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  • Laitala, Maria (2017)
    Attention is an essential part of learning and academical performance. At the moment attention is being assessed mainly by subjective evaluations. Attention Concentration Test pursues to measure attention objectively on the basis of Inhibition Theory. The aim of this thesis was to examine the connection between success in Attention Concentration test and success in visuospatial working memory task. Previous studies imply that functions of attention and working memory are tightly connected. In this thesis, visuospatial working memory test worked as a reference meter to attention. The thesis is a part of a broader Helsinki University Centre for Educational Assessments study which examined ACT-tests usability and ability to identify pupils with significant attentional problems. The thesis studied also genders, mother tongue and receiving intensified and special supports connections with attention and working memory. In addition, the thesis researched what factors predict success in Attention Concentration Test. The study was attended by 159 third grade pupils from four different schools located in Helsinki region. The data was collected between November 2016 and January 2017 at the schools. The tests were completed by computer over one session. The data was analysed by quantitative methods examining correlations and using One-Way Analysis of Variance and Mann-Whitney tests on purpose of finding distinctions between different groups. Furthermore, it was endeavored to create a model that would explain success in Attention Concentration Test using Regression Analysis. Examining the whole material only a weak connection was found between success in Attention Concentration test and success in visuospatial working memory task. Examining the data by gender a medium connection was found with boys. With girls, a connection wasn't found. Girls were more accurate than boys in Attention Concentration Test, but boys were faster than girls in working memory task. Non-Finnish-speaking boys and students receiving intensified and special support succeeded more poorly than other students in both tests. Due to small correlations, a model explaining success in Attention Concentration Test could not be formed.
  • Sydänmaa, Lilli (2014)
    Metsähallituksen luontokeskukset ja -talot ovat asiakaspalvelupisteitä, joiden tehtävänä on jakaa tietoa ja neuvoa luonnonsuojelu- ja retkeilyalueille menijöitä. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli lisätä ymmärrystä niissä tapahtuvasta oppimisesta. Syvällisempi ymmärrys oppimisesta mahdollistaa asiakaspalvelupisteiden toiminnan ja niissä esillä olevien materiaalien kehittämisen niin, että ne tukevat paremmin kävijöiden oppimista. Tutkimus rajoittui Tunturi-Lapin alueella sijaitseviin luontokeskuksiin ja luontotaloon sekä näiden asiakaspalvelupisteiden yli 15-vuotiaisiin kävijöihin. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin vain luonto-, retkeily- ja saamelaiskulttuuritietojen oppimista. Tutkimuksessa hyödynnettiin luontokeskus Kellokaan, Pallastunturin luontokeskuksen, Tunturi-Lapin luontokeskuksen ja Kilpisjärven luontotalon viimeisimpiä asiakastutkimusaineistoja. Kyseiset asiakastutkimukset on toteutettu vuosien 2004 ja 2011 välillä. Aineisto koostui yhteensä 1546 täytetystä kyselylomakkeesta. Tilastollisessa analyysissä käytettiin ristiintaulukointia ja lineaarisia regressiomalleja. Analyysi pohjautui pitkälti museo-oppimista koskevissa tutkimuksissa saatuihin tuloksiin, erityisesti Falkin ja Dierkingin museokokemusmalliin, jonka mukaan museokokemus rakentuu persoonallisesta, sosiaalisesta ja fyysisestä kontekstista sekä välittömästä toimintakontekstista. Kävijöiden neljä yleisintä syytä vierailla luontokeskuksessa olivat tiedonsaanti, näyttelyt, ostokset ja kahvila. Tiedonsaannista kiinnostuneet kävijät hakivat luontokeskuksesta ennen kaikkea luontoon liittyvää tietoa. Valtaosa kävijöistä oppi vierailun aikana luontoon ja retkeilyyn liittyviä tietoja. Kävijät myös pitivät tiedonsaantia keskimäärin hyvänä. Tietojen oppimiseen vaikuttivat voimakkaimmin elämykset sekä näyttelyn kiinnostavuus ja laatu. Mitä elämyksellisempänä kävijät kokivat vierailun ja mitä kiinnostavampana tai laadukkaampana he pitivät pysyvää näyttelyä, sitä paremmaksi he keskimäärin arvioivat tiedonsaannin. Asiakaspalvelupisteissä esitettävien video- ja diaesitysten katsominen paransi hieman kävijöiden luontotiedonsaantia. Tunturi-Lapin luontokeskuksen Vuovjjuš - Kulkijat -näyttelyyn tutustuminen lisäsi selvästi kävijöiden tietoja saamelaiskulttuurista. Tulosten perusteella luontokeskukset ja -talot onnistuvat jo nykyisellään melko hyvin tehtävässään jakaa tietoa. Kävijöiden oppimista olisi kuitenkin mahdollista parantaa panostamalla elämysten tarjoamiseen, selvittämällä kävijöiden kiinnostuksen kohteet näyttelyitä uudistettaessa, esittämällä näyttelyissä käsiteltävät asiat selvästi ja riittävän yksinkertaisesti sekä houkuttelemalla yhä useammat kävijät katsomaan video- tai diaesitys.
