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  • Huda, Al-Araji (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli tuoda esille alle kouluikäisten lasten vanhempien ko-kemuksia lapsiinsa kohdistuneesta kiusaamisesta päiväkotiryhmässä. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat osoittaneet, että alle kouluikäisten välistä kiusaamista on olemassa, ja tutkielman teoriassa määrittelin kiusaamisen hyödyntäen aiempia tutkimuksia. Kuitenkaan vanhempien kokemuksis-ta ei tutkimuksia juurikaan ole, joten sitä suuremmalla syyllä tutkielmani aihe oli ajankohtainen ja tärkeä. Verkkokeskusteluiden luotettavuutta on arvioitava kriittisesti, mutta niillä on merki-tystä lähtökohtansa puolesta – vanhemmat ovat kirjoittaneet kokemuksistaan ilman ulkopuolista painostusta, avoimesti ja rehellisesti. Menetelmät. Olen toteuttanut tutkielmani analyysin aineistolähtöisenä sisällönanalyysinä, jossa vanhempien anonyymisti julkaisemia verkkokeskusteluja lapsensa kohtaamasta kiusaamisesta käytettiin aineistona. Keskustelut päätyivät tutkielman aineistoksi valikoiden ja pyrin löytämään niistä yhteisiä elementtejä. Analysointivaiheessa verkkokirjoituksista poimin toistuvat piirteet ja ne on pelkistetty kolmeen pääluokkaan, jotka vastaavat tutkimuskysymykseen: ”Minkälaiset kokemukset alle kouluikäisten vanhemmilla on lastensa kiusaamisesta?” Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkielmani tulokset osoittavat, että vanhempien kokemukset kiu-saamisesta ovat poikkeuksetta negatiivisia. Kaikista kirjoituksista on havaittavissa kolme toistu-vaa aihealuetta: turhautuminen ratkaisun puuttumista kohtaan, avun ja vertaistuen pyytäminen sekä vastuun perääminen henkilöstöltä. Tutkimustulokset ovat tärkeitä, sillä ne kuvastavat mur-heellista tilannetta kiusaamisen kontekstissa varhaiskasvatuksessa.
  • Hietamäki, Maija (2015)
    Study aims: Parents' role has been emphasized in children's speech therapy in recent years. There has, however, been very little research done on parents' experiences of their children's speech therapy. By learning more about parents' perceptions of speech therapy it is possible to increase the acceptance of therapy, develop therapy practices and the training of professionals. This study concentrated on stuttering children's speech therapy because there is very little research done on the topic and the role of parents is especially important in the speech therapy of stuttering children. The aim of this study was to increase the knowledge of parents' experiences of stuttering children's speech therapy as a part of daily life. Methods: The method in this study was a semi-structured interview. Altogether eight interviews were done in which seven mothers and one mother-father pair was interviewed. All the stuttering children were boys, aged 7 to 17 years. The interviews were done during May-June 2014. Theory bound content analysis was used in the study. Results and conclusions: For the parents speech therapy and the cooperation with the speech therapist was mainly a positive experience. The biggest challenge was the lack of therapy resources. The parents had mainly been successful in combining family life and therapy although the hurry of everyday life in families with small children was evident. Supporting children's speech fluency was seen as challenging. Some of the advice received in supporting the child's speech fluency had been seen helpful for the parents while some others were questioned. The parents would have wanted more guidance from the speech therapist in supporting the child's speech fluency in everyday life. Acceptance and commitment therapy was seen as more helpful than speech therapy in helping the parents come to terms with their child's stuttering and in supporting the child's speech fluency. Parents saw the peer support as especially helpful. The child's age had a bearing on the parents' experiences of their own role, on how well family life could be combined with therapy and on which of the ways to support the child's speech fluency were seen as helpful. The lack of therapy resources and especially the regional differences in therapy resources was evident in this study. On the basis of this study it can be stated that the parents of stuttering children experience their role in speech therapy as an important one. The role of parents is also experienced as challenging due to the lack of therapy resources and the hurry of everyday life. There should be more emphasis in speech therapy on parental guidance and on considering the family's overall situation. The lack of therapy resources, however, makes increasing the parental guidance difficult. More research is needed on parents' experiences of their stuttering children's speech therapy in order to take the parents' perspective better in to consideration in speech therapy.
