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Browsing by Subject "ympäristövaikutukset"

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  • Hartikainen, Hanna (2012)
    The environmental impacts of food production and consumption are substantial, and therefore, it’s important that their impacts are investigated and communicated. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is one promising method to assess the environmental impacts of products, like food products. It’s a process to assess products' environmental impacts through their life-cycle, and it’s used, for example, in policy making, companies’ strategic decision making and when communicating products’ environmental impacts. LCA is used actively nowadays, for example, over the past year few Finnish food companies have decided to calculate and communicate their products’ carbon footprints using LCA. LCA methodology has clearly developed during the past decades. However, there isn’t a shared view on all of the methodological issues. In fact, one essential methodological challenge is allocation situation. In allocation situation all inputs and outputs, such as, green house gas emissions produced in the product system are to be distributed between the studied product and its co-products. For instance, when the studied product is milk it should be determined how the inputs and outputs produced in the dairy cattle farm are to be divided between the farm’s products: beef and raw milk. Furthermore, in the dairy factory it needs to be decided how the inputs and outputs are to be divided between the further processed milk and other dairy products produced in the factory. The aim of the thesis is to investigate the allocation situations in the LCAs of food, as well as, to present, compare and find weaknesses and strengths of different ways of handling allocation situations and ways of guiding them. This is done in a literature study and in a LCA case-study made for Finnish farmed rainbow trout. It was calculated that the choice of how to handle the allocation situation has a major impact on the environmental impacts directed to the product under investigation. For example, climate change impacts and eutrophication of water bodies caused by production of a trout fillet can halve or double depending on the choice of the allocation method. Several different allocation methods were indentified, including ways to avoid allocation and ways to allocate the inputs and outputs, for instance, on the basis of the products' prices. To improve the harmonization of food LCAs and to reduce subjectivity it is important that there is guidance when choosing the allocation method. However, the existing LCA guides investigated don’t give enough support for the allocation situations. They provide divergent instructions and recommendations; they aren’t very specific in the allocation instructions and they allow choosing almost any allocation method, and therefore there is clear need for more specific instructions. Thus, it is evident that there is need to discuss and agree on the suitability of allocation methods to be used in LCAs of different food products. Also, because of the existing uncertainty one should be really careful when communicating exact environmental impacts, instead, one should consider presenting environmental impacts in a more coarse scale, for example, by presenting the scale of the results when using different allocation methods.
  • Hekkala, Toni (2019)
    Arsenic (As) is a metalloid naturally present in the environment. Arsenic species vary in toxicity. Metal mining has contributed to the anthropogenic input of arsenic to groundwaters and surface waters. In this study, water samples were collected from 20 sample points in three mining-impacted study areas in Finland: the former Ylöjärvi Cu–W–As and Haveri Au–Cu mines, and the active Pyhäsalmi Zn–Cu mine. Six groundwater well samples, eleven surface water samples and three tailings seepage collection ditch samples were analyzed for dissolved arsenic speciation by HPLC-ICP-MS and for geochemical composition by ICP-MS, titration, and ion chromatography. Dissolved arsenic concentrations ranged from 14.2 to 6649 µg L-1 in samples collected at the Ylöjärvi study area, from 0.5 to 6.2 µg L-1 in samples collected at the Haveri study area, and from 0.2 to 9.4 µg L-1 in samples collected at the Pyhäsalmi study area. In all study areas, measured dissolved arsenic concentrations showed a general decrease from the tailings to the surroundings. Speciation analysis showed that two of the samples collected at the Ylöjärvi study area had arsenite [As(III)] as the dominant form of dissolved inorganic arsenic (iAs), three had arsenate [As(V)] as the dominant form of dissolved iAs, and four had a mixture of both. In the water samples collected at the Haveri and Pyhäsalmi study areas, all concentrations of dissolved arsenic species were below method detection limits. Also, none of the 22 water samples analyzed for arsenic speciation had dissolved MMA or DMA concentrations above method detection limits. Identification of dissolved arsenic species in the sampled waters in Haveri and Pyhäsalmi, and of MMA and DMA in all sampled waters requires more detailed study. A significant 2-tailed Pearson correlation between dissolved arsenic and dissolved molybdenum (Mo) (r=0.80**, n=20), and dissolved arsenic and dissolved potassium (K) (0.68**, n=19) suggests that in these three study areas the distributions of dissolved arsenic and Mo, as well as dissolved arsenic and K may be controlled by the same environmental variables. Anomalously high maximum concentrations of dissolved Al, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, Ni, and SO4 were measured in surface water samples collected at the Ylöjärvi and Haveri study areas, and in a seepage collection ditch sample collected at the Pyhäsalmi study area.
