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  • Sjögren, Hanna (2018)
    Allt fler individer lider av arbetsrelaterad utmattning och i och med arbetsmarknadens förändrade form riskerar allt fler att drabbas av fenomenet. Att forska kring arbetsrelaterad utmattning är högst aktuellt i och med att fenomenet inte längre ses som något som enbart drabbar individer med vissa egenskaper eller personlighetsdrag, eller något som enbart är förekommande inom vissa branscher. Utmattning kan drabba vem som helst och förekommer inom alla branscher, samtidigt som det allt oftare orsakas av faktorer på arbetsplatsen. Syftet med den här litteraturöversikten är således att granska hur organisationer kan förebygga arbetsrelaterad utmattning med hjälp av olika interventionsprogram. Resultaten av studien visar att organisationer kan använda sig av två typer av interventionsprogram i det förebyggande arbetet av arbetsrelaterad utmattning: individinriktade och organisationsinriktade interventionsprogram. Individinriktade interventionsprogram riktar sig mot arbetstagaren eller arbetsgrupper/arbetsteam och används främst för att öka individens stressbemästringsförmåga samt för att modifiera individens copingstrategier till att vara mer adekvata vid upplevd belastning. Detta sker ofta genom olika stresshanterings- och skolningstillfällen. Individinriktade interventionsprogram uppmuntrar även individen till att försöka slappna av, vilket ofta sker genom olika ”mindfulness” program. Individen uppmuntras även till att omge sig själv med en positiv social omgivning där hen kan få socialt stöd. Organisationsinriktade interventionsprogram riktar istället för individen in sig på organisationen som helhet och används ofta för att ändra på risk- och stressfaktorer i arbetsmiljön. Organisationsinriktade interventionsprogram används också för att öka individens autonomi och beslutsfattanderätt i olika situationer på arbetsplatsen. Studien tyder på att båda formerna av interventionsprogram är effektiva i förebyggandet av arbetsrelaterad utmattning, men att kombinationen av dessa kan vara mer effektiv i det förebyggande arbetet av arbetsrelaterad utmattning än de enskilda interventionsprogrammen i sig. Studien tyder på att mer forskning om hur organisationer kan förebygga arbetsrelaterad utmattning behövs, eftersom de flesta åtgärderna inom interventionsprogrammen för förebyggande av utmattning tangerar förändringar som berör individen och hens stressbemästringsförmåga och inte faktorer som relaterar till organisationen. Detta trots att organisationen kan vara den förorsakande faktorn i uppkomsten av utmattning.
  • Salmi, Linda (2013)
    I dagens samhälle finns det mycket diskussion angående de faktorer som bidrar till att orka arbeta och arbetshälsa. I denna avhandling presenteras några av dessa faktorer. I denna kvantitativa pro gradu-avhandling lades tyngdpunkten välmående på arbetsplatsen utgående från arbetsutmattning och arbetsrelaterad stress. Undersökningen ämnade belysa försäljarnas och butikschefernas arbetsutmattning inom en organisation i Helsingforsregionen och Nyland och hur olika stressfaktorer påverkar denna utmattning. Utgående från tvärsnitsundersökningen, som utfördes med en elektronisk enkät, som bestod av mätarna Bergen Burnout Indicator – 15 och Työstressikysely, framgick det att omkring hälften av arbetstagarna kände sig utmattade. Det framgick även att den mest framstående formen av arbetsutmattning bland dessa arbetstagare var en cynisk inställning till arbetet. Undersökningen påvisade även att det finns ett samband mellan arbetstagarnas arbetsutmattning och upplevelserna av stress. Detta samband ökade då andra stressfaktorer, som till exempel möjlighet att påverka arbetet och belåtenhet, inkluderades.