  • Dahlgren, Anna (2016)
    Objectives: 18 percent of Finnish children have some kind of articulation problems when starting their school path. Lack of speech therapists and unequal spread of these professionals has reduced possibility to receive speech therapy for mild problems. Instead resources are allocated for clients with severe speech and language disorders. In some municipalities parents and special education teachers are already responsible for the remediation of articulation problems. The aim of this study was to identify if Äännekoulu-website ( can help to rehabilitate articulation problems and if the site will meet the needs of the parents struggling with their children' articulation problem. Methods: The study was qualitatively centred mixed method design that had also some quantitative elements. 21 children between the ages of 5 and 7 with /r/ articulation problem participated in this study. Children were tested three times. Children's spontaneous development of /r/ was controlled by having one month break after the first testing. After the second test families received the right to use Äännekoulu practice materials. Families were instructed to use the site for two months just as regular paying customers would do. Outcome of the intervention was observed during the third test. Families were also given a phone call after one and a half months of the last test to explore the possible changes in the /r/ articulation. In addition families were asked to keep a record of their home practices and answer in a survey concerning the Äännekoulu intervention period. Results and conclusions: Six families dropped out from the intervention. Five children found the right /r/ spontaneously. 12 families participated in the remediation period and one child found the missing /r/. Nine children had no changes in their articulation. From these nine children three continued their practice after the real intervention. During one month of practice two out of these three children found the /r/ completely and one learned to do long /r/-vibration. Families didn't practice a lot and they were unsatisfied with the amount of practice. According to the parents health issues within the family, burdensome family situations, lack of time, child's unwillingness to complete assignments, technical difficulties and laziness were the biggest barriers for practicing. Families considered Äännekoulu to be a good way to practice. Families were pleased about the nice games and the possibility to practise whenever and wherever since the exercises were available online. Unfortunately families trained impractically without knowing it and actually reinforced the incorrect articulation. Parents thought that the visual look of Äännekoulu should be revised and some of them also longed for more diverse games. Still the most crucial target for development in Äännekoulu is the instructions of the assignments. The model of the site hasn't been clear to the users even though families didn't consider the website to be confusing. It's clear that the the instructions have been insufficient since only one family realised how to progress accordingly. On the basis of this study it can be stated that speech therapist's guidance is significant when rehabilitating articulation problems. In the future it would be beneficial to explore, what kind of home instructions help families to execute their role in a best way possible, what is the role of a speech therapist in the future especially when considering telepractice or other technological services and can Äännekoulu fulfill the gap in the field of articulation remediation.
  • Dahlgren, Anna (2016)
    Objectives: 18 percent of Finnish children have some kind of articulation problems when starting their school path. Lack of speech therapists and unequal spread of these professionals has reduced possibility to receive speech therapy for mild problems. Instead resources are allocated for clients with severe speech and language disorders. In some municipalities parents and special education teachers are already responsible for the remediation of articulation problems. The aim of this study was to identify if Äännekoulu-website ( can help to rehabilitate articulation problems and if the site will meet the needs of the parents struggling with their children’ articulation problem. Methods: The study was qualitatively centred mixed method design that had also some quantitative elements. 21 children between the ages of 5 and 7 with /r/ articulation problem participated in this study. Children were tested three times. Children’s spontaneous development of /r/ was controlled by having one month break after the first testing. After the second test families received the right to use Äännekoulu practice materials. Families were instructed to use the site for two months just as regular paying customers would do. Outcome of the intervention was observed during the third test. Families were also given a phone call after one and a half months of the last test to explore the possible changes in the /r/ articulation. In addition families were asked to keep a record of their home practices and answer in a survey concerning the Äännekoulu intervention period. Results and conclusions: Six families dropped out from the intervention. Five children found the right /r/ spontaneously. 12 families participated in the remediation period and one child found the missing /r/. Nine children had no changes in their articulation. From these nine children three continued their practice after the real intervention. During one month of practice two out of these three children found the /r/ completely and one learned to do long /r/-vibration. Families didn’t practice a lot and they were unsatisfied with the amount of practice. According to the parents health issues within the family, burdensome family situations, lack of time, child’s unwillingness to complete assignments, technical difficulties and laziness were the biggest barriers for practicing. Families considered Äännekoulu to be a good way to practice. Families were pleased about the nice games and the possibility to practise whenever and wherever since the exercises were available online. Unfortunately families trained impractically without knowing it and actually reinforced the incorrect articulation. Parents thought that the visual look of Äännekoulu should be revised and some of them also longed for more diverse games. Still the most crucial target for development in Äännekoulu is the instructions of the assignments. The model of the site hasn’t been clear to the users even though families didn’t consider the website to be confusing. It’s clear that the the instructions have been insufficient since only one family realised how to progress accordingly. On the basis of this study it can be stated that speech therapist’s guidance is significant when rehabilitating articulation problems. In the future it would be beneficial to explore, what kind of home instructions help families to execute their role in a best way possible, what is the role of a speech therapist in the future especially when considering telepractice or other technological services and can Äännekoulu fulfil the gap in the field of articulation remediation.