  • Nikkonen, Henri (2014)
    The aim of this study is to observe what kind of environmental impacts are caused by agriculture and what kind of factors causes them. The study is part of ENREFOOD – project, which views the environmental responsibility of food chain. The data was collected from scientific literature and a group interview, where participants were representing experts from different areas of primary production. The experts were shown a draft of the main environmental impacts and their causes basing on life cycle assessment (LCA) impact classes. The chosen main environmental impacts were focusing on climate change, acidification, eutrophication, biodiversity, toxicity and eco-toxicity and natural resources. The experts were supposed to modify this draft in order to achieve their collective perspective. The results were presented as comparing the draft based on scientific literature and perspectives obtained from the experts. Moreover, the terms used when discussing about the causes of the environmental impacts were analysed applying environmental protection process (EPP) framework, which can be used to illustrate how an environmental change is formed. The perspective of experts did not differ much from the scientific literature based on the draft. The names of the main environmental impact classes were slightly modified and one new class was formed. The new class was called landscape change and recreational factors. The terms relating to the causes used by experts were representing different components in the EPP framework. A Part of the terms were more abstract background factors whereas some related direct on farm level action and its emissions. The amount of the environmental impacts of primary production is huge. By more precisely scoping of the chosen environmental themes can result more manageable overall view. For example, as a good starting point the protection areas applied in the end point modelling of the LCA can be recommended. These areas of protection can be, e.g., human health, biodiversity, natural resources and natural environments. Focusing on these areas of protection separately can reduce the causality problem, which makes environmental impact observation challenging.
  • Timonen, Karetta (2017)
    Ruoan tuotannolla on merkittävä vaikutus luonnonvarojen käyttöön, ympäristöön ja talouteen. Ruoan tuotannon ekotehokkuuden kehittämisen olisi hyvä saada käyntiin yhteistoiminnallisesti läpi koko elintarvikejärjestelmän. Elinkaariarvioinnilla (Life Cycle Assessment, LCA) pystytään tarkastelemaan elintarvikeketjua kokonaisvaltaisemmin ja kehittämään sitä vuorovaikutteisesti. Alkutuotannolla on elintarvikeketjun toimijoista merkittävin rooli resurssien käytössä ja siten ympäristövaikutusten muodostumisessa mistä syystä parannustoimenpiteiden tulisi kohdistua erityisesti alkutuotantoon. Elinkaariarviointi tulisi perustua todelliseen lähtötietoon, jotta se pystyisi tuomaan esille juuri kyseisessä tuotantoketjussa syntyvät ympäristövaikutukset ja parannusmahdollisuudet. Todellista ketjua kuvaavaa tietoa ei ole kuitenkaan juurikaan nyt saatavilla. Edellytykset laadukkaan tiedon tuottamiseksi ja parannustoimenpiteiden