  • Främling, Niels (2021)
    Previous studies have shown that school fatigue and school related burnout has increased among upper secondary school students, furthermore psychological wellbeing in general has decreased among youths. Top level athletes who seek to combine studies with sports are also at a high risk of burning out in school or in sport. Earlier studies have shown that interventions based on positive psychology can support both studies and sports and thus help prevent burnout. The purpose of this study is to explore how top-level athletes in Finnish upper secondary school experience that an intervention course based on positive psychology can support them in their sport, studies and well-being in general. The research material was composed of seven (7) semi-structured interviews with top-level athletes currently studying at a general upper secondary school in Finland. All participants had completed the course “Studera starkt” during the schoolyear 2020-2021. The interviews were conducted during the spring of 2021 by videocall and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. All participants expressed that the course had supported them in their athletic career in some way. All participants except one also experienced that the course had helped them with their schoolwork. On top of this all participants expressed that the course had improved their well-being in general. The conclusion was that the course “Studera starkt” effectively supported top-level athletes who also studied at a general upper secondary school with their athletic career, schoolwork and well-being.
  • Främling, Niels (2021)
    Previous studies have shown that school fatigue and school related burnout has increased among upper secondary school students, furthermore psychological wellbeing in general has decreased among youths. Top level athletes who seek to combine studies with sports are also at a high risk of burning out in school or in sport. Earlier studies have shown that interventions based on positive psychology can support both studies and sports and thus help prevent burnout. The purpose of this study is to explore how top-level athletes in Finnish upper secondary school experience that an intervention course based on positive psychology can support them in their sport, studies and well-being in general. The research material was composed of seven (7) semi-structured interviews with top-level athletes currently studying at a general upper secondary school in Finland. All participants had completed the course “Studera starkt” during the schoolyear 2020-2021. The interviews were conducted during the spring of 2021 by videocall and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. All participants expressed that the course had supported them in their athletic career in some way. All participants except one also experienced that the course had helped them with their schoolwork. On top of this all participants expressed that the course had improved their well-being in general. The conclusion was that the course “Studera starkt” effectively supported top-level athletes who also studied at a general upper secondary school with their athletic career, schoolwork and well-being.
  • Thurin, Jessica (2020)
    At the time of conducting this study, the Finnish upper secondary schools were facing a major change in the school system. Universities were changing their admission system, and a reform in upper secondary education resulted in a new curriculum for the school year 2021, five years after the current curriculum was put into use in 2016. Guidance counseling has gained a more prominent role in the curriculum and individual counseling and development has become increasingly emphasized. The proportion of upper secondary school teachers who often experience stress has risen from 14% to 17% between 2017 and 2019, and previous research indicates that guidance counselors are at risk of burnout. Stressors have been discovered to be lack of timely resources, lack of role clarity and a large workload. The purpose of this study is to investigate the Finnish guidance counselors’ well-being at work, and how they experience their workload. This is explored on the basis of the variables job satisfaction, satisfaction regarding job duties, social support, time resources, access to further training, experienced challenge and experienced stress. The data was collected with an electronic questionnaire sent out to the guidance counselors in Swedish speaking upper secondary schools in Finland, a total of N = 42. The questionnaire was answered by a total of N = 22, all of which were analyzed in the study. The program IBM SPSS 25 was used in the processing and analysis of the data. All group comparisons are performed with nonparametric tests: Mann-Whitney U-test, Kruskal-Wallis test by ranks and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The results showed that the guidance counsellors generally experienced a high level of job satisfaction. Symptoms of stress or perceived burnout had a negative correlation with several factors: job satisfaction, perceived social support, timely resources at hand, and a higher experience of stress and challenge. Work experience was also significant for job satisfaction. Despite this, the guidance counselors with experiences of stress or burnout reported a high job satisfaction.
  • Thurin, Jessica (2020)
    At the time of conducting this study, the Finnish upper secondary schools were facing a major change in the school system. Universities were changing their admission system, and a reform in upper secondary education resulted in a new curriculum for the school year 2021, five years after the current curriculum was put into use in 2016. Guidance counseling has gained a more prominent role in the curriculum and individual counseling and development has become increasingly emphasized. The proportion of upper secondary school teachers who often experience stress has risen from 14% to 17% between 2017 and 2019, and previous research indicates that guidance counselors are at risk of burnout. Stressors have been discovered to be lack of timely resources, lack of role clarity and a large workload. The purpose of this study is to investigate the Finnish guidance counselors’ well-being at work, and how they experience their workload. This is explored on the basis of the variables job satisfaction, satisfaction regarding job duties, social support, time resources, access to further training, experienced challenge and experienced stress. The data was collected with an electronic questionnaire sent out to the guidance counselors in Swedish speaking upper secondary schools in Finland, a total of N = 42. The questionnaire was answered by a total of N = 22, all of which were analyzed in the study. The program IBM SPSS 25 was used in the processing and analysis of the data. All group comparisons are performed with nonparametric tests: Mann-Whitney U-test, Kruskal-Wallis test by ranks and Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient. The results showed that the guidance counsellors generally experienced a high level of job satisfaction. Symptoms of stress or perceived burnout had a negative correlation with several factors: job satisfaction, perceived social support, timely resources at hand, and a higher experience of stress and challenge. Work experience was also significant for job satisfaction. Despite this, the guidance counselors with experiences of stress or burnout reported a high job satisfaction.
