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  • Palm, Noora (2020)
    Objectives. The purpose of the study is to study the experiences of 5–6-year-old kindergarteners from swimming school. The study is interested in what kind of experiences children have from swimming school, how they describe their own swimming skills and what significance play plays in swimming school. The theoretical background of the study is built on three main themes. Initially, pre-school children are treated as mobile, physical activity, motor development and learning, basic motor skills, exercise skills and motivation in children's exercise. The next big theme is swimming lessons and the concepts that are central to it. Finally, we turn to experience as a phenomenon. The study has a self-reflective approach. Methods. Twelve children aged 5 to 6 years participated in the study. The group of children was from a kindergarten in South Helsinki. The research material was obtained through participatory observation and an individual interview. I myself work as a teacher in a swimming school group. The analysis of the research interview material was performed by phenomenological and narrative analysis. Results and conclusions. Children’s experiences of swimming school varied according to their previous experiences in the water. They also felt, for example, that different things were nice and not nice things at a swimming school. Most of the children felt that they had learned to swim during swimming school. The children were motivated towards the swimming school. This was evident in their interest in training, and their motivation also emerged in the children's speeches. The importance of free play in the swimming school was highlighted in the children's interviews as well as during the swimming school period. Time must be left for free play, even if it is a guided swimming school. Free play was important for the children and learning also takes place during it. In general, good teaching and differentiation as well as individualization are emphasized in swimming lessons.
  • Palm, Noora (2020)
    Objectives. The purpose of the study is to study the experiences of 5–6-year-old kindergarteners from swimming school. The study is interested in what kind of experiences children have from swimming school, how they describe their own swimming skills and what significance play plays in swimming school. The theoretical background of the study is built on three main themes. Initially, pre-school children are treated as mobile, physical activity, motor development and learning, basic motor skills, exercise skills and motivation in children's exercise. The next big theme is swimming lessons and the concepts that are central to it. Finally, we turn to experience as a phenomenon. The study has a self-reflective approach. Methods. Twelve children aged 5 to 6 years participated in the study. The group of children was from a kindergarten in South Helsinki. The research material was obtained through participatory observation and an individual interview. I myself work as a teacher in a swimming school group. The analysis of the research interview material was performed by phenomenological and narrative analysis. Results and conclusions. Children’s experiences of swimming school varied according to their previous experiences in the water. They also felt, for example, that different things were nice and not nice things at a swimming school. Most of the children felt that they had learned to swim during swimming school. The children were motivated towards the swimming school. This was evident in their interest in training, and their motivation also emerged in the children's speeches. The importance of free play in the swimming school was highlighted in the children's interviews as well as during the swimming school period. Time must be left for free play, even if it is a guided swimming school. Free play was important for the children and learning also takes place during it. In general, good teaching and differentiation as well as individualization are emphasized in swimming lessons.
  • Toivanen, Salla (2021)
    Objectives. The aim of this study was to describe, in a single and consecutive way, self-repairs of bilingual children in a play situation and to investigate their possible differences between groups. The aim was to increase information on how and what kind of corrections children at different levels of language do, and how the level of language management affects the quality of self-corrections in Finnish. The research questions were what kind of corrections children make, how they start self-repairing and where the repairs are directed. It was also examined whether the groups differed and, if so, how. Methods. A total of 30 were supported, of whom 15 were monolingual and 15 consecutive bilingual children. The L2 language of all children was Finnish and the linguistic development of all the researchers was typical. The study methods were observation and analysis of literates. The data was analyzed both qualitatively and statistically. Elan annotation programme and SPSS statistics programme were used to analyze the data. Results and reflection. Monolingual children produced more self-repairs than bilingual children. Compared to the total number, the share of self-corrections for bilingual children was slightly higher than that of monolingual children. Both monolingual and bilingual children did the most self-repairs by searching for the next word. In the group of monolingual children, the biggest remedy was speech interruptions, while for bilinguals the largest group were different sounds. Self-repairs by both groups most often targeted the sledge hams. The results are partly in line with previous research data. However, previous studies have found that novice bilingual children prefer repetition in their self-repairs. In this study, on the other hand, monolingual children took more initiatives by repeating bilingual control.
  • Toivanen, Salla (2021)
    Objectives. The aim of this study was to describe, in a single and consecutive way, self-repairs of bilingual children in a play situation and to investigate their possible differences between groups. The aim was to increase information on how and what kind of corrections children at different levels of language do, and how the level of language management affects the quality of self-corrections in Finnish. The research questions were what kind of corrections children make, how they start self-repairing and where the repairs are directed. It was also examined whether the groups differed and, if so, how. Methods. A total of 30 were supported, of whom 15 were monolingual and 15 consecutive bilingual children. The L2 language of all children was Finnish and the linguistic development of all the researchers was typical. The study methods were observation and analysis of literates. The data was analyzed both qualitatively and statistically. Elan annotation programme and SPSS statistics programme were used to analyze the data. Results and reflection. Monolingual children produced more self-repairs than bilingual children. Compared to the total number, the share of self-corrections for bilingual children was slightly higher than that of monolingual children. Both monolingual and bilingual children did the most self-repairs by searching for the next word. In the group of monolingual children, the biggest remedy was speech interruptions, while for bilinguals the largest group were different sounds. Self-repairs by both groups most often targeted the sledge hams. The results are partly in line with previous research data. However, previous studies have found that novice bilingual children prefer repetition in their self-repairs. In this study, on the other hand, monolingual children took more initiatives by repeating bilingual control.
