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  • Tammelin, Satu (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Opinnäytetyö on laadittu Tuella on väliä – hankkeelle. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan vuorohoidossa työskentelevien varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien kokemuksia saamastaan ja tarvitsemastaan tuesta koskien elokuussa 2022 voimaan tullutta lakiuudistusta, varhaiskasvatuksen kolmitasoisen tuen mallia. Aiemmat tutkimukset perusopetuksen puolella olleesta kolmiportaisen tuen mallista, sekä varhaiskasvatuksessa sovelletusta tuen mallista ovat osoittaneet, kuinka tuen toteuttamisessa on eroja puutteellisten ohjeistuksien vuoksi. Menetelmät. Tämän laadullisen opinnäytetyön aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla kolmea vuorohoidossa työskentelevää varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa Tuella on väliä – hanke kunnista. Haastattelut pidettiin yksilöhaastatteluina etämenetelmin tietokoneen välityksellä ennalta asetettujen teemojen mukaisesti ja litteroitu aineisto analysoitiin abduktiivisen sisällönanalyysin menetelmin. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat kokivat saaneensa tukea tuen mallin omaksumiseen erityisesti varhaiskasvatuksen erityisopettajalta, mutta myös muussa moniammatillisessa yhteistyössä sekä erilaisten koulutusten kautta. Vuorohoidon joustavuuden nähtiin tukevan muutokseen perehtymistä. Opettajat kokivat tarvitsevansa kuitenkin enemmän aikaa lakiuudistukseen ja tuen malliin tutustuakseen ja sitä toteuttaakseen. Aikaa tarvitaan myös tiedonsiirron kehittämiseksi ja moniammatillisen yhteistyön sekä erityisopettajan kanssa tehtävän yhteistyön lisäämiseksi.
  • Hannuniemi, Tiina (2011)
    Nonstandard hour child care is a subject rarely studied. From an adult's perspective it is commonly associated with a concern for child's wellbeing. The aim of this study was to view nonstandard hour child care and its everyday routines from children's perspective. Three research questions were set. The first question dealt with structuring of physical environment and time in a kindergarten providing nonstandard hour child care. The second and third questions handled children's agency and social interaction with adults and peers. The research design was qualitative, and the study was carried out as a case study. Research material was mainly obtained through observation, but interviews, photography and written documents were used as well. The material was analysed by means of content analysis. The study suggests that the physical environment and schedule of a kindergarten providing nonstandard hour child care are similar to those of kindergartens in general. The kindergarten's daily routine enabled children's active agency especially during free play sessions for which there was plenty of time. During free play children were able to interact with both adults and peers. Children's individual day care schedules challenged interaction between children. These special features should be considered in developing and planning nonstandard hour child care. In other word, children's agency and opportunities to social interaction should be kept in mind in organising the environment of early childhood education in kindergartens providing nonstandard hour child care.
  • Koponen, Liisa (2022)
    Objectives. The ability to have compassion is crucial for the survival of the human spe-cies and the well-being of communities and individuals. Acts of compassion are mostly done when another person expresses displeasure. The causes of displeasure often depend on time and place. Acts of compassion have been studied extensively in early childhood education in recent years but acts of compassion in a flexible scheduled early childhood education and care have remained unexamined. Flexible scheduled ECEC offers children a different environment, and for this reason, acts of compassion that take place in that context should be studied. This study aimed to find out which moments of displeasure occur in children between the ages of 1 and 5 in flexible scheduled ECEC and which acts of compassion children and adults do in the same context. The study brings an important addition to the field of compassion research, where displeasure and compassion in flexible scheduled ECEC have not yet been studied. Methods. The material is 25 hours of video footage filmed in flexible scheduled ECEC, written notes and a photo. I have identified 42 episodes in which children express displeasure and/or children or adults show compassion. The duration of the episodes varies from a few seconds to more than ten minutes. I have processed the material using the method of qualitative content analysis. I have also analyzed interaction that happens in the moments of compassion. The method has been influenced by the ethnographic approach. Conclusions. The results complement the understanding of the development of dis-pleasure and compassion in early childhood education. Children experience displeasure, for example, in situations where their own will is not fulfilled and their abilities are limited. In times of displeasure, especially adults do acts of compassion. Children also did acts of compassion and compassion initiatives, but these differed from what adults did and there were fewer of them. Children's agency in doing acts of compassion should be strengthened. The acts of compassion they do should be given time and space. Due to the varied composition and age of the group of children in early childhood care, there are plenty of opportunities for developing compassion when the children practice working side by side with different children of different ages.