suorittamiseksi alkutuotannossa on se, että maatalousyrittäjien tulisi itse lähteä tuota työtä tekemään ja saatava siitä taloudellista hyötyä ainakin työstä koituvat kustannukset kattaakseen.Tämän pro gradu –työn tavoitteena oli selvittää, ovatko maatalousyrittäjät halukkaita tuottamaan ja jakamaan tuotekohtaista ympäristövaikutustietoaan elintarvikeketjussa eteenpäin ja mitkä tekijät selittävät parhaiten halukkuuden todennäköisyyttä. Tavoitteena oli myös pystyä näin määrittämään alustavaa potentiaalista asiakaskohderyhmää MTT:n kehittämälle tiedonhallintajärjestelmälle. Aineisto kerättiin kyselylomakkeella johon vastasi lopulta 128 maatalousyrittäjää. Aineistoa analysoitaessa kävi ilmi, että kannattavinta oli tarkastella vain jakamisen halukkuutta vastauksissa esiintyvien mahdollisten tulkintavirheiden takia sekä sen takia, että jakaminen on myös oleellista, jotta elintarvikeketjun lopputuotteen elinkaarinen ympäristövaikutustieto olisi muodostettavissa. Vielä tarkemmin tässä tutkimuksessa päädyttiin tarkastelemaan maatalousyrittäjien halukkuutta jakaa ilmastovaikutusta kuvaavaa tunnuslukua ketjussa eteenpäin. Ilmastovaikutusta kuvaavan tunnusluvun jakamisen halukkuutta tarkasteltiin binäärisen logistisen regressioanalyysin avulla. Analyysin perusajatuksena on tässä tutkimuksessa löytää malli, joka kuvaa parhaiten maatalousyrittäjän halukkuuden jakaa tietoa ja sitä selittävien tekijöiden välistä suhdetta. Analyysi pyrkii ennustamaan, millä todennäköisyydellä maatalousyrittäjä on halukas jakamaan tietoa eteenpäin ja mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat tähän todennäköisyyteen ja miten suuri niiden vaikutus on. Tuloksista kävi ilmi, että 24 % vastaajista ovat halukkaita jakamaan ilmastovaikutusta kuvaavaa tuotekohtaista tietoaan eteenpäin. Binäärisen logistisen regressiomallin mukaan maatalousyrittäjän todennäköisyyteen olla halukas jakamaan tuotekohtaista ilmastovaikutustietoa ketjussa eteenpäin vaikuttaa useampikin tekijä. Todennäköisyyttä kasvattaa se, että maatalousyrittäjä on luomutuottaja, hänellä on maa- ja metsäalan korkeakoulututkinto ja että hänellä on tilallaan automaattiseen tiedonsiirtoon perustuva tuotannon seuranta. Todennäköisyys halukkuuteen kasvaa myös hänen ympäristöasenteiden myötä ja mitä enemmän hän odottaa saavansa hyötyä elinkaarisesta ympäristövaikutustiedosta tilansa johtamisessa (tuotantonsa tehostamisessa, kustannusten vähentämisessä ja tuotteiden markkinoinnissa). Myös maatalousyrittäjän halukkuus tietää tuotantonsa ja panostensa ympäristövaikutuksista, sekä seurata parannustoimenpiteidensä vaikutuksia ketjun lopputuotteen elinkaarisessa tiedossa, kasvattaa hänen todennäköisyyttään olla halukas jakamaan tuotekohtaista ympäristövaikutustietoa eteenpäin ketjussa. Näiden muuttujien lisäksi myös tähänastiset kokemukset siitä, että tiedon dokumentointi on auttanut tilan liiketoiminnan kehittämisessä, vaikuttaa positiivisesti todennäköisyyteen olla halukas jakamisen tuotekohtaista ympäristövaikutustietoa. Muuttujista vielä positiiviset kokemukset tiedon roolista liiketoiminnan kehittämisessä kasvattaa tilallisen todennäköisyyttä olla halukas jakamaan tuotekohtaista ympäristövaikutustietoaan ketjussa eteenpäin.
