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Browsing by Subject "persoonallisuuspiirteet"

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  • Viikinkoski, Nanna (2016)
    Äänenlaatu on vahvasti liitetty persoonallisuuspiirteiden havaitsemiseen puheesta. Äänenlaadun havaitseminen on subjektiivista tulkintaa ja sitä tutkitaan auditiivisten havaintojen pohjalta. Se on määritelty osaksi puheen ekstra- ja paralingvistisiä piirteitä. Yleisimmät äänenlaatua kuvaavat termit ovat: käheä, karhea, nasaalinen, henkäyssoinnillinen, vuotoinen, ohut, falsettinen, kuiskattu, narina, tiukka tai rento ääni. Persoonallisuuspiirteet ovat mitattavissa ja määriteltävissä oleva joukko ihmisten suhteellisen vakinaisia käyttäytymismalleja, ajatuksia ja tunteita. Viiden suuren persoonallisuuspiirteen mallista on rajattu keskeisimmiksi tutkittavaksi havaintopiirteiksi ulospäin suuntautuneisuuden tasot ekstroversio ja introversio. Tämä kandidaatintutkielma perustuu kiinnostukseen tutkia puhujien persoonallisuuspiirteiden ja eri äänenlaatujen suhteita, Äänenlaadun tarkemman ymmärryksen on todettu auttavan ihmisten välistä kommunikointia, ja se on siksi mielenkiintoinen tutkimusaihe ja valittu tämän tutkielman tarkastelun lähtökohdaksi. Tutkimuksessa pyritään selvittämään pystyykö kuulija havainnoimaan ja arvioimaan puhujan äänenlaadunpiirteiden ja puheen tuottotavan perusteella puhujan ulospäin suuntautuneisuutta. Tutkimukseen osallistui neljä 23–24-vuotiasta naiskoehenkilöä pääkaupunkiseudulta. Tutkittavilta äänitettiin normaalia spontaania puhetta Helsingin yliopiston Käyttäytymistieteiden laitoksen äänitysstudiossa. Puhenäytteet analysoitiin kuulonvaraisesti kahdessa eri ryhmässä. Ensimmäisen ryhmän muodostivat ääninäytteen antaneet puhujat ja toisen ulkopuoliset kuuntelijat. Puhujat täyttivät äänenlaadun havainnoista itsearviointilomakkeen ja tekivät Myers-Briggsin tyyppi-indikaattoriteoriaan pohjautuvan persoonallisuuspiirretestin. Toisen äänenlaadun havaintoryhmän muodosti 5 fonetiikan alan opiskelijaa, jotka arvioivat puhenäytteistä puhujan äänenlaatua, puheen tuottotapaa, sekä persoonallisuuspiirteitä. Tutkimuksen havaintoarvioiden mukaan 75 % koehenkilöistä kuvasti äänenlaatunsa perusteella ekstroverttiä puhujaa. Kuuntelijoiden havaintoarviot vastasivat persoonallisuuspiirretestin tuloksia. Ekstrovertin äänenlaatu havaittiin vaihtelevasti karheaksi, kirkkaaksi, korkeaksi, falsettiseksi ja täyteläiseksi. Otoksen koehenkilöistä 25 % kuvasti äänenlaatunsa perusteella introverttia puhujaa. Havainnot vastasivat piirretestin tulosta. Introvertin puhujan äänenlaaduksi havaittiin yhtenäisesti ohut, nielusointinen, matala, nariseva, vuotoinen ja henkäyssointinen ääni. Puhujien itsearviot vastasivat kuuntelijoiden havaintoja äänenlaadusta, mikä tuki myös taustateoriaa persoonallisuuden heijastumisesta äänenlaatuun. Tulosten perusteella voidaan päätellä, että persoonallisuus vaikuttaa äänenlaatuun ja sitä pystytään havaitsemaan puhujan auditiivisen signaalin ja erityisesti äänenlaadun havainnoinnin perusteella. Tutkimuksessa on kuitenkin otettava huomioon muiden nonlingvististen piirteiden vaikutus koehenkilöistä tehtyihin persoonan havaintoihin vaikka niitä ei tässä yhteydessä ole huomioitu osaksi havaintotutkimusta.
  • Martikainen, Silja (2010)
    This thesis examines the associations between personality traits and sleep quantity and quality in young adults. Additionally the possible effects of birth status on these associations are examined. The data used in this thesis is part of a birth cohort study (Helsinki Study of Very Low Birth Weight Adults). The personality traits are based on the five-factor model of personality. The sleep quantity and quality are based on actigraphy assessments. Four hypothesis were made about the personality and sleep associations: (1) neuroticism is related to a lesser quality of sleep, (2) there will be more significant associations between personality traits and sleep quality than between personality traits and sleep quantity, (3) the Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) as well as, (4) the Small for Gestational Age (SGA) status will affect the associations. Linear regressions were used to study the associations between personality traits and sleep quality and quantity. Whenever an association was significant, it was tested whether this association was moderated first, by the VLBW and second, by the SGA status of the participant. The results were mostly in line with previous research especially demonstrating the negative association between neuroticism and the quality of sleep and suggesting that vulnerability to stress decreases sleep quality. Also it was found that agreeableness and conscientiousness were associated with better sleep quality and extraversion was associated with lower sleep quantity. In addition SGA status moderated the personality and sleep associations. It is proposed that there are two factors behind the interaction. First, prenatally developing mechanisms have an effect on the development of sleep as well as personality. Second, differences in the postnatal environment, for instance the parenting practices, can account for this finding. Future research could focus especially on what kind of prenatal disturbances SGA infants have in the development of mechanisms related to sleep and personality. Also focusing on the differences in parental interaction might shed more light on the results.
