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  • Jussila, Noora (2023)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli ymmärtää arjen käytäntöjen merkitys ruokahävikin synnyssä ja ennaltaehkäisyssä. Tutkimuksen näkökulmaksi valikoitui kotitaloudet, koska aiempien tutkimusten mukaan kotitaloudet aiheuttavat teollisuusmaissa suurimman osan ruokahävikistä. Lisäksi aiempien tutkimusten mukaan ruokahävikin ekologiset vaikutukset ovat suuremmat ruokaketjun loppupäässä. Tutkimuskysymyksiä oli kaksi, joista ensimmäisen avulla kartoitettiin, millaisia käytäntöjä kuluttajilla on arjessaan ruokahävikkiin liittyen. Toisen tutkimuskysymyksen avulla selvitettiin, minkälaiset käytännöt voisivat auttaa ruokahävikin ennaltaehkäisyssä. Teoriapohjana oli aiempien ruokahävikkitutkimuksen lisäksi suunnitellun käyttäytymisen teoria ja käytäntöjen teoria. Käytäntöjen teoriaa hyödynnetään käyttäytymisen ja sen ristiriitaisuuden selittämisessä, kun taas suunnitellun käyttäytymisen teoria tarjoaa mahdollisuuksia ennustaa käytöstä tietyissä olosuhteissa. Tutkimuksen tutkimusstrategia oli kvalitatiivinen. Tutkimusaineisto koottiin yhdeksän eri kotitalouden edustajan haastatteluista. Haastattelut tehtiin huhti- ja toukokuussa 2022. Kotitalouksien koko, haastateltavien sukupuoli ja ikä sekä asuinpaikka vaihtelivat. Haastattelut toteutettiin puolistrukturoituina teemahaastatteluina. Aineiston analysoinnissa hyödynnettiin teemoittelua. Tutkimuksen mukaan kotitalouksien arjen käytännöt ruokahävikkiin liittyen voitiin jakaa tiedostettuihin ja tiedostamattomiin käytäntöihin. Tiedostetut arjen käytännöt olivat hyvin rutiininomaisia, kun taas tiedostamattomat käytännöt liittyivät lähinnä arjen helpottamiseen. Arjen helpottaminen nouseekin keskeisimmäksi tekijäksi myös ruokahävikin vähentämisessä ja ennaltaehkäisyssä, sillä tutkimuksen mukaan juurisyynä kotitalouksille syntyvälle ruokahävikille on rutiinien ja arjen käytäntöjen rikkoutuminen. Tutkimuksen tuloksien avulla saatiin koottua suositukset eri kohderyhmille ruokahävikin ennaltaehkäisyä ajatellen.
  • Jussila, Noora (2023)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli ymmärtää arjen käytäntöjen merkitys ruokahävikin synnyssä ja ennaltaehkäisyssä. Tutkimuksen näkökulmaksi valikoitui kotitaloudet, koska aiempien tutkimusten mukaan kotitaloudet aiheuttavat teollisuusmaissa suurimman osan ruokahävikistä. Lisäksi aiempien tutkimusten mukaan ruokahävikin ekologiset vaikutukset ovat suuremmat ruokaketjun loppupäässä. Tutkimuskysymyksiä oli kaksi, joista ensimmäisen avulla kartoitettiin, millaisia käytäntöjä kuluttajilla on arjessaan ruokahävikkiin liittyen. Toisen tutkimuskysymyksen avulla selvitettiin, minkälaiset käytännöt voisivat auttaa ruokahävikin ennaltaehkäisyssä. Teoriapohjana oli aiempien ruokahävikkitutkimuksen lisäksi suunnitellun käyttäytymisen teoria ja käytäntöjen teoria. Käytäntöjen teoriaa hyödynnetään käyttäytymisen ja sen ristiriitaisuuden selittämisessä, kun taas suunnitellun käyttäytymisen teoria tarjoaa mahdollisuuksia ennustaa käytöstä tietyissä olosuhteissa. Tutkimuksen tutkimusstrategia oli kvalitatiivinen. Tutkimusaineisto koottiin yhdeksän eri kotitalouden edustajan haastatteluista. Haastattelut tehtiin huhti- ja toukokuussa 2022. Kotitalouksien koko, haastateltavien sukupuoli ja ikä sekä asuinpaikka vaihtelivat. Haastattelut toteutettiin puolistrukturoituina teemahaastatteluina. Aineiston analysoinnissa hyödynnettiin teemoittelua. Tutkimuksen mukaan kotitalouksien arjen käytännöt ruokahävikkiin liittyen voitiin jakaa tiedostettuihin ja tiedostamattomiin käytäntöihin. Tiedostetut arjen käytännöt olivat hyvin rutiininomaisia, kun taas tiedostamattomat käytännöt liittyivät lähinnä arjen helpottamiseen. Arjen helpottaminen nouseekin keskeisimmäksi tekijäksi myös ruokahävikin vähentämisessä ja ennaltaehkäisyssä, sillä tutkimuksen mukaan juurisyynä kotitalouksille syntyvälle ruokahävikille on rutiinien ja arjen käytäntöjen rikkoutuminen. Tutkimuksen tuloksien avulla saatiin koottua suositukset eri kohderyhmille ruokahävikin ennaltaehkäisyä ajatellen.