  • Viitala, Kukka-Maaria (2018)
    In my bachelor thesis, I wanted to research experiences of participants of Käden taidot courses at Vantaa Adult Education Institute of Tikkurila. I chosed Adult Education Institute of Tikkurila as research target, because it is one of the biggest adult institute in Finland. I wanted to find out following themes: what kind of different motives people had to take part in different kind of Käden taidot courses and what kind of preconceptions they had toward these courses. I also wanted to find out how these preconceptions came true. Inquiry method I used, was survey, because with it, it is easy to handle big sampling and it is easy to answer anonymously. Inquiry method I used was based on Likert scale multiple choice questions and open questions. In the inquiry form every multiple choice was followed by open question where the participants could define the answer they gave. I took 60 forms to the Adult Education Institute and I ged back 24, so the answering percentage was 40. The classification of my inquiry based on qualitative and narrative analysis. Based on the answers I get, I divited participants to three different groups; “the Repeater”, “the Hang arounder” and “the Knower”. The repeater wats to revise a course again, because it is possible to learn something new. The Hang arounder takes part to a course, because the reference group is so good, even if she/he wants to learn something new. To the Knower it is most important to learn something new, when the social aspect has a minor role. Named groups went one on the other and it was difficult to make accurate categorizations. All the respondents agreed that all preconceptions towar courses came true and they were educational. In addition to they served social needs.
  • Silvennoinen, Saara (2017)
    Objectives. In 2015 more than 30,000 asylum seekers arrived in Finland, exceeding the number of applicants of previous years multiple times. In Finland school-aged asylum seekers are entitled to free basic education. For pupils who have insufficient Finnish or Swedish language skills in order to study in a general education group, preparatory education can be arranged. The students of preparatory education groups are a heterogeneous group of immigrants, from which minor asylum seekers can be seen as the most vulnerable group. The purpose of this thesis is to examine the factors affecting the learning and education of minor asylum seekers and refugees in particular. Methods. The thesis was conducted as a descriptive literature review. Peer-reviewed articles were found in the ERIC database for the review. 8 articles were selected for the analysis. Results and Conclusions. The results of this review were divided into educational, psychological, social and cultural factors affecting the learning and education of minor asylum seekers. The previous school experiences of minor asylum seekers vary. In addition, their parents' previous educational opportunities are likely to be inadequate, creating poor starting points for learning. The pre-migration experiences of asylum seekers can expose them to various mental disorders. In addition, waiting and uncertain future can affect learning, for example, by losing motivation or reducing progress. Minor asylum seekers' education is also affected by the difficulties encountered in peer relationships, which result from the weak language skills, class placements and limited integration opportunities. The assessment of asylum seekers is hampered by incomplete background information and the lack of appropriate assessment tools, which is why it is challenging to recognize their needs. Asylum seekers may experience conflicts in their home and school culture and therefore might refuse from the support and rehabilitation services provided.