  • Koponen, Liisa (2022)
    Objectives. The ability to have compassion is crucial for the survival of the human spe-cies and the well-being of communities and individuals. Acts of compassion are mostly done when another person expresses displeasure. The causes of displeasure often depend on time and place. Acts of compassion have been studied extensively in early childhood education in recent years but acts of compassion in a flexible scheduled early childhood education and care have remained unexamined. Flexible scheduled ECEC offers children a different environment, and for this reason, acts of compassion that take place in that context should be studied. This study aimed to find out which moments of displeasure occur in children between the ages of 1 and 5 in flexible scheduled ECEC and which acts of compassion children and adults do in the same context. The study brings an important addition to the field of compassion research, where displeasure and compassion in flexible scheduled ECEC have not yet been studied. Methods. The material is 25 hours of video footage filmed in flexible scheduled ECEC, written notes and a photo. I have identified 42 episodes in which children express displeasure and/or children or adults show compassion. The duration of the episodes varies from a few seconds to more than ten minutes. I have processed the material using the method of qualitative content analysis. I have also analyzed interaction that happens in the moments of compassion. The method has been influenced by the ethnographic approach. Conclusions. The results complement the understanding of the development of dis-pleasure and compassion in early childhood education. Children experience displeasure, for example, in situations where their own will is not fulfilled and their abilities are limited. In times of displeasure, especially adults do acts of compassion. Children also did acts of compassion and compassion initiatives, but these differed from what adults did and there were fewer of them. Children's agency in doing acts of compassion should be strengthened. The acts of compassion they do should be given time and space. Due to the varied composition and age of the group of children in early childhood care, there are plenty of opportunities for developing compassion when the children practice working side by side with different children of different ages.
  • Marstio, Jenni (2017)
    This study examines children´s social skills in nonstandard hour child care. According to previous studies varying situations stress children and challenge employees. This study will assess children´s social skills, the quality of nonstandard hour child care and parents’ wishes for supporting children's skills. Research was carried out in two nonstandard hour child care centres in Uusimaa. The study involved 45 children and 10 groups. The study was conducted as a survey to parents and staff and by observing the kindergarten group activities and learning environment. The study was a mixed methods study, which utilized both qualitative and quantitative research data. Quality of learning environment varied between the groups to some extent. The results are in line with research conducted in integrated special groups. The quality in preschool groups was higher than in other groups. Social skills develop with age but there is a drop of emotional skills at the age of four and there are differences in social skills between girls and boys. Parents wish support to children's social skills in nonstandard hour child care. The metric used for the quality assessment could be used for learning environment evaluation in the future. There is good opportunity for supporting children's emotional and social skills in nonstandard hour child care. With the support of the sensitive adult children can join in the play and enjoy peers in changing social situations.
  • Marstio, Jenni (2017)
    This study examines children's social skills in nonstandard hour child care. According to previous studies varying situations stress children and challenge employees. This study will assess children's social skills, the quality of nonstandard hour child care and parents' wishes for supporting children's skills. Research was carried out in two nonstandard hour child care centres in Uusimaa. The study involved 45 children and 10 groups. The study was conducted as a survey to parents and staff and by observing the kindergarten group activities and learning environment. The study was a mixed methods study, which utilized both qualitative and quantitative research data. Quality of learning environment varied between the groups to some extent. The results are in line with research conducted in integrated special groups. The quality in preschool groups was higher than in other groups. Social skills develop with age but there is a drop of emotional skills at the age of four and there are differences in social skills between girls and boys. Parents wish support to children's social skills in nonstandard hour child care. The metric used for the quality assessment could be used for learning environment evaluation in the future. There is good opportunity for supporting children's emotional and social skills in nonstandard hour child care. With the support of the sensitive adult children can join in the play and enjoy peers in changing social situations.