  • Skreslett, Emma (2022)
    Goal. The aim of this study is to find out if teacher in elementary school has a high workload and what is burdening them. Research that has been done by the teacher labor union shows that teacher nowadays is burdened in their profession and many of them are thinking about quitting being a teacher. Based on the aim of the study, I asked these following research question. 1. What is the teachers experience of their workload? 2. Which elements affect the teacher’s workload? 3. Is there differences between new teachers and more experienced teacher? By using Karasek and Theorell’s (1990) model for demand, control and support I will try to figure out if teachers have a high workload and if their work contribute to stress. If a person suffer from a lot of work-related stress it can develop into burnout. A person can get burned out if they have more tasks than they can complete (Arbetshälsoinstitutet, 2022). Methods. To be able to find answers to these questions I did a qualitative interview study. I interviewed six teachers from one city I Finland. All the teachers were competent, but they had been teachers for varying long time. Those teachers who had worked as teachers for a longer time, had all worked for over five years. The new teachers were all in the beginning of their careers. Results and conclusions. By the result and discussion, it is clear that the teachers who participated in the interviews are burden in their work and the teachers say that they have too much work to do. The teaching profession has under many years changed as well as the workload. Despite more assignments the salary has remained the same. There is a feeling among the participants that the tasks never end and that they feel behind.
  • Skreslett, Emma (2022)
    Goal. The aim of this study is to find out if teacher in elementary school has a high workload and what is burdening them. Research that has been done by the teacher labor union shows that teacher nowadays is burdened in their profession and many of them are thinking about quitting being a teacher. Based on the aim of the study, I asked these following research question. 1. What is the teachers experience of their workload? 2. Which elements affect the teacher’s workload? 3. Is there differences between new teachers and more experienced teacher? By using Karasek and Theorell’s (1990) model for demand, control and support I will try to figure out if teachers have a high workload and if their work contribute to stress. If a person suffer from a lot of work-related stress it can develop into burnout. A person can get burned out if they have more tasks than they can complete (Arbetshälsoinstitutet, 2022). Methods. To be able to find answers to these questions I did a qualitative interview study. I interviewed six teachers from one city I Finland. All the teachers were competent, but they had been teachers for varying long time. Those teachers who had worked as teachers for a longer time, had all worked for over five years. The new teachers were all in the beginning of their careers. Results and conclusions. By the result and discussion, it is clear that the teachers who participated in the interviews are burden in their work and the teachers say that they have too much work to do. The teaching profession has under many years changed as well as the workload. Despite more assignments the salary has remained the same. There is a feeling among the participants that the tasks never end and that they feel behind.
