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  • Raessalo, Emma (2020)
    In 2020, the government of Juha Sipilä implemented a reform in higher education. The meaning of the reform was to bring forward the starting of university studies as well as remove the need to participate in preparatory courses. The ideals of the competitive society were influencing in the backround of the reform. Instead of disappearing, the preparatory course markets will presumably transform into courses offered for even younger students at earlier stage, thus causing extra pressure to younger students. The aim of this thesis was to study high school seniors who applied to universities under the new reform. The aim was to examine how the competitive ethos affected their transition as well as how they reasoned the need to participate in preparatory courses as a part of the transition. This topic has not been researched before in this research frame, however similar studies have been conducted of students participating in preparatory courses. Former studies show that preparatory courses are perceived as a normal part of transitioning from secondary education to tertiary education. Studies also show that successful transition seems to require entrepreneurial characteristics. The research data was collected in the winter of 2020 through semi-structured interviews. Altogether five senior students, who participated in preparatory courses in Helsinki Summer University, were interviewed. The data was analysed with discourse analysis. The competitive ethos affected the transitioning strongly. The impact is evident in the notion of entrepreneurial self as well as in emphasizing the instrumental value of education. The preparatory courses give important support in the application to universities thus it’s viewed as a natural part of the transition. As a conclusion, the preparatory course market will not disappear, only transform into courses offered for even younger students. As a result of the reform, students are required to act as an entrepreneurial self in order to secure a successful transition.
  • Raessalo, Emma (2020)
    In 2020, the government of Juha Sipilä implemented a reform in higher education. The meaning of the reform was to bring forward the starting of university studies as well as remove the need to participate in preparatory courses. The ideals of the competitive society were influencing in the backround of the reform. Instead of disappearing, the preparatory course markets will presumably transform into courses offered for even younger students at earlier stage, thus causing extra pressure to younger students. The aim of this thesis was to study high school seniors who applied to universities under the new reform. The aim was to examine how the competitive ethos affected their transition as well as how they reasoned the need to participate in preparatory courses as a part of the transition. This topic has not been researched before in this research frame, however similar studies have been conducted of students participating in preparatory courses. Former studies show that preparatory courses are perceived as a normal part of transitioning from secondary education to tertiary education. Studies also show that successful transition seems to require entrepreneurial characteristics. The research data was collected in the winter of 2020 through semi-structured interviews. Altogether five senior students, who participated in preparatory courses in Helsinki Summer University, were interviewed. The data was analysed with discourse analysis. The competitive ethos affected the transitioning strongly. The impact is evident in the notion of entrepreneurial self as well as in emphasizing the instrumental value of education. The preparatory courses give important support in the application to universities thus it’s viewed as a natural part of the transition. As a conclusion, the preparatory course market will not disappear, only transform into courses offered for even younger students. As a result of the reform, students are required to act as an entrepreneurial self in order to secure a successful transition.
  • Mertanen, Riikka (2019)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Objectives. The aim of the study was to describe, analyze and interpret the transition process and the practices of pre-school children in pre-primary education for those with intensified or special support, as reported by parents. The theoretical framework of the thesis consisted of documents on early childhood education, pre-primary and basic education, including educational equality, three-step support and multi-professional co-operation, as well as earlier studies on transition. The research wanted to find out 1) How the transition phase is structured in the reports of the parents of children with special support 2) What are the challenges of the transition phase 3) What are the factors that make up a successful transition. According to previous studies, transitional practices are variable and highlight the challenges of data transmission and the lack of parental involvement. The aim of the study was to highlight the factors involved in the transition process and possibly create new insights into how the transition could be further developed to enable successful school start children in need of special support. Methods. The research was qualitative and the research material consisted of interviews with parents of children in need of support. There were four interviews and a total of seven interviewees. The interviews were conducted as structured theme interviews that were recorded and transcribed. As a method of analyzing the research data, qualitative content analysis based on data was used. Results and conclusions. According to the results of the research, the transition processes were consistent from time to time, and the transition phase included a separate transfer meeting in all cases. The structure of the multidisciplinary co-operation network varied depending on the case. The results of the study showed, that the biggest challenge of the transition was the transfer of knowledge between different people and institutions. The variety of parental roles and emotions in the transition process proved to be diverse. The success of the transition phase was influenced by the involvement of the first class teacher in the transfer meeting, the activity and participation of the parents, and the experience of how the needs of the child's special support are taken into account in the transition process.
