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Browsing by Subject "ruokatottumukset"

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  • Peltonen, Henna (2021)
    Background: Preschoolers suffer frequently from infections. Large group sizes and varying hygiene practices may enhance pathogen transmission within preschool settings. Preschool-attributable infections cause economic consequences for society, which is why identifying the related risk factors is of importance. One such may be diet. Appropriate immune defence requires sufficient intakes of energy, protein, polyunsaturated fat, dietary fibre, and numerous micronutrients, whereas excess sugar and saturated fat may be harmful. However, previous nutritional research examining preschoolers’ infections has mainly focused on probiotics. Little research has been done on the role of whole-diet in preschoolers’ susceptibility to infections. Aim: The present study aimed to investigate the associations of dietary patterns with common colds, gastroenteritis, and antibiotic courses among Finnish preschoolers. Methods: The study sample included 721 children aged 3-6 years attending the cross-sectional DAGIS survey. The parents reported retrospectively how many common colds, gastroenteritis, and antibiotic courses their children had experienced during the past year. Children’s food consumption was recorded using a 47-item food frequency questionnaire filled in by the parents. The parents also reported background factors of their children and family. The following three dietary patterns were identified based on the food consumption frequencies using principal component analysis: 1) sweets-and-treats pattern (high loadings of e.g. biscuits, chocolate, and ice cream); 2) health-conscious pattern (high loadings of e.g. nuts, natural yoghurt, and berries); and 3) vegetables-and-processed meats pattern (high loadings of e.g. vegetables, colds cuts, and fruits). Dietary pattern scores were calculated for each child to describe the strength of adherence to each identified dietary pattern. The distributions of the dietary pattern scores were divided into thirds that were labelled low, moderate, and high adherence groups. Negative binomial regression analysis was used to examine the associations between thirds of the dietary pattern scores and the prevalence of common colds and antibiotic courses. Logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the associations between thirds of the dietary pattern scores and a chance of experiencing at least one gastroenteritis. Results: Prevalence of common colds was lower in moderate and high adherences to the sweets-and-treats pattern compared to low adherence (PR=0.89, 95% CI=0.80-1.00; and PR=0.88, 95% CI=0.79-0.99, respectively) and higher in high adherence to the health-conscious pattern compared to low adherence (PR=1.13, 95% CI=1.01-1.27) after adjusting for age, sex, number of children living in the same household, frequency of preschool attendance, probiotic use, and the highest educational level in the family. Moderate adherence to the sweets-and-treats pattern was associated with a lower chance of at least one gastroenteritis (OR=0.63, 95% CI=0.44-0.92) and lower prevalence of antibiotic courses (PR=0.77, 95% CI= 0.59-1.00) compared to low adherence. No significant associations were observed between the vegetables-and-processed meats pattern and the infectious outcomes. Adjustments for the background factors did not modify the associations. Conclusion: The results were unexpected. The associations observed would suggest that favouring unhealthier foods but avoiding healthier foods was linked to better immunity, which is difficult to accept as true. Parents who were most health-conscious of their children’s diet might also have been more conscious of their children’s illness conditions than less health-conscious parents, which may explain the results. Further research with longitudinal designs is needed to determine whether dietary habits play a role in preschoolers’ susceptibility to infections.
  • Kauppinen, Eila (2009)
    Aims: The older the youngsters are, the more important role hobbies and leisure time activities have in their life. That is why various activities organized by the non-profit organizations have an important role concerning the development of food habits of youngsters. This study has three main themes. The themes and their respective study questions are: 1. The youngsters' conceptions on healthy eating and food choice: What kind of food do youngsters consider as healthy? How do they see their own eating habits from this point of view? 2. The youngsters and the significance of everyday food-related information: How do the youngsters perceive the role of different actors and these actors' role regarding their own food habits and food choice? 3. The possibilities of the organizations that work with youngsters to improve their food habits: What kind of role do the non-profit organizations have on the youngsters' food habits and healthy food choice? Methods: This study comprises of two types of data. First, a quantitative internet-based survey (N=582) was used to collect data on the 9th graders conceptions and understandings. The data was analyzed with the SPSS-program. Means, cross-tabulations, Pearson's correlations and t-test were calculated from the data. The qualitative data was collected using interviews. The respondents were 12 experts from non-profit organizations. The interviews were analyzed with the qualitative content analysis. Results and conclusions: The non-profit organizations studied have good possibilities to communicate with youngsters through their hobbies. As part of their activities these organizations are able to influence on health-promoting lifestyle and food habits of youngsters. In order to reach more youngsters, these organizations should actively act e.g. in virtual societies of youngsters. Youngsters will participate when activities are voluntary and exhilarating. From the point of food habits doing, learning and identifying are the most important factors to engage the young. Also the models of peers and adults are important. Non-profit organizations should offer youngsters activities but these organizations should also influence on society.