  • Ojala, Eveliina (2020)
    Monet kouluikäiset kärsivät yöunen riittämättömyydestä. Opettajat eivät välttämättä aina tun-nista unen puutteen tai huonon unenlaadun aiheuttamia vaikutuksia. Tämän tutkielman tarkoi-tuksena on selvittää, mitkä asiat vaikuttavat alakouluikäisen lapsen uneen ja mitä yhteyksiä unella on alakoululaisen koulunkäyntiin. Tutkielmassa esitellään uneen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ja unen vaikutuksia koulunkäyntiin. Tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimusaineiston etsimisessä käytettiin Helka- ja Eric-tietokantoja, Google Scholaria ja ResearchGate-verkostoa. Tutkiel-man aineisto koostui tutkimuskysymysten suuntaisista ja pääosin 2010-luvulla julkaistuista vertaisarvioiduista tutkimuksista. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen tuloksien mukaan uneen vaikuttavia tekijöitä ovat muun muassa lii-kunta, ravinto, uni-valverytmi, digilaitteiden käyttö ja stressi. Tuloksena voidaan myös todeta, että liian vähäisellä unella on paljon kielteisiä vaikutuksia oppilaiden koulunkäyntiin. Koulusuo-riutumisessa unen puute tai huonolaatuinen uni heikentävät akateemista ja kognitiivista suo-riutumista sekä koulussa jaksamista. Lisäksi unen puutteen tai huonolaatuisen unen psyko-logisia vaikutuksia ovat muun muassa mielialan aleneminen sekä kouluviihtyvyyden ja opis-keluinnon heikentyminen. Koululla ja luokanopettajalla voisi olla suurempi rooli toiminnassa lasten uniongelmia vastaan. Luokanopettaja on usein tärkeä henkilö oppilaan elämässä. Hän osallistuu kokonaisvaltai-sesti oppilaan arkeen ja elämään, ja näin ollen hänellä on mahdollisuus vaikuttaa myönteisesti oppilaan elämään – eli myös uneen ja nukkumiseen. Alakoululaisten uni on melko vähän tut-kittu aihe Suomessa ja siksi sitä pitäisi tutkia enemmän. Jatkotutkimusta voitaisiin tehdä esimerkiksi koulun ja etenkin opettajien mahdollisuuksista vaikuttaa oppilaiden nukkumiseen myönteisesti.
  • Jääskeläinen, Juulia (2021)
    Objectives. The goal of this thesis is to examine what kind of mathematical identity the groups of third, fourth and fifth grade students have. In addition, the study aims to decipher, through drawings produced by students, what kind of positive methods teacher use in math lesson, and considers whether positive pedagogy has an effect on students’ mathematical identities. Methods. The research method for this thesis was a qualitative case study of pupils’ drawings and writings. The research material comprised of 44 drawings and 44 writings. The research group consisted of three school classes from Uusimaa. The teaching methods of the class teachers were largely in line with positive pedagogy. The drawings were analyzed through drawing analysis and the writings by using classifications. Results and conclusions. The mathematical identities of the data were defined into four different categories: positive mathematical identity, conflicting mathematical identity, neutral mathematical identity, and negative mathematical identity. In the studied groups, over half of the students had a positive mathematical identity. Negative mathematical identities occurred the least. The majority of students described positive means in teacher action. The postive means of teachers manifested themselves in three different ways: encouraging and positive precence, support for learning, and encouraging and positive words. Based on the data, the teachers had the most encouraging precence and support for learning. Although the various words of encouragement were not very much present, the students for the most part described their relationship with the teacher positively. The research findings the encourages the use of positive pedagogy because it has the potential to positively influence a learner’s mathematical identity. The research also shows that drawing research, especially with combined with students’ writings, is a good method of research in analyzing mathematical identity.
  • Jääskeläinen, Juulia (2021)
    Objectives. The goal of this thesis is to examine what kind of mathematical identity the groups of third, fourth and fifth grade students have. In addition, the study aims to decipher, through drawings produced by students, what kind of positive methods teacher use in math lesson, and considers whether positive pedagogy has an effect on students’ mathematical identities. Methods. The research method for this thesis was a qualitative case study of pupils’ drawings and writings. The research material comprised of 44 drawings and 44 writings. The research group consisted of three school classes from Uusimaa. The teaching methods of the class teachers were largely in line with positive pedagogy. The drawings were analyzed through drawing analysis and the writings by using classifications. Results and conclusions. The mathematical identities of the data were defined into four different categories: positive mathematical identity, conflicting mathematical identity, neutral mathematical identity, and negative mathematical identity. In the studied groups, over half of the students had a positive mathematical identity. Negative mathematical identities occurred the least. The majority of students described positive means in teacher action. The postive means of teachers manifested themselves in three different ways: encouraging and positive precence, support for learning, and encouraging and positive words. Based on the data, the teachers had the most encouraging precence and support for learning. Although the various words of encouragement were not very much present, the students for the most part described their relationship with the teacher positively. The research findings the encourages the use of positive pedagogy because it has the potential to positively influence a learner’s mathematical identity. The research also shows that drawing research, especially with combined with students’ writings, is a good method of research in analyzing mathematical identity.
