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Browsing by Subject "käsityöyrittäjyys"

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  • Klasila, Minni (2022)
    Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena on selvittää ja muodostaa käsitys siitä, millaisia haasteita käsityöyrittäjät tyypillisimmin kohtaavat työelämässään, sekä tarkastella millaisia mahdollisuuksia ja käsityöyrittäjyyden saralle on ennustettu. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on taus-toittaa käsityöyrittäjyyden kenttää kokonaisuudessaan ja tarkastella alaan liittyviä ongelma-kohtia ja siinä piileviä voimavaroja. Tutkimus toteutettiin narratiivisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena ja valikoitua aineistoa analysoitiin laadullisin keinoin ilmiön kuvailemiseksi ja ymmärtämiseksi. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineistoa etsittiin Helkan, Finnan ja Google Scholarin tietokannoista suomen- ja englanninkielisiä haku-sanoja käyttäen. Lopulliseen aineistoon valikoitui kahdeksan julkaisua; seitsemän suomalaista ja yksi englantilainen. Aineistosta etsittiin tutkimuskysymyksiin peilaten vastauksia käsityöyrit-tämiseen olennaisesti liittyvistä haasteista ja kehityskohteista sekä käsityöalan mahdollisuuk-sista ja vahvuuksista. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen aineiston järjestämisen apuvälineenä käytettiin sisällönanalyysiä. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuloksista nousi esille keskeisimpiä käsityöyrittäjyyden haasteita, jotka liittyivät vahvasti käsityöyrittäjien heikkoon liiketoimintaosaamiseen, haasteisiin markkinoinnin saralla, käsityönä valmistettujen tuotteiden ja palveluiden hinnoittelun vaikeuteen, sekä käsi-työyrittäjien yrittäjäidentiteettiin liittyviin ongelmiin. Kestävän elämäntavan suosion vahvistu-misen ja sitä kautta muuttuneen kulutuskäyttäytymisen taas nähtiin vahvistavan käsityöyrittä-jien asemaa markkinoilla, sillä hyvin suunniteltujen ja valmistettujen tuotteiden elinkaaren on ennustettu olevan pidempi. Käsityöyritysten siirtymisen kohti verkkokaupankäyntiä sekä sosi-aalisen median enteiltiin avaavan uusia mahdollisuuksia käsityöyrittäjille. Sähköinen viestintä ja sosiaalinen media käsityöyrittäjien työkaluna voisi tarjota yrittäjille apuvälineitä vahvemman yrityskuvan luomiseen, asiakaskunnan laajentamiseen sekä myös käsityöyrittäjien väliseen verkostoitumiseen.
  • Hiltunen, Niina (2014)
    The aim was to study starting stories of sewing businesses by observing what sewing entrepreneurs feel relevant. The idea was to find out how entrepreneurs had end up to be sewing entrepreneurs, what kind of backgrounds they have and what have the entrepreneurship retained. Craft enterprise have been studied for example by observing a typical craft entrepreneur, the operation of business, success factors, challenges and networking and how to improve craft business. I applied earlier theories in my study. Although craft enterprise have been studied relatively much still there's only few studies about sewing enterprise although it is essential part of craft enterprise. Kaipainen (2000) has studied the work of self-employed dressmakers in her licentiate thesis. I used the study of Kaipainen by comparing its results to my own. The questions of study where: How the person became a sewing entrepreneur? What kind of customers they have and what do they order? How the products have been designed? What kind of success have been experienced? How to develop the business? How is the business networked and is it meaningful? The study data consisted of six sewing entrepreneurs theme interviews. All entrepreneurs where women and they practised in metropolitan area. Three of the businesses could be said to be specialised to certain operation and three of them did many kinds of sewing works. The businesses had operated at the moment of interviews for two to eight years. The data was analyzed according to original study questions or based by theory and based to data. Early interest to craft and sewing had started the route to enterprise. All had qualification in craft or clothing field but they had also other qualifications. They could have started their businesses after working long time in paid work and no one had started business right after education. Defective business skills have been one reason for that. Customers were usually women from many age groups and they needed tailored clothes. The operational principle related to customer service and products were designed together with customer. Self fulfilling and good feedback from customers was important. They planned to develop the business for example with own collection. Challenges were large amount of work and there wasn't money left over. Customers were important part of network and new customers were given with the help of them. Developing sewing businesses is important relative to developing the field of business. Study could be continued relative to networking and production developing. It is also important to develop the education that supports enterprise.