  • Aspholm, Laura (2020)
    Man has lived in space for 20 years. The importance of housing and living in space to man has been viewed as physiological and psychological changes, such as from the perspectives of nutrition, stress tolerance, or muscle endurance, but not from the perspective of everyday life. While astronauts are on expedition their main job is scientific research. However, the station is inhabited and lived for long periods of time, eating, hygiene and spending time with colleagues. The purpose of this study is to look at living and everyday life at the station from the perspective of home economics. The study has looked at videos produced on the ISS International Space Station, which can be found on YouTube’s video service. The selection criteria for the videos were that they highlight housing, everyday life and household activities. The material has been analysed by thematising and classifying the situations that have occurred in the videos according to living, everyday practices and household activities. The material was examined from the perspective of how housing is organized and how everyday life and household functions come into play in a non-home environment. According to the study, living in the station and in use of the premises, features and functions can be perceived that are related to home environments. Astronauts live in very small spaces, so versatility is necessary. Defining the ISS space station as a household is challenging, but with certain criteria this can be done, as everyday routines and household activities can be identified in that form of housing and living. Astronauts have a very regular everyday life with rhythms. In the morning, they wash up and eat breakfast. This is followed by the start of the working day with changing tasks or scientific experiments. The content of the working day also includes daily fitness. Astronauts have at least three meals a day and they are communal situations. In the evening, the crew has free time. They can contact the family, read a book, or just look at the globe spinning below from the window. Doing everyday activities with microgravity makes them a new kind of challenge and, on the other hand, fun to perform.
  • Aspholm, Laura (2020)
    Man has lived in space for 20 years. The importance of housing and living in space to man has been viewed as physiological and psychological changes, such as from the perspectives of nutrition, stress tolerance, or muscle endurance, but not from the perspective of everyday life. While astronauts are on expedition their main job is scientific research. However, the station is inhabited and lived for long periods of time, eating, hygiene and spending time with colleagues. The purpose of this study is to look at living and everyday life at the station from the perspective of home economics. The study has looked at videos produced on the ISS International Space Station, which can be found on YouTube’s video service. The selection criteria for the videos were that they highlight housing, everyday life and household activities. The material has been analysed by thematising and classifying the situations that have occurred in the videos according to living, everyday practices and household activities. The material was examined from the perspective of how housing is organized and how everyday life and household functions come into play in a non-home environment. According to the study, living in the station and in use of the premises, features and functions can be perceived that are related to home environments. Astronauts live in very small spaces, so versatility is necessary. Defining the ISS space station as a household is challenging, but with certain criteria this can be done, as everyday routines and household activities can be identified in that form of housing and living. Astronauts have a very regular everyday life with rhythms. In the morning, they wash up and eat breakfast. This is followed by the start of the working day with changing tasks or scientific experiments. The content of the working day also includes daily fitness. Astronauts have at least three meals a day and they are communal situations. In the evening, the crew has free time. They can contact the family, read a book, or just look at the globe spinning below from the window. Doing everyday activities with microgravity makes them a new kind of challenge and, on the other hand, fun to perform.
  • Aalto, Kirsi (2018)
    Introduction. The purpose of this study was to find out what is adventure education and how could it be put into practice in the forest during comprehensive school’s home economics’ lesson. Some home economics researches have been done concerning nature and home economics but there’s no research about adventure education and home economics. This study tries to answer Finnish comprehensive school’s curriculum, National Core Curriculum for Basic Education 2014 that says: the teacher should use nature as a learning environment and one aim of the education is to teach sustainable lifestyle. I wanted to innovate how adventure education and forest as a learning environment could develop pupil’s home economics skills. I chose forest as a possible learning environment because there are forests everywhere in Finland. I studied adventure education, home economics’ research about how experiences are related to learning skills of home economics, theory of human ecology, and relationship between human and nature. Methods. This study is a descriptive literature review about adventure education literature. I wanted to receive an overview about the topic. I wanted to find answers to following questions: what is adventure education? What kind of learning environment forest could be during home economics’ lesson? I tried to find adequate information related to my topic. Conclusion. Based on my literature review, adventure education develops pupil’s personal growth, for example learning. It is possible to use adventure education as a pedagogical method in the comprehensive school during home economics’ lesson. Adventure education improves home economics’ skills such as cooperation skills. Experiences in the forest also improve pupil’s environmental thinking. This study can be used as a tool to use adventure education in home economics and to inspire those who are interested in adventure education.
