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  • Hyttinen, Karita (2017)
    This research is a literature review about place attachment and othering. The aim was to examine the meaning of place attachment and othering and to investigate the thoughts people have about place attachment based on previous studies. Another aim was to seek possible connections between place attachment and othering. The most important goal for the researcher was to find theory-based support for class teachers to help pupils concerning their feelings about home and place attachment. Diverse academic researches, articles, doctoral dissertations and master´s thesis were used as materials for this literature review. Narrative literature review was utilized as a method to make the review as comprehensive as possible. Most of the material was found from the international field but there is also some material from Finland. Especially in cultural and humanistic geography there has been much research about place attachment and the individual experience around it. A specific place becomes meaningful through individual´s emotions, experiences, relationships and memories. The feeling of belonging to a place (place attachment) is composed between these factors. The meaning of home, close relationships and special memories came to the fore the most. Individual features as age, sex and socio-economic status had also an influence on how the place attachment was formed. Based on this literature review othering happens through place attachment when surroundings as people around us increases inequality.
  • Hyvönen, Tinja (2021)
    The spread of antibiotic resistance is a global health threat. Hospitals are a potential source of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), which may disseminate into the environment via wastewater. Hospital water environments, such as sink traps and shower drains, are known to harbor antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which might spread from the drains to the patients causing nosocomial infections that are hard to treat because of the limited number of treatments available. However, the current understanding of antibiotic resistance in the drains of residences, and how it relates to the situation in hospitals is limited. The aim of this study was to compare the microbial communities and ARGs in the water environments of homes and hospitals. The sink traps and shower drains of three hospital rooms and eighteen homes were sampled for metagenomic sequencing, and bioinformatic tools were used to detect the microbial taxa and ARGs in the metagenomes. The resistomes of hospital environments were distinct from those of homes and exhibited a higher diversity of ARGs. On the other hand, the microbial communities of homes and hospital rooms could not be clearly distinguished, although there were some differences in the abundances of certain taxa. The abundance of ARGs was higher in the hospital shower drains than in the corresponding samples in homes, but there was no statistical difference in the abundance of ARGs between the sink traps of homes and the hospital. Although the study had limitations, such as the low number of hospital samples, it indicates that the water environments of hospitals have a resistome that is distinct from that of homes and highlights the role of hospital sink traps and shower drains as potential hotspots of antibiotic resistance.
  • Hyvönen, Tinja (2021)
    The spread of antibiotic resistance is a global health threat. Hospitals are a potential source of antibiotic-resistant bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs), which may disseminate into the environment via wastewater. Hospital water environments, such as sink traps and shower drains, are known to harbor antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which might spread from the drains to the patients causing nosocomial infections that are hard to treat because of the limited number of treatments available. However, the current understanding of antibiotic resistance in the drains of residences, and how it relates to the situation in hospitals is limited. The aim of this study was to compare the microbial communities and ARGs in the water environments of homes and hospitals. The sink traps and shower drains of three hospital rooms and eighteen homes were sampled for metagenomic sequencing, and bioinformatic tools were used to detect the microbial taxa and ARGs in the metagenomes. The resistomes of hospital environments were distinct from those of homes and exhibited a higher diversity of ARGs. On the other hand, the microbial communities of homes and hospital rooms could not be clearly distinguished, although there were some differences in the abundances of certain taxa. The abundance of ARGs was higher in the hospital shower drains than in the corresponding samples in homes, but there was no statistical difference in the abundance of ARGs between the sink traps of homes and the hospital. Although the study had limitations, such as the low number of hospital samples, it indicates that the water environments of hospitals have a resistome that is distinct from that of homes and highlights the role of hospital sink traps and shower drains as potential hotspots of antibiotic resistance.
  • Hietanen, Lea (2016)
    Aims. The main objective of this research was to find out what kind of factors are related to agency of young people in parental home context. This research explored assets from householdings perspective in everyday living. Continuous changes in the internal everyday householding and external operational environments challenges agency of young people. Young people also facing the chancing and growing expectations and demands. The research motive from the household teacher's perspective was to find out what kind of viewpoints can be found from everyday householding that can be use for recognizing and strengthening the relationship between the agency of young people and householding. Theoretical viewpoints for this research were attaches to dynamics of family members home been and work, the modalities of agency and positive psychology research. Research questions were: 1. Which agency building factors are resulting from home constructing activity? 2. What kind of tensions and conclusions can be found from householding activities? 3. What the young person has learned in householding classes and how this is present in householding activities? Methods. The research was carried out as a qualitative research. Research material was gathered from stories received by email. The material consisted of written stories about young people's participation in everyday living. These stories were written by parents who have or have had upper comprehensive school aged children living in their home. Ten stories were received. Results and conclusions. Relationship between object and subject of home constructing activity were seen as building factors for agency. Tensions and strenghts between young and parent were seen to be resolution from young peoples participation in home. Tensions and conclusions were themed by (1) changes in home operation model, (2) parents attitude and role, (3) youngs attitude and role and (4) things guiding individuality and object. External communities, specially youngs relationships with peers and household teaching were seen to support young agency in home. Teaching the meanings to every day living aroust from the research material. Parents described this as discussion and interaction with the young and it was seen as important factor for building agency.
