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  • Lindström-Kippola, Nina (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2016)
    Tämä alkuperäistutkimuksen sisältävän lisensiaatin tutkielman tavoitteena on kerätä kuvaileva tieto siitä kuinka paljon ja minkälaisia löydöksiä emakoilla on lihantarkastuksessa yhdellä teurastamolla Suomessa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksessa käsitellään lihantarkastuksen lainsäädäntöä ja perusteita sekä emakoiden yleisimpiä poistosyitä ja yleisesti sikojen yleisimpiä lihantarkastuslöydöksiä. Tutkimusosan tarkoitus on selvittää emakoiden teuraslöydösten määrä prosentuaalisesti ja kilomääräisesti. Yhdeltä suomalaiselta sianlihaalan laitokselta saatiin vuoden 2010 emakoiden lihantarkastuslöydökset, jossa oli tuottaja- ja eläintasolle asti jäljitettävissä oleva numerokooditettu valikoimaton tiedosto emakoiden teuraslöydöksistä ja niiden seurauksena hylätyistä lihan kilomääristä. Vuonna 2010 kyseisessä teurastamossa teurastettiin yhteensä 17624 emakkoa, mikä vastasi n. 40 %:a Suomessa teurastetuista emakoista. Aineisto käsiteltiin Excel-taulukkolaskelmaohjelmalla käyttäen ohjelman Pivot-apuohjelmaa. Noin 70 %:lla vuoden aikana teurastetuista emakoista ei ollut teuraslöydöksiä, kun taas 5297 emakolle oli merkitty yksi tai useampi teuraslöydös. Yhteensä 85 %:lla oli havaittu vain yksi lihantarkastuslöydös. Eniten merkintöjä kerääntyi märkäpesäkkeistä, keuhkokalvojen tulehduksista, makuuhautumista ja teurasvirheistä. Seurantavuoden aikana teuraslöydöksiä kerääntyi keskimäärin 15 emakolta tuottajaa kohden. Lihaa hylättiin emakkoa kohden keskimäärin 26 kg ja tuottajaa kohden 382 kg. Märkäpesäkkeet aiheuttivat kolmanneksen (44000 kg) teuraslöydöksistä aiheutuvista hylätyistä kiloista. Keuhkokalvojen tulehduksia oli 17 %:lla ja makuuhautumia 9 %:lla teurastetuista emakoista. Vaikka keuhkokalvon tulehduksia esiintyi määrällisesti paljon ei niistä aiheutunut ruhohylkäyksiä. Vaikka teuraslöydöksistä aiheutuva tuotannollinen tappio tuottajaa kohden ei ole suuri, vaikuttavat ne eläinten hyvinvoinnin huonontumisen lisäksi tuotannon heikkenemiseen ja työnmäärän lisääntymiseen eläinten sairastuvuudesta johtuen.
  • Hämäläinen, Aurora (2020)
    The traditional method of estimating inbreeding is based on pedigree information, which only considers the known common ancestors of the animals. In recent years, the animal breeding sector has introduced new genomic tools in breeding schemes. The aim of this study was to estimate and compare the level of inbreeding in Finnish Yorkshire and Finnish Landrace pigs using pedigree and genomic methods. Data consisted of pedigree and genotype information from both breeds. In pedigree data there were 503 315 Landrace and 549 296 Yorkshire animals after pruning for pedigree completeness and errors in the data. In the genotype data, there were 522 individuals of Landrace and 934 individuals of Yorkshire animals after pruning. Inbreeding coefficients (FPED) were estimated from pedigree data using RelaX2 program and for genomic data using PLINK by detecting runs of homozygosity (FROH). Percentage of homozygosity (FPH) was also studied from genomic data. Yearly rate of inbreeding based on pedigree raised steadily. Average inbreeding coefficients from year 2014 were 0.10 for Landrace and 0.15 for Yorkshire. The average inbreeding coefficient based on ROHs for animals born in year 2014 were 0.21 for Landrace and 0.25 for Yorkshire animals. Correlation between pedigree-based estimate and genomic-based FROH was found to be quite low for both breeds; 0.51 for Landrace and 0.58 for Yorkshire. The correlation between the two genomic based methods FROH and FPH was high, 0.86 for Landrace and 0.89 for Yorkshire. The level of inbreeding was found to be quite high in both breeds. The genomic-based estimates were higher overall than pedigree-based estimates, which indicates that pedigree data are missing some common ancestors. Based on the results, the level of inbreeding in Finnish pig breeds should be monitored to maintain sufficient genetic diversity in the populations.
