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  • Lehtinen, Melina (2017)
    Anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders are linked with certain personality and behavior traits: for example, people with eating disorders are more perfectionistic and neurotic as well as less extroverted than healthy people. The purpose of this paper is to examine whether traits associated with anorexia nervosa persist after clinical recovery. This paper covers ten studies in which people recovered from eating disorders are compared to people unaffected with eating disorders. It seems that there is great variety in the stability of different traits after the recovery from the eating disorder. Perfectionism might be stable feature even after the recovery.
  • Jouhki, Virpi (2015)
    Goals. Juvenile delinquency has inspired many different theories on the causes of crime. At this moment, there is enough evidence to believe that there are at least two subgroups of juveniles, with different developmental pathways to criminal involvement. In the field of criminology there has been concern on the pattern of criminal offending which has lead to hypothesis regarding offence specialization versus versatility. Majority of research conducted to this day suggest that juveniles are versatile offenders who engage in all types of criminal or antisocial behaviors. However, the developmental view anticipate different pattern of offending for different subgroups of delinquent youths. This study focuses on individual differences in crime according to Big Five personality traits. The Big Five has been used in several studies of crime and personality and the relationship between them has been well documented. However, little is known how personality traits are related to different types of crime. The purpose of this study is to explore how personality traits are related to different types of crime and furthermore are there differences in offence specialization versus versatility according to personality traits. Methods. This study employs the data from the nationwide survey on youth crime and victimization conducted by the National Research Institute of Legal Policy. A total of 4855 ninth grade students completed a self-report survey questionnaire. The BFI-S (Big Five inventory short) personality instrument was used to measure personality traits. This study investigates personality traits in relation to four crime types: 1) property offences, 2) theft, 3) violence and 4) alcohol and drug use. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to explore whether the versatility hypothesis of criminal acts holds true according to personality traits. Results and conclusions. Conscientiousness, agreeableness and extraversion were found to be associated with crime among students, which was in line with the previous research. In addition, the result suggested that personality traits are differently linked to different types of crime. Risk for engaging in alcohol and drug use was characterized by high extraversion and low conscientiousness whereas low agreeableness was found to increase the risk for violent offending. Theoretically the results of this study are interpreted as a counter evidence for versatility hypothesis on the nature of juvenile delinquency, even though no direct evidence for the offence specialization was found. Still, juvenile delinquency might not be as versatile behavior as it has been considered but moreover, individuals with different personality characteristics may be prone towards different types of delinquent acts. The role of violence as the most "pathological" form of antisocial behavior is discussed in relation of previous theory and research as well as the findings of this study.
  • Lindgren, Sofia (2015)
    Goals. Bullying is a fairly common phenomenon and is known to cause major psychological distress on its victims. The negative effects of bullying are often long lasting, which is why early interventions are important. Understanding the factors behind bullying can help us learn more about it and thus find better ways of intervening. One factor that is known to affect bullying is personality. The goal of this study is to examine the link between Big Five personality traits and becoming the victim of bullying. On basis of previous research, it was assumed that lower conscientiousness, agreeableness and extraversion and higher neuroticism would lead to a higher risk of being bullied. The role of openness was ambiguous. Also the effect of parental supervision, school performance and time spent with friends were examined. Methods. This study employs the data from the nationwide survey on youth crime and victimization conducted by the national research institute of legal policy in 2012. The sample frame of the survey was Finnish-speaking primary and secondary schools. A total of 8914 sixth and ninth grade students completed a self-report survey questionnaire in school. 14.9 % of the students reported being bullied at least once during the previous year. Multinomial regression analysis was used to explore the relationship between personality traits, parental supervision, time spent with friends, school performance and bullying. Interaction analyses between personality traits and the moderators were also conducted. Results and conclusions. The result of this study suggest that students who score lower on extroversion, conscientiousness, parental supervision and school performance and higher on openness and neuroticism are more likely than other students to be bullied. There was no statistically significant relation between bullying and openness or time spent with friends. The risk between bullying and extroversion was especially high when combined with lower parental supervision, school performance and a higher level of time spent with friends. The risk between bullying and neuroticism was higher when combined with lower school performance and a higher level of time spent with friends. Openness was a risk factor especially when combined with lower levels of parental supervision and school performance. The results show that personality traits as well as other, more social factors such as parental supervision, can have a significant impact on bullying. Parental supervision is something that, unlike personality traits, can be more easily altered, which is why giving parents more information about the effects of parental supervision on bullying is important. Although this study focused on the victim's traits, it is important to stress that the idea is not to blame the victim. The goal of this study was to get a better understanding of the factors that increase a child's risk for victimization and use this knowledge to design better interventions for bullying and perhaps peer victimization in general.