  • Mertanen, Riikka (2019)
    Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Objectives. The aim of the study was to describe, analyze and interpret the transition process and the practices of pre-school children in pre-primary education for those with intensified or special support, as reported by parents. The theoretical framework of the thesis consisted of documents on early childhood education, pre-primary and basic education, including educational equality, three-step support and multi-professional co-operation, as well as earlier studies on transition. The research wanted to find out 1) How the transition phase is structured in the reports of the parents of children with special support 2) What are the challenges of the transition phase 3) What are the factors that make up a successful transition. According to previous studies, transitional practices are variable and highlight the challenges of data transmission and the lack of parental involvement. The aim of the study was to highlight the factors involved in the transition process and possibly create new insights into how the transition could be further developed to enable successful school start children in need of special support. Methods. The research was qualitative and the research material consisted of interviews with parents of children in need of support. There were four interviews and a total of seven interviewees. The interviews were conducted as structured theme interviews that were recorded and transcribed. As a method of analyzing the research data, qualitative content analysis based on data was used. Results and conclusions. According to the results of the research, the transition processes were consistent from time to time, and the transition phase included a separate transfer meeting in all cases. The structure of the multidisciplinary co-operation network varied depending on the case. The results of the study showed, that the biggest challenge of the transition was the transfer of knowledge between different people and institutions. The variety of parental roles and emotions in the transition process proved to be diverse. The success of the transition phase was influenced by the involvement of the first class teacher in the transfer meeting, the activity and participation of the parents, and the experience of how the needs of the child's special support are taken into account in the transition process.
  • Pihlajamäki, Tanja (2016)
    Tiedekunta - Fakultet - Faculty Behavioural Sciences Laitos - Institution - Department Teacher Education Tekijä - Författare - Author Tanja Pihlajamäki Työn nimi - Arbetets titel Esi- ja alkuopettajien välinen yhteistyö opetuksellisen jatkumon näkökulmasta Title Pre-school and primary school teachers` mutual cooperation from educational continuity viewpoint Oppiaine - Läroämne - Subject Education Työn laji/ Ohjaaja - Arbetets art/Handledare - Level/Instructor Bachelor`s Thesis / Helena Hällström Aika - Datum - Month and year 05 / 2016 Sivumäärä - Sidoantal - Number of pages 47 pp. + 3 appendices Tiivistelmä - Referat - Abstract Previous research shows that pre-school and primary school teachers` mutual cooperation supports educational continuity and it is important to take noticed when we are thinking child`s transition stage from pre-school to primary school. The main purpose of this study was to describe, analyse and interpret, what is educational continuity and what it means in child`s transition to school. Especially the aim was to find out pre-school and primary school teachers` mutual cooperation from educational continuity viewpoint. With this study will strive to find out what is the meaning of educational continuity in transition to school, how pre-school and primary school teachers will support that with mutual cooperation and what kind of effects there are for educational continuity. This was shown by pre-school teachers` viewpoint. This study was conducted as a qualitative research. The research material was collected by using a theme interview. In this study, three kindergarten teachers were interviewed and they all worked in pre-school group at the metropolitan area. The research material was analysed by using a content analysis. Educational continuity was seen as an important and it meant continuity from pre-school to primary school. In educational continuity child will notice as an individual and there are also noticed pre-school and primary school activity cultures. Meaning of educational continuity was shown in the aims in transition stage and supporting these aims. Educational continuity is experienced as a significant in transition stage from pre-school to primary school. Cooperation carried out between pre-school and primary school teachers with mutual discussions and meetings. It was important to plan cooperation, so it would be goal-directed. Cooperation also