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Browsing by Subject "käsityöt"

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  • Vuokko, Anni (2016)
    The aim of this research was to clarify how crafts and doing things by hands are utilized and what kind of in-fluence they have in physical rehabilitation especially in Cerebrovascular accident (CVA) patience´s occu-pational therapy. There are very few researches available related to craft´s effects for physical health because almost all ear-lier researches have been concentrated on the mental influences when doing things by hands. In this re-search the idea was to study possibilities of the crafts concentrating mainly on less studied physical rehabili-tation without forgetting mental side which also has a strong connection to the subject. Based on that two main questions were set for the research 1) What kind of effects doing by hands has in the physical rehabili-tation? 2) How the use of hands is utilized in occupational therapy? I collected my data by interviewing two occupational therapists, who have made a long career in rehabilita-tion and used crafts to support and help their work. The interview was carried out as a theme interview based on the questions which came up into my mind when collecting theoretical background for my re-search. Before the interviews I divided all questions to four themes: rehabilitation and CVA (cerebrovascular acci-dent), occupational therapy, crafts in therapy and art therapy. The research method was qualitative data analysis. I felt it necessary to define research questions more de-tail before thematisation, to make it easier to divide subjects under the right research question in the analysis of the data. After that all received answers related to each research question were grouped in themes. Doing things by hands and crafts have a lot of both, physical and mental effects on people. It all starts from inside of a person´s head and via that it reflects to physical functions. Especially, empowering emotions, like the joy of doing things, passion, motivation and a feeling of own capability were noticed to be important fac-tors in physical rehabilitation. Furthermore, doing things by yourself leading to better development of hands functionality was considered important. Upper limb rehabilitation is in the center of occupational therapy because human needs hands in everyday life. The use of hands is utilized in occupational therapy both in casual tasks and via crafts. Target is also to improve motor functions and movements of the person under rehabilitation. When applying the functionality practices are combined to some interesting actions when rehabilitation happens without paying any special attention to that. Functionality can also be applied by using certain type of auxiliaries when also working with physically disabled person come easier. The most important tasks of the Occupational therapists are to find customer´s spontaneity and will to do things, to make people feel good and fulfil their dreams.
  • Nykänen, Irina (2014)
    It is possible to participate in leisure activities and handicrafts with different levels of commitment and devotion. Dimensions of handicraft activities can also vary along with hobbyists. The aim of this research was to get an overall picture of the dimensions that are typical for Finnish handicraft leisure and what separates hobbyists from each other. The research was descriptive and explorative. Leisure handicrafts were approached through five problems: 1. To what extent different handicrafts are made as leisure? 2. To what extent craft hobbyists seek for inspiration, information or instructions from different sources? 3. To what extent different dimensions of serious leisure occur in handicraft activities? 4. To what extent different social actions occur in handicraft activities? 5. To what extent different motives guides handicraft activities? Quantitative data was collected using web survey during spring 2013. The survey was advertised through craft-themed webpages and Facebook-groups. The data (N=3009) was female oriented. It was analyzed using statistical software SPSS 22. Central tendencies and frequencies were observed. For further analysis, hierarchical cluster analysis, K-means cluster analysis and correlations were computed. The aims of these analyses were to deepen the results and observe the connections between the dimensions of the research. Handicrafts were made mostly daily and 1 2 hours at one time. Knitting, crocheting, and making accessories were the most popular forms of crafts. Making crafts in company varied between respondents, but making crafts as gifts was quite common. Making holistic and ordinary crafts varied between respondents and weren t connected to the dimensions of serious leisure. Most respondents found their skills and ways of doing crafts positive. The extent in which the respondents participate in craft activities was connected to identifying with leisure pursuit. Inspiration, information and instructions were often sought from webpages, -goups and -blogs and from craft books and magazines. Handicrafts were mostly made for process-centered reasons and uniqueness, but the manufacture-based and experiment-based motives were also present. Respondents could be grouped to four groups whose results varied within the key parts of this research and within background variables. For example, respondents differed in their identification to the hobby and in their overall activeness in this pursuit. However differences in seriousness of the leisure couldn't be defined. The results of this study, along with the methods and terminology used in this study, can be applied to future studies and developed further based on more specific designs.
