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  • Gillin, Joel (2017)
    This study is a descriptive account and analysis of the ideas and arguments of Canadian philosopher James K. A. Smith (1970 - ) in regard to religion and the secular. Using Smith’s published texts, the study examines some of the problems he sees with these concepts from different subfields of philosophy and evaluates Smith’s proposed solutions. The study begins with a discursive overview of the issues scholars face in the study of religion and the secular. Next, the study examines Smith’s engagement with theological traditions and postmodern thought to critique the epistemology and ontology of the secular, followed by Smith’s articulation of a “liturgical” anthropology as a model for understanding religion and secular practices. The final chapter explores the implications of Smith’s analysis and his advocacy of a post-secular approach to 1) the study of religion, 2) the public square, and 3) religious conflict. The study finds that Smith cogently employs postmodern thought to deconstruct the foundationalist epistemology of the secular. Furthermore, he argues that the secular relies upon an unsubstantiated ontology of closed, autonomous nature that gives secular theorizing and science an unwarranted privileged epistemic status. Modern philosophical anthropology is also found to be overly cognitive, and Smith proposes an original model emphasizing embodiment in which humans are desiring beings shaped by formative practices (“liturgies”). With these results, Smith’s post-secular approach to the study of religion shows that common distinctions between secular and religious beliefs and practices are misleading. A liturgical framework may provide better conceptual tools to locate and explain human behavior, including religious/secular violence, with some complications requiring further research. His analysis suggests a normative post-secularism which allows space for religious identities in the public sphere could potentially meet the challenges of pluralism and religious conflict.
  • Gillin, Joel (2017)
    This study is a descriptive account and analysis of the ideas and arguments of Canadian philosopher James K. A. Smith (1970 - ) in regard to religion and the secular. Using Smith’s published texts, the study examines some of the problems he sees with these concepts from different subfields of philosophy and evaluates Smith’s proposed solutions. The study begins with a discursive overview of the issues scholars face in the study of religion and the secular. Next, the study examines Smith’s engagement with theological traditions and postmodern thought to critique the epistemology and ontology of the secular, followed by Smith’s articulation of a “liturgical” anthropology as a model for understanding religion and secular practices. The final chapter explores the implications of Smith’s analysis and his advocacy of a post-secular approach to 1) the study of religion, 2) the public square, and 3) religious conflict. The study finds that Smith cogently employs postmodern thought to deconstruct the foundationalist epistemology of the secular. Furthermore, he argues that the secular relies upon an unsubstantiated ontology of closed, autonomous nature that gives secular theorizing and science an unwarranted privileged epistemic status. Modern philosophical anthropology is also found to be overly cognitive, and Smith proposes an original model emphasizing embodiment in which humans are desiring beings shaped by formative practices (“liturgies”). With these results, Smith’s post-secular approach to the study of religion shows that common distinctions between secular and religious beliefs and practices are misleading. A liturgical framework may provide better conceptual tools to locate and explain human behavior, including religious/secular violence, with some complications requiring further research. His analysis suggests a normative post-secularism which allows space for religious identities in the public sphere could potentially meet the challenges of pluralism and religious conflict.
  • Rivinoja, Suvi (2018)
    This Master’s thesis examines how societal power is exercised and negotiated by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and the media in contemporary Finnish society. Conducting a critical discourse analysis of Helsingin Sanomat coverage on the Church and Finland’s asylum seekers between August 2015 and September 2017, the three levels of mediatization of religion as presented by Hjarvard (2008) are offered as a potential theoretical framework to capture essential aspects of the media’s ubiquitous impact on institutional religion. The first chapters introduce the research topic and provide contextual understanding of the Church’s position in contemporary Finnish society and media. This is followed by a literature review and the theoretical and methodological frameworks guiding the analysis. The analysis answers to the research question through the three levels of mediatization of religion. The findings demonstrated the usefulness of critical discourse analysis coupled with the mediatization of religion theory, as the research method highlighted the aspects of prevalence and dominance of mediatization. Although the mediatization of religion theory was not found to provide an exhaustive account on the dynamics between Helsingin Sanomat and the Church, the presence of all three levels of mediatization together with the dominance of media discourses and the Church’s subordination to media logic could be discerned. This thesis provides insight into the renegotiation process of the Church’s place and role in Finnish society, a topic that until today has remained understudied. Further, it sheds light on the power of both the media and the Church to steer and maintain discourses. From the perspective of the Religion, Conflict and Dialogue Master’s Degree program, analyzing the theme within the context of the asylum seeker situation can be deemed supportive for purposes of further research on institutional religion’s role in dialogue promotion and bringing about social cohesion.
