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  • Öhberg, Ida (2023)
    All people who are involved in teaching or tutoring of some sort need to update their competences every now and then. This also applies to teachers. According to a report conducted by Gun Oker-Blom, Swedish- speaking teachers participate to a lower degree in in-service training than Finnish-speaking teachers. In international comparisons, Finnish teachers’ participation in in-service training is lower compared to other countries. Finnish teachers also report that they are less satisfied with the in-service training they participate in than teachers in other countries. Research has also shown that teachers feel that the in-service training offered does not meet the needs of the teachers and that the in-service training does not contribute to their professional development. The aim of this study is to examine Swedish-speaking teachers experiences of in-service training. The goal for this study was therefor to describe teachers’ participation in in-service training by answering three research questions. The study used qualitative methods. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with seven teachers. The teachers had worked between three and thirty years and they were all qualified teachers. The teachers worked in grades 1-6. To analyze the transcribed interviews, inductive content analysis was used. The results of the study showed that teachers viewed participation in in-service training as a way to develop as a teacher. Personal interest to learn new things and peer support were weighing factors for teachers to participate in in-service training. The teachers felt that participation in in-service and developing their skills is something that is a part of their job. When it came to the school leader’s role in teachers’ participation in in-service training, the teachers believed that it should be the principal’s job to encourage teachers to participate in training. Teachers also believed that the principal should have a clear picture of which kind of training individual teachers need but also what kind of in-service training the school needs as a whole
  • Brännbacka, Hanna (2020)
    A good occupational health is what every human wish for. Because people spend a lot of their time at the workplace the concept occupational health is an important factor to consider as a leader. Also due to a raise in the retairement age and changes in worklife, occupational health has become a current and known topic at workplaces. Occupational health refers to wellbeing at work and that an employee should experience physical, psychological and social wellbeing at the workplace. In this study the teachers occupational health is in focus. This study aims to find out wether a headmaster conducting a healthpromoting leadership would be of advantage for the teachers, when it comes to experiencing a good occupational health. It also aims to find out if teachers have any certain expectations regarding healthpromoting leadership and what thoughts they have conserning the topic occupational health and their own experienced occupational health. Background and contextual research consist of theory and previous studies on leadership, leadership in schools, healthpromoting leadership, educational leadership and occupational health. The thesis is a qualitative research project with a phenomenograpic perspectiv. The data was collected in fall 2019 and the sample consisted of eight teachers from swedishspeaking schools in the south of Finland. The data was collected through semistructured interviews and was later on analysed with help of inductive content analysis. The result refers to that most of the teachers have sometime during their career experienced a minor setback concerning their occupational health and consider therefore a healthpromoting leadershipstyle to be desireble. The teachers expectations are many and individual. Their expectations refer to being present, structured and flexible, and communicativ as a headmaster. Characteristics of the headmaster that the teachers refer to as being important for their occupational health are trust, honesty and personality. Other important leadership qualities for a headmaster to have is to give support and structure, and to be good at allocating resources and time. The research result can hopefully contribute to a better occupational health for the teachers true healthpromoting leadership. In addition, the result can give an indication, not only to the headmasters, but also to municipalities and state institutions, concerning what has to be accomplished and altered within education for the teachers to achieve a good and sustainable occupational health.
  • Brännbacka, Hanna (2020)
    A good occupational health is what every human wish for. Because people spend a lot of their time at the workplace the concept occupational health is an important factor to consider as a leader. Also due to a raise in the retairement age and changes in worklife, occupational health has become a current and known topic at workplaces. Occupational health refers to wellbeing at work and that an employee should experience physical, psychological and social wellbeing at the workplace. In this study the teachers occupational health is in focus. This study aims to find out wether a headmaster conducting a healthpromoting leadership would be of advantage for the teachers, when it comes to experiencing a good occupational health. It also aims to find out if teachers have any certain expectations regarding healthpromoting leadership and what thoughts they have conserning the topic occupational health and their own experienced occupational health. Background and contextual research consist of theory and previous studies on leadership, leadership in schools, healthpromoting leadership, educational leadership and occupational health. The thesis is a qualitative research project with a phenomenograpic perspectiv. The data was collected in fall 2019 and the sample consisted of eight teachers from swedishspeaking schools in the south of Finland. The data was collected through semistructured interviews and was later on analysed with help of inductive content analysis. The result refers to that most of the teachers have sometime during their career experienced a minor setback concerning their occupational health and consider therefore a healthpromoting leadershipstyle to be desireble. The teachers expectations are many and individual. Their expectations refer to being present, structured and flexible, and communicativ as a headmaster. Characteristics of the headmaster that the teachers refer to as being important for their occupational health are trust, honesty and personality. Other important leadership qualities for a headmaster to have is to give support and structure, and to be good at allocating resources and time. The research result can hopefully contribute to a better occupational health for the teachers true healthpromoting leadership. In addition, the result can give an indication, not only to the headmasters, but also to municipalities and state institutions, concerning what has to be accomplished and altered within education for the teachers to achieve a good and sustainable occupational health.