  • Ritvanen, Noora (2019)
    The goal of my thesis was to find out how personality affects the way people use social media and how social media profile information expresses people’s personality. I limited the studies involved to those in which personality was measured with same or similar inventories that are based on Big Five theory. The studies used were searched from Google Scholar and ScienceDirect databases with search statements ”Big Five” AND ”Social media”, Personality AND ”Social media” and Personality AND ”Social media use”. Extroverted people used social media for socializing and communication which was expressed through profiles for example as many connections to other people. Neurotic people used social media for communication and attention seeking. Neurotic people do not want to tell about their neuroticism to other people which might explain why neuroticism did not always have an association with behaviour in social media and why it was not expressed through profile information. People who are open to new experiences used social media for private communication. In profiles communication was expressed through broad networks. Openness to new experiences had incoherent association with using social media for gathering information. People who are high in conscientiousness used social media to support their social relations and for private communication. People who are high in conscientiousness do not want other people to see that they use social media because it is pointless which might explain why conscientiousness was not usually expressed through profile information. People who are high in agreeableness used social media for communication. Agreeableness is not associated with behaviour which can be seen in social media which might be the reason why agreeableness was not seen from profile information. Personality traits are expressed in social media profiles and behaviours in different ways which Big Five theory credibly explains.
  • Björkholm, Susanne (2019)
    Objectives. A new theory of personality is presented. The A-TRiC is unique in having a substantive theoretical basis in human evolutionary history and the phylogenetic constraints on development of dimensional psychological traits. Trust, Reactivity (to threat) and (need for) Control are personality traits found in all social mammals. Independence affects need for social reward, Analytical Thinking affects willingness to adhere to mechanistic/reductionistic vs intuitive/holistic explanations to phenomena. Since it would be futile academic egotism to propose a new theory unless one is needed, the psychometric and theoretical problems of the mainstream Five-Factor theory are also analysed. Methods. 1027 participants (61% female; Mage 41) completed the A-TRiC questionnaire online. Internal consistencies of the traits and model fit were investigated and predictions about traits and some outcomes were tested. Results & conclusions. Internal consistency was acceptable. Central model fit indices showed acceptable to poor fit. Levels of Reactivity and Control were associated with lifetime diagnoses of depression and anxiety. Reactivity was associated with addiction. High scores in Analytical thinking were associated with male gender and a degree in natural science. Women scored higher on Control. Some conceptual confusions hindering progress in the scientific study of personality are discussed in light of the theory and its background assumptions.
  • Järvisaari, Jutta (2017)
    Objective: Cardiovascular disease is one of the leading causes of death in the world and elevated blood pressure is one of the major risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Health behavior such as alcohol use, smoking and physical activity as well as obesity are known to affect the risk for cardiovascular disease. Also temperament has been shown to be associated with the risk for cardiovascular disease in numerous studies. The exact pathway through which the association between temperament and the risk for cardiovascular disease is mediated is so far unknown. Temperament has been shown to be associated with elevated blood pressure but not much research on the subject has yet been conducted. The aim of this study was to examine if temperament is associated with elevated blood pressure, which factors mediate the association and how they mediate it. Methods: The participants of the study were from The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study (CRYFS) and the data from the follow-up carried out in 2007. The subjects were divided into groups of elevated blood pressure and normal blood pressure according to their blood pressure levels. Temperament was assessed using a self-report form of the Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI-9) which measures the temperament traits of Cloninger's psychobiological theory - novelty seeking, harm avoidance, reward dependence and persistence. Concerning mediating variables the subjects were asked to answer questions about their alcohol use, smoking and physical activity. Body mass index was calculated from measures of weight and height. Logistic regression and correlation analyses were used for the analyses. Results and conclusions: A high level of reward dependence was related to a lower risk for elevated blood pressure. Two health behavior variables, higher level of alcohol use and greater body mass index were related to an increased risk. A weak association between a higher level of persistence and a lower level of blood pressure was also found. The association between reward dependence and elevated blood pressure showed evidence for being independent of the health behavior variables. Behavioral styles based on temperament are suggested as the mediating mechanism behind the association. For example behavioral styles could affect a person's tendency to seek medical help and health care. The concept of personalized health care expanded with temperament related information should be considered as a valuable potential asset for preventive health care in the future.
