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Browsing by Subject "opettajat"

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  • Markkinen, Eeva (2019)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli selvittää puheterapeuttisen äänihygieniaintervention vaikutuksia puheammattilaisten äänihäiriöiden ehkäisyssä sekä äänihäiriöisten kuntoutuksessa. Aihetta on tutkittu eniten opettajilla, joiden ensisijainen työväline on ääni. Äänihygieniaa on käytetty osana äänihäiriöiden puheterapeuttista kuntoutusta ja myös äänier-gonomiaa. Halusin selvittää, miten äänihygieniainterventio vaikuttaa työikäisten äänihäiriöiden ennaltaehkäisyyn ja kuntoutukseen. Toiseksi halusin selvittää, miten äänihygieniainterventioita toteutetaan. Menetelmät. Tutkimus oli integroiva kirjallisuuskatsaus, jonka tarkoitus oli löytää jo olemassa olevasta tutkimustiedosta laadullisia vastauksia tutkimuskysymyksiini ja pohtia tiedonhaulla saatuja tuloksia. Hakulausekketta (”voice disorders” AND (vocal AND hygiene) AND intervention) käyttäen valitsin tutkimukseeni viisi tutkimusartikkelia. Käytin erilaisia ulossulkukriteerejä, niin että aineisto koostui työikäisille toteutetuista interventioista. Analysoin aineiston tutkimuskysymyksien perusteella relevantteihin osioihin ja taulukoin ne. Olettamukseni oli, että äänihygienian tiedostaminen vähentää jossain määrin puheammattilaisten äänihäiriöiden esiintyvyyttä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Äänihygieniainterventiot tuottivat hyvin erisuuntaisia tuloksia. Tulokset paranivat lähinnä koettua äänenlaatua ja äänihygieniatiedostamista mittaavissa itsearvioinneissa. Äänihuulissa muutoksia ei havaittu. Myös äänihygieniainterventioihin käytetty aika ja toteutukset poikkesivat toisistaan. Äänihygieniainterventioiden pitkäaikaista vaikutusta pitäisi tutkia, jotta saataisiin tietoa äänihygienian äänihäiriöitä ennaltaehkäisevistä vaikutuksista. Äänihygieniakoulutusta voisi sisällyttää mm. opettajien ja sotilasammattihenkilöiden koulutukseen, jotta näissä ammattiryhmissä työkykyä rajoittavien äänihäiriöiden oireisiin voitaisiin puuttua ajoissa.
  • Raudasoja, Ida-Maria (2022)
    Aims. The goal of my thesis is to find out how teachers teaching in vocational education and training (VET) understand inclusion in their own practices and how, according to their under- standing, inclusion is realized in different learning environments. For a long time, efforts have been made to introduce the principle of inclusivity into the education system, which is used to try to dismantle the paradigm of special education. However, inclusion is most often studied in the context of basic education, and the discussion about inclusion in the context of VET is not as lively. However, the same international and national obligations also apply to VET, so research would be equally needed in this context as well. Methods. The research data is part of the Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence (GIVE) project. The target group of this partial study consisted of 13 teachers from VET, whose thematic interviews formed the data. The themes of the interviews included the definition of inclusion, its appearance in practices and as an object of evaluation, as well as in documents and strategies. The data was analysed using phenomenography and abductive analysis. Results and Conclusions. Teachers understood inclusion through the ideals presented in official documents and through the implementation of laws and degree structures. However, many inclusive practices were found in the teachers' descriptions, especially through the preparation of personal competence development plan (PCDP) and the provision of support. For the most part, the teachers did not know how to verbalize these practices as part of inclusion. This could possibly be because there is not enough discussion about inclusion in VET, or that inclusion is spoken of under some other name, such as personalisation, participation, accessibility or support and guidance. The teachers hoped for a joint time to develop and unify various inclusive practices in both educational institutions and workplaces in order to create a common operating culture and develop inclusive structures. This is also strongly related to the development of the teachers' own competence, for which more support and sharing of competence was hoped for, as well as a stronger link to practical work.
  • Raudasoja, Ida-Maria (2022)
    Aims. The goal of my thesis is to find out how teachers teaching in vocational education and training (VET) understand inclusion in their own practices and how, according to their under- standing, inclusion is realized in different learning environments. For a long time, efforts have been made to introduce the principle of inclusivity into the education system, which is used to try to dismantle the paradigm of special education. However, inclusion is most often studied in the context of basic education, and the discussion about inclusion in the context of VET is not as lively. However, the same international and national obligations also apply to VET, so research would be equally needed in this context as well. Methods. The research data is part of the Governance for Inclusive Vocational Excellence (GIVE) project. The target group of this partial study consisted of 13 teachers from VET, whose thematic interviews formed the data. The themes of the interviews included the definition of inclusion, its appearance in practices and as an object of evaluation, as well as in documents and strategies. The data was analysed using phenomenography and abductive analysis. Results and Conclusions. Teachers understood inclusion through the ideals presented in official documents and through the implementation of laws and degree structures. However, many inclusive practices were found in the teachers' descriptions, especially through the preparation of personal competence development plan (PCDP) and the provision of support. For the most part, the teachers did not know how to verbalize these practices as part of inclusion. This could possibly be because there is not enough discussion about inclusion in VET, or that inclusion is spoken of under some other name, such as personalisation, participation, accessibility or support and guidance. The teachers hoped for a joint time to develop and unify various inclusive practices in both educational institutions and workplaces in order to create a common operating culture and develop inclusive structures. This is also strongly related to the development of the teachers' own competence, for which more support and sharing of competence was hoped for, as well as a stronger link to practical work.
