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  • Tuunanen, Tuukka (2021)
    This thesis is about the sociocultural phenomenon of start-up entrepreneurship. Contemporary society is home to a growing obsession towards entrepreneurship, with entrepreneurial action regarded as a possible solution to a wide spectrum of social problems. Entrepreneurial action and the acquiring of an entrepreneurial way of thinking and operating is widely considered to contribute to the common good, in reality having potential for a positive impact on society. Hence entrepreneurship is promoted in social policy and education in an effort to educate citizens towards entrepreneurial agency. All in all, an interesting shift is happening with entrepreneurs positioning themselves as producers of the common good ”making the world a better place one pizza at a time”, while farmers traditionally identifying as ”producers” are becoming more ”entrepreneurial”. Entrepreneurial agency as a new form of agency suitable for any individual in almost any field of action originates from the neoliberal discourse and the emphasis on individual freedom and entrepreneurialism. Like Margaret Thatcher famously stated, ”there is no society, there are individual men and women”. This highly individualistic approach to the reorganisation of society and the reinforcement or restoration of the class dominance of a small global elite was voiced as an alleged antidote to the perils of socialism, and culturally connected to the positive ideals of the entrepreneur as a free, self-reliable, innovative and efficient individual. This was the neoliberal re-invention of the entrepreneur that transformed the idea of the entrepreneur as primarily a business operator to that of the morally worthy individual simply doing the right thing. The fruits of the labour would then trickle-down as collectively beneficiary. This thesis is an ethnographic study on start-up entrepreneurs in the Greater Helsinki start-up ecosystem working to promote their companies. Through interviews and observational data, this thesis studies the start-up entrepreneur as the epitome of this contemporary entrepreneurial agency. Start-up entrepreneurship sometimes referred to as ”entrepreneurialism on steroids”, is a form of often tech-related entrepreneurialism aimed at fast growth with the help of investments - a sort of ”rags to riches” narrative. But the work is demanding with statistically most start-up companies destined to fail, with a very small percentage becoming successful in finding markets, growing and returning the investments while providing lucrative ”exits” for the founders. Utilising positioning theory this thesis focuses on three themes related to start-up entrepreneurs: their identifications and boundary work in separating them as a specific social group, the outspoken motivations behind their actions and the troubles that arise from their endeavours. Through dress code, speech norms and the acceptance of the Weberian idea of the entrepreneur as ”a special actor” and capable problem-solver, the identity of the start-up entrepreneur is constructed and ritualistically verified in events like SLUSH. The origins of the neoliberal discourse are interestingly present in these motivations, with a majority of the interviewees emphasizing the altruistic side of their social entrepreneurialism and the importance of freedom in life. They are free to achieve. But on the other hand, the possibility of unimaginable financial gain brings certain ambiguity to the situation. In the words of one interviewee: ”Anyone who says they don´t dream of getting rich in a start-up company is lying.” Finally, among all the positive hype that surrounds successful start-up companies and entrepreneurship partly due to the way they are portrayed in the media, there are problems ahead for many. Stress and financial troubles combined with the shame and possible debt resulting from going bankrupt manifest themselves as severe physical symptoms, mental health problems, insomnia and burnout. This can in turn have a dramatic impact in dictating the lives of the start-up entrepreneurs. Following the ideas of critical entrepreneurship studies and contributing to the lack of research on the topic, this thesis suggests that due to the influence of the neoliberal discourse on the way entrepreneurship is framed and celebrated as well as the severity of the resulting problems for many, there should be a more critical and analytical approach to the seemingly value-free promotion of entrepreneurship. It is necessary to ask whose interests are actually getting promoted through increased entrepreneurial agency, and whether the alleged promotion of common good is in fact contributing to any issues other than the convenience of the every-day lives of the middle-class.