  • Vaarala, Ninja (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Metodinäyttely on erityisesti Yhdysvalloissa keskeinen näyttelysuuntaus, jossa pyritään luomaan roolihahmoon vahva emotionaalinen side. Sen harjoittelumenetelmät voivat olla psyykkisesti hyvin kuormittavia. Näyttelijöiden työ voi olla myös taloudellisesti kuormittavaa, kun tulojen epävarmuus aiheuttaa stressiä. Tämän vuoksi he voivat olla riskiryhmässä dissosiaatiolle, erityisesti depersonalisaatio/derealisaatio -tyyppiselle oirehdinnalle. Tutkimuskirjallisuudesta löytyy anekdootteja näyttelijöistä, jotka ovat niin ikään menettäneet hallinnan omaksumansa roolihahmon persoonallisuudesta, eli kokeneet jonkin tasoista dissosiaatiota. Tässä kandidaatintutkielmassa pyritään selvittämään, onko näyttelijöillä enemmän dissosiaatio-oirehdintaa normaalipopulaatioon verrattuna sekä mahdollisen yhteyden kausaliteetin suuntaa. Lisäksi perehdytään kysymykseen, voiko persoonallisuus selittää tätä näyttelijäntyön ja dissosiaatio-oireiden yhteyttä. Menetelmät. Tutkimuskirjallisuus keskittyy lähes yksinomaan metodinäyttelijöihin, eikä kirjallisuutta ylipäänsä ole paljoa. Siksi kirjallisuuskatsauksen artikkelit olivat hyvin hajanainen joukko tutkimuksia. Aineisto etsittiin Google Scholar –tietokannan avulla, sekä artikkelien lähdeluetteloiden avulla syksyllä 2022. Hakusanoina käytettiin “acting”, “actor”, “theatre”, “theater”, “dissociation”, “method acting”, “immersion”, “personality”. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Näyttelijöiden dissosiaatio-oireet ovat ei-näyttelijäpopulaatiota korkeammalla tasolla, mutta eivät kuitenkaan ylitä patologista rajaa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella voidaan alustavasti sanoa, että näyttelijöillä dissosiaatio-oireet voimistuvat ainakin hetkellisesti roolisuoritusten jälkeen, mutta pidemmän aikavälin muutoksista ei vielä tiedetä. Monissa tutkimuksissa kyseenalaistettiin normaalipopulaatioonkin käytettävän dissosiaatiomittarin DES:n käyttökelpoisuutta näyttelijäpopulaatiossa, sillä se sisältää paljon näyttelijäntyöhön olennaisesti liittyviä väittämiä. Dissosiaation mittausmenetelmiä tulisikin tulevaisuudessa kehittää havaitsemaan patologisempaa dissosiaatiota näyttelijöillä erityisryhmänä. Kvalitatiivisten tutkimusten perusteella metodinäyttelyn emotionaalisesti kuormittavat harjoittelumenetelmät voivat altistaa niin sanotulle persoonallisuuden rajojen hämärtymiselle (eng. boundary blurring). Näyttelijäntyön koulutusta ja ohjaajien metodiikkaa tulisi kehittää niin, että näyttelijöillä olisi mahdollisuus opetella ylläpitämään omaa persoonallisuuttansa vaihtuvien roolihahmojen läsnäollessa. Tulevaisuussa näyttelijöiden tutkimuksella olisi syytä löytää näyttöön perustuvia menetelmiä hallita omia rajojaan (eng. Boundary management).
  • Lonka, Suvi (2015)
    Previous studies show that personality can affect success at work. However, there have been relatively few prior studies on the relationship between success at work and certain personality traits, such as optimism and self-directedness. Current study examined the relationship between optimism, self-directedness and success at work in 3 to 10 years follow-up. Success at work was measured by unemployment status, income and occupational status. Women and men were analyzed separately as previous studies have reported gender differences in personality-success at work relationship. Furthermore, the results were examined after controlling the level of education. The hypothesis was that optimism and self-directedness would predict lower unemployment, higher income and higher occupational status. Participants were from the Young Finns study that began in 1980. There were in total 3596 participants aged 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 at the study baseline in 1980. In this current study 1576 participants (993 women, 583 men) were followed from 1997 to 2011 when they all were adults. Self-directedness was measured in 1997 and optimism in 2001. Unemployment and occupational status were reported in 2001, 2007 and 2011. Income was reported in 2007 and 2011. Results showed that optimism and self-directedness were associated with success at work. Low optimism predicted unemployment, especially in women. High optimism and high self-directedness predicted higher income and higher occupational status. However, the associations between self-directedness with income and occupational status weakened after the level of education was controlled. High optimism also predicted changes in income. When analyzing changes in income separately in women and men, the result was significant only in men. Thus it seems that optimism affects the career of an individual positively as optimists continuously find new opportunities to advance in their career and earn more money. In practice the results suggest to reflect that objective success at work might be improved by interventions that lead to improving skills in goal making and mindfulness.