  • Pulkkinen, Saimi (2022)
    Ruokahävikki ja sen ehkäiseminen on ollut viime vuosina runsaasti esillä niin julkisessa keskustelussa kuin tieteellisissä tutkimuksissa, sillä syömäkelpoisen ruuan päätyminen roskiin on yhteiskunnallisesti, ekologisesti ja eettisesti kestämätön tilanne. Kotitalouksien koot ja ruokailutavat vaihtelevat, jonka vuoksi kuluttajat kaipaavat monipuolisia pakkauskokoja vaihteleviin syömisen tilanteisiin. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena on koota yhteen aiempien tutkimusten tuloksia elintarvikkeiden pakkauskokojen vaikutuksista ruokahävikin syntymiseen. Aiempien tutkimusten mukaan suurin osa ruokahävikistä syntyy kotitalouksissa, jonka vuoksi tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan suomalaisissa kotitalouksissa syntyvää ruokahävikkiä. Tutkielma toteutettiin kvalitatiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jossa tutkielman menetelmäksi valittiin narratiivinen kirjallisuuskatsaus. Tutkielmakirjallisuus koottiin käyttämällä hakusanoja ruokahävikki ja food waste, joiden avulla etsittiin tutkielmaan sopivaa kirjallisuutta hakupalvelu Google Scholarista, sekä Helka-kirjastojen yhteisestä kokoelmaluettelosta ja lainausjärjestelmästä. Tutkielmaan valittiin yhtä tutkimusta lukuun ottamatta suomalaisia tutkimuksia koskien Suomen kotitalouksissa syntyvää ruokahävikkiä. Tutkielmaan valittiin lisäksi yksi ruotsalainen tutkimus. Näiden tutkimusten avulla muodostettiin synteesi vastaamaan tutkimuskysymystä. Pienet kotitaloudet raportoivat usein elintarvikkeiden liian suurista pakkauskoista ja kokevat, että elintarvikkeiden pienemmät pakkauskoot auttaisivat vähentämään heidän ruokahävikkinsä määrää. Kotitaloudet kuitenkin ostavat melkein samankokoisia elintarvikkeiden pakkauskokoja kotitalouksien koosta riippumatta, eikä suoraa yhteyttä elintarvikkeiden pakkauskokojen ja ruokahävikin välillä löydetty. Tutkimuksissa havaittiin myös, että pienet kotitaloudet eivät välttämättä hyödynnä mahdollisuuttaan ostaa irtomyynnistä tarvitsemaansa määrää. Pienet kotitaloudet voisivat hyötyä pienemmistä pakkauskoista, vaikka suoraa yhteyttä ruokahävikkiin ei löydetty. Tutkimuksissa havaittu suunnitelmallisuuden puutteen edistävä vaikutus viittaa siihen, että elintarvikkeiden pakkauskokojen sijaan ruokahävikin syntyyn vaikuttaa enemmän kuluttajien omat ominaisuudet ja kotitalouksien arjen hallinta.
  • Numminen, Nelli (2018)
    Sharing economy turns ordinary consumers to active citizens who share, create and produce goods and services for their needs. Sharing the less–used of completely spare resources – such as goods, facilities, and even people's time – leads for more efficient use. The sharing economy is expected to grow rapidly in Finland in the coming years and reach even a permanent position on the Finnish market. This study examines the opportunities of sharing economy for Finnish households. Based on the literature the opportunities of sharing economy have been divided to six broader categories. The concept of sharing economy is discussed in the study by Acquier, Daudigeos and Pinksen and Schor's theories. The research questions of my research are as follows: 1. What opportunities the sharing economy holds for Finnish households? a. What are the categories the sharing economy splits into, from the view of households? The study is a descriptive literature review, in which both Finnish and international scientific publications have been used. Material has been limited to publications on the opportunities of sharing the economy, followed by limiting the remaining literature to the top categories by industry. The literature review showed that a variety of new opportunities are available to households in the sharing economy – some of them have not even been seen in Finland yet. Opportunities are divided into areas of transport, housing and space use, food services, recycling and lending of goods, and tourism services. However, predicting the stabilization of the sharing economy is challenging, as it still is in its growth phase. The situation continues to live both in terms of opportunities and challenges for households.