  • Hautamäki, Nea (2022)
    Tiivistelmä: Tavoitteet. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet sen, että lähiympäristö vaikuttaa nuorten terveyttä edistävien ruokatottumusten muovautumiseen ja ne tulevat esille jo varhaisessa vaiheessa elämää. Tämän tutkimuksen tutkimuskysymys on: miten kouluympäristö tukee tai haastaa nuoren terveellisiä ruokatottumuksia. Tutkimuksessa lähdetään liikkeelle määrittelemällä nuorten ravitsemuksen nykytila ja mitkä tekijät ovat yhteydessä nuorten ruokatottumuksiin, sillä tarpeellista on selvittää, millainen nuorten ravitsemus on ja miten se eroaa muista ikäluokista. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan terveellisten ruokatottumusten tukemista kouluympäristön näkökulmasta erityisesti kouluruokailun ja ruokakasvatuksen osalta. Nuorilla voi kouluympäristössä olla erilaisia haasteita terveellisten ruokatottumusten muodostumisessa, mutta kouluympäristö voi myös tukea nuorten ruokatottumuksia. Menetelmät. Tutkimus toteutettiin kuvailevana kirjallisuuskatsauksena. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui nuorten ravitsemuksen ja ruokatottumusten tutkimuksista, ravitsemussuosituksista sekä muusta aiheeseen liittyvästä kirjallisuudesta. Tutkimuksen aineiston haussa käytettiin monipuolisia avainsanoja, joiden avulla etsittiin nuorten ravitsemukseen, nuorten ruokatottumuksiin ja kouluympäristöön liittyviä teoksia. Tutkimuksessa käytetty aineisto koostui internet aineistoista. Aineisto haettiin pääosin suomalaisia hakusanoja käyttäen. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Ruokatottumusten muovautumisessa koulu on avainasemassa. Koulu kohtaa päivittäin melkein jokaisen suomalaisen nuoren, jolloin terveellisiä ruokatottumuksia tukevien toimien kohdistaminen mahdollisimman monelle nuorelle on mahdollista. Nuoret tarvitsevat yksilökohtaista ja ikätason huomioivaa tukea. Kouluympäristössä erityisesti kouluhenkilökunnan tuki, ruokakasvatus ja koulun tiloissa annetut mahdollisuudet terveellisen ruoan saatavuuteen kouluruokailussa sekä välipala-automaateissa tukevat terveellisiä ruokatottumuksia. Haasteita ruokatottumusten tukemiseen kouluympäristössä voi aiheuttaa koulun resurssit, sosiaalinen paine, yhteistyön puute avaintoimijoiden välillä sekä kouluympäristön houkutukset epäterveellisille ruokavalinnoille. Tarvitaan lisää tieto nuorten ruokatottumuksista ja ravitsemuksesta, koska kattavaa ja ajankohtaista tietoa aiheesta ei juurikaan ole saatavilla.
  • Rossi, Alexandra (2016)
    The study's aim was to find out how the Makumestari food event affected the food habits of the visitors. Previous studies have shown that the diet of Finnish children does not meet the nutrition recommendations. One major lack is in the daily intake of vegetables. Because food habits are developed in early childhood and they influence not only an individual's wellbeing but also the whole society's wellbeing, healthy habits should be taught at a young age. Information is a crucial factor of change but information alone is not enough. The Makumestari event offered joy of food and the opportunity to explore food items using the "makukoulu" technique. The data was collected using an online questionnaire. 124 visitors of the food event responded to the questionnaire. The questionnaire contained multiple-choice and open-ended questions so different kinds of analysis methods were used, such as calculating key ratios and correlation coefficients, principal component analysis and Kruskal-Wallis tests. The data collected via the open-ended questions was analysed using content analysis. The study shows that the Makumestari food event affected the food habits of approximately 30 % of the families who responded to the questionnaire. Variety in foods and more vegetables were added to the diets. Families also reported more conversations on food topics, trying out new recipes and using their senses while evaluating food. Principal component analysis and Kruskal-Wallis test results state that the visitors who responded to the questionnaire where interested in food or nutrition and had no need to change their daily diets because their diets were already healthy. People who wanted to eliminate something from their diets felt the key to the change was in their own hands and they only lacked motivation. Those who wanted their diets to become more diverse felt they needed more knowledge and better skills in order to execute these changes. The food event influenced the food habits of the visitors by giving them a personal experience on healthy eating.