  • Rantakallio, Pekka (2016)
    Sedentary behaviour has been found to increase the risk of cancer, coronary heart disease, and mental disorders. It is important to know which factors affect sedentary behaviour in order to motivate people to take care of their psychological as well as physical health by being physically more active. This literature review considers the relationships between physical activity, temperament and personality. The correlative relationships between physical activity and individual differences have been studied quite thoroughly. Out of the five personality traits in the Big Five personality theory extraversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience, and emotional stability have been found to correlate with physical activity. In addition to the correlations conscientiousness, extraversion, emotional stability, and openness to experience have also been found to increase physical activity. Furthermore, the conscientiousness, extraversion, openness to experience, as well as agreeableness of physically more active adults have been found to reduce less over time than on physically less active adults. Additionally, physical activity has been found to increase the persistence and maintain the emotional stability among children. Summarizing, certain personality traits may affect the development of a physically active lifestyle, and physical activity may respectively contribute to the development and stability of personality traits. There is a need to study the relationships between physical activity, temperament and personality since the associations and the causal connections between the phenomena are not yet precisely known. The definitions used in the studies should be unified and the measurement methods and the statistical analyses should be further developed. More longitudinal research should be conducted. Furthermore, studies focusing on the mechanisms between physical activity, temperament and personality are needed. Additionally, it is important to study the differences between different modes of physical activity in terms of how they relate to temperament and personality. These future examinations might be useful for people who design and implement physical activity interventions.
  • Määttä, Päivi (2018)
    The purpose of this research was to study how couples experience happiness in their relationship. To focus the central phenomena the research questions were divided into two categories according to their nature: 1) What kind of impressions do the participants have on a happy relationship? (internal factors) 2) How do the participants try to support the happiness in a relationship? (external factors). Eight couples participated in the research: couples without children, families with children and grandparents. A qualitative method was used in this study. The data were collected by interviewing couples in May and June 2017, and the form of the interviews was a half-structured theme interview. In the interview-guide, the questions were divided into four themes according to the background theories: personality, appreciation, deeds and interaction. Theory bound qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data. The analysis revealed 13 subgroups which describe the factors that the participants accounted to be supporting factors in a relationship. These factors: 1. Personality: compatibility of personalities, commitment, personal growth in relation to honesty and trust. 2. Appreciation: mutuality, spouses' own time and space, accepting the spouse's imperfection. 3. Deeds: serving the spouse, doing things together, paying attention to each other. 4. Interaction: open discussion and listening to the spouse, giving positive feedback, showing love both physically and verbally. The results of the study align the previous studies except the subgroup including spouses' own time and space. In the previous studies those issues were not included as supporting factors in the happiness of a relationship. This study could be applicable and useful in relationship therapy or in other connections where the previous factors concerning mutual interaction are regarded as important. In the future a similar research could be made with a greater group of participants by interviewing couples both together and separately. The effects of digitalization on interaction and happiness in relationships could also be current and interesting themes. Regarding home economics science, the most important result of this research is the understanding of the importance of interaction between personalities and people. Interaction plays an important role both personally and between people in general concerning happiness and well-being. Well-being in relationships could be described as a content and quality factor in everyday life and housing. The experienced balance in family and everyday life reflects in all communities where family members act daily.
  • Määttä, Päivi (2018)
    The purpose of this research was to study how couples experience happiness in their relationship. To focus the central phenomena the research questions were divided into two categories accord-ing to their nature: 1) What kind of impressions do the participants have on a happy relation-ship? (internal factors) 2) How do the participants try to support the happiness in a relationship? (external factors). Eight couples participated in the research: couples without children, families with children and grandparents. A qualitative method was used in this study. The data were collected by interview-ing couples in May and June 2017, and the form of the interviews was a half-structured theme interview. In the interviewguide, the questions were divided into four themes according to the background theories: personality, appreciation, deeds and interaction. Theory bound qualitative content analysis was used to analyze the data. The analysis revealed 13 subgroups which describe the factors that the participants accounted to be supporting factors in a relationship. These factors: 1. Personality: compatibility of personali-ties, commitment, personal growth in relation to honesty and trust. 2. Appreciation: mutuality, spouses` own time and space, accepting the spouse`s imperfection. 3. Deeds: serving the spouse, doing things together, paying attention to each other. 4. Interac-tion: open discussion and listening to the spouse, giving positive feedback, showing love both physically and verbally. The results of the study align the previous studies except the subgroup including spouses` own time and space. In the previous studies those issues were not included as supporting factors in the happiness of a relationship. This study could be applicable and useful in relationship therapy or in other connections where the previous factors concerning mutual interaction are regarded as important. In the future a similar research could be made with a greater group of participants by interview-ing couples both together and separately. The effects of digitalization on interaction and happi-ness in relationships could also be current and interesting themes. Regarding home economics science, the most important result of this research is the understanding of the importance of in-teraction between personalities and people. Interaction plays an important role both personally and between people in general concerning happiness and well-being. Well-being in relationships could be described as a content and quality factor in everyday life and housing. The experienced balance in family and everyday life reflects in all communities where family members act daily.