  • Ravattinen, Elina (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Pivotal Response Training menetelmä on kehitetty autististen lasten kielen, sosiaalisten taitojen sekä leikkitaitojen kehittämiseksi. PRT-menetelmä keskittyy ydinvalmiuksien, kuten leikki- ja vuorovaikutustaitojen kehittymiseen. (Hyytiäinen, Kinnunen, Timonen & Ylönen, 2008.) Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on saada tietoa siitä, kuinka Pivotal Response Training (PRT) menetelmä vaikuttaa leikkitaitojen kehittymiseen ja muuttuuko leikin luonne menetelmän myötä. Lisäksi tavoitteena on selvittää, kuinka ympäristö vaikuttaa menetelmän toteuttamiseen ja millainen on aikuisen rooli menetelmän tehokkuuden ja toimivuuden näkökulmasta. Teoreettisena viitekehyksenä tutkimuksessani on autismi, sekä leikki, vuorovaikutus ja kommunikointi autistisella lapsella. Menetelmät. Tutkimukseni on kvalitatiivinen tutkimus, jonka aineisto on kerätty puolistrukturoidulla teemahaastattelulla. Haastatteluihin osallistui neljä (4) henkilöä, jotka ovat joko PRT-ohjaajia tai menetelmään osallistuneen lapsen vanhempia. Käytin tutkimuksessani analyysimenetelmänä aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tuloksien mukaan PRT-menetelmän myötä yksin- ja yhteisleikissä tapahtuu muutosta. Menetelmää voi toteuttaa jokaisessa ympäristössä, mutta ympäristön muokkaamisen avulla on mahdollista lisätä vuorovaikutusaloitteita. Tuloksista ilmenee, että aikuisen rooli on korostunut menetelmässä. Aikuinen toimii lapsen aktiivisena havainnoijana ja mahdollistaa tilanteita, joissa harjoitella muun muassa leikkitaitoja ja vuorovaikutusta.
  • Ahonen, Klaudia (2020)
    Objectives The objective of this treatise was to clarify preconditions for adult participation for the under three-year-old children`s free play and its effects on the child`s development. It is expected that this treatise gives information about how the adult can participate in the under three-year- old child`s play in the free play situations of the early childhood education and how the adult`s presence in the free play affects the child`s later development. Methods This treatise was carried out as a qualitative treatise. Ideas which dominate on the field of the early childhood education were cleared in the treatise as a describing literature look from the phenomenon to be examined. A pedagogical treatise five (5) of which were university based studies was selected to be a research material altogether and two (2) polytechnic based studies. Results and conclusions The results of this treatise showed that adult`s participation in the free play required of the adult, I play the securing of preconditions, the creation of the safe play environment, attitude which is open to the play and presence in the play. For the play enough time, the suitable premises and toys which are safe to child. Placing of the adult and opportunity to touch during the play promoted the forming of the safe play environment near. The adult`s presence in the play meant not only active participation in the play but the adaptation of the own role according to children`s needs. The adult participation in the under three- year – old child`s free play promoted the child`s welfare, social skills and development of play skills. The adult prevented the establishing of the play roles in the group and helped the child to join the play along. The child committed more deeply to the play when the adult participated in the play. The results show that the adult strengthens the child`s development when participating in the free play.
  • Hovio, Eerika (2018)
    The purpose of the study was to find out how a kindergarten teacher supports the peer relations of children under the age of three during playtime. There is a good amount of prior studies on peer relations, and they cover working in a peer group, as well as the effect of peer relations on development and supporting them in a kindergarten. The study aims to find different ways to support peer relations between children during playtime, and to find out how they can be influenced by a kindergarten teacher. In addition, the study seeks to gather information on the significance of a kindergarten in the formation of peer relations. The material for my qualitative case study was collected from a kindergarten group for under three-year-old children from Helsinki during January 2018. The main collecting method I used was interviews, which I supported by observing their play. I collected the material on two consecutive days. On the first day I observed a group with eleven children. During their play, I paid special attention to how the kindergarten teacher supported the peer relations between the children. I also took note of how actively they took part in the play. On the second day, I observed and interviewed the teacher of the group. The interview was conducted using a half-structured interview. I analysed the data in two phases. First, I organised the data by the themes that appeared on them. Finally, I grouped the results into the means for a kindergarten teacher to support peer relations during play, the forming and significance of peer relations in kindergarten, conscious pondering of peer relations, and supporting them in other activities. The result was that the kindergarten teacher supported peer relations between the children during playtime and consciously took them into account when, for example, planning small-group activities and during moments. The teacher felt that improving group spirit was important and that it supported peer relations. The conclusion is that children need positive experiences of belonging in a peer group, because the feeling of belonging in a group is significant for the development of a child. In a group of peers, the child learns important skills for their social life, such as waiting for their turn while speaking. Furthermore, the physical and functional environment affect the peer relations between children in a concrete manner. Therefore, it is important for a kindergarten teacher to form an environment that supports peer relations by considering how to place different plays in the space.