  • Vaaranen-Valkonen, Nina (2012)
    Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin kuinka yhteneväisiä ovat kahdeksasluokkalaisten nuorten ja heidän vanhempiensa arviot nuorten terveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista. Lisäksi tarkasteltiin nuoren sukupuolen merkitystä arviointien yhteneväisyyteen ja tutkittiin sosiodemografisten tekijöiden vaikutusta nuorten terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin arviointeihin. Tutkimuksessa painotetaan sukupuolinäkökulmaa ja teoreettisena viitekehyksenä toimii sosialisaatioteoria. Aiemmat tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että vanhempien ja nuorten arviot nuorten terveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista ovat ristiriitaisia (Upton, Lawford, Eiser, 2008). Vanhemmat tekevät käytännössä usein päätökset nuorten terveydenhoitoon liittyvissä asioissa. Erot nuorten terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin arvioinneissa voivat pahimmillaan pitkittää nuoren subjektiivista kärsimystä ja viivyttää avun saamista. Tutkimuskysymykset muodostettiin aiemman tutkimustiedon pohjalta seuraavasti: 1. Ovatko vanhempien arviot nuorten terveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista optimistisempia kuin nuorten omat arviot? 2. Eroavatko vanhempien arviot nuorten terveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista tyttöjen ja poikien osalta? ja 3. Vaikuttavatko sosiodemografiset tekijät (vanhempien siviilisääty, koulutustaso ja perheen taloudellinen tilanne) nuorten ja vanhempien arvioihin nuoren terveydestä ja hyvinvoinnista? Tutkimusaineisto liittyi Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen toteuttamaan Lasten ja nuorten terveysseurannan kehittämishankkeeseen (LATE 2006–2011) ja hankkeessa toteutettua tutkimusta vuosina 2007–2009 (N= 6509). Tutkimusaineisto oli osa LATE-hankkeessa vuonna 2007 kerättyä aineistoa ja kohderyhmänä olivat suomalaiset kahdeksasluokkalaiset nuoret (N= 1002) ja heidän vanhempansa (N= 1002). Tutkimuksen otos analyyseissä koostui 994 vanhempi-lapsi parista. Otoksesta oli tyttöjä 53 prosenttia. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin PASW18 tilasto-ohjelmaa ja kvantitatiivisia menetelmiä. Nuoren terveyttä ja hyvinvointia mitattiin kolmen indikaattorin kautta, jotka olivat koettu terveys, mieliala ja somaattiset oireet ja vaikeudet. Arvioiden yhteneväisyyttä ja yhteneväisyyden voimakkuutta tutkittiin korrelaatiokertoimien (Pearson) kautta ja lisäksi korrelaatioiden yhtä suuruutta tarkasteltiin nuorten sukupuoliryhmien välillä. Ryhmätasolla arviointien yhteneväisyyksiä ja eroavuuksia tutkittiin Studentin t-testillä ja ristiintaulukoinnin sekä χ²-testien kautta. Sosiodemografisten tekijöiden yhteyttä vanhempien ja nuorten arvioihin tarkasteltiin yksisuuntaisella varianssianalyysillä (ANOVA). Kaikissa analyyseissä huomioitiin nuoret sukupuoliryhmittäin. Tutkimuksen päätuloksena oli, että poikien eriasteinen somaattinen oireilu ja vaikeudet jäävät niin äideiltä kuin isiltäkin helpommin huomaamatta. Vanhempien heikompi kyky tunnistaa poikien kuin tyttöjen oireilua ja vaikeuksia sekä mielialaa voi pahimmillaan johtaa tilanteeseen, jossa ongelmat kasautuvat ja poikien pahoinvoinnin tunnistaminen ja avun saanti viivästyvät. Lisäksi perherakenteiden muutokset ja perheiden sosioekonomisen tilanteen heikkeneminen näyttävät heijastuvan nuorten arvioihin heikompana terveytenä ja hyvinvointina. Tutkimustulosten mukaan kahdeksasluokkalaisten nuorten terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin arvioinneissa tulee ensisijaisesti kuunnella nuorten omaa arviota. Lisäksi poikien omaan arvioon tulee kiinnittää erityistä huomiota. Näin voidaan vähentää nuorten subjektiivista kärsimystä ja luoda myönteisemmät edellytykset aikuisiän parempaan hyvinvointiin.