  • Hiltunen, Niina (2014)
    The aim was to study starting stories of sewing businesses by observing what sewing entrepreneurs feel relevant. The idea was to find out how entrepreneurs had end up to be sewing entrepreneurs, what kind of backrounds they have and what have the entrepreneurship retained. Craft enterprise have been studied for example by observing a typical craft entrepreneur, the operation of business, success factors, challenges and networking and how to improve craft business. I applyed earlyer theories in my study. Although craft entreprise have been studied relatively much still there’s only few studies about sewing entreprise although it is essential part of craft enterprise. Kaipainen (2000) has studied the work of self-employed dressmakers in her licentiate thesis. I used the study of Kaipainen by compareing its results to my own. The queastions of study where: How the person became a sewing entrepreneur? What kind of customers they have and what do they order? How the products have been designed? What kind of success have been experienced? How to develop the business? How is the business networked and is it meaningful? The study data consisted of six sewing entrepreneurs theme interviews. All entrepreneurs where women and they practised in metropolitan area. Three of the businesses could be said to be specialised to certain operation and three of them did many kinds of sewing works. The businesses had operatad at the moment of interviews for two to eight years. The data was analyzed according to original study questions or based by theory and based to data. Early interest to craft and sewing had started the route to enterprise. All had qualification in craft or clothing field but they had also other qualifications. They could have started their businesses after working long time in paid work and no one had started business right after education. Defective business skills have been one reason for that. Customers were usually women from many age groups and they needed tailored clothes. The operational principle related to customer service and products were designed together with customer. Self fulfilling and good feedback from customers was importent. They planned to develop the business for example with own collection. Challenges were large amount of work and there wasn’t money left over. Customers were important part of network and new customers were given with the help of them. Developing sewing businesses is important relative to developing the field of business. Study could be continued relative to networking and production developing. It is also importent to develop the education that supports enterprise.
  • Turu, Mia (2017)
    The aim of this study is to examine, how milliner entrepreneurs have built their business activities and what kind of similar commonalities there is possible to find. According to former studies you can see that handicraft entrepreneurship differs of other businesses, even though the principles of the businesses remain the same. The handicraft entrepreneurs start their businesses usually because of the want to provide themselves with the work they feel as a passion. In this situation, the focus of the business is making crafts, not the company. Milliners are marginal group of artisans, whom are not researched previously. This is the reason why it is important to research, if there is similarities between craft and milliner en-trepreneurs businesses. In this study, there were interviewed nine milliner entrepreneurs from Helsinki, Tampere, Hämeenlinna and Turku. The material for this study was collected with half structured theme interview. During the interviews, there were also an drawing assignment, where were in-tended to draw the significant moments of their own entrepreneurships. The aim of this assignment was to find out more information from the features of milliner businesses. Material was analyzed with qualitative theory based content analysis. The milliner entrepreneurs thought that making hats and other accessories is their passion and having a company is mainly the way to enable it. Part of the milliner entrepreneurs were making and selling only hats, but it was common to make and sell other handcrafts as well. The most common company form was sole trader and most of the milliner entrepreneurs were started their businesses as a half-time job. The good parts of the entrepreneurship were decision making power and the freedom to do what they want to. Among other things the challenging parts were financial insecurity and economics. The aims of this study follow the former studies of handcraft entrepreneurship.
  • Turu, Mia (2017)
    The aim of this study is to examine, how milliner entrepreneurs have built their business activities and what kind of similar commonalities there is possible to find. According to former studies you can see that handicraft entrepreneurship differs of other businesses, even though the principles of the businesses remain the same. The handicraft entrepreneurs start their businesses usually because of the want to provide themselves with the work they feel as a passion. In this situation, the focus of the business is making crafts, not the company. Milliners are marginal group of artisans, whom are not researched previously. This is the reason why it is important to research, if there is similarities between craft and milliner entrepreneurs businesses. In this study, there were interviewed nine milliner entrepreneurs from Helsinki, Tampere, Hämeenlinna and Turku. The material for this study was collected with half structured theme interview. During the interviews, there were also an drawing assignment, where were intended to draw the significant moments of their own entrepreneurships. The aim of this assignment was to find out more information from the features of milliner businesses. Material was analyzed with qualitative theory based content analysis. The milliner entrepreneurs thought that making hats and other accessories is their passion and having a company is mainly the way to enable it. Part of the milliner entrepreneurs were making and selling only hats, but it was common to make and sell other handcrafts as well. The most common company form was sole trader and most of the milliner entrepreneurs were started their businesses as a half-time job. The good parts of the entrepreneurship were decision making power and the freedom to do what they want to. Among other things the challenging parts were financial insecurity and economics. The aims of this study follow the former studies of handcraft entrepreneurship.