  • Aspholm, Laura (2020)
    Man has lived in space for 20 years. The importance of housing and living in space to man has been viewed as physiological and psychological changes, such as from the perspectives of nutrition, stress tolerance, or muscle endurance, but not from the perspective of everyday life. While astronauts are on expedition their main job is scientific research. However, the station is inhabited and lived for long periods of time, eating, hygiene and spending time with colleagues. The purpose of this study is to look at living and everyday life at the station from the perspective of home economics. The study has looked at videos produced on the ISS International Space Station, which can be found on YouTube’s video service. The selection criteria for the videos were that they highlight housing, everyday life and household activities. The material has been analysed by thematising and classifying the situations that have occurred in the videos according to living, everyday practices and household activities. The material was examined from the perspective of how housing is organized and how everyday life and household functions come into play in a non-home environment. According to the study, living in the station and in use of the premises, features and functions can be perceived that are related to home environments. Astronauts live in very small spaces, so versatility is necessary. Defining the ISS space station as a household is challenging, but with certain criteria this can be done, as everyday routines and household activities can be identified in that form of housing and living. Astronauts have a very regular everyday life with rhythms. In the morning, they wash up and eat breakfast. This is followed by the start of the working day with changing tasks or scientific experiments. The content of the working day also includes daily fitness. Astronauts have at least three meals a day and they are communal situations. In the evening, the crew has free time. They can contact the family, read a book, or just look at the globe spinning below from the window. Doing everyday activities with microgravity makes them a new kind of challenge and, on the other hand, fun to perform.
  • Aspholm, Laura (2020)
    Man has lived in space for 20 years. The importance of housing and living in space to man has been viewed as physiological and psychological changes, such as from the perspectives of nutrition, stress tolerance, or muscle endurance, but not from the perspective of everyday life. While astronauts are on expedition their main job is scientific research. However, the station is inhabited and lived for long periods of time, eating, hygiene and spending time with colleagues. The purpose of this study is to look at living and everyday life at the station from the perspective of home economics. The study has looked at videos produced on the ISS International Space Station, which can be found on YouTube’s video service. The selection criteria for the videos were that they highlight housing, everyday life and household activities. The material has been analysed by thematising and classifying the situations that have occurred in the videos according to living, everyday practices and household activities. The material was examined from the perspective of how housing is organized and how everyday life and household functions come into play in a non-home environment. According to the study, living in the station and in use of the premises, features and functions can be perceived that are related to home environments. Astronauts live in very small spaces, so versatility is necessary. Defining the ISS space station as a household is challenging, but with certain criteria this can be done, as everyday routines and household activities can be identified in that form of housing and living. Astronauts have a very regular everyday life with rhythms. In the morning, they wash up and eat breakfast. This is followed by the start of the working day with changing tasks or scientific experiments. The content of the working day also includes daily fitness. Astronauts have at least three meals a day and they are communal situations. In the evening, the crew has free time. They can contact the family, read a book, or just look at the globe spinning below from the window. Doing everyday activities with microgravity makes them a new kind of challenge and, on the other hand, fun to perform.
  • Ervasti, Adalmiina (2021)
    Lapsen perhesuhteet jakautuvat usein vanhempien eron myötä kahteen kotiin, jolloin myös kokemus kodin tunteesta saa uusia ulottuvuuksia. Lapsen ääntä ja kokemuksia vanhempien eron jälkeisessä elämässä on tärkeä kuulla ja ymmärtää, jotta lapsi saa tarvitsemaansa tukea muutostilanteen käsittelyyn. Tässä tutkimuksessa tavoitteena on ymmärtää erolapsen kokemusmaailmaa sekä koota yhteen ja tulkita kahdessa kodissa asuvan erolapsen kodin tuntuun liittyvää tutkimusta. Perhe ja koti ovat ihmisten kokemuksiin pohjautuvia käsitteitä, joihin yhdistyy monia tulkintoja ja näkemyksiä muun muassa arvoista, ihanteista ja tuntemuksista. Ei ole yksiselitteistä, miten suhteet kotiin ja perheeseen koetaan, mutta kokemuksia esittämällä saadaan arvokasta tietoa tunteiden kirjosta, joita lapsille muodostuu kokemuksissa monipaikkaisesta asumisesta. Tässä tutkimuksessa kodin tuntu -ilmiötä lähestyttiin kuvailevan kirjallisuuskatsauksen keinoin. Aineisto muodostui aiemmista teemaan liittyvistä tutkimuksista, joita tarkastelemalla, yhdistelemällä ja tulkitsemalla epäyhtenäinen tieto jäsentyi kerronnaksi perheestä, erosta, kodista ja kodin tunnusta. Lapsen näkökulman korostaminen oli tämän tutkimuksen kannalta tärkeää ja synteesi kahdessa kodissa asuvan erolapsen kodin tunnusta muodostui aiempien tutkimusten analyysista. Kodin tuntu näyttäytyi kahdessa kodissa asuvien erolasten monipuolisina ilmaisuina kodin tunnun kokemisesta. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella kodin tunnun osatekijöitä olivat materiaaliset edellytykset, kuten esimerkiksi oma huone tai tila, ihmissuhteet, kokemusten muuttuminen ja paikkaan kuuluminen. Ihmissuhteet, erityisesti suhde vanhempiin, korostui useissa tutkimuksissa merkityksellisimpänä tekijänä erolapsen kodin tunnussa. Eri tutkimuksissa erolapsen kodin tuntuun liittyvät tulokset olivat hyvin yhteneväisiä ja toisiaan täydentäviä.
