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  • Saarinen, Jade Luna (2018)
    Aims. The aim of my research was to study the use of social media of 15–17 year old Finnish teenagers and what effects social media has on them. Earlier studies have shown that an average Finnish teenager uses social media approximately 15 hours during a week. It has also been studied that the social media has an effect on self-esteem. I chose social media and it’s effects on teenagers as my research subject because as a phenomenom the social media is rather young, which is why there has not been done many Finnish studies focusing on the teenagers’ social media use. My research assignment is to find out what kind of social media users teenagers are and what kind of effects social media has on their self experiences. Methods. The study was qualitative and 45 teenagers from age 15 to 17 participated in it. The data was collected with an internet questionnaire which was shared through social media, and it contained mainly open questions. The data was analysed by using qualitative data-based content analysis. Results and conclusions. Most of the teenagers used social media 3–4 hours daily or more. It was used for entertainment, for finding information, communication, current affairs, sharing one’s own life experiences and for finding inspiration, among other things. Almost half of the teenagers were bullied over social media. Appearance was also essential in the social media. Social media created ideals for appearance for teenagers and set them under critique, gave them false image of reality and made the teenagers look for the acceptance through outlooks. 31 of them had gotten positive comments on their appearance from social media and 13 had gotten negative comments. Those comments had an impact on the teenagers’ self-esteem, mood and feelings. Teenagers had also objects of identification and admiration in social media, such as videobloggers, artists, models and their own friends, and they were influenced by them. They felt that social media had many positive and negative effects on their lives. Positive effects were the rise of self-esteem, being more brave in expressing one’s own opinion, the possibilities of keeping in touch with other people and being the source of inspiration, motivation and information, among other things. The negative effects were the social media taking too much time and creating pressure, its bad effect on physical condition and sleep, distortion of self-image, the mean people and the need to be always within reach, among other things. The results of this study implicate that the social media has a comprehensive effect on the lives of the teenagers and their self experiences.
  • Saarinen, Jade Luna (2018)
    Aims. The aim of my research was to study the use of social media of 15–17 year old Finnish teenagers and what effects social media has on them. Earlier studies have shown that an average Finnish teenager uses social media approximately 15 hours during a week. It has also been studied that the social media has an effect on self-esteem. I chose social media and it’s effects on teenagers as my research subject because as a phenomenom the social media is rather young, which is why there has not been done many Finnish studies focusing on the teenagers’ social media use. My research assignment is to find out what kind of social media users teenagers are and what kind of effects social media has on their self experiences. Methods. The study was qualitative and 45 teenagers from age 15 to 17 participated in it. The data was collected with an internet questionnaire which was shared through social media, and it contained mainly open questions. The data was analysed by using qualitative data-based content analysis. Results and conclusions. Most of the teenagers used social media 3–4 hours daily or more. It was used for entertainment, for finding information, communication, current affairs, sharing one’s own life experiences and for finding inspiration, among other things. Almost half of the teenagers were bullied over social media. Appearance was also essential in the social media. Social media created ideals for appearance for teenagers and set them under critique, gave them false image of reality and made the teenagers look for the acceptance through outlooks. 31 of them had gotten positive comments on their appearance from social media and 13 had gotten negative comments. Those comments had an impact on the teenagers’ self-esteem, mood and feelings. Teenagers had also objects of identification and admiration in social media, such as videobloggers, artists, models and their own friends, and they were influenced by them. They felt that social media had many positive and negative effects on their lives. Positive effects were the rise of self-esteem, being more brave in expressing one’s own opinion, the possibilities of keeping in touch with other people and being the source of inspiration, motivation and information, among other things. The negative effects were the social media taking too much time and creating pressure, its bad effect on physical condition and sleep, distortion of self-image, the mean people and the need to be always within reach, among other things. The results of this study implicate that the social media has a comprehensive effect on the lives of the teenagers and their self experiences.
  • Ryynänen, Lilli (2019)
    My Bachelor's thesis is a qualitative study which aims to identify the early childhood education teacher’s ideas of the self-esteem of 3 – 5 years and the importance of a healthy self-esteem. In addition, the study examines the way in which early childhood education contributes to the healthy self-esteem of children, which may possibly be an obstacle to its development and the influence of the home culture on the development of children's self-esteem. A few previous studies have been found in support of self-esteem in early childhood education. In Finland, the most extensive research on this subject is the thesis of Päivi Koivisto from 2007, "Yksilöllistä huomiota arkisissa tilanteissa”: Developing a Kindergarten culture to strengthen the self-esteem of childrens. The data for my thesis was gathered from three Southern Finnish municipalities in late 2018. The Material was collected by interviewing five qualified early childhood teachers. Interviews were conducted through thematic interviews. The Material is analysed by using the phenomenographic analytical method. The Results show that each interviewee knew the basics of self-esteem, and they taught that supporting a healthy self-esteem is an important task in everyday life. They felt that the development of the healthy self-esteem of children was best supported by a bracing meeting, positive interaction and by highlighting the strengths of the children. The importance of cooperation with parents is important. With that we can support parent’s own self-esteem or parenthood, as well as making visible children's strengths. Although the interviewee felt the importance of supporting a healthy self-esteem, they felt that the demanding of educational work effects so that educators couldn’t daily face the children, because of hurry and exhaustion, so that it would support the development of a healthy self-esteem. Every interviewee experienced a major challenge in the work of incompetent or unprofessional educators who may not have the skill or interest to confront and interact with children in order to support children's self-esteem. Due to the parent’s personal problems, children face with more challenges in the foundations of self-esteem. In the case of these children, the interviewns highlighted routines and the need for safe, reliable, sensitive and supportive adults in the everyday life of early childhood education.