happened with pre-school and primary school children`s mutual events and activities. The aim of teachers` mutual cooperation was to support child`s transition from pre-school to primary school. There were consequences by own work in pre-school and mutual cooperation in child`s transition. The purpose was to relieve going to school and giving the readiness skills for child. In the future could find out, how educational continuity will be noticed and supported by primary school teachers. Avainsanat - Nyckelord esiopetus, alkuopetus, opetuksellinen jatkumo, yhteistyö, siirtymä, opettaja Keywords pre-school, primary school, educational continuity, cooperation, transition, teacher Säilytyspaikka - Förvaringsställe - Where deposited City Centre Campus Library/Behavioural Sciences/Minerva Muita tietoja - Övriga uppgifter - Additional information
  • Autio, Henni (2020)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkielman tavoitteena oli selvittää, millaista yhteistyötä esi- ja alkuopettajat tekevät koulusiirtymän aikana sekä miten koulusiirtymä on määritetty. Kiinnostukseni aiheeseen heräsi esi- ja alkuopetuksen perusopintojen opintokokonaisuuden aikana, sillä huomasin varhaiskasvatuksen ja luokanopettajan opiskelijoiden oppimista ja opettamista koskevan ajattelu erilaisuuden. Tutkielmassa tehdään kansainvälisten tutkimusten varassa katsaus siihen, millaista yhteistyötä esi- ja alkuopettajat tekevät sekä miten koulusiirtymä on määritetty. Menetelmät. Käytin tutkielman tutkimusmenetelmänä systemaattista kirjallisuuskatsausta. Keräsin aineistoksi 8 vertaisarvioitua, tieteellistä tutkimusta. Käytin aineiston keruussa hakutermejä, jotka kuvasit esi- ja alkuopetusta, yhteistyötä sekä siirtymää. Tutkimuksien tuli olla vertaisarvioitu, kokonaan saatavilla, 2010-2020-luvulta, suomen- tai englanninkielisiä sekä opettajan näkökulmasta. Aineistoon päätyneet tutkimukset valitsin viime kädessä otsikoiden ja abstraktien perusteella. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Lähes kaikissa tutkimuksissa oli käytetty Bronfenbrennerin ekologista mallia koulusiirtymän määrittelyssä. Koulusiirtymän aikainen esi- ja alkuopettajien yhteistyö oli määrällisesti vähäistä, vaikka opettajat pitivät erilaisia siirtymän toimintoja hyvinä ideoina. Yhteistyö on tärkeää, oppimisen ja opettamisen jatkuvuus säilyisi.
  • Vahlroos, Henna (2017)
    The goal of this study was to examine the conceptions of teachers working as a part of the co-operation between preschool and school in Järvenpää during the school year 2016–2017. In addition, the study aimed to find out teachers' thoughts about the development of the co-operation along with the matters that affect their motivation to co-operate. The collaboration between preschool and school has been investigated also earlier in Järvenpää from the teachers' points of view at the beginning of the 21st century. The new local curriculums were put to use in Järvenpää on the 1st of August 2016. Examining the conceptions of the preschool teachers and classroom teachers is currently significant because the co-operation has been under inspection and developmental process in Järvenpää. The meaning of this study is to make visible the experiences and the conceptions of the teachers so that it is possible to keep on working for even more beneficial collaboration between preschool and school. In this study the co-operation between preschool and school is seen as working on a boundary which requires relational agency from the teachers. The school culture differs from the preschool culture so the change from a learning environment to another creates a transition in a child's life. The collaboration is important for the sake of a smooth transition and an educational path without any thresholds. The study was conducted as a web enquiry in the end of the spring semester 2017. 20 teachers (9 preschool teachers, 11 classroom teachers) took part in the study. Most of the questions were open-ended and they were analysed using data based content analysis. The matters that affect teachers' motivation to co-operate were investigated with close-ended questions. The teachers thought that the collaboration between preschool and school aims to a smooth transition and a continuum of learning but also taking care of a child's needs and sense of security, familiarization to school, sharing information, expertise and the know-how, and abridging the cultural differences between preschool and school. As a result of co-operation the child gets in contact with school as a physical, mental, social and cultural environment. The study discovered matters that may strengthen teachers' motivation and some that may weaken the motivation to co-operate. The developmental process of the collaboration between preschool and school has been succeeded in Järvenpää but there are still some challenges and improvement needed.