  • Maliniemi, Anna-Maria (2020)
    Objectives Due to the COVID-19pandemic that is rampant in the world, remote work has become the focus of working life in the spring of 2020. Many people have had to rebuild their everyday working life while planning new practices of working. This study aims to examine what kinds of rhythms there are in remote workers’ everyday life. It also studies how different dimensions of function interlace in the everyday life of remote workers. The theoretical framework of this study consists of different studies of time-use, the most important being the four kinds of time by Dagfinn Ås. This study focuses on how remote workers’ work, housework and free time interlace. Methods This study was a qualitative study. I used a time-use diary as a data collection method. The participants were selected randomly and they filled in the diary for three days. I collected the data working together with the National institution of occupational health and the workers’ employer. I contacted the participants via e-mail and they could take part in this study in their own initiative. This study had seven participants. I analyzed the data first by dividing the participants in different worker types. In addition to this I grouped different functions I found in the diaries based on the four kinds of times by Ås and studied the interlacing and overlapping of these functions. Results Out of the workers that participated in this study I could clearly find two worker types, daytime workers and night time workers. Families and spouses can fit their rhythms easier together while working during the daytime. There were interlacing of work, housework and freetime in every participants everyday life. Six out of seven workers did housework on their work breaks. Especially chores involving cooking and laundry where represented in the data during working hours. It can also be said that interlacing house work with the working day opens up time during free time for relaxation, socializing and for recovery.
  • Hurri, Mari (2017)
    Goals. This Bachelor’s Thesis’ goal was to examine conceptions of ideal home according to students living in Helsinki. My Thesis is related to a survey carried out by Helsingin Sanomat in fall 2016. The Thesis examines wishes regarding an ideal home’s size, number of rooms and need for extra space. This subject is topical because people in Helsinki are living in more cramped apartments compared to rest of Finland and living space has further decreased in recent years. At the same time even smaller apartments are being built in Helsinki. Previous studies show that wishes for living conditions are built on multiple factors. For example surrounding environment has even greater meaning in apartment choices, but the need for space in Finnish apartments is still obvious. Methods. My Thesis was conducted as quantitative research. Source material was the survey carried out by Helsingin Sanomat in fall 2016. There were 13 381 respondents by the set period of time. 4147 of the respondents were from Helsinki, and 623 of them were students. The survey was open to everyone visiting on Helsingin Sanomat web site, therefore the take does not represent the entire Finnish population and cannot be considered a statistically significant sample. The material was analyzed with SPSS and Excel utilizing descriptive statistical analysis methods, such as percentages, averages and frequencies. Results and conclusions. The ideal home for students living in Helsinki who participated in the survey was three rooms and a kitchen, with an average size of 78.3 square meters. Students’ wishes compared to their current apartment’s number of rooms and size were quite moderate, because according to the analyzed material their current apartment had on average two rooms and a kitchen and 52.6 square meters. Almost all of the respondents wished for extra space for their current apartment. The most extra space was wished for storage or wardrobe. The results could possibly be used to help plan apartments for students and young adults. From the perspective of home economics finding out the wishes for apartments helps to understand the changes needed in housing, and at the same time improves people’s everyday life and wellbeing.