  • Laasonen, Eeva-Kaisa (2023)
    Tutkielmani tavoitteena oli selvittää varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan työlle asetettuja velvoitteita ja niiden vaikutusta riittämättömyyden tunteen kokemiseen. Tavoitteena oli myös selvittää mitkä yksilölliset tekijät voivat vaikuttaa riittämättömyyden tunteiden yleisempään kokemiseen. Riittämättömyyden tunteen vaikutukset tulevan varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan työhön ja tunteeseen suhtautuminen olivat myös keskeisessä osassa tutkielmaa. Tutkielmani menetelmänä oli autoetnografinen tutkimus, jossa aineistona olivat omat kokemukseni, tietoisuus itsestä ja itsereflektointi. Kiinnostukseni henkilöstön näkökulmaan pohjautui aikaisempaan koulutukseeni ja työkokemukseeni henkilöstöhallinnon tehtävistä. Aihe tuntui myös itselleni läheiseltä, koska olen itsekin kokenut tulevaan työhöni liittyen riittämättömyyden tunteita. Halusin käsitellä riittämättömyyden tunteita tarkemmin, jotta töissä pystyisin kohtaamaan ne paremmin ja tunnistamaan niiden vaikutukset. Tutkielmani tuloksissa varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan työhön keskeisesti liittyviksi velvoitteiksi rajattiin Varhaiskasvatussuunnitelman perusteiden (2022) pohjalta oppimisen alueet, lapsen tuen tarpeet, lapsen varhaiskasvatussuunnitelma sekä toiminnan arviointi ja kehittäminen. Autoetnografisten kuvausten pohjalta riittämättömyyttä oli koettu osittain kaikissa edellä mainituissa osa-alueissa paitsi toiminnan arvioinnissa ja kehittämisessä. Riittämättömyyden tunteiden yleisempään kokemiseen liittyviä yksilöllisiä tekijöitä käsiteltiin tunnelukkojen, itsetuntemuksen, minäkuvan, itseluottamuksen sekä itseen ja muihin asennoitumiseen pohjautuen. Autoetnografisissa kuvauksissa tunnistettiin osittain oma mahdollinen vaativuuden tunnelukko, johon on hyvä kiinnittää huomiota. Muiden yksilöllisten tekijöiden yhteyttä riittämättömyyden kokemuksiin ei omissa kuvauksissa tunnistettu. Teoriaan pohjautuvien tulkintojen ja autoetnografisten kuvausten pohjalta riittämättömyyden tunne voi vaikuttaa negatiivisesti tulevan varhaiskasvatuksen opettajan työssä jaksamiseen, töiden vuorovaikutussuhteisiin ja työn tekemiseen. Riittämättömyyden tunteesta ei kuitenkaan pidä päästä eroon vaan pyrkiä kohtaamaan tunteet hyväksyvästi. Tunteiden hyväksymisen apuna voisi toimia itsemyötätunto ja vahvuuksien huomioiminen riittämättömyyden tunteiden vastapainoksi.
