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  • Lonka, Suvi (2015)
    Previous studies show that personality can affect success at work. However, there have been relatively few prior studies on the relationship between success at work and certain personality traits, such as optimism and self-directedness. Current study examined the relationship between optimism, self-directedness and success at work in 3 to 10 years follow-up. Success at work was measured by unemployment status, income and occupational status. Women and men were analyzed separately as previous studies have reported gender differences in personality-success at work relationship. Furthermore, the results were examined after controlling the level of education. The hypothesis was that optimism and self-directedness would predict lower unemployment, higher income and higher occupational status. Participants were from the Young Finns study that began in 1980. There were in total 3596 participants aged 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 at the study baseline in 1980. In this current study 1576 participants (993 women, 583 men) were followed from 1997 to 2011 when they all were adults. Self-directedness was measured in 1997 and optimism in 2001. Unemployment and occupational status were reported in 2001, 2007 and 2011. Income was reported in 2007 and 2011. Results showed that optimism and self-directedness were associated with success at work. Low optimism predicted unemployment, especially in women. High optimism and high self-directedness predicted higher income and higher occupational status. However, the associations between self-directedness with income and occupational status weakened after the level of education was controlled. High optimism also predicted changes in income. When analyzing changes in income separately in women and men, the result was significant only in men. Thus it seems that optimism affects the career of an individual positively as optimists continuously find new opportunities to advance in their career and earn more money. In practice the results suggest to reflect that objective success at work might be improved by interventions that lead to improving skills in goal making and mindfulness.
  • Anttonen, Arvo (2018)
    Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan maahanmuuton erilaisia vaikutuksia eri väestöryhmiin Suomessa. Päähuomio kohdistuu siihen, miten henkilöiden omaamien inhimillisen, taloudellisen ja sosiaalisen pääoman määrä on yhteydessä käsityksiin maahanmuuton vaikutuksista suomalaisen yhteiskunnan laatuun. Tätä tarkastellaan erityisesti konfliktiteorian näkökulmasta. Kyseessä on kvantitatiivinen tutkielma. Tutkimusaineistona on survey-haastatteluaineisto, European Social Survey 8 Suomen osalta (ESS 2016, ESS8FI). Tässä tutkielmassa aineisto (ESS8FI) rajataan. Ollaan kiinnostuneita täysi-ikäisten Suomen kansalaisten, joiden molemmat vanhemmat ovat syntyneet Suomessa, käsi-tyksistä maahanmuuton vaikutuksista suomalaisen yhteiskunnan laatuun. Tutkielman aineistossa on 1772 havaintoa. Tutkimusmenetelmänä käytetään varianssianalyysiä. Tutkimusaineistoa käsitellään ja analyysit tehdään SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Scientists) tilastollisella ohjelmistolla. Tämän tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, että inhimillisellä pääomalla, jota mitattiin koulutustasolla, on yhteys käsityksiin maahanmuuton vaikutuksista suomalaisen yhteiskunnan laatuun. Vähän koulu-tusta omaavat pitivät maahanmuuton vaikutuksia paljon koulutusta omaavia useammin haitallisina. Taloudellisella pääomalla, jota mitattiin kotitalouden subjektiivisilla tuloilla, on yhteys käsityksiin maahanmuuton vaikutuksista suomalaisen yhteiskunnan laatuun. Pienituloiset katsoivat suurituloisia useammin maahanmuuton vaikutukset haitallisiksi. Sosiaalisella pääomalla, jota mitattiin järjestö-osallistumisella ja interpersoonallisella luottamuksella, on yhteys käsityksiin maahanmuuton vaiku-tuksista suomalaisen yhteiskunnan laatuun. Vähän sosiaalista pääomaa omaavat katsoivat maahan-muuton vaikutukset paljon sosiaalista pääomaa omaavia useammin haitallisiksi. Lisäksi selvitettiin ammattiluokan, mahdollisen työttömyyden, sukupuolen ja ikäluokan yhteyttä käsityksiin maahanmuuton vaikutuksista suomalaisen yhteiskunnan laatuun. Tämän tutkielman tulosten perusteella voidaan todeta, että eri väestöryhmien näkemykset maahan-muuton vaikutuksista eroavat toisistaan. Ne, joiden elinolosuhteet ovat huonot katsovat maahan-muuton huonontavan suomalaisen yhteiskunnan laatua ja siten myös omia elinolosuhteitaan. Ne, joiden elinolosuhteet ovat hyvät katsovat maahanmuuton parantavan suomalaisen yhteiskunnan laa-tua ja siten myös omia elinolosuhteitaan.
  • Ihantila, Kimmo (2014)
    This thesis examine young college student's consumption resources and consumption. I study how consumption resources are related to college student's consumption. The research has been carried out qualitative, phenomenography research method, where object of examination are student's views of consumption, use of time, student loan use and themes between essential and luxurious consumption. I used interviews as a method of collecting data, which suits for a phenomenography research. The empirical material consist of 13 student's interviews. I analysed material by using content analysis and typecasting. Available resources, such as income, are important for consumers. Students who took part research have low income level compared to the rest population. Financial aid to students consist of student grant, housing benefit and student loan. Majority of interviewees drew student loan in addition to student grant. Nearly all interviewees received financial support from their parents. Housing cost took the majority of interviewees money. The students lived mainly in apartment building. Time is addition to money other household's central resources, because it analyse household daily action. When examine meaning of time in young college students' consumption appear that many students have four sector in regard to the use of time. This sectors are work, study, housework and free time. As a result of study student's temporal resources are scanty, because working is secondary. Due to small incomes and temporal resources young college student's consumption is emphasized to essential consumption as food, housing costs and bills. Young's weak economic situation cause that young use consumption credit or loan to essential consumption or luxurious consumption. This may lead to get into debt if the use of money not control. Students spend money on luxurious consumption, as bars, restaurants and student parties. They also spend their money on hobbies, different events and journeys too. Students draw student loan in order to achieve better standard of living.
  • Lehtinen, Melina (2020)
    Objectives. This study examines income level in adults with childhood ADHD and subthreshold ADHD associated with perinatal risks. Childhood ADHD has previously been linked with lower income level in adulthood. However, it´s still unclear whether this association is solely explained by lower educational level. Methods. This study is part of longitudinal research project examining long-term effects of perinatal risk factors. The cohort has been followed since 1970s and during the current study participants are in their 40s. The sample involves individuals with childhood ADHD (n=75) and subthreshold ADHD symptoms (n=124) associated with perinatal risks, individuals with perinatal risks without ADHD symptomatology (n=344) and healthy control individuals (n=112). The study participants filled a questionnaire at 40 years and the information of their income was requested from the tax administration. Statistical models included sex, childhood socio-economic status and highest achieved education. Results and conclusions. Childhood ADHD affects adulthood income differently in women and in men. Women with subthreshold childhood ADHD earned less than healthy controls. In men, childhood ADHD or subthreshold ADHD had no effect on income. Studying the long-term effects of ADHD and its sex differences are important for detecting those in need for support and guiding them to seek it.