  • Huttunen, Iina (2020)
    Purpose. In today’s society we have a lot of pressure on us and have fast-paced lifestyles. In this hectic goal-oriented life, handicrafts, representing slow living, have gained popularity and attained media attention. However, handicrafts are not acknowledged in scientific fields as well as music and visual arts. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the relationship between handicrafts and well-being, as well as how handicrafts have been implemented in rehabilitation or therapy of clinical groups comprising different mental health disorders and progressive memory disorders. Methods. The data for this thesis were collected from Google Scholar, Scopus and PubMed. The following keywords were used: knitting, handicrafts, handcrafts, well-being, wellbeing, psycholog*, therapy, stress and anxiety. The Finnish keywords käsityö, psyykkinen hyvinvointi and terapia were also used. Results and conclusions. Since most of the studies in the field are descriptive, we cannot talk about causality but only correlation. Nevertheless, it has been concluded that the handcrafters report handicrafts having many positive effects on their well-being. In addition to the direct mental health benefits, handicrafts seem to have indirect effects on well-being through different kind of cognitive and social phenomena. When it comes to different clinical samples, positive correlation between handicrafts and well-being has also been detected. These results support the hypothesis that handicrafts may have therapeutic effects. Based on the studies conducted so far, it seems justified to use handicrafts in therapy or as a part of therapy or self-care. However, more experimental studies are needed to be able to tell how we can use handicrafts more effectively and for whom it is most suitable.
  • Talanova, Kristina (2021)
    Koronapandemia aiheutti maailmanlaajuisen kriisin vuoden 2020 keväällä. Turvatakseen kansalaisten terveyden ja terveydenhuollon kantokyvyn moni maa siirtyi poikkeusoloihin ja muodosti yhteiskunnan ympärille sulkutilan. Näin kävi myös Suomessa. Koronapandemia toi useita konkreettisia muutoksia ihmisten arkeen: moni joutui siirtymään etätöihin ja laittamaan vanhan harrastuksensa tauolle. Nopeat rakenteelliset muutokset poikkeusolojen myötä tarkoittivat, että monen tuli sopeutua varsin äkkiä arjen uusin toimintatapoihin. Kotiympäristö oli monen muutoksen kourissa. Siinä, missä etätöihin siirtyminen muutti kodin työympäristöksi, korostui kodin rooli myös vapaa-ajanviettoympäristönä. Ihmisten sulkeuduttua koteihin heidän vapaa-ajanviettotapansa muuttuivat. Kotoilu nosti esille sekä uusia että vanhoja harrastuksia. Mediassa alettiin puhua neuloosista, kun yhä useampi kuluttaja oli syventynyt käsitöiden harrastamiseen. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkasteltiin, miten kuluttajat neuvottelevat käsityöläisyyttään työn ja vapaa-ajan jännitteellisessä suhteessa. Jännitteellisellä suhteella viitataan koronapandemian aiheuttamiin muutoksiin ihmisten työ- ja vapaa-aikaan. Aihetta lähestyttiin neoliberalistisesta aikalaiskuvasta käsin. Tutkielma sijoittuu kuluttajatutkimuksen kentällä vapaa-aikatutkimuksen areenalle. Tutkimuksen lähestymistapa on laadullinen ja taustateorian roolissa toimi Robert A. Stebbinsin vakavan harrastamisen teoria. Aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoitujen haastattelujen avulla, jotka sijoittuivat ajalle 5.3.–19.5.2021. Vastaajien sukupuolta tai ikää ei selvitetty. Tutkimusjoukkona oli kahdeksan työsuhteessa olevaa henkilöä. Aineisto litteroitiin, koodattiin ja järjesteltiin erilaisiin ryhmiin käyttäen apuna konseptilähtöistä analyysiä. Tutkielman tuloksista oli havaittavissa, että kuluttajien työ- ja vapaa-aika oli kokenut koronapandemian aikana useita muutoksia. Etätöihin siirtymisen myötä rajat työn ja vapaa-ajan välillä hälvenivät, ja työt tulivat helpommin vapaa-ajalle. Työt myös muuttuivat hektisemmiksi. Neoliberalistisesta näkökulmasta tarkasteltuna etätöihin siirtyminen oli voitto neoliberalismille, sillä etätöiden myötä monen työpäivä piteni ja työn organisointi siirtyi työntekijän vastuulle. Toisaalta vapaa-aika vei osan myös työajasta, kun kuluttajat alkoivat neuloa työajalla. Kuluttajat joutuivat neuvottelemaan sekä töidensä että vapaa-aikansa ympärillä, sillä vapaa-ajalla täytyi järjestellä omat ajanviettotapansa uudelleen ja huolehtia siitä, etteivät työt ota liikaa aikaa vapaa-ajalta. Monelle kuluttajalle neulominen näyttäytyi vakavana harrastuksena ja toi heidän elämään monipuolista sisältöä. Neulominen esimerkiksi kasvatti kuluttajien toimijuutta ja liitti heidät osaksi yhteisöjä. Yhteisöjen sisällä kuluttajat saattoivat kuitenkin kilpailla keskenään ja kadehtia toistensa käsityötaitoja. Tämän voitiin nähdä ilmentävän neoliberalistista ideologiaa. Kuluttajat myös neuvottelivat käsityöharrastustaan sukulaissuhteidensa kautta, ja erityisesti äidit näyttävät toimivan väylänä kohti käsityöharrastusta. Jatkotutkimuksissa voisi olla syytä tutkia työelämän rakenteiden muuttumista koronapandemian jälkeen työnantajien näkökulmasta sekä toisaalta nykyisten haastateltavien sopeutumista koronan jälkeiseen työelämään.