  • Hyrsky, Eeva-Liisa (2015)
    Objectives. The material for this case study was collected during the academic year 2010–2011 in a municipal round-the-clock daycare centre in Southern Finland. The study aims to describe what kind of environment round-the-clock daycare provides for young children. I have especially observed the relationships during a child's daycare shift, which means counting the adults and children who were in the same place at the same time and the amount of interaction relationships between any two people. The documents directing early childhood education have little to say about round-the-clock daycare. The municipalities are obligated to provide daycare in such forms and to such extent as needed. Round-the-clock daycare has not been researched much and the principles of providing it vary. When it comes to the daycare of small children, good interaction between the adult and the child, small daycare group, familiar adults and peers, and sufficiently short daycare shifts are considered important. Children's involvement in play or task activities is considered a criterion of quality. In round-the-clock daycare situations change constantly; children and adults come and go all day long. Work schedules determine who is around at any given time, and economical reasons demand that different groups work together. Methods. I used several methods to describe the round-the-clock daycare of young children. I inserted the data concerning the care hours of the six youngest children of the group from autumn 2010 into the SPSS system. The length and time of each daycare shift, day of the week, and the amount of other children and adults present during each daycare shift were observed. I counted all the interaction relationships that occurred during each daycare shift. It was also noted whether the people present were from the children's own group or from another daycare group. In spring 2011 I recorded children's actions on video and observed the daily routines of the group and the daycare centre. The videotapes were used to observe and evaluate the children's involvement level on the 5-point LIS-YC scale. Results and conclusions. The six children had a total of 372 daycare shifts. With only the peers of their own group there were 123 shifts. The shifts were from two to 26 hours long. The interaction relationships during one shift amounted to 10 – 1 128. The median was 288. The mode was 276, which equals a common daycare group of three adults and 21 children over the age of three. Based on 76 evaluations, the children's involvement level was satisfactory, 3.11 on average. In a round-the-clock daycare group young children have to face a lot of people and endure constant interruptions in their activities.
  • Hietanen, Jenny (2020)
    The Act on Early Childhood Education and care, 540/2018, obliges that early childhood education is systematic, target-oriented and pedagogically focused. The updated law determines for the first time of the principles regarding the organizing of the round-the-clock kindergartens. Previous studies show that it is necessary to study nonstandard childcare both nationally and internationally. During this study, data is collected for the first time, by using the Progressive Feedback-tool in an observation study carried out in the evening hours. Objectives. In Finland, 7% of all children participating in early childhood education are placed in round-the-clock kindergartens. The aim of this study is to find out what happens in the round-the-clock kindergartens during the day. The second aim of the study is to find out how much and what kind of activities are carried out in the round-the clock kindergartens at evenings. The third aim is to find out how it would be possible to increase children's commitment to activities in the round-the-clock kindergartens at evenings. Methods. The dissertation was conducted as a part of the Progressive Feedback-method. The data were collected in five round-the clock kindergartens in Kouvola, during the autumn of year 2019. The data collection method was observation. Five trained observers participated in the data collection. 1146 observational data were collected. The data were analyzed with statistical methods by using the SPSS 25 for MacOS software. Outcomes and conclusions. The study indicated that in the evenings, the children mainly play with different items and they are committed to these activities. The proportion of target-oriented activities in the round-the-clock kindergartens was small (5,8%) in the evening and the adults functioned mainly neutrally. Commitment to various tasks in the evening was intensive, but there were only few tasks occurring in the evenings. Children engage in activities more intensively when also adults participate in them. In learning´s perspective the most valuable activity in the kindergarten appears to be playing that is supported by an adult. Evening activities differ from the activities carried out in the mornings.