  • Mattila, Emilia (2018)
    The aim of the study was to describe participation in children's playful activities. The theories of participation used in the early childhood research are derived from sociology and its models of participation. In earlier studies, the levels of participatory approaches have been applied with the aim of finding out what kind of participation is characteristics for the experience of small children. Early childhood education documentation acknowledges play as a part of the overall growth, development and learning of children. The purpose of the study is to find out how the play promotes or restricts the participation of children in free play of the kindergarten. The study was conducted as a theoretical content analysis. The material used was video material collected in Leikin polut varhaiskasvatuksessa -project in 2014. The study examined free play of ten children aged from 3 to 6 in a kindergarten. The results of this study were that children feel that they are a significant part of the play community. The central result was the common meanings that children create while playing allow play to develop to a long-lasting play, and thus the likelihood of participation is increased. On the other hand, the results showed the experience of non-participation, which was particularly evident at the time of joining the play. Children can prevent a child from experiencing participation by leaving a child out of play or during play contributing to non-participation. The findings confirm previous research where play is a tool for participation. The role of adults is to create favourable structures and circumstances for long-lasting play. In particular, the sensitivity and activation of adults in the child's joining the play is essential. Children need successful experiences of playing together to enhance participation. It would be good for the kindergarten team’s to discuss the importance of play and playfulness in the development of participation.
  • Hyvönen, Johanna (2020)
    Tämä tutkielma on kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka tarkastelee kaltoinkohtelun, hajottavan ja negatiivisen toiminnan, sekä leikin, kohottavan ja hyvää tekevän, toiminnan kohtaamista: millaista on kaltoinkohtelua kohtaavan lapsen leikki. Tämän tutkielman tarkoitus on kuvata kaltoinkohtelua kohdanneiden lasten leikkiä. Lisäksi tutkielma kartoittaa miten kaltoinkohtelu näkyy leikissä ja voiko kaltoinkohtelu johtaa leikin katoamiseen. Leikin moninaisia määritelmiä tarkasteltiin eri näkökulmista lyhyesti, ja leikkiä ilmaisun keinona ja toimintana, jota tarkkailemalla voidaan saada tietoa lapsen kehityksestä ja hyvinvoinnista. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan leikkiä kaltoinkohtelua ilmentävänä toimintana. Lapsiin kohdistuvan kaltoinkohtelun seurauksia, kaltoinkohtelun eri muotoja sekä määritelmä kuvattiin tutkielmassa niin World Health Organizationin kuin Suomen lainsäädännön näkökulmasta. Tutkielma on kirjallisuuskatsaus, joka keskittyy leikin ja kaltoinkohtelun välistä suhdetta tarkastelevaan aiempaan tutkimukseen. Tutkielman aineisto kerättiin HELKA ja Eric –tietokannoista. Aineisto rajattiin koskemaan vertaisarvioituja, suomeksi tai englanniksi julkaistuja tutkimuksia. Aineiston tuli sisältää kuvauksia kaltoinkohtelua kohdanneiden lasten leikistä. Kaltoinkohtelun muoto vaikutti leikin ilmenemiseen, ja kaltoinkohtelun eri muotoja kohdanneet lapset leikkivät eri tavoin. Kuvaukset leikistä jaettiin kaltoinkohtelun muodon mukaan fyysistä väkivaltaa, seksuaalista hyväksikäyttöä ja laiminlyöntiä sekä kroonista laiminlyöntiä kohdanneiden lasten leikkiin. Kroonista kaltoinkohtelua kohdanneiden lasten leikin kuvaukset erosivat huomattavasti muista kaltoinkohtelun muodoista. Kaltoinkohtelun keskellä ilmenevästä leikistä tuli keino vaikuttaa ympäröiviin olosuhteisin ja vahvistaa omaa kokemusta toimijuudesta ja yhteydestä niin sisaruksiin kuin normaaliksi miellettyyn lapsuuteen. Kaltoinkohtelu johti leikin katoamiseen hetkellisesti vain äärimmäistä, kroonista kaltoinkohtelua kohdanneiden lasten kohdalla.