  • Myllärniemi, Mimosa (2018)
    Tutkimuksessa tarkastelen sitä, mitä tehtäviä uskonnollisen kuvan sisältävät vaatteet saavat pukeutujien symbolisessa toiminnassa. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu internetsivustoilta kerätyistä keskusteluista ja niistä valikoiduista kommenteista, joissa pukeutujat ilmaisevat, vaatevalintansa taustalla olevia syitä. Olen koonnut aineiston 36 eri verkkosivulta tai -keskustelusta ja tutkimuskysymyksen kannalta relevantteja kommentteja valikoitui aineistoon yhteensä 147 kappaletta. Lähestyn tutkimuksessa uskonnollisen kuvan sisältävää vaatetta symbolina, joka pystyy siihen liittyvien merkitysten välityksellä herättämään ja aktivoimaan käyttäjässään ja katsojassaan konnotaatioita eli erilaisia elämyksellisiä prosesseja kuten mielikuvia, merkityksiä, muistoja ja tunteita. Teoreettisissa taustaluvuissa rakennan ymmärrystä uskonnollisen kuvan sisältävästä vaatteesta ensin uskonnolliseen kuvaan nivoutuvan symbolisen toiminnan kautta; osana ihmisten elettyjä uskontoa ja osana kulttuureja, joissa sekulaarit toimijat liittävät kuviin uusia merkityksiä. Uskonnollista kuvaa käsittelevien lukujen jälkeen tuon mukaan symbolisen vuorovaikutuksen näkökulman, joka kuvaa vaatteen välityksellä tapahtuvaa inhimillistä symbolista toimintaa. Symbolisessa vuorovaikutuksessa pukeutujat liittävät itseensä merkityksiä ja asemoituvat suhteessa kulttuurisiin ja henkilökohtaisiin ambivalensseihin, ilmaisevat itseään, hallinnoivat minään liitettäviä mielikuvia ja toimivat suhteessa itseensä ylläpitääkseen eheää minäkäsitystä. Olen eritellyt aineistosta on teoriasidonnaisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin kaksi symbolisen toiminnan muotoa, joissa uskonnollista kuvastoa sisältävien vaatteiden käyttöä voidaan ymmärtää. Vaatteet ovat toisaalta välineitä symbolisen vuorovaikutuksen prosesseissa, joissa pukeutujat hallinnoivat minäänsä ja siihen liitettäviä mielikuvia uskontojen, muotien ja populaarikulttuurien sekä alakulttuurien ja tyylien merkitysverkostoissa. Toisaalta vaatteet asettuvat osaksi symbolista toimintaa, jossa keskeistä on vuorovaikutuksen sijaan ne elämykselliset prosessit, joita pukeutujat voivat vaatteen välityksellä tavoittaa. Uskonnollisen kuvan sisältävä vaate voi olla paitsi toiminnan väline, se voi herättämiensä konnotaatioiden kautta toimia suhteessa pukeutujaan liikuttamalla tunteita, suuntaamalla ajatuksia kohti sekä tekemällä läsnä olevaksi pukeutujan elämäntarinan, minäkuvan ja todellisuuden jäsentämisen kannalta keskeisiä kertomuksia kuten suhteita, ideoita, uskomuksia tai muistoja.
  • Myllärniemi, Mimosa (2018)
    Tutkimuksessa tarkastelen sitä, mitä tehtäviä uskonnollisen kuvan sisältävät vaatteet saavat pukeutujien symbolisessa toiminnassa. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu internetsivustoilta kerätyistä keskusteluista ja niistä valikoiduista kommenteista, joissa pukeutujat ilmaisevat, vaatevalintansa taustalla olevia syitä. Olen koonnut aineiston 36 eri verkkosivulta tai -keskustelusta ja tutkimuskysymyksen kannalta relevantteja kommentteja valikoitui aineistoon yhteensä 147 kappaletta. Lähestyn tutkimuksessa uskonnollisen kuvan sisältävää vaatetta symbolina, joka pystyy siihen liittyvien merkitysten välityksellä herättämään ja aktivoimaan käyttäjässään ja katsojassaan konnotaatioita eli erilaisia elämyksellisiä prosesseja kuten mielikuvia, merkityksiä, muistoja ja tunteita. Teoreettisissa taustaluvuissa rakennan ymmärrystä uskonnollisen kuvan sisältävästä vaatteesta ensin uskonnolliseen kuvaan nivoutuvan symbolisen toiminnan kautta; osana ihmisten elettyjä uskontoa ja osana kulttuureja, joissa sekulaarit toimijat liittävät kuviin uusia merkityksiä. Uskonnollista kuvaa käsittelevien lukujen jälkeen tuon mukaan symbolisen vuorovaikutuksen näkökulman, joka kuvaa vaatteen välityksellä tapahtuvaa inhimillistä symbolista toimintaa. Symbolisessa vuorovaikutuksessa pukeutujat liittävät itseensä merkityksiä ja asemoituvat suhteessa kulttuurisiin ja henkilökohtaisiin ambivalensseihin, ilmaisevat itseään, hallinnoivat minään liitettäviä mielikuvia ja toimivat suhteessa itseensä ylläpitääkseen eheää minäkäsitystä. Olen eritellyt aineistosta on teoriasidonnaisen sisällönanalyysin keinoin kaksi symbolisen toiminnan muotoa, joissa uskonnollista kuvastoa sisältävien vaatteiden käyttöä voidaan ymmärtää. Vaatteet ovat toisaalta välineitä symbolisen vuorovaikutuksen prosesseissa, joissa pukeutujat hallinnoivat minäänsä ja siihen liitettäviä mielikuvia uskontojen, muotien ja populaarikulttuurien sekä alakulttuurien ja tyylien merkitysverkostoissa. Toisaalta vaatteet asettuvat osaksi symbolista toimintaa, jossa keskeistä on vuorovaikutuksen sijaan ne elämykselliset prosessit, joita pukeutujat voivat vaatteen välityksellä tavoittaa. Uskonnollisen kuvan sisältävä vaate voi olla paitsi toiminnan väline, se voi herättämiensä konnotaatioiden kautta toimia suhteessa pukeutujaan liikuttamalla tunteita, suuntaamalla ajatuksia kohti sekä tekemällä läsnä olevaksi pukeutujan elämäntarinan, minäkuvan ja todellisuuden jäsentämisen kannalta keskeisiä kertomuksia kuten suhteita, ideoita, uskomuksia tai muistoja.