  • Zafaranloo, Saeed (2020)
    Peace has always been a pivotal issue in the core of humankind’s thoughts throughout centuries; prophets, great thinkers, poets and elites have expressed their concern, vision and ideas of peace. Major world religions have teachings for peace. As one of the new religious movements of the world, Baha’i Faith has placed peace in the focus of its teaching. There have also been academic and intellectual efforts to define peace and to present plans for making peace like the works of Johan Galtung, the founder of the peace and conflict studies. The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast the peace plan of Baha’i Faith with Johan Galtung’s peace theory and explore their possible crucial differences and similarities (commonalities). In Galtung’s book, Peace by Peaceful Means: Peace and Conflict, Development and Civilization, the first chapter is peace theory which is used to explore Baha’i teachings on peace in Baha’i primary sources like writings of Bahá'u'lláh, the founder of Baha’i Faith, Abdu’l-Bahá' (first successor), Shoghi Effendi (Guardian and appointed head of the Faith) and Universal House of Justice (supreme ruling body) publications. Secondary Baha’i sources are also studied which are articles, papers and books written about Baha’i Faith. The method of comparative analysis used in this study is lens comparison in which we explore A (Galtung’s Peace Theory) less than B (Baha’i Faith peace plan), we use A as a lens through which to view B. The text A is used as a framework to understand and compare with text B. Galtung’s peace theory is an umbrella under which Baha’i teachings are studied. The idea of peace and the approach toward this idea is in the center of this comparison. During this process, the differences and commonalities of A and B are listed and analyzed in three realms, i.e. in relation to peace and gender, peace and democracy and peace and inter-state systems. After every point by point comparison chapter, all common and different features of A and B are observed, listed and analyzed to verify to what degree they are similar with or differ from each other. In this way, it is possible to see the level of proximity and remoteness of two sources and to verify how much they converge or diverge. The thesis reveals in which areas of peace-building ideas, Galtung and Baha’i Faith have common approaches and in which areas they have different standpoints, i.e. this paper disclosed, on gender and peace, both approaches have high level of proximity and convergence.
  • Kalliala, Rasmus (2017)
    Sekularisering som fenomen innebär en process där delar av samhället och kulturen lösgör sig från religiösa institutioners makt och symboler. Tesen går ut på tanken om att modernismens framsteg i form av bland annat den suveräna staten, kapitalismen och de empiriska vetenskaperna skulle leda till att religioner tappar sin influens och eventuellt försvinner från moderniserade länder. Begreppet kan dessutom delas in i två dimensioner, det vill säga den allmänna som beskriver det institutionella förhållandet mellan religion och stat, samt den privata som innefattar individuell tro och praktiserande. Syftet med uppsatsen var att svara på frågan om det råder en sekulariseringsprocess i Finland, och i vilken mån den har kommit att omfatta såväl den allmänna som den privata sfären. Jag gjorde detta genom att studera olika texter och teorier om religion och sekularisering som betonar postmodernitet, individualism och konsumtion, och sedan jämföra det med statistik och fakta gällande religiositet i Finland. Jag har dragit slutsatsen att en sekulariseringsprocess i viss mån förekommer i Finland. De strukturella ändringarna som karakteriserar postmodernitet i form av en lösgöring från traditionella gemenskaper och auktoriteter, en ökad individualisering och masskonsumtion, står i enlighet med vad statistiken berättar om den finska religiositetens natur och sekularisation idag. Den påverkar dock för det mesta den institutionella dimensionen då det kommer till människors behörighet till kyrkan och det konkreta praktiserandet förknippat med det. Samtidigt har förhållandet mellan kyrka och stat förhållit sig relativt orört redan länge. Antalet behöriga till kyrkan sjunker, färre människor deltar i gudstjänster och en mindre andel fortsätter att tro enligt kyrkans lära. Möjligheten att delta i kyrkans riter tycks vara den största orsaken till att höra till kyrkan. I en tid präglad av lösgörande från traditionella gemenskaper som familj och religion, spelar nu den egna identiteten en större roll i val av alternativa gemenskaper och värden. Samtidigt fortsätter dock den subjektiva och individuella tron att blomstra i form av till exempel tron på gud eller en högre makt, böner och uppfattad religiositet. Religion och religiositet kan därför påstås ha gått mer och mer mot det subjektiva och privata hållet kontra det institutionella. Trots att sekularisation alltså i viss mån förekommer, kan Finland inte påstås vara ett sekulariserat land. Varken från det allmänna perspektivet som beskriver det institutionella förhållandet mellan religion och stat där det klart förekommer samarbete, eller från det privata som innefattar individuell tro och praktiserande där de subjektiva och individuella formerna av religiositet än idag blomstrar.