  • Lönnström, Pernilla (2013)
    Det sociala arbetets art kan anses vara både utmanande och belastande. Det har forskats en hel del både i Finland och utomlands gällande hur socialarbetarna upplever sina arbetsförhållanden. Angående hur socialarbetarna ser på sin möjlighet att eventuellt förebygga utmattning i de rådande omständigheterna har inte stått inför forskning i så stor grad. I denna pro gradu- avhandling undersöker jag på vilket sätt socialarbetaren upplever samt utnyttjar sin möjlighet att förebygga arbetsutmattning. Jag granskar även på vilket sätt arbetsförhållandena beskrivs och upplevs samt huruvida socialarbetarens handlingsutrymme eventuellt inverkar på möjligheten att förebygga arbetsutmattning. Socialarbetarens handlingsutrymme står som teoretisk referensram. Handlingsutrymmet innefattar området mellan klientens behov och organisationens målsättning samt lagstadgade krav på vad yrkesrollen innefattar. Detta område förvaltar socialarbetaren självständigt till klientens fördel på basen av sin profession och kunskapsgrund. Handlingsutrymmet innebär faktorer som endera underlättar respektive begränsar utförandet av arbetet. Utrymmet kan således vara stort respektive litet. Materialinsamlingen skedde under åren 2012- 2013. Informanterna bestod av nio formellt behöriga socialarbetare i åldern 26-60. Personerna hade mellan 2-30 års arbetserfarenhet inom barnskyddet. Forskningsmaterialet består av sex socialarbetares öppna berättelser samt tre intervjuer med halvstrukturerade frågor. Mitt material består således av två olika stoff vilka jag analyserar med en tematisk innehållsanalys. Forskningsgreppet är kvalitativt. Enligt de centrala resultaten upplever socialarbetarna att arbetsbördan är möjlig att hantera via olika metoder. Handlingsutrymmet beskrivs som brett och det personliga ansvaret är stort, vilket socialarbetarna upplever som motiverande och viktigt. Individerna uppger sig söka stöd från arbetsparet och arbetsgemenskapen för att minska på belastningen. Denna metod upplevs som en av den mest centrala förebyggande faktorn för arbetsutmattning. Socialarbetarna uppger sig ständigt reflektera över det egna välbefinnande samt sträva till att upprätthålla en balans mellan de olika delområdena i livet. De försöker medvetet åtgärda en obalans ifall den tillfälligt rubbas av för stor belastning i arbetet eller i det privata livet. Att uppvisa flexibelt och positivt förhållningssätt inför arbetsmetoder och de övriga i arbetsgemenskapen är viktigt. Likaså nämns humorn som en viktig förebyggande faktor. Att utveckla sina arbetsmetoder angående prioritering och professionalitet beaktas ständigt för att klara av att bemästra arbetet och förebygga arbetsutmattning. Det kan konstateras att socialarbetarna gav en bild av att det är möjligt som socialarbetare inom barnskyddet att uppleva arbetet som meningsfullt. Likaså att arbetet är möjligt att hantera trots de ökade upplevelserna av för stor belastning inom socialarbetaryrket överlag. Det är även möjligt att påverka en hel del faktorer som förebygger utmattning på längre sikt både på det personliga planet och inom arbetsgemenskapen. Den egna attityden framstod även som betydelsefull och den kan åtminstone alla teoretiskt sätt själv påverka.
  • Keil, Catarina (2023)
    Aim. An alarming rate of today’s teachers feel exhausted and burnout. Research points out that this exhaustion might commence already during teacher studies and is then transferred to the profession. According to international reports there is a global trend where newly qualified teachers choose a career change only a few years after their exam, which indicates that the transition from teacher student to qualified teacher is specifically challenging. Concurrently there seems to be a lack of adequate social support for newly qualified teachers. At the time of this study there were, for example, no regulated or unitary induction periods or designated mentors for beginning teachers in Finland. Nonetheless, studies concerning social support in teacher studies and teaching professions have confirmed that support is one of the foremost resources that enhances teacher students’ and teachers’ resilience, acts as a buffer against stress, promotes wellbeing and, therefore, has a protective effect on their health. The aim of this study was to investigate the teacher students’ and newly qualified teachers’ experiences of their social support system in their studies and in the profession. Did they receive support from different sources (Alsubaie et al., 2019; Malecki & Demaray, 2003; Thoits, 1995) and different forms (Cobb, 1976) of support? And does the given social support correspond to the needs of support? (Cutrona, 1990). The study also wanted to find out how inspiring/burdensome teacher students and newly qualified teachers perceived their studies/profession. The study also unravels the teacher students’ and newly qualified teachers’ experiences on social support during the pandemic. Methods. This research was a quantitative pilot study using descriptive methods. A total of 18 teacher students and 6 newly qualified teachers from a university in Finland responded to an electronic enquiry about their experiences on social support. The data was collected based on a social support system enquiry which has been validated in previous research (Cornér, 2020; Pyhältö et al., 2009; 2015; 2018; Väisänen, 2019). In order to measure the teacher students’ and newly qualified teachers’ experiences of wellbeing/burden in their studies/profession the measuring instrument Socio-Contextual Teacher Burnout Inventory (STBI) (Cornér, 2020; Pietarinen et al., 2013; Pyhältö et al. 2015; Väisänen, 2016) was used. As the sample was small (<30), non-parametric methods have been applied. The analysis was carried out by IBM SPSS version 26. The study included one open question (no 23) to identify which forms of support teacher students and newly qualified teachers would perceive as most beneficial to them. Results. The majority of teacher students and newly qualified classroom teachers were satisfied with their studies and their jobs. They received social support from several different support sources in several different forms. Teacher students as well as classroom teachers perceived that informational and emotional support would be most beneficial for them. Teacher students, on one hand, called for more and better constructive feedback (informational support) and more understanding and empathy from educators in their studies. Classroom teachers, on the other hand, asked for practical advice from colleagues. Furthermore, they requested support from a mentor, specifically assigned for a role to incorporate newly qualified teachers in the activities of the school and receive practical information about the profession and the daily tasks. The support fit corresponded well with the needs of newly qualified teachers at the workplace whereas the teacher students were more critical of the support fit in their studies. Already during teacher education, it would, therefore, be critical to communicate the importance of social support and teach student teachers to express their needs for support as well as to give and receive support.
