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  • Saarinen, Anna (2018)
    This present study analyses quantitatively and qualitatively supervisors’ perceptions and experiences of age management in a metal industry organization in Finland. The study aims to describe supervisors’ thoughts about age management and its implementation in practice: how do they take into consideration different-aged team members in their leadership practices, do they feel they have the necessary skills to support different-aged team members’ working ability, and do they experience the age management as part of organizational culture and strategy. Furthermore, the target of the study is to describe supervisors’ experience of need for an additional support regarding age management. The study is part of an internal career path model –project in the case organization, which emphasizes the diverse expectations that employees representing different age groups have on different stages in their career path. The theoretical framework of the study is based on the concepts of management in matrix organizations, age management, diversity in organizations, working ability, burnout and work engagement, as well as, transitions in career path. The study material consisted of an online survey, which included both open questions and multiple-choice questions. Quantitative data was analyzed with SPSS-program by parametric methods and the content based analyze of qualitative data was carried out according to the phenomenological-hermeneutical tradition based on the theory. According to quantitative data, the participants felt that they take well into consideration different aged employees, their competence development and working ability in practical supervisory work. The supervisors experienced the age management quite strongly as part of the organization's culture and strategy, although the qualitative data indicated that the concept of age management was unknown, and more introduction was hoped. In addition, according to the quantitative and qualitative data, taking into consideration the physical nature of the work appeared as a development area; supervisors experienced that they need practical examples concerning how to use career flexibilities. The descriptions of supervisors also highlighted the fact that supporting the younger team members’ working ability has also been challenging. In addition, less experienced supervisors are more likely to evaluate their skills and resources weaker than those who have more experience from supervisory work and thus, age management themes were hoped to be part of the orientation for supervisors. Furthermore, older supervisors did not experience age management that strongly as part of organization’s culture and strategy.
  • Rautiainen, Oona (2013)
    This piece of research scrutinizes the relationship between the Grand Renaissance Dam project and the struggling Nile cooperation. It incorporates the themes of transboundary river disputes and power asymmetries within regional cooperation into a qualitative case study in order to achieve a better understanding of the hydro-political situation at the Nile Basin. It approaches the issue through qualitative content analysis of 35 interviews and uses the framework of hydro-hegemony as a theoretical explanatory tool to help in the analysis of its findings. The study analyses the different issues, processes and dynamics related to the Dam project through the different factors of presented in the framework of hydro-hegemony and counter hegemonic act presented by Mark Zeitoun and Ana Cascao. The framework states that the balance of power is the factor that ultimately determines how the riparian states interact over shared resource. The framework assumes that the overall goal of each riparian is to maximize their objectives with the certain resource through control. The control can be achieved through different and strategies. The study confirms the current view rising from the recent research literature that the Nile river basin offers an example of hydro-hegemonic power structures in a transboundary river context. There is a clear asymmetry in power relations between the riparian states which can be seen in power dynamics and in all the aspects of cooperation. The outcome of hydro-hegemony at the Nile basin can be seen in the tension between the riparian states and unequal water distribution. The most downstream riparian state Egypt has been able to establish a consolidated control over the waters of the Nile for decades but through the political changes in the region the control has been contested. One of the main results of this study is to give confirmation to the view that the hydropolitical relations at the basin are in constant transformation mostly due to the increased the bargaining power of the upstream riparian states. At the moment three main challenges are characterizing the Nile cooperation. Firstly the question of CFA was seen by most of the informants as one of the main challenges in the Nile cooperation. Secondly the issue of water allocations was brought up as the most difficult matter to solve before reaching an agreement. Thirdly the environment of mistrust and misknowledge is seen as seriously hindering the cooperation. In addition to the factors which are challenging and hindering the Nile cooperation, the study presented other types of developments which describe the current state of the Nile cooperation. Those observations can be summarized to five factors which are: change in regional power dynamics, the rise of emerging new actors, the frustration of the traditional international donors, clear upstream vs. downstream dualism and the rise of unilateral action. This study states that the main challenges of the Nile cooperation are the main points of contradiction also in the case of the Grand Renaissance Dam project. It concludes that before reaching a permanent legal and institutional framework to the region the issue of water security and water allocations must be redefined and the lack of trust between the countries must be alleviated.