  • Ryynänen, Lilli (2023)
    My Master's thesis is a qualitative study, the purpose of which is to find out how teachers working in pre-primary and in the early stages of basic education the importance of self-esteem and how they recognise the differences between healthy and weak self-esteem in children. I will also try to find out what methods are they using to support the development of children's healthy self-esteem and what they perceive as potentially damaging factors for children's self-esteem in the learning environment in both pre-primary and early- elementary education. I want answers to these questions because self-esteem has a significant impact on a child's development and life. I collected research data from seven teachers who work in different preschools and early-elementary schools. By Early-elementary school I mean the first and second grade of elementary school. The research material was collected using thematic interviews. The interviews were conducted during October and November 2022. I analysed my research data using the phenomenographic method of analysis. The research shows that all interviewed teachers were aware of the basics of self-esteem formation. They were able to distinguish between healthy and poor self-esteem based on children's behaviour and felt that supporting healthy self-esteem was an important part of their daily work. According to the interviewed teachers, healthy self-esteem promotes among other things a better future for children and affects learning and motivation. The teachers felt that strength-based teaching, positive interaction and creating a safe environment are the best ways to promote children's self-esteem. They also emphasized the importance of professional support and cooperation because it enables providing the necessary help to children, which also increases the teachers' own competence and well-being at work. Although supporting healthy self-esteem is important, challenges related to working conditions and the teacher's own problems can prevent teachers from supporting each child in a way that would promote the development of children's healthy self-esteem. Every teacher interviewed cited a negative atmosphere as a barrier to children's self-esteem development. In addition, challenges faced by teachers that have a negative impact on professionalism, such as fatigue and teachers' personal problems, were perceived to have a negative impact on children's self-esteem. Lack of resources, time pressure on teachers, and neglecting children's challenges were also identified as significant problems.
  • Ryynänen, Lilli (2023)
    My Master's thesis is a qualitative study, the purpose of which is to find out how teachers working in pre-primary and in the early stages of basic education the importance of self-esteem and how they recognise the differences between healthy and weak self-esteem in children. I will also try to find out what methods are they using to support the development of children's healthy self-esteem and what they perceive as potentially damaging factors for children's self-esteem in the learning environment in both pre-primary and early- elementary education. I want answers to these questions because self-esteem has a significant impact on a child's development and life. I collected research data from seven teachers who work in different preschools and early-elementary schools. By Early-elementary school I mean the first and second grade of elementary school. The research material was collected using thematic interviews. The interviews were conducted during October and November 2022. I analysed my research data using the phenomenographic method of analysis. The research shows that all interviewed teachers were aware of the basics of self-esteem formation. They were able to distinguish between healthy and poor self-esteem based on children's behaviour and felt that supporting healthy self-esteem was an important part of their daily work. According to the interviewed teachers, healthy self-esteem promotes among other things a better future for children and affects learning and motivation. The teachers felt that strength-based teaching, positive interaction and creating a safe environment are the best ways to promote children's self-esteem. They also emphasized the importance of professional support and cooperation because it enables providing the necessary help to children, which also increases the teachers' own competence and well-being at work. Although supporting healthy self-esteem is important, challenges related to working conditions and the teacher's own problems can prevent teachers from supporting each child in a way that would promote the development of children's healthy self-esteem. Every teacher interviewed cited a negative atmosphere as a barrier to children's self-esteem development. In addition, challenges faced by teachers that have a negative impact on professionalism, such as fatigue and teachers' personal problems, were perceived to have a negative impact on children's self-esteem. Lack of resources, time pressure on teachers, and neglecting children's challenges were also identified as significant problems.
  • Karjalainen, Henri (2016)
    The qualities required for achieving expert performance and for developing expertise have been researched a lot. According to the expertise theory and the theory of achieving expert performance, at least 10 years’ practice is needed to become a master in one’s own field. Especially being aware of one’s own strengths is seen as an important prerequisite for succeeding in sports and achieving expert performance. Part of important mental characteristics of a driver in autosports are good self-esteem and self-confidence (Pahkinen 2007, 17–18). A good self-concept in its turn is a significant part of good self-esteem. The purpose of the study was to find out what characteristics young drivers consider important for the success in autosports and how they experience their own skill level in relation to these characteristics. In this study the drivers assess themselves and their own skills in autosports. The AKK-Motorsport’s national junior team group, who represent Finnish top level in their own field, was chosen as the target of the study. Thirteen drivers aged 13 to 21 participated in the study with four of them racing in touring and formula series and nine in different karting series. The questionnaire with open-space questions about the drivers’ background and likert-scaled questions about their different characteristics were used as study material. The average results of the participants’ own characteristics and the characteristics considered important were compared with each other using Spearman’s correlation coefficient. The reliability of the analysis was examined with the help of Cronbach alfa. The characteristics that were regarded as the most important were driving skills, the will to win and self-confidence whereas drivers’ external support groups were least appreciated. Older and more experienced drivers considered their own skills better than younger and less experienced ones. Many of the characteristics that were valued the most important were psychical skills, which indicates that mental skills are a significant factor in autosports. Mental training, awareness of one’s own self-concept and the boosting of self-confidence are important qualities to be taken into consideration in autosports in addition to physical practice and the training of driving skills.