  • Laine, Saana (2015)
    Objectives: Youth violence is a phenomenon that can have long-lasting and serious consequences for its victims as well as the perpetrators themselves. It is important to try and recognize factors that can have an effect on violent behaviour. The purpose of this study was to find out if there are links between exposure to media violence, the Big Five -personality traits and youth violence. In addition to studying these factors separately, it was also studied if some of the personality traits increase vulnerability to the negative effects of media violence exposure. Based on earlier research it was hypothesized that exposure to violent games and violent movies is associated with violent behaviour. With regards to personality it was hypothesized, based on earlier research, that low agreeableness, low conscientiousness and high neuroticism are associated with violent behaviour. In addition it was hypothesized that these same personality traits increase vulnerability to the negative effects of media violence exposure. Methods: This study employs data from survey on youth crime collected by the Institute of criminology and legal policy. The data was collected in 2012. 8941 Finnish sixth- and ninth-graders took the survey. Participants with answers that were assessed unreliable were excluded from the data. The final sample size used in this study was 8791. The main analyses of the study were performed with logistic regression. Results and conclusions: Consistent with the hypotheses, media violence exposure was associated with violent behaviour. With regards to personality, it was found that low agreeableness and low conscientiousness each were associated with all forms of violent behaviour studied. High extraversion was associated with bullying, participating in a fight and committing an assault. Low neuroticism was associated with committing an assault, and low openness to experience was associated with robbery with threatening behaviour. Conscientiousness and extraversion had statistically significant interactions with media violence exposure with regards to violent behaviour. Extraverted people seem to be more vulnerable to the negative effects of media violence exposure. Conscientiousness doesn't seem to be associated with violent behaviour when the exposure to media violence is high. Parents and schools should be made aware of the negative effects of media violence exposure, so they can monitor and limit the media use of the youth. In the future it would also be important to gain more information about the factors that increase vulnerability to media violence exposure.
  • Eerola, Antti (2023)
    Johdanto: OECD ja EU ovat arvioineet mielenterveyteen liittyvien ongelmien aiheuttavan työelämässä Suomessa lähes 5 miljardin euron vuosikustannuksen. Työn kuormittavuudella on tutkimusten mukaan todettu olevan yhteyttä muun muassa työuupumukseen ja muihin mielenterveysongelmiin. Lapsuuden sosioekonomisella asemalla on havaittu olevan yhteys työn kuormittavuuteen ja mielenterveyteen. Persoonallisuudella on tutkimuksissa puolestaan todettu olevan vaikutuksia työhyvinvointiin. Pro gradu -työssä halutaan selvittää muovaako persoonallisuus lapsuuden sosioekonomisen taustan yhteyttä työkuormitukseen. Syy-yhteyksien parempi ymmärtäminen voi auttaa kohdentamaan toimenpiteitä ja mahdollisia interventioita työn kuormittavuuden ja siitä aiheutuvien kustannusten alentamiseksi. Menetelmät: Tutkimusaineistona on Lasten Sepelvaltimotaudin Riskitekijät -tutkimusaineisto, jossa pitkittäisaineistoa on kerätty vuodesta 1980 alkaen. Klusterianalyysin avulla määriteltiin persoonallisuusprofiilit. Logistisella regressioanalyysillä tutkittiin persoonallisuusprofiilien sekä Big 5 persoonallisuuspiirteiden muovaavaa vaikutusta lapsuuden sosioekonomisen taustan ja työkuormituksen välillä. Tulokset: Klusterianalyysin tulosten perusteella löydettiin joustava, viileä ja hauras -persoonallisuusprofiilit. Tulokset vahvistivat neuroottisuuden, joustavan ja hauraan persoonallisuusprofiilin suorat yhteydet korkeaan ja matalaan työkuormitukseen. Uusina merkittävinä havaintoina oli kahden eri persoonallisuuspiirteen muovaava vaikutus yhdessä lapsuuden sosioekonomisten tekijöiden kanssa: erityisesti matala sovinnollisuus lapsuuden matalan sosioekonomisen taustan tilanteessa lisäsi riskiä kuulua korkean työkuormituksen kategoriaan ja matala tunnollisuus lisäsi todennäköisyyttä kuulua matalan työkuormituksen kategoriaan. Pohdinta: Kokonaistarkastelussa havaittiin persoonallisuuspiirteiden muovaava vaikutus työkuormitukseen. Olisi tärkeää pohtia miten sovinnollisuutta lisääviä elementtejä voitaisiin tuoda mukaan jo kouluihin ja varhaiskasvatukseen. Havaintoja voidaan hyödyntää organisaatioissa muun muassa henkilövalinnoissa, esimiestyön kehittämisessä, stressin hallinnassa ja hyvinvoinnin lisäämisessä organisaatioissa.
