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  • Laukkanen, Noora (2021)
    Childrens and adolescents relationship with food can be supported in various pedagogical methods. Previous research suggests that childrens and adolescents relationship with food can be supported by positive interaction and by emphasizing the pleasurable aspect of eating. The suggested approach can be understood with food and eating relationship framework. The framework is developed by Talvia and Anglé (2018), whose aim is to guide educators on how to fulfil the food and nutrition educational needs of putting the diverse relationship with food and eating into practice. In this study the food and eating relationship framework is applied to home economics teachers perceptions on supporting pupils’ relationship with food. The theoretical framework of this study is based on previous research of food education and attitudes towards food. Previous research takes place on the fields of nutritional science and home economics. A qualitative research was utilized in this study. The data consists of six virtual interviews of home economics teachers. Teachers expressions that are associated with supporting pupils’ relationship with food and eating were first separated from the data. The expressions were analysed and categorized with content analysis methods. The analysis yielded four main categories of which represent home economics teachers perceptions on how to support pupils’ relationship with food. The main categories are offering mental support for the pupil, utilizing positive pedagogy in teaching, creating a safe atmosphere in the learning environment and increasing pupils’ knowledge on the impacts of food and eating. In this study the home economics teachers experience that they can support pupils’ relationship with food in various pedagogical means. According to the results, home economics teachers find both teachers and peers contribution being a meaningful part of supporting pupils’ relationship with food. Both teachers and peers are expected to accept and allow different relationships with food and eating. The whole group is expected to offer mental support for peers and teachers find guiding pupils towards this as their task. Results suggest that home economics teachers find pedagogical skills even more important than home economics skills when the aim is to support pupils’ relationship with food and eating. Area for further research would be how the teachers pedagogical skills promote pupils’ relationship with food and eating.
  • Laukkanen, Noora (2021)
    Childrens and adolescents relationship with food can be supported in various pedagogical methods. Previous research suggests that childrens and adolescents relationship with food can be supported by positive interaction and by emphasizing the pleasurable aspect of eating. The suggested approach can be understood with food and eating relationship framework. The framework is developed by Talvia and Anglé (2018), whose aim is to guide educators on how to fulfil the food and nutrition educational needs of putting the diverse relationship with food and eating into practice. In this study the food and eating relationship framework is applied to home economics teachers perceptions on supporting pupils’ relationship with food. The theoretical framework of this study is based on previous research of food education and attitudes towards food. Previous research takes place on the fields of nutritional science and home economics. A qualitative research was utilized in this study. The data consists of six virtual interviews of home economics teachers. Teachers expressions that are associated with supporting pupils’ relationship with food and eating were first separated from the data. The expressions were analysed and categorized with content analysis methods. The analysis yielded four main categories of which represent home economics teachers perceptions on how to support pupils’ relationship with food. The main categories are offering mental support for the pupil, utilizing positive pedagogy in teaching, creating a safe atmosphere in the learning environment and increasing pupils’ knowledge on the impacts of food and eating. In this study the home economics teachers experience that they can support pupils’ relationship with food in various pedagogical means. According to the results, home economics teachers find both teachers and peers contribution being a meaningful part of supporting pupils’ relationship with food. Both teachers and peers are expected to accept and allow different relationships with food and eating. The whole group is expected to offer mental support for peers and teachers find guiding pupils towards this as their task. Results suggest that home economics teachers find pedagogical skills even more important than home economics skills when the aim is to support pupils’ relationship with food and eating. Area for further research would be how the teachers pedagogical skills promote pupils’ relationship with food and eating.
  • Nyfors, Ulrika (2017)
    Previous studies have not focused on milk's meaning and role in study books. The aim of this research is to find out in which ways study milk is presented in environmental studies' study books and what kinds of meanings are related to milk and dairy products. The research also aims to find out how these milk-related meanings have changed between years 1969–2016 and how they are being weighted. It is also studied if Finns are driven to consume milk and dairy products and why milk is so meaningful for most of the Finns. This research aims as well to find out what kind of potential consequences textbooks have on child's ideas and attitudes towards milk and dairy products. The research was carried out by studying environmental studies' textbooks made by publishing house Otava published between years 1969–2016. Milk-related entities were collected from textbooks. By using the collected material different milk-related categories were formed. The data was analyzed by using content analysis. This research showed that milk was presented in four different categories in textbooks. These categories were Milk as nutrition for young, Milk as means of earning one's living, Milk as health's contributor and Miscellaneous. The bias and the presence of these categories varies between and through the years and classes. The present critical view on milk could not been seen in textbooks.