  • Pohjolainen, Maj (2022)
    Mål. Forskningsobjektet för detta examinationsarbete är ledning av pedagogiska processer i företag. Dagens snabbt föränderliga arbetsmarknad sätter krav för kontinuerligt lärande i organisationer samt kunskapshantering, den här undersökningen strävar att bidra till forskningen inom dessa utmaningar. Denna undersökning utgår från tidigare forskning inom pedagogik i företagsverksamhet, mera specifikt undersöker studierna ledarskapets roll i pedagogiska processerna i företags kontext. Genom att undersöka tidigare studier har undersökningen som mål att hitta konkreta förslag för hur pedagogiska processer kan ledas på ett framgångsrikt sätt. Metoder. Arbetet genomförs som en beskrivande litteraturstudie på åtta forskningar inom temana ledarskap, kunnande, lärande och resultatskapande. Forskningarna som analyserats för detta arbete är kvantitativa, och har genomförts på olika geografiska områden under de senaste tio åren. Forskningarna är akademiska och de har valts genom specifika sökord från diverse journaler och Google Scholar. Kvaliteten av källorna har analyserats systematiskt med tanke på år, plats och tema. Forskningarna har först grundligt analyserats och sedan har dess resultat jämförts för att hämta fram svar på forskningsfrågan i detta arbete. Resultat och slutsatser. Resultaten visar att pedagogiska processer kan ledas på ett framgångsrikt sätt i företag då ledarna är kompetenta inom sin uppgift. Det visade sig att en förståelse för pedagogik är till nytta i värdeskapande. Det visar sig också att företag vilkas ledarskap använder kunskap som ett verktyg inom sin praxis är ofta framgångsrika på marknaden. Som ett tredje resultat kommer den här undersökningen fram till att transformativt ledarskap har visat sig korrelera positivt med att skap värde ur pedagogiska processer. Som slutsats kommer det här arbetet fram med att ledning av pedagogiska processer bör vara systematiskt, planerat och reflekterande till sin natur.
  • Karja, Miia (2012)
    An interdisciplinary research project The conservation of the native breeds for the social welfare and rural entrepreneurship – the background for the economical, social and cultural activities was carried out in MTT Agrifood Research Finland during the years 2004-2006. The research was done in collaboration with MTT Agrifood Research Finland, TTS Work Efficiency Institute, persons having native breeds and experts in the field of native breeds. The research was one part of Biodiversity and Monitoring Programme MOSSE partially funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry. One dimension of the research was to examine the socio-cultural meaning of native breeds in productisation. The aim was to find out the social and cultural meanings of native breeds among breeders, consumers and citizens and to define the essential meanings and their dimensions relating to native breeds. Answers for the research questions were searched for example by the theme interview done for eight breeders of Finncattle and Finnsheep. Resting on material of the theme interview I have researched in this Master´s thesis, what kind of policy measures would be the most functional ones so that breeders would keep native breeds also in the future and even have more of them. I have examined these policy measures by using farmer typology, considering challenges and opportunities arousing from keeping native breeds and the dimensions of utilizing native breeds. With the help of farmer typology were found out those policy measures, targets and need for policy measures important for each farmer type for example in the situation where a breeder wanted to start with upgrading of native breed products in his farm. Examining policy measures by using challenges and opportunities of keeping native breeds and by the dimensions of utilizing native breeds, did highlight the need not only for diversified policy measures but also for collaboration between administrative and social sectors and participation of breeders when planning policy measures for the conservation of native breeds. This arises from the diverse field of keeping native breeds: native breeds are utilized in traditional agricultural production and in a hobby oriented way when living in the countryside as well. Farmers, other entrepreneurs, private persons, school farms, prison farms and other breeders do have a key position in conservation work of native breeds. They in practice do take care of breeding of these animals and maintaining live gene banks. In addition to functional policy measures, we need management of diversity of indigenous breeds based on breeders´ views and actors committed to the work.
  • Jussila, Jaana (2019)
    This thesis studies the views of managers working in specialist organizations regarding leadership and emotional intelligence. The purpose of this study is to form an understanding of what views and concepts of the managers in specialist organizations have regarding emotional intelligence and its significance in managerial work. The purpose is to build an understanding of what the challenges are in managing specialist knowledge and to form an understanding of what the understanding and experience of emotional intelligence is in relation to leading an organization with specialist knowledge. The theoretical framework of the study was formed around three concepts: emotional intelligence, leadership and leadership of specialist knowledge. Theories of emotional intelligence, especially the concept of emotional intelligence by David Goleman and concepts of emotionally intelligent leadership were used as a theoretical framework. Concepts and definitions related to leadership and knowledge and theories in leadership of knowledge - such as the concept of transformational leadership presented by Bernard M. Bass – that have been combined with management that furthers learning by Riitta Viitala and Pirjo Kolari were also used in the study. The empirical research material was gathered by interviewing eight people who work or have worked in managerial positions in the specialist organization. The interviews were conducted as theme interviews. The methodological approach of the study was content analysis through which the research material was analyzed. Based on the material of the research, the challenges of managerial emotional intelligence in the specialist organization were the expectations and broad range of tasks related to managerial positions, substance knowledge, the management of strategic specialist knowledge, motivating, supporting and interaction. According to the study, the most important competences of emotional intelligence were emotional self-awareness, good selfassessment, self-control, transparency, ability to perform, empathy, service orientedness, inspirational leadership, ability to develop others and teamwork and collaboration skills. The conclusion of the study is that in the management of specialist knowledge in specialist organizations, matters such as interaction, individual attentiveness, empathy, ability to motivate and support, being present and enabling are highlighted. In a specialist organization a manager needs sufficient substance knowledge, purely emotional leadership is not sufficient. In specialist organizations, succeeding in knowledge management requires emotional intelligence, substance knowledge and transformational leadership. When these are combined by competent managers, they are able to motivate, focus on individuals and enable development.