  • Kunttu, Tiina (2014)
    Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a dual-focused teaching approach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language. It has gained increasing popularity in the European educational systems, but it still in the process of establishing it position in the field of language teaching. CLIL teachers have a demanding occupation and the teachers need many kind of skills that are needed in order to teach language and content simultaneously. CLIL teachers face problems like the lack of teaching materials, in-service training and support and mentoring and inadequate resources for teaching. According to the previous research it would be vital to provide extra hours for planning, preparing materials and collaboration and quality in-service training for CLIL teachers. The aim of this study is to examine what kind of problems CLIL teachers have encountered, what kind of solutions they have come up with those problems and what kind of support they would need in their work. This is a qualitative research. The data was collected via a questionnaire and five interviews. 24 CLIL teachers from Greater Helsinki answered the questionnaire and five of them were also interviewed. The data was analysed with the help of previous research. The solutions were analysed using content analysis. The problems CLIL teachers encountered were a lack of teaching materials, inadequate teaching resources, in-service and pre-service training, a lack of support and mentoring, problems with language and teaching language, collaboration and practical teaching work. The teachers solved problems they had encountered with colloquial collaboration, different classroom routines, in-service training and professional literature. They also supported the students' language learning and maintained their own language skills, shared experiences with their colleagues, prepared teaching materials themselves and in collaboration and adapted their teaching methods when needed. Teachers said that they would need better teaching materials, more teaching resources, more time for collaboration and discussion with their colleagues, better tailored in-service training, networking with other CLIL teachers and peer support in order to solve the problems they encounter in their work better.
  • Kunttu, Tiina (2014)
    Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) is a dual-focused teaching approach in which an additional language is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language. It has gained increasing popularity in the European educational systems, but it still in the process of establishing it position in the field of language teaching. CLIL teachers have a demanding occupation and the teachers need many kind of skills that are needed in order to teach language and content simultaneously. CLIL teachers face problems like the lack of teaching materials, in-service training and support and mentoring and inadequate resources for teaching. According to the previous research it would be vital to provide extra hours for planning, preparing materials and collaboration and quality in-service training for CLIL teachers. The aim of this study is to examine what kind of problems CLIL teachers have encountered, what kind of solutions they have come up with those problems and what kind of support they would need in their work. This is a qualitative research. The data was collected via a questionnaire and five interviews. 24 CLIL teachers from Greater Helsinki answered the questionnaire and five of them were also interviewed. The data was analysed with the help of previous research. The solutions were analysed using content analysis. The problems CLIL teachers encountered were a lack of teaching materials, inadequate teaching resources, in-service and pre-service training, a lack of support and mentoring, problems with language and teaching language, collaboration and practical teaching work. The teachers solved problems they had encountered with colloquial collaboration, different classroom routines, in-service training and professional literature. They also supported the students’ language learning and maintained their own language skills, shared experiences with their colleagues, prepared teaching materials themselves and in collaboration and adapted their teaching methods when needed. Teachers said that they would need better teaching materials, more teaching resources, more time for collaboration and discussion with their colleagues, better tailored in-service training, networking with other CLIL teachers and peer support in order to solve the problems they encounter in their work better.
  • Roos, Saga (2020)
    Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää opettajien kokemuksia ja ajatuksia liittyen e-oppimateriaaleihin opetuksessa. Keskeisenä tutkimuksessa on tutkia e-oppimateriaaleja koulun oppimateriaalina ja opettajan työvälineenä niin opetuksen suunnittelussa kuin toteutuksessakin. Tutkimuskysymyksiksi tutkimusaineiston perusteella muodostuivat: ”Mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat siihen hyödyntävätkö opettajat e-oppimateriaaleja?” ja ”Mitä kokemuksia opettajilla on e-oppimateriaaleista?” Peilaan opettajien kokemuksia osittain suhteessa perinteiseen oppimateriaaliin. Tarkoitus ei ole kuitenkaan asettaa e-oppimateriaaleja vastakkain perinteisten oppimateriaalien kanssa, vaan selvittää, mitä kokemuksia opettajilla on niistä uudempana oppimateriaalin muotona ja mitä vaikutuksia niillä on mahdollisesti ollut opetukseen. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Aineistona käytettiin suomalaista ja ulkomaalaista kirjallisuutta ja tutkimuskirjallisuutta sekä muuta aineistoa. Lähdeaineiston hakusanoina toimivat erityisesti ”e-oppimateriaali”, ”sähköinen oppimateriaali”, ”opettajat”, ”sähköinen oppimisympäristö”, ”tieto- ja viestintätekniikka” sekä ”digital learning materials”. Tutkimuksen tulokset muodostuivat tutkimusaineiston pohjalta. Lähdeaineistoon pohjautuvat tulokset osoittavat, että vaikka e-oppimateriaalien käyttö opetuksessa on yleistynyt, eivät opettajat ole valmiita luopumaan perinteisistä oppimateriaaleista. Tutkimuksen perusteella e-oppimateriaalien käyttöön vaikuttaa laitteiden saatavuus, valmiin materiaalin saatavuus, opettajan asenne e-oppimateriaaleja kohtaan sekä opettajan tekniset taidot. Positiivisina puolina e-oppimateriaalien opetuskäytössä opettajat nostivat esiin muun muassa oppilaiden motivoinnin, oppilaiden aktiivisen roolin tukemisen, tuntien suunnittelun helpottumisen sekä materiaalien muokattavuuden. Opettajat kokivat e-oppimateriaalien haasteina erityisesti valmiiden, helposti saatavilla olevien materiaalien puutteen sekä tietoteknisten laitteiden huonon satavuuden ja toimimattomuuden. Opettajat kaipasivat myös säännöllisempää koulutusta liittyen sekä laitteiden käyttöön että pedagogiikkaan niiden käytön takana. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että e-oppimateriaali tuo opetukseen opettajan näkökulmasta paljon hyvää, se monipuolistaa opetusta ja nostaa opetuksen tasoa, jos opettajalla on käytössään valmis, helposti saatavilla oleva materiaali.