  • Kivekäs, Sauli (2022)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kartoittaa jännityksen tunnetta koulusiirtymää käsitte-levissä lastenkirjoissa. Jännitys on abstrakti ja monitulkintainen tunne, eikä sitä ole juuri tut-kittu aikaisemmin koulusiirtymässä esi- ja alkuopetuksen välillä tästä näkökulmasta. Tämä tekee tutkimuksesta luonteeltaan kartoittavan. Jännityksen tunnetta syvemmin ymmärtämäl-lä, voidaan tukea koulusiirtymää jännittäviä lapsia ja jakaa tietoa lasta tukeville aikuisille. Teo-reettinen viitekehys keskittyy sekä opetussuunnitelmien ja yhteistyön merkitykseen että jän-nitykseen ja sen vaikutuksiin koulusiirtymässä. Tavoitteena oli tutkia, millaisissa tilanteissa lapset jännittivät koulua kirjoissa ja miten jännityksen tunnetta lievitettiin. Näin kirjojen on tar-koitus toimia konkreettisina esimerkkeinä jännittävälle lapselle. Menetelmät. Tutkimukseni oli muodoltaan kartoittava kvalitatiivinen tutkimus. Aineisto koostui viidestä koulusiirtymää käsittelevästä lastenkirjasta. Aineisto analysoitiin hyödyntäen aineis-tolähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä ja se saatettiin esitettävään muotoon luokittelemalla. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Lastenkirjoista löytyi monia ulottuvuuksia jännityksen tunnetta käsitellessä. Iso osa jännityksestä keskittyi uusiin ihmisiin, uuteen ympäristöön, pystyvyyteen ja jännityksen tukemiseen. Jännitykseen suhtauduttiin usein hyvin empaattisesti ja sanoittavasti. Näiden osa-alueiden syvempi tarkastelu voi auttaa koulusiirtymää koskettavia ihmisiä ymmärtämään paremmin jännityksen tunteita ja sen kohteita. Kirjat ja niiden esimerkit toimivat hyvinä havainnollistavina malleina lapsille. Näin lastenkirjat toimivat erinomaisina välineinä kasvattajille lievittämään lapsen mahdollista koulujännitystä.
  • Pelander, Anni (2021)
    Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tarkastella esi- ja alkuopetuksen opettajien välistä yhteistyötä esi- ja alkuopetuksen siirtymävaiheessa. Tarkempana tutkimustehtävänä oli selvittää, millaisia yhteistyötoimia esi- ja alkuopetuksen opettajien välillä tarvitaan esi- ja alkuopetuksen siirtymävaiheessa sekä millaisia haasteita esi- ja alkuopetuksen opettajien välisen yhteistyön toteuttamiselle on. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet siirtymän olevan merkittävä hetki, joka on yhteydessä lapsen tulevaan koulumenestykseen. Lisäksi aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat opettajien yhteistyön siirtymävaiheessa tukevan siirtymän onnistumista. Tämä laadullinen tutkielma toteutettiin systemaattisena kirjallisuuskatsauksena, jonka aineistona toimii yhdeksän (9) vuosien 2010-2019 välillä julkaistua englanninkielistä tutkimusartikkelia. Tutkielman aineisto tuotettiin tiettyjen kriteerien mukaisesti systemaattisella aineistohaulla EBSCOhost-tietokannasta. Aineiston analyysi toteutettiin teorialähtöisenä sisällönanalyysinä, jolloin aineistoa tulkittiin suhteessa tutkielmassa esitettyyn teoriaan. Tulosten perusteella yhteistyötoimia esi- ja alkuopetuksen opettajien välillä oli keskustelu, dokumenttien jakaminen, yhteissuunnittelu ja kouluvierailut. Näiden yhteistyötoimien käyttäminen vaihteli kuitenkin suuresti opettajien välillä. Haasteet, jotka vaikuttivat esi- ja alkuopetuksen opettajien yhteistyön toteuttamiseen, liittyivät erilaisten resurssien, siirtymäohjelman tai tiedon puutteeseen. Tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että opettajien yhteistyötä siirtymävaiheessa tulisi lisätä, jotta siirtymän onnistumista voidaan tukea. Opettajien vastuunottamisen ja aktiivisen osallisuuden lisääminen, yhteistyötä koskevan ohjeistuksen luominen sekä tarvittavien resurssien takaaminen ovat keinoja, joilla voidaan lisätä esi- ja alkuopetuksen opettajien yhteistyötä siirtymävaiheessa.