  • Aronen, Aino (2015)
    The purpose of the study was to examine the associations between the Big Five personality traits (neuroticism, extroversion, conscientiousness, openness to experience and agreeableness) and insomnia symptoms. The insomnia symptoms were difficulties to initiate sleep, awakenings during sleep, waking up too early and feeling tired after a night's sleep. According to theories on insomnia and to empirical research, high neuroticism, low extroversion, low conscientiousness and low agreeableness may be associated with insomnia. In empirical research, high neuroticism has consistently been associated with insomnia but also low extraversion, low conscientiousness and low agreeableness have been associated with it. It was therefore hypothesized that high neuroticism, low extraversion, low conscientiousness and low agreeableness are associated with insomnia symptoms. The participants, aged 30-45, were derived from the Young Finns study. The sample size was 1708. The Big Five personality traits were assessed with the NEO-FFI measure and insomnia symptoms with Jenkins's sleep problems scale. Ordinal regressions were used in analyzing the data. All of the Big Five personality traits were associated with at least some of the insomnia symptoms. In general, high neuroticism and high openness to experience were associated with more insomnia symptoms, whereas low extroversion, low conscientiousness and low agreeableness were associated with better sleep. High neuroticism had the strongest associations with most of the insomnia symptoms. When it comes to the trait openness to experience, the results of this study were inconsistent with previous studies, and therefore more information on the subject would be needed. The results of this study could be used in planning interventions for insomnia sufferers.
  • Mrena, Maria Kristiina (2014)
    Objectives – The objective of this study was to examine whether there is a connection between the Big Five personality traits and the metabolic syndrome (MetS) in Finnish adults. The MetS is a rapidly increasing syndrome among the Finnish population, which predisposes to type 2 diabetes and cardiac diseases. Previous research suggests that single personality traits may be connected to the MetS and its risk factors. However, only a few studies have examined theoretically well based personality models in relation to the MetS. Identifying the psychosocial risk factors for the MetS is important in predicting and preventing its occurrence. The following hypotheses were made based on previous research: (1) high neuroticism and (2) low agreeableness are positively associated with the MetS. Methods – This is a cross-sectional study of The Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns Study from the year 2007. There were 1 580 Finnish adults aged 30–45 participating in the study, of which 919 were women and 661 were men. The participants answered a personality questionnaire, the Finnish version of the NEO-FFI (Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness, Five-Factor Inventory), which measured the Big Five personality traits (neuroticism, extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, and openness). The MetS is diagnosed when at least three of the following five factors are present: (1) central obesity, (2) raised fasting glucose, (3) raised triglycerides, (4) lowered high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, and (5) hypertension. The associations between personality traits and the MetS were examined using logistic regression analyses. Results and Conclusions – In men, low agreeableness was statistically significantly associated with higher risk of having the MetS (OR=.70, 95 % CI=.57–.87, p=.001), adjusting for age and level of education. There were no statistically significant associations found between any of the personality traits and the MetS in women. On the basis of these results, it can be proposed that men with low agreeableness, that is, men low in cooperation, empathy, and kindness, might comprise a risk group for the MetS. This study was cross-sectional by design, which precludes conclusions about cause and effect relationships. Mechanisms linking personality to the MetS were not examined in the current study, and thus, future research should examine the direction of the associations and the mechanisms linking such associations.
  • Hirvelä, Satu (2016)
    Objective: Depression and anxiety disorders are mood disorders which may result from a number of psychological, social and biological reasons. Dysregulation of HPA-axis, such as hypercortisolism and hypocortisolism, is thought to be connected to depression and anxiety. On the other hand depression and anxiety are also connected to the personality characteristics like high neuroticism. The aim of this study was to examine the connections of personality characteristics and evening cortisol to depression, anxiety and their comorbidity. These have not been previously studied together. Methods: This study used data from the second wave of the MIDUS (Midlife in the United States) longitudinal study. The data was collected by the Institute on Aging at the University of Wisconsin-Madison during 2004-2006. Personality characteristics were assessed by the short personality scale of MIDUS, where respondents assessed the suitability of 25 adjectives to themselves in a four-step scale. Depression and anxiety were measured by MASQ (Mood and Anxiety Symptom Questionnaire) which had been modified for MIDUS. Cortisol was measured from saliva at four different time points during four days. ANOVA, linear regression and multi-nominal logistic regression were used for data analysis. Results and conclusions: Low evening cortisol level appears to be predictive of anhedonic depression in low educated young people. The personality characteristics of high neuroticism and low conscientiousness predicted all symptom groups, which is in line with previous studies. High neuroticism was the biggest risk for comorbid depression and anxiety. In addition to high neuroticism and low conscientiousness, female sex, middle and low level education also predicted somatic anxiety and hypocortisolism, female sex, low extraversion and middle and low level education predicted anhedonic depression. Furthermore, a low level of education was positively associated with comorbidity. Neuroticism is a risk for mood disorders and understanding its development in childhood requires further research. Neuroticism should be taken in account in clinical practice. Psychotherapy might be effective to reduce neuroticism.