  • Jussila van Leeuwen, Marja (2023)
    Jätehuolto ja jätteiden lajittelu ovat nousseet ajankohtaisiksi yhteiskunnallisiksi aiheiksi lisääntyvän ilmastohuolen kautta. Jätteiden lajittelu on lain ohjaamaa arkista toimintaa, mutta sen osaamiseksi tarvitaan harjoittelua. Jätehuolto onkin osa kotitalouden opetussisältöjä nojaten kestävyyskasvatuksen teemoihin. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan millaisia vaatimuksia ja ohjeistuksia kotitalouden fyysisen opetustilan jätehuollolle asetetaan sekä analysoidaan, millaisilla jätehuoltoratkaisuilla kotitalousluokissa pyritään tukemaan arjen jätehuollon taitoja. Tutkimus nojaa arjen hallinnan ja inhimillisen ekologia teorioihin. Tutkielma toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, jossa käytettiin kuvailevan narratiivisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen tutkimusmenetelmää. Osana tutkimusta toteutettiin myös pienimuotoinen tapaustutkimus, jonka avulla kerättiin kuva-aineistoa konkretisoimaan tutkittavaa ilmiötä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineisto koottiin käyttämällä avainsanoja, joiden avulla etsittiin kirjoja, tutkimuksia ja artikkeleita hakupalveluista, kuten Google, Google Scholar, Helda, Helmet ja Helka. Tapaustutkimusosuuden kuva-aineisto kerättiin tutkijan kotitalousopettajaverkoston kautta. Tutkimus osoittaa, että kotitalouden opetustilojen jätehuollon järjestämiselle ei ole olemassa ajantasaista ohjeistusta. Jätelain asettamat vaatimukset ovat kaikille samat, mutta suunnitteluohjeistuksen puutteen vuoksi koulujen ratkaisut ovat pitkälti kotitalousopettajan ja, uusien koulujen tilanteissa, suunnittelijoiden päätettävissä. Tämä merkitsee, että toteutukset voivat olla hyvin eritasoisia. Kotitalouden opetustilojen ratkaisuihin tulisi kuitenkin kiinnittää huomiota, koska ne vaikuttavat siihen, miten jätehuollon taidot siirtyvät koulusta nuorten arkeen. Arjen toiminnalla suuri on merkitys kestävän kehityksen tavoitteiden saavuttamiseksi ja siksi kotitalouden opetustilojen ratkaisujen tulee tukea opetusta ja motivoida oppilaita jätteiden lajitteluun. Jätteiden lajittelu ei kuitenkaan saisi rajoittua kotitalouden opetukseen vaan se tulisi ottaa huomioon kaikessa koulun toiminnassa. Jätteiden lajittelun taitoa osana kestävää arkea tulisi harjoitella ja kehittää monipuolisesti, jotta taidot juurtuisivat rutiininomaiseksi arjen toiminnaksi.
  • Lehto, Anni (2024)
    Ilmastonmuutos haastaa nykyisen tapamme elää ja luo tarpeen nykyaikaisen, kestävän kehityksen mukaisen elämäntavan luomiselle. Tämän vuoksi myös perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmassa kestävän kehityksen teemat ovat saaneet merkittävän roolin. Opetussuunnitelmaan pohjautuvat niin opetus kuin opetusmateriaalitkin, jonka vuoksi oppikirjojen tulisi heijastaa opetussuunnitelmassa esitettyjä tavoitteita, myös kestävän kehityksen osalta. Kotitalous-oppiaineen tavoitteena on antaa valmiudet kestävän elämäntavan toteuttamiseen, jonka vuoksi on tärkeä tutkia, miten kestävyys oppikirjoissa näkyy. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat kestävyyden olevan esillä kotitalouden oppikirjojen ruokasisällöissä ja yksilön toiminnan merkitys kestävissä toimissa korostuu. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan kuinka kestävyyden ulottuvuudet näkyvät käytössä olevan, vuoden 2014 opetussuunnitelman mukaisissa kotitalouden oppikirjoissa. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltavat kestävyyden ulottuvuudet ovat ekologinen, taloudellinen, sosiaalinen ja kulttuurinen, jotka on mainittu opetussuunnitelman perusteissa. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena sisällönanalyysina, aineistolähtöisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmin. Tutkielman aineistona oli kahden eri kustantajan kotitalouden oppikirjat, Onni ja Kimara. Tulokset osoittivat, että analysoiduissa kotitalouden oppikirjoissa ekologinen kestävyys korostuu merkittävästi muita ulottuvuuksia enemmän. Kulttuurinen ulottuvuus oppikirjoissa jäi kokonaan huomioimatta. Tiedon lisäksi toiminnan merkitys korostui monessa kestävyyteen liittyvässä aiheessa, joka noudattaa kotitalous-oppiaineen luonnetta. Tutkimuksessa nousee esiin ristiriitainen asetelma opetussuunnitelman kestävän kehityksen tavoitteiden, sekä analysoitujen kotitalouden oppikirjojen sisällön välillä.
