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  • Larma, Sonja (2020)
    Aim. According to the law, every finish child has the right to a safe school environment. Research indicates that schools play a vital role in preventing cyberbullying. For efficient prevention of cyberbullying in schools, schools need for example a carefully planned anti-bullying policies with correct definitions of both bullying and cyberbullying. The plans should also contain methods for prevention and intervention. The supply of research on cyberbullying in elementary schools is limited, and thus this study will examine the guidelines elementary schools have against cyberbullying, how schools actively are preventing cyberbullying and how school personnel perceive the current work done against cyberbullying. Methods. The data for this study was collected qualitatively, through semi-structured interviews with a phenomenographic research approach. The seven interviewees who participated consisted of principals, school counsellors and class teachers in two Swedish speaking schools. The data was analysed using a thematic analysis in the program Atlas.ti 8. Results and conclusions. The results of this study shows that the schools do not have an extensive definition of cyberbullying nor have they included preventive measures against cyberbullying in their anti-bullying policies. The schools do however prevent cyberbullying for example through scheduled discussions with the pupils. According to the participants the schools work against cyberbullying works relatively well. The majority of the participants thought that the schools could have clearer and more comprehensive guidelines against cyberbullying in their policies. The schools anti-bullying policies do not include how the schools will act in case cyberbullying occurs outside school but among the schools pupils. Based on the results the schools could review their policies and clarify the responsibility among school personnel. This would lead to a more consistent approach and have long-lasting effects.
  • Larma, Sonja (2020)
    Aim. According to the law, every finish child has the right to a safe school environment. Research indicates that schools play a vital role in preventing cyberbullying. For efficient prevention of cyberbullying in schools, schools need for example a carefully planned anti-bullying policies with correct definitions of both bullying and cyberbullying. The plans should also contain methods for prevention and intervention. The supply of research on cyberbullying in elementary schools is limited, and thus this study will examine the guidelines elementary schools have against cyberbullying, how schools actively are preventing cyberbullying and how school personnel perceive the current work done against cyberbullying. Methods. The data for this study was collected qualitatively, through semi-structured interviews with a phenomenographic research approach. The seven interviewees who participated consisted of principals, school counsellors and class teachers in two Swedish speaking schools. The data was analysed using a thematic analysis in the program Atlas.ti 8. Results and conclusions. The results of this study shows that the schools do not have an extensive definition of cyberbullying nor have they included preventive measures against cyberbullying in their anti-bullying policies. The schools do however prevent cyberbullying for example through scheduled discussions with the pupils. According to the participants the schools work against cyberbullying works relatively well. The majority of the participants thought that the schools could have clearer and more comprehensive guidelines against cyberbullying in their policies. The schools anti-bullying policies do not include how the schools will act in case cyberbullying occurs outside school but among the schools pupils. Based on the results the schools could review their policies and clarify the responsibility among school personnel. This would lead to a more consistent approach and have long-lasting effects.
  • Grönroos, Livia (2021)
    Kvalitetsfrågor är ett centralt forskningsområde gällande arbetet som utförs inom barnskyddsenheter. Få tidigare studier inom ämnet har ändå riktat in sig på specifikt handledarnas perspektiv på kvalitet och deras problematiseringar av kvalitetsfrågor i arbetet. Syftet med den här undersökningen har därmed varit att undersöka handledares uppfattningar om kvalitet i arbetet på barnskyddsenheter samt granska på vilka sätt handledarna problematiserar kvalitetsfrågor inom arbetet. Forskningsfrågorna för avhandlingen är följande: 1) Hur uppfattas kvalitet i arbetet av handledarna? 2) På vilket sätt framkommer förståelse kring skillnaden mellan servicekvalitet och livskvalitet i handledarnas uppfattningar om kvalitet? 3) Vilka problematiseringar tar handledarna upp kring kvalitetsfrågor och utvärdering av kvalitet? Materialet bestod av 21 semistrukturerade intervjuer som utfördes med handledare som arbetar inom två olika barnskyddsenheter i Finland. Intervjuerna analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultaten tyder på att handledarna i huvudsak uppfattar kvalitet genom att beskriva vikten av rutiner, regelbundenhet och gemensamma spelregler, genom barnens och ungdomarnas delaktighet i arbetet, stämningen och den fysiska miljön på enheten samt handledarnas egna färdigheter och kunnande. Handledarnas egna färdigheter kan urskiljas såväl i deras teoretiska färdigheter som i deras förmåga till självreflektivitet. Rutinerna och strukturerna uppfattas av handledarna ge upphov till en grundläggande trygghetskänsla hos ungdomarna och också bidra till ett fungerande kommunikations- och informationsflöde. Resultaten tyder på att handledarna har en relativt bred uppfattning om vad kvalitet i arbetet innefattar och kan även urskilja skillnader mellan såväl servicekvalitet som livskvalitet i arbetet. Handledarnas uppfattningar om kvalitet kopplat till servicekvalitet syns i handledarnas beskrivningar av den fysiska miljön, handledarnas teoretiska färdigheter och resursfrågor överlag inom enheten. Livskvalitet förstås av handledarna genom att de betonar vikten av stämningen på enheten, barnens och ungdomarnas delaktighet, deras trygghetskänslor och också handledarnas egna färdigheter i form av att kunna utveckla tillitsfulla relationer till dem. Handledarnas uppfattningar om kvalitet i arbetet är starkt kopplat till att resultaten av arbetet ofta syns först långt senare och att arbetet bör ha positiva effekter på barnens och ungdomarnas liv i framtiden. Detta är ett tydligt sätt som handledarna förstår vikten av livskvaliteten på. Handledarna problematiserar i viss mån kvalitetsfrågor, främst i fråga om hur man kan utvärdera kvaliteten på arbetet och vad utvärderingarna egentligen mäter. Framtida forskning kunde fokusera på att närmare undersöka handledarnas problematiseringar av kvalitet samt granska hur man kunde utveckla mera riktgivande sätt att utvärdera kvaliteten på inom barnskyddsenheterna med tanke på ungdomarnas livskvalitet.
  • Lundberg, Victoria (2019)
    Goal: Previous studies have shown that teachers construct gender roles in school and have different expectations for girls and boys, although the new curriculum, as well as a change in gender equality law, emphasizes that one should treat everyone equally and work against traditional gender roles. According to the socialization model, children learn about suitable behavior based on adults' reactions. Studies have also shown that there are differences between boys and girls, but some believe that differences between individuals are nevertheless greater and that children should not be grouped according to sex. Earlier research addresses that an equal school requires knowledge, reflection on one's own unconscious thoughts about boys and girls and a willingness to work for gender equality. The purpose of this thesis is to get acquainted with teachers' perceptions of gender roles and how teachers construct them in school. Methods: The study was conducted as a systematic literature review, where the databases Helka, Academic Search Complete and ERIC (Proquest) were used to find relevant data. After the relevant data had been collected, a content analysis of the material was made and some themes were dealt with: teachers' expectations and perceptions about gender roles, interaction between teachers and pupils, teachers' knowledge regarding gender roles and how to create an equal school. Results and conclusions: The result suggested that most teachers have relatively egalitarian views on boys and girls, but more traditional in certain issues. Many studies also pointed to a lack of knowledge regarding gender equality, and an indifference to familiarizing themselves with the subject. Teachers constructed gender roles in school through their language, either by suggesting that something was not appropriate for one sex, or by not criticizing the prevailing gender roles. The studies also addressed the teacher's role in gender equality work, that it is often up to the teacher to criticize and oppose traditional gender roles in order for a school to become equal.