  • Rautio, Iina (2016)
    There has been done some research on the relationship between girls and media before, but the amount of current studies is very little because of the vast change of media culture. Also the perspective of these researches has rarely been in the girls them selves. Thereby the porpoise of this research is to enlighten sixth grade girls’ perspectives on the phenomenon at hand. The goal is to find out how these girls’ interpret the female image of visual media culture and how media effects on the development of their self-image. Girls’ thoughts on the necessity of media education are also in a significant role. Theme interview that was done in groups was the method that was used in this research to collect the data. Sixteen sixth grade girls were interviewed in five interview groups. Three base materials representing visual media culture were used in the theme interviews. The collected data was analyzed by theory-guided content analysis. The data was categorized mostly to themes that rose from the interviews and and results were compared to the theoretical framework. The results of this research were divided into three broader themes that were convergent with the research questions. First of all the girls analyzed and interpreted the female im-age of media culture. Sexualization was clearly seen in all of the base materials, but the girls reacted more disapprovingly to the material that was closet to their own everyday context. It is easier for the girls to accept sexualization in public media culture, where the objectification of women has become an ordinary phenomenon. Secondly the girls dis-cussed medias influence on their self-esteem. The girls expressed how they get inspired through the pictures they see in media and discussed on the meaning it has on their clothing and appearance ideals. They make purchase decisions and admire sporty bod-ies through media, yet the true influence was hard to recognize for some of the girls. Be-cause of the many effects that media has, the girls think that issues related to it should also be talked about in school. Especially the risks and problematic situations that media contains were seen as something that should be dealt with together. All in all the sixth grade girls showed as skillful agents of media culture, for whom social media especially is a significant part of every day life.
  • Rautio, Iina (2016)
    There has been done some research on the relationship between girls and media before, but the amount of current studies is very little because of the vast change of media culture. Also the perspective of these researches has rarely been in the girls them selves. Thereby the porpoise of this research is to enlighten sixth grade girls' perspectives on the phenomenon at hand. The goal is to find out how these girls' interpret the female image of visual media culture and how media effects on the development of their self-image. Girls' thoughts on the necessity of media education are also in a significant role. Theme interview that was done in groups was the method that was used in this research to collect the data. Sixteen sixth grade girls were interviewed in five interview groups. Three base materials representing visual media culture were used in the theme interviews. The collected data was analyzed by theory-guided content analysis. The data was categorized mostly to themes that rose from the interviews and and results were compared to the theoretical framework. The results of this research were divided into three broader themes that were convergent with the research questions. First of all the girls analyzed and interpreted the female image of media culture. Sexualization was clearly seen in all of the base materials, but the girls reacted more disapprovingly to the material that was closet to their own everyday context. It is easier for the girls to accept sexualization in public media culture, where the objectification of women has become an ordinary phenomenon. Secondly the girls discussed medias influence on their self-esteem. The girls expressed how they get inspired through the pictures they see in media and discussed on the meaning it has on their clothing and appearance ideals. They make purchase decisions and admire sporty bodies through media, yet the true influence was hard to recognize for some of the girls. Be-cause of the many effects that media has, the girls think that issues related to it should also be talked about in school. Especially the risks and problematic situations that media contains were seen as something that should be dealt with together. All in all the sixth grade girls showed as skill-full agents of media culture, for whom social media especially is a significant part of every day life.
  • Bauer, Laura (2015)
    The aim of this study was to examine 6th graders' self-esteem and find out what kind of factors in the school environment are interrelated with it. This study examined interrelation between self-esteem and gender, learning difficulties, school value, school satisfaction, teacher's behavior, being bullied and participating in bullying. These different variables were chosen based on previous studies about self-esteem. The aim is to gain better understanding of the different factors that influence students' self-esteem in the school environment and therefore provide help for teachers battling with issues regarding self-esteem enhancement. The data was collected in the spring of 2013 as part of the Mind the Gap -project. Participants (n=735) were 6th grades from 33 different schools. Three different groups according to self-esteem were formed: weak, mediocre, and strong self-esteem in relation to other respondents. Relations between self-esteem and other variables were examined by Pearson's product-moment coefficient and Independent-Samples T test was used to examine differences between genders. Finally two-way ANOVAs were conducted to investigate self-esteem and gender differences regarding the different variables. According to the results 6th graders evaluated their self-esteem as relatively good. Boys reported better self-esteem than girls. However the boys also experienced more learning difficulties and took part in bullying more than girls. Girls' reported their school value, on the other hand, higher than boys'. There were no differences between genders in school satisfaction, experiencing teacher's behavior nor being bullied. The effect of self-esteem was clearly higher than the effect of gender on all the variables. Also an interaction effect of self-esteem and gender was found regarding being bullied. In the mediocre self-esteem group boys experienced more bullying than girls. The boys of the mediocre self-esteem group also participated in bullying the most.