  • Hytönen, Iina (2019)
    Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoitus on tarkastella altistavia tekijöitä utaretulehdukselle umpiaikana ja seuraavalla lypsykaudella, sekä löytää management-suosituksia, joilla kyseisen ajan utaretulehdusriskiä voidaan vähentää. Utaretulehdus on lypsylehmän merkittävin tuotannollinen sairaus. Edellisestä laktaatiosta persistoivilla utaretulehduksilla, sekä ummessaoloaikana hankituilla uusilla infektioilla, on suuri rooli seuraavan lypsykauden utareterveyteen. Siksi onkin tärkeää ymmärtää ummessaoloaikana esiintyvien utaretulehduksien epidemiologiaa ja utareen infektoitumiselle altistavia tekijöitä. Utareterveyden kannalta ummessaoloajan tavoite onkin sekä parantaa olemassa olevat tulehdukset että estää uudelleen infektoituminen. Umpiaikana käytetään pitkävaikutteisia intramammaariantibiootteja edellisessä laktaatiossa esiintyneiden utaretulehduksien hoitoon ja uusien infektioiden ehkäisyyn. Tuotantoeläinten antibioottien käyttöä tulisi nykyisestä antibioottiresistenssitilanteesta johtuen vähentää, joten on tärkeää ymmärtää, kuinka uusien utaretulehduksien syntymistä voi ehkäistä ilman lääkkeitä. Nykyiset umpeutussuositukset pohjautuvat pitkälti tutkimuksiin, joiden lehmät olivat huomattavasti matalatuottoisempia kuin tänä päivänä. Suositukset eivät siis välttämättä enää päde 2000-luvun lypsylehmälle. Maidon korkea somaattinen soluluku, utaretulehdus edellisessä laktaatiossa, ja korkea poikimakerta altistavat utaretulehdukselle ummessaoloaikana ja poikimisen jälkeen. Vaurioituneet vetimenpäät ja keratiinitulpattomat avoimet vedinkanavat altistavat neljännestä utaretulehdukselle ummessaoloaikana ja seuraavalla lypsykaudella. Korkean maidontuotoksen on puolestaan havaittu hidastavan keratiinitulpan muodostumista vedinkanavaan. Myös korkea kuntoluokka sekä pitkä maidossaoloaika edellisessä laktaatiossa voivat altistaa utaretulehdukselle seuraavalla lypsykaudella. Umpikauden konventionaalinen pituus on 6-8 viikkoa, koska lyhyempi tai väliinjätetty umpikausi laskee tuotosta seuraavassa laktaatiossa. Lyhyempään umpikauteen on kuitenkin ollut kiinnostusta, koska sen on ajateltu tuovan lisätuloja loppulypsykauden pidentyessä, sekä sallivan paremman energiatasapainon lehmälle poikimisen jälkeen. Umpikauden pituuden vaihtelun ei ole havaittu vaikuttavan merkittävästi utareterveyteen, joskin alue vaatii lisää tutkimuksia. Umpeenpanohetken korkean maidontuotoksen on havaittu altistavan utaretulehdukselle umpeenpanon jälkeen ja lisäävän riskiä maidonvaluttamiseen. Maidontuotosta voidaan laskea ennen umpeenpanoa asteittaisella lypsynlopettamisella sekä ruokinnan rajoittamisella. Lypsyn äkillinen lopettaminen umpeutettaessa lehmiä on yleinen käytäntö maailmalla, mutta siitä aiheutuu kipua ja epämukavuutta nykyajan korkeatuottoisille lehmille. Ruokinnan rajoittamisessa tulee kiinnittää huomiota siihen, että lehmille tarjotaan riittävästi rehua ja ravintoaineita, jotta niiden hyvinvointi ei vaaraudu umpeutuksen aikana. Umpeutuksen yhteydessä annosteltavien umpituubien laitossa osittainen insertio vähentää utaretulehdusriskiä ummessaoloaikana ja seuraavalla lypsykaudella. Ummessaoloaikana lehmien ruokintaan ja elinolosuhteisiin tulee kiinnittää huomiota. Umpilehmien kuntoluokkia tulee tarkkailla rutiinisti, koska ylikuntoutuneiden lehmien utareterveyttä vaarantaa ketoosin ja poikimahalvauksen lisääntynyt esiintyvyys. Umpiosasto tulee sijoittaa siten, että päivittäinen panostus lehmien utareiden tarkkailuun ja olosuhteiden puhtaanapitoon on helppoa. Poikimakarsinan puhtaus ja siivoaminen jokaisen poikimisen jälkeen vähentää utaretulehduksen esiintyvyyttä seuraavalla lypsykaudella.