  • Heikkinen, Henna (2019)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Aims. Diverse responsibilities and expanding work environments demand teachers to learn continuously in constantly changing conditions in Universities of Applied Sciences. It is important to investigate how teachers learn at work and elaborate the most opportune learning situations. The purpose of this study is to find out how teachers at Universities of Applied Sciences learn in their work environment and how they regulate their learning in various situations. This study aims to answer the following research questions: 1. What kind of meaningful learning situations do teachers at University of Applied Sciences describe? 2.Which aspects of self- and co-regulated learning do the teachers demonstrate in these situations? 3. Which aspects of self- and co-efficacy were related to the learning situations described by the teachers? 4. How were the aspects of self- and co-regulated learning and self- and co-efficacy related to the key learning situations? Methods. The data consisted of semi-structured thematic interviews collected from eight teachers working at the University of Applied Sciences. The interviews contained questions about positive and negative learning experiences and the goals teachers set in terms of their learning and work. The interviews also aimed to find out how teachers seek to develop their own competences, to ascertain the relationship between colleagues and their own learning and competence as well as describe the factors that increase and decrease their self- and co- efficacy. The interview data were qualitatively content analysed by using an abductive strategy. The relationship between regulation and efficacy in the learning situations was then examined. Results and conclusions. The most relevant learning contexts for teachers in University of Applied Sciences were professional community, teaching context and informal learning situations. Reflection appeared as a significant component of regulation of learning among teachers. Other evident components were the substantial use of different strategies and monitoring. Examination of the relationship between regulation of learning and efficacy clarified the relationship and helped to construct a more profound understanding of teachers’ learning in various learning contexts.
  • Heikkinen, Henna (2019)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Aims. Diverse responsibilities and expanding work environments demand teachers to learn continuously in constantly changing conditions in Universities of Applied Sciences. It is important to investigate how teachers learn at work and elaborate the most opportune learning situations. The purpose of this study is to find out how teachers at Universities of Applied Sciences learn in their work environment and how they regulate their learning in various situations. This study aims to answer the following research questions: 1. What kind of meaningful learning situations do teachers at University of Applied Sciences describe? 2.Which aspects of self- and co-regulated learning do the teachers demonstrate in these situations? 3. Which aspects of self- and co-efficacy were related to the learning situations described by the teachers? 4. How were the aspects of self- and co-regulated learning and self- and co-efficacy related to the key learning situations? Methods. The data consisted of semi-structured thematic interviews collected from eight teachers working at the University of Applied Sciences. The interviews contained questions about positive and negative learning experiences and the goals teachers set in terms of their learning and work. The interviews also aimed to find out how teachers seek to develop their own competences, to ascertain the relationship between colleagues and their own learning and competence as well as describe the factors that increase and decrease their self- and co- efficacy. The interview data were qualitatively content analysed by using an abductive strategy. The relationship between regulation and efficacy in the learning situations was then examined. Results and conclusions. The most relevant learning contexts for teachers in University of Applied Sciences were professional community, teaching context and informal learning situations. Reflection appeared as a significant component of regulation of learning among teachers. Other evident components were the substantial use of different strategies and monitoring. Examination of the relationship between regulation of learning and efficacy clarified the relationship and helped to construct a more profound understanding of teachers’ learning in various learning contexts.
  • Rusanen, Katri (2019)
    This study aimed at discovering whether using a Virtual Reality (VR) educational platform can result in better learning outcomes compared to a more traditional form of instructional technology, video. In addition, this study aimed at providing information of VR’s ability to transmit credibility, and especially to transmit trustworthiness, competence, and sense of goodwill. Several studies regarding the use of VR and more traditional technologies in education provided the theoretical foundation for this thesis. Additionally, credibility and affordance related theories were involved in the theoretical background. This experimental study was executed as a quantitative study that employed randomized, controlled crossover experiments within test subjects. Three forestry related contents (1) Harvester head, (2) Tree cell, and (3) Laser scanning point clouds, were exposed to test subjects and questionnaires were used to gather information of the experiment and to measure i.a. credibility, affordances and other variables. Pre- and post-test were used to measure learning. The data consisted of N=100 test subjects of which 49 experienced video treatment and 51 experienced VR treatment. Learning results were not better in VR treatments. Conversely, learning results were significantly better in video treatments. There was a significant difference in learning results between the Harvester head content and the other two contents. In Harvester head content test subjects gained significantly better learning results in VR and video conditions. Credibility of the experts was perceived equally high in both VR and video treatments. However, Competence and Goodwill were perceived higher in VR treatments. The expert in the Harvester head content was perceived least competent in both treatments. Finally, the results indicated the chosen affordances (Opportunities, Multi-sensory, Three-dimensionality, and Commitment and Motivation) were significantly more suitable to VR treatments than video. In the light of the obtained results, adapting a VR technology to educational or training purposes should be done with a careful consideration. VR enables visualization in an immersive way that increases motivation and engagement towards the content taught. However, compelling visuals nor the novel media alone do not necessarily result in better learning results. Focusing on presenting specific contents and tasks in VR will enhance its use for educational and training purposes. In the future studies, attention should be paid to avatar credibility and VR’s ability to transmit sense of Competence and Good-will better than traditional media. Additionally, based on the results of this study, the interactive functions of VR ought to be emphasized when focusing on promoting learning.