  • Kuusela, Saara (2016)
    Goals. Overweight and its consequences cardiovascular diseases are global problems. Problem arises often as a child and will follow along until death. Although a healthy lifestyle has been widely studied, and on the basis of studies has been prepared in e.g. general nutrition recommendations, the solution to the problem has not been solved. This study has taken a child-oriented approach to a healthy diet. The goal of this study was to examine the six-graders' knowledge of nutrition and food choices, taking into account their psychosocial and physical development. The study describes the levels and sources of students' nutrition knowledge. Methodology. The data were collected by interviewing ten six-graders from Capital Region. The interviewees were 3 boys and 7 girls. All students except one were from the same school. The interviews were semi-structured theme interviews and assisted by photos of food. The data were analyzed by theory oriented qualitative content analysis method. Results and conclusions. Interviewees knew better foods than nutrients. Carbohydrates were the least known of the nutrient. Parents had a significant role as sources of nutrition knowledge and dietary motivation promoters. The teacher's role in nutrition education was rather small. Nutrition knowledge and motivation affect students' food choices. The biggest impact on food motivation was the social influences, the supposed food taste and simple. Motivational nutrition education promotes students' nutrition knowledge and external support improves the motivation.
  • Ahlberg, Aino (2017)
    Länsimaissa kaloripitoisten ruokien helppo saatavuus ja erilaisten vaihtoehtojen runsaus vaikuttavat väestön ruokatottumusten terveellisyyteen. Koska ruokavalio on yksi terveyteen vaikuttavista tekijöistä, on tärkeää pyrkiä ymmärtämään ruokavalintojen terveellisyyttä selittäviä tekijöitä. Tällaisia ovat esimerkiksi sosioekonominen asema ja erilaiset psykososiaaliset tekijät. Tämän tutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia, miten terveellisten syömistottumusten noudattamiseen liittyvä pystyvyys ja sosiaalinen tuki ovat yhteydessä kasvisten ja hedelmien sekä makeiden ja suolaisten energiapitoisten ruokien kulutukseen. Lisäksi tutkittiin, ovatko pystyvyyden ja sosiaalisen tuen yhteydet ruokatottumuksiin erilaiset eri sosioekonomisissa ryhmissä. Sosioekonomisen aseman kuvastajana tarkasteltiin koulutusta. Sosiaalisen tuen osalta tutkittiin sekä myönteistä että kielteistä sosiaalista tukea. Tutkielman teoreettiset lähtökohdat olivat pystyvyysteoria, sosioekonomiseen asemaan sekä sosiaaliseen tukeen liittyvä tutkimuskirjallisuus ja vertaisarvioidut tutkimusartikkelit. Tutkielman aineistona oli osittaisella satunnaisotannalla kerätyn FINRISKI 2007 -terveystutkimuksen DILGOM -alatutkimus (N = 5024), jossa selvitettiin poikkileikkausasetelmalla ravitsemuksen, elämäntapojen ja perintötekijöiden yhteyttä lihavuuteen ja metaboliseen oireyhtymään. Tutkittavat olivat 25–74-vuotiaita suomalaisia naisia (N = 2699) ja miehiä (N = 2325). Pystyvyyden ja sosiaalisen tuen mittareiden faktorirakenteita tarkasteltiin eksploratiivisella faktorianalyysillä. Muuttujien välisiä yhteyksiä tutkittiin Pearsonin osittaiskorrelaatioanalyysillä ja lineaarisella regressioanalyysillä. Myös tutkielman psykososiaalisten tekijöiden ja koulutuksen välisiä interaktioita suhteessa ruokatottumuksiin tutkittiin lineaarisella regressioanalyysillä. Tutkielmassa havaittiin, että pystyvyys oli yhteydessä suurempaan kasvisten ja hedelmien kulutukseen ja vähäisempään makeiden ja suolaisten energiapitoisten ruokien kulutukseen. Myönteinen sosiaalinen tuki oli yhteydessä vain suurempaan kasvisten ja hedelmien kulutukseen. Pystyvyyden ja myönteisen sosiaalisen tuen yhteydet ruokatottumuksiin olivat samanlaisia eri koulutustasoilla. Lisäksi havaittiin, että kielteinen sosiaalinen tuki oli yhteydessä suurempaan kasvisten ja hedelmien kulutukseen kaikilla koulutustasoilla. Kuitenkin kielteisen sosiaalisen tuen yhteys makeiden ja suolaisten energiapitoisten ruokien kulutukseen erosi koulutustasoittain. Kielteinen sosiaalinen tuki oli yhteydessä suurempaan makeiden ruokien kulutukseen vain keskimmäisellä koulutustasolla ja suurempaan suolaisten ruokien kulutukseen alimmalla sekä keskimmäisellä koulutustasolla. Tutkielman perusteella näyttää siltä, että pystyvyys ja myönteinen sosiaalinen tuki ovat yhteydessä ruokatottumusten terveellisyyteen kaikilla koulutustasoilla. Lisäksi näyttää siltä, että kielteinen sosiaalinen tuki saattaa lisätä energiapitoisten ruokien kulutusta vain alemmilla koulutustasoilla. Tämä olisi hyvä huomioida erityisesti sellaisten interventioiden suunnittelussa, joissa tarkoituksena on vaikuttaa ruokatottumusten terveellisyyteen sosiaalisen tuen kautta. Jatkossa tarvitaan lisää tutkimustietoa siitä, miten sosioekonominen asema vaikuttaa psykososiaalisten tekijöiden ja terveyskäyttäytymisen väliseen yhteyteen.