  • Hietanen, Jenny (2020)
    The Act on Early Childhood Education and care, 540/2018, obliges that early childhood education is systematic, target-oriented and pedagogically focused. The updated law determines for the first time of the principles regarding the organizing of the round-the-clock kindergartens. Previous studies show that it is necessary to study nonstandard childcare both nationally and internationally. During this study, data is collected for the first time, by using the Progressive Feedback-tool in an observation study carried out in the evening hours. Objectives. In Finland, 7% of all children participating in early childhood education are placed in round-the-clock kindergartens. The aim of this study is to find out what happens in the round-the-clock kindergartens during the day. The second aim of the study is to find out how much and what kind of activities are carried out in the round-the clock kindergartens at evenings. The third aim is to find out how it would be possible to increase children's commitment to activities in the round-the-clock kindergartens at evenings. Methods. The dissertation was conducted as a part of the Progressive Feedback-method. The data were collected in five round-the clock kindergartens in Kouvola, during the autumn of year 2019. The data collection method was observation. Five trained observers participated in the data collection. 1146 observational data were collected. The data were analyzed with statistical methods by using the SPSS 25 for MacOS software. Outcomes and conclusions. The study indicated that in the evenings, the children mainly play with different items and they are committed to these activities. The proportion of target-oriented activities in the round-the-clock kindergartens was small (5,8%) in the evening and the adults functioned mainly neutrally. Commitment to various tasks in the evening was intensive, but there were only few tasks occurring in the evenings. Children engage in activities more intensively when also adults participate in them. In learning´s perspective the most valuable activity in the kindergarten appears to be playing that is supported by an adult. Evening activities differ from the activities carried out in the mornings.
  • Kettunen, Anne-Maria (2020)
    The aim of this study was to describe in which ways child’s participation is seen in round-the-clock daycare centres. Thesis focused on the experiences of early childhood education teachers regarding children’s participation in early childhood education. The aim was to find out how early childhood education teachers consider themselves to support and promote children’s participation. The aim was also to find out early childhood education teachers define the concept of participation and how participation affects everyday early childhood education practices. The thesis is based on qualitative research. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with six early childhood education teachers working in different round-the-clock daycare centers in Helsinki city, Finland. The need to this kind of research rises from childrens’ right to be heard about matters that concern themselves. Studies of child’s participation in the round-the-clock point of view are lesser. The rights of the child are based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and the Act on Early Childhood Education and Care (540/2018). Previous studies point out that children participation is a multidimensional phenomenon. The theoretical framework of the study is based on the view of participation as one of the principle of hearing children. The theory of participation has been dealt with according to the Hart’s ladder of participation (1992), Shier’s pathway to participation (2001) and multidimensional model of participation by Turja (2017). From the research results it can be concluded that early childhood teachers in round-the-clock groups are aware of the different factors affecting child’s participation. The results confirm also the earlier views that the phenomenon of participation is multidimensional. The results show how adults are aware of the child's right to be heard, influence and participate in his or her own community. The child’s participation is meaningful at the round-the-clock daycare centers and in the quality of the Early Childhood studies. It is important as a adult to support a child to experience that he can influence the aspects that affect him and that he is a unique person. The most essential way to increase child’s participation is to meet the child and come face to face with him by intentionally.
  • Kettunen, Anne-Maria (2020)
    The aim of this study was to describe in which ways child’s participation is seen in round-the-clock daycare centres. Thesis focused on the experiences of early childhood education teachers regarding children’s participation in early childhood education. The aim was to find out how early childhood education teachers consider themselves to support and promote children’s participation. The aim was also to find out early childhood education teachers define the concept of participation and how participation affects everyday early childhood education practices. The thesis is based on qualitative research. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews with six early childhood education teachers working in different round-the-clock daycare centers in Helsinki city, Finland. The need to this kind of research rises from childrens’ right to be heard about matters that concern themselves. Studies of child’s participation in the round-the-clock point of view are lesser. The rights of the child are based on the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989) and the Act on Early Childhood Education and Care (540/2018). Previous studies point out that children participation is a multidimensional phenomenon. The theoretical framework of the study is based on the view of participation as one of the principle of hearing children. The theory of participation has been dealt with according to the Hart’s ladder of participation (1992), Shier’s pathway to participation (2001) and multidimensional model of participation by Turja (2017). From the research results it can be concluded that early childhood teachers in round-the-clock groups are aware of the different factors affecting child’s participation. The results confirm also the earlier views that the phenomenon of participation is multidimensional. The results show how adults are aware of the child's right to be heard, influence and participate in his or her own community. The child’s participation is meaningful at the round-the-clock daycare centers and in the quality of the Early Childhood studies. It is important as a adult to support a child to experience that he can influence the aspects that affect him and that he is a unique person. The most essential way to increase child’s participation is to meet the child and come face to face with him by intentionally.