  • Stèn, Laura Anna Katarina (2015)
    Objective. The objective of the study was to describe the parents' perceptions on liability and safety issues concerning physical education in schools. The liability issue arose 2013 due to a certain accident that occurred during a school PE lesson. The discussion on the matter culminated when OAJ (The Trade Union of Education in Finland) considered whether accident-prone sports should be banned in schools. This study examined the parents' views on who or what is liable and which factors affect the division of liability among these instances. The challenges in teaching PE have been analyzed by e.g. Poutala (2010), Hakala (1999) and Segercrantz (2001). In their Master's Thesis Kainulainen and Tikkanen (2002) have looked at the due process rights of teachers and at how teachers would operate in the case of a hypothetical accident. This study researches how parents view a similar situation and whom they consider liable in it. Method. Five parents of comprehensive school pupils were interviewed for the study. During the interview the parents reported their views concerning the special characteristics of PE defined by Poutala (2010). These characteristics include supervision, problems with grouping, illnesses and the hazards they cause, equipment and clothing as well as transfers to the location of the lesson. The parents also analyzed two accidents taking place during PE lessons and pondered on liabilities there. Results and conclusions. In the parents' point of view one person alone is not liable at schools. The liability was perceived to divide among the teacher, the pupil, the classmates, the parents and the provider of education. The age and skills of the pupil as well as the possible risks of the sport were seen as contributors to the division of liability. The parents saw that the riskier the sport, the more liable the teacher was. The special characteristics of PE were not seen as problematic. When it comes to grouping during PE lessons the parents viewed that pupils could study in mixed groups with boys and girls throughout primary school. A minority of those interviewed thought that pupils ought to transfer to the location of the lesson with the teacher and that if the pupil knows the way, they could go home independently from the location of the lesson. Some of the parents would allow pupils to be left without the teacher's supervision in the case of a group division during lesson. This study provides an insight onto how parents view the safety issues and the division of liability in the teaching of physical education. With the help of this study teachers are able to liken their views to those of the parents'.
  • Majuri, Hanna (2022)
    The purpose of this study is to elucidate the experiences of parents of children with special needs when encountering professionals and to understand the meaning of these encounters. Child’s special needs affect parents in many ways and there is more parental burnout among parents of children with special needs. Parents of children with special needs regularly encounter professionals from social services, health services and schools and family-centeredness has become one of the values that conduct services planning. Family-centered practices recognizes parents as the experts on their child, acknowledges the individuality of the families, promotes partnership, and are based on the family’s strengths. In previous studies parents described parents as the experts on their child but stated that professionals do not always acknowledge their expertise. System is described fragmented, and parents experience that professionals do not see the complexity of their lives. The study is based on thirteen semi-structured qualitative interviews with parents of children with special needs. The interview material was analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Results showed that when encountering professionals parents experienced that parents and professionals had different roles. The roles of the professionals were companion, expert, know-it-all, and border guard. The roles of the parents were expert, organizer, and fighter. System affected encounters as it was experienced fragmented, and it contained different rules. Also, diagnosis and resources affected encounters. Encounters, occupational skills, services, and information sharing were experienced coincidental. Encounters evoke emotions and emotions affected encounters. Based on the results, it can be concluded that from parents’ perspectives there are issues that hinder family-centered practices. Encounters also have issues that increase parents’ burden. System should be improved so that it matches better the needs of the families, for example there could be a coordinating professional. Professionals should acknowledge parents’ expertise and consider parents’ emotions when encountering them.
  • Majuri, Hanna (2022)
    The purpose of this study is to elucidate the experiences of parents of children with special needs when encountering professionals and to understand the meaning of these encounters. Child’s special needs affect parents in many ways and there is more parental burnout among parents of children with special needs. Parents of children with special needs regularly encounter professionals from social services, health services and schools and family-centeredness has become one of the values that conduct services planning. Family-centered practices recognizes parents as the experts on their child, acknowledges the individuality of the families, promotes partnership, and are based on the family’s strengths. In previous studies parents described parents as the experts on their child but stated that professionals do not always acknowledge their expertise. System is described fragmented, and parents experience that professionals do not see the complexity of their lives. The study is based on thirteen semi-structured qualitative interviews with parents of children with special needs. The interview material was analyzed using interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA). Results showed that when encountering professionals parents experienced that parents and professionals had different roles. The roles of the professionals were companion, expert, know-it-all, and border guard. The roles of the parents were expert, organizer, and fighter. System affected encounters as it was experienced fragmented, and it contained different rules. Also, diagnosis and resources affected encounters. Encounters, occupational skills, services, and information sharing were experienced coincidental. Encounters evoke emotions and emotions affected encounters. Based on the results, it can be concluded that from parents’ perspectives there are issues that hinder family-centered practices. Encounters also have issues that increase parents’ burden. System should be improved so that it matches better the needs of the families, for example there could be a coordinating professional. Professionals should acknowledge parents’ expertise and consider parents’ emotions when encountering them.
  • Radi, Heini (2016)
    The aim of this study is to examine parents' thoughts about their children's hobbies. Intention is to investigate factors that parents think are essential in hobbies. I reflect parents' upbringing perspective with social climate that highlights individuality, efficiency and competitiveness in the spirit of neo-liberal policy. My interest is directed to the potential benefits that parents believe hobbies produce. The capitalistic values of neo-liberal politic seems to have background influence in school and in leisure and I seek to examine indication of these values in parents speech. Previous studies suggest that hobbies serve as one form of cultural and social capital when choosing educational paths. Skills obtained at school alone don’t seem to suffice for the aptitude tests to selective classes, but with suitable hobbies one can acquire necessary capital to pass the tests. The ideal of healthy citizen and wholesome activity has also been sought through hobbies. With proper hobbies there is also the parental desire that their child finds suitable friends. Organized activity has even been considered as a vaccine for social exclusion and behavioural problems, especially during puberty. The study material consists of four interviews. The interviewees were parents of preschoolers in a day care center in the capital regionof Finland. Interviews were conducted as theme interviews and they were transcribed and analysed according to the principles of content analysis. Based on this research, hobbies were thought to bring content and interests into children's lives which would help them find their ”own thing”. Hobby-specific know-how, sport skills and better self-esteem were mentioned as benefits of hobbies too. The most significant advantages were thought to be the health benefits, the development of communication skills and the prevention of social exclusion. Health education was underlined by several interviewees and these parents believed that organized physical activity and sports lifestyle passes into adulthood. There was not significant evidence of neo-liberal policies in parents' speech.
