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  • Tenhola, Heli (2013)
    Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men in Finland. Today, new prostate cancers are diagnosed in an early phase of the disease when the cancer is still local and effectiveness of the treatments good. There are many effective treatment options for localised prostate cancer but all of them cause multiple side effects. No comprehensive information about prostate cancer patients' experiences, treatment consequences and outcomes has been available. National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) carried out a nationwide survey to prostate cancer patients diagnosed in 2004. The questionnaire was sent by mail in 2009. Patients were asked to report their experiences during the diagnosis and treatment selection (prostatectomy, hormone therapy, external beam radiation, brachytherapy, surveillance). They were asked about amount and harmfulness of side effects and satisfaction with outcome of the treatment. An association between the side effects and satisfaction with the treatment outcome was also studied. A total of 1239 responses were accepted for the study (response rate 73%). All treatments caused several side effects, and up to half of the patients had some adverse effect still present at the time of the survey. Most of the side effects concerned urinary or sexual dysfunction, in external beam radiation also bowel dysfunction. All treatments caused sexual dysfunction, but radiation therapy less than the other treatments. Side effects caused by hormone therapy were specific for this treatment, like hot flashes and mood disturbances. Patients treated with prostatectomy were least satisfied with the outcome of the treatment and dissatisfaction was mostly associated with sexual and urinary dysfunction. Patients treated with radiation therapy were most satisfied with the outcome. Urinary and bowel dysfunction impaired the satisfaction in patients treated with external beam radiation. All prostate cancer treatments cause plenty of potentially harmful side effects that may be challenging for psychological and psychosocial well-being of the patients. Thus, both treatment modalities and means to support well-being of the patients should be developed further. Actions that enhance well-being and prevent and relieve side effects should be an essential part of standard clinical procedures for every prostate cancer patient.
  • Leppänen, Seela (2020)
    Objectives: Happiness is considered to be a major life goal. Moreover, experienced happiness has a positive influence on many life domains. Psychological factors, such as personality and identity, seem to be significant components in human well-being and happiness. Identity diffusion has been linked to several adverse phenomena, such as mental disorders. The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between identity diffusion and experienced happiness as well as their prevalence at the population level. In addition, this study aimed to examine whether the possible relationship between identity diffusion and experienced happiness persists when the effects of demographic factors and psychiatric disorders are controlled. Methods: The current study utilized a comprehensive English cross-sectional data set. The study sample consisted of 6,058 participants, of which 58 % were women. The relationship between identity diffusion and experienced happiness was examined by using logistic regression analysis. Controlled variables were demographic factors, borderline personality disorder, conduct disorder, and common mental disorders. Results and Conclusions: Greater levels of identity diffusion were associated with lower levels of experienced happiness. Common mental disorders partly explained the association, especially in the presence of severe identity diffusion, also known as identity disturbance. As much as 23 % of the population had experienced symptoms related to identity diffusion, and 2 % of them filled the criteria for identity disturbance. Identity diffusion and related identity disturbance are not only associated with psychiatric symptoms, but they are also associated with lower levels of experienced happiness. Using early interventions and addressing support actions to promote healthy identity development may contribute to individual’s emotional well-being and prevent later psychiatric symptoms.
  • Leppänen, Seela (2020)
    Objectives: Happiness is considered to be a major life goal. Moreover, experienced happiness has a positive influence on many life domains. Psychological factors, such as personality and identity, seem to be significant components in human well-being and happiness. Identity diffusion has been linked to several adverse phenomena, such as mental disorders. The aim of the current study was to investigate the relationship between identity diffusion and experienced happiness as well as their prevalence at the population level. In addition, this study aimed to examine whether the possible relationship between identity diffusion and experienced happiness persists when the effects of demographic factors and psychiatric disorders are controlled. Methods: The current study utilized a comprehensive English cross-sectional data set. The study sample consisted of 6,058 participants, of which 58 % were women. The relationship between identity diffusion and experienced happiness was examined by using logistic regression analysis. Controlled variables were demographic factors, borderline personality disorder, conduct disorder, and common mental disorders. Results and Conclusions: Greater levels of identity diffusion were associated with lower levels of experienced happiness. Common mental disorders partly explained the association, especially in the presence of severe identity diffusion, also known as identity disturbance. As much as 23 % of the population had experienced symptoms related to identity diffusion, and 2 % of them filled the criteria for identity disturbance. Identity diffusion and related identity disturbance are not only associated with psychiatric symptoms, but they are also associated with lower levels of experienced happiness. Using early interventions and addressing support actions to promote healthy identity development may contribute to individual’s emotional well-being and prevent later psychiatric symptoms.