  • Parkkinen, Meri (2019)
    Tiivistelmä/Referat – Abstract Tutkielman tavoitteena on kuvata 2010-luvun lopulla Suomessa trendikkääksi nousseen KonMari-järjestyssiivouksen merkitystä menetelmästä kiinnostuneiden näkökulmasta tarjoten ilmiölle yhteiskunnallinen ja kulttuurinen konteksti. Tutkielma vastaa kysymyksiin, miten kodin esineistön arvoa määritellään uudelleen ja miksi kodin järjestäminen nähdään mielekkäänä. Tutkimuksen kohteena on affektinen ja tunnepitoinen suhde esineisiin, sekä tavaran järjestäminen elämänhallinnallisena toimintana. Työn teoreettisena taustana on keskustelu tavaran merkityksen muodostumisesta sekä muuttumisesta. Haastateltavien KonMari-prosessin myötä muuttuneita kulutustottumuksia tarkastellaan eettisen kuluttamisen näkökulmasta. Tutkielman aineisto muodostuu 11 puolistrukturoidusta haastattelusta sekä tukittavien kotona tehdystä havainnoinnista. Kenttätyö toteutettiin vuonna 2018 Suomessa haastatellen pääosin suurissa suomalaisissa kaupungeissa asuvia ihmisiä. Työssä esitetään etnografinen kuvaus järjestelmäprosessista sekä siihen liittyvistä motiiveista ja tunteista. Aineiston analyysimenetelmänä käytettiin teemoittelua. Tutkielma osoittaa, kuinka tavaran karsiminen henkilökohtaisten mieltymysten mukaiseksi, värittää positiivisesti kokemusta paitsi ympäristöstä, mutta auttaa myös elämään arvojensa mukaista elämää. KonMari-projekti auttaa ja rohkaisee pohtimaan itselle tärkeitä arvoja sekä muuttamaan elämäntyyliään niiden mukaiseksi. KonMari-metodia tulkittiin omien henkilökohtaisen sekä laajemmin sosiaalisesti hyväksyttyjen ideaalien mukaisesti. Ekologisuuden ja eettisyyden ihanteet kuluttamisen suhteen motivoivat suomalaisia järjestelmäsiivouksen pariin. Tavarasuhde muodostuu niin henkilökohtaisista mieltymyksistä kuin sosiaalisista vaatimuksista. Tämän päivän suomalaisten KonMari-innostusta leimaa vastuuntunto omia valintoja kohtaan sekä halu vaikuttaa laajemmin hyvin henkilökohtaisessa tilassa eli omassa kodissaan. KonMari-järjestäminen näyttäytyy tämän päivän suomalaisen elämäntyylin ihanteiden mukaisena toimintana tähdätessään tehokkaaseen, ekologiseen ja eettiseen elämäntyyliin. Samanaikaisesti sen toteuttajat näkevät valintansa vastakulttuurisena, vastustaessaan kulutusyhteiskunnan normeja.
  • Parkkinen, Meri (2019)
    Tiivistelmä/Referat – Abstract Tutkielman tavoitteena on kuvata 2010-luvun lopulla Suomessa trendikkääksi nousseen KonMari-järjestyssiivouksen merkitystä menetelmästä kiinnostuneiden näkökulmasta tarjoten ilmiölle yhteiskunnallinen ja kulttuurinen konteksti. Tutkielma vastaa kysymyksiin, miten kodin esineistön arvoa määritellään uudelleen ja miksi kodin järjestäminen nähdään mielekkäänä. Tutkimuksen kohteena on affektinen ja tunnepitoinen suhde esineisiin, sekä tavaran järjestäminen elämänhallinnallisena toimintana. Työn teoreettisena taustana on keskustelu tavaran merkityksen muodostumisesta sekä muuttumisesta. Haastateltavien KonMari-prosessin myötä muuttuneita kulutustottumuksia tarkastellaan eettisen kuluttamisen näkökulmasta. Tutkielman aineisto muodostuu 11 puolistrukturoidusta haastattelusta sekä tukittavien kotona tehdystä havainnoinnista. Kenttätyö toteutettiin vuonna 2018 Suomessa haastatellen pääosin suurissa suomalaisissa kaupungeissa asuvia ihmisiä. Työssä esitetään etnografinen kuvaus järjestelmäprosessista sekä siihen liittyvistä motiiveista ja tunteista. Aineiston analyysimenetelmänä käytettiin teemoittelua. Tutkielma osoittaa, kuinka tavaran karsiminen henkilökohtaisten mieltymysten mukaiseksi, värittää positiivisesti kokemusta paitsi ympäristöstä, mutta auttaa myös elämään arvojensa mukaista elämää. KonMari-projekti auttaa ja rohkaisee pohtimaan itselle tärkeitä arvoja sekä muuttamaan elämäntyyliään niiden mukaiseksi. KonMari-metodia tulkittiin omien henkilökohtaisen sekä laajemmin sosiaalisesti hyväksyttyjen ideaalien mukaisesti. Ekologisuuden ja eettisyyden ihanteet kuluttamisen suhteen motivoivat suomalaisia järjestelmäsiivouksen pariin. Tavarasuhde muodostuu niin henkilökohtaisista mieltymyksistä kuin sosiaalisista vaatimuksista. Tämän päivän suomalaisten KonMari-innostusta leimaa vastuuntunto omia valintoja kohtaan sekä halu vaikuttaa laajemmin hyvin henkilökohtaisessa tilassa eli omassa kodissaan. KonMari-järjestäminen näyttäytyy tämän päivän suomalaisen elämäntyylin ihanteiden mukaisena toimintana tähdätessään tehokkaaseen, ekologiseen ja eettiseen elämäntyyliin. Samanaikaisesti sen toteuttajat näkevät valintansa vastakulttuurisena, vastustaessaan kulutusyhteiskunnan normeja.