  • Pohjola, Tanja (2014)
    Thesis narrates a dressmaker's life in a small village called Itäkylä, located in Lappajärvi municipality in the late 1940s and in the early 1950s. This study is placed in the history of craft and craft culture. It is a narrative study; the literature and empiric data discusses with each other through the entire study. The aim was to understand the studied phenomenon, in this case the dressmaker's work and to describe and interpret it in the light of her time. How much the environment in which she grew up affected the dressmaker's career choice? What was Itäkylä's craft culture like during the Second World War and after it? What kind of craft traditions the dressmaker's childhood home offered and above all, what it was like to be a dressmaker in the 1940s and 1950s in a small rural village community? The perspective of this study is in micro-history and craft culture that surrounded the dressmaker. The study is a narrative and the empiric data consists of interviews with 83 years old informant. The aim was to collect her stories, and the transcribed data consists of sixty pages. The interview data was processed in a narrative way; a new story, the dressmaker's biography was created on the basis of it. The analysis is a data-oriented narrative content analysis. The data were divided in eight different themes, which reflected the study's chronology. During the dressmaker's childhood and youth, crafts were present in everyday life and they were associated with positive memories and encouragement. In the stories she told, the post-war countryside is coloured as a world that was dominated by women. Itäkylä was known for its linen fields. Crafts were villagers' daily life and an important economic activity. The dressmaker's work in the late 40s and early 50s seems to have been a busy but rewarding occupation, where the most stress was caused by the shortage of fabrics and materials. Due to the period of shortage, the dressmaker's ingenuity was under severe strain. She has, however, experienced herself as a self-confident seamstress. Patterns were not used in making clothes, which was typical in rural areas. The informant's home environment and surrounding craft culture seem to have been a good seedbed on her way to become a dressmaker.
  • Virtanen, Janette (2016)
    This study focuses on stress experienced by students and the effect of crafts in dealing with stress. The aim of the study is to find out what kind of stress students experience and what are the main reasons for the development of stress. The study focuses also on how making crafts in spare time has changed during studying crafts. For the study a group of Helsinki University crafts science students were interviewed. The emphasis is on students' personal, both positive and negative, experiences of stress. At the same time stress is ap-proached widely, trying to avoid dealing with the issue from only one perspective. Even though the well-being of students have been researched a lot, there are not that many studies done from the perspective of students studying to be crafts teachers. Crafts done on spare time is considered calming and stress-relieving, but what happens when the hobby turns into an occupation? Selecting the topic was affected by an interest in crafts' effect to well-being and personal experiences from the heaviness of studying at a university and the stress caused by it. Studying the stress of students is important, be-cause it enables collection of data and practical suggestions for improving teaching. The material was collected through group interviews, which were preceded by a back-ground information form. Nine crafts science students participated into the interview, and all of them told they had experienced stress. Even though the experiences were individual, the research results showed some common stress factors, such as money and time man-agement problems. Making crafts in spare time had decreased, but for almost everyone the quality had improved during studies. The results give a better perspective on student stress and the challenges related to studying and life management. The results could also be useful in developing crafts science and planning courses. The study could be expanded to apply to all crafts teacher students as well as to compare the results with all students. Further studies could find out how to improve the awareness of students about stress and its good and bad sides.
