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  • Partanen, Helmi (2021)
    Suomalaiseen ilmastopolitiikkaan vaikuttaa moninainen joukko intressiryhmiä tuotannon organisaatioista ympäristöjärjestöihin. Vaikuttavuutta ilmastopolitiikassa tuo verkostoituminen hallinnon kanssa, sekä hallinnon kanssa jaettu arvopohja: useimmiten näkemys siitä, että talouden etu on turvattava. 1900-luvun loppupuoliskolta tätä vaikuttavuutta on rakennettu vaikuttajaviestinnän avulla. Viestintäala on kasvanut, ja sen yhteiskunnallista merkitystä on herätty tutkimaan kriittisesti. Tutkielma on haastattelututkimus yhdeksän suomalaisen ilmastopolitiikan intressiryhmän vaikuttajaviestijän kokemuksista työstään. Aineistoa on analysoitu laadullisesti erottamalla siitä pieniä tarinoita, antenarratiiveja, ja arvioimalla, millaisen kuvan ne antavat vaikuttajaviestijöiden työn arjesta ja arvoista, ammattieetoksesta. Työn teoreettisena viitekehyksenä on ammatillista itseymmärrystä kuvaava ammattieetoksen käsite. Tuloksena on neljä eetosta vaikuttajaviestijän työstä ilmastopolitiikan kentällä. Eetoksista käy ilmi, että vaikuttajat kokevat työnsä itselleen tärkeiden arvojen, ilmastovastuullisuuden, talousvastuullisuuden tai tiedepohjaisuuden puolustajina. He kokevat työnsä olevan tavanomainen osa deliberatiivista demokratiaa. Vaikuttajaviestintää he pitävät tehokkaampana ja asiantuntevampana tapana vaikuttaa, kuin julkista vaikuttamista. Toisaalta vaikuttajat myös kokivat vaikuttajaviestinnän merkityksen suomalaiselle ilmastopolitiikalle julkista käsitystä vähäisemmäksi. Analyysin ote on kriittinen: ammattieetoksen kertomusten ymmärretään olevan paitsi totuuden heijastelua, myös politiikan teon välineitä. Johtopäätös on, että ammattieetokset kuvastavat niin vaikuttajaviestijöiden ammatillista itseymmärrystä, kuin suomalaista ilmastopolitiikkaa. Ammattieetokset sisältävät ristiriitoja ja neuvotteluita merkityksistä. Ne kuvaavat liikkeessä olevan alan elävää tarinaa.
  • Ylönen, Lyydia (2020)
    The Forest Academy for Decision-makers is a well-known concept. It is necessary to evaluate the concept occasionally as it was created already in 1995. The goal of the Forest Academy is to increase dialogue between forest sector and rest of society by providing a forum to arouse interest towards forest issues and the possibilities that the field can provide for society, create new networks and provide stimulations for forest professionals from other sectors. Interaction, high-class presentations and attractions and the unique course spirit are in the core of the concept. I have evaluated the impact and effectiveness of the Forest Academy forums in this quality study. I have studied weather the concept has been able to affect in decision making or has something been achieved in the forest sector or wider in the society by utilizing networks or substance from the courses. I have interviewed course participants in 2016. Additionally, I have analyzed the course themes and how those have been changed during the past 20 years. I have used the previous evaluation study of the Forest Academy forums for planning this study and it is also valuable to compare results between these studies. The Forest Academy has improved the understanding of the Finnish forest sector among decision-makers. The acceptability of the forest sector and forest utilization and the national consensus in forest issues have strengthened by the Forest Academy. It has offered a memorable four-day-course experience for over thousand decision-makers. The concept has worked effectively as it has created new networks, added knowledge of the forest sector, and introduced how pervasive the forest and natural resource sector is. The results support the future demand for this kind of forum. At the same time, it is important to reach appropriate, effective, and committed participants for the upcoming courses. However, the concept needs developing as society and operational environment has become more hectic and global, forest sector is nowadays part of the bioeconomy and the whole natural resources and bioeconomy field faces strong expectations how to tackle the climate change and maintain biodiversity. The Forest Academy would need to answer more and more complex and wider topics. It demands development of the concept structure, encourage for interdisciplinary collaboration with various interest groups, even more interactive working during the courses, and bolder visions of the future role of forests. However, the basic knowledge of the forest related issues cannot be neglect. Forest Academy would need to consider, how to coordinate continuous and more determined developing, which takes into account the different operational environment than 20 years ago. The Forest Academy should still regard that the two-way communication really works in practice.