  • Marjanen, Mikael (2015)
    Spruce stumps have been harvested in large scale for combustion in heat and power plants since the beginning of the 21th century. Normally the stump harvesting operations are done by excavators. On stump harvesting areas the risk to serious soil damage is greater because there are more driving tracks on the ground than in original logging operations. In stump harvesting areas machines cannot get benefit from frozen soil or coarse roots to increase bearing capacity. Compacted soil can reduce tree root penetration, increase nutrient leaching and affect soil water properties. The aim of this study was to clarify if the stump harvesting compacts the forest soil and if it possibly recovers in the long run. I also studied how much the soil surface will be disturbed after stump harvesting operations. In this study there were three stump harvesting sites which varied in the time passed since harvesting. Comparable reference sites were chosen from nearby areas where the stumps were not harvested. All sites were located in Southern and Central Finland. Every site had three 5 x 5 meter study plots in which soil strength was measured by a cone penetrometer. Soil core samples were also taken from every study plot. The soil surface disturbance proportions were estimated visually and using a soil sampling probe. Measurements were carried out under summer of 2014. The results indicate that the soil has been compacted by stump harvesting in the 4-year-old site but differences were statistically significant (p<0.05) only in 2 of 6 depth classes. In the middle aged (7 years) site the impacts were the opposite. In the oldest (13 years) site there were no differences between the treatments. The soil surface in stump harvesting sites has been disturbed most in the youngest site (50 %), and at the other sites the disturbed soil surface proportion was about 40 %. About 25 % of soil surface was disturbed in all reference sites. The soil disturbance results in this study were minor compared to other studies in the literature. In the upper depth classes soils were not too compacted for tree growth, root penetration and nutrient uptake. This indicates that the changes in soil structural properties caused by stump harvesting are not harmful for forest growth but more long-term studies are needed.
  • Marjanen, Mikael (2015)
    Spruce stumps have been harvested in large scale for combustion in heat and power plants since the beginning of the 21th century. Normally the stump harvesting operations are done by excavators. On stump harvesting areas the risk to serious soil damage is greater because there are more driving tracks on the ground than in original logging operations. In stump harvesting areas machines cannot get benefit from frozen soil or coarse roots to increase bearing capacity. Compacted soil can reduce tree root penetration, increase nutrient leaching and affect soil water properties. The aim of this study was to clarify if the stump harvesting compacts the forest soil and if it possibly recovers in the long run. I also studied how much the soil surface will be disturbed after stump harvesting operations. In this study there were three stump harvesting sites which varied in the time passed since harvesting. Comparable reference sites were chosen from nearby areas where the stumps were not harvested. All sites were located in Southern and Central Finland. Every site had three 5 x 5 meter study plots in which soil strength was measured by a cone penetrometer. Soil core samples were also taken from every study plot. The soil surface disturbance proportions were estimated visually and using a soil sampling probe. Measurements were carried out under summer of 2014. The results indicate that the soil has been compacted by stump harvesting in the 4-year-old site but differences were statistically significant (p<0.05) only in 2 of 6 depth classes. In the middle aged (7 years) site the impacts were the opposite. In the oldest (13 years) site there were no differences between the treatments. The soil surface in stump harvesting sites has been disturbed most in the youngest site (50 %), and at the other sites the disturbed soil surface proportion was about 40 %. About 25 % of soil surface was disturbed in all reference sites. The soil disturbance results in this study were minor compared to other studies in the literature. In the upper depth classes soils were not too compacted for tree growth, root penetration and nutrient uptake. This indicates that the changes in soil structural properties caused by stump harvesting are not harmful for forest growth but more long-term studies are needed.
  • Hokajärvi, Heli (2016)
    Aims. The good life opportunities are tried to be secured by the sustainable development. Food production and consumption are essential elements in ecological development, which is one section of the sustainable development. Because the environmental impacts vary with different foodstuffs, a major influence can be reached by proper choice of consumer and eating habits. Good education in home economics can greatly influence the eating habits of children and youth. Teaching in home economics is bound by the curriculum, but in the end what is emphasised is chosen by the teacher. The aim of this study amongst teachers in home economics was to establish their level of understanding of the impact food has on the environment and how it has come true in the teaching. Methods. The study was carried out in a qualitative method. A thematic interview method was used in collecting data. Eight home economics teachers, who worked in secondary schools in Helsinki took part in individual interviews in January 2016. The interviews were recorded and the data was transcribed. A phenomenography method was applied in the analysis of the data and answers to the research questions were screened. Findings were interpreted and compared with the theoretical background. Results and discussion. Home economics teachers do not see the impact that food may have on the environment as an important issue in home economics. The teachers thought that teaching nutrition, cooking, and personal skills were of primary importance. Their ability to teach about the environmental impact of food varied. Most of the teachers felt being in need of better information on the topic. According to the teachers the theme was hardly discussed in their own education in home economics. Environmental impacts were hardly discussed in teaching. The role of food on the environment was according to the teachers noted mainly when discussing sorting of household waste. The topic was to some extent discussed only when the issue was questioned by students. The environmental aspect was hardly mentioned in the available textbooks. The teachers tend to give more emphasis in their teaching in economic and social development than in ecological sustainability. The environmental impact of food itself would be an important topic both for home economics teachers' education and updated training in home economics.