  • Jussila, Henriikka (2021)
    Background: Migration has found to be associated with changes in eating habits. Typically, dietary acculturation occurs which means that the person adopts host country’s ways of eating. Previous studies suggests that dietary acculturation can have negative effects on person’s diet if the person adopts the host country’s way of eating processed foods that replace the traditional healthy foods of their own culture. The phenomenon is also reflected in other generations, with children and young people with a foreign background being found to eat more sweets and soft drinks than other peers. To promote the eating habits of families with children with a foreign background, a deeper understanding is needed of the factors behind eating habits. Ethnography offers an opportunity to increase understanding of everyday eating and produces descriptive data to complement traditional nutrition research. Objectives: The aim of this MS's thesis was to draw a picture of everyday eating in families with children and with a foreign background in Finland. The study participants were mothers with first- and second-generation foreign backgrounds and with different ethnic backgrounds. Methods: This was a qualitative study using an ethnographic design. The field of research was an open community space in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The data consisted of ethnographic interviews with mothers (n=23) and field workers (n=2), as well as participatory observations and pictures. The data was analyzed by coding and theming. The results were compared with the model of dietary acculturation created by Satia-Abouta and with previous literature. Results: The role of mothers in the food supply of families was central. They made a distinction between “everyday food”, “cultural food” and “Finnish food”. Everyday food was something easy and fast, while cultural food required time and expertise. Some of them prepared cultural food as everyday food, as it was a means of maintaining cultural heritage. Except for fruits, vegetables and vegetarian dishes played a smaller role in mothers’ stories than animal-based products (meat, chicken, fish) and carbohydrate-containing products (rice, pasta, potatoes). Ethnic shops in the area were perceived as comprehensive, although many bought only (halal) meat there. The mothers' eating habits showed dietary acculturation, as they had begun to prepare “Finnish foods” such as mashed potato or lasagna that were new to them. It was important for the mothers that their children ate well, and children’s lack of eating emerged as a concern. The mothers balanced between what foods children liked and what they considered as good for the child. They had searched and received ideas and information regarding eating on the Internet and from a Finnish counseling center. Conclusions: This study brought understanding of everyday eating in families with children with a foreign background in Finland. The ethnographic approach made it possible to describe mothers’ own perspectives and was an effective way to recruit people with a foreign background. More ethnographic research is needed from the perspective of children and adolescents with foreign backgrounds to make their voices heard as well.
  • Jussila, Henriikka (2021)
    Background: Migration has found to be associated with changes in eating habits. Typically, dietary acculturation occurs which means that the person adopts host country’s ways of eating. Previous studies suggests that dietary acculturation can have negative effects on person’s diet if the person adopts the host country’s way of eating processed foods that replace the traditional healthy foods of their own culture. The phenomenon is also reflected in other generations, with children and young people with a foreign background being found to eat more sweets and soft drinks than other peers. To promote the eating habits of families with children with a foreign background, a deeper understanding is needed of the factors behind eating habits. Ethnography offers an opportunity to increase understanding of everyday eating and produces descriptive data to complement traditional nutrition research. Objectives: The aim of this MS's thesis was to draw a picture of everyday eating in families with children and with a foreign background in Finland. The study participants were mothers with first- and second-generation foreign backgrounds and with different ethnic backgrounds. Methods: This was a qualitative study using an ethnographic design. The field of research was an open community space in the Helsinki metropolitan area. The data consisted of ethnographic interviews with mothers (n=23) and field workers (n=2), as well as participatory observations and pictures. The data was analyzed by coding and theming. The results were compared with the model of dietary acculturation created by Satia-Abouta and with previous literature. Results: The role of mothers in the food supply of families was central. They made a distinction between “everyday food”, “cultural food” and “Finnish food”. Everyday food was something easy and fast, while cultural food required time and expertise. Some of them prepared cultural food as everyday food, as it was a means of maintaining cultural heritage. Except for fruits, vegetables and vegetarian dishes played a smaller role in mothers’ stories than animal-based products (meat, chicken, fish) and carbohydrate-containing products (rice, pasta, potatoes). Ethnic shops in the area were perceived as comprehensive, although many bought only (halal) meat there. The mothers' eating habits showed dietary acculturation, as they had begun to prepare “Finnish foods” such as mashed potato or lasagna that were new to them. It was important for the mothers that their children ate well, and children’s lack of eating emerged as a concern. The mothers balanced between what foods children liked and what they considered as good for the child. They had searched and received ideas and information regarding eating on the Internet and from a Finnish counseling center. Conclusions: This study brought understanding of everyday eating in families with children with a foreign background in Finland. The ethnographic approach made it possible to describe mothers’ own perspectives and was an effective way to recruit people with a foreign background. More ethnographic research is needed from the perspective of children and adolescents with foreign backgrounds to make their voices heard as well.