  • Tuominen, Sanni (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Kouluelämän muutokset ovat koetelleet suomalaisia opettajia. Kolmiportaiseen tu- keen siirtyminen (2011) ja uuden perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman käyttöönotto (2016) ovat tuoneet opettajan ammattiin uusia vaatimuksia. Muutostulva on lisännyt opettajien työ- stressiä ja johtanut työssä uupumiseen. Opettajien kokemukset työuupumuksesta, onkin ollut puhuttu aihe mediassa. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat opettajien olevan yksi niistä ammat- tiryhmistä, joissa työuupumusta ilmenee keskimääräistä enemmän muihin ammattiryhmiin verrattuna. Maslachin (1981) määritelmän mukaan työuupumus on syntynyt pitkään jatku- neen työstressin seurauksena ja se ilmenee kolmena pääoireena: uupumusasteisena väsy- myksenä, kyynisyytenä ja heikentyneenä ammatillisena itsetuntona. Tämän kandidaatin tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia suomalaisten peruskoulun opettajien työuupumukseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena keväällä 2020. Ai- neisto kerättiin sähköisistä tietokannoista käyttäen hakutermiyhdistelmiä. Aineiston hankintaa määritti tarkat aineistolle asetetut kriteerit, joista yksi rajasi artikkelien julkaisuvuosiksi 2010– 2020. Lopullinen aineisto koostui viidestä vertaisarvioidusta tieteellisestä tutkimusartikkelista, joissa tutkittiin suomalaisten peruskoulun opettajien työuupumusta. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella suomalaisten peruskoulun opet- tajien työuupumukseen vaikutti kuusi tekijää, jotka luokiteltiin työhön liittyviin ja yksilöön liitty- viin tekijöihin. Työhön liittyviä tekijöitä olivat ponnistelujen ja palkkioiden epäsuhta, konfliktit työn vuorovaikutussuhteissa sekä opettajan ja työympäristön yhteensopivuus. Yksilöön liitty- viä tekijöitä sen sijaan olivat huono palautuminen, opettajan huono minäpystyvyys oppilaiden käytöksenhallinnassa ja heikko ammatillinen toimijuus. Tutkimus antaa konkreettista tietoa siitä, mihin asioihin tulisi kiinnittää enemmän huomiota sekä työpaikoilla että opettajan koulu- tuksessa. Tuloksia voisi hyödyntää työuupumuksen ehkäisyyn, kuten uusien työuupumusinterventioiden kehittämiseen.
  • Walinen, Päivi (2024)
    Objective of the study. Teachers' professional agency can be used to examine how teachers learn in their work. There exists little earlier research on the professional agency among teachers in the induction phase, even less has it been studied during the global pandemic. It was therefore necessary investigate the topic in detail. This study had two research questions. The first step was to examine what kind of key learning experiences basic education teachers had during the Covid-19 pandemic in their teacher-student interactions. Second, it was examined how the professional agency of basic education teachers appeared in their teacher-student interaction situations during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods. The research material consisted of eleven individual interviews with basic education teachers in the induction phase. The data were collected as part of the " Early Career Teach-ers' Professional Agency Across Four European Countries – Key for Sustainable Educational Change? research project carried out in 2018–2022 funded by the Suomi Akatemia. The inter-view had three themes which related to the interviewees' 1) significant learning experiences and professional development, 2) the professional community in the early stages of their ca-reers, and 3) working during the Covid-19 pandemic. The interviews were analyzed using the method of qualitative theory-driven analysis. Results and conclusions. The results of the study showed that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the key learning experiences of induction phase teachers were related to remote and in-person classroom situations with groups of students and individual students. The professional agency of the teachers in the induction phase was strongest in classroom situations. The independent activities of teachers were emphasized in the chosen strategies. Teachers were motivated by commitment to students. Teachers' self-efficacy was illustrated by coping with work tasks dur-ing the Covid-19 pandemic. Compared to previous studies, this study especially highlighted teachers' willingness to meet their students individually. The teachers had a positive attitude towards the use of new IT applications and platforms, which they planned to utilize even after the exceptional circumstances. The findings can be applied to supporting the professional agency of teachers at the beginning of their careers and in the versatile implementation of teaching outside the exceptional circumstances.
