ofthen than parents in non-vegetarian families. Conclusions: According to this study the maternal vegetarian diet is strongly associated with the childrens diet, even though the child was not a vegetarian. The children living in vegetarian families used healthy foods more often and less frequently some of the foods, like sugary beverages, which are recommended to be reduced in the diet. These differences in diet were not explained by the higher educational level of the family.
  • Kaipiainen, Johanna (2005)
    Suomalaisia vegaaniäitejä ja lapsia ei ole aiemmin tutkittu ravitsemustieteen näkökulmasta. Suomalaisilla suosituksissa (Valtion ravitsemusneuvottelukunta, Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriö) lasten ja äitien vegaaniruokavalioon suhtaudutaan varauksellisesti. Pohjois-Amerikassa mm. American Dietetic Association ja American Academy of Pediatrics sen sijaan pitävät vegaaniruokavaliota ravitsemuksellisesti riittävänä myös raskauden ja imetyksen aikana sekä pikkulapsilla. Suomalainen tutkimustieto on tarpeen mm. laadittaessa uusia suosituksia tulevaisuudessa. Tutkimukseen osallistui 14 perhettä. Vegaaniruokavaliota oli noudatettu 11 raskauden ja imetyksen ajan. Syntymästään saakka vegaanilapsia oli 13. Menetelmänä oli kolmeosainen kyselylomake, jonka tutkittavat palauttivat postitse. Raskaus- ja imetysaikaa tarkastellessani käytin vertailuaineistona niitä seitsemää raskautta, jotka eivät täyttäneet vegaaniruokavalion määritelmää, mutta joiden aikana oli syöty tavanomaista sekaruokavaliota kasvispainotteisemmin. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet olivat koulutettuja ja suurin osa asui kaupungissa. Lapset olivat iältään keskimäärin 1 ½-vuotiaita (vaihteluväli pariviikkoisesta 5-vuotiaaseen). Perheet olivat etsineet itse aktiivisesti tietoa ravitsemusasioista ja tietoa oli saatu myös Vegaaniliitosta. Virallinen terveydenhuolto ei ollut juurikaan pystynyt tarjoamaan tietoa: kahdeksan perhettä oli käynyt ravitsemusterapeutin vastaanotolla, mutta vain yksi ilmoitti saaneensa tietoa sitä kautta. Useimmiten perheen ruokavalio oli herättänyt hämmennystä ja epätietoisuutta terveydenhuollossa. Jotkut olivat kokeneet erittäin negatiivista suhtautumista, etenkin lääkärien taholta, mutta myös myönteisiä kokemuksia oli. Vegaaniäitien keskimääräinen painonnousu raskauden aikana oli normaali ja lapset olivat syntyneet normaalipainoisina. Lasten kasvu oli normaalia. Kaikki äidit olivat huolehtineet D- ja B12-saannista. Myös kaikki lapset saivat ko. vitamiinitäydennyksiä lukuun ottamatta yhtä epäselvää tapausta D-vitamiinin suhteen. Vegaaniäidit imettivät pitkään ja olivat lähempänä imetyssuosituksia kuin suomalaiset yleensä. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella suomalaisissa vegaaniperheissä ollaan tietoisia D- ja B12-vitamiinien tärkeydestä ja ravitsemusasioista yleensä. Sellaisia ongelmia ei noussut esille, etteikö ruokavaliota voisi suositella