  • Tuunanen, Tuukka (2021)
    This thesis is about the sociocultural phenomenon of start-up entrepreneurship. Contemporary society is home to a growing obsession towards entrepreneurship, with entrepreneurial action regarded as a possible solution to a wide spectrum of social problems. Entrepreneurial action and the acquiring of an entrepreneurial way of thinking and operating is widely considered to contribute to the common good, in reality having potential for a positive impact on society. Hence entrepreneurship is promoted in social policy and education in an effort to educate citizens towards entrepreneurial agency. All in all, an interesting shift is happening with entrepreneurs positioning themselves as producers of the common good ”making the world a better place one pizza at a time”, while farmers traditionally identifying as ”producers” are becoming more ”entrepreneurial”. Entrepreneurial agency as a new form of agency suitable for any individual in almost any field of action originates from the neoliberal discourse and the emphasis on individual freedom and entrepreneurialism. Like Margaret Thatcher famously stated, ”there is no society, there are individual men and women”. This highly individualistic approach to the reorganisation of society and the reinforcement or restoration of the class dominance of a small global elite was voiced as an alleged antidote to the perils of socialism, and culturally connected to the positive ideals of the entrepreneur as a free, self-reliable, innovative and efficient individual. This was the neoliberal re-invention of the entrepreneur that transformed the idea of the entrepreneur as primarily a business operator to that of the morally worthy individual simply doing the right thing. The fruits of the labour would then trickle-down as collectively beneficiary. This thesis is an ethnographic study on start-up entrepreneurs in the Greater Helsinki start-up ecosystem working to promote their companies. Through interviews and observational data, this thesis studies the start-up entrepreneur as the epitome of this contemporary entrepreneurial agency. Start-up entrepreneurship sometimes referred to as ”entrepreneurialism on steroids”, is a form of often tech-related entrepreneurialism aimed at fast growth with the help of investments - a sort of ”rags to riches” narrative. But the work is demanding with statistically most start-up companies destined to fail, with a very small percentage becoming successful in finding markets, growing and returning the investments while providing lucrative ”exits” for the founders. Utilising positioning theory this thesis focuses on three themes related to start-up entrepreneurs: their identifications and boundary work in separating them as a specific social group, the outspoken motivations behind their actions and the troubles that arise from their endeavours. Through dress code, speech norms and the acceptance of the Weberian idea of the entrepreneur as ”a special actor” and capable problem-solver, the identity of the start-up entrepreneur is constructed and ritualistically verified in events like SLUSH. The origins of the neoliberal discourse are interestingly present in these motivations, with a majority of the interviewees emphasizing the altruistic side of their social entrepreneurialism and the importance of freedom in life. They are free to achieve. But on the other hand, the possibility of unimaginable financial gain brings certain ambiguity to the situation. In the words of one interviewee: ”Anyone who says they don´t dream of getting rich in a start-up company is lying.” Finally, among all the positive hype that surrounds successful start-up companies and entrepreneurship partly due to the way they are portrayed in the media, there are problems ahead for many. Stress and financial troubles combined with the shame and possible debt resulting from going bankrupt manifest themselves as severe physical symptoms, mental health problems, insomnia and burnout. This can in turn have a dramatic impact in dictating the lives of the start-up entrepreneurs. Following the ideas of critical entrepreneurship studies and contributing to the lack of research on the topic, this thesis suggests that due to the influence of the neoliberal discourse on the way entrepreneurship is framed and celebrated as well as the severity of the resulting problems for many, there should be a more critical and analytical approach to the seemingly value-free promotion of entrepreneurship. It is necessary to ask whose interests are actually getting promoted through increased entrepreneurial agency, and whether the alleged promotion of common good is in fact contributing to any issues other than the convenience of the every-day lives of the middle-class.
  • Suokari-Pärssinen, Mari (2018)
    The aim of the study was to investigate cornerstones of a communications strategy for a start-up specializing to wood-based packaging materials. These include packaging materials, which are produced in a sustainable way and decrease environmental load with their biodegradability. These cornerstones are basis for a globally profitable and competitive business. Literature review and qualitative interviews were used as a method. The circular economy business model enables a new way to operate and generate competitive advantage for a start-up. The plastics industry claims biodegradability of some forms; the communication challenge of the competitors is to prove these arguments false. Launching world-wide renewable wood-based packaging material to consumers and to packaging industry requires co-operation between all stakeholders. To be a true alternative to plastics, the product must be based on sustainability principles, recyclability and compostability. To avoid greenwashing, all communication must be based on reliable and verifiable information. The developed communications strategy addresses all the aforementioned challenges. The communications strategy focuses on younger generation consumers and rely on their ability to utilize social media in their communications. A circular economy start-up company must outperform plastics packaging manufacturers economically, environmentally and socially with sustainable packaging solutions. Nevertheless, based on this thesis, sustainability is a valid selling and communications argument. The interviews conducted by this thesis support this finding.