  • Walinen, Päivi (2024)
    Objective of the study. Teachers' professional agency can be used to examine how teachers learn in their work. There exists little earlier research on the professional agency among teachers in the induction phase, even less has it been studied during the global pandemic. It was therefore necessary investigate the topic in detail. This study had two research questions. The first step was to examine what kind of key learning experiences basic education teachers had during the Covid-19 pandemic in their teacher-student interactions. Second, it was examined how the professional agency of basic education teachers appeared in their teacher-student interaction situations during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methods. The research material consisted of eleven individual interviews with basic education teachers in the induction phase. The data were collected as part of the " Early Career Teach-ers' Professional Agency Across Four European Countries – Key for Sustainable Educational Change? research project carried out in 2018–2022 funded by the Suomi Akatemia. The inter-view had three themes which related to the interviewees' 1) significant learning experiences and professional development, 2) the professional community in the early stages of their ca-reers, and 3) working during the Covid-19 pandemic. The interviews were analyzed using the method of qualitative theory-driven analysis. Results and conclusions. The results of the study showed that during the Covid-19 pandemic, the key learning experiences of induction phase teachers were related to remote and in-person classroom situations with groups of students and individual students. The professional agency of the teachers in the induction phase was strongest in classroom situations. The independent activities of teachers were emphasized in the chosen strategies. Teachers were motivated by commitment to students. Teachers' self-efficacy was illustrated by coping with work tasks dur-ing the Covid-19 pandemic. Compared to previous studies, this study especially highlighted teachers' willingness to meet their students individually. The teachers had a positive attitude towards the use of new IT applications and platforms, which they planned to utilize even after the exceptional circumstances. The findings can be applied to supporting the professional agency of teachers at the beginning of their careers and in the versatile implementation of teaching outside the exceptional circumstances.
  • Kossila, Kaisu (2020)
    Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää peruskoulun opettajien asenteita erityistä tukea tarvitsevien oppilaiden osallisuuteen yleisopetuksessa sekä vastata kysy-mykseen inklusiivisen opetuksen aiheuttamasta mahdollisesta lisätyöstä opettajien arjessa. Inkluusiolla viitataan koulukontekstissa ajattelutapaan ja käytäntöön, jossa kaikki, myös tukea tarvitsevat oppilaat tuntisivat kuuluvansa samaan yhteisöön. Tämän edistämiseksi erityistä tukea tarvitsevia oppilaita integroidaan kaikille yhteiseen yleisopetukseen, jossa he oikeutetusti saavat tarvitsemansa tuen. Kandidaatintutkielmani noudattaa integroivan kirjallisuuskatsauksen piirteitä. Tutkimusar-tikkeleiksi valikoitui seitsemän julkaisua, jotka käsittelevät peruskoulun opettajien asenteita inkluusioon. Aineistoa etsin käyttäen EBSCOhost -tietokantaa, Helka-kirjaston hakupalve-lua sekä Google Scholaria. Pohdinta osuudessa vertailin saamiani tutkimustuloksia esittä-määni teoriataustaan. Tutkimustulosten mukaan suomalaiset peruskoulun opettajat suhtautuivat inkluusioon keskimäärin positiivisesti. Peruskoulun opettajien kokemaa lisätyötä aiheuttivat suuret ryhmäkoot, resurssien puute, organisointi sekä koettu avustajien ja yhteistyön vähäinen määrä. Lisätyötä aiheuttavana tekijänä katsottiin myös olevan huoli muiden, kuin erityistä tukea tarvitsevien oppilaiden opiskelusta inklusiivisessa opetuksessa. Inkluusion hyvänä puolena tutkimusten ja teoriataustassa esitettyjen näkemysten perusteella pidettiin tasa-arvon ja suvaitsevaisuuden kehittymistä, joka oli tutkimustulosten mukaan nähtävissä tu-kea tarvitsevien oppilaiden sosiaalisten suhteiden kehittymisenä.
  • Hyökki, Riina (2018)
    This master’s thesis examines German teachers’ initial experience of the first PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) study. German pupils’ low PISA scores caused a public and political shock in German educational discussion at the beginning of the 2000s. As a case example, teachers in the largest union of educational workers in Germany, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) are scrutinised using the GEW’s membership magazine, Erziehung und Wissenschaft (E&W) as research material. Examining teachers as a case group provides deepening insights into the extent to which PISA affected the educational self-understanding in Germany. The objective is to contribute to the understanding of how international comparative studies influence educational discourse in a national context. Educational researchers have criticised the acceptance of PISA as an indicator of success between school systems and the extent it affects educational policy, drawing attention to PISA’s institutional background as initiated by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). In the light of the criticism, the analysis focuses on the GEW actors’ perception of PISA as an institution. The research material is analysed from the perspective of history of ideas and policy analysis with an attempt to trace the experiences of the various actors within the GEW. Through Reinhard Koselleck’s concepts of space of experience and horizon of expectations, the actors’ conceptualisation of their past, present and future is elucidated. Carol Bacchi’s analytic tool for studying problem representations by probing them with questions guides the methodological approach. The analysis shows that the PISA results were seen to reveal the problems of German education and to indicate the successful educational policy of the high-ranking countries. The PISA discussion concentrated on arguing against certain structural and cultural aspects of German education that were perceived to be problematic. Although the research material illustrated some multiplicity of political opinion within the organisation, the GEW’s resistance to the tripartite German school system became a prominent message in the magazine. The high PISA scores in other countries thus functioned as arguments for comprehensive schooling. Additionally, teachers’ attitudes and values were depicted as the problems of German education compared to successful countries. These discourses portrayed Germany to be far behind in international educational development. Consequently, other countries were often viewed as a homogeneous group. German education was likewise treated as an entity, despite the federal structure of the German school system. Attention was, therefore, hardly paid to the contextual factors behind each country’s educational system. Rather, the ranking positions were seen to indicate the success or failure of the system. Based on the E&W material analysed in this thesis, the institutional background of PISA was not discussed within the GEW. It is noteworthy that although free trade and market-orientation were perceived to threaten public education, PISA and the OECD were not discussed in this context. Moreover, German educational tradition, known as Bildung, was not considered to be in conflict with the OECD’s conceptualisation of education, although this has caused criticism among many German educationists. There was a selective tendency of how arguments were framed with PISA and what was considered successful. The assumptions and silences conveyed a tone of absolute certainty regarding what ought to result from PISA; it was represented as scientific evidence contrasting the perceived ideological policymaking in Germany. Despite the rigid dichotomies in the arguments, the assertions surrounding PISA came to reflect the ambiguity of the argumentation that previous research has also pointed out in the PISA discourses. The assertions and beliefs concerning PISA were not eventually coherent, yet the contradictions were not discussed in the magazine. The analysis of the E&W material demonstrates a typical example of taking PISA as a given authority and using the assessment results to legitimise political arguments in national debates. The results support previous concerns regarding the need for further consideration of the political function and influence of large-scale educational assessments.