  • Kärki, Vilma (2024)
    Suomalaisen varhaiskasvatusjärjestelmän tarjoama vuorohoito on maailmalla ainutlaatuinen palvelu. Vuorohoidon varhaiskasvatuksen toimintaa ohjaavat samat valtakunnalliset perusteet kuin muita varhaiskasvatusmuotoja. Kuitenkin aiempien tutkimusten perusteella tiedetään, että lasten yksilölliset hoitoajat vaikeuttavat varhaiskasvatuksen pedagogisen toiminnan suunnittelua vuorohoidossa. Aiempien tutkimusten perusteella vuorohoito vaikuttaa lasten hyvinvointiin arjessa. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan aiempaa vuorohoidon tutkimusta lasten hyvinvoinnin näkökulmasta sekä varhaiskasvatuksen työntekijän roolia pedagogiikan toteuttajana. Tutkielma tehtiin systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen menetelmää noudattaen. Tutkielman edetessä lukijalle tuotiin esiin kaikki tiedonhaun prosessin vaiheet, jotta katsaus olisi sellaisenaan toistettavissa ja siitä saataisiin samansuuntaisia johtopäätöksiä. Prosessin tarkka aukikirjoittaminen ja perusteleminen kaikissa vaiheissa lisäsi tutkielman luotettavuutta. Tässä kirjallisuuskatsauksessa aineistoksi valikoitui 7 vertaisarvioitua artikkelia, joiden analyysi suoritettiin narratiivisen synteesin keinoin. Aineiston tutkimusten keskeiset tiedot taulukoitiin ja muistiinpanojen pohjalta muodostettiin kategorioita, joiden avulla vastattiin tutkimuskysymyksiin. Tutkielmani tulokset osoittavat, että vuorohoidon tutkimus lapsen näkökulmasta korostaa vaikutuksia lapsen hyvinvointiin. Vuorohoidon vaihtelevalla sosiaalisella ympäristöllä sekä yksilöllisillä hoitoajoilla nähtiin olevan vaikutusta lasten sosiaalisten suhteiden kehittymisen mahdollisuuksiin. Toisaalta joustavat varhaiskasvatusajat tarjosivat lapsille enemmän mahdollisuuksia kotona lepäämiseen ja vuorohoidon illoissa pienet lapsiryhmäkoot edistivät lasten osallisuutta. Varhaiskasvatuksen työntekijöillä nähtiin olevan keskeinen rooli lasten hyvinvoinnin tukemiselle. Edellä mainitut tekijät olivat yhteydessä vuorohoidon pedagogisen toiminnan toteuttamiseen. Etukäteen suunniteltua, standardoitua pedagogiikkaa oli vaikeaa toteuttaa vuorohoidossa jatkuvista ryhmädynamiikan muutoksista johtuen. Kokonaisvaltaisemmasta näkökulmasta tarkasteltuna vuorohoidossa nähtiin oivia mahdollisuuksia lapsilähtöisen ja tilannesidonnaisen pedagogiikan toteuttamiselle. Vuorohoito on tutkielman perusteella vähän huomiota saanut tutkimusaihe suomalaisen varhaiskasvatuksen tutkimuskentällä. Koska 24/7-yhteiskunnan sivuvaikutukset kohdistuvat yhä useampiin vuorohoitoa tarvitseviin lapsiin, jatkossa tulee kiinnittää enemmän huomiota vuorohoidon toimintatapojen tutkimiseen ja kehittämiseen näiden lasten hyvinvoinnin, kasvun ja kehityksen turvaamiseksi.