  • Kallankari, Iiris (2014)
    Aims. Purpose of this study was investigate how home economy teachers see bullying in their work and what kind of preparedness they have. Earlier studies have shown that bullying in school is quite common. Despite the fact that bullying has been widely noticed in media, there haven't find explicit ways to intervene. Bullying in home economics classroom haven't been studied before. Home economics as a school subject differs from other theoretical subjects and that is the reason why ways of bullying might be different. In this study we tried to find out what kinds of bullying exist in home economics classroom, how teachers intervene it and what kind of preparedness teachers experience they have. Bullying phenomenon is very diverse so study's framework consist of perceiving bullying phenomena, describing nature of home economics and exposing teacher's preparedness. Methods. The material of study was collected with nine open questions questionnaire. There were also few background questions. Questionnaires were send digitally to home economics teachers who were teaching in high schools and belong in mailing list of Home economics union, Facebook group called Home economics teachers or Home economics and those who's e-mail address were find from websites of large cities Finnish speaking schools. 44 answers were received and 6 of them by mail. Work experience of answerers varies from less than a year to 34 years. Material were analysed using content analysis. Results and conclusions. In this study noticed that there were specific features of bullying in home economics classroom. For example pupils free moving, plenty of equipment, opportunity to danger situations, rush and the fact that there happens so much at the same time in a classroom. Teachers feel that their preparedness were mainly good. Young teachers were most unhappy about their preparedness. Education doesn't give enough preparedness to intervene bullying, but working experience and own children does. Teachers intervene bullying by discussion with bully, victim and their parents. When needed also help of other agents and punishments.
  • Rajala, Emmi (2023)
    The purpose of the study was to find out how drama as teaching method suits in home economics education and how the home economics teachers and students who participated in the teaching experiment experience teaching and learning through drama. In addition, we will think about the possibilities and good sides of using drama as teaching method, as well as the minuses of it. The study thus examines the combination of drama education and home economics from the perspectives of the teacher and the student. There is not much previous research on combining drama education and home economics, but it has been suggested that it would be possible to use drama in teaching home economics. Previous studies of drama education show that drama education can be used versatilely in goal-oriented teaching. As a research method, a case study was used, which was implemented as a teaching experiment in a middle school in Capital region. It included three teaching sessions with three different ninth graders. The length of one teaching session was 2x45 minutes and the groups consisted of approximately 15–20 students. Qualitative methods were used as data collection methods. In addition to the observation of teaching sessions, the material was collected by means of a feedback questionnaire given to all students and interviews with three home economics teachers. Data-oriented analysis was used in the analysis of the data. The students had a very negative and unfavourable attitude towards the lesson of the teaching experiment, especially at the beginning. The biggest reason for this was that the students would have liked to cook in the usual style. However, based on the feedback questionnaire, most of the students believed they learned things well during the lessons and remembered things better. For their part, all home economics teachers believed drama work methods could continue to be used in home economics teaching. They just justified their views on how and when they would use drama work methods in their own teaching in different ways. The importance of variety, better memory and improving group dynamics were listed as possibilities for utilizing drama work methods in the household, while the teacher's own knowledge, skills and skill set, and classroom facilities were perceived as obstacles.
  • Rajala, Emmi (2023)
    The purpose of the study was to find out how drama as teaching method suits in home economics education and how the home economics teachers and students who participated in the teaching experiment experience teaching and learning through drama. In addition, we will think about the possibilities and good sides of using drama as teaching method, as well as the minuses of it. The study thus examines the combination of drama education and home economics from the perspectives of the teacher and the student. There is not much previous research on combining drama education and home economics, but it has been suggested that it would be possible to use drama in teaching home economics. Previous studies of drama education show that drama education can be used versatilely in goal-oriented teaching. As a research method, a case study was used, which was implemented as a teaching experiment in a middle school in Capital region. It included three teaching sessions with three different ninth graders. The length of one teaching session was 2x45 minutes and the groups consisted of approximately 15–20 students. Qualitative methods were used as data collection methods. In addition to the observation of teaching sessions, the material was collected by means of a feedback questionnaire given to all students and interviews with three home economics teachers. Data-oriented analysis was used in the analysis of the data. The students had a very negative and unfavourable attitude towards the lesson of the teaching experiment, especially at the beginning. The biggest reason for this was that the students would have liked to cook in the usual style. However, based on the feedback questionnaire, most of the students believed they learned things well during the lessons and remembered things better. For their part, all home economics teachers believed drama work methods could continue to be used in home economics teaching. They just justified their views on how and when they would use drama work methods in their own teaching in different ways. The importance of variety, better memory and improving group dynamics were listed as possibilities for utilizing drama work methods in the household, while the teacher's own knowledge, skills and skill set, and classroom facilities were perceived as obstacles.