  • Viitanen, Milka (2019)
    The aim of this study was to investigate the development of children with special needs in the context of inclusive early childhood special education. In addition the other interest was to investigate the relationship between cognitive skills, behavioral and emotional skills and play behavior. The three research questions were: (1) How did the children´s cognitive and language skills, behavioral and emotional skills and play behavior develop over the course of one year? (2) How did the cognitive and language skills, behavioral and emotional skills and play behavior differ between the status groups? (3) What kind of relationship was there between the different skills? While little research has been done on the different settings of support in the Finnish early day care system, internationally several studies have been conducted about inclusive and exclusive special education. According to Rogow (1991) and Wong and Kasari (2012) children with special needs benefit social play with other kids without special needs. Previous research has highlighted the importance of play in children´s learning. Play is a way to learn cognitive and academic skills in early childhood (Bodrova, 2008). Data on 84 children attending inclusive day care in Helsinki was collected during 2016–2018. The children were supported in normal day care by an early childhood special needs teacher. The children’s special educational needs were divided into status groups: language disorder, self-regulation difficulties and severe disabilities. The data consisted of assessments of cognitive and language skills (Nepsy, WPPSI-III), behavioral and emotional skills (PreBers) and play behavior (PPBS) conducted by early childhood special education teachers. The data was analyzed by quantitative methods. The development of children was analyzed by the repeated measures ANOVA and The Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Differences between status groups were analyzed by Kruskall–Wallis H test and Mann-Whitney U –test. The relationships between variables were analyzed by Spearman’s correlation. The cognitive skills, behavioral and emotional skills and play behavior development of children were statistically significant. The language skills development was not statistically significant. There were statistically significant differences between status groups in many variables. Relations between different skills were high and statistically significant. Social communication had high relation between play behavior and emotional regulation. Relation between social communication and play in the childhood should be taken into account in early childhood settings.
  • Viitanen, Milka (2019)
    The aim of this study was to investigate the development of children with special needs in the context of inclusive early childhood special education. In addition the other interest was to investigate the relationship between cognitive skills, behavioral and emotional skills and play behavior. The three research questions were: (1) How did the children´s cognitive and language skills, behavioral and emotional skills and play behavior develop over the course of one year? (2) How did the cognitive and language skills, behavioral and emotional skills and play behavior differ between the status groups? (3) What kind of relationship was there between the different skills? While little research has been done on the different settings of support in the Finnish early day care system, internationally several studies have been conducted about inclusive and exclusive special education. According to Rogow (1991) and Wong and Kasari (2012) children with special needs benefit social play with other kids without special needs. Previous research has highlighted the importance of play in children´s learning. Play is a way to learn cognitive and academic skills in early childhood (Bodrova, 2008). Data on 84 children attending inclusive day care in Helsinki was collected during 2016–2018. The children were supported in normal day care by an early childhood special needs teacher. The children’s special educational needs were divided into status groups: language disorder, self-regulation difficulties and severe disabilities. The data consisted of assessments of cognitive and language skills (Nepsy, WPPSI-III), behavioral and emotional skills (PreBers) and play behavior (PPBS) conducted by early childhood special education teachers. The data was analyzed by quantitative methods. The development of children was analyzed by the repeated measures ANOVA and The Wilcoxon signed-rank test. Differences between status groups were analyzed by Kruskall–Wallis H test and Mann-Whitney U –test. The relationships between variables were analyzed by Spearman’s correlation. The cognitive skills, behavioral and emotional skills and play behavior development of children were statistically significant. The language skills development was not statistically significant. There were statistically significant differences between status groups in many variables. Relations between different skills were high and statistically significant. Social communication had high relation between play behavior and emotional regulation. Relation between social communication and play in the childhood should be taken into account in early childhood settings.
  • Niska, Inka (2015)
    The aim of the study was looking into the free playtime of children with special needs in a daycare setting. Children were filmed during a free playtime in a one integrated daycare group. Videos were analyzed by transana by using a BOR-form that observes the interactions between children. There were five main themes that cape up: the meaningfulness of actions, ways of communicating, role of the adult, role of the child with special needs in the group and the effect of the playmates. The play and actions of children with special needs seemed to be meaningful most of the times. There were group play as well as playing alone. The children with special need were divided in to two groups: children who spoke and those who didn't. It was easier for speakers to get in to a group play and maintain the play with others. The play was more complex when played with a friend or a child without special needs. Adults reinforced the actions and worked as an interpreter of children with special needs. It was hard for the children who needed constant help from the adult, to have an influential part in a play. The children with special need were more of the followers than the influencers in a play. Over all the actions and behavior of the children without the special needs seemed to have important influence to the actions and behavior of the children with special needs. The role of the adult were to inforce the communication between the children.