  • Kimpimäki, Anu (2014)
    Objectives. The aim of this study was to find out in what kind of factors parents explain their child's decision to select or not to select crafts as an optional subject. The research question was: How do a student's parents explain the choice of taking crafts as an optional subject in 8th and 9th grade? The question was then divided in three sections of how parents explain the decision in different situations; when the student is going to elect crafts, when the student is unsure of what to select and when the student has decided not to select crafts as an optional subject. Parents' point of view to a child's optional subject election has not been studied previously. Methods. The answer to the research question was examined from a data collected with an internet based question form. The data was collected from the parents of 7th graders in the autumn 2013. Craft teachers all over Finland received the form to be sent out to 7th graders' parents through TAO, technical work teacher union and TOL, textiles teacher union. The question form was answered 1397 times of which 1019 answers were relevant from the point of view of this study as they had answered to the question where the parent was asked to explain the previous question of to choose or not to choose crafts as an optional subject. The data was analyzed using content analysis with atlas.ti computer program. Results and conclusions. The answers were coded in five main categories (positive, unsure, negative, other and parents' attitudes and estimations of the child's motives). At the end the answers were categorized in three groups depending if the child will elect crafts, is still unsure, or if the child will not elect crafts as an optional subject. The results can roughly be put in six different groups. Among students who were electing crafts were two groups: respondents who were interested or liked crafts and respondents who elected crafts to balance the academic subjects. Among students who were still unsure of the election were two groups as well: people who didn't yet know what to choose and people who possibly might elect crafts if there was space after electing the more important subjects. Among students who had decided not to elect crafts formed two groups again: Respondents who were not interested in doing crafts and respondents who might have been interested but were more interested in other subjects. This study gives information about who are in the target group of selecting crafts and in what reasons crafts are selected as an optional subject. This study might give advantage to people who teach crafts as they might get more possibilities to influence on more students to choose crafts as an optional subject in the future.
  • Salmi, Hanna-Kaisa (2018)
    The role of parental language choice and code-switching in early bilingual lexical development
  • Harjola, Aava (2016)
    The purpose of this research is to find out the perceptions of parents about the selection of a bully victim i.e. why some children get bullied in a group of children, and some do not. It must be clarified, that the purpose of the research is not to find any reason for the justification of bullying, but to find information on how and on what account a bully chooses its victim. Earlier theories about bullying insist that the reasons behind bullying can be traced to the bully, not the victim. Even so, it must be brought to light that victims of bullying exist, and that they often resemble each other in some way or another. The main goal of this research is to find these commonalities, this time from the point of view of the parents. It will be interesting to see if these common features are something we can interfere with, in order to prevent being selected as a victim of bullying. The point of view of the parents is crucially important to this research, because attitudes towards bullying and victims of bullying, can be easily forwarded from parents to their children and so on into their peer relationships, without the parents intending to do so. In fact, one goal of the research was to see whether there could be seen a negative approach towards the victims of bullying in the answers of the parents, which could be forwarded to the children through their upbringing. It was as important to find out the parents opinions on the interference of bullying, and how it could be done. The research material was gathered during December 2015 with an online questionnaire. The questionnaire gained 183 answers from the parents of under school aged children, living in Helsinki. Phenomenography was used as the research method. The results of the research could be divided into three types of groups. Based on the results the selection of a victim of bullying happens coincidentally and for any reason. There are ways in which parents can interfere with the selection, but these ways are seen as dubious. Based on the results, the risk of getting bullied is twice as high with a child whose parents have been bullied, compared to a child whose parents have not been bullied.
