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  • Kelloniemi, Jarmo (2009)
    The objectives of this study was to investigate the cause of the local whiteness in AURAÒ blue cheese and to find the way which reduces the white cheeses. It was studied if white cheeses have a compact or open structure. White cheeses were classified as compact and open. Scanning electron microscopy was performed on compact, open and mouldy cheeses. Factors which cause compact cheese were also studied. At the beginning of blue cheese manufacturing, citrate was analysed at different time points in different vats. The aim was to make compact cheese in one of the trials. Cheese curd was broken before and after moulding. Alternative factors including the effect of addition of salt to the vat on reducing the amount of white cheeses was also studied. Other variables were the speed of the drying belt, heating of vat, the amount of vat whey and the different moulds were also studied. In addition it was studied how separation of whey affects to the amount of compact cheeses in the drying belt. Microbiological and chemical analyses as well as density and texture measurement were performed on the trials. Most of the white cheeses were compact and the small amount of white cheeses had an open structure. The compact cheeses had less mould and yeast than the mouldy cheeses. The pH was lower and the amount of free amino acids was less in the compact cheeses than the mouldy cheeses. The compact cheeses were more dense than the mouldy cheeses. Measurements from texture analyser showed that the hardness of compact cheese were greater and the fracturability of compact cheese was lower than the hardness or fracturability of mouldy cheese. There were no differences in the amount of citrates between days or vats. Broken cheese curd before moulding caused a more compact structure. The addition of salt in the vat did not affect the white cheeses. The compact cheeses decreased when the speed of the drying belt was reduced. With the use of the new mould, less compact cheeses were produced than with older mould. The removal of water from cheese curds is logarithmic the longer they are on an open drying belt. The compact cheese also decreased logarithmically when cheese curds were on drying belt from zero to ten seconds. There was a greater amount of compact cheeses after moulding in the vat.
  • Vehmaa, Saara (2016)
    This study has two major purposes. First to investigate factors which have a relationship to excellent and low grades in mathematics. Second to demonstrate how drawing method works with research of children’s conceptions. Previous studies have showed that some factor or factors have an effect on good or low grades in mathematics but there is no study, where factors are listed to factors of excelled achieved pupil or low achieved pupil. The other main purpose is to define, what kind of research method drawing method is and how it can be used in research of children’s conclusions and thoughts. With drawing method, it’s possible to produce unique content, which can’t be produced with other methods, for a research. Data for this study were collected with literature review. Literature was collected from databases of Helsinki university library and Google Scholar search engine. When there wasn’t an electronic material available, handbooks and other literature of Helsinki university library collections were used. Most used keywords were mathematics, mathematic achievement, grade, drawing method and visual method. Results of the study suggest that there are factors which have a relationship with excellent grades and low grades in mathematics. These factors are usually opposite to each other’s. Factors are pupil’s approach, temperament, emotions about mathematics, gender, month of birth, socioeconomic background and social role in classroom. Although gender has a contradictory relationship with grades in mathematics. The other main result was that drawing method is usable way to research pupils’ ideas and conclusions. Drawing method as a research method is easy way for children to show their thoughts. Children usually enjoy drawing and they don’t need to have very advanced verbal skills. That’s why it’s usable way to research children’s ideas of, for example, well achieved and low achieved pupil in mathematics.
  • Karhu, Susanna (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2001)
    Tutkimus käsitteli sian suolistosta eristettyjen maitohappobakteerien probioottiominaisuuksia. Tutkittavia osa-alueita olivat kyky sietää happamuutta ja sappea sekä antimikrobiset ominaisuudet. Lisäksi tutkimukseen kuului testikantojen 16S rRNA –geenien sekvensointi. Sekvensointi suoritettiin jokaisesta kannasta 16S rRNA-alueen PCR-tuotteista kahdellatoista eri alukkeella. Lactobacillus crispatus oli testikantojen joukossa vallitseva laji. Lisäksi mukana oli yksi Lactobacillus mucosae –kanta. Happamuuden sietoa testattiin pH-tasoilla 2 ja 4. Kontrolliliemen pH oli 6,2. Bakteerit sietivät hyvin pH-arvoa 4, mutta pH-arvossa 2 havaittiin selvä elinkyvyn heikkeneminen. Syitä laktobasillien huonoon kykyyn sietää happamuutta on ainakin kaksi: happamuus sinänsä sekä laktobasillien kasvuliemeensä tuottamien orgaanisten happojen dissosioitumisasteen muuttuminen happamassa ympäristössä. Jälkimmäisen syyn vaikutusta testattiin tekemällä yhdestä testikannasta rinnakkaisviljelmä, josta kasvuliemi poistettiin. Sapen sietokokeessa kontrolliviljelmien kasvua verrattiin kasvuun alustoilla, jotka sisälsivät 0,3 % kuivattua naudan sappea. Sappi ei aiheuttanut yhdellekään testikannalle merkittävää kasvunestoa, vaan pikemminkin näytti stimuloivan monien kantojen kasvua. Antimikrobisia ominaisuuksia etsittiin testikantojen kasvuliemistä. Kasvuliemiä, joista solut oli suodatettu pois, lisättiin E. coli -viljelmiin, ja viljelmien kasvua mitattiin 2 vrk:n ajan. Alhaisen pH:n inhiboiva vaikutus E. coli -bakteerin kasvuun tunnetaan, joten kokeessa käytettiin pH-kontrolleja. Yleisesti ottaen vaikutti siltä, että testikannoilla oli alhaisesta pH:sta riippumattomia antimikrobisia ominaisuuksia. Rinnakkaisnäytteiden niukan määrän vuoksi tieteellisesti päteviä johtopäätöksiä ei kuitenkaan voitu tehdä.