  • Häggman, Emilia (2018)
    The purpose of this study is to find out the preschool aged children’s conceptions about becoming a schoolchild and the construction of these conceptions. This information could be utilized in the planning the beginning of school. The theoretical part of the study discusses preschool and elementary education and their curricula. The focus in this part is to concentrate on the history of pre-primary education and to compare the differences between preschool and elementary education. Additionally, this part focuses on transition from preschool to elementary education. This change is viewed through Bronfenbrenner (1979) ecological transition. The ecological transition process has been a typical approach in the Finnish analysis of transitions. Finally, the theoretical part discusses the preschool aged children’s learning process and what kind of thoughts have a significant effect in the forming of their conceptions. This is a qualitative research with ethnographic features. The ethnographic features derive from the fact that the scholar spent four weeks in a children’s preschool group as an intern. The method for the gathering of data was half-structured theme based interview. The data was collected in December 2017. The sample group consisted of preschool aged children from city of Helsinki. Total of 15 children were interviewed for this study. The analysis was made with the method of content analysis. The results were divided into two parts based on the research problem. The results showed that the children have a lot of preconceptions about school. The preconceptions were divided into three main categories: conceptions of being a schoolchild, conception of school as an environment, and conceptions of the contents of schooldays. The second part of the results discussed how the children’s preconceptions are being formed. The conceptions of being a schoolchild were influenced during the preschool year by parents, siblings, the friends of children who were already attending school, adults working in preschool education, and visits to the school.
  • Riisla, Katrin (2016)
    Objectives. The schooling system is in great turmoil in Finland at the moment. More effective knowledge creation and sharing among teachers are needed in order to develop the Finnish schooling system and to increase the study results of the students. Previous literature agrees that sharing and acquiring knowledge function as precondition for innovation and value creation in organizational and network contexts and thus makes knowledge vital for contemporary organizations. The transition between an individual's and a collective's knowledge creation, however, has not been widely studied. This study explores the development of a new "Compass Model for Shared Pedagogical Leadership in an activity-theoretical Change Laboratory intervention in the Finnish Viikki Teacher Training School from a knowledge creation perspective. The thesis examines how the transition from individually held knowledge of teaching transform into collective knowledge and a collaborative model of practicing. Further, it combines knowledge creation literature with the theory of expansive learning, which has not yet been done in detail. Methods. The interventionist and ethnographic methodology of the study draws on theoretical concepts, models, and methods from Cultural Historical Activity Theory and from the studies of individual and collective knowledge creation. The data analysed in this study consisted of six meetings carried out in the Viikki Teacher Training School by using the Change Laboratory method. The methodology of the study consists of a thematic analysis and analysis of transitions in knowledge creation during the Change Laboratory process. The analysis of transitions is a new qualitative method developed for this study based on findings in the data. Results and conclusions. The study shows that the knowledge creation of the teachers transitioned on a rough timeline from individually held knowledge of teaching to collaborative practice through multiple small cycles of expansive learning and social processes of knowledge building. Decrease in organizational tensions, creation of shared understanding and increased collaboration enabled the transition of knowledge creation from individual to collective. The collectively created model for shared pedagogical leadership promoted collaboration.
  • Hussi, Johanna (2021)
    Objective of the study. Transition from studies to work can be considered as an important process in human life and it has impact on personal well-being. Study and work engagement, which are affected by individual, collective, and situational factors, have been shown to have positive effects. In this study, study and work engagement is defined as a long-term and fulfilling positive experience which is shown as vigour, dedication, and absorption. More detailed studies of engagement in the transition from higher education to work is missing from generalized fields. Aim of this study is to examine meaningful experiences of the study and work engagement in the transition from university to work with master students and Masters of Educational Science. Aim of the study is also to examine the objects in the interviewees’ studies and work of engagement. Methods. The data consisted of semi-structured interviews collected in total from 20 participants. Critical incident -technique was applied in the interviews. 9 of the interviewees were students of educational sciences and 11 of them were Masters of Educational Science. All of them were working. The data were qualitatively analysed by abductive content analysis. Results and conclusions. The meaningful experiences in the studies and work were similar in both groups. The meaningful experiences of the interviewed students were related to the beginning of the studies, courses and events, internships, the first work in related field, present situation, and future. The interviewed masters’ meaningful experiences lacked experiences of pedagogical studies. Also, instead of challenges in studies and work the interviewees described challenges which affected on studying and working, and other challenges. The objects of the interviewees’ meaningful experiences were mainly the studies and work or matters followed by those.