  • Partanen, Eeva (2017)
    Aims. The aim of this dissertation is to present definitions of self-esteem and try to create one based on the definitions presented. The concept of self-esteem comes up in everyday talk rather often and here the purpose is to present a reasoned definition to it. The theoretical framework is based on motivation theory. One could say that my prior knowledge on motivation has influenced the way self-esteem is defined. Self-esteem is an aspect in life, which relates to the self and to well-being. To explore the concept better, I have looked for research on self-esteem. I will introduce the reader to the process of defining concepts firstly, and then present the definitions of self-esteem and its neighboring concepts. Methods. The material for this Bachelor's thesis consists of seven volumes published in the years 1965-2015. The material is both in Finnish and in English. I searched search engines by the words self-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-consciousness. I found a master’s thesis by the year 2015, which handled self-esteem. My material consists of books and articles, which I have mainly found from the list of sources of the dissertation and also of one article that emerged in the seminar of the Bachelor’s thesis. I analyzed the material by using the analysis of ideas. I investigated what kind of meanings the researchers gave to self-esteem. The analysis also has traits of phenomenography and qualitative metasynthesis. Phenomenography means that you describe the conceptions that someone, in this case researchers, have of a phenomena and qualitative metasynthesis means that you present information in a more structured manner. Conclusions. A person creates an image of the self on the base of her traits and behavior. She also forms an evaluation of her own worth and skills. The former is a self-image and the latter is self-esteem. Self-esteem is a feeling, a way of behaving and an attitude. Self-esteem is also a subconscious aspect. Therefore, you necessarily do not realize the effects of your self-esteem. Self-esteem affects your well-being and behavior. Self-esteem needs a clear definition, because now there are differences in what researchers mean by self-esteem. The benefit of a definition for self-esteem is that in everyday life you can better handle problems.
  • Talmon, Anni (2015)
    Aims. Previous researches has suggested that the teacher can by evaluation and oral feedback affect students' self-content either in a positive or a negative way (Ihme, 2009, s. 59). The aim of this study was to research and analyze elementary school teachers' views and opinions about holistic evaluation, especially about discrepancies and authorities that appear in evaluation together with evaluation which develops student's self-content. The purpose of this study is to describe and develop evaluation that takes place in school and research the importance of supporting student's positive self-content in learning. Methods. The study was executed as a qualitative case study and all together three teacher took part in as cases. The data was collected by interviewing the teachers and by observing their oral feedback in the classroom. The data was analyzed using discourse-analysis. The analysis focused mostly for the teachers' interview data, which the observation data was meant to complete. Results and conclusions. The results of this study were that in spite of the age, gender or working-experience, all of the cases considered the importance of the versatile evaluation and that supports the development of student's self-content. The study was also suggesting that according the interview data the teachers' ideological thinking did not always extend into a practical level, but also the two traditions appearing in curriculum and the resources affected for the evaluation. For this reason this study suggest that the evaluation and development of students' self-content is a part of a wider social phenomenon. The study also suggested that teachers' evaluation did not always support students' self-content in a best possible way and for that reason teachers should put effort also for their own action while supporting the development of students positive self-content.
  • Kulmala, Siiri-Maija (2014)
    The purpose of this study is to explore information about the experiences of home economics teachers on their body image and appearance, and the effects that these factors have on their work. A person’s body image consists of many factors, of which appearance, body figure and experienced body mass are central to this study. As a school-subject, home economics deals with life management, which includes themes like coping with everyday life and nutrition awareness. Contemporary issues such as highlighted body awareness, everybody’s possibility to share what they view as a healthy lifestyle along with the changing conception of well-being make the position of home economics teachers, who teach these very topics, especially interesting. An authentic teacher is not in conflict with her teaching, is inspiring, respectful and appreciates her subject. How does a home economics teacher then position herself and her body in a functional classroom? The main research questions are 1. a) How do home economics teachers view their body image? 1. b) What factors affect their body image? 2. How are professionalism, teaching and acting in work community related to the experienced body image? This study focuses on personal and lived experiences and the data were collected using the qualitative theme interview method in the fall of 2014. The data were analysed with the qualitative content analysis method through clustering the experiences and aiming at local explaining. The participants had different experiences and their description remained somewhat shallow. The participating home economics teachers are mainly happy with their body or at least on their way to its acceptance. The essential factors affecting body image are overall well-being, a healthy lifestyle, factors related to mood and feedback from others. All of these factors can also be seen to relate partly to the teacher’s body. In accordance with contemporary culture, the participants view their body as changeable. For a home economics teacher, the body is an important work tool that cannot be in conflict with the substance matter being taught. It is an example body that signals the correct way to position oneself in a home economics environment when it comes to hygiene as well as overall practice. It is also a model of what a body can be like in this world. It is considered important to set an example of acceptance, presence and respect also through facial expressions and gestures. A home economics teacher is part of a work community and has a strong professional identity in which the body plays a minor role. Home economics teachers seem to have a separate professional body image. The role of the body in teaching is mostly constructed through personal reflection in the course of work experience – it is therefore essential to consider whether the position of the body in the work environment should be taken to account at an earlier point in the career.