  • Keil, Catarina (2023)
    Aim. An alarming rate of today’s teachers feel exhausted and burnout. Research points out that this exhaustion might commence already during teacher studies and is then transferred to the profession. According to international reports there is a global trend where newly qualified teachers choose a career change only a few years after their exam, which indicates that the transition from teacher student to qualified teacher is specifically challenging. Concurrently there seems to be a lack of adequate social support for newly qualified teachers. At the time of this study there were, for example, no regulated or unitary induction periods or designated mentors for beginning teachers in Finland. Nonetheless, studies concerning social support in teacher studies and teaching professions have confirmed that support is one of the foremost resources that enhances teacher students’ and teachers’ resilience, acts as a buffer against stress, promotes wellbeing and, therefore, has a protective effect on their health. The aim of this study was to investigate the teacher students’ and newly qualified teachers’ experiences of their social support system in their studies and in the profession. Did they receive support from different sources (Alsubaie et al., 2019; Malecki & Demaray, 2003; Thoits, 1995) and different forms (Cobb, 1976) of support? And does the given social support correspond to the needs of support? (Cutrona, 1990). The study also wanted to find out how inspiring/burdensome teacher students and newly qualified teachers perceived their studies/profession. The study also unravels the teacher students’ and newly qualified teachers’ experiences on social support during the pandemic. Methods. This research was a quantitative pilot study using descriptive methods. A total of 18 teacher students and 6 newly qualified teachers from a university in Finland responded to an electronic enquiry about their experiences on social support. The data was collected based on a social support system enquiry which has been validated in previous research (Cornér, 2020; Pyhältö et al., 2009; 2015; 2018; Väisänen, 2019). In order to measure the teacher students’ and newly qualified teachers’ experiences of wellbeing/burden in their studies/profession the measuring instrument Socio-Contextual Teacher Burnout Inventory (STBI) (Cornér, 2020; Pietarinen et al., 2013; Pyhältö et al. 2015; Väisänen, 2016) was used. As the sample was small (<30), non-parametric methods have been applied. The analysis was carried out by IBM SPSS version 26. The study included one open question (no 23) to identify which forms of support teacher students and newly qualified teachers would perceive as most beneficial to them. Results. The majority of teacher students and newly qualified classroom teachers were satisfied with their studies and their jobs. They received social support from several different support sources in several different forms. Teacher students as well as classroom teachers perceived that informational and emotional support would be most beneficial for them. Teacher students, on one hand, called for more and better constructive feedback (informational support) and more understanding and empathy from educators in their studies. Classroom teachers, on the other hand, asked for practical advice from colleagues. Furthermore, they requested support from a mentor, specifically assigned for a role to incorporate newly qualified teachers in the activities of the school and receive practical information about the profession and the daily tasks. The support fit corresponded well with the needs of newly qualified teachers at the workplace whereas the teacher students were more critical of the support fit in their studies. Already during teacher education, it would, therefore, be critical to communicate the importance of social support and teach student teachers to express their needs for support as well as to give and receive support.