  • Gluschkoff, Tanja (2020)
    Digitalization is part of a cultural change that can change people’s attitudes towards food and eating habits. Over the past decade the use of various mobile applications has increased both in people’s daily lives and in scientific research. However, from the health promotion perspective the previous studies have found that health and nutrition related mobile applications are not being used or evaluated in a versatile manner. This study examines the experiences of people who participated in a nutrition intervention at the City of Helsinki's health centers. The study examines participants’ experiences of using a MealLogger-application, its significance for the participants' food relationship and the changes experienced in their own food relationship. MealLogger is a digital food diary. The duration of the intervention was three months. It included group counseling by a nutritionist, weekly challenges and three meetings with the group. During the intervention participants actively used a digital food diary and photographed all the meals and snacks they ate during the day. The study uses a qualitative research approach. The theoretical framework of the thesis is based on the food relationship approach, including the dimensions of thoughts, emotions, senses, behavior and values. The research material consists of twenty thematic interviews. The study material was analyzed using thematic analysis and typification. Participants perceived the use of a digital food diary as positive and as a useful tool. The study identified two types of user experiences relating to the use of phone application: social and independent usage. Changes in eating habits were described in terms of developing a regular meal rhythm, reduction in portion size and reduction or substitution of certain foods, such as junk food or candy. The types of food relationships identified were based on values, behavior, emotions or information. Participants described the changes in food relationship as relationship becoming more relaxed or coherent. Some participants described having a more positive attitude towards a healthy diet. Some participants described not experiencing any changes in their relationship with food after using the digital food diary.
  • Gluschkoff, Tanja (2020)
    Digitalization is part of a cultural change that can change people’s attitudes towards food and eating habits. Over the past decade the use of various mobile applications has increased both in people’s daily lives and in scientific research. However, from the health promotion perspective the previous studies have found that health and nutrition related mobile applications are not being used or evaluated in a versatile manner. This study examines the experiences of people who participated in a nutrition intervention at the City of Helsinki's health centers. The study examines participants’ experiences of using a MealLogger-application, its significance for the participants' food relationship and the changes experienced in their own food relationship. MealLogger is a digital food diary. The duration of the intervention was three months. It included group counseling by a nutritionist, weekly challenges and three meetings with the group. During the intervention participants actively used a digital food diary and photographed all the meals and snacks they ate during the day. The study uses a qualitative research approach. The theoretical framework of the thesis is based on the food relationship approach, including the dimensions of thoughts, emotions, senses, behavior and values. The research material consists of twenty thematic interviews. The study material was analyzed using thematic analysis and typification. Participants perceived the use of a digital food diary as positive and as a useful tool. The study identified two types of user experiences relating to the use of phone application: social and independent usage. Changes in eating habits were described in terms of developing a regular meal rhythm, reduction in portion size and reduction or substitution of certain foods, such as junk food or candy. The types of food relationships identified were based on values, behavior, emotions or information. Participants described the changes in food relationship as relationship becoming more relaxed or coherent. Some participants described having a more positive attitude towards a healthy diet. Some participants described not experiencing any changes in their relationship with food after using the digital food diary.
  • Ivanoff-Tenkanen, Sari (2021)
    The aim of the study was to find out how the subjects define and understand the concept of comfort food and the situations which comfort food is associated to. The goal was also to find out whether study participants find it actually comforting to eat comfort food. The purpose was also to describe and analyze how the meanings given to comfort food are attached to different aspects of the food relations framework as defined by Talvia and Anglé (2018). Previous comfort food studies have shown that the comfort food phenomenon is difficult to define because of its ambiguity and the subjective experience of every individual. The study was conducted as a qualitative study. The research material was collected using an electronic questionnaire. Electronic questionnaire was implemented with Google Forms -platform and it was shared on the Järvenpää Facebook group as well as on WhatsApp with my own contacts. A total of 109 people responded to the electronic questionnaire. From Google Forms the questionnaire responses were transferred to Excel for analysis. Research material was analyzed using content analysis. Participants in the study were familiar with the concept of comfort food as it was defined using words and terms similar to those in the previous comfort food studies. The situationality of comfort food appeared as taking care of the close ones, experiences of nostalgia and loneliness, reward, food and eating-related classification, at special moments and in a disturbed food relationship related situation. The responses of many study participants also indicated that they found the comfort food comforting. Based on the results, it can be stated that the emotions play a significant role in the context of comfort food. Comfort food is often associated with emotional eating, which deals with different emotions. Through the different components of the food relation framework it can be seen that comfort food is also related to an individual's general relationship to food.