  • Leijon, Elisa (2021)
    Psyykkiseen kuormittuneisuuteen on viime vuosikymmeninä alettu kiinnittämään enemmän huomiota tieteellisessä tutkimuksessa. Psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden on osoitettu olevan yhteydessä työttömyyteen, työkyvyttömyyteen, yksinäisyyteen ja yleisesti huonompaan elämänlaatun. Tämän vuoksi olisi tärkeä kartoittaa siihen yhteydessä ja mahdollisesti sille altistavat tekijät. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on todettu että epäterveelliset ruokatottumukset ja ylipaino lisäävät psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden todennäköisyyttä. Tässä tutkielmassa tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko ruokatottumuksilla ja painoindeksillä yhteyttä psyykkiseen kuormittuneisuuteen 19-40-vuotiaalla työssäkäyvällä väestöllä. Halusin myös tutkia, kuinka ruokatottumusten yhteys psyykkiseen kuormittuneisuuteen muuttuu eri painoindeksiryhmissä. Aineistona tutkielmassa toimi vuonna 2017 kerätty Helsinki Health Stydy -tutkimuksen nuorempi kohortti. Tähän kuului puuttuvien arvojen poiston jälkeen 4606 19-40-vuotiasta Helsingin kaupungin työntekijää. Painoindeksin mittarina käytettiin BMI arvoa, joka jaettiin WHO painoluokkien mukaan kolmeen luokkaan. Psyykkistä kuormittuneisuutta mitattiin GHQ-12 kyselyllä, jonka vastausten pisteet dikotomisoitiin. Ruokatottumuksia mitattiin HHS kyselylomakkeella josta laadittiin tätä tutkimusta varten indeksi, joka perustui suomalaisiin ja pohjoismaisiin ravitsemussuosituksiin. Taustamuuttujina huomioitiin eri sosiodemografisia tekijöitä, alkoholinkäyttö, fyysinen aktiivisuus, uni ja fyysinen terveys. Tässä tutkielmassa löytyi yhteys ruokatottumusten ja psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden välillä naisilla ennen taustamuuttujien vakiointia. Viitteellisiä yhteyksiä löytyi myös normaalipainoisilla naisilla ruokatottumusten ja psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden välillä. Muissa ryhmissä ei ilmennyt tilastollisesti merkitseviä yhteyksiä. Viitteellisiä yhteyksiä esiintyi, jotka kuitenkin hävisivät taustamuuttujien vakioinnin myötä. Tämä voisi viitata siihen että yhteyttä selittävät taustamuuttujat vakioitiin. Kohortin ominaisuudet,sekä itseraportoidut arvot ja vaste voisivat myös osittain selittää yhteyden puuttumisen vakioiduissa malleissa. Tosin tulokset voisivat viitata myös siihen, että muuttujien välissä ei ole itsenäistä yhteyttä. Tämä tutkielma lisää tieteellistä näyttöä siitä ettei ruokatottumusten, painoindeksin ja psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden välillä ei olisi yhteyttä taustamuuttujien vakioinnin jälkeen. Tutkimus ei kuitenkaan poissulje, että muuttujien välillä voisi olla yhteys esimerkiksi muilla aineistoilla tai eri mittareilla. Lisää tutkimusta aiheesta tarvitaan isommalla osallistujamäärällä. Yhteydestä tarvitaan myös lisää pitkittäistutkimuksia, jotta yhteydestä saataisiin kattavampaa tietoa.