  • Lindström, Olivia (2022)
    Previous studies have shown that the workload has increased for teachers due to Covid-19, which can have affected their job satisfaction. At the same time, other challenges have been reported in the teaching profession that creates a concern regarding the number of teachers who want to change jobs. Research also shows that it has been challenging for principals to balance the various tasks of leadership during Covid-19, which raises questions regarding what kind of leadership needs to be prioritized by principals during a longer period of crisis. The purpose of this study was thus to find out what kind of support primary school teachers need to maintain job satisfaction during Covid-19, how primary school teachers describe principals' leadership and what kind of leadership primary school teachers consider important during Covid-19. Previous studies in the research area that concern primary school teachers' job satisfaction and principals' leadership were used as a background for the study. Seven certified primary school teachers with at least one year of work experience during Covid-19 participated in the study. The study used qualitative research methods and semi-structured interviews as data collection method. The transcribed interviews were analyzed using inductive content analysis. The study was based on a phenomenological perspective. In line with previous research, the results of the study showed that the informants thought that the collegial support had been the most important support for maintaining job satisfaction during Covid-19. The informants also thought that they needed more peace of mind than they had during Covid-19, because it took a lot of time to get acquainted with new rules and restrictions. The results showed that the informants thought that principals had a greater focus on administrative leadership than the pedagogical leadership during Covid-19. At the same time, the informants believed that principals did not have the opportunity to lead during Covid-19, but instead acted as mediators of information. In line with previous research, clear communication was highlighted as an important part of principals' leadership during Covid-19. It was also clear that according to primary school teachers, it is important that the principal is physically present in the school and visible to the teachers during Covid-19.
  • Lindström, Olivia (2020)
    Mål. Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning rektorer använder sig av transformativt ledarskap och på vilka sätt rektorer som använder sig av transformativt ledarskap påverkar lärares arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsengagemang. Teoridelen baserar sig på för denna studies syfte viktiga begrepp och teorier, som i detta fall består av transformativt ledarskap, pedagogiskt ledarskap, arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsengagemang. Utöver dessa diskuteras även rektorsyrket, skolledarrollen och kritik mot transformativt ledarskap. Med stöd av teoridelen undersöker denna studie förekomsten av transformativt ledarskap hos rektorer och på vilka sätt en transformativ ledarskapsstil påverkar lärares arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsengagemang. Metoder. Denna studie utfördes som en litteraturstudie med en integrerande infallsvinkel. Avsikten är då att skapa en bred uppfattning om avhandlingens tema, där också en kritisk diskussion tillhör. Materialet består av tio vetenskapliga artiklar, som valts genom systematiska sökningar i forskningsdatabaser med kontrollerade sökord. Resultat och slutsatser. Resultaten för studien visar att rektorer som använder sig av transformativt ledarskap påverkar positivt på lärares arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsengagemang. Analysen visar även att det är vanligt att rektorer använder sig av transformativt ledarskap i någon utsträckning. På basis av studien kan inte en slutsats dras gällande i vilken utsträckning transformativt ledarskap bör användas för att ha en inverkan på lärares arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsengagemang. Resultaten visar ytterligare att det räcker att rektorer använder sig av utvalda delar av det transformativa ledarskapet för att kunna påverka lärares arbetstillfredsställelse och arbetsengagemang.