  • Vainio, Ella Katarina (2018)
    Religion och tro har inom samhällsvetenskaperna ansetts inneha en central roll för individers integration i samhälle. Religioner skiljer sig däremot åt i vilken grad tron integrerar individer till samhället. Europeiska protestantiska länder, speciellt de nordeuropeiska, anses genomgå en förändringsprocess där det religiösa deltagandet avtar. Samtidigt har integrationen inom protestantiska länder ibland definierats som låg. Denna utveckling har inom samhällsvetenskaperna och sociologin diskuterats utgående från sekulariserings-, moderniserings- och individualiseringsteorier. I min avhandling behandlar jag religion och dess funktion med en särskild tyngdpunkt på den protestantiska tron. Sekularisering diskuteras som ett omtvistat och ifrågasatt fenomen och jag undersöker hur protestantismen kan förstås genom sekulariseringsdebatten. Avhandlingen behandlar därefter motsättningen mellan de västerländska samhällenas individualistiska karaktär och religion som en gemenskapsskapande institution. Som ett alternativ till den protestantiska tron diskuteras nyandlighet och spiritualitet, inom vilka anpassningsbarhet och självbestämmande tillåter individualistiska karaktärsdrag och på så sätt i högre grad tilltalar individer än den institutionellt organiserade tron. Resonemanget i avhandlingen framför att den förändring som sker specifikt i europeiska protestantiska länder inte är entydig och klar. Då man granskar den protestantiska tron kräver en bred studie av historia, modernisering, sekularisering och individualisering för att framföra en komplett uppfattning.
  • Marin, Pinja (2019)
    Objective. The way science and religion relate is a topic of lasting debate and discussion but little research. Thus, people's perceptions of the science-religion relationship remain poorly understood. Yet, the way people relate science and religion to each other seem to be connected to their opinions, attitudes, and choices. The aim of this study was to examine how epistemic cognition, ontological confusions of core knowledge, and the perceived social importance of science and religion predict agreement with four science-religion perspectives: conflict, independence, dialogue, and integration. Method. Participants (N=2256) were adult Finns who had, in an online survey, given their view on whether science and religion are in conflict. The sample was largely nonreligious with 67.2% not belonging to any religious denomination. Three logistic regressions were used to predict the likelihood to hold the conflict, dialogue and integration views, and an ordinal logistic regression was used to examine agreement with the independence view. Age, gender and education were controlled in all analyses. Results. Intuitive thinking style, core ontological confusions, and the perceived social importance of religion decreased the likelihood to hold the conflict view whereas a simple view of knowledge and importance of science increased it. Regarding the three non-conflict views, core ontological confusions increased the likelihood to hold the dialogue and integration views, but decreased the likelihood to hold the independence view. In addition, intuitive thinking style increased the odds to agree with the dialogue and integration views. Moreover, importance of religion increased the likelihood to hold the dialogue and integration views while importance of science increased the likelihood to agree with the independence view. Discussion. Differences in epistemic cognition, core ontological confusions, and the perceived social importance of science and religion affected agreement with the four science-religion perspectives. Therefore, it is likely that the ways people perceive the relation between science and religion could be better understood through further examination of thinking styles, views of knowledge and knowing, category errors, and attitudes.
  • Marin, Pinja (2019)
    Objective. The way science and religion relate is a topic of lasting debate and discussion but little research. Thus, people's perceptions of the science-religion relationship remain poorly understood. Yet, the way people relate science and religion to each other seem to be connected to their opinions, attitudes, and choices. The aim of this study was to examine how epistemic cognition, ontological confusions of core knowledge, and the perceived social importance of science and religion predict agreement with four science-religion perspectives: conflict, independence, dialogue, and integration. Method. Participants (N=2256) were adult Finns who had, in an online survey, given their view on whether science and religion are in conflict. The sample was largely nonreligious with 67.2% not belonging to any religious denomination. Three logistic regressions were used to predict the likelihood to hold the conflict, dialogue and integration views, and an ordinal logistic regression was used to examine agreement with the independence view. Age, gender and education were controlled in all analyses. Results. Intuitive thinking style, core ontological confusions, and the perceived social importance of religion decreased the likelihood to hold the conflict view whereas a simple view of knowledge and importance of science increased it. Regarding the three non-conflict views, core ontological confusions increased the likelihood to hold the dialogue and integration views, but decreased the likelihood to hold the independence view. In addition, intuitive thinking style increased the odds to agree with the dialogue and integration views. Moreover, importance of religion increased the likelihood to hold the dialogue and integration views while importance of science increased the likelihood to agree with the independence view. Discussion. Differences in epistemic cognition, core ontological confusions, and the perceived social importance of science and religion affected agreement with the four science-religion perspectives. Therefore, it is likely that the ways people perceive the relation between science and religion could be better understood through further examination of thinking styles, views of knowledge and knowing, category errors, and attitudes.