  • Lehtomäki, Emma (2016)
    The aim of this study is to examine the communication ethics of lobbying from the perspective of lobbyists. Lobbying is a constantly growing phenomenon but has not been paid much attention to in speech communication. Most of the previous studies on lobbying have emphasized the perspective of politicians or other "recipients" of lobbying. Lobbying can be defined as professional and interpersonal persuasive communication that aims to influence the opinions or attitudes of others. Usually the main objective of lobbying is to affect the political decision making process. Lobbying involves communication in different types of contexts and relations. Interpersonal communication that aims to influence or persuade others should always be examined with ethical sensitivity. As there are no formal rules or code of ethics in Finland for lobbying, the ethics of the profession rely essentially on lobbyists themselves. Lobbying is an important part of democracy and therefore it is important to address the issue of communication ethics in lobbying. The focus of this study is on understanding the different ethical dimensions of the communication in lobbying. The data of this research was collected by interviewing nine lobbyists. In the interviews the informants described their experiences of professional lobbying. Two main themes were found in these descriptions: the relationships and ethical values guiding the communication. These main themes were divided into six other ethical dimensions of lobbying: 1) disclosure and transparency, 2) honesty, 3) credibility, 4) agreeing with the core message, 5) personal relationships and 6) mutual responsibility. The results indicate that the diversity of lobbying communication makes it possible to view the ethics of lobbying from multiple perspectives. The results had very much in common with the previous literature on ethical communication but also pointed out the demand for further research. It was concluded that the values guiding ethical lobbying, such as disclosure and transparency, were considered as commonly shared values. The data also suggests that ethical lobbying is based on the idea of communication as a dialogue.
  • Lehtomäki, Emma; Helsingin yliopisto; Käyttäytymistieteellinen tiedekunta; Käyttäytymistieteiden laitos (2016)
    The aim of this study is to examine the communication ethics of lobbying from the perspective of lobbyists. Lobbying is a constantly growing phenomenon but has not been paid much attention to in speech communication. Most of the previous studies on lobbying have emphasized the perspective of politicians or other “recipients” of lobbying. Lobbying can be defined as professional and interpersonal persuasive communication that aims to influence the opinions or attitudes of others. Usually the main objective of lobbying is to affect the political decision making process. Lobbying involves communication in different types of contexts and relations. Interpersonal communication that aims to influence or persuade others should always be examined with ethical sensitivity. As there are no formal rules or code of ethics in Finland for lobbying, the ethics of the profession rely essentially on lobbyists themselves. Lobbying is an important part of democracy and therefore it is important to address the issue of communication ethics in lobbying. The focus of this study is on understanding the different ethical dimensions of the communication in lobbying. The data of this research was collected by interviewing nine lobbyists. In the interviews the informants described their experiences of professional lobbying. Two main themes were found in these descriptions: the relationships and ethical values guiding the communication. These main themes were divided into six other ethical dimensions of lobbying: 1) disclosure and transparency, 2) honesty, 3) credibility, 4) agreeing with the core message, 5) personal relationships and 6) mutual responsibility. The results indicate that the diversity of lobbying communication makes it possible to view the ethics of lobbying from multiple perspectives. The results had very much in common with the previous literature on ethical communication but also pointed out the demand for further research. It was concluded that the values guiding ethical lobbying, such as disclosure and transparency, were considered as commonly shared values. The data also suggests that ethical lobbying is based on the idea of communication as a dialogue.