  • Eerola, Antti (2023)
    Johdanto: OECD ja EU ovat arvioineet mielenterveyteen liittyvien ongelmien aiheuttavan työelämässä Suomessa lähes 5 miljardin euron vuosikustannuksen. Työn kuormittavuudella on tutkimusten mukaan todettu olevan yhteyttä muun muassa työuupumukseen ja muihin mielenterveysongelmiin. Lapsuuden sosioekonomisella asemalla on havaittu olevan yhteys työn kuormittavuuteen ja mielenterveyteen. Persoonallisuudella on tutkimuksissa puolestaan todettu olevan vaikutuksia työhyvinvointiin. Pro gradu -työssä halutaan selvittää muovaako persoonallisuus lapsuuden sosioekonomisen taustan yhteyttä työkuormitukseen. Syy-yhteyksien parempi ymmärtäminen voi auttaa kohdentamaan toimenpiteitä ja mahdollisia interventioita työn kuormittavuuden ja siitä aiheutuvien kustannusten alentamiseksi. Menetelmät: Tutkimusaineistona on Lasten Sepelvaltimotaudin Riskitekijät -tutkimusaineisto, jossa pitkittäisaineistoa on kerätty vuodesta 1980 alkaen. Klusterianalyysin avulla määriteltiin persoonallisuusprofiilit. Logistisella regressioanalyysillä tutkittiin persoonallisuusprofiilien sekä Big 5 persoonallisuuspiirteiden muovaavaa vaikutusta lapsuuden sosioekonomisen taustan ja työkuormituksen välillä. Tulokset: Klusterianalyysin tulosten perusteella löydettiin joustava, viileä ja hauras -persoonallisuusprofiilit. Tulokset vahvistivat neuroottisuuden, joustavan ja hauraan persoonallisuusprofiilin suorat yhteydet korkeaan ja matalaan työkuormitukseen. Uusina merkittävinä havaintoina oli kahden eri persoonallisuuspiirteen muovaava vaikutus yhdessä lapsuuden sosioekonomisten tekijöiden kanssa: erityisesti matala sovinnollisuus lapsuuden matalan sosioekonomisen taustan tilanteessa lisäsi riskiä kuulua korkean työkuormituksen kategoriaan ja matala tunnollisuus lisäsi todennäköisyyttä kuulua matalan työkuormituksen kategoriaan. Pohdinta: Kokonaistarkastelussa havaittiin persoonallisuuspiirteiden muovaava vaikutus työkuormitukseen. Olisi tärkeää pohtia miten sovinnollisuutta lisääviä elementtejä voitaisiin tuoda mukaan jo kouluihin ja varhaiskasvatukseen. Havaintoja voidaan hyödyntää organisaatioissa muun muassa henkilövalinnoissa, esimiestyön kehittämisessä, stressin hallinnassa ja hyvinvoinnin lisäämisessä organisaatioissa.
  • Lönnrot, Susanna (2020)
    Objectives. Entrepreneurship is the future of work and the need for entrepreneurial skills is increasing with any type of work. But who can become an entrepreneur and does it require a certain kind of personality? The objective of this study was to increase the understanding about the role that personality has in entrepreneurial intention during adolescence. The study was conducted by analysing the differences in personality traits between 7th grade and high school 3rd grade students, examining how personality traits explain entrepreneurial intention and comparing different personality profiles based on entrepreneurial intention. There has been little research about entrepreneurial intentions among adolescence. Furthermore, the results from previous research have shown mixed results on the association between personality and entrepreneurial intentions, making the topic interesting. Methods. The data for this study were acquired as a longitudinal data from Mind the Gap -project that was funded by the Academy of Finland. The data were collected in 2014 (7th grade n=1310) and 2019 (high school 3rd grade n=751). Personality was measured using Big Five personality traits: neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, openness and conscientiousness. The paired t-test was used to analyze the differences in personality traits between 7th grade and high school 3rd grade students. The associations between personality traits and entrepreneurial intention were examined using regression analysis. Cluster analysis was used to form personality profiles and the differences between profiles based on entrepreneurial intention were analysed using one-way analysis of variance. Results and conclusions. There were no statistically significant differences in the personality traits between 7th grade and high school 3rd grade students. Openness was the only personality trait that explained entrepreneurial intention of 7th grade students. Neuroticism (inverted) and openness explained entrepreneurial intention of high school 3rd grade students. The effect size was low on both measurement points. The participants were classified into four profiles based on their personality traits: 1) Entrepreneurial, 2) Amicable, 3) Creative introvert, and 4) Reserved. Participants with Entrepreneurial profile reported more entrepreneurial intentions than participants with Amicable and Reserved. The findings suggest that even though personality was significantly associated with entrepreneurial intention, the role of personality was not major. This means that most of the variance of entrepreneurial intention can be explained with other variables. The results can be applied especially to entrepreneurial education in schools where adolescents can be encouraged to consider entrepreneurship regardless of their personality traits.