  • Kasurinen, Jaana (2001)
    The purpose of this research is to deepen the understanding of the culture of the veil among Somali women in Finland. The research deals with ethnicity, identity, easing the immigrant's readjustment with the help of one's own culture, and the connection between the religion of Islam and the veil. The veil will be studied from both the historical and religious point of view. The research will also familiarize the reader with the dress code for women in the Koran. The empirical part of the research is carried out as a qualitative study with the help of content analysis, with emphasis in phenomenology. The aim of the phenomenological research method is to reach a person's experience world, and to search for common contents from individual experiences. The material for this study has been collected by interviewing ten Somali women. Some of the women wear veils, some do not. It can be said, on the ground of this research, that the decision about taking on the veil is made by the women themselves. The main cause for wearing the veil is to indicate religiousness. As other motives we can see a search for security, enhancing of solidarity, individual interpretation of the instructions of the religion, covering the ethnic dress while outside, protecting men from the beauty of women, and wearing the veil in the mosque or while praying. As a latent motive we can point out the resisting of Western culture. Not wearing the veil can be justified by the women's need for independence, the veil being unpractical, the want of modernity, the alternation of different ways of dressing, the adaptation of the new culture, abandoning one's own culture, and abandoning the external emphasizing of the religion. Also the veil is not part of the Somali culture; it is a habit adapted from elsewhere.
  • Kähkönen, Aliisa (2023)
    The center focus of my thesis is displaying the real-life elements of witches and witchcraft in three Jacobean era plays: Macbeth, The Witch and The Witch of Edmonton by employing late 16th century and early 17th century secondary material from works such as: Reginald Scot’s The Discouerie of Witchcraft (1584), Henry Goodcole’s The Wonderful discovery of Elizabeth Sawyer (1621), Holinshed’s Chronicles (1587), King James’s Daemonologie (1597) and Newes from Scotland (1592). The theoretical background of the thesis consists of close reading and new historicism, from which this thesis derives its theoretical inspiration. By cross-referencing these primary and secondary sources with one another, the beliefs and reality of witches and witchcraft of the Jacobean masses will come to light from a modern-day perspective. Each chapter in this thesis is divided into two categories: one that focuses on highlighting the realistic historical aspects within these plays, while the other focuses on analyzing the plays relying more on general discussion and scholarly sources in which real elements of witches and their craft can be seen. My thesis brings forth various witch/craft-related topics from various sources that are alike reflected in these plays. Notions such as general spellcasting, familiars, the Devil, clerical presence, witch-beliefs and the powers of the witches are especially significant in this thesis as they are prominent in all three plays. My thesis shows that the examination of these three Jacobean witchcraft plays, and their corresponding historical sources, can change the perception that contemporary audiences have of historical witches and witchcraft. The witches depicted in the plays were not merely fantastical figures, but fictionalized representations of the realities of the 17th-century people.
  • Kähkönen, Aliisa (2023)
    The center focus of my thesis is displaying the real-life elements of witches and witchcraft in three Jacobean era plays: Macbeth, The Witch and The Witch of Edmonton by employing late 16th century and early 17th century secondary material from works such as: Reginald Scot’s The Discouerie of Witchcraft (1584), Henry Goodcole’s The Wonderful discovery of Elizabeth Sawyer (1621), Holinshed’s Chronicles (1587), King James’s Daemonologie (1597) and Newes from Scotland (1592). The theoretical background of the thesis consists of close reading and new historicism, from which this thesis derives its theoretical inspiration. By cross-referencing these primary and secondary sources with one another, the beliefs and reality of witches and witchcraft of the Jacobean masses will come to light from a modern-day perspective. Each chapter in this thesis is divided into two categories: one that focuses on highlighting the realistic historical aspects within these plays, while the other focuses on analyzing the plays relying more on general discussion and scholarly sources in which real elements of witches and their craft can be seen. My thesis brings forth various witch/craft-related topics from various sources that are alike reflected in these plays. Notions such as general spellcasting, familiars, the Devil, clerical presence, witch-beliefs and the powers of the witches are especially significant in this thesis as they are prominent in all three plays. My thesis shows that the examination of these three Jacobean witchcraft plays, and their corresponding historical sources, can change the perception that contemporary audiences have of historical witches and witchcraft. The witches depicted in the plays were not merely fantastical figures, but fictionalized representations of the realities of the 17th-century people.