  • Kalaniemi, Emmi (2016)
    Objectives: This thesis is about interior designer and interior design. In this thesis, I interviewed seven people who had had their home designed by an interior designer. My main goal was to find out if the interior design or the interior designer had any influence on dwelling or how the inhabitants felt about their home or if they even called their apartment as home. The terms "apartment" and "home" are often used as a synonym for each other but in my mind, there is a clear difference between those concepts. My goal was also to find out if the interior design had an influence on how the people define those two concepts. Methods: My method in this thesis was theme interview. Of the seven people interviewed, four were women and three were men. Five of the interviewees lived in the Helsinki metropolitan area and two in the inner Finland. The interviews have been transcribed and the answers have been categorized into themes. I also requested my interviewees to take pictures from their homes and those pictures have also been analyzed in this thesis. Results and conclusions: The interior designer had a little influence on how well the inhabitants dwelled in their homes but the apartments had been called homes without the designer, as well. The interior designer did not either have any influence on the inhabitants' favorite places. However, the co-operation between the interior designer and the inhabitants had been successful excluding some minor exceptions. The inhabitants trusted especially in the designers' expertise in the major changes such as bringing down a wall etc. and in the color choices. Based on the interviews, the functionality of the apartment is essential for the inhabitants in their everyday life.
  • Rautio, Elli-Noora (2024)
    Innovaatio- ja tietotalouteen perustuvassa globaalissa maailmassa kansainväliset korkeakouluopiskelijat ovat nousseet merkittäväksi ryhmäksi sekä kaupunkien kilpailukyvyn että globaalisen liikkuvuuden näkökulmasta. Myös Suomessa kansainvälisyyttä on pyritty edistämään niin poliittisin kuin taloudellisin keinoin. Pelkkä opiskelijoiden houkutteleminen ja opiskelupaikkojen tarjoaminen ei kuitenkaan riitä ulkomailta tulevien opiskelijoiden sitouttamiseksi ja täällä pitämiseksi. Kansainvälisten opiskelijoiden kaupunkiin kiinnittäminen ja paikalliseen elinkeinoelämään integroituminen vaatisikin kokonaisvaltaisempaa lähestymistapaa, jossa otettaisiin paremmin huomioon ihmisen elämän eri osa-alueet. Asuminen on olennainen osa kaupunkiin muuttavan ihmisen arkea. Yhtenä elämän perusasiana se vaikuttaa muun muassa ihmisen sosiaalisten suhteiden muotoutumiseen ja sitä kautta paikkaan kiinnittymiseen. Samalla se tarjoaa myös puitteet kodille, jonka kautta kaupunkia eletään ja aistitaan. Kansainvälisten opiskelijoiden kohdalla kodin rakentuminen ja muokkautuminen uuden ympäristön pohjalta korostuu, vaikuttaen olennaisesti halukkuuteen kiinnittyä uuteen paikkaan. Tämä tutkielma kysyykin, miten kansainväliset tutkinto-opiskelijat rakentavat ja kokevat kotia Helsingissä asuessaan. Kodin kokemista ja rakentumista tarkastellaan teoreettisen viitekehyksen kautta, jossa yhdistyvät sekä humanistisen maantieteen käsitys kodin kolmesta perusulottuvuudesta, että Kochanin (2016) kolmiosainen kodin konsepti. Tässä yhdistelmässä kodin kolme pääulottuvuutta ja kolme alaulottuvuutta asettuvat vuorovaikutukselliseen suhteeseen toisiinsa nähden siten, että pääulottuvuudet (fyysinen, psyykkinen ja sosiaalinen) muodostavat toisensa lävistävän pohjan, johon alaulottuvuudet (kaupunkikoti, materiaalinen koti ja peritty koti) asettuvat. Tutkielman aineisto on kerätty puolistrukturoidulla haastattelumenetelmällä haastattelemalla seitsemää Helsingissä asuvaa tutkintoon tähtäävää kansainvälistä yliopisto-opiskelijaa. Tulosten perusteella kansainväliselle opiskelijalle kodin rakentuminen ja kodin kokeminen Helsingissä kiteytyvät kolmeen toisiaan täydentävään tekijään: tärkeät sosiaaliset suhteet, kodin materiaalinen ulottuvuus sekä kodin ja yhteiskunnan välinen vuorovaikutteinen suhde. Tutkielma valottaa kansainvälisten opiskelijoiden kodin monitasoista luonnetta, jossa niin subjektiivinen yksilötaso, normatiivinen kaupunkitaso kuin yleinen valtiotaso yhdistyvät. Kansainvälisen opiskelijan koti on siten yhtä aikaa sekä yksilölleen tärkeä tunteiden täyttämä paikka että ulkopuolelta tulevien muutosvoimien muovaama dynaaminen ilmiö. Tutkielma alleviivaa sekä yksilön että yhteiskunnan roolia kansainvälisen opiskelijan paikkaan kiinnittymisessä ja kodin tunteen syntymisessä.