  • Honka, Iina (2024)
    Tavoitteet. Vuorohoito on varhaiskasvatuspalvelua, jota on tarjolla arkiaamuisin ennen kello kuutta, arki-iltaisin kello 18:n jälkeen, öisin, viikonloppuisin ja arkipyhinä. Vuorohoito on merkittävä osa suomalaista varhaiskasvatusta ja suomalaisten vanhempien lastenhoitojärjestelyjä. Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten vuorohoidon erityispiirteet liittyvät varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien kokemuksen mukaan perheiden kanssa toteutettavaan kasvatusyhteistyöhön. Vuorohoidon erityispiirteillä tarkoitetaan tässä tutkielmassa sekä lasten että varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön epätyypillisiä ja epätasaisia paikallaoloaikoja varhaiskasvatuksessa. Kasvatusyhteistyöllä tässä tutkielmassa tarkoitetaan perheen ja varhaiskasvatuksen henkilöstön välistä yhteistyötä ja vuorovaikutusta. Menetelmät. Tämä tutkimus on laadullinen tutkimus. Aineisto kerättiin sähköpostihaastatteluina vuorohoidossa työskenteleviltä varhaiskasvatuksen opettajilta, ja niitä kertyi yhteensä 3 kappaletta. Aineiston analyysimenetelmänä hyödynnettiin teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että vuorohoidon erityispiirteet toivat opettajien kokemusten mukaan selkeästi oman ulottuvuutensa kasvatusyhteistyön toteuttamiseen. Kasvatusyhteistyö nähtiin opettajien vastauksissa yhteisesti merkitykselliseksi toiminnaksi lapsen hyvinvoinnin, kasvamisen ja kehittymisen kannalta. Vuorohoidon erityispiirteet haastoivat kasvatusyhteistyötä perheiden ja kasvattajien erirytmisyyden toimesta. Opettajien vastauksissa korostui erityisesti tarve kiinnittää huomiota perheiden kohtaamiseen tärkeyteen ja laadukkaaseen vuorovaikutukseen. Tutkimustulokset voivat auttaa antamaan lisätietoa vuorohoidossa työskentelevien opettajien kokemuksista ja vuorohoidon kehittämistyöhön.
  • Luukkonen, Johanna (2021)
    Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää ja kuvailla päiväkodin vuorohoidossa työskentelevien varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien näkemyksiä vuorohoidon pedagogiikasta. Halusin selvittää millaiset pedagogiset tavoitteet toteutuvat heidän mielestään hyvin vuorohoidossa ja millaisia haasteita vuorohoidon erityispiirteet asettavat pedagogisten tavoitteiden toteutumiselle. Tutkimuksia vuorohoidon pedagogiikasta ei ole vielä tehty paljon, vaikka tarve vuorohoidolle näyttää olevan kasvussa. Tämä laadullinen tutkimus toteutettiin kyselytutkimuksena. Laitoin sosiaalisen median alustalle Facebookiin suljettuun varhaiskasvatuksen opettajien ryhmään linkin kyselyyn vuorohoidon pedagogiikasta. Kyselyyn osallistui 24 päiväkodin vuorohoidossa toimivaa varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa. Tutkimusaineiston pohjalta päiväkodin vuorohoidossa varhaiskasvatuksen opettajat kokivat, että vuorohoidossa toteutui erityisen hyvin lapsen yksilöllinen pedagogiikka. Yli puolet osallistujista toi esille, että lapsen yksilöllinen huomiointi toteutui hyvin vuorohoidossa. Kun lapsia oli vähemmän paikalla, opettajalla jäi enemmän aikaa keskittyä yksittäiseen lapseen ja hänen kohtaamiseensa. Tutkimustulokset nostivat esille myös asian kääntöpuolen. Joissain vuorohoitopäiväkodeissa opettajat eivät työskennelleet iltaisin ja viikonloppuisin. Tällöin opettajat eivät välttämättä kohdanneet kaikkia ryhmän lapsia, koska heidän hoitoaikansa saattoivat juuri painottua näihin ajankohtiin. Aineiston perusteella useammassa vuorohoitopäiväkodissa iltojen ja viikonloppujen pedagogiikka jäi kokonaan lastenhoitajan vastuulle. Suurin osa tutkimukseen osallistuneista opettajista koki, että vuorotyö aiheuttaa haasteita pedagogiikkaan. Työntekijöiden vaihtelevat vuorot aiheuttivat haasteita työntekijöiden väliseen kommunikointiin. Yhteistä tiimiaikaa oli vastausten mukaan vaikeaa löytää. Välillä päivän aikana tehdyt havainnot sekä muut asiat jouduttiin kirjoittamaan, jotta esimerkiksi myös iltavuorolainenkin sai ne tietoon. Päiväkodin työntekijöiden työskenteleminen vuoroissa vaikutti vastaajien mukaan myös lapsiin. Aina vuorossa ei välttämättä ollut oman ryhmän tuttu aikuinen. Sosiaalisen ympäristön muuttuminen lähes koko ajan on vuorohoidon erityispiirre, joka vastaajien mukaan kuormittaa lapsia.