  • Sankelo, Juhanna (2020)
    This study researches the construction of masculinity among the Murle pastoralist tribe, an ethnic minority inhabiting the southeastern part of South Sudan. It focuses on the Murle men who belong to the Laŋo age-set, a social group in the tribe, which includes individuals of 25-35 years old. Drawing on masculinity studies the research investigates how Murle Laŋo men enact traditional hegemonic masculinity through the practices of warring for the tribe and marriage, both of which are centrally related to herding and raiding cattle. The study also examines how traditional Murle norms and practices of masculinity are being tested and changed by the political and economic marginalization that the Murle community has been confronting historically during British colonialism and more recently since 2011 after the independence of South Sudan. The thesis sheds light on the Murle religio-cultural worldview underlying the tribe’s social norms and practices, and specifically men and their masculine roles. Religion in this study is understood through the lens of Murle cultural system where particular beliefs, rituals, and ethical values contribute to the formation of shared identity among Laŋo age-set youth. The study adopts Linda Woodhead’s (2011) multidimensional approach to religion and shows that religion is intertwined with culture, social structures, power relations, and identity. This study is informed by ethnographic research in which data was collected through participant observation in 2016–17 among the Murle in Boma State; life story interviews with the Laŋo age-set leader; and semi-structured interviews and informal discussions with numerous Murle interlocutors in Pibor and Juba, South Sudan. The study also draws on a collection of Murle songs which are sung in pre-fighting and reconciliation meetings. The songs are analyzed as a mode of expression through which Murle norms and identity are affirmed whilst also revealing the tensions and on-going changes in this tradition. The findings of the study show that the Murle is a community in transition. While the age-set structure and men’s role as warriors still remain important for the protection of the tribe, some significant changes are taking place. Joining armed rebel groups and becoming entangled in political conflicts against the government is also becoming part of the life path of Murle Laŋo men. Also, community leaders and chiefs (who are seen as enabling the corruption of the government) are being increasingly challenged by the age-set youth; and new alliances are being formed between Laŋo age-sets of different tribes. The idiom ‘locking horns’ in the title of this thesis, evokes the imagery of the Laŋo mascot animal, kob. The idiom, which means fighting, refers to Laŋo’s challenge of traditional authority structures. Another notable change is guns replacing sticks as the weapon of choice among the Murle age-sets as they become more involved in armed conflicts against the government, leading to more blood shed. For some men, opting out all together from the age-set structure and downplaying their Murle identity and tradition is the way to deal with the challenges confronted by the tribe. This study illuminates how masculinity in the Murle context is constructed through particular religio-cultural meanings, narratives, and practices that have their inherent tensions. On the one hand, warring, stick-fighting, and cattle raiding are integral to the desirable and normative Murle masculinity. On the other hand, peace-making and ethical values that affirm sharing and nobility with the vulnerable and the enemies are also part of this hegemonic masculinity. The study highlights that Murle masculinity norms and practices are not static but are shaped and impacted by multidimensional contextual factors such as armed conflict, poverty, economic and political marginalization, and displacement. The study disputes the assumed direct link between hegemonic masculinity and violence presented in some gender research and suggests instead that the relationship between the two is more complex. The study also sheds light on the all-encompassing framework that a tribal religion provides in the life of the Murle pastoralists. Last, the study elucidates the resilience and ability of the Murle to adapt to changing situations of uncertainty and instability.
  • Sankelo, Juhanna (2020)
    This study researches the construction of masculinity among the Murle pastoralist tribe, an ethnic minority inhabiting the southeastern part of South Sudan. It focuses on the Murle men who belong to the Laŋo age-set, a social group in the tribe, which includes individuals of 25-35 years old. Drawing on masculinity studies the research investigates how Murle Laŋo men enact traditional hegemonic masculinity through the practices of warring for the tribe and marriage, both of which are centrally related to herding and raiding cattle. The study also examines how traditional Murle norms and practices of masculinity are being tested and changed by the political and economic marginalization that the Murle community has been confronting historically during British colonialism and more recently since 2011 after the independence of South Sudan. The thesis sheds light on the Murle religio-cultural worldview underlying the tribe’s social norms and practices, and specifically men and their masculine roles. Religion in this study is understood through the lens of Murle cultural system where particular beliefs, rituals, and ethical values contribute to the formation of shared identity among Laŋo age-set youth. The study adopts Linda Woodhead’s (2011) multidimensional approach to religion and shows that religion is intertwined with culture, social structures, power relations, and identity. This study is informed by ethnographic research in which data was collected through participant observation