  • Hämäläinen, Aurora (2020)
    Sukusiitosaste antaa tietoa populaation monimuotoisuuden tilasta ja voi vaikuttaa eläinten tuotantokykyyn. Perinteisesti sukusiitosasteet on laskettu sukupuutietojen avulla, mutta tämä menetelmä ottaa huomioon vain tunnetut yhteiset esivanhemmat. Viime vuosina on alettu käyttää enenevissä määrin genomiseen aineistoon pohjautuvia sukusiitosasteen arvioita. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli laskea sukusiitosasteet kahdelle eri suomalaiselle sikarodulle käyttäen sukupuu- ja genomista-aineistoa, sekä tarkastella niiden eroavaisuuksia. Sukupuuaineiston rajauksen jälkeen maatiaisrodun eläimiä oli 503 315 ja yorkshirejä 549 296 yksilöä. Genomisessa aineistossa oli käytettävissä karsinnan jälkeen 522 maatiaista ja 934 yorkshireä. Sukusiitosasteet (FPED) arvioitiin sukupuuaineistosta käyttäen RelaX2 ohjelmaa. Genomiset sukusiitosasteet laskettiin samankaltaisuuden jaksoista (runs of homozygosity) käyttäen PLINK ohjelmistoa. Lisäksi genomisesta aineistosta laskettiin yleinen homotsygotia-aste (FPH). Sukupuuaineistoihin perustuva sukusiitosasteiden vuosittainen nousu oli tasaista. Sukusiitosasteiden keskiarvot sukupuuaineistosta laskettuna vuonna 2014 syntyneille eläimille oli 0.10 maatiaiselle ja 0.15 yorkshirelle. ROH pohjaiset sukusiitosasteiden keskiarvot olivat vuonna 2014 syntyneille eläimille 0.21 maatiaiselle ja 0.25 yorkshirelle. Korrelaatio sukupuupohjaisen ja genomiseen ROH menetelmään perustuvan sukusiitosasteen välillä oli kohtalainen molemmilla roduilla: 0.51 maatiaisella ja 0.58 yorkshirellä. Genomisten FROH ja FPH menetelmien välinen korrelaatio oli suuri, 0.86 maatiaisella ja 0.89 yorkshirellä. Sukusiitosaste oli tämän tutkimuksen mukaan korkea molemmissa tutkituissa roduissa. Yleisesti ottaen genomiset menetelmät tuottivat korkeammat sukusiitosasteen arviot. Tutkielman tulosten perusteella suomalaisten sikarotujen sukusiitosastetta tulisi seurata, jotta riittävä geneettinen monimuotoisuus voidaan tulevaisuudessa säilyttää.
  • Afrizal (2017)
    Bacteria are dominant members of the human gut microbiota, defined as the complex communities of microorganisms in the intestine which play an important role in regulating the health of their host, including the development of colorectal cancer (CRC). CRC is the fourth leading cancer-related mortality worldwide. Animal models are very useful in CRC research, as they allow studying molecular mechanism underlying the disease. Due to closer similarity to human beings in terms of nutrition and gastrointestinal physiology, pig models are of great value in research when compared with murine models. However, our current knowledge of the pig gut microbiome is still limited and a large number of gut bacterial species are yet to be isolated and characterised. Here, we characterised bacteria isolated from the intestine of wildtype pigs and transgenic APC1311/+ siblings (APC pigs) that develop colonic adenomas. A total of 12 novel bacteria, including 1 member of a potentially novel family, were identified from 256 strains isolated using anaerobic culturing. In addition, five other bacteria with a standing name in the nomenclature but not yet included in the pig collection were added. A draft genome was generated for four of the novel bacteria and thereby the functional potential of strains and compared their similarity. In addition, the morphology, bile salt hydrolase (BSH), 7α-dehydroxylation, carbohydrate fermentation, prevalence and abundance of all strains were analysed. The draft genome analysis confirmed the novel species status of the four bacteria. Furthermore, it also revealed the presence of genes associated with BSH, antibiotic resistance, butyrate production and carbohydrate utilization. Only two of 12 tested bacteria were positive for BSH, while none of the two bacteria selected for fermentation experiments was positive for 7α-dehydroxylation. One isolate of the species Paraclostridium benzoelyticum was found to exhibit significantly higher tolerance to NaCl than the same species described in the literature. In terms of prevalence, almost all of the bacteria (16 of 17) seem to be rare in pig, even though they appeared to be more enriched in the pig intestine when compared with other host species. Interestingly, the majority of positive samples for the bacterium representing the potentially novel family originated from the intestine of elderly human individuals. Overall, we could show that a substantial number of novel bacteria can still be isolated by classical anaerobic culture techniques using multiple rich or selective media. Even though we were able to identify most of the isolated bacteria and performed several assays to describe their properties, additional phylogenetic and taxonomic tests and development of optimal media/conditions for the novel bacteria are required in order to gain a deeper understanding of the role of these bacteria in the intestinal microbial ecosystem.