  • Maaninka, Tiila (2018)
    The meaning of food has become more diversified and the requirements for food have grown. Therefore, food choice is not easy. According to studies, the price of food is one of the three most important determinant for food choice, and its importance has increased in recent years. Household's financial and human resources either restrict or facilitate the choice of food. The purpose of this case study is to find out and describe the consumer's views on food choice with a low budget. The case of the study is a Facebook-challenge with a huge popularity and media perception. The intended of the challenge was to spend only 3.50 euros on a day per person on a healthy diet for a month. There are three research questions: 1. What kind of groups are the participants in the challenge divided about the implementation? 2. What are the meanings for the challenge written in Facebook? 3. What resources are needed to implement a low budget? The research data consists of texts that have been written in Facebook group discussions by the participants in the challenge. The data was analyzed using the content analysis. The participants in the challenge were divided into three groups according to their ways to take the challenge. "Skillful" were already in a low budget before the challenge, the "learners" changed their habits a lot, but "experimenters" were unable to achieve the challenge according to rules. All of the groups included people who learned something about the challenge or somehow benefited, so people with different resources are able to achieve a low budget challenge. The study confirmed that human resources are increasing in use. Sharing ideas with others increases social capital that helps to increase the resources of others. Observing and changing habits raises mental capital. The interchangeability of resources was also confirmed during the study. Resources to be used as a substitute for money are specially used in skills. Home economic teaching in elementary school needs to be implemented and developed to increase skills. Living in a low budget also requires support from other people, health and time. Technology and social media make new ways of getting support from other people and social capital growth.
  • Terhivuo, Tiia (2019)
    Objectives. Waste causes atmospheric emissions at various stages and the capacity of incinera-tors is not sufficient for the quantity of current mixed waste. Emissions and the amount of waste burned can be reduced by sorting and recycling the waste. Sorted waste can be reused or recycled into a new product, material or substance, which is the best for the environment. De-centralised waste management leaves the responsibility of waste sorting to households and companies whose sorting should be increased. Earlier research on recycling behaviour is largely quantitative and international so the study examines the recycling behaviour of Finnish house-holds with a qualitative research approach. The research task is to analyse factors influencing recycling behaviour, i.e. to identify the factors supporting or hindering waste sorting and recy-cling in households. In addition, a small-scale intervention is carried out in some households, aiming to develop recycling practices in households or housing companies and to raise aware-ness of waste sorting and recycling. The aim of the study was to identify the means to promote the sorting and recycling of household waste. Methods. Nine heterogeneous households from the Central Uusimaa (Keski-Uusimaa) region participated in the study. Households lived in row or detached houses located in the layout ar-ea, i.e. near the services, or in a remote location. The data consisted transcribed interviews and field notes and it was analyzed with a data-driven content analysis. Results and conclusions. Recycling behaviour seems to be influenced by home storage facili-ties, especially in a kitchen area, functionality of recycling practices, existence and location of external waste collection containers, individual's close proximity, actions of companies and state, personal advice, time and money, ecological values, knowhow of recycling and aware-ness of the importance of recycling. Recycling behaviour could be promoted by informing the benefits of recycling, by taking into account the facilities needed for the sorting in reconstruc-tion and in kitchen renovations, by adding more external collection points for example in con-nection with schools, settlements and most widely used grocery stores, by promoting the possi-bility of shared collections for detached houses, by raising mixed fees and by providing per-sonal advice to households. Furthermore, schools and workplaces can inspire to sort at home i.e. by acting as an example in recycling, by offering information and training events related to recycling and by giving students participatory homework in relation to waste sorting.
