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Browsing by Subject "omaishoito"

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  • Rönkä, Anne (2019)
    Väestön ikääntyminen merkitsee sitä, että tarvitaan erilaisia ratkaisuja ikääntyvän väestön palvelujen ja hoivan järjestämiseksi. Ikäihmisten kotona asumista on pyritty edistämään tukipalvelujen ja omaishoidon kehittämisellä. Omaishoitajalla yleisesti tarkoitetaan henkilöä, joka pitää huolta perheenjäsenestään tai muusta läheisestään, joka sairauden, vammaisuuden tai muun seikan vuoksi ei selviydy arjestaan yksin. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin omaishoitosopimuksen kunnan kanssa tehneitä puoliso-omaishoitajia, jotka auttoivat omaa aviopuolisoaan, joka ei sairauden vuoksi kyennyt selviytymään kotona omatoimisesti. Tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää puolisoaan hoitavien, ikääntyvien omaishoitajien kokemuksellista hyvinvointia arjessa. Omaishoitajien hyvinvointia tarkasteltiin tutkimuksessa hyvinvoinnin ulottuvuuksien (sosiaaliset suhteet, itsensä toteuttaminen ja elintaso) avulla. Tutkimuksen empiirinen aineisto kerättiin puoliso-omaishoitajia haastatellen. Omaishoitajat olivat solmineet omaishoidon sopimuksen kunnan kanssa ja toimivat virallisina omaishoitajina puolisoilleen. Omaishoitajat hoitivat yli 65–vuotiaita puolisoitaan kotona. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoidulla teemahaastattelulla ja aineisto analysoitiin sisällön analyysimenetelmällä. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan omaishoitajien mahdollisuus vapaa-aikaan ja itsensä toteuttamiseen olivat vähentyneet omaishoidon myötä. Kaikilla omaishoitajilla ei ollut mahdollisuutta pitää kokonaisia päiviä vapaata hoivasta, jolloin vapaa-aika rajoittui lyhyisiin, muutamien tuntien pituisiin hetkiin. Omaishoitajien mahdollisuudet harrastaa olivat vähentyneet ja omia aikaisempia harrastuksia oli jätetty pois. Harrastuksia, joita voitiin toteuttaa kotona tai sen lähipiirissä oli useimmilla omaishoitajilla. Tutkimukseen osallistuneet omaishoitajat olivat hoitaneet puolisoa jo paljon ennen virallista omaishoitajuutta. Omaishoitajien sosiaaliset verkostot ja läheiset ihmissuhteet ovat omaishoitajille erittäin tärkeitä. Ilman läheisten ihmisten apua ja tukea ei omaishoitajan vapaapäivien pitäminen olisi onnistunut. Läheisten ihmisten tuki oli monipuolista ja auttoi omaishoitajia jaksamaan. Osalla omaishoitajista ei ollut ketään läheisiä ihmisiä, jotka olisivat voineet tulla omaishoitajan avuksi, jos apua olisi omaishoidon tilanteissa tarvittu. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan omaishoitajien saamat tukipalvelut omaishoitajat kokivat jokseenkin riittävinä omaan tilanteeseen nähden. Omaishoitajat toivoivat tukea ja asiantuntijatietoa muistisairaan puolison hoitoon ja sairaudesta johtuvien käytösongelmien käsittelemiseen. Omaishoidon toimintakeskuksen palvelut, vertaistukiryhmät ja muut ryhmät omaishoitajat kokivat erittäin tärkeiksi.
  • Luoma, Elisa (2020)
    Family caregiving refers to the organization of home care for an older adult, disabled or sick person with the assistance of a relative or other close person. The number of elderly carers (> 65 years) of all family garegivers is significant. There are challenges concerning family caregiving for the older adults, due to increased age is in connection with decreased physical performance and increased number of medications and polypharmacy. Despite these factors, there has been little research on the medication safety in the family caregiving among older adults. The aim of this Master's thesis was to identify factors influencing the ability of a caregiver to cope with the medication management of the older adults. These factors were divided into subgategories: factors associated a family caregiver, associated a care recipient and system-oriented factors. The research was conducted as a method triangulation, in which the data were collected through two interviews with home visits (n = 21) and related questionnaires. The questionnaire data were quantitatively analyzed by calculating the frequencies and relative frequencies. The transcribed interviews were analyzed by abductive content analysis, combining both deductive and inductive approach. James Reason's theory of human error was used as the theoretical framework. Caregiving families participating in this research were very different compared with each other. Some family caregivers and care recipients were in good physical condition while others were severely disabled. However, the situation of the families was not individually considered when considering appropriate support services for the families. The workload of family caregivers due to the pain and the absence of days off contributed to the difficulty of medication management. The foremost system-oriented challenges in the management of the medications were: 1) difficult for the families to reach the physician and 2) for those families where assisted home care helped the caregiver, the families were not satisfied with its functioning. Due to the poor availability of physicians and the lack of a family physician, there was no one in control of the medication as a whole and there was inadequate monitoring of the medication. In the assisted home care, challenges were caused by the fact that home care visits were conducted over a wide period of time, which created challenges for giving the medications. Carers do not receive sufficient support from the society for the management of the medications. The medication safety of the older adults in the family caregiving is particularly affected by the difficulty of reaching a physician, the inadequacy of support from the assisted home care, the failure to recognize the individuality of caregiving families, and the caregivers’ burden due to pain and lack of days off. Support for caregivers must be at the forefront of society in the future, so that caregivers can cope with heavy nursing care and complicated medications, even without excessive self-activity.