  • Salomaa, Petra (2018)
    The purpose of this research is to describe the connections between literacy skills and other skills of preschool children. Furthermore it will also describe how literacy skills are related with children's every day life in the ECEC. Earlier studies have shown a connection between language skills and social skills, self regulation and attentiveness. On the other hand there have also been found comorbidity of learning disabilities. Language awareness, many processes and skills seem to have an impact on the child's literacy and reading skills. The connection of literacy skills and other skills have not been studied earlier as widely as in this research with the help of children's evaluation and observation. Therefore this research will bring new information about everyday life of children with different levels of literacy skills in preschool. The method of this research was quantitative. The data used in this research was a part of Orientation project (2015), a research and development project of ECEC: This partial data consisted material of the children who took part in the literacy test. One part included the children's means and the other part was the overall data. All the data was collected by three different measures; Literacy test (n = 218), evaluation of the children's skills (n = 218) and the child observation (n = 5422). The research was made in preschools (n = 21) in Turku and Helsinki. The children were five to seven years old. The literacy test was developed in the University of Helsinki in teachers' education department. The observation was made by a structured observation-form, which was based on LIS–YC-indicator. The evaluation of children's skills was made with a form of Likert scale. The data was first analysed for frequencies. Then there was some crosstabs and correlations made. The analysis included also some tests like Chi-square-, Z-, Exact and Cramer's V-test. As a result literacy skills correlated with social skills, learning and metakognitive skills, attentiveness, controlling of reactions and state of vitality. Literacy skills have also an impact on self-regulation and commitment. Children with need of literacy support had difficulties in most of these categories. A good way to secure the wellbeing of children is to support children's skills in a pervasive way and focus on the rolls and action of adults and peers in every day life and play in ECEC.
  • Salomaa, Petra (2018)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract The purpose of this research is to describe the connections between literacy skills and other skills of preschool children. Furthermore it will also describe how literacy skills are related with childrens every day life in the ECEC. Earlier studies have shown a connection between language skills and social skills, self regulation and attentiveness. On the other hand there have also been found comorbidity of learning dissabilities. Language awareness, many processes and skills seem to have an impact on the child`s literacy and reading skills. The connection of literacy skills and other skills have not been studied earlier as widely as in this research with the help of childen’s evaluation and observation. Therefore this research will bring new information about everyday life of children with different levels of literacy skills in preschool. The method of this research was kvantitative. The data used in this research was a part of Orientation project (2015), a research and development project of ECEC: This partial data consisted material of the children who took part in the literacy test. One part included the childrens means and the other part was the overall data. All the data was collected by three different measures; Literacy test (n = 218), evaluation of the children’s skills (n = 218) and the child observation (n = 5422). The research was made in preschools (n = 21) in Turku and Helsinki. The children were five to seven years old. The literacy test was developed in the University of Helsinki in teachers’ education department. The observation was made by a structured observationform, which was based on LIS–YC-indicator. The evaluation of childrens’ skills was made with a form of Likert scale. The data was first analysed for frequences. Then there was some crosstabs and correlations made. The analysis included also some tests like Chi-square-, Z-, Exact and Cramer’s V-test. As a result literacy skills correlated with social skills, learning and metakognitive skills, attentiveness, controlling of reactions and state of vitality. Literacy skills have also an impact on selfregulation and commitment. Children with need of literacy support had difficulties in most of these categories. A good way to secure the wellbeing of children is to support childrens’ skills in a pervasive way and focus on the rolls and action of adults and peers in every day life and play in ECEC.
  • Keisala, Ida-Maria (2020)