  • Ahlfors, Kira (2017)
    School evaluation always has a connection to the current learning concept. The evaluation indirectly indicates what is valued in society at that present time. These values are reflected in the human concept and hence the pupil's perception. Therefore, student assessment plays an important and responsible role in promoting favorable development in children. In this bachelor’s thesis I´m researching thoughts of the 5th grade teachers in the Arabian school about the significance of evaluation in children development, growth and learning. In the theoretical part I focus on the internal growth and development of children and young people between 7 and 15 years through different development areas and phases. I bring forth the most famous theories that have influenced our present understanding of the child as a developing and learning human being. In addition, I address evaluation methods that can support and promote student learning and thereby support favorable growth and development. Four 5th grade teachers from the Arabian school attended the study. Three of them were class teachers and one craft teacher and each had a teaching history for over five years. Interviews were conducted at the Arabia School as individual and semi-structured interviews. My research is data-driven and the focal point is the data that I have collected from the interviewed teachers. The theoretical part is based on the themes raised in the material. In the study, teachers considered the evaluation to be important if it was comprehensive and developing. By evaluating, the teachers felt the opportunity to increase the student's understanding of their skills, strengths and weaknesses, which provides tools for achieving the goals. In assessing the student, teachers felt that cooperation with parents, peers and other teachers was particularly important.
  • Salo, Henrik (2019)
    Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia haasteita suomenkielisillä saksanopiskelijoilla on saksan sanapainossa. Tutkielmassa suoritetaan virheanalyysi, jossa selvitetään, miten paljon saksanopiskelijat tekevät virheitä sanapainossa ja millaisia yksilöllisiä eroja heidän välillään on. Tämän avulla pyritään selvittämään, kuinka laaja haaste saksan sanapaino suomenkielisille on ja millaisia virheitä siinä yleisimmin tehdään. Virheanalyysin yhteydessä toteutetaan lyhyt korpusanalyysi, joka tutkii kahden saksan kielen sanan, überall ja überhaupt painotusta. Tutkimusaineistona käytetään vuoden 2010 TAITO-projektin videoitua materiaalia, jossa Helsingin yliopiston saksan pääaineopiskelijat suorittavat suullisia keskustelutehtäviä saksaksi, sekä HY-TALK-projektin materiaalia vuodelta 2011, jossa Helsingin yliopiston Kielikeskuksen saksan kurssin opiskelijat suorittavat samankaltaisia keskustelutehtäviä. Korpusanalyysissä käytetään apuna Mannheimin saksan kielen instituutin Datenbank für gesprochenes Deutsch – tietokantaa ja siitä saatua korpusta Forschungs- und Lehrkorpus für gesprochenes Deutsch (FOLK). Tutkielman teoriaosuudessa muodostetaan kuva saksan sanapainosta ilmiönä mm. ääntämisoppikirjojen ja erilaisten sanapainoon keskittyvien aikaisempien tutkimusten avulla. Teoriaosuudessa selvitetään, miten sanan rakenne vaikuttaa sen painotukseen ja millaisia sääntöjä saksan painotuksessa on. Saksan sanapainoa myös verrataan lyhyesti suomen kielen sanapainoon. Saksan sanapainoa käsitellään myös pedagogisesta näkökulmasta ja teoriaosuuden myöhemmässä vaiheessa selvitetään mm. erilaisten didaktisten oppaiden avulla, miten saksan sanapainoa voisi käsitellä kouluympäristössä, sekä perehdytään siihen, millaiset tekijät johtavat ääntämysvirheisiin ja pohditaan niiden käsittelyä luokkahuoneessa. Analyysin tuloksina todetaan, että suomenkieliset saksanopiskelijat painottavat erityisen usein virheellisesti ensimmäistä tavua, kun sanapaino on saksan kielessä sanan lopussa. Varsinkin painottomat prefiksit, kuten ge- aiheuttavat usein haasteita. Virheiden määrässä ja laadussa on myös melko suuria yksilöllisiä eroja, eikä lähtötaso kaikissa tapauksissa korreloi virheiden määrän kanssa.