  • Järvenpää, Juulia (2021)
    Among the clients of social work, the people who have traumatic experiences are more common than in the general population. In the recent years MDMA, also known by its street name ecstasy, has been studied for treating posttraumatic stress disorder, with promising results. As the research goes on, it is possible that some people turn to MDMA for the purpose of treating their own traumas by themselves. Social workers should be able to evaluate realistically the risks and potential benefits of such behavior, and also think about the problems of the current prohibition and punishment-based drug laws in terms of human rights. If MDMA-assisted therapies become a legal treatment option, social workers should know how to assist and guide their clients in case they wish to engage in such treatment. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted a breakthrough status to psilocybin (a psychedelic compound found in some mushroom species) and MDMA-assisted psychotherapies. This means that the preliminary results have been so promising it is possible to make these treatments available faster, in case the further research provides results as good as the previous research. Currently phase 3 studies are ongoing. Lately there have also been discussions about whether these substances are dangerous or even beneficial outside the clinical context. Multiple studies have been done on psychedelics regarding this matter, and the researchers have found out that lifetime use of psychedelics is associated with reduced risk for mental health problems and suicidality instead of increased risk. A similar investigation has not yet been done to the same extent on MDMA. The purpose of this analysis is to fill the void in the research regarding MDMA and find out whether MDMA use is linked to increased likelihood of past month psychological distress, measured by K6 scale, and past year suicidality, defined as suicidal thoughts, suicide plans and suicide attempts. The dataset used for this study is National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) from the years 2016–2019. The data of NSDUH is collected via randomized selection of a representative population of the US. The main method of the analysis is multivariate logistic regression. Among the lifetime use of MDMA and other drugs, also the effects of recency have been investigated. The weighted odds ratios were compared to the odds ratios of other drug use groups. Based on the results of this analysis, MDMA use was not associated with increased likelihoods of past month psychological distress or past year suicidality, after adjusting for sociodemographic factors, risk-taking tendency and other illicit/non-medical drug use. Instead, lifetime use of MDMA was associated in most of the models to decreased likelihood of the predicted variables. The odds ratios of MDMA groups were smaller than the odds ratios for other substances in almost every model. Among the other substances, the results of psilocybin were the closest to the results of MDMA. The study suggests that the increased risk for mental health problems and suicidality among the people who use MDMA is likely to be more linked to other drug use than specifically to MDMA use. This analysis does not suggest that MDMA would be an independent risk factor for psychological distress or suicidality.
  • Järvenpää, Juulia (2021)
    Among the clients of social work, the people who have traumatic experiences are more common than in the general population. In the recent years MDMA, also known by its street name ecstasy, has been studied for treating posttraumatic stress disorder, with promising results. As the research goes on, it is possible that some people turn to MDMA for the purpose of treating their own traumas by themselves. Social workers should be able to evaluate realistically the risks and potential benefits of such behavior, and also think about the problems of the current prohibition and punishment-based drug laws in terms of human rights. If MDMA-assisted therapies become a legal treatment option, social workers should know how to assist and guide their clients in case they wish to engage in such treatment. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted a breakthrough status to psilocybin (a psychedelic compound found in some mushroom species) and MDMA-assisted psychotherapies. This means that the preliminary results have been so promising it is possible to make these treatments available faster, in case the further research provides results as good as the previous research. Currently phase 3 studies are ongoing. Lately there have also been discussions about whether these substances are dangerous or even beneficial outside the clinical context. Multiple studies have been done on psychedelics regarding this matter, and the researchers have found out that lifetime use of psychedelics is associated with reduced risk for mental health problems and suicidality instead of increased risk. A similar investigation has not yet been done to the same extent on MDMA. The purpose of this analysis is to fill the void in the research regarding MDMA and find out whether MDMA use is linked to increased likelihood of past month psychological distress, measured by K6 scale, and past year suicidality, defined as suicidal thoughts, suicide plans and suicide attempts. The dataset used for this study is National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) from the years 2016–2019. The data of NSDUH is collected via randomized selection of a representative population of the US. The main method of the analysis is multivariate logistic regression. Among the lifetime use of MDMA and other drugs, also the effects of recency have been investigated. The weighted odds ratios were compared to the odds ratios of other drug use groups. Based on the results of this analysis, MDMA use was not associated with increased likelihoods of past month psychological distress or past year suicidality, after adjusting for sociodemographic factors, risk-taking tendency and other illicit/non-medical drug use. Instead, lifetime use of MDMA was associated in most of the models to decreased likelihood of the predicted variables. The odds ratios of MDMA groups were smaller than the odds ratios for other substances in almost every model. Among the other substances, the results of psilocybin were the closest to the results of MDMA. The study suggests that the increased risk for mental health problems and suicidality among the people who use MDMA is likely to be more linked to other drug use than specifically to MDMA use. This analysis does not suggest that MDMA would be an independent risk factor for psychological distress or suicidality.