  • Westerberg, Mila (2017)
    Objectives. Increasingly younger children are faced with rapid mastery of knowledge and social interaction requirements. A new phenomenon-oriented curriculum reform 2016 brings these new challenges in front of the student. Previous studies show that different efficacy beliefs influece individuals actions. The purpose of this study is to describe, analyse and interpret the concept of self-efficacy. In the research field, the term is used with different meanings. The aim of this study is also to find out the related concepts from the selected research articles as well as their similarities and differences from self-efficacy in order to understand and to clarify and differentiate the concept. . Methods. The study is a systematic litterature review. A more accurate method used is conceptual analysis, which allowed the comparison and interpretation of different definitions. The research data was selected from twenty scientifically valid research studies in various articles and literature on the basis of concepts centrality. The materials were compared and restructured, bringing together concepts and definitions of self-efficacy from different researchers. Second, the study looked at the material encountered about the near concepts that were opened and analyzed in a conceptual analysis and the phenomenographic review. Conceptual distinctions were operated using few concrete practical examples. Results and conclusions. Self-efficacy is a complex concept, which this study found a number of different definitions and related concepts. Some researchers defined the term very broadly and also new dimensions, such as social self-efficacy concept were found.; Related concepts used synymously with self-efficacy found were such as skill possessing, self-image, self-concept, self-esteem, outcome-expectations, self-confidence), self-regulation, controllability, personality traits, personal agency, effectance motivation, perceived control and locus of control As a result of the study on the basis of the definitions and comparisons occurring data the core of the concept and its different variations and emphases were located. For the key element of self-efficacy was individuals feeling of efficacy in a particular moment a feeling in relation to the situation or activity. The results will help to structure self-efficacy conceptually as internal process of the individual, which gives the teacher the tools to support student.
  • Leskinen, Anni (2021)
  • Sorsa, Heidi (2018)
    Goals Personality traits are related to a person’s wellbeing and important events in life, such as an intimate relationship. Most people have an intimate relationship or relationships during their lifetime. Personality traits play an important role in a functioning relationship because a person’s relationship satisfaction is affected by his/her own personality traits and those of his/her spouse’s. Satisfaction has remarkable consequences since it correlates to, for instance, life satisfaction. The relation between personality and relationship satisfaction has been a subject to a plenty of research but, for example, the relation between extroversion or openness to experience and relationship satisfaction is still unclear. The goal of my study is to clarify the relations between the Big Five personality traits of two intimate partners and their relationship satisfaction, and whether gender, relationship status or relationship length moderate these relations. In addition, I study the relation between the similarity of a couple’s personality traits and their relationship satisfaction. Methods Fifty-nine test subjects and their spouses participated in the study, totalling 118 people. A majority of the test subjects consisted of women (n = 55), and most of the spouses were men (n = 50). The average age of a test subject was 25,6 years and that of a spouse was 27,4 years. The average relationship length was 2–5 years. The test subjects and their spouses self-assessed their own personality traits and relationship satisfaction. In addition, the spouses assessed the personality of the respective test subject. Connections between personality traits and relationship satisfaction were studied using Person’s correlation coefficients and multilevel modelling. Results and conclusions Emotional stability, extroversion and openness to experience were perceived to be in connection with relationship satisfaction. Gender and relationship length modified the perceived relations. My study helped to clarify previously contradictory connections between extroversion, openness to experience and relationship satisfaction.
  • Enholm, Lea (2017)
    This literature review examines how different personality traits are associated with the placebo-effect. Studies from the past decade are reviewed, and the state of the evidence and the possible mechanisms that might explain the connections are discussed. In these recent studies, personality traits have explained about 25 % of the strength of the placebo effect. The specific traits that are found to affect the placebo effect are optimism and pessimism as well as traits that are associated with the dopamine system, namely novelty seeking and extraversion. In addition, some studies have found agreeableness, and ego-resiliency to affect placebo effect. However, the results are not entirely consistent between different studies. Based on the reviewed studies it seems likely that personality traits and their connections to the placebo effect depend on situational and environmental factors: it is the interaction between personality traits and environment that modifies the placebo effect. Thus, the effect of personality traits on the placebo effect is not constant over time but dependent on the environmental factors. In addition, studies also suggest that personality traits and their effect on the placebo effect are mediated via the opioid and the dopamine systems. Finally, replications and new studies are needed to shed more light on the placebo effect.