  • Hussi, Johanna (2021)
    Objective of the study. Transition from studies to work can be considered as an important process in human life and it has impact on personal well-being. Study and work engagement, which are affected by individual, collective, and situational factors, have been shown to have positive effects. In this study, study and work engagement is defined as a long-term and fulfilling positive experience which is shown as vigour, dedication, and absorption. More detailed studies of engagement in the transition from higher education to work is missing from generalized fields. Aim of this study is to examine meaningful experiences of the study and work engagement in the transition from university to work with master students and Masters of Educational Science. Aim of the study is also to examine the objects in the interviewees’ studies and work of engagement. Methods. The data consisted of semi-structured interviews collected in total from 20 participants. Critical incident -technique was applied in the interviews. 9 of the interviewees were students of educational sciences and 11 of them were Masters of Educational Science. All of them were working. The data were qualitatively analysed by abductive content analysis. Results and conclusions. The meaningful experiences in the studies and work were similar in both groups. The meaningful experiences of the interviewed students were related to the beginning of the studies, courses and events, internships, the first work in related field, present situation, and future. The interviewed masters’ meaningful experiences lacked experiences of pedagogical studies. Also, instead of challenges in studies and work the interviewees described challenges which affected on studying and working, and other challenges. The objects of the interviewees’ meaningful experiences were mainly the studies and work or matters followed by those.
  • Kuosma, Marlen (2016)
    Starting daycare is a big change in family’s everyday life. Depending on the kindergarden and family the methods of starting vary althought ”soft landing” is now prefered. Cooperating with parents and educational partnership are an important part of safe and natural daycare beginning. In some kindergartens primary nursing can support and make the transition easier. However sometimes there are situations where educational staff should know how beginning daycare shows in families and what kind of support they would need with the beginning. The objective of the study is to open up how beginning daycare in homes and families adapt to it. My research questions are as follow: 1. How of daycare is arranged? 2. How the of daycare shows in family everday life? 2.1 How has one related to the of daycare? 2.2 How has one adapted to the of daycare? The material consisted of ten blogs ans posts within the blogs which dealt with the of daycare. The material was analyzed with material based content analysis. The study stated that starting discussion and the material from the discussion are an important part of the transition. The transition to daycare happens usually with soft landing, but 1–2 days of getting to know daycare is also common. In one family there was no time in which the family got to know the daycare. Parents tense about the of daycare because of the changing routines and because of the childs adaption. Children react to the of daycare in many ways. In separation situations crying was the most common way to react in the beginning. One adapted to daycare relatively quickly althought after the daycare day fatigue and longing for closeness were present. On should pay more attention in the start of daycare to that the changes from transition are being handled more like the way childrens in usually react to transition. Daycare staff has a large importance to how the transition is going and how much parents tense the transition. It is important to create a safe feeling.
  • Salminen, Hanna-Maria (2021)
    Päiväkodin aloittaminen on suuri muutos pienelle lapselle ja tämän perheelle (Munter, 2001a). Lapsi siirtyy oman mukavuusalueensa ulkopuolelle ja joutuu sopeutumaan uuteen ympäristöön, uusiin sääntöihin ja rutiineihin sekä uuteen ihmisten yhteisöön (Fabian, 2006). Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tutkia millaiselta näyttää lapsen siirtymä koti hoidosta päiväkotiin kahdessa lasten kuvakirjassa. Tutkimuksessa on kiinnostuttu siitä, millaisia päiväkodin aloittamiseen liittyviä ja päiväkotiin soputumista tukevia käytänteitä kirjoissa esiintyy. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on myös selvittää, miten kirjailija rakentaa kuulumisen tunnetta kirjan päähenkilöille. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisena tutkimuksena ja aineisto analysoitiin teoriasidonnaisella sisällönanalyysin menetelmällä. Tutkimusaineistona oli kaksi lasten kuvakirjaa, Sanna Pelliccionin Onni-poika menee päiväkotiin ja Katri Kirkkopellon ja Mervi Wäreen Oona ja Eetu – Päivä hoidossa. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että päiväkodin aloittamiseen liittyviä käytänteitä esiintyi kirjoissa vaihtelevasti. Tämä johtunee siitä syystä, että tarinat alkoivat lapsen päiväkotiuran eri vaiheista. Päiväkotiin sopeutumisen käytänteitä puolestaan esiintyi runsaasti, aineistosta nousi vahvasti esiin rutiinit, vertaissuhteet ja sensitiivisen aikuisen läheisyys sopeutumisen helpottajina. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin myös, että kuulumisen tunnetta rakennettiin päähenkilöille kolmen yhteen kietoutuneen ulottuvuuden kautta. Aineiston pohjalta oli huomattavissa, että kuulumista rakennettiin pääsääntöisesti materiaalisen ja relationaalisen ulottuvuuden kautta.