  • Pimiä, Laura (2022)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellen Ghanan kotitalousopetuksen opetussuunnitelmassa käytettyjä opetus- ja oppimismenetelmiä ja mahdollisuuksia hyödyntää näitä etäopetuksessa. Tutkielma on osa Helsingin Yliopiston ja Cape Coast -yliopiston välistä tutkimusyhteistyötä, jonka tavoitteena oli löytää keinoja Ghanan Senior High School -tason kotitalouden etäopetukseen. Taustalla vaikutti Covid-19-pandemia, joka sulki maailmanlaajuisesti kouluja ja etäopetukseen jouduttiin siirtymään ilman valmisteluja. Tutkielmani perustui kirjallisuuteen etäopetuksesta ja kokemuksiin taidon etäopetuksesta sekä kokemuksiin etäopetuksesta ja verkko-opetuksen haasteista Ghanassa. Tutkimusmenetelminä olivat sisällönanalyysi ja sisällön erittely, ja tutkimusaineistona oli Ghanan kotitalousopetuksen ruoka ja ravitsemus -aihealueen opetussuunnitelma. Kategorisoin opetussuunnitelmassa käytetyt opetus- ja oppimismenetelmät ja hyödyntäen näitä kategorioita analysoin opetus- ja oppimismenetelmiä Excelin Pivot-työkalulla. Hyödynsin analyysin tuloksia ja kirjallisuutta hahmotellessani mahdollisuuksia kotitalouden etäopetukseen. Sisällönanalyysin ja sisällön erottelun avulla opetussuunnitelmasta löytyi 10 opetus- ja oppimismenetelmäkategoriaa. Käytetyin opetus- ja oppimismenetelmä kaikkina lukuvuosina oli keskustelut ja aivoriihet eli opetus oli vuorovaikutteista. Lukuvuosien välillä oli eroja käytetyissä opetus- ja oppimismenetelmissä. Ensimmäisenä lukuvuotena opetus- ja oppimismenetelmät kohdentuivat perustiedon opetukseen. Kahtena ensimmäisenä lukuvuotena korostuivat toiminnalliset opetus- ja oppimismenetelmät ja käytännön harjoittelu. Kolmantena lukuvuotena esiintyi soveltavampia ja työelämään tutustuttavia opetus- ja oppimismenetelmiä. Johtopäätöksenä kirjallisuuden ja aikaisempien etäopetuskokemuksen pohjalta Ghanan kotitalouden etäopetukseen soveltuisivat parhaiten asynkroniset virtuaaliset ja tosielämän oppimisympäristöt eli opiskelijat opiskelisivat omalla aikataululla verkossa ja hyödyntäisivät opiskeluun kodin lisäksi yhteisöstä löytyviä oppimismahdollisuuksia. Etäopetuksessa opettajan ja oppilaiden sekä oppilaiden keskinäisestä vuorovaikutusta tulee tukea erityisesti, koska Ghanan heikot verkkoyhteydet eivät mahdollista synkronisia virtuaalisia oppimisympäristöjä.
  • Hurri, Mari (2019)
    Goals. The goal of this Master’s Thesis is to examine Helsinki University’s Home Economics teacher students’ digital skills, what experiences they have of utilizing digital tools in Home Economics teaching and how they consider using digital tools in the future while working as Home Economics teacher in secondary school. In addition to that, one goal is to examine how their university education supports the development of their digital skills. The subject is topical because digitality constantly changes our society and the work of teachers. According to research digitality has not advanced evenly in Finnish secondary schools, and there are differences in teachers’ digital skills. Home Economics is in a key position teaching the future everyday skills and it cannot fall behind technological development. Therefore it is important to pay attention to teacher education and to the development of the students’ skills. Methods. My Master’s Thesis was conducted as a quantitative research on Helsinki University’s web-based survey tool. The target group of the study was all the Home Economics students of the grades 2–5 (or higher). There were 49 responses by the due date. The material was analyzed with SPSS and Excel utilizing descriptive statistical analysis methods, correlations and t-tests. The open questions were examined using qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions. Results show that Home Economics students have somewhat good digital skills, but especially problem solving skills require improvement. Problem solving skills are connected to using digital tools in the future in teaching Home Economics, so it would be important to invest in it in teacher education. Students thought the greatest advantage of using digital tools is how it diversifies pedagogy, and the greatest challenge had to do with hardware problems. Students thought it was easiest to use digital tools in the planning of teaching. The use of digital tools is encouraged in the university, but the students feel they don’t get enough education in it.
  • Hurri, Mari (2019)
    Goals. The goal of this Master’s Thesis is to examine Helsinki University’s Home Economics teacher students’ digital skills, what experiences they have of utilizing digital tools in Home Economics teaching and how they consider using digital tools in the future while working as Home Economics teacher in secondary school. In addition to that, one goal is to examine how their university education supports the development of their digital skills. The subject is topical because digitality constantly changes our society and the work of teachers. According to research digitality has not advanced evenly in Finnish secondary schools, and there are differences in teachers’ digital skills. Home Economics is in a key position teaching the future everyday skills and it cannot fall behind technological development. Therefore it is important to pay attention to teacher education and to the development of the students’ skills. Methods. My Master’s Thesis was conducted as a quantitative research on Helsinki University’s web-based survey tool. The target group of the study was all the Home Economics students of the grades 2–5 (or higher). There were 49 responses by the due date. The material was analyzed with SPSS and Excel utilizing descriptive statistical analysis methods, correlations and t-tests. The open questions were examined using qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions. Results show that Home Economics students have somewhat good digital skills, but especially problem solving skills require improvement. Problem solving skills are connected to using digital tools in the future in teaching Home Economics, so it would be important to invest in it in teacher education. Students thought the greatest advantage of using digital tools is how it diversifies pedagogy, and the greatest challenge had to do with hardware problems. Students thought it was easiest to use digital tools in the planning of teaching. The use of digital tools is encouraged in the university, but the students feel they don’t get enough education in it.