in 2016–17 among the Murle in Boma State; life story interviews with the Laŋo age-set leader; and semi-structured interviews and informal discussions with numerous Murle interlocutors in Pibor and Juba, South Sudan. The study also draws on a collection of Murle songs which are sung in pre-fighting and reconciliation meetings. The songs are analyzed as a mode of expression through which Murle norms and identity are affirmed whilst also revealing the tensions and on-going changes in this tradition. The findings of the study show that the Murle is a community in transition. While the age-set structure and men’s role as warriors still remain important for the protection of the tribe, some significant changes are taking place. Joining armed rebel groups and becoming entangled in political conflicts against the government is also becoming part of the life path of Murle Laŋo men. Also, community leaders and chiefs (who are seen as enabling the corruption of the government) are being increasingly challenged by the age-set youth; and new alliances are being formed between Laŋo age-sets of different tribes. The idiom ‘locking horns’ in the title of this thesis, evokes the imagery of the Laŋo mascot animal, kob. The idiom, which means fighting, refers to Laŋo’s challenge of traditional authority structures. Another notable change is guns replacing sticks as the weapon of choice among the Murle age-sets as they become more involved in armed conflicts against the government, leading to more blood shed. For some men, opting out all together from the age-set structure and downplaying their Murle identity and tradition is the way to deal with the challenges confronted by the tribe. This study illuminates how masculinity in the Murle context is constructed through particular religio-cultural meanings, narratives, and practices that have their inherent tensions. On the one hand, warring, stick-fighting, and cattle raiding are integral to the desirable and normative Murle masculinity. On the other hand, peace-making and ethical values that affirm sharing and nobility with the vulnerable and the enemies are also part of this hegemonic masculinity. The study highlights that Murle masculinity norms and practices are not static but are shaped and impacted by multidimensional contextual factors such as armed conflict, poverty, economic and political marginalization, and displacement. The study disputes the assumed direct link between hegemonic masculinity and violence presented in some gender research and suggests instead that the relationship between the two is more complex. The study also sheds light on the all-encompassing framework that a tribal religion provides in the life of the Murle pastoralists. Last, the study elucidates the resilience and ability of the Murle to adapt to changing situations of uncertainty and instability.
  • Snellman, Ida Anna Karin; Richter, Amica Linnea (2016)
    I vår pro gradu-avhandling undersöker vi den Evangelisk Lutherska kyrkans roll i invandrares integration i Helsingfors. Invandringen till Finland har ökat de senaste åren, speciellt efter att situationen i flera områden i Mellanöstern och Nordafrika blivit oroligare. Internationella organisationen för migration (IOM) har uppmanat religiösa organisationer i Europa till en aktivare roll i integrationsarbete, vilket utgör grunden till vår forskning. Religiösa organisationer har möjlighet att stöda invandrares sociala och kulturella integration, medan det statliga och kommunala integrationsarbetet fokuserar på ekonomisk och strukturell integration. Eftersom avhandlingen är ett gemensamt projekt med två författare, undersöker vi ämnet ur två perspektiv. Ida Snellman undersöker vad multikulturellt arbete i den Evangelisk Lutherska kyrkan innebär och hur de anställda upplever att arbetet inverkar på invandrares integration. Amica Richter undersöker hur invandrare upplever att den Evangelisk Lutherska kyrkan inverkar på deras integration och i vilken mån de upplever att kyrkan kan ta del av integrationsarbetet i Helsingfors. Avhandlingen är en kvalitativ studie och materialet är insamlat genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Idas material består av åtta intervjuer med personer som arbetar med multikulturellt arbete inom den Evangelisk Lutherska kyrkan. Amica har intervjuat åtta personer med invandrar bakgrund, som har deltagit i den Evangelisk Lutherska kyrkans aktiviteter. Vi har använt innehållsanalys för att analysera våra material. Vår teoretiska referensram baserar sig på teorier om socialt kapital. Enligt Idas analys kan den Evangelisk Lutherska kyrkans multikulturella arbete delas upp i multikulturellt arbete med religiöst fokus och arbete som går utöver religion. Dessa två delar av det multikulturella arbetet är närvarande i både finskspråkiga och svenskspråkiga församlingar så väl som i församlingar på övriga språk. Arbetet inverkar på invandrares sociala kapital genom att stärka band till andra invandrare, kristna och majoritetsbefolkningen samt genom att bygga broar till lokala församlingar och till det finska samhället. Ur Amicas analys framgår att invandrare upplever den Evangelisk Lutherska kyrkan som stöd för deras sociala integration genom att erbjuda sociala nätverk och spirituellt stöd. Utöver att kyrkan kan fungera som brobyggare till det finska samhället, har invandrare med olik religiös tillhörighet även skapat band till volontärer, församlingsmedlemmar och till anställda i kyrkan. Kyrkan går mot en alltmer volontärbaserad organisationsmodell och i denna utveckling har invandrare möjlighet att inverka positivt. Ett aktivt deltagande i församlingslivet stöder invandrares integration genom att skapa band och bygga broar. Utgående från denna studie upplevs gemenskapen i församlingen och den interreligiösa dialogen som meningsfull av kristna invandrare såväl som av invandrare med annan eller ingen religiös övertygelse.