  • Grönroos, Janet (2023)
    Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkittiin esi- ja alkuopetuksen välistä yhteistyötä. Tavoitteena oli selvittää varhaiskasvatuksen- ja luokanopettajien kokemuksia esi- ja alkuopetuksen välisestä yhteistyöstä sekä tekijöitä, jotka vaikuttavat yhteistyön onnistumiseen. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin, miten esi- ja alkuopetuksen välistä yhteistyötä tulisi kehittää opettajien näkökulmasta. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat, että esi- ja alkuopetuksen välinen yhteistyö edesauttaa lapsen joustavaa ja onnistunutta siirtymistä alkuopetukseen. Aiemmat tutkimukset osoittavat myös, että esi- ja alkuopetuksen ammattilaiset ovat kokeneet yhteistyön toteuttamisen haastavana. Esi- ja alkuopetuksen välisen yhteistyön on todettu olevan haastavaa, sillä rajapinnoilla työskentelee eri alojen ammattilaisia ja yhteistyö edellyttää kaikilta uuden oppimista sekä joustavuutta suunnittelussa ja toteutuksessa. Tutkimus toteutettiin laadullisena eli kvalitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostui viiden esiopettajan ja viiden alkuopettajan vastauksesta, jotka kerättiin sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella tammikuussa vuonna 2023. E-lomake jaettiin kahteen eri opettajille suunnattuun Facebook-ryhmään. Aineiston analysointi toteutettiin aineistolähtöisellä sisällönanalyysillä. Tutkimustulokset osoittivat, että esi- ja alkuopetuksen välinen yhteistyö toteutuu vaihtelevasti eri toimipaikoissa. Aineistosta nousi esiin vaikuttavina tekijöinä esi- ja alkuopetuksen välisen yhteistyön onnistumiseen esiopetuksen toimipisteen sijainti, resurssipula, esi- ja alkuopetuksen opettajien yhteinen suunnitteluaika sekä tiedonsiirto. Tulosten mukaan opettajat kokevat, että esi- ja alkuopetuksen välistä yhteistyötä tulee kehittää. Esi- ja alkuopetuksen välistä yhteistyötä tulisi kehittää niin, että se palvelee molempia osapuolia eikä kuormita ketään. Esi- ja alkuopettajien kehittämisideoita yhteistyölle oli esimerkiksi yhteisen suunnitteluajan lisääminen, resurssien kasvattaminen sekä selkeämmät ja yhteiset ohjeet yhteistyölle.
  • Leimu, Sonja (2020)
    Leimu, Sonja. 2020. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien näkökulmia ja kokemuksia lapsen siirtymästä varhaiskasvatuksen piiriin. Varhaiskasvatustieteen kandidaatintutkielma. Helsingin yliopisto. Kasvatustieteiden laitos. 23 sivua + liite. Tutkimukseni tarkastelee lapsen siirtymää varhaiskasvatuksen kontekstissa. Lapsen siirtymä varhaiskasvatuksen piiriin on tärkeä tapahtuma lapsen ja koko perheen elämässä. Tarkoitukseni oli selvittää varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien näkökulmia lapsen siirtymästä varhaiskasvatuksen piiriin. Selvitin myös, millaisena varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat kokevat ja näkevät siirtymän. Olin kiinnostunut myös mahdollisista eroavaisuuksista, lapsen siirtyessä päiväkodista toiseen tai kodista ensimmäistä kertaa päiväkotiin. Tutkimus toteutettiin puolistrukturoidulla haastattelulla eräässä itäsuomalaisessa päiväkodissa, joulukuussa 2019. Haastatteluihin osallistui neljä varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa. Tutkimukseni tulokset osoittivat, että lapsen siirtymä nähdään arvokkaana ja tärkeänä tapahtumana lapsen koko elämän kannalta. Koettiin, että vanhempien kanssa tehtävä yhteistyö on eriarvoisen tärkeää sujuvan ja luottamuksellisen keskusteluyhteyden sekä vuorovaikutussuhteen kannalta. Lapsen siirtymään varhaiskasvatuksen piiriin tulee panostaa, sillä varhaiskasvatuspolun päälle rakennetaan elämän peruspilarit.