  • Hyökki, Riina (2018)
    This master’s thesis examines German teachers’ initial experience of the first PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment) study. German pupils’ low PISA scores caused a public and political shock in German educational discussion at the beginning of the 2000s. As a case example, teachers in the largest union of educational workers in Germany, the Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft (GEW) are scrutinised using the GEW’s membership magazine, Erziehung und Wissenschaft (E&W) as research material. Examining teachers as a case group provides deepening insights into the extent to which PISA affected the educational self-understanding in Germany. The objective is to contribute to the understanding of how international comparative studies influence educational discourse in a national context. Educational researchers have criticised the acceptance of PISA as an indicator of success between school systems and the extent it affects educational policy, drawing attention to PISA’s institutional background as initiated by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). In the light of the criticism, the analysis focuses on the GEW actors’ perception of PISA as an institution. The research material is analysed from the perspective of history of ideas and policy analysis with an attempt to trace the experiences of the various actors within the GEW. Through Reinhard Koselleck’s concepts of space of experience and horizon of expectations, the actors’ conceptualisation of their past, present and future is elucidated. Carol Bacchi’s analytic tool for studying problem representations by probing them with questions guides the methodological approach. The analysis shows that the PISA results were seen to reveal the problems of German education and to indicate the successful educational policy of the high-ranking countries. The PISA discussion concentrated on arguing against certain structural and cultural aspects of German education that were perceived to be problematic. Although the research material illustrated some multiplicity of political opinion within the organisation, the GEW’s resistance to the tripartite German school system became a prominent message in the magazine. The high PISA scores in other countries thus functioned as arguments for comprehensive schooling. Additionally, teachers’ attitudes and values were depicted as the problems of German education compared to successful countries. These discourses portrayed Germany to be far behind in international educational development. Consequently, other countries were often viewed as a homogeneous group. German education was likewise treated as an entity, despite the federal structure of the German school system. Attention was, therefore, hardly paid to the contextual factors behind each country’s educational system. Rather, the ranking positions were seen to indicate the success or failure of the system. Based on the E&W material analysed in this thesis, the institutional background of PISA was not discussed within the GEW. It is noteworthy that although free trade and market-orientation were perceived to threaten public education, PISA and the OECD were not discussed in this context. Moreover, German educational tradition, known as Bildung, was not considered to be in conflict with the OECD’s conceptualisation of education, although this has caused criticism among many German educationists. There was a selective tendency of how arguments were framed with PISA and what was considered successful. The assumptions and silences conveyed a tone of absolute certainty regarding what ought to result from PISA; it was represented as scientific evidence contrasting the perceived ideological policymaking in Germany. Despite the rigid dichotomies in the arguments, the assertions surrounding PISA came to reflect the ambiguity of the argumentation that previous research has also pointed out in the PISA discourses. The assertions and beliefs concerning PISA were not eventually coherent, yet the contradictions were not discussed in the magazine. The analysis of the E&W material demonstrates a typical example of taking PISA as a given authority and using the assessment results to legitimise political arguments in national debates. The results support previous concerns regarding the need for further consideration of the political function and influence of large-scale educational assessments.
  • Paunonen, Jarno (2016)
    The purpose of this study was to examine the possible connection of applicants' self-esteem and gender to their performance in student selection for teacher education. The significance of teacher's personality has grown with working conditions that increasingly demand better social skills. Teachers have reported unusual tiredness and the willingness to quit has become more common. It seems reasonable to consider self-esteem as a protective buffer against the emotional stress these working conditions present for teachers, and therefore the student selection at least shouldn't favor those with whom this protective buffer is low. Self-esteem's connection with student selection for teacher education has not been studied before, but due to prior results regarding the broader benefits of high self-esteem, it was hypothesized to be positively connected to success in student selection. The selection process consists of a theory test and an aptitude test, which were addressed separately and together. In line with prior research, women were hypothesized to be more successful in theory test and men in the aptitude test. This study was a part of the SeSTE research project (Selecting Students for Teacher Education). There were 470 subjects who had participated in the selection process for teacher education in the University of Helsinki. Self-esteem was measured with Rosenberg self-esteem scale as self-assessment. The main method of analyzing was multinomial logistic regression. Gender was examined alongside self-esteem, and the effect of age was controlled. The hypotheses for self-esteem were mostly confirmed with no apparent connection seen with the aptitude test. Gender related hypotheses were confirmed as women were more likely to pass the theory test and men the aptitude test. According to this study the student selection slightly favors applicants with higher self-esteem, but the effect is small. If the hypothesis of high self-esteem as a useful protective buffer for teachers gains more evidence, it might be beneficial according to this study, to consider the possibility of focusing the student selection more to applicants with higher self-esteem.