  • Keltto, Katri (2011)
    Ketoprofen is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) widely used for the treatment of pain in sheep and swine. Information of correct ketoprofen doses in different animal species is limited. The correct dose cannot be reliably extrapolated based on other species or human. The problem in cases of suspected overdose is knowing whether the given dose was toxic. The objective of the study with sheep was to figure out if the kinetics of ketoprofen is altered by a tenfold overdose, study the effect of the overdose to kidneys and find out a way to diagnose overdose by a simple urine test. The objective of the study with swine was to figure out the bioavailability and pharmacokinetics of ketoprofen after oral, intramuscular and intravenous administration. The most important variables were AUC0-_, Cmax and Tmax. Bioavailability was calculated based on intravascular administration. 30 mg/kg ketoprofen was administered intravenously to six sheep. The concentration of ketoprofen in sheep plasma was followed for 24 hours. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated afterwards. Blood and urine samples were analysed to detect enzyme markers indicating possible renal failure. The sheep were finished off 24 hours after the administration and the possible damage to kidneys was evaluated from histological samples. Ketoprofen was also administered to eight swine. The doses were 3 mg/kg of oral, intramuscular and intravascular, and 6 mg/kg of oral ketoprofen. The study was performed as a randomized, cross-over study. The concentration of ketoprofen in swine plasma was followed for 48 hours after administration. Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated and bioequivalence evaluated afterwards. The in vivo -studies of both of the studies as well as the histological study of the kidneys, and the urine and blood analysis except for the analysis of ketoprofen concentration, were carried out by the researchers of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. Plasma ketoprofen concentrations were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Drug concentration and pharmacokinetic analysis were carried out in the Faculty of Pharmacy. The tenfold dose of ketoprofen was toxic in sheep. Serum concentrations of urea and creatinine increased. Histological samples revealed acute tubular damage. Many urine enzyme concentrations increased. The rise of urine lactate dehydrogenase (LD) concentration was most significant and earliest. LD appears to be a potential marker of a toxic ketoprofen dose. Compared with the therapeutic dose, overdose did not affect ketoprofen elimination rate from plasma, so the kinetics of ketoprofen was not altered. AUC- and Cmax -values were over tenfold compared to the therapeutic dose, so the values did not rise linearly as the dose reached a toxic level. Bioequivalence of ketoprofen in swine was not observed between different routes of administration. The bioavailability was excellent in all routes of administration. Tmax was slightly over one hour after administration. Cmax and AUC were 5,1 mg/l and 32 mg l-1 h after oral 3 mg/kg dose and 7,6 mg/l and 37 mg l-1 h after intramuscular dose. The increases in AUC and Cmax were linear between the different dosages of oral ketoprofen. The difference of the elimination rates between oral and intravascular administration was statistically significant. Ketoprofen distribution volume and clearance did not differ significantly between different routes of administration.