  • Leijon, Elisa (2021)
    Psyykkiseen kuormittuneisuuteen on viime vuosikymmeninä alettu kiinnittämään enemmän huomiota tieteellisessä tutkimuksessa. Psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden on osoitettu olevan yhteydessä työttömyyteen, työkyvyttömyyteen, yksinäisyyteen ja yleisesti huonompaan elämänlaatun. Tämän vuoksi olisi tärkeä kartoittaa siihen yhteydessä ja mahdollisesti sille altistavat tekijät. Aiemmissa tutkimuksissa on todettu että epäterveelliset ruokatottumukset ja ylipaino lisäävät psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden todennäköisyyttä. Tässä tutkielmassa tavoitteena oli selvittää, onko ruokatottumuksilla ja painoindeksillä yhteyttä psyykkiseen kuormittuneisuuteen 19-40-vuotiaalla työssäkäyvällä väestöllä. Halusin myös tutkia, kuinka ruokatottumusten yhteys psyykkiseen kuormittuneisuuteen muuttuu eri painoindeksiryhmissä. Aineistona tutkielmassa toimi vuonna 2017 kerätty Helsinki Health Stydy -tutkimuksen nuorempi kohortti. Tähän kuului puuttuvien arvojen poiston jälkeen 4606 19-40-vuotiasta Helsingin kaupungin työntekijää. Painoindeksin mittarina käytettiin BMI arvoa, joka jaettiin WHO painoluokkien mukaan kolmeen luokkaan. Psyykkistä kuormittuneisuutta mitattiin GHQ-12 kyselyllä, jonka vastausten pisteet dikotomisoitiin. Ruokatottumuksia mitattiin HHS kyselylomakkeella josta laadittiin tätä tutkimusta varten indeksi, joka perustui suomalaisiin ja pohjoismaisiin ravitsemussuosituksiin. Taustamuuttujina huomioitiin eri sosiodemografisia tekijöitä, alkoholinkäyttö, fyysinen aktiivisuus, uni ja fyysinen terveys. Tässä tutkielmassa löytyi yhteys ruokatottumusten ja psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden välillä naisilla ennen taustamuuttujien vakiointia. Viitteellisiä yhteyksiä löytyi myös normaalipainoisilla naisilla ruokatottumusten ja psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden välillä. Muissa ryhmissä ei ilmennyt tilastollisesti merkitseviä yhteyksiä. Viitteellisiä yhteyksiä esiintyi, jotka kuitenkin hävisivät taustamuuttujien vakioinnin myötä. Tämä voisi viitata siihen että yhteyttä selittävät taustamuuttujat vakioitiin. Kohortin ominaisuudet,sekä itseraportoidut arvot ja vaste voisivat myös osittain selittää yhteyden puuttumisen vakioiduissa malleissa. Tosin tulokset voisivat viitata myös siihen, että muuttujien välissä ei ole itsenäistä yhteyttä. Tämä tutkielma lisää tieteellistä näyttöä siitä ettei ruokatottumusten, painoindeksin ja psyykkisen kuormittuneisuuden välillä ei olisi yhteyttä taustamuuttujien vakioinnin jälkeen. Tutkimus ei kuitenkaan poissulje, että muuttujien välillä voisi olla yhteys esimerkiksi muilla aineistoilla tai eri mittareilla. Lisää tutkimusta aiheesta tarvitaan isommalla osallistujamäärällä. Yhteydestä tarvitaan myös lisää pitkittäistutkimuksia, jotta yhteydestä saataisiin kattavampaa tietoa.
  • Palokangas, Eeva (2017)
    The purpose of the study is to explore the acculturation of eating habits among Somali immigrants: What kind of acculturation happens and which factors prevent or promote the change in their eating habits. In addition, it is studied how important role food has from the perspective of the stability or change of identity. The main research question is as follows: What kind of acculturation has occurred after moving to Finland? The study had three additional questions: 1. How is acculturation reflected in eating habits and the choice of food? 2. What are the main factors that prevent or promote the change? 3. How the respondents find that the acculturation of eating habits affects their Somali identity? In this study, the model of adaptation to a new dietary pattern (Koctürk-Runefors 1991) is an important part of the theoretical framework. The data were collected in March 2017 through individual, pair, and group interviews from fourteen Somali immigrants, aged 19 to 46 years. All the interviewees were women who had lived in Finland six to twenty-six years. They were interviewed in Finnish. The interviews were audiorecorded and transcribed into written form. After that the data were analyzed by using qualitative content analysis. According to the study, acculturation had taken place at different levels. Meal rhythm, the content of meals and choice of food had changed. The number of the meals increased in Finland. The breakfast was usually prepared by the Finnish way. If there was enough time, the breakfast would be prepared by a Somalian way. The lunch would be prepared in a Somali way if it was eaten at home. Legumes were often offered for dinner in Somalia but no longer in Finland. The religion prevented any major changes in the diet. The socio-economic status affected food choice: higher education and income level affected the choice of the food. Media, household technology and catering services promoted the change. Somali identity is strong and the identity is supported with eating habits. Food restrictions defined by religion were kept unchanged, and they did not reflect acculturation in this study.