  • Tuominen, Heta (2002)
    The aim of this study was to investigate the connection between teachers' burn-out and professional development. In addition, the study aimed at clarifying teachers' conceptions of the significance of in-service training on work-related well-being. The theoretical starting points of the study were based on a model of burn-out (Kalimo & Toppinen1997) and a model of teachers' professional development (Niemi 1989). Present study can be seen as an independent follow-up study for a working ability project called "Uudistumisen eväät" that was followed through in Kuopio. The study was carried out in two phases. First, the connection between teachers' burn-out and professional development was charted with the help of a quantitative survey study. 131 teachers participated in the survey. Some of them were from schools that participated in the working ability project and the remainder were from other schools in Kuopio. The questionnaire consisted of self-constructed instruments of burn-out and professional development. According to the results, burn-out and professional development were strongly correlated with each other. Burn-out was summed up in three factors: emotional exhaustion, feelings of depersonalization and low feelings of personal accomplishment. Professional development was summed up in four factors: personality and pedagogical skills, learning-orientation, social skills and confronting change. Personality and pedagogical skills and skills of confronting change were correlated strongest with burn-out and its symptoms. A teacher, who has not found his/her own personal way of acting as a teacher and who considers change as something negative, is more likely to become exhausted than a teacher, who has developed his/her own pedagogical identity and who regards change more positively. In the second phase of this study, teachers' conceptions of the significance of in-service training on well-being was investigated with the help of group interviews (n=12). According to the results, the importance of in-service training was significant on the well-being of teachers. It appeared that in-service training promotes well-being by providing teachers with motivation, professional development and the possibility of taking a break from teaching and cooperating with other teachers. It has to be based on teachers' own needs. It has to be offered to teachers frequently and early enough. If teachers are already exhausted, they will neither have enough resources to participate in training, nor will they have the strength to make good use of it in practice. Both professional development and well-being are becoming more and more essential now that society is changing rapidly and the demands set on teachers are growing. Professional development can promote well-being, but are teachers too exhausted to develop themselves? Professional development demands resources and teachers may regard it as a threat and an additional strain. When the demands are so high that teachers cannot cope with them, they are likely to suffer stress and see reduction of commitment to their work and its development as a means to survive. If teachers stop caring about their work and their own development, how can we expect them to promote pupils' learning and development? It should be considered in the planning and implementation of in-service training and in arranging teachers' working conditions, that teachers have enough time and resources to develop themselves.
  • Lampinen, Katja (2017)
    Aims. The aim of this Masters' Thesis was to study 21st century skills through teachers' perceptions. 21st century skills are described fairly similarly in futures research, home economics sciences, educational sciences and the Finnish national core curriculum for basic education. Knowledge and skills, actions and will, as well as attitudes and values all fit in to 21st century skills. In this study I am going to answer three questions: (1) What is teachers' futures awareness like? (2) What are the target schools' teachers' perceptions of the skills needed in the 21st century? (3) How can teachers promote 21st century skills in the school? Methods. I implemented the study with a qualitative research strategy and a phenomenographic research approach. I interviewed ten (10) teachers of the same united school of basic education (grades 1–9) using focused interview (1 group interview and 8 separate interviews). I recorded and transcribed the interviews (79 pp., Times New Roman, font size 12). I analyzed the interviews with theory-driven content analysis using ten skill categories as a structure for the analysis. I formed over all 560 reductions of expressions and 98 subcategories. Results and conclusions. There were differences in the futures awareness of the teachers and not all of the teachers thought of the future very long-sightedly. Good self-knowledge and everyday life skills, finding relevant information and critical thinking, collaboration and communication skills and learning to learn, described the teachers' perceptions of the 21st century skills. They promoted these skills by using group work systematically, being present and facing the pupils as well as setting boundaries and giving responsibility to pupils. Promoting 21st century skills requires a community-based operational culture, visibility of teachers' values in their work and teachers' progressive attitude towards their work.
  • Lampinen, Katja (2017)
    Aims. The aim of this Masters’ Thesis was to study 21st century skills through teachers’ perceptions. 21st century skills are described fairly similarly in futures research, home economics sciences, educational sciences and the Finnish national core curriculum for basic education. Knowledge and skills, actions and will, as well as attitudes and values all fit in to 21st century skills. In this study I am going to answer three questions: (1) What is teachers’ futures awareness like? (2) What are the target schools’ teachers’ perceptions of the skills needed in the 21st century? (3) How can teachers promote 21st century skills in the school? Methods. I implemented the study with a qualitative research strategy and a phenomenographic research approach. I interviewed ten (10) teachers of the same united school of basic education (grades 1–9) using focused interview (1 group interview and 8 separate interviews). I recorded and transcribed the interviews (79 pp., Times New Roman, font size 12). I analyzed the interviews with theory-driven content analysis using ten skill categories as a structure for the analysis. I formed over all 560 reductions of expressions and 98 subcategories. Results and conclusions. There were differences in the futures awareness of the teachers and not all of the teachers thought of the future very long-sightedly. Good self-knowledge and everyday life skills, finding relevant information and critical thinking, collaboration and communication skills and learning to learn, described the teachers’ perceptions of the 21st century skills. They promoted these skills by using group work systematically, being present and facing the pupils as well as setting boundaries and giving responsibility to pupils. Promoting 21st century skills requires a community-based operational culture, visibility of teachers’ values in their work and teachers’ progressive attitude towards their work.