  • Tiainen, Janne (2021)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Mål. Syftet med den här studien är att forska hur konspirationsteorierna borde bemötas pedagogiskt och utbildningsmässigt. En viktig del av forskningen är att undersöka vilka pedagogiska verktyg fungerar positivt till att reducera tron på konspirationsteorierna. Med det pedagogiska menas hur enskilda människor (pedagoger), men framför allt hur hela utbildningsorganisationer kan bemöta och reducera tronkonspirationsteorierna och eventuellt reducera tron på andra icke-önskvärda fenomen. Metoder. Metoden för avhandlingen var en beskrivande litteraturstudie. Materialet till litteraturstudien baserar sig på kvantitativa forskningsartiklar och publicerade vetenskapliga litteraturstudier. Avsikten med studien var att skapa en helhetsuppfattning om temat och kritiskt granska de valda 8 vetenskapliga artiklarna som beskriver hur konspirationsteorier och andra icke-önskvärda fenomen bekämpas. Resultat och slutsatser. Resultaten var att det är svårt att bemöta konspirationsteorierna så att tron på dessa reduceras. Men forskningen talar tydligt att kritiskt tänkande kan bidra till att minska människors tro på konspirationsteorier. Samtidigt visar forskningen att konspirationsteorierna måste bemötas kritiskt till exempel i skolan innan eleven/studenten själv möter det specifika fenomenet, och det kan bidra till resistent förhållning endast mot den i skolan behandlade konspirationsteorin. Resultatet och slutsatserna kan summeras med att kritiskt tänkande fungerar som förebyggande verksamhet till att reducera tron på konspirationsteorierna. Medan vänlighet, villighet att lystna och ge en person en känsla av empowerment fungerar bra till att reducera på tron på konspirationsteorierna hos människor som redan fallit offer för dem. Slutsatsen är att konspirationsteorierna är här för att stanna och att det inte finns mirakelkurer som skulle få slut på dem. Med kontextualiserad form av kritiskt tänkande, i rätt tid (ålder) och empatiskt förhållningssätt ser ut att reducera konspirationsteoretiska tankar bättre än faktabaserad argumentation.
  • Krupa, Weronika (2023)
    This thesis approaches the topic of homophobia and anti-LGBT rhetoric in the official statements released by the Polish Roman Catholic Church and its officials. It undertakes an extensive study of propaganda and rhetoric analysis to visualise the propagandistic nature of the PRCC’s stance on the LGBT+ community. The core of this thesis examination is the 2020 “The Position of the Polish Bishops’ Conference” which addressed the matter of LGBT+ people in contrast with the religious dogma of the Polish Roman Catholic Church. The 27-page-long document is analysed based on various theoretical approaches, such as the model for propaganda analysis by Jowett & O’Donnell or the list of propaganda devices proposed by the Carolina K-12 group. These factors enable this thesis to determine the propagandistic character of the statement. Furthermore, this project utilises the theoretical approach to the study of homophobia in Poland by attaching the anti-LGBT language used by the PRCC to the theory of the East/West Divide presented by Agnès Chetaille. This paper follows the distinction between the Western and Eastern European stances on LGBT+ rights made by Chetaille and recognises the identity-forming role of homophobia in modern Poland. Through its examination of both the abovementioned theory and the extensive analysis of “The Position of the Polish Bishops’ Conference regarding LGBT+”, this thesis pictures various groups of propaganda devices visible in the statement and proves its propagandistic nature. Moreover, through the careful inspection of the other instances of PRCC officials utilising the aforementioned anti-LGBT+ rhetoric, and by connecting the homophobic propaganda displayed by the Church to Chetaille’s theory of the East/West Divide, this paper shows that through a top-down approach, homophobia enters both the public and private sphere of life in Poland, thus transforming the Polish identity and attaching it closely to ideals such as tradition, religion and heteronormativity
  • Krupa, Weronika (2023)
    This thesis approaches the topic of homophobia and anti-LGBT rhetoric in the official statements released by the Polish Roman Catholic Church and its officials. It undertakes an extensive study of propaganda and rhetoric analysis to visualise the propagandistic nature of the PRCC’s stance on the LGBT+ community. The core of this thesis examination is the 2020 “The Position of the Polish Bishops’ Conference” which addressed the matter of LGBT+ people in contrast with the religious dogma of the Polish Roman Catholic Church. The 27-page-long document is analysed based on various theoretical approaches, such as the model for propaganda analysis by Jowett & O’Donnell or the list of propaganda devices proposed by the Carolina K-12 group. These factors enable this thesis to determine the propagandistic character of the statement. Furthermore, this project utilises the theoretical approach to the study of homophobia in Poland by attaching the anti-LGBT language used by the PRCC to the theory of the East/West Divide presented by Agnès Chetaille. This paper follows the distinction between the Western and Eastern European stances on LGBT+ rights made by Chetaille and recognises the identity-forming role of homophobia in modern Poland. Through its examination of both the abovementioned theory and the extensive analysis of “The Position of the Polish Bishops’ Conference regarding LGBT+”, this thesis pictures various groups of propaganda devices visible in the statement and proves its propagandistic nature. Moreover, through the careful inspection of the other instances of PRCC officials utilising the aforementioned anti-LGBT+ rhetoric, and by connecting the homophobic propaganda displayed by the Church to Chetaille’s theory of the East/West Divide, this paper shows that through a top-down approach, homophobia enters both the public and private sphere of life in Poland, thus transforming the Polish identity and attaching it closely to ideals such as tradition, religion and heteronormativity