  • Salo, Henrik (2019)
    Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, millaisia haasteita suomenkielisillä saksanopiskelijoilla on saksan sanapainossa. Tutkielmassa suoritetaan virheanalyysi, jossa selvitetään, miten paljon saksanopiskelijat tekevät virheitä sanapainossa ja millaisia yksilöllisiä eroja heidän välillään on. Tämän avulla pyritään selvittämään, kuinka laaja haaste saksan sanapaino suomenkielisille on ja millaisia virheitä siinä yleisimmin tehdään. Virheanalyysin yhteydessä toteutetaan lyhyt korpusanalyysi, joka tutkii kahden saksan kielen sanan, überall ja überhaupt painotusta. Tutkimusaineistona käytetään vuoden 2010 TAITO-projektin videoitua materiaalia, jossa Helsingin yliopiston saksan pääaineopiskelijat suorittavat suullisia keskustelutehtäviä saksaksi, sekä HY-TALK-projektin materiaalia vuodelta 2011, jossa Helsingin yliopiston Kielikeskuksen saksan kurssin opiskelijat suorittavat samankaltaisia keskustelutehtäviä. Korpusanalyysissä käytetään apuna Mannheimin saksan kielen instituutin Datenbank für gesprochenes Deutsch – tietokantaa ja siitä saatua korpusta Forschungs- und Lehrkorpus für gesprochenes Deutsch (FOLK). Tutkielman teoriaosuudessa muodostetaan kuva saksan sanapainosta ilmiönä mm. ääntämisoppikirjojen ja erilaisten sanapainoon keskittyvien aikaisempien tutkimusten avulla. Teoriaosuudessa selvitetään, miten sanan rakenne vaikuttaa sen painotukseen ja millaisia sääntöjä saksan painotuksessa on. Saksan sanapainoa myös verrataan lyhyesti suomen kielen sanapainoon. Saksan sanapainoa käsitellään myös pedagogisesta näkökulmasta ja teoriaosuuden myöhemmässä vaiheessa selvitetään mm. erilaisten didaktisten oppaiden avulla, miten saksan sanapainoa voisi käsitellä kouluympäristössä, sekä perehdytään siihen, millaiset tekijät johtavat ääntämysvirheisiin ja pohditaan niiden käsittelyä luokkahuoneessa. Analyysin tuloksina todetaan, että suomenkieliset saksanopiskelijat painottavat erityisen usein virheellisesti ensimmäistä tavua, kun sanapaino on saksan kielessä sanan lopussa. Varsinkin painottomat prefiksit, kuten ge- aiheuttavat usein haasteita. Virheiden määrässä ja laadussa on myös melko suuria yksilöllisiä eroja, eikä lähtötaso kaikissa tapauksissa korreloi virheiden määrän kanssa.
  • Kaunisto, Nenna (2021)
    Tämän kirjallisuuskatsauksen tavoitteena on syventyä design – etnografiaan ja sen käyttöön kasvatustieteellisellä kentällä, tarkemmin oppimisen ja koulun kontekstissa. Tutkimuksen tuloksena saadaan mahdollisimman monipuolinen kuvaus design – etnografiasta, sen käyttökohteista sekä mahdollisista hyödyistä ja haasteista oppimisen ja koulun kontekstin tutkimuksissa. Kandidaatin tutkielma toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena, joka mahdollistaa monipuolisen, laaja-alaisen sekä ajankohtaisen katsauksen design – etnografian käytöstä tällä hetkellä. Kuvailevaan kirjallisuuskatsaukseen valittiin pääosin kansainvälisiä tutkimuksia ja artikkeleita. Tutkimus osoitti, että design – etnografiaa on käytetty koulun ja oppimisen kontekstissa jonkin verran, mutta sen käyttö on soveltunut aikaisempien artikkeleiden ja tutkimuksien perusteella melko kapealle sektorille. Design – etnografista menetelmää on sovellettu erityisesti oppimisympäristöjen kehittämisen apuna sekä erilaisten kontekstien kulttuurien tutkimuksissa. Tutkimuksissa nostettiin esille erilaisia hyötyjä sekä heikkouksia design – etnografisen menetelmän käytössä kasvatustieteellisessä tutkimuksessa. Hyötynä koettiin erityisesti monipuoliset työkalut, joilla voidaan syventyä hyvin monipuolisesti erilaisiin tilanteisiin. Heikkoutena koettiin erityisesti design – etnografian monipuolisuuden tuomat haasteet, koska tutkimustavan käyttöönotto ja soveltaminen voi olla melko monimutkaista.