  • Valta, Leena (2015)
    Children’s overweight and obesity are increasing causes of concern. At the same time snacking and eatintg in absence of hunger are more common in developed countries. It is known that food behaviour and food habits are established in childhood. Emotional eating can be a possible mechanism behind food habits increasing the risk of obesity. However, studies on preadolescents’ emotional eating and food habits are lacking. The aim of this study was to identify and interpret emotional eating and investigate the differences of 10-year-old-children’s emotional and non-emotional eater’s food habits in finnish metropolitan area. ISCOLE is a large multi-national study of childhood obesity, lifestyle and environment in a sample of 10-year-old children. The participants of this stuydy study were a sample (n=103) of ISCOLE’s cross-sectional data carried out in six elementary chools in Finland in year 2013. The main outcome measures were chidren’s emotional eating which was assessed with Emotion-Induced Eating Scale (scale 7–21) and food habits with three day food diary. Children’s health behaviours and familie’s sociodemographic variables where measured with several questionnaires and anthropometric measurements. Statistical analysis were obtained to report means and frequencies. T-tests and Chi square-tests were used to test differences in food habits and descriptive statistics by emotional eaters vs. non-emotional eaters. Correlations between emotional eating and food habits were assessed with Spearman’s correlation coefficient. Emotional eating was moderate (mean 9,62). Most commonly children ate more when happy, ate in absence of hunger and rewarded themselves with palatable food. In three day measurement children ate most often vegetables (3,5 times in three days), fruits and berries (2,4), rye bread (2,3), other breads (2,1) and drank fruit juices (2,0). Difference in weight and height between emotional eaters and non-emotional eaters where not significant. Furthermore any other variables included food habits did not differ between emotional eaters and non-emotional eaters. Although it is worth to mention that emotional eaters ate twice as many times savoury pastries than non-emotional eaters did, however difference was not significant (p=0,056). Also emotional eating according to positive emotions correlated negatively with eating sweet cereals (?=-0,235; p=0,017). Emotional eating occured moderate in 10-year-old children in Finland metropolitan area. This study found differences neather between emotional eaters’ vs. non-emotional eaters’ food habits nor health behaviours or sociodemographics. Although the reuslts were indicative in some differences between food habits. Further study in reasons behind children’s emotional eating and its possible tracking into adolescence and adulthood is needed.
  • Särkijärvi, Tuuli (2021)
    Nuorisotyöttömyys ja huoli nuorten hyvinvoinnista ovat olleet julkisen keskustelun kohteina jo pitkään. Työttömyyden tiedetään olevan yhteydessä monenlaisiin kielteisiin vaikutuksiin elämän eri osa-alueilla; esimerkiksi yksipuoliseen ruokavalioon ja heikompaan terveydenti-laan työllisiin verrattuna. Pahimmillaan erilaiset ongelmat kasautuvat samoille yksilöille, jolloin työn tai koulutuksen piiriin hakeutumien vaikeutuu entisestään ja riskinä on yhteiskunnasta syrjäytyminen. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää, minkälaista ruokakasvatusta vailla työ- ja koulutuspaikkaa olevat nuoret aikuiset ovat saaneet ja miten he näkevät ruokakasvatuksen vaikuttavan heidän tämänhetkisiin ruokatottumuksiinsa. Tutkimuksella halutaan luoda kuvaa myös siitä, minkälaista ruokakasvatusta työn ja koulutuksen ulkopuolella olevat nuoret aikuiset tällä hetkellä kokevat tarvitsevansa. Tutkimus tehtiin eteläsuomalaisen kunnan Starttivalmennukseen osallistuvien nuorten aikuisten keskuudessa. Laadullinen aineisto kerättiin puolistrukturoitua teemahaastattelua menetelmänä käyttäen ja haastattelut litteroitiin tekstiksi sisällönanalyysia varten. Haastatteluun osallistui kuusi 18-22-vuotiasta nuorta aikuista, jotka haastatteluhetkellä olivat olleet vailla työ- ja koulutuspaikkaa puolesta vuodesta kahteen vuoteen ja Starttivalmennuksen asiakkaina kahdesta kuukaudesta vuoteen. Tutkimus osoitti, työn ja koulutuksen ulkopuolelle jääneet nuoret olivat tietoisia terveyttä edistävän ruokavalion yhteydestä koettuun hyvinvointiin, mutta heillä oli monenlaisia haasteita ja esteitä terveellisten ruokavalintojen tekemiseen liittyen. Erityisesti päivärytmin puuttuminen, heikko taloudellinen tilanne ja kiinnostuksenpuute ruoanvalmistusta kohtaan nähtiin esteinä terveyttä edistävän ruokavalion noudattamiselle.