  • Takamäki, Salla (2019)
    This Bachelor’s Thesis focuses on attachment and self. This is a literature review aiming to build overall picture of the phenomenon chosen and is based on the literature of the subject. The research question is the following: How is the attachment and self and their connection studied and how the subject is presented in the studies and literature? According to the research material self can be understood everything that one experiences to belong to their persona. Crucial part of the self is also the social dimension which means how one sees themselves in relation to others by mirroring others behaviuor to own. Both attachment theory and study focuses on the interaction relationships between people. According to the attachmet theory ones inner working models become answers to the fundamental queastions. In the light of the studies providen, in a safe affectional bond child feels loved just the way they are and is capable to trust their parents whereas in an unsafe affectional bond this is not the case. According to the research there is a connection between self and attachment. Safe affectional bond between parent and a child is an idicator of strong self and its formation and also provides resources for the child to become their unique self. In an unsafe affectional bond child isn’t able to develop their emotional expression and it can reflect to their own self development
  • Myyrinmaa, Kristiina (2015)
    The aim of the study. A need to involve customers in decision making, planning, implementation and evaluating quality regarding their services has been identified in health care since 1990s'. According to ecological theories, communication should be rehabilitated by impacting both the communication disabled person and his/her communication partners and environments. For communication interventions, ICF classification offers a framework that emphasizes individual's functioning and participation. In speech therapy, community –based rehabilitation has become a common working method beside and even ahead direct ways of working with a customer. Community –based approach means collaborating with communication partners to enable development of communication. Parents have taken part in their children's speech therapy, but up until the beginning of the millennium their perceptions about the received services had not been explored. The effectiveness of speech therapy can be studied from different perspectives with qualitative and quantitative measures. The aim of this study was to explore parental views and experiences of the impact of the speech therapy their child has received on daily communication and interaction. Method. Data was collected by a questionnaire. Questionnaire was sent to those parents of medical and therapy clinic Contextia's speech therapy customers, whose child had received speech therapy for at least six months. 25 respondents filled in the questionnaire. Data was analyzed by using key statistic figures and cross tabulation plus qualitatively classifying the answers of open questions. Results and conclusions. The impact of the received speech therapy was considered significant relative to development of child's communication skills and parents were satisfied with the guidance received. The role of spontaneous development was viewed minor and the role of therapy major. Cross-tabulation did not reveal dependency between the perceived impact and potential explanatory variables, since the perceived impact was large and variation was minor. Practicing linguistic skills was considered the most significant content area of speech therapy. Practicing with computer or mobile applications was considered least efficient relative to daily communication. Utilizing their use in practicing has also been guided least to parents and kindergarten/school personnel. Respondents perceived kindergarten's/school's role more significant than family's role in supporting rehabilitation. The result challenges professionals and decision makers to consider how to ensure families' commitment and support to the goals and the implementation of therapy.
  • Kujala, Raija (2020)
    Tutkielman taustalla on kiinnostus siihen, minkälaisiin tietoihin perustuvat lasten ja perheiden elämäntilanteiden ja tuen tarpeiden arvioinnit lastensuojelun palvelutarpeen arvioinneissa. Pro gradu -tutkielmassa kysytään, mitä tietoa on tuotettu lapsen ja perheen elämäntilanteen taustatekijöistä, huolenaiheista ja selvitykseen tapaamisiin osallistumisesta. Lisäksi tarkastellaan, minkälaisia ovat arviointien tyypilliset kuvaukset lapsen ja perheen elämäntilanteesta sekä tuen ja palvelujen tarpeesta huolien ja voimavarojen näkökulmasta. Tavoitteena on tuottaa tietoa Espoon lastensuojelun avohuollon alkuarvioinnin kehittämistyön tueksi, jotta lastensuojelun avohuollon työ- ja toimintatapoja sekä rakenteita voitaisiin kehittää tutkimustiedon, lastensuojelun käytäntöjen ja kehittämisen vuoropuheluna. Tutkimus kiinnittyy laajemmassa kontekstissaan yhteiskuntapoliittiseen keskusteluun lasten ja nuorten hyvinvoinnista ja syrjäytymisestä, jossa oleelliseksi on arvioitu ongelmien varhainen havaitseminen, niihin puuttuminen ja riittävä tarjottu tuki lapselle ja tämän lähipiirille. Kyseessä on laadullinen tutkimus, jonka analyysimenetelmänä on väljästi teoriaohjaava sisällönanalyysi. Siinä hyödynnetään Barns behov i centrum (BBIC) arviointimallin viitekehystä liittyen lapsen tarpeisiin, vanhempien kykyyn vastata lapsen tarpeisiin sekä perheeseen ja ympäristöön. Aineiston analyysissä käytetään sisällön erittelyä, joka on kuvailevaa tilastollista analyysiä ja temaattista sisällönanalyysiä sekä tyypittelyä. Aineiston muodostavat Espoon lastensuojelun avohuollon lastensuojelun palvelutarpeen arvioinnin 87 yhteenvetodokumenttia 13–17-vuotiaista lapsista vuoden 2015 heinä-, elo- ja syyskuulta. Tutkimuksen perusteella lasten ja perheiden elämäntilanteiden taustatekijät muotoutuivat mukaillen yhteenvetodokumentin otsikkopuun teemoja. Huolenaiheet rakentuivat puolestaan yleensä lastensuojeluilmoitusten tiedoista. Selvityksen tapaamiseen lapsi yleensä osallistui. Vanhemmista äiti tavattiin lähes jokaisessa arvioinnissa ja isä puolestaan huomattavasti harvemmin. Lapsen ja perheen elämäntilanteesta sekä tuen ja palvelujen tarpeen arvioinneista huolien ja voimavarojen näkökulmasta rakentui neljä erilaista arviointityypin kuvausta: yksittäiset huolenaiheet lapsista, pitkäkestoiset huolenaiheet lapsista, huoli vanhemmuudesta yksittäisissä tilanteissa ja lapsi vanhemmuuden huolien puristuksessa. Johtopäätöksinä voidaan todeta, että lapsen ja vanhempien osallisuus tapaamisiin arvioinneissa vaihteli. Lasten ja perheiden elämäntilanteet kuvautuivat arvioinneissa huolipainotteisina, vaikka voimavarojakaan ei sivuutettu. Yksittäisiin ja lieviin huolenaiheisiin yhteiskunnan tukea ja palveluita ei tarvittu. Toisaalta pitkäkestoisiin ja vakaviin huolenaiheisiin yhteiskunnan tuen ja palveluiden tarve oli ilmeinen. Tällöin käytiin institutionaalista rajanvetoa siitä, mikä tuki ja palvelu palvelujärjestelmässä on lapselle ja perheelle riittävää ja tarkoituksenmukaista.