  • Tähkä, Jaakko (2017)
    Tavoitteet: Traumaperäinen stressihäiriö eli PTSD on traumaattisesta tapahtumasta johtuva vakava mielenterveyden häiriö, joka aiheuttaa yksilöissä huomattavaa hyvinvoinnin ja toimintakyvyn laskua. Ainoastaan PTSD-diagnoosiin keskittymällä ei kuitenkaan saavuteta tietoa häiriön osittaisista muodoista, joiden on myös todettu heikentävän niistä kärsivien henkilöiden hyvinvointia. Traumaperäisten oireiden vaikutuksista on tärkeä saada kokonaisvaltaisempi kuva, jotta ilmiön kliinistä merkitystä voidaan arvioida. Tässä tutkimuksessa pyrittiin saamaan lisätietoa PTSD:n diagnoosin voimassaoloajan ylittävistä vaikutuksista hyvinvointiin. Tutkimuskysymyksenä oli, poikkeavatko PTSD:stä parantuneet hyvinvoinniltaan väestötasolla vielä pitkänkin ajan jälkeen terveistä ja PTSD:n diagnostiset kriteerit täyttävistä henkilöistä. Hypoteesina oli, että PTSD:stä parantuneet muodostavat oman ryhmänsä, jotka voivat paremmin kuin PTSD-diagnoosin täyttävät, mutta huonommin kuin terveet henkilöt. Menetelmät: Aineistona käytettiin yhdysvaltalaisen, julkisesti saatavilla olevan National Comorbidity -kyselyn vastauksia. Kyselyn ensimmäinen osa toteutettiin vuosina 1990 – 1992 ja seuranta vuosina 2001 – 2002. Aineistosta eroteltiin kaikki, joilla oli ensimmäisessä vaiheessa todettu PTSD, mutta joilla diagnostiset kriteerit eivät olleet täyttyneet seurannassa enää vuoteen. Tähän ryhmään kuului 87.5 % niistä, jotka olivat täyttäneet PTSD-diagnoosin ensimmäisessä osassa. Verrokkiryhmiksi muodostettiin yksi ryhmä, jonka jäsenillä ei ollut tutkimuksessa koskaan todettu PTSD:tä ja toinen ryhmä, jonka olivat kärsineet PTSD:stä enintään vuosi ennen terapiaa. Ryhmien hyvinvointia verrattiin toisiinsa käyttäen apuna seurantatutkimuksen itseraportoitua psyykkisen oireilun määrää. Tutkimuksessa kontrolloitiin hyvinvointiin vaikuttavina tekijöinä myös masennus, yleistynyt ahdistuneisuushäiriö, alkoholin väärinkäyttö ja nikotiiniriippuvuus. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset: Tulokset olivat hypoteesien mukaisia, eli seurannassa PTSD:stä parantuneet voivat edelleen huonommin kuin ne, joilla ei oltu koskaan todettu PTSD:tä. PTSD:stä parantuneet voivat kuitenkin paremmin kuin seurannassa PTSD:stä kärsineet. Tulokset ovat edeltävän tutkimuksen tuloksien mukaisia ja tukevat oletusta, että PTSD:llä on pitkäaikaisia, hyvinvointia laskevia vaikutuksia, jotka ylettyvät pidemmälle kuin diagnoosin voimassaolo. Tulokset korostavat myös tarvetta vakiinnuttaa osittainen PTSD ja pidempään jatkuvat, toimintakykyä laskevat traumaperäiset oireet osaksi traumatutkimusta ja traumojen hoitoprosesseja.