  • Sneck, Antti (2019)
    Objectives. Attachment theory is a theory of social development and personality, known around the world. According to the theory, children have an innate tendency to develop a biologically based and central nervous system-regulated attachment bond to their primary caregivers in order to ensure safety, care, and survival. Early attachment experiences contribute to the way one sees oneself and others and lead to secure, insecure, or disorganized attachment styles, which affect rest of one’s life. Previous research has confirmed the universal nature of attachment, different attachment categories and styles, and early attachment’s links with future relationships and various internal and external problems. Attachment research has traditionally concentrated on early childhood and early childhood environments, whereas middle childhood, adolescence, and school context have been studied less. The objectives of the present study were to find out what kinds of links there are between attachment and the lives of school-aged children and youngsters, what kinds of attachment-related challenges teachers encounter at school, and how teachers could support their students with those attachment-related challenges. The aim is to explore attachment in the lives of school-aged children and youngsters, including at school, to gain a better understanding and to create a valuable foundation for future research. Methodology. The present study was conducted as a systematic literature review, which allowed the gathering of diverse and comprehensive, yet relevant research material, while also supporting objectivity and reproducibility aspects of the study. The material, available through electronic databases, was comprised of research articles from around the world, published in peer-reviewed international research journals. The material was analyzed thematically by research questions and topics, which were then used as a framework in the Results section. Results and conclusions. Early attachment and attachment styles were directly and indirectly linked to the lives of school-aged children and youngsters, including teacher-student relationships, peer relationships, family relationships, and academic achievement, as well as internal and external problems. Various attachment-related challenges and problems were visible at school, but teachers had many ways to buffer them. Current attachment research has not affected or changed school environments enough. Much more attention should be given to attachment within schools, teacher education, and in-service training programs in order to give students better support for their attachment-related problems and challenges.
  • Sneck, Antti (2019)
    Objectives. Attachment theory is a theory of social development and personality, known around the world. According to the theory, children have an innate tendency to develop a biologically based and central nervous system-regulated attachment bond to their primary caregivers in order to ensure safety, care, and survival. Early attachment experiences contribute to the way one sees oneself and others and lead to secure, insecure, or disorganized attachment styles, which affect rest of one’s life. Previous research has confirmed the universal nature of attachment, different attachment categories and styles, and early attachment’s links with future relationships and various internal and external problems. Attachment research has traditionally concentrated on early childhood and early childhood environments, whereas middle childhood, adolescence, and school context have been studied less. The objectives of the present study were to find out what kinds of links there are between attachment and the lives of school-aged children and youngsters, what kinds of attachment-related challenges teachers encounter at school, and how teachers could support their students with those attachment-related challenges. The aim is to explore attachment in the lives of school-aged children and youngsters, including at school, to gain a better understanding and to create a valuable foundation for future research. Methodology. The present study was conducted as a systematic literature review, which allowed the gathering of diverse and comprehensive, yet relevant research material, while also supporting objectivity and reproducibility aspects of the study. The material, available through electronic databases, was comprised of research articles from around the world, published in peer-reviewed international research journals. The material was analyzed thematically by research questions and topics, which were then used as a framework in the Results section. Results and conclusions. Early attachment and attachment styles were directly and indirectly linked to the lives of school-aged children and youngsters, including teacher-student relationships, peer relationships, family relationships, and academic achievement, as well as internal and external problems. Various attachment-related challenges and problems were visible at school, but teachers had many ways to buffer them. Current attachment research has not affected or changed school environments enough. Much more attention should be given to attachment within schools, teacher education, and in-service training programs in order to give students better support for their attachment-related problems and challenges.
  • Sarparanta, Tuomas (2020)
    Tutkielmassa pyritään vastaamaan ensinnäkin kysymykseen siitä, onko kokemus luokkatovereiden ja opettajien sosiaalisen tuen puutteesta yhteydessä koulukiusaamisen kohteena olemiseen. Toiseksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan sitä, voidaanko koulujen välisiä eroja kiusaamisen yleisyydessä selittää koulujen eroilla oppilaiden kokeman keskimääräisen luokkatovereiden ja opettajien sosiaalisen tuen suhteen. Tutkielma kytkeytyy sosiaalista tukea ja kiusaamista koskevan tutkimuskirjallisuuden lisäksi sosiaalista pääomaa käsitteleviin tutkimuksiin, joissa on tarkasteltu paikallisyhteisöjen sosiaalisen pääoman merkitystä. Aineistona tutkielmassa käytettiin Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen toteuttamasta vuoden 2017 Kouluterveyskyselystä (8.- ja 9.-luokkalaiset) rajattua osa-aineistoa, jossa oli yhteensä 51 619 vastaajaa jakautuneena 399 yksittäiseen kouluun. Analyysimenetelmänä toimi kaksitasoinen logistinen regressio (satunnaisvakiomalli, random intercept model). Tutkielmassa käytetyt keskeisimmät selittävät muuttujat luokiteltiin yksilötason selittäviin muuttujiin (oppilaan kokemus luokkatovereiden ja opettajien sosiaalisesta tuesta) sekä koulutason selittäviin muuttujiin (luokkatovereiden sekä opettajien tuen koulukohtainen keskiarvo ja keskihajonta). Lisäksi analyyseissa otettiin huomioon muita aiempien tutkimusten perusteella relevantteja yksilötason selittäviä muuttujia (sukupuoli, luokka-aste, perhetekijät, vertaissuhteet ja mielenterveys). Tutkielman keskeinen tulos on, että mitä vähemmän oppilas koki saaneensa luokkatovereiltaan sosiaalista tukea, sitä suurempi oli oppilaan kiusaamisen kohteena olemisen veto (odds). Esimerkiksi niiden oppilaiden, jotka eivät kokeneet koskaan saaneensa luokkatovereiltaan sosiaalista tukea, kiusaamisen kohteena olemisen veto oli noin viisinkertainen luokkatovereiden tukea aina saaneisiin verrattuna, kun kaikki selittävät muuttujat otettiin huomioon. Sen sijaan kokemus opettajien sosiaalisen tuen puutteesta ei kasvattanut kiusattuna olemisen vetoa, kun kaikki selittävät muuttujat huomioitiin: opettajien sosiaalista tukea aina kokeneiden oppilaiden veto oli suurempi kuin niiden, jotka eivät kokeneet saaneensa opettajilta lainkaan tukea tai jotka kokivat saaneensa opettajien tukea usein tai joskus. Tähän tulokseen liittyy kuitenkin merkittäviä epävarmuustekijöitä. Lisäksi tulokset antavat ainoastaan viitteitä siitä, että koulujen erot luokkatovereiden ja opettajien keskimääräisen sosiaalisen tuen suhteen saattavat selittää koulujen välisiä eroja kiusaamisen yleisyydessä. Tulosten mukaan luokkatovereiden sosiaalisen tuen puute on merkittävä kiusattuna olemisen riskitekijä, ja tämä havainto vastaa aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa saatuja tuloksia. Sen sijaan opettajien sosiaalista tukea koskevat tulokset ovat osittain ristiriidassa aiemman tutkimustiedon kanssa, joten erityisesti opettajien sosiaalisen tuen yhteyttä kiusaamiseen tulisi tutkia lisää. Aineiston koulut olivat myös hyvin samankaltaisia keskimääräisen sosiaalisen tuen tason suhteen, joten jatkotutkimuksissa saattaisi olla tarpeen käyttää tarkempia sosiaalisen tuen mittareita ja ottaa tarkasteluihin mukaan koulutason lisäksi myös luokkataso.