  • Kujala, Raija (2020)
    Tutkielman taustalla on kiinnostus siihen, minkälaisiin tietoihin perustuvat lasten ja perheiden elämäntilanteiden ja tuen tarpeiden arvioinnit lastensuojelun palvelutarpeen arvioinneissa. Pro gradu -tutkielmassa kysytään, mitä tietoa on tuotettu lapsen ja perheen elämäntilanteen taustatekijöistä, huolenaiheista ja selvitykseen tapaamisiin osallistumisesta. Lisäksi tarkastellaan, minkälaisia ovat arviointien tyypilliset kuvaukset lapsen ja perheen elämäntilanteesta sekä tuen ja palvelujen tarpeesta huolien ja voimavarojen näkökulmasta. Tavoitteena on tuottaa tietoa Espoon lastensuojelun avohuollon alkuarvioinnin kehittämistyön tueksi, jotta lastensuojelun avohuollon työ- ja toimintatapoja sekä rakenteita voitaisiin kehittää tutkimustiedon, lastensuojelun käytäntöjen ja kehittämisen vuoropuheluna. Tutkimus kiinnittyy laajemmassa kontekstissaan yhteiskuntapoliittiseen keskusteluun lasten ja nuorten hyvinvoinnista ja syrjäytymisestä, jossa oleelliseksi on arvioitu ongelmien varhainen havaitseminen, niihin puuttuminen ja riittävä tarjottu tuki lapselle ja tämän lähipiirille. Kyseessä on laadullinen tutkimus, jonka analyysimenetelmänä on väljästi teoriaohjaava sisällönanalyysi. Siinä hyödynnetään Barns behov i centrum (BBIC) arviointimallin viitekehystä liittyen lapsen tarpeisiin, vanhempien kykyyn vastata lapsen tarpeisiin sekä perheeseen ja ympäristöön. Aineiston analyysissä käytetään sisällön erittelyä, joka on kuvailevaa tilastollista analyysiä ja temaattista sisällönanalyysiä sekä tyypittelyä. Aineiston muodostavat Espoon lastensuojelun avohuollon lastensuojelun palvelutarpeen arvioinnin 87 yhteenvetodokumenttia 13–17-vuotiaista lapsista vuoden 2015 heinä-, elo- ja syyskuulta. Tutkimuksen perusteella lasten ja perheiden elämäntilanteiden taustatekijät muotoutuivat mukaillen yhteenvetodokumentin otsikkopuun teemoja. Huolenaiheet rakentuivat puolestaan yleensä lastensuojeluilmoitusten tiedoista. Selvityksen tapaamiseen lapsi yleensä osallistui. Vanhemmista äiti tavattiin lähes jokaisessa arvioinnissa ja isä puolestaan huomattavasti harvemmin. Lapsen ja perheen elämäntilanteesta sekä tuen ja palvelujen tarpeen arvioinneista huolien ja voimavarojen näkökulmasta rakentui neljä erilaista arviointityypin kuvausta: yksittäiset huolenaiheet lapsista, pitkäkestoiset huolenaiheet lapsista, huoli vanhemmuudesta yksittäisissä tilanteissa ja lapsi vanhemmuuden huolien puristuksessa. Johtopäätöksinä voidaan todeta, että lapsen ja vanhempien osallisuus tapaamisiin arvioinneissa vaihteli. Lasten ja perheiden elämäntilanteet kuvautuivat arvioinneissa huolipainotteisina, vaikka voimavarojakaan ei sivuutettu. Yksittäisiin ja lieviin huolenaiheisiin yhteiskunnan tukea ja palveluita ei tarvittu. Toisaalta pitkäkestoisiin ja vakaviin huolenaiheisiin yhteiskunnan tuen ja palveluiden tarve oli ilmeinen. Tällöin käytiin institutionaalista rajanvetoa siitä, mikä tuki ja palvelu palvelujärjestelmässä on lapselle ja perheelle riittävää ja tarkoituksenmukaista.