  • Hietanoro, Sannalinnea (2017)
    This study deals with 24-hour childcare as a form of early childhood education. In this research I aim for a deeper understanding of phenomena related to round-the-clock childcare from the perspective of positive psychology. My purpose is to study how 24-hour childcare as a form of day care is actualized in the work of kindergarten teachers, and how parents of children in round-the-clock care value this form of childcare in their day-to-day family life. The objective is to bring up positive aspects of 24-hour childcare from the perspectives of child development and smooth family routines. The theoretical framework of my research consists of earlier studies in scheduled work and 24-hour childcare, as well as published literature on this topic. The research data consists of interviews with four kindergarten teachers working in a 24-hour childcare unit, two parents of children in 24-hour care, and four children in 24-hour care. The interviews were conducted in January 2015 in three 24-hour childcare centres in Helsinki. Additional data was collected in May 2015. The method of data collection was a half-structured thematic interview. The data was analysed using principles of theory-based content analysis. The results of this Master's thesis indicate that there are assets to 24-hour childcare, and those have a significant impact on the wellbeing of children and their families. The most important benefit was a sense of community, which in turn increased feelings of security in both children and adults. This communality offered support and increased job satisfaction among kindergarten teachers as well. My research results concur with earlier studies, according to which the successful combination of work and private life impacts the individual's general wellbeing and work satisfaction.
  • Laakso, Jenni (2023)
    Tavoitteet. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on lisätä ymmärrystä moniammatillisen tiimin yhteisistä käytänteistä vuorohoidossa lepohetkien ja lapsen yksilöllisen huomioimisen näkökulmasta alle 3-vuotiaiden ryhmässä. Mitä sopimuksia moniammatillinen tiimi on kirjannut tiimisopimukseen koskien lepohetkiä. Aiemmat tutkimukset aiheesta ovat keskittyneet iltahoitoon pienten lasten osalta, mutta näen tässä tutkimusaukon lepohetkien ja moniammatillisen tiimin toiminnasta vuorohoidossa. Lepohetkistä vuorohoidossa en löytänyt yhtään tutkimusta Suomesta. Menetelmät. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin tapaustutkimuksena yhden vuorohoidon tiimiä haastattelemalla. Haastattelu oli teemahaastattelu. Tiimiin kuului kaksi varhaiskasvatuksen opettajaa ja yksi varhaiskasvatuksen lastenhoitaja. Aineisto kerättiin yksilöhaastatteluna marras-joulu- kuussa 2022. Aineisto litteroitiin ja analysoitiin sisällönanalyysia noudattaen. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset. Tämä opinnäytetyö pyrkii saamaan syvällisempää tietoa tiimissä tehdyistä sopimuksista. Sopimuksia oli useita, mutta niistä ei ollut kirjattu tiimisopimukseen mitään. Tiimissä vallitsi vahva keskusteleva työote ja asioista sovittiin suullisesti arjen tilanteissa. Tiimin yhdenmukaiset toimintatavat kumpuavat ryhmän toimintakulttuurin kautta. Lapsen yksilöllistä huomioimista näkyi lepohetkillä paljon ja lämmin vuorovaikutus ja lasten tarpeet nähtiin ensisijaisena. Vanhempien kanssa tehtävä yhteistyö näkyi tuloksissa myös, kun keskusteltiin lapsen levon tarpeesta ja päiväunirytmistä.