  • Davidkin, Marjut (2020)
    The Dead Sea is located in the Middle East at the centre of the Syrian-African rift. At about 433 meters below sea level (mbsl), its coastal line is the lowest point on the earth. The Dead Sea’s surface level has declined in the past centuries at an alarming rate, now around 1 meter per year, due mostly to the unsustainable water use of its drainage basin. In the past, the Jordan River supplied the majority of the inflow to the Dead Sea but nowadays the river’s inflow has been reduced substantially. In addition, the mineral industry is pumping water from the southern part of the the Dead Sea, which increases the water level decline. Also the climate in the area is very dry and hot, which makes the evaporation rate high and causes the salt to precipitate. Dead Sea’s salt concentration is about 30%. The recent drop in the water level has exposed salty mud flats and started a sinkhole formation process in the coastline that has negatively affected the area’s infrastructure and economy. Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority have planned to construct a canal from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea (RSDSC), coordinated by the World Bank. The project would also produce desalinated water locally and would act as ”a symbol of peace” between the parties. Nevertheless, environmental groups have adamantly opposed the RSDSC project. The objective of my thesis was to investigate 1) how the RSDSC project would counter the previous decline of the Dead Sea; 2) the environmental impacts of such a project; 3) why environmental groups are opposed to it; and 4) the environmentalists’ solution to the problem. This study is a qualitative descriptive case study. The material of the study consists of scientific journals, World Bank study reports and the responses to those reports from the environmentalists. The material was analyzed according to the method of content analysis. The study indicated that there are major risks in the RSDSC project in the form of negative environmental impacts to the Dead Sea’s limnology even though it would stabilize the water level and probably also stop the formation of sinkholes. It is estimated that there might be severe algae and micro- biological blooms and gypsum precipitation with ”whitening effect” when a lot of sea water will be mixed with Dead Sea brine. Due to water level rise, flooding might occur, which could contaminate the ground water. The environmentalists’ proposed solution is the rehabilitation of the Jordan River by means of water recycling and production of more desalinated water to the Dead Sea’s drainage basin, which would reduce water intake from natural sources. This plan, too, probably has its negative environmental impacts but the risks seem to be minor when compared to the RSDSC project’s estimated negative impacts.