  • Ruokonen, Anne (2016)
    Objectives. This study examines the cooperation between home and school from the viewpoint of teacher students. In particular, this study focuses on the expectations and concerns of teacher students relating to cooperation be-tween home and school. The teacher students that took part in this study (N=19) were in the final stage of their stud-ies when the interviews were conducted so they were to soon enter working life and start cooperating with parents. Much research hasn’t been done on the subject of teacher students’ thoughts, expectations and concerns concern-ing home-school cooperation so the subject is important and topical. The theoretical framework of this study takes a closer look at the legal framework, the purpose of home-school cooperation and the practical implications of the cooperation. The aim of the empirical part of the study is to discover the expectations and concerns that teacher students have about home-school cooperation. Methods. The research data of this qualitative study consists of interviews of nineteen teacher students. The inter-views are part of a bigger project lead by Kirsi Pyhältö and funded by the Academy of Finland. The project is called ’From Student teacher to Experienced Teacher: Learning an Active Professional Agency’. The purpose of the inter-views was to find out how teacher students’ professional agency progresses. There were sixteen questions in the in-terview and they were related to studying in the teacher education program and teachers’ work at school. The re-search interviews were conducted during spring 2011. The data comprised 894 pages. The interviews were analyzed by means of qualitative content analysis, quantitative content analysis and data-oriented content analysis. Results and conclusions. The concerns and expectations of teacher students relating to home-school cooperation could be divided into three categories: student-related, teacher-related and parents-related. Most of the concerns were related to students and more specifically to special students and multicultural students. Teacher-related con-cerns came in second and were mostly related to teachers’ professionalism, hurry and boundaries. Parents-related concerns were mostly related to the opinions of parents, facing parents, parents’ boundaries and their taking part in the cooperation. Most of the expectations focused on the teacher: teachers’ qualities, professionalism, appreciation and respect. Parents-related expectations came in second and were related to the fluency of the cooperation, the parents’ positive attitude towards the teacher and the parents’ involvement. Least of the expectations focused on students. Teacher students hope that students say positive things about the teacher at home and that students feel themselves important also at school. Teacher students described their concerns about the skills of teachers relating to home-school cooperation. This study can be utilized in, for example, the teacher education as the interviewed teacher students describe issues that are currently not taught in the teacher education but they hope to learn in order to improve their skills in home-school cooperation.
  • Ruokonen, Anne (2016)
    Objectives. This study examines the cooperation between home and school from the viewpoint of teacher students. In particular, this study focuses on the expectations and concerns of teacher students relating to cooperation between home and school. The teacher students that took part in this study (N=19) were in the final stage of their studies when the interviews were conducted so they were to soon enter working life and start cooperating with parents. Much research hasn't been done on the subject of teacher students' thoughts, expectations and concerns concerning home-school cooperation so the subject is important and topical. The theoretical framework of this study takes a closer look at the legal framework, the purpose of home-school cooperation and the practical implications of the cooperation. The aim of the empirical part of the study is to discover the expectations and concerns that teacher students have about home-school cooperation. Methods. The research data of this qualitative study consists of interviews of nineteen teacher students. The interviews are part of a bigger project lead by Kirsi Pyhältö and funded by the Academy of Finland. The project is called 'From Student teacher to Experienced Teacher: Learning an Active Professional Agency'. The purpose of the interviews was to find out how teacher students' professional agency progresses. There were sixteen questions in the interview and they were related to studying in the teacher education program and teachers' work at school. The research interviews were conducted during spring 2011. The data comprised 894 pages. The interviews were analyzed by means of qualitative content analysis, quantitative content analysis and data-oriented content analysis. Results and conclusions. The concerns and expectations of teacher students relating to home-school cooperation could be divided into three categories: student-related, teacher-related and parents-related. Most of the concerns were related to students and more specifically to special students and multicultural students. Teacher-related concerns came in second and were mostly related to teachers' professionalism, hurry and boundaries. Parents-related concerns were mostly related to the opinions of parents, facing parents, parents' boundaries and their taking part in the cooperation. Most of the expectations focused on the teacher: teachers' qualities, professionalism, appreciation and respect. Parents-related expectations came in second and were related to the fluency of the cooperation, the parents' positive attitude towards the teacher and the parents' involvement. Least of the expectations focused on students. Teacher students hope that students say positive things about the teacher at home and that students feel themselves important also at school. Teacher students described their concerns about the skills of teachers relating to home-school cooperation. This study can be utilized in, for example, the teacher education as the interviewed teacher students describe issues that are currently not taught in the teacher education but they hope to learn in order to improve their skills in home-school cooperation.