  • Hannula, Kirsi (2020)
    The purpose of this study was to examine the ways genders are represented in Tekstiiliopettaja- and Tekninen Opettaja magazines. Gender in relation to handicrafts has been studied especially in the context of craft education in schools, and the influence of teacher’s values and attitudes on how they perceive their students has also been studied in various subjects, but there’s few studies focusing specifically on craft teachers. Teachers play a significant role on students’ life, and as a subject with a very gendered past craft can play an important part in either changing or strengthening traditional gender roles. This makes the association member magazines of craft and technology teachers an interesting subject for this study, as they can offer a glimpse into the teachers’ views. The questions this study focuses on are 1.) What kind of gender-related discourses can be found in the texts of the association member magazines? 2.) How different genders are represented in the images of the magazines? The study has a qualitative approach on the subject and the data used consist of the entire 2019 volumes of the Tekstiiliopettaja and Tekninen Opettaja magazines. Both magazines publish four issues in a year, so the entire data consisted of the written texts and images of 8 issues. The representations of gender were analyzed using the methods of discourse analysis and image analysis. The 2019 volumes were chosen for this study because it was the latest fully published volume available at the time this study was made and using the most re-cent data was the most relevant choice considering the matter of the study. The study showed that the texts in the magazines are generally quite gender neutral, but when gender does come up in them, the discourses usually follow fairly traditional views. In the images the old divide into manly technology and womanly textile work is still clearly visible. The sparsity of gendered expressions in the texts shows clear intention towards better gender sensitivity, but the representations seen in the images overshadow the neutral tone of the text and even change the overall impression of the contents from non-gendered to gendered. The results are partly due to the gendered history of crafts, but they also show that changing into gender-neutral language alone isn’t enough to change the prevailing gender norms, but requires also critical discussions and reflecting on the matter.
  • Hannula, Kirsi (2020)
    The purpose of this study was to examine the ways genders are represented in Tekstiiliopettaja- and Tekninen Opettaja magazines. Gender in relation to handicrafts has been studied especially in the context of craft education in schools, and the influence of teacher’s values and attitudes on how they perceive their students has also been studied in various subjects, but there’s few studies focusing specifically on craft teachers. Teachers play a significant role on students’ life, and as a subject with a very gendered past craft can play an important part in either changing or strengthening traditional gender roles. This makes the association member magazines of craft and technology teachers an interesting subject for this study, as they can offer a glimpse into the teachers’ views. The questions this study focuses on are 1.) What kind of gender-related discourses can be found in the texts of the association member magazines? 2.) How different genders are represented in the images of the magazines? The study has a qualitative approach on the subject and the data used consist of the entire 2019 volumes of the Tekstiiliopettaja and Tekninen Opettaja magazines. Both magazines publish four issues in a year, so the entire data consisted of the written texts and images of 8 issues. The representations of gender were analyzed using the methods of discourse analysis and image analysis. The 2019 volumes were chosen for this study because it was the latest fully published volume available at the time this study was made and using the most re-cent data was the most relevant choice considering the matter of the study. The study showed that the texts in the magazines are generally quite gender neutral, but when gender does come up in them, the discourses usually follow fairly traditional views. In the images the old divide into manly technology and womanly textile work is still clearly visible. The sparsity of gendered expressions in the texts shows clear intention towards better gender sensitivity, but the representations seen in the images overshadow the neutral tone of the text and even change the overall impression of the contents from non-gendered to gendered. The results are partly due to the gendered history of crafts, but they also show that changing into gender-neutral language alone isn’t enough to change the prevailing gender norms, but requires also critical discussions and reflecting on the matter.
  • Hannula, Kirsi (2018)
    The purpose of this study was to examine the ways genders are represented in Suuri Käsityö magazine and how those have changed over time. The divide between what kind of crafts are considered as men’s work and what women’s work has been clear, and even though nowadays gender roles are less strict than before, traditional gender stereotypes still exist in modern society. Gender in relation to handicrafts has been studied previously especially in the context of craft education in schools, but the way genders are presented in craft magazines hasn’t been studied before. Media has a big influence on people’s thoughts and Suuri käsityö is one of the most popular craft magazines in Finland, which makes it an interesting subject for this study. The questions this study focuses on are 1.) How genders are repre-sented in Suuri Käsityö magazine? 2.) What kind of changes have happened in these repre-sentations when comparing year 2001 and 2017 magazines? The study has a qualitative approach on the subject and the data used consist of the entire 2001 and 2017 volumes of the Suuri Käsityö magazine. There were 11 issues published in 2001 and 10 issues published in 20017. So the entire data consisted of the written texts in 21 issues, and the representations of gender were analyzed using the method of discourse analysis. The compared volumes were chosen so that noticeable changes in gender repre-sentations could be distinguished from the data. The study showed that in the older issues woman was often described in very traditional and stereotypical ways as a mother and a wife, who does handicrafts for others, but rarely for herself. Children and men were rarely portrayed making handicrafts. Usually their role was to wear the clothes that someone else made for them, or in some cases help the mother in her craft projects. Nowadays the language used in the magazine has become less gendered, and overall the focus of the texts has shifted from describing the person making the product to describing the product itself. The old gender roles can still be found in the magazine’s con-tents, but they aren’t as evident as before, which follows the general changes that have happened in the ways how we understand men’s and women’s roles in today's society.