  • Julku, Susanna (2017)
    Objectives: The purpose of this master´s thesis is to study the everyday life of homes, based on the articles published in Helsingin Sanomat. The articles were published in 2005-2015. The focus for the research was the ”Kodin arki” article collection (Janhunen-Abruquah [ed.] 2009. It was decided to analyse the articles in Helsingin Sanomat (HS) because it is the widest newspaper by its circulation in Finland and the articles were also available as digital material. The theoretical part of this thesis is focused on everyday life, on the changes of it within society and on the research done on the subject. The research questions are the following: 1. In which style is the everyday life of homes written about? 2. Which themes of everyday life are brought up in the articles? 3. Which common factors can be found from the themes brought up from the writings of the everyday life at home? The study consisted of 33 articles from Helsingin Sanomat and were intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the image created by one media representative regarding the everyday life. By analysing an overview of the individual articles, a more reliable description of the media style becomes visible and the result may also differ from the type of image the random may form. Methodology: The methodology used in this research is of qualitative and descriptive. The method used in analysing the data is content analysis. Since the content of the articles always represents a wide range of perspectives and the different connections between various matters, it is important to remember that in this type of research these matters are described as accurately as possible and interpreted in a variety of ways. People's experiences of the data vary and consequently the causes and consequences are of diverse nature. In contrast to qualitative research which does not aim at statistical generalizations but instead aims at describing phenomena or events, in understanding a particular activity or in giving a theoretical interpretation of a phenomenon. Results and conclusions: Home and everyday life are much analysed subjects in the media, including the press. HS writings also deal with these topics from many different perspectives. Everyone has one's own experiences and opinions on the topic in question. The topics which HS and other media chooses to write on modifies the opinions of the citizens, raising certain issues and topics which are being discussed in different contexts in the society. The everyday life at homes is reflected in HS articles as a busy and effective activity or as a continuous struggle on everyday basis, such as social or interpersonal relationships. The readers are told of everyday experiences which are familiar to many working adults. Eleven articles were discovered out of the data and four of them were summed up. These were as follows: skills, the endurance, the actions and the environment. These themes appeared in all articles with a slightly different emphasis on the type of writing and could be seen as aggregating factors in the context of everyday life in HS.
  • Julku, Susanna (2017)
    Objectives: The purpose of this master's thesis is to study the everyday life of homes, based on the articles published in Helsingin Sanomat. The articles were published in 2005-2015. The focus for the research was the "Kodin arki" article collection (Janhunen-Abruquah [ed.] 2009. It was decided to analyse the articles in Helsingin Sanomat (HS) because it is the widest newspaper by its circulation in Finland and the articles were also available as digital material. The theoretical part of this thesis is focused on everyday life, on the changes of it within society and on the research done on the subject. The research questions are the following: 1. In which style is the everyday life of homes written about? 2. Which themes of everyday life are brought up in the articles? 3. Which common factors can be found from the themes brought up from the writings of the everyday life at home? The study consisted of 33 articles from Helsingin Sanomat and were intended to provide a comprehensive overview of the image created by one media representative regarding the everyday life. By analysing an overview of the individual articles, a more reliable description of the media style becomes visible and the result may also differ from the type of image the random may form. Methodology: The methodology used in this research is of qualitative and descriptive. The method used in analysing the data is content analysis. Since the content of the articles always represents a wide range of perspectives and the different connections between various matters, it is important to remember that in this type of research these matters are described as accurately as possible and interpreted in a variety of ways. People's experiences of the data vary and consequently the causes and consequences are of diverse nature. In contrast to qualitative research which does not aim at statistical generalizations but instead aims at describing phenomena or events, in understanding a particular activity or in giving a theoretical interpretation of a phenomenon. Results and conclusions: Home and everyday life are much analysed subjects in the media, including the press. HS writings also deal with these topics from many different perspectives. Everyone has one's own experiences and opinions on the topic in question. The topics which HS and other media chooses to write on modifies the opinions of the citizens, raising certain issues and topics which are being discussed in different contexts in the society. The everyday life at homes is reflected in HS articles as a busy and effective activity or as a continuous struggle on everyday basis, such as social or interpersonal relationships. The readers are told of everyday experiences which are familiar to many working adults. Eleven articles were discovered out of the data and four of them were summed up. These were as follows: skills, the endurance, the actions and the environment. These themes appeared in all articles with a slightly different emphasis on the type of writing and could be seen as aggregating factors in the context of everyday life in HS.