  • Pichna, Jacob (2021)
    The African start-up scene has been rapidly developing in recent years and respected Silicon Valley VC firms and large tech companies are moving in on the market which could be regarded as a signal of opportunity. Yet a single investment is to be made by a Finnish VC firm into an African start-up. The democratizing effect of technology and internet accessibility has led to the growth of innovation and disruption on the continent with the three selected jurisdictions for the thesis South Africa, Nigeria and Kenya leading the charge. Focusing on the three countries enables more a pragmatic analysis and thus applicable solutions. Analysing three different ecosystems also showcases the heterogeneity of the continent’s opportunities for VC firms. The objective of the thesis is to establish the main blockers for Finnish VC firms when weighing the option of investing in Africa and then provide solutions to overcome the obstacles whilst taking a form of a roadmap to also show the process of investing in Africa and its peculiarities. Because of the specificity and novelty of the subject matter, there is very little research specific to the objective to build on. To paint a picture of the different ecosystems’ comparative legal analysis and market analysis was utilized. The obstacles were identified through thematically analysed qualitative interviews with Finnish VC firms. The solutions to these obstacles were built on qualitative interviews with individuals that have experience from the African start-up scene. Four obstacles rose above the rest in prevalence: mandates, being geographically far from founders, local expertise & networks and corporate governance & unknown risks. Based on the four obstacles a prescription of four actions that enable a Finnish VC firm to invest in Africa was developed: 1. Cannot be focused on early stage start-ups. 2. Needs to find a local co-investor. 3. Cannot have a mandate blocking Africa as an investment option. 4. Is a specialized fund. By adhering to these four “rules” a Finnish VC firm can venture to Africa with confidence.
  • Ahvonen, Kaisa (2020)
    Tutkielmassa analysoidaan ekologiseen muotiin keskittyvien startup-yritysten viestintää diskurssianalyysin keinoin. Työn tavoitteena on löytää tutkielmassa käytetyn aineiston pohjalta vastuullisen muodin keskeiset tunnusmerkit. Yleisellä tasolla työn lähtökohta on selvittää, miten muotiala reagoi ilmastonmuutokseen. Tutkielman keskeisin tutkimuskysymys on: ”Mitkä ovat ne vastuullisen muodin piirteet, joilla muotialasta tulisi nykyisen luontoa kuormittavan alan sijaan kestävää kehitystä tukeva ala?”. Tutkielma kuuluu ekolingvistiikan tutkimusalaan, joka keskittyy ympäristöä käsittelevän kielenkäytön tutkimiseen. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu kymmenen muotialan startup-yrityksen nettisivuilta kerätyistä 70 esimerkistä, jotka ovat valittu nettisivujen vastuullisuutta käsittelevistä osioista. Esimerkit jaetaan kahdeksaan eri teemaan aineistosta esiin nousseiden ekologisten sitoumusten pohjalta. Jokainen teema analysoidaan erikseen sisällönanalyysin ja teemoittelun avulla. Tämän ensimmäisen analyysiosion tavoitteena on tarkastella teemoihin sisältyviä toistuvia käsitteitä ja sanastoa, joiden pohjalta saamme selville, mistä elementeistä vastuullisen muodin käsite koostuu. Analyysin toinen osio tarkastelee aineiston subjektiivisuutta, jota tutkitaan evaluatiivisten adjektiivien sekä deiktisten persoonapronominien avulla. Analysoitavaksi valittiin adjektiivit, sillä niiden käyttö on tyypillistä mainonnassa. Ekologisuuteen keskittyvää mainontaa syytetään usein viherpesusta, joka tarkoittaa epätarkan tai virheellisen väittämän esittämistä yhtiön tai tuotteen ekologisuuteen liittyen. Tämän vuoksi adjektiivien subjektiivisuuden tutkiminen on oleellista, kun aineistona on vastuulliseen muotiin keskittyvät mainostekstit. Tutkielman 11 toistuvinta adjektiivia jaetaan aksiologisiin ja ei-aksiologisiin adjektiiveihin. Mitä enemmän aineistossa käytetään aksiologisia adjektiiveja, sitä subjektiivisempi, ja sitä kautta moniselitteisempi, aineisto on. Aineistossa esiintyy useasti deiktiset persoonapronominit ’me’ ja ’te’. Mainoskielelle on ominaista dialogin illuusion luominen. Toisin sanoen, mainosteksti osallistaa lukijan osaksi tekstiä, vaikka lukijalla ei ole mahdollisuutta osallistua vuoropuheluun. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan, miten deiktisten persoonapronominien käyttö vaikuttaa osaltaan aineiston subjektiivisuuteen. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että vastuullinen muoti koostuu monesta eri osa-alueesta. Keskeisimpinä teemoina esiin nousivat ympäristön suojeleminen ja kunnioittaminen, vaateteollisuuden ylituotannon vähentäminen sekä tekstiilialan työntekijöiden eettinen kohtelu. Aineistosta löytyneet adjektiivit olivat suureksi osaksi aksiologisia, mistä voi vetää johtopäätöksen, ettei aineisto ole objektiivinen. Deiktiset elementit lisäävät puolestaan aineiston subjektiivisuutta, sillä lukijan osallistamisyrityksen persoonapronominien avulla riippuu siitä, kuinka paljon lukija pystyy samaistumaan lukemaansa tekstiin.