  • Ivanoff-Tenkanen, Sari (2021)
    The aim of the study was to find out how the subjects define and understand the concept of comfort food and the situations which comfort food is associated to. The goal was also to find out whether study participants find it actually comforting to eat comfort food. The purpose was also to describe and analyze how the meanings given to comfort food are attached to different aspects of the food relations framework as defined by Talvia and Anglé (2018). Previous comfort food studies have shown that the comfort food phenomenon is difficult to define because of its ambiguity and the subjective experience of every individual. The study was conducted as a qualitative study. The research material was collected using an electronic questionnaire. Electronic questionnaire was implemented with Google Forms -platform and it was shared on the Järvenpää Facebook group as well as on WhatsApp with my own contacts. A total of 109 people responded to the electronic questionnaire. From Google Forms the questionnaire responses were transferred to Excel for analysis. Research material was analyzed using content analysis. Participants in the study were familiar with the concept of comfort food as it was defined using words and terms similar to those in the previous comfort food studies. The situationality of comfort food appeared as taking care of the close ones, experiences of nostalgia and loneliness, reward, food and eating-related classification, at special moments and in a disturbed food relationship related situation. The responses of many study participants also indicated that they found the comfort food comforting. Based on the results, it can be stated that the emotions play a significant role in the context of comfort food. Comfort food is often associated with emotional eating, which deals with different emotions. Through the different components of the food relation framework it can be seen that comfort food is also related to an individual's general relationship to food.
  • Simola, Sanna (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää ja kuvata, millaiset valmiudet kotitalousopettajilla on vääristyneen ruokasuhteen omaavien nuorten tukemiseen ja miten he voivat tukea vääristyneen ruokasuhteen omaavia nuoria kotitaloustunneilla. Tutkimuksen teoriaosuudessa käsitellään ruokasuhdetta ja ruokasuhteen vääristymistä sekä kotitaloustuntien ruokakasvatusta. Vääristyneen ruokasuhteen omaavien nuorten tukemisesta ei ole aiempaa tutkimusta kotitalousopettajien näkökulmasta. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli saada uutta tietoa, jota pystytään hyödyntämään kotitaloustunneilla. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla viittä kotitalousopettajana työskentelevää henkilöä. Haastattelut toteutettiin teemahaastatteluina Zoom etäyhteyspalvelussa toukokuun 2022 aikana. Kaikilla harkinnanvaraisesti valituilla haastateltavilla oli omakohtaista kokemusta vääristyneen ruokasuhteen omaavista nuorista kotitaloustunneilla. Eniten kokemusta löytyi laihuushäiriötä sairastavista nuorista tytöistä. Aineisto analysoitiin käyttäen aineistolähtöistä sisällönanalyysimenetelmää. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Kotitalousopettajat kokivat omaavansa melko puutteelliset valmiudet vääristyneen ruokasuhteen omaavien nuorten tukemiseen. Opettajat hyödynsivät moniammatillista yhteistyötä pystyäkseen tarjoamaan nuorille mahdollisimman hyvän tuen ruokasuhteen haasteisiin. Vääristyneen ruokasuhteen omaavien nuorten kohtaamisessa ja tukemisessa koettiin erityisen tärkeänä positiivinen pedagogiikka, myönteinen ilmapiiri ja empaattisuus. Tärkeänä nähtiin, että nuoren ruokaan ja syömiseen liittyvää ahdistusta ei pahenneta väärillä toimintatavoilla. Kotitalousopettajat kartoittivat oppitunneilla mahdollisia ruokasuhteen haasteita pystyäkseen puuttumaan haasteisiin ajoissa. Kotitalousopettajilla on tärkeä rooli ruokakasvatuksen ammattilaisena, joka tukee ja ohjaa nuoria kohti tervettä ruokasuhdetta. Tulevaisuudessa kotitalousopettajille olisi tärkeää tarjota koulutusta vääristyneen ruokasuhteen omaavien nuorten ja terveen ruokasuhteen tukemiseen.