  • Davidkin, Marjut (2020)
    The Dead Sea is located in the Middle East at the centre of the Syrian-African rift. At about 433 meters below sea level (mbsl), its coastal line is the lowest point on the earth. The Dead Sea’s surface level has declined in the past centuries at an alarming rate, now around 1 meter per year, due mostly to the unsustainable water use of its drainage basin. In the past, the Jordan River supplied the majority of the inflow to the Dead Sea but nowadays the river’s inflow has been reduced substantially. In addition, the mineral industry is pumping water from the southern part of the the Dead Sea, which increases the water level decline. Also the climate in the area is very dry and hot, which makes the evaporation rate high and causes the salt to precipitate. Dead Sea’s salt concentration is about 30%. The recent drop in the water level has exposed salty mud flats and started a sinkhole formation process in the coastline that has negatively affected the area’s infrastructure and economy. Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority have planned to construct a canal from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea (RSDSC), coordinated by the World Bank. The project would also produce desalinated water locally and would act as ”a symbol of peace” between the parties. Nevertheless, environmental groups have adamantly opposed the RSDSC project. The objective of my thesis was to investigate 1) how the RSDSC project would counter the previous decline of the Dead Sea; 2) the environmental impacts of such a project; 3) why environmental groups are opposed to it; and 4) the environmentalists’ solution to the problem. This study is a qualitative descriptive case study. The material of the study consists of scientific journals, World Bank study reports and the responses to those reports from the environmentalists. The material was analyzed according to the method of content analysis. The study indicated that there are major risks in the RSDSC project in the form of negative environmental impacts to the Dead Sea’s limnology even though it would stabilize the water level and probably also stop the formation of sinkholes. It is estimated that there might be severe algae and micro- biological blooms and gypsum precipitation with ”whitening effect” when a lot of sea water will be mixed with Dead Sea brine. Due to water level rise, flooding might occur, which could contaminate the ground water. The environmentalists’ proposed solution is the rehabilitation of the Jordan River by means of water recycling and production of more desalinated water to the Dead Sea’s drainage basin, which would reduce water intake from natural sources. This plan, too, probably has its negative environmental impacts but the risks seem to be minor when compared to the RSDSC project’s estimated negative impacts.
  • Koskinen, Heli (2001)
    Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kartoittaa MIPSin ja ekologisen selkärepun käyttöön tuotteiden potentiaalisten ympäristövaikutusten vertailun menetelminä liittyviä ongelmia. Näkökulmana oli menetelmäkritiikki ja menetelmänä laadullinen sisällönanalyysi aiemmin esitetystä suoraan ja epäsuorasti MIPSiin ja ekologiseen selkäreppuun kohdistuvasta kritiikistä. Aineisto kerättiin pääasiassa tieteellisistä julkaisuista. Kritiikki lajiteltiin aihepiireittäin, sen pätevyyttä ja epäsuoran kritiikin sovellettavuutta arvioitiin ja sitä täydennettiin paikoin omalla kritiikillä. Analyysissä nousi esiin monentyyppisiä ongelmia, joista osa kyseenalaistaa voimakkaasti MIPSin ja ekologisen selkärepun käyttökelpoisuuden. Indikaattorien jakaminen viiteen luokkaan ei ole tuonut ongelmiin helpotusta. Entropia ei tarjoa MIPSille ja ekologiselle selkärepulle pitävää teoriataustaa, eikä ole perusteita olettaa aineen määrän olevan ratkaisevassa asemassa ympäristövaikutusten suuruuden kannalta, kun muutkin tekijät muuttuvat. Näin aggregoidun massan käytölle potentiaalisten ympäristövaikutusten suuruuden mittarina ei ole teoreettisia perusteita. MIPS ja ekologinen selkäreppu eivät eksplisiittisesti arvioi materiaalivirtojen ympäristövaikutuksia. Ne eivät kykene kuvaamaan