  • Kulmala, Siiri-Maija (2014)
    The purpose of this study is to explore information about the experiences of home economics teachers on their body image and appearance, and the effects that these factors have on their work. A person's body image consists of many factors, of which appearance, body figure and experienced body mass are central to this study. As a school-subject, home economics deals with life management, which includes themes like coping with everyday life and nutrition awareness. Contemporary issues such as highlighted body awareness, everybody's possibility to share what they view as a healthy lifestyle along with the changing conception of well-being make the position of home economics teachers, who teach these very topics, especially interesting. An authentic teacher is not in conflict with her teaching, is inspiring, respectful and appreciates her subject. How does a home economics teacher then position herself and her body in a functional classroom? The main research questions are 1. a) How do home economics teachers view their body image? 1. b) What factors affect their body image? 2. How are professionalism, teaching and acting in work community related to the experienced body image? This study focuses on personal and lived experiences and the data were collected using the qualitative theme interview method in the fall of 2014. The data were analysed with the qualitative content analysis method through clustering the experiences and aiming at local explaining. The participants had different experiences and their description remained somewhat shallow. The participating home economics teachers are mainly happy with their body or at least on their way to its acceptance. The essential factors affecting body image are overall well-being, a healthy lifestyle, factors related to mood and feedback from others. All of these factors can also be seen to relate partly to the teacher's body. In accordance with contemporary culture, the participants view their body as changeable. For a home economics teacher, the body is an important work tool that cannot be in conflict with the substance matter being taught. It is an example body that signals the correct way to position oneself in a home economics environment when it comes to hygiene as well as overall practice. It is also a model of what a body can be like in this world. It is considered important to set an example of acceptance, presence and respect also through facial expressions and gestures. A home economics teacher is part of a work community and has a strong professional identity in which the body plays a minor role. Home economics teachers seem to have a separate professional body image. The role of the body in teaching is mostly constructed through personal reflection in the course of work experience – it is therefore essential to consider whether the position of the body in the work environment should be taken to account at an earlier point in the career.
  • Myrskylä, Nanna (2018)
    The purpose of this study is to investigate the change of craftmaker's self-concept after a diagnosis of physical disease or injury, and the meanings of crafts for physically ill or injured long-term craftmakers. In this study I use a term ”craftself-concept” to describe the craftmaker's self-concept of her/himself as a craftmaker. A Craftself-concept is a belief system of her/himself, that includes all the person's knowledge and skills of crafts. The research data consists of thematic interviews of four physically invalid women who all have different kind of backgrounds. All intervieweers have a different diagnosis of physical disease or injury and a long-term craft hobby. A Disease or injury has affected in their ability to function, which have affected, not only their lives, but their ways to do crafts as well. I have analysed the craftself-consept via themes: A change in craftmaking, change in a self-esteem, change in a feeling of capability and valuation. And the meanings of craft via themes: Pain relief, success experiences, expressional and social meanings. By analysing the chance in craftself-consept, there was a few common elements that could be found. In general, physical disease or injury does change a person's craftself-concept and strenghthens the meanings of crafts in their lives. A Physical disease or injury had changed the intervieweers ways to do crafts and it had also increased or decreased craftmaking significantly. It had affected to their self-esteems as craftmakers and their feeling of capability and valuations of crafts in a positive way. The intervieweers had also found a new meaning of making crafts: Pain relief. Craft making relieves the pain and feeling of illness, and it's good for a health in many ways.
  • Helle, Nelli; Helle, Nelli (2017)
    Aims. The aim of this study was to research the factors affecting self-concept in the first years of elementary school. The hypothesis behind the study was that the most influential factors behind a child's self-concept are parents' attitude towards school, support from teachers and difficulties in learning. The development of an academic self-concept in the first years of elementary school is crucial for the entire academic career and life. This is why the importance of the development of a pupil´s self-concept is mentioned in the aims of both the general curriculum and also in individual subject curriculum. In Finland, not a lot of research has been done to clarify the factors affecting the development of self-concept. The aim of this study was to summarize the existing research on the matter and to evaluate it in the form of a literal review. Methods. The method used in this research was a systematic literal review. Altogether ten studies that were done between 2010 and 2017 affiliating the subject was found using the most common databases of the library of the university of Helsinki. The studies that were found were systematically collected and also analysed in descriptive manner. Results and conclusions. The results of this research were in favour of the hypothesis since the themes, such as parents attitude towards school, teachers support and difficulties in learning, were constantly highlighted in the results. In addition, the themes affecting the development of self-concept such as the child´s gender, temperament and communication skills, were substantial. The purpose of this study was to give elementary school teachers tools to recognize the factors supporting and harming the development of self-concept. In the future, it is my plan to continue this research via a qualitative interview study which aims to investigate the factors affecting academic self-concept.