    Tutkimuskysymykseni on, miten draamamateriaaleja hyödyntävillä perusopetuksen katsomusaineiden oppitunneilla ilmenee ja tuetaan luovuutta sekä leikillisyyttä sekä miten oppitunneille osallistuvat kokevat oppitunnit. Tunneille osallistuvilla tarkoitan oppilaita ja opettajia. Tutkielmani ja sen aineistonkeruu on toteutettu osana Uskallus – Uskonnot, katsomukset ja osallisuus perusopetuksessa -hanketta. Tutkielmassa käytetyt draamamateriaalit on julkaistu hankkeen sivuilla sähköisesti. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu oppilaiden haastatteluista, opettajan ja oppilaiden palautekyselylomakkeista, havainnoitsijoiden tekemistä luokkahuonemuistiinpanoista sekä kirjallisessa muodossa olevista draamamateriaaleista. Aineisto on kerätty vuoden 2019 lopussa Etelä-Suomessa. Havainnoitavia oppitunteja aineistossa on kaksi, joista toinen on viides- ja kuudesluokkalaisten elämänkatsomustiedon oppitunti ja toinen kahdeksasluokkalaisten evankelisluterilaisen uskonnon oppitunti. Aineistonanalyysi on toteutettu teoriaohjaavana sisällönanalyysinä. Tutkimustuloksissa havaitsin, että luovuutta ja leikillisyyttä ilmenee katsomusaineiden draamaa hyödyntävillä oppitunneilla. Luovuus esiintyy oppitunneilla erilaisina Luovina ajatuksina ja Luovina tuotoksina sekä näiden kahden luokan alakategorioina. Leikillisyyden osalta tutkimustulokset jakautuvat alakategorioihin Lapsellisuus, Leikkisyys ja leikinomaisuus, Leikillinen tunnelma sekä Rooli sekä edellisten alaluokkiin. Tutkimustulosten kolmas pääluokka Kokemus draamatunnista esittää näkökulmat Vaikeustaso-, Tyypillisestä poikkeava oppitunti - ja Draamaharjoitus ja luovuus -kategorioiden kautta. Oppilaiden ja opettajien kokemukset oppitunneista tuovat esille, että draamaoppitunnit koetaan tyypillisestä poikkeavaksi ja harjoitukset osallistavat myös sellaisia oppilaita, jotka eivät usein luokkien tyypillisillä tunneilla osallistu. Luovuutta ja leikillisyyttä ilmenee tutkimusaineiston oppitunneilla ja niitä tukevat muun muassa kannustava, myönteinen palaute ja ilmapiiri. Tutkimusaineistossa on kuitenkin nähtävissä myös mahdollisuuksia tukea niiden ilmentymistä enemmänkin. Haasteina tästä näkökulmasta katsottuna vaikuttavat olevan ennen kaikkea oppitunnin ajallinen pituus sekä opettajan halu kontrolloida harjoitusten kulkua. Oppilaat kokevat myös oppitunneilla hämmennyksen tunteita. Ne oppilaat, jotka pääsevät erilaisten oivallusten kautta tunteesta yli, vaikuttavat saavan myönteisiä oppimiskokemuksia ja liittävän luovuuden kokemuksen oppituntiin. Draama vaikuttaa tutkimukseni perusteella sopivan hyvin katsomusaineiden opetusmenetelmäksi, ja sen kautta mahdollistuvat luovempi ja leikillisempi opettaminen sekä oppiminen. Tunnit koetaan aineistossa pääosin myönteisiksi, tiedonhalua ja innostusta lisääviksi. Tutkimustuloksissa näkyy, että luovuutta ja leikillisyyttä tukeva draamaoppitunti opettaa oppilaille asiasisällön lisäksi laajempaa sekä tulevaisuuteen suuntaavampaa osaamista.
  • Keisala, Ida-Maria (2020)
    Tutkimuskysymykseni on, miten draamamateriaaleja hyödyntävillä perusopetuksen katsomusaineiden oppitunneilla ilmenee ja tuetaan luovuutta sekä leikillisyyttä sekä miten oppitunneille osallistuvat kokevat oppitunnit. Tunneille osallistuvilla tarkoitan oppilaita ja opettajia. Tutkielmani ja sen aineistonkeruu on toteutettu osana Uskallus – Uskonnot, katsomukset ja osallisuus perusopetuksessa -hanketta. Tutkielmassa käytetyt draamamateriaalit on julkaistu hankkeen sivuilla sähköisesti. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu oppilaiden haastatteluista, opettajan ja oppilaiden palautekyselylomakkeista, havainnoitsijoiden tekemistä luokkahuonemuistiinpanoista sekä kirjallisessa muodossa olevista draamamateriaaleista. Aineisto on kerätty vuoden 2019 lopussa Etelä-Suomessa. Havainnoitavia oppitunteja aineistossa on kaksi, joista toinen on viides- ja kuudesluokkalaisten elämänkatsomustiedon oppitunti ja toinen kahdeksasluokkalaisten evankelisluterilaisen uskonnon oppitunti. Aineistonanalyysi on toteutettu teoriaohjaavana sisällönanalyysinä. Tutkimustuloksissa havaitsin, että luovuutta ja leikillisyyttä ilmenee katsomusaineiden draamaa hyödyntävillä oppitunneilla. Luovuus esiintyy oppitunneilla erilaisina Luovina ajatuksina ja Luovina tuotoksina sekä näiden kahden luokan alakategorioina. Leikillisyyden osalta tutkimustulokset jakautuvat alakategorioihin Lapsellisuus, Leikkisyys ja leikinomaisuus, Leikillinen tunnelma sekä Rooli sekä edellisten alaluokkiin. Tutkimustulosten kolmas pääluokka Kokemus draamatunnista esittää näkökulmat Vaikeustaso-, Tyypillisestä poikkeava oppitunti - ja Draamaharjoitus ja luovuus -kategorioiden kautta. Oppilaiden ja opettajien kokemukset oppitunneista tuovat esille, että draamaoppitunnit koetaan tyypillisestä poikkeavaksi ja harjoitukset osallistavat myös sellaisia oppilaita, jotka eivät usein luokkien tyypillisillä tunneilla osallistu. Luovuutta ja leikillisyyttä ilmenee tutkimusaineiston oppitunneilla ja niitä tukevat muun muassa kannustava, myönteinen palaute ja ilmapiiri. Tutkimusaineistossa on kuitenkin nähtävissä myös mahdollisuuksia tukea niiden ilmentymistä enemmänkin. Haasteina tästä näkökulmasta katsottuna vaikuttavat olevan ennen kaikkea oppitunnin ajallinen pituus sekä opettajan halu kontrolloida harjoitusten kulkua. Oppilaat kokevat myös oppitunneilla hämmennyksen tunteita. Ne oppilaat, jotka pääsevät erilaisten oivallusten kautta tunteesta yli, vaikuttavat saavan myönteisiä oppimiskokemuksia ja liittävän luovuuden kokemuksen oppituntiin. Draama vaikuttaa tutkimukseni perusteella sopivan hyvin katsomusaineiden opetusmenetelmäksi, ja sen kautta mahdollistuvat luovempi ja leikillisempi opettaminen sekä oppiminen. Tunnit koetaan aineistossa pääosin myönteisiksi, tiedonhalua ja innostusta lisääviksi. Tutkimustuloksissa näkyy, että luovuutta ja leikillisyyttä tukeva draamaoppitunti opettaa oppilaille asiasisällön lisäksi laajempaa sekä tulevaisuuteen suuntaavampaa osaamista.