  • Arvola, Noora (2020)
    Dialogicality is an actual topic in pedagogical studies. Both in theoretical and ordinary speech, the term is often used as a synonym of discussion and interaction. The use of the concept, however, only seldom reveals the equivocal nature of the phenomenon. In pedagogical discourses, it is often difficult to discern the background conceptions or theories determining in each case the concept of dialogue. The aim of the present study is to address this challenge and help to clarify the situation by examining the various ways in which dialogicality has been understood in pedagogical studies in Finland in the 21st century. The research material consisted of 24 international research publications written in English. The material was first studied in relation to the notions and definitions of dialogicality put forward in them, and these were then analysed in the light of Hans-Georg Gadamer’s hermeneutical philosophy. The research questions to be answered were: 1. How is dialogicality defined in the pedagogical research in Finland during the las two decades 2. What do these conceptions reveal of the understanding of dialogicality, when related to Gadamer’s phenomenological-hermeneutical understanding of its nature? The research combines two different approaches: the material was organized with the method of systematic literature review and it was analysed through philosophical research. The study’s vantage point, and the theoretical framework directing its questioning, was constituted by the phenomenological-hermeneutical thought of Hans-Georg Gadamer. According to the results of the study, there are four central theoretical frameworks defining the research of dialogicality in the pedagogical research in Finland in the 21st century. Apparently, the studies are to a certain extent compatible with each other in their thematic content and in their descriptions of interconnected phenomena, but their ways of understanding the nature of dialogicality prove to be incommensurate. When analysed with the help of Gadamer’s hermeneutics, the research also shows itself as internally divided: the decisive differences are, firstly, whether dialogicality is understood as communication of knowledge, and secondly, whether dialogue is understood instrumentally as a method. With the help of Gadamer’s hermeneutical though, the study attempts to clarify the phenomenon of dialogue and to sharpen the required conceptual grasp and so to elaborate pedagogical research of dialogicality.
  • Aarnio, Hanna (2019)
    Aims. Previous research on entrepreneurial education has mainly been driven by economic interest. It has been based on quantitative approaches focusing on learning outcomes. Entrepreneurial competencies have been observed as learnable and teachable, although there has been contradictory evidence about effectiveness of entrepreneurial education. Process perspective on entrepreneurial education has left as a minor viewpoint. By now, researchers’ have recommended socio-constructive and experiential approaches to pedagogics. The objective of this study is to bring together previously separate research traditions on educational outcomes and process, introducing more profound picture of learning entrepreneurial competencies especially from the students’ perspective. Methods. The study was conducted by interviewing 18 fifth-year engineering students, who had started their studies on August 1, 2013. The interview invitations were targeted based on study register data for reaching participants from diverse backgrounds on entrepreneurial studies. The research instrument was built on directions of narrative research, critical incident technique and lifeline approach. The data were analyzed with content analysis combined with abductive reasoning and data quantification. Results and conclusions. Consistently with the previous studies, entrepreneurial competencies were shown possible to learn. All students recognized learning of business competencies. However, competencies needed in early-phase entrepreneurship were emphasized by students, who had accomplished several entrepreneurial courses. Results concerning learning process indicated that combining formal learning environments with elements of informal learning resulted as a wide spectrum of learned entrepreneurial competencies. Learning was located especially in problem-solving and project working environments where students co-worked in inter- or multidisciplinary groups. However, other than entrepreneurial courses did not directly support learning of entrepreneurial competencies. Thus, the findings set base for further actions in integrating the elements of entrepreneurial courses into project courses.