  • Tähkä, Jaakko (2017)
    Tavoitteet: Traumaperäinen stressihäiriö eli PTSD on traumaattisesta tapahtumasta johtuva vakava mielenterveyden häiriö, joka aiheuttaa yksilöissä huomattavaa hyvinvoinnin ja toimintakyvyn laskua. Ainoastaan PTSD-diagnoosiin keskittymällä ei kuitenkaan saavuteta tietoa häiriön osittaisista muodoista, joiden on myös todettu heikentävän niistä kärsivien henkilöiden hyvinvointia. Traumaperäisten oireiden vaikutuksista on tärkeä saada kokonaisvaltaisempi kuva, jotta ilmiön kliinistä merkitystä voidaan arvioida. Tässä tutkimuksessa pyrittiin saamaan lisätietoa PTSD:n diagnoosin voimassaoloajan ylittävistä vaikutuksista hyvinvointiin. Tutkimuskysymyksenä oli, poikkeavatko PTSD:stä parantuneet hyvinvoinniltaan väestötasolla vielä pitkänkin ajan jälkeen terveistä ja PTSD:n diagnostiset kriteerit täyttävistä henkilöistä. Hypoteesina oli, että PTSD:stä parantuneet muodostavat oman ryhmänsä, jotka voivat paremmin kuin PTSD-diagnoosin täyttävät, mutta huonommin kuin terveet henkilöt. Menetelmät: Aineistona käytettiin yhdysvaltalaisen, julkisesti saatavilla olevan National Comorbidity -kyselyn vastauksia. Kyselyn ensimmäinen osa toteutettiin vuosina 1990 – 1992 ja seuranta vuosina 2001 – 2002. Aineistosta eroteltiin kaikki, joilla oli ensimmäisessä vaiheessa todettu PTSD, mutta joilla diagnostiset kriteerit eivät olleet täyttyneet seurannassa enää vuoteen. Tähän ryhmään kuului 87.5 % niistä, jotka olivat täyttäneet PTSD-diagnoosin ensimmäisessä osassa. Verrokkiryhmiksi muodostettiin yksi ryhmä, jonka jäsenillä ei ollut tutkimuksessa koskaan todettu PTSD:tä ja toinen ryhmä, jonka olivat kärsineet PTSD:stä enintään vuosi ennen terapiaa. Ryhmien hyvinvointia verrattiin toisiinsa käyttäen apuna seurantatutkimuksen itseraportoitua psyykkisen oireilun määrää. Tutkimuksessa kontrolloitiin hyvinvointiin vaikuttavina tekijöinä myös masennus, yleistynyt ahdistuneisuushäiriö, alkoholin väärinkäyttö ja nikotiiniriippuvuus. Tulokset ja johtopäätökset: Tulokset olivat hypoteesien mukaisia, eli seurannassa PTSD:stä parantuneet voivat edelleen huonommin kuin ne, joilla ei oltu koskaan todettu PTSD:tä. PTSD:stä parantuneet voivat kuitenkin paremmin kuin seurannassa PTSD:stä kärsineet. Tulokset ovat edeltävän tutkimuksen tuloksien mukaisia ja tukevat oletusta, että PTSD:llä on pitkäaikaisia, hyvinvointia laskevia vaikutuksia, jotka ylettyvät pidemmälle kuin diagnoosin voimassaolo. Tulokset korostavat myös tarvetta vakiinnuttaa osittainen PTSD ja pidempään jatkuvat, toimintakykyä laskevat traumaperäiset oireet osaksi traumatutkimusta ja traumojen hoitoprosesseja.