  • Laukkanen, Noora (2021)
    Childrens and adolescents relationship with food can be supported in various pedagogical methods. Previous research suggests that childrens and adolescents relationship with food can be supported by positive interaction and by emphasizing the pleasurable aspect of eating. The suggested approach can be understood with food and eating relationship framework. The framework is developed by Talvia and Anglé (2018), whose aim is to guide educators on how to fulfil the food and nutrition educational needs of putting the diverse relationship with food and eating into practice. In this study the food and eating relationship framework is applied to home economics teachers perceptions on supporting pupils’ relationship with food. The theoretical framework of this study is based on previous research of food education and attitudes towards food. Previous research takes place on the fields of nutritional science and home economics. A qualitative research was utilized in this study. The data consists of six virtual interviews of home economics teachers. Teachers expressions that are associated with supporting pupils’ relationship with food and eating were first separated from the data. The expressions were analysed and categorized with content analysis methods. The analysis yielded four main categories of which represent home economics teachers perceptions on how to support pupils’ relationship with food. The main categories are offering mental support for the pupil, utilizing positive pedagogy in teaching, creating a safe atmosphere in the learning environment and increasing pupils’ knowledge on the impacts of food and eating. In this study the home economics teachers experience that they can support pupils’ relationship with food in various pedagogical means. According to the results, home economics teachers find both teachers and peers contribution being a meaningful part of supporting pupils’ relationship with food. Both teachers and peers are expected to accept and allow different relationships with food and eating. The whole group is expected to offer mental support for peers and teachers find guiding pupils towards this as their task. Results suggest that home economics teachers find pedagogical skills even more important than home economics skills when the aim is to support pupils’ relationship with food and eating. Area for further research would be how the teachers pedagogical skills promote pupils’ relationship with food and eating.
  • Laukkanen, Noora (2021)
    Childrens and adolescents relationship with food can be supported in various pedagogical methods. Previous research suggests that childrens and adolescents relationship with food can be supported by positive interaction and by emphasizing the pleasurable aspect of eating. The suggested approach can be understood with food and eating relationship framework. The framework is developed by Talvia and Anglé (2018), whose aim is to guide educators on how to fulfil the food and nutrition educational needs of putting the diverse relationship with food and eating into practice. In this study the food and eating relationship framework is applied to home economics teachers perceptions on supporting pupils’ relationship with food. The theoretical framework of this study is based on previous research of food education and attitudes towards food. Previous research takes place on the fields of nutritional science and home economics. A qualitative research was utilized in this study. The data consists of six virtual interviews of home economics teachers. Teachers expressions that are associated with supporting pupils’ relationship with food and eating were first separated from the data. The expressions were analysed and categorized with content analysis methods. The analysis yielded four main categories of which represent home economics teachers perceptions on how to support pupils’ relationship with food. The main categories are offering mental support for the pupil, utilizing positive pedagogy in teaching, creating a safe atmosphere in the learning environment and increasing pupils’ knowledge on the impacts of food and eating. In this study the home economics teachers experience that they can support pupils’ relationship with food in various pedagogical means. According to the results, home economics teachers find both teachers and peers contribution being a meaningful part of supporting pupils’ relationship with food. Both teachers and peers are expected to accept and allow different relationships with food and eating. The whole group is expected to offer mental support for peers and teachers find guiding pupils towards this as their task. Results suggest that home economics teachers find pedagogical skills even more important than home economics skills when the aim is to support pupils’ relationship with food and eating. Area for further research would be how the teachers pedagogical skills promote pupils’ relationship with food and eating.
  • Antas, Aino (2022)
    The aim of the study was to examine the views of home economics teachers on the use of school meals as part of home economics education. The study explored the opportunities and barriers that home economics teachers perceived in the teaching of home economics linked to school meals. Also of interest were the views of home economics teachers on the common themes and objectives of home and school meals. Previous research has shown that school meals and home economics education have similar objectives, for example in terms of food and sustainability education. It is therefore necessary to deepen our understanding of the potential for this kind of cooperation in the field of growth. The theoretical background of the study is based on the concept of food education, as previous research has argued that it can be used to structure the ways in which food education can be implemented. In this study, the concept of food sense was used to support the analysis. The levels of food sense were used to clarify the views of home economics teachers on the use of school food themes in their teaching. The data for the study was collected through five paired interviews, i.e. a total of ten home economics teachers participated in the study. The interviews were conducted remotely in Zoom. The data were analysed using data and theory-based content analysis. The home economics teachers perceived school meals and home economics education as combining activities such as encouraging sustainable and healthy eating habits, practising interaction skills and learning about food cultures. In their view, school meals can be used as part of the home economics curriculum, for example by commissioning school food surveys, participating in projects or competitions, designing posters, running food councils and discussing related topics with pupils. The obstacles to the implementation of home economics education linked to school meals perceived by teachers included time constraints, the activities of the catering services and the existence of teaching documents. Better integration of school meals into education would require systemic and institutional changes, in particular. In order to support the development of food sense in home education, further research on the learning process for food sense in the context of home education should be carried out.