  • Kärkkäinen, Sara (2023)
    In this thesis, I study and analyse the first two novels of the American author Dan Simmons’ four-part science-fiction novel series Hyperion Cantos: Hyperion and The Fall of Hyperion. Through my analysis of the novels’ narrative structures and thematic contents, I demonstrate how works of science fiction are inherently connected to the real world and can offer new perspectives on ideas and phenomena observable in the readers’ current historical reality, despite the speculative and unnatural scenarios they present. My analysis, based on a close reading of the novels and supported by theories within narratology and research on science fiction as a genre, first compares the narrative structures of the novels, focusing on the relationship between story and discourse and shifts in narrative voice, focalisation, and temporal aspects of the narration. In terms of the narrative structures, my analysis shows that Simmons uses two very different narrative structures within the two novels to nevertheless create an interconnected story. He introduces the characters and begins to develop the themes of the novels’ narrative universe with the Canterbury Tales-like structure of Hyperion and continues to develop them and bring them to their conclusions by introducing the novels’ true, unnatural character narrator in The Fall of Hyperion. The thematic analysis demonstrates how Simmons uses a science fiction narrative in a futuristic setting to introduce themes that reflect historical developments in the western world while simultaneously motivating his readers to consider possible future developments in technology. The novels’ technological themes display humanity’s dependence on technology, and how, using these technologies, humanity has expanded in a selfish manner, causing harm to other species and planets. Additionally, Simmons considers the wavering line between humans and technological beings, presenting a possible future scenario where sophisticated AI attempt to take over humanity. The novels’ religious themes also connect to the real world, reflecting historical developments in secularisation and critiquing a blind obedience to God. The combination of these thematic fields also illustrates the pain that is necessary in the process of bringing about meaningful change, and highlights empathy as a core human value.
  • Kärkkäinen, Sara (2023)
    In this thesis, I study and analyse the first two novels of the American author Dan Simmons’ four-part science-fiction novel series Hyperion Cantos: Hyperion and The Fall of Hyperion. Through my analysis of the novels’ narrative structures and thematic contents, I demonstrate how works of science fiction are inherently connected to the real world and can offer new perspectives on ideas and phenomena observable in the readers’ current historical reality, despite the speculative and unnatural scenarios they present. My analysis, based on a close reading of the novels and supported by theories within narratology and research on science fiction as a genre, first compares the narrative structures of the novels, focusing on the relationship between story and discourse and shifts in narrative voice, focalisation, and temporal aspects of the narration. In terms of the narrative structures, my analysis shows that Simmons uses two very different narrative structures within the two novels to nevertheless create an interconnected story. He introduces the characters and begins to develop the themes of the novels’ narrative universe with the Canterbury Tales-like structure of Hyperion and continues to develop them and bring them to their conclusions by introducing the novels’ true, unnatural character narrator in The Fall of Hyperion. The thematic analysis demonstrates how Simmons uses a science fiction narrative in a futuristic setting to introduce themes that reflect historical developments in the western world while simultaneously motivating his readers to consider possible future developments in technology. The novels’ technological themes display humanity’s dependence on technology, and how, using these technologies, humanity has expanded in a selfish manner, causing harm to other species and planets. Additionally, Simmons considers the wavering line between humans and technological beings, presenting a possible future scenario where sophisticated AI attempt to take over humanity. The novels’ religious themes also connect to the real world, reflecting historical developments in secularisation and critiquing a blind obedience to God. The combination of these thematic fields also illustrates the pain that is necessary in the process of bringing about meaningful change, and highlights empathy as a core human value.