  • Vuokko, Anni (2018)
    Aim: The aim of this study was to reveal a multi-perspective meanings of craft, bring out feelings which craft making evokes for craft hobbyists and clarify if the craft making increases their well-being. There are very few researches available related to the meanings of craft and craft's impacts to the well-being. The aim of this study was to make the craft hobbyists voice heard and generally emphasize and bring out the importance of creative activity and hobbies. In addition, the aim was to find out in which kind of situations handicrafts have played a significant role in respondents' lives. Based on these thoughts the following two main questions were set for the study: 1) What kind of meanings the students of adult's basic arts education give to the crafts and craft making? 2) How do the handicrafts affect to the well-being of the students of adult's basic arts education? Method: The qualitative data was collected by using an open question from the students of adult's basic arts education in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area during spring 2017. Before sending out the open question via e-mail I presented the topics of my study both in the Basic and Postgraduate Studies group. The recipients of the open question were asked to write a free-form script with the title "I, Craft and well-being". Totally 12 responses were received to the writing request and each of them was at least one page long. I analysed the material separately according to the meaning and wellbeing experience. In the analysis of the meanings I utilized Anna Kouhia's (2012) reference frame of multi-perspectival meanings of crafts and other available theory related to the subject. After that, by utilizing preceding theories, I formed my own reference frame which supported further analysis of the material. As a result, I created my own reference frame of the meanings of the craft. When analysing the well-being I utilized Seligman's theoretical model of happiness (PERMA). Results and conclusions: Based on my study it can be noted that there are several meanings behind craft making. Meanings are very multiple, usually overlapping and sometimes they are even in conflicts with each other. For many people crafts are way to relax which produce happiness day after day and increase well-being. The meanings of crafts are linked tightly to the experiences of well-being. Especially social aspects were emphasized in both categories. In general, the presence of craft in different life situations is dependent on people personalities. Some people use crafts as an important way to relax in difficult life situations whereas other people in the same situation are willing to get rid of all extra issues. Even if sometimes the crafts might be relegated to the background in life, all respondents who participated to the study returned always back to the crafts which illustrates the meaning of crafts as the bringer of well-being as from the point of view of the meanings presented in the study.
  • Halonen, Alisa (2018)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract This research’s main goal was to study how textiles’ substitute materials were used in Finland during the 1940’s. Research focused on what kind of substitute materials were used, in what purpose they were used and how did they work in their use. During the 1940’s there was a shortage of textiles in Finland, caused by The Second World War. The Second World War made it harder to import raw materials and textiles from around the world. In addition The Winter War and The Continuation War slowed down industrial developement and decreased domestic production. Textile shortage forced people to develop various creative ways of coping, one of which was using and developing substitute materials for textiles. Previous studies about 1940’s shortage time have been made, but the field is lacking a study about substitute materials. Many of the previous researches consentrate on studying crafts during the depression in a more general way. This study was targeted to consentrate on textiles’ substitute materials’ as a way of coping. The research was executed as qualitative historical study and the data was gathered using semi-structured interview. A woman born in 1937 was interviewed. The data was analyzed using the content analysis. In this study it was found that the usage of textiles’ substitute materials’ was perhaps not that common, as the previous studies imply. In addition the differences between the countryside and the city came up. It was found, that substitute materials were more commonly used in the city, when in the countryside people coped with what they already had.
  • Säe, Jenna (2019)
    Crochet is one of the most popular craft techniques. The rich variety of materials, craft books and web pages about crocheting reflects its popularity. Crocheting books have been printed since the 1800s. Today most of the crochet patterns are found in the internet but they still print actual books about crocheting. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the contents of printed crocheting books. I observed how the books teach crocheting, what is the structure of crocheting books and how the books have changed during the years 1924-2013. I analysed with qualitative content analysis ten crocheting books during the years 1924-2013. I chose by discretionary sampling one book from each decade for my analysis. I collected the key contents for comparing into a table and then reflected their meanings. Many things have stayed the same in crocheting books. Most of the books that were analysed in this thesis teach you the basics of crocheting. The books show you how to hold the yarn and the crochet hook and also how to do the basic stitches. These are taught with text and pictures. The pictures are there to help you understand the instructions better. Since 1980s the crocheting books got coloured pictures and the crocheted products were presented in real environments. Older crocheting books have patterns for bigger products like lace tablecloths and lace curtains. The yarn that was used in crocheting was white cotton. The materials have got more diversity in the newer books. These books have patterns for colourful accessories and other products that are fast and easy to make. Overall the contents of 2000s crocheting books are quite rich, giving a comprehensive idea of crocheting.