  • Apell, Riina (2022)
    Syömishäiriöt ovat yhä yleistyvämpiä sairauksia etenkin nuorten piirissä. Syömishäiriön puhkeamiseen vaikuttaa moni asia, mutta erityisesti nykyajan sosiaalisen median kautta lisääntyneet kauneusihanteet ja vääristymät aiheuttavat nuorten kehittyvälle itsetunnolle ja minäkuvalle paljon haasteita. Syömishäiriöt ovat sairauksina vakavia, sekä vaikuttavat kokonaisvaltaiseen terveyteen monella tapaa. Kotitalousopetuksella on merkittävä rooli ruokakasvatukseen liittyen ja sillä pyritään edistämään nuoren terveellistä ruokasuhdetta. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli ottaa selvää, millaisena syömishäiriöitä sairastaneet ovat kokeneet peruskoulun kotitalousopetuksen. Aikaisempaa tutkimusta aiheesta juuri kotitalousopetuksen osalta ei ole, jonka vuoksi tutkielma tuottaa aiheesta uutta ja tärkeää tietoa. Tämä tutkielma toteutettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena, jonka aineistonkeruumenetelmäksi valittiin strukturoitu kyselylomake. Kyselylomake tehtiin Helsingin yliopiston sähköisellä e-lomakkeella ja kyselylomakkeen vastaukset kerättiin Syömishäiriöliiton sosiaalisen median kanavien kautta. Vastaajat olivat sairastaneet syömishäiriötä yläasteen aikana ja muistelivat omaa kotitalousopetuksensa aikaa. Vastauksia kertyi lopulta 99 kappaletta ja saatu aineisto analysoitiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Analyysin jälkeen aineistosta muodostettiin lopulta neljä (4) pääluokkaa, joiden avulla esitettiin tutkimuskysymykseen vastauksia. Syömishäiriöitä sairastaneiden kokemukset kotitalousopetuksesta olivat suurelta osin kielteisiä ja aiheuttaneet syömishäiriöistä kärsiville vaikeita tunnetiloja. Suurin osa kokemuksista käsittelivät asioita, jotka ylläpitivät sairauden haitallisia tapoja tai estivät parantumisen edistymistä. Kielteisten kokemusten lisäksi seasta löytyi myös pieni määrä myönteisiä kokemuksia, jotka olivat edistäneet syömishäiriön parantumista ja helpottaneet sairastaneen kotitalousopetuksessa olemista. Tutkielman avulla tuotettiin arvokasta tietoa syömishäiriöitä sairastaneiden kotitalousopetuksen kokemuksista, mutta aihetta tulee tutkia vielä lisää, jotta opettajilla olisivat tulevaisuudessa parhaat mahdolliset keinot tukea syömishäiriöitä sairastavia nuoria.
  • Kallio, Sonja (2022)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat – Abstract Tutkielman päämääränä on ymmärtää millaisia vaikutuksia perheen yhdessä syömisellä ja yhteisillä ruokailuilla on lapsen hyvinvointiin sekä ruokakäsityksen ja ruokasuhteen positiiviseen kehittymiseen. Koska aihe on hyvin laaja ja tutkimusta tehty paljon, tämä tutkielma käsittelee erityisesti perheen yhteisen ruokailun positiivista merkitystä alakouluikäisten lasten ruokakäyttäytymiseen. Ruokailu on osa arkea ja toistuva toiminto. Toisaalta se on myös hyvin monimutkainen ilmiö, sillä siihen linkittyviä tekijöitä ovat esimerkiksi perhesuhteet, kommunikointi, sosiaalinen ja fyysinen ruokaympäristö, perheen sosioekonominen asema, perheen arvot, näkemykset, normit sekä vallitseva kulttuuri ja muut yhteisöt. Ruokailu kuitenkin yhdistää ihmisiä ja toimii kohtaamispaikkana arjessa. Vaikka ruokailu on jokaisen henkilökohtainen asia, lapsi on usein huoltajan tai muun kasvattajan vaikutuksen alaisena, jolloin se on myös osaltaan sosiaalista toimintaa. Tutkielma toteutettiin käyttäen tutkimusmetodina kuvailevaa kirjallisuuskatsausta. Menetelmän hyötynä oli sen mahdollisuus tarkastella tutkittavaa ilmiötä laajasti. Tutkimusaineistoksi kerättiin erilaisia tieteellisiä teoksia, artikkeleita ja muita julkaisuja hyödyntämällä hakukone Google Scholaria, Helsingin yliopiston kirjaston tietokanta Helkaa sekä kaupunginkirjastojen hakupalvelu Helmetiä. Aineisto koostui monipuolisesti sekä suomalaisista että kansainvälisistä tutkimuksista ja julkaisuista. Lasten ruokakäyttäytymiseen ja ruokasuhteeseen vaikuttivat merkittävästi perheen sisäinen vuorovaikutus ja kommunikointi, joka oli parhaassa tapauksessa lämmintä ja kannustavaa sekä vastavuoroista lapsen ja huoltajan välillä. Yhteisen ruokailun havaittiin olevan otollinen kohtaamispaikka perheen välisessä kommunikoinnissa. Lisäksi ruokakäyttäytyminen oli yhteydessä perheen sosioekonomiseen asemaan, joka oli merkittävässä roolissa etenkin ruokailutottumuksien kehityksessä. Korkeampi sosioekonominen asema ennusti suurempaa vihannesten ja hedelmien käyttöä sekä vähensi epäterveelliseksi miellettyjen elintarvikkeiden kulutusta. Sosiaalinen ruokaympäristö, kuten huoltajien omat ruokailutottumukset, kasvatustyyli ja perheen sisäiset rakenteet sekä fyysinen ruokaympäristö olivat eräitä lapsen ruokailuun vaikuttavia tekijöitä. Kaiken kaikkiaan ruokakäyttäytyminen oli monen eri tekijän summa.