  • Suhonen, Lilli (2021)
    The study examines what home will look like as a space and how home will be made during the coronary pandemic in 2020. The research topic is topical, as the coronary pandemic continues and affects the whole world and thus every home. The home is seen in this dissertation as a concrete, imagined, and lived home space that includes residents, emotions, functions, home material, and interactions. Experiences associated with the home by naming the home as a symbol that is shaped by the meanings and experiences the resident gives to their home. Previous studies show that concept of the home is multidimensional and escapes by precise definitions, but still for most people it is an obvious part of life. In previous studies, the home has expanded in terms of operations and new meanings with the corona pandemic. The corona pandemic appears in this dissertation as a situation of change, to see the attitudes of the home that have become invisible are broken and the experiences and meanings of meaning-making are reappeared. The study is implemented as narrative research. The method of data acquisition was autobiographical stories. The data eventually consisted of 23 stories ranging in length from half a page to three pages. The authors of the stories were Finnish women and men aged 20-48. Data analysis was performed using Atlas software. The analysis utilized thematic design and metaphorical analysis. During the Corona Pandemic, the home became a more private space and the importance of the home expanded. A metaphor was attached to the home to explain the new and strange situation of change. The home appeared on the one hand as an anxious prison and a constant performance but on the other hand as a refuge and an opportunity to finally rest when there was nothing else to go. The importance of the positive meanings inherent in the feeling of home in the home is thus associated with many negative meanings that weakened the feeling of home. The partially lost home feel was sought by providing decorating and repairing the home as well as acquiring new furniture and items. The dissertation provides new information on how the home is perceived during a serious health-threatening crisis, what new meanings the home acquires during it and how the home can be adapted to change situations.
  • Suhonen, Lilli (2021)
    The study examines what home will look like as a space and how home will be made during the coronary pandemic in 2020. The research topic is topical, as the coronary pandemic continues and affects the whole world and thus every home. The home is seen in this dissertation as a concrete, imagined, and lived home space that includes residents, emotions, functions, home material, and interactions. Experiences associated with the home by naming the home as a symbol that is shaped by the meanings and experiences the resident gives to their home. Previous studies show that concept of the home is multidimensional and escapes by precise definitions, but still for most people it is an obvious part of life. In previous studies, the home has expanded in terms of operations and new meanings with the corona pandemic. The corona pandemic appears in this dissertation as a situation of change, to see the attitudes of the home that have become invisible are broken and the experiences and meanings of meaning-making are reappeared. The study is implemented as narrative research. The method of data acquisition was autobiographical stories. The data eventually consisted of 23 stories ranging in length from half a page to three pages. The authors of the stories were Finnish women and men aged 20-48. Data analysis was performed using Atlas software. The analysis utilized thematic design and metaphorical analysis. During the Corona Pandemic, the home became a more private space and the importance of the home expanded. A metaphor was attached to the home to explain the new and strange situation of change. The home appeared on the one hand as an anxious prison and a constant performance but on the other hand as a refuge and an opportunity to finally rest when there was nothing else to go. The importance of the positive meanings inherent in the feeling of home in the home is thus associated with many negative meanings that weakened the feeling of home. The partially lost home feel was sought by providing decorating and repairing the home as well as acquiring new furniture and items. The dissertation provides new information on how the home is perceived during a serious health-threatening crisis, what new meanings the home acquires during it and how the home can be adapted to change situations.
  • Vähä-Heikkilä, Veera (2019)
    The purpose of my research is to find out the present situation of the interior textiles and to examine what kind of source books and texts are available. I’m looking for an answer to why and what kind of interior textiles are used in homes, what kind of requirements and hopes for interior textiles and what the future of interior textiles appears. Examination of the interior textiles belonging to the home environment is scarce in research literature and so I formed a general view of the interior textiles, their tasks and future outlook in my own study. I used integrative literature review as research method in which case I was able to collect a uniform wholeness of the examined and published information from the subject matter earlier. I chose materials by searching extensively for related literature and other sources. I chose materials that contained information that was relevant to my research perspective, current or otherwise versatile. The research shows that interior textiles are used in the interior decoration according to an own taste and style. In addition to the inhabitant's own likings, care properties, price and current trends affect the choice of a textile and textile product. The furnishing fabrics offer an easy and attention wise significant way to change the home to correspond to one’s identity and wishes. The furnishing fabrics can appear in many forms regarding movables and they can even be used in every room of the home. The consumer habits have changed so that people try to reduce the number of objects which belong to the interior decoration and to acquire timeless, durable and high-quality textiles to be a part of an interior. Recycling and ecological choices enable responsible use of textiles. In the future interior textile experiences change in regard to material and the use. Interactive and technical textiles break ideas linked to the traditional textile and thus provide new possibilities to use and extend the tasks of interior textiles.