  • Luoma, Elisa (2020)
    Family caregiving refers to the organization of home care for an older adult, disabled or sick person with the assistance of a relative or other close person. The number of elderly carers (> 65 years) of all family garegivers is significant. There are challenges concerning family caregiving for the older adults, due to increased age is in connection with decreased physical performance and increased number of medications and polypharmacy. Despite these factors, there has been little research on the medication safety in the family caregiving among older adults. The aim of this Master's thesis was to identify factors influencing the ability of a caregiver to cope with the medication management of the older adults. These factors were divided into subgategories: factors associated a family caregiver, associated a care recipient and system-oriented factors. The research was conducted as a method triangulation, in which the data were collected through two interviews with home visits (n = 21) and related questionnaires. The questionnaire data were quantitatively analyzed by calculating the frequencies and relative frequencies. The transcribed interviews were analyzed by abductive content analysis, combining both deductive and inductive approach. James Reason's theory of human error was used as the theoretical framework. Caregiving families participating in this research were very different compared with each other. Some family caregivers and care recipients were in good physical condition while others were severely disabled. However, the situation of the families was not individually considered when considering appropriate support services for the families. The workload of family caregivers due to the pain and the absence of days off contributed to the difficulty of medication management. The foremost system-oriented challenges in the management of the medications were: 1) difficult for the families to reach the physician and 2) for those families where assisted home care helped the caregiver, the families were not satisfied with its functioning. Due to the poor availability of physicians and the lack of a family physician, there was no one in control of the medication as a whole and there was inadequate monitoring of the medication. In the assisted home care, challenges were caused by the fact that home care visits were conducted over a wide period of time, which created challenges for giving the medications. Carers do not receive sufficient support from the society for the management of the medications. The medication safety of the older adults in the family caregiving is particularly affected by the difficulty of reaching a physician, the inadequacy of support from the assisted home care, the failure to recognize the individuality of caregiving families, and the caregivers’ burden due to pain and lack of days off. Support for caregivers must be at the forefront of society in the future, so that caregivers can cope with heavy nursing care and complicated medications, even without excessive self-activity.
  • Karasti, Eveliina (2019)
    The amount of informal caregiving has increased in Finland, with a growing emphasis on the older adults. Although the medication management process in informal caregiving has been studied and is known to have significant risks, research data focusing on the older adults is still limited. The aim of this study was to describe the medication management process of informal carers and care recipients of at least 65 years old. The aim was to identify medication errors and medication risks in the medication management process and to find out how the caregivers manage them. In addition, the study examined the informal carers and care recipients own development proposals to improve medication management process. A total of 21 volunteer informal carers and care recipients living in the Helsinki metropolitan area were recruited to this study. The study was conducted as a qualitative interview survey in the homes of the participants. The interviews were a combination of semi-structured interviews and narrative approach. The material to this study was collected during spring and summer 2018. The study was analysed with abductive content analysis combining both deductive and inductive approach. The aim was to find repetitive elements by encoding and grouping expressions. The results of this study were compared with previous theory and the results were supplemented with a picture of the medication management process and a fishbone diagram was drawn from the risk factors and contributing factors of the medication management process. The families had medication errors in all stages of the medication management process. The most frequent medication errors were found in counselling, medication administration and in medication treatment monitoring. As a contributing factor, the healthcare professionals’ haste and the responsibility of the caregiver recurred in the background of the medication errors. Family caregivers and care recipients wish to have more counselling, more monitoring of medication and better interaction with health care. Carers often felt left alone to take care of another person's medications and felt they lack support from healthcare. By facilitating access to a physician, improving the availability of a physician, increasing the amount of counseling and support provided by healthcare, including pharmacies, could the safety of medication management at home be improved.