  • Sarparanta, Tuomas (2020)
    Tutkielmassa pyritään vastaamaan ensinnäkin kysymykseen siitä, onko kokemus luokkatovereiden ja opettajien sosiaalisen tuen puutteesta yhteydessä koulukiusaamisen kohteena olemiseen. Toiseksi tutkielmassa tarkastellaan sitä, voidaanko koulujen välisiä eroja kiusaamisen yleisyydessä selittää koulujen eroilla oppilaiden kokeman keskimääräisen luokkatovereiden ja opettajien sosiaalisen tuen suhteen. Tutkielma kytkeytyy sosiaalista tukea ja kiusaamista koskevan tutkimuskirjallisuuden lisäksi sosiaalista pääomaa käsitteleviin tutkimuksiin, joissa on tarkasteltu paikallisyhteisöjen sosiaalisen pääoman merkitystä. Aineistona tutkielmassa käytettiin Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen toteuttamasta vuoden 2017 Kouluterveyskyselystä (8.- ja 9.-luokkalaiset) rajattua osa-aineistoa, jossa oli yhteensä 51 619 vastaajaa jakautuneena 399 yksittäiseen kouluun. Analyysimenetelmänä toimi kaksitasoinen logistinen regressio (satunnaisvakiomalli, random intercept model). Tutkielmassa käytetyt keskeisimmät selittävät muuttujat luokiteltiin yksilötason selittäviin muuttujiin (oppilaan kokemus luokkatovereiden ja opettajien sosiaalisesta tuesta) sekä koulutason selittäviin muuttujiin (luokkatovereiden sekä opettajien tuen koulukohtainen keskiarvo ja keskihajonta). Lisäksi analyyseissa otettiin huomioon muita aiempien tutkimusten perusteella relevantteja yksilötason selittäviä muuttujia (sukupuoli, luokka-aste, perhetekijät, vertaissuhteet ja mielenterveys). Tutkielman keskeinen tulos on, että mitä vähemmän oppilas koki saaneensa luokkatovereiltaan sosiaalista tukea, sitä suurempi oli oppilaan kiusaamisen kohteena olemisen veto (odds). Esimerkiksi niiden oppilaiden, jotka eivät kokeneet koskaan saaneensa luokkatovereiltaan sosiaalista tukea, kiusaamisen kohteena olemisen veto oli noin viisinkertainen luokkatovereiden tukea aina saaneisiin verrattuna, kun kaikki selittävät muuttujat otettiin huomioon. Sen sijaan kokemus opettajien sosiaalisen tuen puutteesta ei kasvattanut kiusattuna olemisen vetoa, kun kaikki selittävät muuttujat huomioitiin: opettajien sosiaalista tukea aina kokeneiden oppilaiden veto oli suurempi kuin niiden, jotka eivät kokeneet saaneensa opettajilta lainkaan tukea tai jotka kokivat saaneensa opettajien tukea usein tai joskus. Tähän tulokseen liittyy kuitenkin merkittäviä epävarmuustekijöitä. Lisäksi tulokset antavat ainoastaan viitteitä siitä, että koulujen erot luokkatovereiden ja opettajien keskimääräisen sosiaalisen tuen suhteen saattavat selittää koulujen välisiä eroja kiusaamisen yleisyydessä. Tulosten mukaan luokkatovereiden sosiaalisen tuen puute on merkittävä kiusattuna olemisen riskitekijä, ja tämä havainto vastaa aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa saatuja tuloksia. Sen sijaan opettajien sosiaalista tukea koskevat tulokset ovat osittain ristiriidassa aiemman tutkimustiedon kanssa, joten erityisesti opettajien sosiaalisen tuen yhteyttä kiusaamiseen tulisi tutkia lisää. Aineiston koulut olivat myös hyvin samankaltaisia keskimääräisen sosiaalisen tuen tason suhteen, joten jatkotutkimuksissa saattaisi olla tarpeen käyttää tarkempia sosiaalisen tuen mittareita ja ottaa tarkasteluihin mukaan koulutason lisäksi myös luokkataso.