  • Ahvonen, Kaisa (2020)
    Tutkielmassa analysoidaan ekologiseen muotiin keskittyvien startup-yritysten viestintää diskurssianalyysin keinoin. Työn tavoitteena on löytää tutkielmassa käytetyn aineiston pohjalta vastuullisen muodin keskeiset tunnusmerkit. Yleisellä tasolla työn lähtökohta on selvittää, miten muotiala reagoi ilmastonmuutokseen. Tutkielman keskeisin tutkimuskysymys on: ”Mitkä ovat ne vastuullisen muodin piirteet, joilla muotialasta tulisi nykyisen luontoa kuormittavan alan sijaan kestävää kehitystä tukeva ala?”. Tutkielma kuuluu ekolingvistiikan tutkimusalaan, joka keskittyy ympäristöä käsittelevän kielenkäytön tutkimiseen. Tutkimuksen aineisto koostuu kymmenen muotialan startup-yrityksen nettisivuilta kerätyistä 70 esimerkistä, jotka ovat valittu nettisivujen vastuullisuutta käsittelevistä osioista. Esimerkit jaetaan kahdeksaan eri teemaan aineistosta esiin nousseiden ekologisten sitoumusten pohjalta. Jokainen teema analysoidaan erikseen sisällönanalyysin ja teemoittelun avulla. Tämän ensimmäisen analyysiosion tavoitteena on tarkastella teemoihin sisältyviä toistuvia käsitteitä ja sanastoa, joiden pohjalta saamme selville, mistä elementeistä vastuullisen muodin käsite koostuu. Analyysin toinen osio tarkastelee aineiston subjektiivisuutta, jota tutkitaan evaluatiivisten adjektiivien sekä deiktisten persoonapronominien avulla. Analysoitavaksi valittiin adjektiivit, sillä niiden käyttö on tyypillistä mainonnassa. Ekologisuuteen keskittyvää mainontaa syytetään usein viherpesusta, joka tarkoittaa epätarkan tai virheellisen väittämän esittämistä yhtiön tai tuotteen ekologisuuteen liittyen. Tämän vuoksi adjektiivien subjektiivisuuden tutkiminen on oleellista, kun aineistona on vastuulliseen muotiin keskittyvät mainostekstit. Tutkielman 11 toistuvinta adjektiivia jaetaan aksiologisiin ja ei-aksiologisiin adjektiiveihin. Mitä enemmän aineistossa käytetään aksiologisia adjektiiveja, sitä subjektiivisempi, ja sitä kautta moniselitteisempi, aineisto on. Aineistossa esiintyy useasti deiktiset persoonapronominit ’me’ ja ’te’. Mainoskielelle on ominaista dialogin illuusion luominen. Toisin sanoen, mainosteksti osallistaa lukijan osaksi tekstiä, vaikka lukijalla ei ole mahdollisuutta osallistua vuoropuheluun. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan, miten deiktisten persoonapronominien käyttö vaikuttaa osaltaan aineiston subjektiivisuuteen. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että vastuullinen muoti koostuu monesta eri osa-alueesta. Keskeisimpinä teemoina esiin nousivat ympäristön suojeleminen ja kunnioittaminen, vaateteollisuuden ylituotannon vähentäminen sekä tekstiilialan työntekijöiden eettinen kohtelu. Aineistosta löytyneet adjektiivit olivat suureksi osaksi aksiologisia, mistä voi vetää johtopäätöksen, ettei aineisto ole objektiivinen. Deiktiset elementit lisäävät puolestaan aineiston subjektiivisuutta, sillä lukijan osallistamisyrityksen persoonapronominien avulla riippuu siitä, kuinka paljon lukija pystyy samaistumaan lukemaansa tekstiin.