  • Pakkanen, Jussi (University of HelsinkiHelsingin yliopistoHelsingfors universitet, 2009)
    Sian rehut sisältävät maitohappoa ja haihtuvia rasvahappoja (VFA). Lisäksi eri osissa ruoansulatuskanavaa näitä orgaanisia happoja syntyy rehun hiilihydraattien maitohappokäymisen ja muun mikrobifermentaation vuoksi. Ohut- ja paksusuolen pH on yli 6, jolloin maitohappo ja haihtuvat rasvahapot esiintyvät lähes täysin dissosioituneena ja niiden passiivinen diffuusio solukalvojen läpi on siksi erittäin vähäistä. Anionimuotoisia happoja imeytyy epiteelien läpi kuitenkin erityisten monokarboksylaattikuljettajien (MCT) avulla. Monokarboksylaattikuljettajat ovat solukalvoilla sijaitsevia proteiineja, joista tunnetaan nykyään 14 erilaista isoformia. MCT kuljettaa dissosioituneen happomolekyylin lisäksi protonin samaan suuntaan. Monokarboksylaattikuljettajat säätelevät solunsisäistä pH:ta sekä happoanionien konsentraatiota ja niiden ilmeneminen on kudos- ja eläinlajikohtaista. Monokarboksylaattikuljettajilla on kaitsijaproteiineja, joilla on ratkaiseva merkitys kuljettajien toiminnalle. Aiemmin sian ohutsuolesta on löydetty MCT1 -proteiini. Tämän tutkimuksen kokeellisen osan tarkoituksena oli määrittää isoformien MCT1 ja MCT4 ilmentyminen eri osissa sian mahaa ja ohutsuolta. Tämä on ensimmäinen kerta, kun sian mahalaukusta on määritetty MCT-proteiineja ja sian ohutsuolesta on mitattu MCT-proteiineja systemaattisesti koko ohutsuolen alueelta. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana 8 sikaa, joiden kudosnäytteet kerättiin teurastuksen jälkeen. MCT4:n suhteellinen määrä ei eronnut tilastollisesti mahan ja eri ohutsuolen osien välillä. Mahassa MCT1:n määrä oli vähäinen. Mahan hapan ympäristö luo edellytykset maitohapon ja haihtuvien rasvahappojen passiiviselle imeytymiselle dissosioitumattomassa muodossaan. Ohutsuolessa MCT1:n suhteellinen määrä oli suurempi ohutsuolen alkuosassa kuin mahassa (P < 0,01) tai ohutsuolen loppuosassa (P < 0,001). Ohutsuolessa tarvitaan kuljettajaproteiineja maitohapon tehokkaan imeytymisen varmistamiseksi.
  • Ketonen, Krista (2014)
    Variation of the protein and amino acid content of barley, wheat and oats were studied. Diets based on grain samples of different protein content were optimized for pigs and poultry.The study went on to optimize diets for pigs and poultry with grains of different protein contents. The amino acid and raw protein analysis was undertaken on 38 grain samples. Correlations were calculated between different variables in grain samples and linear regression analysis was conducted between the protein and amino acid composition. The best estimate for amino acid concentrations of cereals was the protein content. The relative content of amino acids decreases as protein content increases and especially so in barley and wheat. Most reliable regression equations between amino acid and protein content were made for barley and wheat samples. For oat reliable regression equations could not be made. Oats also differed by other features from barley and wheat as it correlated with different variables compared to barley and wheat. Amount of needed protein concentrate levels decreased when barley and wheat protein and amino acid contents were considered in optimization. Protein concentrate levels did not decrease when used oat sample with highest protein content.
  • Riihimäki, Anna (2019)
    The target of pork production is to produce lean meat efficiently in a sustainable way taking into account environment and ethical aspects. The most important production traits in pigs are average daily gain, feed efficiency and leanness. A lot of research is conducted related to production traits in comparison to feeding behavior traits. The objective of this study was to estimate heritability of feeding behavior traits and their genetic correlations with production traits in Finnish Landrace population. The data included feeding records of 4059 Landrace pigs measured automatically in Figen’s test station. The pigs had started their test period during 2010 - 2016. The measured traits were the number of visits per day (NVD), time spent in feeding per day (TPD), daily feed intake (DFI), time spent feeding per visit (TPV), feed intake per visit (FPV), feeding rate (FR), average daily gain (ADG), back fat thickness (BF) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). Feeding behavior traits were divided into 5 periods. Heritability estimates of feeding behavior traits were moderate. The heritability estimates were 0,22-0,29 for NVD, 0,33-0,47 for TPD, 0,16-0,25 for DFI, 0,22-0,31 for TPV, 0,28-0,36 for FPV, 0,35-0,38 for FR, 0,27 for ADG, 0,22 for BF, and 0,24 for FCR. Compared to other published results heritabilities of TPD and FR were similar. However, heritabilities of other feeding behavior traits were quite low compared to published results. In addition, heritability of BF was unexpectedly low. The genetic correlations of feeding behavior traits were similar at different test periods. The highest positive genetic correlations were between traits TPV – FPV, FPV – FR, and NVD – TPD. The highest negative genetic correlations were between traits NVD – FPV, TPD – FR, and NVD – TPV. Genetic correlations between feeding behavior traits and production traits were low. Only between DFI – ADG, DFI – FCR, and FPV – FCR the genetic correlations were significant (and positive). In conclusion, heritabilities of feeding behavior traits were moderate. Because the only strong genetic correlation between feeding behavior and production traits was obtained between DFI and ADG, including feeding behavior traits in breeding programs is not necessary. However, feeding behavior data are easy to collect from the electronic feeders and the observations are reliable, thus daily feeding records can be used for monitoring animal’s health and welfare.