  • Lönnrot, Susanna (2020)
    Objectives. Entrepreneurship is the future of work and the need for entrepreneurial skills is increasing with any type of work. But who can become an entrepreneur and does it require a certain kind of personality? The objective of this study was to increase the understanding about the role that personality has in entrepreneurial intention during adolescence. The study was conducted by analysing the differences in personality traits between 7th grade and high school 3rd grade students, examining how personality traits explain entrepreneurial intention and comparing different personality profiles based on entrepreneurial intention. There has been little research about entrepreneurial intentions among adolescence. Furthermore, the results from previous research have shown mixed results on the association between personality and entrepreneurial intentions, making the topic interesting. Methods. The data for this study were acquired as a longitudinal data from Mind the Gap -project that was funded by the Academy of Finland. The data were collected in 2014 (7th grade n=1310) and 2019 (high school 3rd grade n=751). Personality was measured using Big Five personality traits: neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, openness and conscientiousness. The paired t-test was used to analyze the differences in personality traits between 7th grade and high school 3rd grade students. The associations between personality traits and entrepreneurial intention were examined using regression analysis. Cluster analysis was used to form personality profiles and the differences between profiles based on entrepreneurial intention were analysed using one-way analysis of variance. Results and conclusions. There were no statistically significant differences in the personality traits between 7th grade and high school 3rd grade students. Openness was the only personality trait that explained entrepreneurial intention of 7th grade students. Neuroticism (inverted) and openness explained entrepreneurial intention of high school 3rd grade students. The effect size was low on both measurement points. The participants were classified into four profiles based on their personality traits: 1) Entrepreneurial, 2) Amicable, 3) Creative introvert, and 4) Reserved. Participants with Entrepreneurial profile reported more entrepreneurial intentions than participants with Amicable and Reserved. The findings suggest that even though personality was significantly associated with entrepreneurial intention, the role of personality was not major. This means that most of the variance of entrepreneurial intention can be explained with other variables. The results can be applied especially to entrepreneurial education in schools where adolescents can be encouraged to consider entrepreneurship regardless of their personality traits.
  • Naamanka, Joonas (2020)
    Goals. Gambling is a universal problem, which is particularly pronounced in Finland. The problems are not limited to pathological gambling, but gambling also harms a substantial group of non-pathological gamblers, referred to as problem gamblers in research literature. The purpose of the review was to explore differences between pathological and non-pathological gamblers in three different domains: cognition, neurophysiology and personality. The goal was to create a broad picture of psychological factors differentiating pathological gamblers from others in order to improve the understanding of risk factors associated with the development of non-pathological gambling towards pathology. To achieve this, problem gamblers were included in the comparison regarding the studies which had that separate group. Methods. Research articles were searched from Google Scholar and PubMed database with the tags non-pathological gambling and pathological gambling. The inclusion criteria were comparison of pathological gamblers to non-pathological ones and that the research topic fell under one of the three domains of the review. Results and conclusions. Regarding cognition, non-pathological and pathological gamblers seem to differ on several cognitive distortions and problem gambler resemble pathological gamblers more than they do non-problem gamblers. Emotional processing might also be weaker in pathological gamblers. In the domain of neurophysiology, the functioning of many different brain areas in gambling situations may differentiate pathological gamblers from others. Additionally, dampened HPA-axel responses appear to be associated with gambling pathology. Personality-wise pathological gamblers are particularly more impulsive, but also more neurotic than others. The personality of problem gamblers resembles that of non-problem gambler than pathological gamblers. Going forward, more studies including a separate group of problem gamblers are needed because they could provide valuable information on the development gambling pathology. Societally, it is important to recognize gambling as broader problem than just pathological gambling.