  • Engström, Sofia (2021)
    The aim of this master’s thesis is to find out the experiences of ninth grader boy (assumed) athletes about their eating habits and food choices in everyday life and what kind of eating habits boy athletes have. Furthermore, the study aims to find out who or what influences and advises young people on nutrition-related issues and what kind of advice has been offered and how they try to follow the given ad-vice. The study was conducted as a qualitative study. The study data was collected as an electronic survey of 12 boy ninth graders from Helsinki. The survey utilized a stimulated enquiry, or “Stimulated recall” as a study method. Respondents were offered a video about eating habits, which was intended to focus the respondents' thoughts on their own lives and the everyday food choices. Respondents were examined in depth both as individuals and as a group, and analysis was formed with the qualitive content analysis. Participants in the study felt that their own eating habits were good or quite good. Respondents’ eating habits and food choices did not vary much on different days. The differences in the meals were reflected in the planning of the food for the com-petition days and the easy-goingness of the day-offs. In planning, boys strive for the timeliness and healthiness of the meals in order to perform as well as possible in sports performance. The days-offs were more relaxed in terms of food. The family and coach were found to have the greatest influence on respondents’ cur-rent eating habits. Special value was given to the advice given by the coaches and the willing to follow the given advice was high. Respondents’ who did not receive advices from their coaches hoped to receive them in the future. In addition, in the boys' responses to the survey, there were significant differences in the skills they have to describe or justify their everyday food choices. Three different response styles were emerged: (1) respondents who are aware of their own food choices, (2) respondents who are unsure of their own food choices, and (3) respondents who did not justify their own food choice answers at all.
  • Engström, Sofia (2021)
    The aim of this master’s thesis is to find out the experiences of ninth grader boy (assumed) athletes about their eating habits and food choices in everyday life and what kind of eating habits boy athletes have. Furthermore, the study aims to find out who or what influences and advises young people on nutrition-related issues and what kind of advice has been offered and how they try to follow the given ad-vice. The study was conducted as a qualitative study. The study data was collected as an electronic survey of 12 boy ninth graders from Helsinki. The survey utilized a stimulated enquiry, or “Stimulated recall” as a study method. Respondents were offered a video about eating habits, which was intended to focus the respondents' thoughts on their own lives and the everyday food choices. Respondents were examined in depth both as individuals and as a group, and analysis was formed with the qualitive content analysis. Participants in the study felt that their own eating habits were good or quite good. Respondents’ eating habits and food choices did not vary much on different days. The differences in the meals were reflected in the planning of the food for the com-petition days and the easy-goingness of the day-offs. In planning, boys strive for the timeliness and healthiness of the meals in order to perform as well as possible in sports performance. The days-offs were more relaxed in terms of food. The family and coach were found to have the greatest influence on respondents’ cur-rent eating habits. Special value was given to the advice given by the coaches and the willing to follow the given advice was high. Respondents’ who did not receive advices from their coaches hoped to receive them in the future. In addition, in the boys' responses to the survey, there were significant differences in the skills they have to describe or justify their everyday food choices. Three different response styles were emerged: (1) respondents who are aware of their own food choices, (2) respondents who are unsure of their own food choices, and (3) respondents who did not justify their own food choice answers at all.
  • Engström, Sofia (2019)
    Purpose: The aim of this bachelor’s thesis was provide an overview of the scientific literature on the eating habits of today’s Finnish upper comprehensive school students and the different aspects that the impact how they choose their food according to research results of the studies published in 2010’s. Methods: To this end, I engaged in a narrative literature review of research published on the topic between the years 2010 and 2019. The final analysis based on 13 different publications. The analysis for the review has made by using the content analysis, where the content has analysed first in to themes which indicates the research questions. After the themes have been analysed, the themes were able to transfer in the final results. Results and conclusions: The Finnish upper comprehensive school students are aware of the fact what are the healthy eating habits or what they should eat in daily basics. The research have shown the problem that the adolescents do not know how to take the healthy choices to practice even if they knew what the healthy eating habits were. The studies have also noticed that eating with the regular meal rhythm is challenging for the Finnish adolescents. Special notice has been made that the adolescents do not eat breakfast or school lunch so often in their daily basics and tehy replace the missing meals with unhealthy snacks. The researchers have also noticed that there is a difference between the genders in the eating habits. It was more likely for the boys to eat against the healthy eating habits and they ate more unhealthy snacks than the girls. According to the researchers results, adolescents from the families with the lower social economical statuses ate more against the healthy eating habits. The researchers have found a connection that the adolescents have common eating habits with their friends and they have similar food choices. The studies have discovered also that the area where the adolescent live and the school is placed, affects to their eating habits and choosing the food. Also, the society have noticed to have an influence to the adolescents eating habits and how they choose their food. The literature review had shown results that research should pay more attention to Finnish adolescents eating habits. All the results from this literature review should not be used without a second and more trustworthy research.