  • Heikkinen, Jasmiina (2022)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata kamppailulajien merkitystä 3–6-vuotialle lapsille valmentajien näkökulmasta sekä selvittää leikin roolia kamppailulajien opettamisessa. Aikaisempaa tutkimusta kamppailulajeista on tehty kouluikäisten ja aikuisten puolella esimerkiksi kamppailulajit tapana vähentää aggressiivisuutta, mutta ei kamppailulajien hyödyistä ja leikin osuudesta kamppailulajien oppimisessa mainitulle ikäluokalle. Tutkimus nähtiin tarpeellisena ja ajankohtaisena lasten ruutuajan ja liikkumattomuuden sekä kamppailulajien suosion ollessa suuressa kasvussa. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys rakentuu 3–6-vuotiaan lapsen kehityksen osa-alueista, leikistä, ohjatusta liikunnasta, kamppailulajeista sekä sosiokulttuurisesta teoriasta. Myös kamppailulajit termiä ja sen osuutta lasten harrastustoiminnassa avataan tarkemmin sekä kamppailulajeihin liittyvää kulttuuria. Tämä tutkimus on luonteeltaan kvalitatiivinen eli laadullinen tutkimus. Aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoidulla haastattelulla. Haastattelut toteutettiin kasvotusten, zoom-videopalvelun ja sähköpostin välityksellä, joidenka jälkeen haastattelut nauhoitettiin ja litteroitiin. Tutkimukseen osallistui kuusi kamppailulajien valmentajaa. Analyysimenetelmänä toimi abduktiivinen eli teoriajohtoinen sisällönanalyysi. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittivat, että valmentajat näkivät kamppailulajien merkityksen laajana 3–6-vuotiaalle lapselle. Kamppailulajien monipuolisuus lapsen kehityksen eri osa-alueiden tukemisena nähtiin erittäin tärkeänä. Myös leikki nähtiin tärkeänä osana lasten kamppailulajiharjoittelua, jonka avulla pystyttiin huomaamatta, hauskasti ja mielekkäästi harjoitella erilaisia kamppailulajeihin liittyä harjoituksia ja tekniikoita.
  • Vehviläinen, Kaisa (2022)
    Tutkielman tavoitteena on tarkastella, mitä leikki, sitoutuminen ja leikkiin sitoutuminen tarkoittavat eri tutkimusten valossa. Tarkoituksena on myös pohtia näiden merkitystä lapselle ja tämän oppimiselle. Tavoitteet. Leikkiin sitoutuminen syventää lapsen oppimista leikin aikana, ja leikki on lapselle luonnollinen ja jokapäiväinen tapa oppia asioita. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat, että leikki on monipuolista, monisyistä, tyydytystä tuovaa toimintaa lapselle ja kehittää tämän hyvinvointia. Sitoutuneisuudesta aiemmat tutkimukset taas kertovat, että sitoutuneisuus toimintaan on lap-sen varmin ja syvin taso oppia asioista. Tutkielman tavoitteena on löytää syyt, miksi sitoutu-minen leikkiin on lapselle kannattavaa. Menetelmät. Tutkielmani menetelmänä toimi narratiivinen, kuvaileva kirjallisuuskatsaus. Tut-kimukseni aineisto koostui seitsemästä vuosien 1992–2021 tieteellisistä julkaisuista, joissa käsiteltiin ja tutkittiin leikkiä, sitoutuneisuutta ja leikkiin sitoutuneisuutta. Aineisto analysoitiin kuvailevan synteesin avulla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Leikkiin sitoutuminen pidensi leikin kestoa ja sai lapset oppimaan paremmin leikistä opittuja asioita. Lapset saivat syvemmän henkisen tyydytyksen sitoutues-saan leikkiin, joka paransi heidän kokonaisvaltaista hyvinvointiaan. Sitoutuessaan leikkiin lap-si oppi paremmin niin sosiaalisia kuin ongelmanratkaisutaitoja, lapset kehittivät ystävyyssuh-teita ja itsetuntoaan, oppien samalla lisää itsestään. Johtopäätöksenä voidaan sanoa, että leikkiin sitoutuminen on lapselle jokaisessa suhteessa äärimmäisen kannattavaa niin oppimi-sen, kuin lapsen henkisen hyvinvoinnin kannalta, ja lasten tulisi sitoutua leikkiin päivittäin.