  • Seppänen, Milka (2018)
    Aim. Research shows that personality is associated with psychological well-being. Specifically neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness correlate the most with different aspects of psychological well-being. However, research about the association between personality change and change in psychological well-being is scarce. This study tries to clarify whether the association between personality and psychological well-being remains while examining the change in personality and psychological well-being i.e. is personality change associated with change in psychological well-being. Methods. The data used was from MIDUS (Midlife in the U.S.) longitudinal study. The measures were conducted in three different time-points: 1995–1996, 2004 and 2014. The sample consisted of 4058 Americans from which 55.1 % was women. Multilevel modeling was used in analyzing the data. First the analyses examined how personality traits predict each of the six aspects of psychological well-being. Thereafter, the analyses examined whether the average differences in personality traits between the individuals were associated with the differences in psychological well-being between the individuals. Also, the association between personality change and change in psychological well-being was examined. Results and Conclusions. Changes in neuroticism, extraversion and conscientiousness were associated the most with change in psychological well-being. Change in openness was associated with change in autonomy, environmental mastery, purpose in life, personal growth and self-acceptance while change in agreeableness was associated with change in purpose in life, positive relations with others and personal growth. This study supports the idea that personality traits and psychological well-being are causally associated, and the previous research has not discovered this causal association yet.
  • Lammela, Ellinoora (2021)
    Both personality and achievement goal orientations have been related to learning based on previous studies. In this study, the term personality is approached through The Big Five theory, which describes five personality traits: neuroticism, extraversion, openness to experience, consciousness, and agreeableness. Achievement goal orientation refers to an individual’s tendency to react and be motivated in performance situations in a certain way. While goal orientations and personality have been studied a great deal, the connections between the two not much. Therefore, further research on this topic is highly needed. The purpose of this study is to further clarify the nature of goal orientations and personality, and what is already known about the connection between the two. This study is a systematic literature review. The data of this review consisted of six research articles published in a scientific, peer-reviewed journal. The articles were found through systematic literature searches. The literature was collected using online databases, such as Google Scholar and the Helka database of the University of Helsinki. Articles including search terms such as “goal orientation”, “achievement goal orientation” and “personality” were included, as well as combinations of these and their Finnish equivalents. In addition, the literature was obtained by utilizing the sources used in the articles already found. The data were used to analyze the results of the relationship between goal orientations and personality. Based on this study, goal orientations have connections to some, but not all, personality traits. Learning goal orientation is related to all personality traits except neuroticism. The connections of performance-avoidance orientation to personality traits are the opposite of those of learning orientation. Some of the results were contradictory, such as the connection between performance-approach orientation and personality traits. The results were also partly incomplete, especially in terms of performance orientation, as there has been little research on the issue. This study creates the base on which to build empirical research. The intention is to continue researching the topic empirically in a master's thesis using data from the projects Mind the Gaps and Bridging the Gaps funded by the Academy of Finland.
  • Aakus, Johanna (2017)
    The aim of this study is to research the temperament of Finnish students in teacher education programmes. The research pursued to examine the temperaments that Finnish students studying to become a teacher have and whether there are any similarities or differences between students in Class Teacher Education Programme (CTEP) and Subject Teacher Education Programme (STEP). Recent studies have focused on the basic education pupils' temperament and the possible benefits or disadvantages that his/hers own temperament may provoke in classroom and school environment. However, we also need to study the temperament of the teachers since they have a major role in classroom interaction. In this study Mary Rothbart's The Adult Temperament Questionnaire (later the ATQ) was utilized to measure and construct the temperament of the students in teacher education. The ATQ forms four main temperament characters which divide furthermore in smaller temperament components. Four main temperament characters according to the ATQ are extraversion, effortful control, negative affect and orienting sensitivity. 425 participants took part in this research from eight different cities in Finland. Data was collected by University of Helsinki e-lomake query. In the query 77 the ATQ -claims were asked. It was necessary to make some changes in the ATQ –model before the further analyses were made. Two temperament components were deleted from the model. After the changes it was reliable to use the query for the analyses. The reliability analysis was made for the main temperament characters and smaller temperament components as well. Temperament differences between class teacher students and subject teacher students were analyzed by using ANOVA. ANOVA was also used for analyzing the temperament differences between students from different cities. T-test was used for analyzing the differences between the sexes. ANOVA-results revealed that there were temperament differences between class teacher students and subject teacher students. ANOVA-results also revealed that there were some temperament differences between the students from different cities. Finally, t-test –results revealed that there were differences in seven temperament components out of 11 between sexes.