  • Ventin, Kreetta (2023)
    Globalization, technological development, online shopping, and the climate crisis require consumers to acquire new knowledge and ways of acting in society. Consumer education promotes informed and sustainable consumption behavior and increases economic well-being. Research on consumer education has traditionally focused on formal education, such as consumer education in school. However, in Finland, there is no previous research on parents' perspectives on consumer education despite parents being significant influencers of their children's consumer behavior. This study examines parental consumer education practices within households, specifically exploring their views on the content areas, parental responsibilities, and sustainability aspects of consumer education. The data for the thesis was collected through semi-structured thematic interviews. Eight parents, each with at least one child aged six or older, were interviewed. Four of the participants were from the capital region and four were from different cities. The data was analyzed using theory-driven content analysis. Parents perceived consumer education as a multifaceted phenomenon. The boundaries between different areas of education were not clearly defined in everyday life, as consumer education was seen as part of education in general. The content areas of consumer education emphasized money management, budgeting, and saving. Sustainability education highlighted the ecological and social aspects of consumption. According to parents, the primary responsibility for consumer education lies within the home. Consumer education was provided at home in an age-appropriate manner through reciprocal interaction. Additionally, children participated in household consumption practices, particularly in relation to grocery shopping and their own consumer goods.
  • Vainikainen, Topi (2017)
    Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan Laura Ruohosen näytelmää Yksinen (2006) analysoimalla siinä esiintyvälle ulkosaariston luodolle suunnitteilla olevan talon saamia merkityksiä. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan luonnontilan ja rakennetun ympäristön välistä suhdetta, jolloin näkyväksi tulevat näytelmän henkilöiden käsitykset talosta osana maisemaa sekä talon arkkitehtuurin idea. Tämän jälkeen taloa tarkastellaan kodin näkökulmasta, jolloin esiin nousee ihmisen ja talon välinen yhteys ja koti osana identiteettiä. Teoreettisesti tutkielma pohjautuu poikkitieteelliseen keskusteluun tilasta. Keskeisenä pohjakäsitteenä on paikka, johon sisältyy ajatus suhteista ja niiden mukanaan tuomista merkityksistä. Tutkielmassa paikka nähdään ihmisten ympäristöön projisoimien suhteiden merkityksellisenä kokonaisuutena ja maailmassa olon ehtona. Tutkielma tuo esiin, kuinka Yksisen saareen ja sille suunniteltuun taloon liittyy voimakkaita symbolisia merkityksiä. Tutkielmassa saaren nähdään symboloivan äärimmäistä yksinäisyyttä. Näytelmän viesti on, että ihminen ei pärjää ilman toista ihmistä, mikä näkyy erityisesti, kun näytelmän henkilöiden elämään vaikuttanut tekniikka pettää. Näytelmän henkilöt joutuvat etsimään turvaa saaresta ja erityisesti toisistaan. Tutkielma osoittaa, että näytelmässä keskeisenä näyttäytyy luonnontilan ja rakennetun ympäristön suhde. Tätä suhdetta tarkastellaan maiseman käsitteen avulla. Tarkastelu osoittaa, että näytelmässä pohditaan talon sijoittumista maisemaan, mihin tarjotaan niin monta vastausta kuin on keskustelijoitakin: arkkitehti Juulian mielestä talon pitää sointua maisemaan, talon tilaaja Hilpin mukaan taas talon pitää näkyä mahdollisimman kauas ja selkeästi. Myös talon ideasta esitetään ristiriitaisia mielipiteitä. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan taloa sen koti-funktion kautta. Keskeisenä taustatekijänä tässä on ajatus ihmisen identiteetin ja kodin yhteydestä. Ihmisen koti ja siihen liittyvät arvoasetelmat näyttäytyvät tekijöinä, jotka kertovat paljon tästä ihmisestä itsestään. Näytelmä hahmottuu kodin etsintänä. Tämä kodin etsintä on tutkielmassa liitetty sekä nostalgiseen että melankoliseen haluun palata turvalliseen alkutilaan, jossa on lämpö ja turva. Yksisessä kaipaus ei kuitenkaan suuntaudu lapsuudenkotiin. Alkutilassa on näkyvillä pikemminkin koko kosmoksen kokonaisuus ja ihminen osana sitä. Näytelmän keskeisimmäksi sanomaksi osoittautuu se, kuinka henkilöt lopulta ovat onnellisia heidän saavuttaessaan symbioosin luonnon ja lajitoverinsa kanssa.