  • Häyrinen, Sanna (2020)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten päiväkodin työntekijöiden mielestä päiväkotiryhmänsä tilaratkaisut vaikuttavat lasten leikkiin sekä aikuisen antamaan tukeen leikinaikana. Tutkimukseni teoreettinen tausta muodostuu lasten leikistä, aikuisen roolista leikin aikana sekä näiden kahden kohtaamispaikasta eli päiväkodin tiloista. Tilaa käsittelevässä teoriaosuudessa tilaa tarkastellaan 1980 ja 2010- luvun suunnitelmista käsin sekä katsotaan tarkemmin sitä, miten tilallisuutta voidaan ajatella kokemuksellisesti lasten näkökulmasta. Tutkimukseeni osallistui kolme varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa sekä kaksi lastenhoitajaa. Haastattelut suoritettiin yksilöllisinä teemahaastatteluina pääkaupunkiseudulla. Haastatteluiden kysymykset keskittyivät kolmen aihealueen ympärille, jotka olivat päiväkodin ryhmätilat, lasten leikkimahdollisuudet sekä aikuisen rooli. Haastattelut analysoitiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä, jossa luokittelin haastateltavien vastauksia sen mukaan, minkälaisia merkityksiä haastateltavat antoivat tilaratkaisujen vaikutusten sekä oman roolinsa osalta. Tutkimuksesta selvisi, että varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat ja lastenhoitajat kokivat päiväkodin ryhmätilat merkityksellisenä tekijänä pohtiessa omaa toimintaan leikin tukemisessa. Leikkien tukeminen rajoittui silloin, kun aikuisen tuli siirtyä tilojen välillä. Tämän seurauksena leikkiin ei pystynyt paneutumaan pitkäksi aikaa. Lasten leikin tukeminen ja siihen osallistuminen sekä yleinen havainnointi oli osittain rajoittunut niin jakotilallisissa kuin yksihuoneisissa ryhmätiloissa. Lasten leikin pitkäkestoisuus sekä leikkimahdollisuudet näyttäytyivät leikin mukautumisena tilojen takia sekä mahdollistaakseen leikin lapsen tuli muokata olemassa olevia tiloja. Tulosten perusteella ideaalisesti päiväkodin tilat muodostuvat akvaariomaisista jakotiloista, jolloin aikuisilla on mahdollisuus tukea, nähdä ja havainnoida lasten leikkiä. Lapsilla on tällaisissa ryhmätiloissa mahdollisuus rauhalliseen sekä pitkäkestoiseen leikkiin. Tutkimustulokset antavat tärkeää informaatiota päiväkodin ryhmätiloista ja niiden toimivuudesta lasten leikin sekä aikuisten toiminnan suhteen. Tämän tutkimuksen pohjalta päiväkodin ryhmätiloissa saattaisi olla tarvetta muutokseen, jotta pitkäkestoinen leikki sekä aikuisen mahdollistama tuki leikin aikana onnistuisi kaikissa päiväkodeissa.
  • Söderlund, Saana (2018)
    The different fields of study are strongly differentiated according to gender in Finland (Tilastokeskus 2015). Women are still a minority in the technology working life and education (Niiranen 2016). International studies show that also children’s play is differentiated according to gender (Riley & Jones 2007). The aim of this thesis is to study childhood play, skills learned during play and what impact play has for the career choice. All in all twenty people participated in the study. Sixteen of these were studying to become Masters of Science in Technology and four were already graduated. Ten women and ten men participated in the study. The data were acquired by single person semi-structured interviews. It was voluntary to bring childhood photos or toys to the interviews. The data were analyzed by inductive content analysis. According to the results of the study there were both similarities and differences in the type of play for men and women. The biggest similarities were rule play, construction play and computer games. The biggest differences were the women’s nursing play and the men’s war play. The interviewees felt that they had learned social skills, mathematical skills, creative skills and motor skills through play. There were different opinions whether childhood play had affected their career choices. Some interviewees thought that childhood plays possibly had some impact on the career choice, but not all of the interviewees shared this opinion. Especially some women thought it was important that they could play different plays regardless of gender which made it possible to imagine different career choices regardless of gender.