tuotteen aiheuttamien ympäristövaikutusten määrää, koska ne käytännössä antavat saman painoarvon kaikille päästöille luontoon ja poistoille sieltä huolimatta niiden yksilöllisistä ja suuruudeltaan toisistaan paljon poikkeavista ympäristövaikutuksista. Koska MIPS ja ekologinen selkäreppu eivät kykene arvioimaan ympäristövaikutuksia suoraan, eikä aggregoidun massan käytölle välillisessä arvioinnissa ole pitävää teoriaperustaa, ne eivät ole tuotteiden ympäristövaikutusten indikaattoreita. Sen sijaan ne indikoivat tuotteiden haitallisuutta dematerialisaatiotavoitteen kannalta. Dematerialisaation nostamiselle tuotelähtöisen ympäristön-suojelun ensisijaiseksi tavoitteeksi ei ole perusteita. MIPS ja ekologinen selkäreppu käyttävät sisäänrakennettua arvottamista, jolloin arvovalinnat on tehty käyttäjän puolesta. Arvovalintoja ei kuitenkaan tulisi piilottaa tai jättää indikaattorien kehittäjille. MIPS ja ekologinen selkäreppu ovat äärimmäisessä yksinkertaisuudessaan menetelmiä, jotka eivät vaadi arvioinnin tekijöiltä tai päätöksentekijöiltä käsillä olevien ongelmien ymmärtämistä tai niiden merkityksen arviointia. Neeivät myöskään mahdollista eturyhmien osallistumista arviointiprosessiin. Dematerialisaation ainoaksi tavoitteeksi asettamisen taustalla oleva käsitys ympäristöongelmista voi jäädä käyttäjälle hämäräksi. Tämä on ongelmallista, sillä MIPS ja ekologinen selkäreppu arvottavat kaikki päästö- ja poistokilogrammat samanarvoisiksi, mikä on järjetöntä ellei käyttäjä ole nimenomaisesti halunnut asettaa dematerialisaatiota ainoaksitavoitteeksi. Näiden merkittävimpien ongelmien lisäksi relevanteiksi ongelmiksi osoittautuivat epävarmuuksien arvioinnin puute, datan keräämisen ja valmiiden tietokantojen käytön ongelmat, rajausten erot ja keinotekoinen rajanveto ihmisen ja luonnon systeemien välillä sekä menetelmien vaatima työmäärä.
  • Virto, Riia (2023)
    Globaalina sekä kansallisena tavoitteena on vahvistaa hiilineutraalia ruokajärjestelmää ja ekologista ruokavaliota. Kuitenkin ruoan hinta on noussut, joka vaikuttaa mahdollisuuksiin tehdä valintoja. Ruoan valinnan taitoja harjoitellaan koulussa kotitalouden oppitunneilla, sekä kotitalouden opetussuunnitelmaan on kirjattu tavoitteita, jotka ohjaavat terveellisiin valintoihin, ympäristötietoiseen toimintaa sekä vastuulliseen kuluttajuuteen. Lopulliset valinnat raaka-aineista tekee usein opettaja. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on tarkastella, mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat kotitalousopettajan raaka-ainevalintoihin suomalaisissa peruskouluissa. Tutkimus toteutettiin sekä kvalitatiivisena, että kvantitatiivisena tutkimuksena. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin lokakuussa 2023 sähköisellä kyselylomakkeella Facebookin Kotitalousopettajat-ryhmästä. Kyselyyn vastasi 81 vastaajaa, joista tarkastelun kohteeksi valikoitui 77 koti-talousopettajaa. Aineistosta analysoitiin kvantitatiivisia tunnuslukuja sekä analyysiä täyden-nettiin laadullisella sisällönanalyysillä. Analyysissä vastaukset ryhmiteltiin neljään luokkaan: raha, ympäristövaikutukset, määrä ja muut tekijät. Tutkimuksen vastauksista nähtiin, että kotitalousopettajien raaka-ainevalintoihin vaikuttavat erityisesti hinta, ympäristötietoiset valinnat ja määrä, johon lukeutui muun muassa myynti- sekä pakkauskoko. Lisäksi tulokset osoittivat, että perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelmalla oli vaikutusta raaka-ainevalintoihin, joka näkyi vastauksissa muun muassa raaka-aineiden sekä oppisisältöjen monipuolisuutena, terveellisyytenä ja hävikin minimoimisena. Lisäksi ne opettajat, joiden raaka-ainevalintaa ohjasi vuosittainen raaka-ainebudjetti, toivat esiin, että rajallisen budjetin vuoksi käytännöntyöskentelystä jouduttiin tinkimään, sekä muun muassa kotimaiset marjat ja kala jätettiin valintojen ulkopuolelle. Raaka-ainevalintoihin pohjautuva tutkimus on tärkeää, sillä tulokset antavat tietoa siitä, että opettajat pyrkivät valinnoillaan ympäristöystävällisyyteen, sekä käyttämään monipuolisesti erilaisia raaka-aineita. Kuitenkin käytettävissä olevien varojen vuoksi muun muassa ympäristöystävällisyydestä, sekä eettisyydestä joudutaan tinkimään.