  • Kukkonen, Suvi (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Lapsen myönteinen kuva omasta itsestään auttaa häntä selviytymään vaikeista tilanteista, hyväksymään pettymyksen tunteita ja myös iloitsemaan omista onnistumisistaan. Lapsen minää on tutkittu vain vähän varhaiskasvatuksen kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli löytää keinoja ja ymmärrystä siitä, miten varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat voivat tukea lapsen myönteisen minän toteutumista varhaiskasvatuksessa. Tutkimuskysymyksinä olivat: (1) Miten aikuinen tukee lapsen myönteistä minää vuorovaikutustilanteissa? ja (2) Millaisissa vuorovaikutustilanteissa lapsi saa myönteisen minän tukemista? Menetelmät. Tutkimukseni tarkoitus oli löytää lapsen myönteisen minän tukemista varhaiskasvatuksen kontekstissa, joten päädyin toteuttamaan tutkimukseni laadullisena tutkimuksena. Aineistona oli 38.30 minuuttia videokuvaa päiväkodin tilanteista. Menetelmänä käytin videohavainnointia ja vuorovaikutusanalyysia. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Minä kehittyy ihmisten välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa. Tulokset osoittivat, että lapsen minää voidaan tukea niin verbaalisesti, kuin nonverbaalisesti hyödyntäen monia eri päiväkodin tilanteita.
  • Lee, Ilona (2023)
    Tutkielma käsittelee aseistakieltäytymistä ja aseistakieltäytyjiä Suomessa vuosina 1960-2015. Aihetta on Suomessa tutkittu vähän, vaikka miehiä koskeva asevelvollisuus on ollut Suomessa voimassa vuodesta 1922. Suomen kontekstissa tätä aihetta on tutkittu aikaisemmin muutamissa maisterintutkielmissa. Varusmiesliiton kannan mukaan nykyinen asevelvollisuus on syrjivä, ja sen tulisi koskea molempia sukupuolia. Asevelvollisuus koskettaa lähes jokaisen suomalaisen miehen elämää jossain vaiheessa. Tutkielmassa kysytään, miten aseistakieltäytyminen on vaikuttanut Aseettomat kädet- muistitietokeruuseen vastanneiden miesten minäkuvaan. Aineistoa ei ole aikaisemmin tutkittu. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, minkälaisia teemoja vastaajien kirjoituksissa tulee esiin, ja minkälaisia merkityksiä he antavat aseistakieltäytymiselle osana omaa minäkuvaansa. Vastausten tutkimuksessa hyödynnetään muistitietotutkimuksen, tunnehistorian sekä kokemushistorian piirteitä. Tutkimusaineisto on kerätty vuonna 2015 Aseistakieltäytyjäliiton, Itämerikeskussäätiön ja Työväen muistitietotoimikunnan toimesta. Vastaajien joukossa on eri ikäisiä aseistakieltäytyjiä, ja heihin kuuluu niin siviilipalvelusmiehiä, totaalikieltäytyjiä kuin aseettoman palveluksen suorittaneita. Vastaajia pyydettiin kirjoittamaan omista kokemuksistaan, vakaumuksestaan sekä aseistakieltäytymisprosessista, ja kuvaamaan muistojaan mahdollisimman tarkasti. Aineistossa esiintyy sekä vahvoja ulkopuolisuuden että yhteisöön kuulumisen kokemuksia. Pelko ulkopuolelle jäämisestä liittyy usein perheen ja ystävien suhtautumiseen. Osan vastaajista on ollut vaikea nähdä aseistakieltäytyminen muussa valossa kuin niiden narratiivien kautta joita he olivat oppineet. Nämä käsitykset aseistakieltäytymisestä liittyvät usein laiskuuteen, outouteen ja normaalin elämän ulkopuolelle jättäytymiseen. Yleisesti vastauksissa ilmenee kuitenkin ylpeyttä omasta rohkeudesta ja omasta tiestä, vaikka se olisikin poikennut normeista. Tärkeäksi hetkeksi vastaajien kertomuksissa nousee esiin vakaumuksentutkintamenettely, jossa ennen vuotta 1986 vastaajien täytyi todistaa oma vakaumuksensa viranomaismenettelyssä. Uudemmissa vastauksissa tärkeä murroskohta on siviilipalvelukoulutukseen osallistuminen, jossa vastaajat kohtasivat muita samassa tilanteessa olevia aseistakieltäytyjiä, ja kokivat heidän kanssaan sekä yhtenäisyyttä että erilaisuutta.