  • Aarnio, Hanna (2019)
    Aims. Previous research on entrepreneurial education has mainly been driven by economic interest. It has been based on quantitative approaches focusing on learning outcomes. Entrepreneurial competencies have been observed as learnable and teachable, although there has been contradictory evidence about effectiveness of entrepreneurial education. Process perspective on entrepreneurial education has left as a minor viewpoint. By now, researchers’ have recommended socio-constructive and experiential approaches to pedagogics. The objective of this study is to bring together previously separate research traditions on educational outcomes and process, introducing more profound picture of learning entrepreneurial competencies especially from the students’ perspective. Methods. The study was conducted by interviewing 18 fifth-year engineering students, who had started their studies on August 1, 2013. The interview invitations were targeted based on study register data for reaching participants from diverse backgrounds on entrepreneurial studies. The research instrument was built on directions of narrative research, critical incident technique and lifeline approach. The data were analyzed with content analysis combined with abductive reasoning and data quantification. Results and conclusions. Consistently with the previous studies, entrepreneurial competencies were shown possible to learn. All students recognized learning of business competencies. However, competencies needed in early-phase entrepreneurship were emphasized by students, who had accomplished several entrepreneurial courses. Results concerning learning process indicated that combining formal learning environments with elements of informal learning resulted as a wide spectrum of learned entrepreneurial competencies. Learning was located especially in problem-solving and project working environments where students co-worked in inter- or multidisciplinary groups. However, other than entrepreneurial courses did not directly support learning of entrepreneurial competencies. Thus, the findings set base for further actions in integrating the elements of entrepreneurial courses into project courses.
  • Kinnunen, Auli (2016)
    High sensitivity is a part of a temperament. Most of the highly sensitive persons are also introverts. Their senses and minds get easily overloaded and they need to rest after being in a large, noisy group. This is why school years can be hard for highly sensitive children. If the teachers understand them, they will enjoy learning and their good qualities will come out.
  • Uimonen, Konsta (2022)
    Finnish matriculation examination in biology transitioned into a digital examination from traditional pen-and-paper examination in spring of 2018 as a part of larger process aiming to digitalize the entire matriculation examination. Tthe requirements for the exam have also changed: in addition to subject knowledge, the digital examination also requires the candidate to also be master the digital skills outlined in the Finnish high school curriculum, for example the use of image- and data processing programs. It has been suggested hat candidates from higher socioeconomic background benefit more from digital skill teaching. It has also been shown that some teachers overestimate the digital skills of the students, omitting parts of the teaching process that are integral for learning. Tthis study examines whether the matriculation examination answers requiring digital skills differ from questions that can be answered without advanced digital skills. Statistically significantly worse performance in questions requiring digital skills might indicate digital skill teaching that is insufficient compared to the skill level required in matriculation examination. Insufficient teaching may disproportionately affect those from lower socioeconomic background. The data of this study consists of 30 full-length answers from matriculation examinations of spring 2018, autumn 2018 and spring 2019, for a total of 90 full-length answers. The data was a randomized sample provided by Ylioppilastutkintolautakunta (Finnish Matriculation Examination Board). The differences were analysed with Mann-Whitney U-test and Fisher’s z-transformation. The study found that questions requiring digital skills were statistically significantly more popular than questions that didn’t require digital skills. Although the level of cognitive processing outlined by Bloom’s Taxonomy was lower in questions requiring digital skills, there was no statistically significant difference in the success (measured by attained score) between the answers. According to results, the digital proficiency of the candidates was at a sufficient level to answer to the questions.. The study also speculates on factors that could explain the observed differences in answer popularity, cognitive depth and difficulty level of the questions.
  • Lehikoinen, Eveliina (2019)
    The aim of this thesis is to research information from written articles and books about the connection between a given feedback from a manager and the employee’s competence development. In this literature review I will examine the concepts of feedback and competence development and the factors affecting them. I will also examine how feedback from a manager can improve employee’s competence, work motivation and commitment in practice. Work motivation and commitment can is a base for competence development, because committed and motivated employee is more willing to invest to one’s work and develop his or her skills and performance. The subject is very interesting and important. According to the literature using feedback in work context is often seen as something considered self-evident. It is not always the case in real life and many workers complain about not getting enough feedback from their managers about their performance. The data is collected using books and articles from the fields of educational and business economics including many researches about motivation, competence development and feedback in work context. The thesis is assembled together by using the method of narrative literature review. The keywords of this thesis are feedback and competence development. Feedback is seen as a received information of one’s actions. Feedback is always experienced individually and many things, such as receiver’s age, his or her own perception and the strategy used when giving feedback can affect how it is received and understood. Competence development can be assimilated with learning at work and it means intentionally or unconsciously improving one’s professional skills. This can benefit employees and the whole organization, since nowadays working life requires constant development to maintain one’s position in hardened competition – both in individual and organizational levels. According to this literature review, competence development can be supported with a good and adequate feedback. Constructive feedback can help correct errors and encourage development. Positive feedback can increase employee’s self-esteem and feeling of competence. This is important because supportive and positive working environment is a crucial factor for one’s job motivation and commitment.